Author Topic: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (5/10 Completed)  (Read 42148 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/8/21)
« Reply #45 on: December 08, 2021, 10:45:03 PM »

Mason: “Look Butters! Mom made this for you for the fair. You look dashing!”
Butters: “Moooooo!”

Mason: “Don’t be jealous Blanche! She made something for you too! Aren’t you stylin’!”
Blanche: “Why yes, Master Cordova, I do look very stylish in this, if I may say so myself. Please tell Josette that I said thank you very much! I shall wear this proudly.”
Butters (muttering): “Suck up.”

Mari: “Dude! Look at us!”
Marc: “We can take care of ourselves now!”

Marc: “Cordova Club forever”

Josie: “Look at them, they’re practically grown.”
Jax: “I know, but I . . . “
Josie: “Let me guess . . . you have an idea.”
Jax: “Indeed I do.”
Josie: “Just give me one sec - Maci’s at the fair with Mason - I just want to text her real quick.”

Maci: “Mason, look at this! I just got the weirdest text from Mom.”
Mason: “Oh wow! What did you tell her?”
Maci: “I told her to decide for herself. Do you think I should have said no?”
Mason: “I don’t know, Mace. Isn’t four kids enough? Anyway, I need to go check on Butters. The prize results just came in.”

Mason: “Now Butters, you know that no matter what the judges say, I know that you are the best cow ever. Third place is better than fourth, right? And your milk took first, so you should be very proud!”

Josie: “Decision made!”

Mason: “Oh look, my first chick hatched! I'll name her Sweets.”

Maci: “This makes my second all-gold holiday. And Father Winter and I are such good friends now. I could age up to a young adult, but I don’t know. Maybe I should wait for Mason.”

Maci: “Mom! Watch out! That thing is sparking!”
Josie: “No problem. I can take care of that with a flick of my wand.”

Maci: “Oh wow! That was so cool. I wish I could do that.”
Josie: “Really? Because you can, if you really want to.”
Maci: “How? I’m not a spellcaster.”
Josie: “I can take care of that with a flick of my wand too. If you really want it.”
Maci: “Oh, I do! I really do!”

Josie: “Ascensiosa!”

Josie: “You have a lot to learn Maci, so I’m going to keep you under close supervision for a while.”
Maci: “Fine, Mom, but don’t you think this is a little too close?”

Mason: “Oh, you cute little rooster! I’m going to name you Drake.”

Mari: “I’m glad you rushed right over to become friends, Garrison, but could you show us your everyday outfit. That towel is . . . just not right for the occasion.”

Maci: “So, Mason . . . I know you started as the oldest, but I’ve done everything I need to do as a teen, and you still have things to do. I wanted to wait so we could celebrate our birthdays together, but now we’re out of vacation days and Dad’s already written us an excuse note. Now that I’m a Spellcaster, I want to spend my time on stuff more important than school . . . like learning spells and potions and having parties! You understand, right?”
Mason: “Sure, Maci, if you’re in a big rush to have gray hair before me, who am I to stop you? But let’s just have one more day - we can call in sick and spend the day together and then we’ll have your birthday party this evening.”

Mason: “Hannah, you know you’re my best girl! I have to go to school today. I tried calling in sick, but it didn’t work. I’ll see you right after school, and this weekend we go to the fair.”

Maci: “Whew! This could make a girl dizzy. But I love the confetti!”
Mari: “You are such a party girl!

Mason: “Hey Pierce! Here’s that cake you asked for.”

Maci: “Wow, do we really have the same birthday, or are you just doing this to keep up with me.”
Pierce: “I’ll never tell.”

Maci: “Thanks for coming to the park with me. I just need two more friends, one kid and one adult. There’s a kid I don’t know yet. Hey, is he staring at my mom’s butt?”
Maci: “Hey Kid! We can’t be friends if you’re going to be staring at my mom’s butt.”
Alfred: “What? No! I wasn’t staring at your mom’s butt. I would never do that!”

Mason: “Well this was unexpected! How exactly did I end up with two evil chicks? This little rooster chick hatched from a white egg a couple days ago and hasn’t shown red eyes until now.”
Mason: “Hey Watcher! You said an evil chick could only come from an obsidian egg. Do you have any Watcher friends who know more about this stuff than you? Because I’m beginning to seriously question your ability to guide me here.”
Watcher: “Check yourself son! The Watcher guide clearly says that chickens become evil by hatching from an obsidian egg, like Maleficent, or by consuming a midnight treat, which Drake has not done. Maybe I’ve just guided you so well that you have been able to accomplish something that no other Country Caretaker has been able to accomplish. What do you say to that?”
Mason: “Ummmm . . . It’s not Drake. I just renamed him. He’s Diablo now.”

Josie: “Who ever heard of giving such a sweet little baby a black bassinet?”
Jaxson: “I don’t know, but I think we should get him out of it right away.”

Offline oshizu

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/8/21)
« Reply #46 on: December 08, 2021, 10:59:50 PM »
Wow, an evil rooster chick from a white egg!  But Mason still owns an evil hen, so maybe that rooster egg was just passing?
The kids are all so gorgeous and I love seeing shots of Mason besotted with his farm animals, haha.

How strange that Josette would phone her daughter to ask about trying for baby...
And the fifth Gen2 Cordova is a male caster, wooooooo!

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/8/21)
« Reply #47 on: December 08, 2021, 11:29:16 PM »
Wow, an evil rooster chick from a white egg!  But Mason still owns an evil hen, so maybe that rooster egg was just passing?
I googled it, but couldn't find anything about an evil chick from a white egg. One thing that was odd though, is when the egg cracked green (stinky) something came out of it, and apparently got on Mason's clothes, because as he walked away from the coop, green stink followed him even though his hygiene bar was nearly full.

The kids are all so gorgeous and I love seeing shots of Mason besotted with his farm animals, haha.

Thank you. I need to just focus on getting Mason's teen stuff done. He is close, but something happened that he came home from work - I didn't go into CAS, but I must have done something that canceled him, so he still has to go to work for the first time. Hoping he can get a promotion in one shift - maybe I'll send him to the wishing well and pray that it doesn't go badly.

How strange that Josette would phone her daughter to ask about trying for baby...
I know - isn't that bizarre? The timing of it was perfect for the story. But I do think the devs have a major "ooops" in that members of the family that you are playing shouldn't be calling other members of your family - just like "Mary" shouldn't call "Joe" and say "I think Joe's going to propose. What should I do?" They need some filters on this.

And the fifth Gen2 Cordova is a male caster, wooooooo1
I don't often have occult babies, so it didn't occur to me that they would have different bassinets. When I saw Marcus with one kind and Marigold with a different one, I thought "I wonder why those are different." I didn't realize it meant he was a spellcaster until I googled it.  ;D  So then I had to show the bassinets to see if you or Granny Lawlor would recognize it.  I didn't show the bassinets with Mason and Maci because they were just normal bassinets and let's face it, Sim babies pretty much do all look alike - only sometimes a skin tone difference, and that doesn't always stick.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/8/21)
« Reply #48 on: December 09, 2021, 04:37:59 AM »
The storyline phone calls need so serious looking at! Why do I feel like we're play-testing it! Lol!

Congrats on the evil chicken. Maybe it's a remote possibility with a normal egg but a shoe-in with an obsidian one? Just a thought - I'll let you know if/when I get a Sim with Rancherino BD.

@oshizu would know more about spellcaster babies than me - I still don't have that pack...

So many babies! Twins again, maybe? But then there's no room... but Maci's doing well...

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/28/21)
« Reply #49 on: December 28, 2021, 08:01:09 PM »

Founder - Josette (Josie) Cordova

Hi All! Watcher seems to be preoccupied right now with things in another Simverse she calls “Real Life.” I call malarkey because what’s more real than defeating a mega-strong evil Spellcaster, raising four TopNotch Toddlers with one more to go, and achieving Super Parent status while living off the grid with a family of six?

Watcher said she had a major holiday to get ready for. Something like our Winterfest but with a different name. I’m not sure what she’s doing wrong, but it sounds like it takes days and days for Watcher to decorate the house, trim the tree, place the present piles and prepare the grand meal. Maci can do all that in a matter of a few hours. I was about to suggest to Watcher that she just hire Maci to handle it, but she said she was going to let us do our own updates, so I kept my mouth shut. I don’t have much to tell you myself, but I really want to hear the kids give their own updates.

I only have one update, but it’s a big one, at least to me. The only thing left for me as of the last update was to get the last four Spellcasting Perks.

I’ve been building my mastery mostly with three spells.  I use Scruberoo and Repario on all these solar panels and Repario on the windmills. The solar panels get dirty very quickly, and they need repair often. The windmills also need frequent repairs. Jax could upgrade them to clean themselves and to be unbreakable, but I’ve asked him not to as it’s a fast and easy way to build spellcaster experience. The third spell I use often is Copypasto. I use it on flower arrangements scented with Crocus to put out by the beehives, and I use it to duplicate potions that the kids use frequently, like Potion of the Nimble Mind and Potion of Plentiful Needs. Using these spells, I've acquired all the magic perks, thus completing my Big Dream, Magical Maestro.

There is one more big thing that happened to me, but it also happened to one of the kids, so I’ll let them tell you about it.

Founder - Jaxson (Jax) Cordova

Hey there! I don’t really have a progress report since my Big Dream - Artistic Genius - was already completed in the last update. Now I mostly hang out and help out wherever I can. Sometimes I clean the animal sheds and chicken coop, sometimes I help with homework and school projects, stuff like that. Oh, and I write Books of Life for everyone. No pictures from me - I understand there’s a limit on the number and I want to save them for the kids.

Gen 2 - Maci Cordova

Hi all! I’ve been really busy throwing parties and going on dates with my honey Pierce.

This is our first kiss. I think I caught him by surprise. Isn’t he just the cutest?

So, I’ve had a little trouble with my magic. This is actually the third time I’ve set fire to a windmill when trying to Repario it. Fortunately, no one was around to take pictures the first two times.

Farmers Day was a great success! We got so much done and had a lot of fun. No one had energy left to cook a Grand Meal, but we all achieved gold anyway!

I probably didn’t pick the best place for my first woohoo with Pierce, but we haven’t finished decorating upstairs, so we took advantage of what was available.  Pierce didn’t seem to mind that we were in a closet.

Pierce wanted to show me the telescope at San Myshuno Meadows, where we held Miles’s birthday party when he aged up to teen. It was . . . amazing!

The whole family dressed up for Spooky Day and completed the gold requirements. We had to end the holiday early to have our Spooky Party that evening.

I spent some time traveling around the Simverse meeting Young Adults, looking for potential partners for my brothers and sister. I invited some of them to my Spooky Party. I’ll let them tell you how that went; I’ll just say it was a great party.

Dad and Miles helped me out with the Gold Requirements by carving pumpkins. Miles carved the Kooky one and Dad carved the owl. That party even earned me a couple of achievements!

Pierce and I had a lot of dates - some were at my house where we frequently “visited” the closet.

When I accidentally set the sink on fire trying to Repario it, Dad banned me from using that spell until I improved my abilities. I did feel bad about burning up the sink.

But I felt much worse when I discovered that I also burned up two of our birth certificates that were hanging on the other side of the wall! My birth certificate and Miles’s are both gone forever, thanks to me and my clumsy spell casting. From now on, I’m sticking to Scruberoo! I never set anything on fire with that one.

Normally, I wouldn’t take presents from someone else’s gift pile, but that’s the only thing standing between me and my marriage to Pierce. I thought I would wait until Winterfest, but that’s more than 3 weeks away and I’m tired of waiting. So I organized another birthday party for Miles, and this time, I suggested everyone bring gifts. The first one I sneaked was a Lyrical Amplifier Karaoke Machine. I thought it would be the perfect thing for the party, but as soon as the candles were blown out, everyone seemed to disappear.

No one was around to see me sneak that second gift - A Story of Three Candles. I wonder where everyone went?

You know what? I don’t even care that my third gift was a Large Pet Poop! Because with that Large Pet Poop, my Big Dream is complete! I am now free to marry Pierce and move to Brindleton Bay with him!

I really wanted Pierce to propose to me, but that doesn’t seem possible since he has no Watcher. As I propose to him, I realize that when I move in with Pierce, I will be out from under the watchful eyes of the Watcher myself! Free to do whatever I want, whenever I want. Oh, Pierce, you gotta say yes! And of course, he did say yes!

We exchanged vows in an adorable venue called Willow Congregational. I’m not sure why it’s called “Willow” when it’s in Brindleton Bay, not Willow Creek. But it’s near Pierce’s house and his mom loves it. It was originally built by a builder named marjia, and Watcher made a few revisions to better suit my taste and to provide cake and banquet tables.

Our first kiss as husband and wife.

As we shared our wedding cake, I suggested thinking about expanding our family. I was a little surprised by his response. Should I tell him that he may need to get comfortable pretty quickly?

Offline oshizu

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/8/21)
« Reply #50 on: December 29, 2021, 12:24:48 AM »
So great to hear news of Cordovas again!
Who's that stud with the weed blower on Farmer's Day?  Mason?

Wow, Maci made fast work of holiday lover!
Regarding proposals, I am impatient and usually have my sims propose the day after they become giflfriend/boyfriend.
But the one time (haha, only once this dynasty) I waited, my sim got that phone call about finding the ring. I wish it happened more often.

Congratulations, Maci!
Looking forward to hearing about the rest of the family, too!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/8/21)
« Reply #51 on: December 29, 2021, 12:52:39 AM »
So great to hear news of Cordovas again!
Who's that stud with the weed blower on Farmer's Day?  Mason?

Wow, Maci made fast work of holiday lover!
Regarding proposals, I am impatient and usually have my sims propose the day after they become giflfriend/boyfriend.
But the one time (haha, only once this dynasty) I waited, my sim got that phone call about finding the ring. I wish it happened more often.

Congratulations, Maci!
Looking forward to hearing about the rest of the family, too!

Yes, that hottie is Mason! I think he grew up quite nicely!

Holiday Lover is actually pretty fast - it could have been faster if I'd wanted to focus on it hard enough.

Mason and possibly Marcus will be coming in the next couple of days. Then Marigold and Miles. I've stopped playing until these updates are done, so these will catch everyone up to the point of Maci's wedding and move to the Delgato home.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/8/21)
« Reply #52 on: December 29, 2021, 06:53:52 AM »
Gorgeous pics. I never spend the time to get the lighting right. I love the naughty look on Maci's face when she's sneaking a present!
You're so right about the windmills and solar panels breaking and getting dirty so often. Handy for increasing handiness and the spells though. I always get the roof ones as they never break.

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/29/21)
« Reply #53 on: December 29, 2021, 11:29:18 PM »

Gen 2 - Mason Cordova

I have been so busy since the last update! I’ve started my canning and have made 16 /17 canning recipes. I just need a cowberry to make cowberry jam. I’ve done the splicing, but I just don’t get a cowberry to harvest. And the plant keeps going back to just a mound in the ground, so I’m not getting many harvests from it anyway.

I invited Agatha over so I could deliver the lettuce she wanted. Just one more errand to go!

When I agreed to this errand I didn’t realize finishing part of it would trigger new tasks! But I think if I can just finish this cross stitch without stabbing myself too badly, I’ll be done with my errands and ready to put my teen years behind me!

That last errand earned me a Golden Treat! I fed it to Hannah. Isn’t she beautiful?

At last, done with high school and that part-time job!

Hi Mayor! Let’s get a selfie together and be really good friends.

Yes! My perfect oversized white pumpkin beat out the excellent small produce. (I wanted to say “vegetables” but I smoogled it and apparently there is disagreement regarding whether a pumpkin is a fruit or a vegetable, so I’ll just go with produce.)

Grim came to take Charlie, my first chick. I don’t really understand animal aging. My first hen (Maisey) must have gotten younger somehow when she became Evil Maisey. But I may have also given her some Healthy Treats. Benson, my first rooster, was an elder, but I fed him Healthy Treats and he went back to a young adult and now is an adult. Diablo hatched a day or two before Maleficent, and Diablo is now an elder and Maleficent is still a chick. I haven’t given Maleficent any treats, so I don’t know why she doesn’t grow up.

I met this girl at Macie’s Spooky Party. I really liked her and she seemed to be kind of into me. But it was really embarrassing when I tried to flirt with her later and then found out it was some dude in the same costume! I was glad my costume included a robot helmet!

I really wanted to get to know her better, and to see what she looks like, so I invited her over the next day. She’s really cute! I rolled out my smooth moves, and she snuggled right up.

When she looked deeply into my eyes, that was just it for me! I want to look into those big brown eyes every day for the rest of my life. Of course I didn’t tell her that. Not yet. But maybe someday I will.

I’ve been working on my animal treats. I made a flirty one for Blanche so I can give Mama some pink llama wool. She’s been knitting more clothes for the animals and even some things for Sims. I think she’d like some more colors.

I finally just went fishing in Magnolia Promenade and got a cowberry right off. So I made the Cowberry jam, finishing my Canning requirement. Then I used the jam to make a Midnight Treat. I only have one treat left to make, but I haven’t been able to learn the Rainbow Treat recipe yet.

Maci held a Black and White Bash and I made sure she added Shelley to the invite list. I took Shelley out to show her the gardens, and as soon as we got around the corner, where it was just us, I moved in for a first kiss. She seemed a little surprised, but she didn’t pull away.

We went out on the deck to listen to the piano player, and I gave her a perfect red rose that I grew myself. I could tell she really liked it.

So I went for a better kiss. This time she held on tight and kissed me back. I wonder if it’s too soon to be wanting to make this a permanent relationship.

The next day was the llama fair. I really wanted Blanche to win. When Butters didn’t win, she got depressed and stayed in her shed. I didn’t realize how bad it was for her until she ran away. I certainly didn’t want that to happen with Blanche. So I slipped the Mayor a little bribe on the side as we passed by each other.

I don’t know if it was the bribe or just Blanche’s awesomeness, but she did take First Place! She pretended to take it all in stride, but I could tell she was really happy about it.

I’m not going to say much about this except that I have 7 chickens - 3 hens (Evil Maisey, Gold Hannah, and Sweets) and they were all in the yard with Diablo, my evil rooster. My chicks, Maleficent (who doesn’t seem willing to grow up) and Gold Nugget were also in the yard. That means that my rooster Benson, who recently went from elder to young adult after eating a Healthy Treat, was in the coop by himself. And when the hearts stopped, Benson came out on the balcony of the chicken coop, flapped his wings and crowed twice.

Maybe Blanche would like a Healthy Treat.

The next week was the Chicken Fair. This was really important because I got confused after the Cow Fair and I thought the Chicken Fair was next. So I told Gold Hannah that we’d be going. And then she had to wait through the Crop Fair and the Llama Fair. I think she was afraid Grim would come before she got to get her ribbon. I gave her two Healthy Treats, but she didn’t go back to the young adult stage like Benson did. Does it only work on roosters? And why doesn’t Maleficent age up? At any rate, Gold Hannah made me proud with her First Place ribbon.

I also entered an excellent hatchable obsidian egg. I heard nothing back about it though. It was up against an excellent non-hatchable golden egg and a normal white egg. I didn’t get a notice that it won or lost, and it was never returned to my inventory. I wonder if someone swiped it before the judges rated it.

The day after the fair, Grim came for Diablo. Diablo didn’t seem sad to see him. In fact, they seemed like old friends.

Shelley came to Miles’s birthday party. I know Maci wanted everyone to sing Karaoke, but we finally furnished the upstairs and Shelley and I had different plans.

Maci and Pierce had a beautiful wedding, and Shelley seemed especially flirty, so I took the opportunity to propose.

She said yes! Now I just need to master Charisma, which should be easy with my Great Kisser trait, and learn the recipe for that Rainbow Treat so I can make it. Then we will be off to start our life together!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/29/21) Chapter 12. Updates: Mason
« Reply #54 on: December 30, 2021, 03:03:06 AM »
Blanche the llama is definitely awesome!
Where have you got most of your animal treats from? My Indiana did 3 errands for the creature keeper but no treats. I've had to rely on the garden stall. I'm entering the upcoming fair...

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/29/21) Chapter 12. Updates: Mason
« Reply #55 on: December 30, 2021, 04:38:44 AM »
Blanche the llama is definitely awesome!
Where have you got most of your animal treats from? My Indiana did 3 errands for the creature keeper but no treats. I've had to rely on the garden stall. I'm entering the upcoming fair...
I got some from the garden shop, some from errands, some were bunny gifts, and I may have gotten one as a prize for the milk winning at the fair - I don't remember for sure on that.

I really hope you don't lose interest - you've put a lot into it and it's really fun reading your updates.

I've actually decided not to try for all the Big Dreams as I originally planned. Instead, I'm going to do the first play-through for HoF (hopefully) and the second not for HoF. I have a few mods I may install for that one, and it will include any Big Dreams I don't do in the first one. The play is so different depending on the Big Dreams chosen, so I don't think it will feel redundant to play it twice.

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/29/21) Chapter 12. Updates: Mason
« Reply #56 on: December 30, 2021, 09:09:27 AM »
I think I need to befriend some rabbits. I've ignored them so far.

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/29/21) Chapter 12. Updates: Mason
« Reply #57 on: December 30, 2021, 04:59:49 PM »
I think I need to befriend some rabbits. I've ignored them so far.
The Garden shop of Saturdays between 3:30-7pm (during the Fair) always sell rare animal treats.  Besides Glazey's sources, my foumder also got animal treats as gifts from the flock of birds he befriended.

I also hope, along with Glazey, that you continue with your dynasty updates, which I'm always looking forward to reading.
I'm sure it's no consolation but it took me 13 attempts to complete my first dynasty challenge (an 8-generation Immortal Dynasty challenge), which included two attempts that failed during the sixth generation.
So close!
My BDD founder, Tao, was the Gen4 heir of my first Immortal Dynasty attempt which failed while Tao was still in grade school.

I do hope you'll continue playing your BDD and keep us updated on what's going on with the Wesseldines.

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/29/21) Chapter 12. Updates: Mason
« Reply #58 on: December 30, 2021, 05:03:48 PM »
I cracked up at Mason's tactful description of Benson's "alone time." Hahah
Mason's really acing those Finchwick Fairs.
How funny that he was chatting up a guy in the same costume as the girl he fancied. He and Shelley are quite adorable.
Crossing my fingers that he gets a Rainbow treat soon!

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 12/30/21) Chapter 13. Updates: Marcus
« Reply #59 on: December 30, 2021, 11:36:40 PM »

Gen -2 Marcus "Marc" Cordova

The last time you saw me, I had just aged up from a Top-Notch toddler to a child.

And now here I am, a young adult. Let me tell you what I’ve been doing.

Being the genius that I am, I immediately jumped into learning chess. Dad offered to teach me, but by that he meant play with me, not mentor me. I think I could have learned faster if he’d been a level 10 who could mentor, but it was more fun playing with him.

My homework was pretty easy for me. I guess some kids struggle with it, but when you’re a genius, and your mom is a genius and helps you, it all goes pretty fast. That scout board was for my older brother and sister - I didn’t do scouts. My life plan didn’t require it, and I’d rather spend my time on projects. I am a very responsible kid, and I want some reward from that.

I got to do this cool volcano project. Mom and Dad both offered to help with it, but I really wanted to just do it myself. If they were helping, they’d want to pour the chemicals and stuff, and I wanted to do that myself.

Everything was going so well. I finished my child requirements in less than a week, and I was ready to age up. I waited a few days, though, for Mari. She and Mama and Watcher were having discussions about Mari’s Big Dream. I guess Watcher had one plan and Mari had another and Mama wanted whatever would make Mari happy.

Finally we got to have our birthdays! Maci threw us back-to-back family parties at our house. I don’t know why she didn’t invite our friends. It would have been so much more fun.

Life was so great until this happened. I don’t even have the words to tell you how mortifying this was!  I was so glad my friends weren’t there to see it!  I wouldn’t even have shown you, but Watcher insisted.

I got a quick makeover - this is much more “me” - and then I got started planting my version of a garden. Mama gave me some trees to transplant from their old house, and also some seeds to plant new ones. I’ll have my aspiration done in no time!

I made short work of my teen years. I started with a B in school because of my A in grade school. Homework, Extra Credit, and one project assured me of a A in high school with just one day in class. My A in grade school also gave me a start at Level 2 in my retail job. The wishing well gave me a fast promotion - I didn’t even have to go to work!

Maci threw me a birthday party at the Von Haunt estate. Mama got a little crazy on her horn, but my wardrobe didn’t go freaky, so all in all it was a good party.

I took really good care of my money trees, and they flourished! I brought the family funds to over a million simoleons and achieved Rosebud, but it either didn't give a splash or we missed it.

I spent a lot of time in front of the mirror. It’s not that I was vain, although my family made a lot of jokes about how I couldn’t stop looking at myself and how I spent so much time in the bathroom. But it was really because I needed to master Charisma and Debate, and this was a good way to do that when I got tired of reading the books. But if I’m being completely honest, I do think I’m pretty good to look at.

I met Holly Alto at Maci’s Spooky Party. Isn’t she just the cutest little witch you’ve ever seen? I told her that I was a natural-born spellcaster. She seemed to think that was pretty cool.

I took her out to show her my garden. I really just wanted a chance to be alone with her, but she was really interested in my trees. She asked about how long they take to grow and how well they produce, and even about whether they can be transplanted.

I found out she was single, and I blew her a kiss to see how she reacted. She seemed . . . receptive.

So then I took her hands in mine, and she held my hands too, and that’s when I knew she was interested. I really wanted to see how far this could go, but just then, the Spooky Party was over and she said something about a Meet and Greet and took off. But that cute little witch has not seen the last of Marcus Cordova, I can tell you that for a fact.

I was going to call and ask her out, but then Macy threw a Black and White Bash at the Municipal Muses Museum in Willow Creek, and guaranteed Holly would be there. I found her upstairs and presented her with a beautiful, perfect red rose I got from Mason. She was impressed. I could tell.

So it seemed like the perfect time for a first kiss. And just like that, I was absolutely certain that she is the only one for me!

At Miles’s birthday party, Maci wanted everyone to try out her new Karaoke machine, but Holly and I had other ideas.

Then at Maci’s wedding, with so much romance in the air, I couldn’t resist proposing.

She said yes.

Holly’s house is unexpectedly . . . mystical. She even has a cauldron out back. But it’s really small. Too small for the family that I hope we’ll have some day. It’s called Brooks Bridge Cottage, built by MrsSchiefelbein. It’s really cute, with a lot packed in it. But two people would be bumping into each other all the time. So I picked out a new house for us. Do you want to see it? Of course you do.

Well this is it! Valley Point Chateau. Our soon-to-be new home in Del Sol Valley. It’s huge, right? It was built by Dayshavou and furnished by me with a little help from Watcher. We’ll either need to hire a maid and a butler or I’ll need to learn Scruberoo and a few other handy spells. I just hope Holly likes it. We haven’t bought it yet, so I can’t take you inside. But if you want to see more, come visit us after we move in. Oh, and I heard that a Watcher named @oshizu requested a tour of our Henford-on-Bagley home. I furnished all but a couple of rooms for my Mansion Baron aspiration. After Macy and Miles give their updates, I'll do a home tour update. Maybe I can even share some pictures of the Chateau.

Look at this - I was just made Lead Litigator! That’s level 8. Just two more promotions and Holly and I will be tying the knot!