Author Topic: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (5/10 Completed)  (Read 42049 times)

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2021, 09:01:41 PM »

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2021, 09:01:59 PM »

Our story actually begins many years ago, when a young teenage boy named Quentin Maxwell first caught sight of the equally young and very beautiful Lydia Flavio.

Lydia was shopping at a local grocery stand, and Quentin was instantly smitten. So smitten, in fact, that by the time he got his wits about him, she was gone.

Young Mr. Maxwell asked the grocery stand owner, as casually as he could, who that girl was. Agatha Crumplebottom smiled knowingly and said, “That’s Lydia Flavio. She’s visiting her Aunt and Uncle up on Olde Mill Hill. She’s quite pretty isn’t she?”

“Oh . . .um . . .well. . . I g . .g. . .guesso . . I mean . . . I . . .. just . . um . . . you know . . .she’s new here,” stammered Quentin.

Agatha responded, “Mmmmm . . .well, if you’re interested in people who are new here, that young gentleman over there is new in town. He’s a writer, here for the summer."

"And that couple over there - the ones who don’t realize how lucky they are I’m in the booth today and not my sister - they are here from San Myshuno on their honeymoon." She looked around. "Oh, and that little family, over there in the park area - they just moved in, right here in town," Agatha finished.

Quentin looked around nervously as Agatha smiled, and then he said, “Um, yeah, thanks, I gotta go.” 

As he started to ride away on his bike, Agatha called out, “Wait a minute. Did you come to get something? Maybe something your mother needs?”
Quentin stopped, walked his bike back and sheepishly said, “Oh, yeah, right. Here’s the list.”

As he rode off with his groceries, Agatha briefly considered that maybe it was a little bit mean to enjoy making him uncomfortable. But it was just a tiny bit satisfying to see a Maxwell so flustered. The men in that family are always so self-assured. And why not, with the way girls, and women, chased after them. Agatha felt certain young Quentin would have a surprise in store for him with Lydia. Oh, to be a fly on the wall.

For the next few days, Quentin rose early to finish his chores and get into town, where he hung out all day, hoping to catch a glimpse of Lydia. After three days, Agatha took pity on him and called him over. “Mr. Mason, you seem to have plenty of time on your hands today, and I have an errand that's just perfect for you."

Quentin had no desire to be sent off here, there, and yonder on some errand that would possibly make him miss his chance to see, and maybe even meet, Lydia Flavio. Still, one does not say no to Agatha Crumplebottom. “Sure . . .um. . . I mean . . . what is it?”

“I have this package for the Flavios up on Olde Mill Hill. I was wondering if you might be able to ride it up there on your bike.”

Quentin was surprised and quite pleased. But he said, as casually as he could, “Oh, well, yeah, ok. I mean, if you really need me to."

Agatha handed over the parcel and smiled as she watched Quentin pedal furiously off toward Olde Mill Hill.

When he finally made it all the way up the hill to the Flavio place, Lydia was nowhere in sight. So he did the only thing he could think of to do. He offered to help with the chores on the farm. He didn’t want to do more chores, but he couldn’t stand the thought of leaving without seeing her.

Lydia, of course, was completely unaware that she had an admirer. She had seen Quentin in town, but hadn’t paid him much attention. Oh, she noticed how attractive he was, but in her experience, young men that attractive generally thought way too much of themselves.

However, as she came across the yard after feeding the chickens and saw him there with her Uncle Dan, she had to admit he did take her breath away, just a little. Uncle Dan introduced them.

“Ah Lydia! This is Quentin Maxwell. His family lives just over the way. He’s come on an errand from Ms. Crumplebottom to bring us some of that fertilizer she was telling us about. And he’s offered to stay awhile and help with chores since we’re down a man.”

Quentin hadn't actually known that the Flavios were down a man and thought himself to be very lucky.

The Flavios normally had the help of a young man they’d hired as a teenager to work on their farm. Mason Cordova’s family were not farmers, but Mason had taken to the life like a duck to water. He was off in Windenburg right now to marry a young woman who had been vacationing in Henford-on-Bagley for many years. But he’d be back after the honeymoon.

Uncle Dan: “Why don’t you two go feed Sally and Joe.” Sally was the family llama, and Joe was the cow. Lydia smiled and said, “Sure. Come on. I’ll show you.”

And that was all it took. Young Quentin was over the moon. But Lydia didn’t fall quite as fast. Quentin came back every day to help with chores and slowly but surely, he whittled away at Lydia’s resolve and wormed his way into her heart.

After that, they were together nearly every day from early morning to well into the evening. All through the rest of the summer.

Aunt Lucy warned her to be careful with him. The Maxwells were not known for their tolerance for folks who weren’t like them. In fact, Quentin’s great great grandfather had been instrumental in running off all the spellcasters in the area about 150 years ago. Four spellcasters who refused to leave were found dead, although the local constable ruled all those deaths accidental. Not long after, a vampire clan came to visit. But they didn't stay long. Word has it that they left with one less clan member than they came with and that the loss was limited to one only because they vowed to leave and never return.

But that was 150 years ago, and Quentin was not his great great grandfather. Nevertheless, Lydia decided to keep quiet about her heritage.

As the time neared for Lydia to go back home, they began talking about the future. Their future together, to be exact.

They would both finish high school soon, and neither really wanted to go to college. They talked about traveling the world together and then eventually buying a farm in Henford-on-Bagley and settling down to have a family of their own. It was all so romantic.

Lydia went back to Willow Creek, and Quentin went back to high school in Henford-on-Bagley. They wrote to each other almost every day.

They told each other about little things going on in their towns, they shared tidbits about school, and they wrote longingly about the future when they would always be together. But even as they wrote about it, Lydia knew that their future could be in jeopardy when she finally told Quentin about the two secrets she was keeping from him. Would he love her enough to forgive her for not telling him sooner? Would he still want to be with her forever once he knew? Lydia was both afraid and eager to know the answer. But she wouldn’t write about it. She needed to tell him these things in person.

So she asked her Aunt and Uncle if she could spend the next summer with them and she saved up her money from babysitting and her part-time job to make the trip. In her last letter to Quentin before summer, she told him to meet her at their special place, and gave him the date and time.

When summer rolled around, Lydia packed her bags, and headed back to Henford-on-Bagley, this time with a little traveling companion. Her Aunt and Uncle welcomed her with open arms, and were absolutely delighted with the toddler she brought with her.

The following day, she packed a picnic and went out to the small pond they’d called “our little corner of the world”. As she came close, she saw that Quentin was already there, waiting for her. As soon as he saw her, he came running to her, nearly knocking her over, but grabbing her in a huge hug before she could fall. He was so happy to see her!

Then he pulled back and handed her a beautiful red rose. Lydia’s fear melted away. Surely he loved her enough that nothing she told him now could change things.

As they ate their picnic lunch, they talked and laughed, and it was almost as if they’d never been apart. Except for those two little secrets that never quite left Lydia’s mind. After they’d cleared up the remains of their picnic, Lydia said quietly, “Quentin, I need to tell you something. A couple of somethings actually.”

Quentin could see the seriousness in her eyes and he waited, thinking surely she was not going to break up with him.

She pulled out a photo and showed it to him. “This is Josette. Our daughter.”

“Daughter? What?!?” He cried. “I don’t have a daughter. What are you talking about?”

Lydia was taken aback by the anger in his voice, but she pressed on. “I didn’t want to tell you in a letter. But actually you do. We do. Have a daughter.”

Quentin: “A daughter? No, this can't be true! I’m too young to have a daughter. You’re too young to have a daughter. We have plans. About our life. Our life together . . . you and me. Anyway, how do you know it’s mine?”

Then Lydia became angry. “She’s a person, not an it. And her name is Josette. And I know she is yours because I haven’t been with anyone else.”

Quentin had never seen Lydia angry and her sharp response shook him just enough to make him think before speaking again. “Ok, look, I’m sorry. It’s just that this is such a shock. I wasn’t saying that you . . . I didn’t mean . . . I mean . . . . I’m sorry.”

Lydia softened a bit and said, “I know. It’s a lot to take in.”

"Yes," Quentin replied and then, with a slight bit of sarcasm, "And there’s more?”

Lydia: “More?”

Quentin: “You said you had a couple of things to tell me.”

Lydia: “Oh, yes, well. Maybe I should show you.”

Quentin’s eyes opened wide and he burst out, “You’re a Spellcaster!?” The anger was back, stronger now. He looked at Lydia and said, accusingly, “You’re a Spellcaster. And you didn’t think you needed to tell me that?!”

Lydia, tears rising in her eyes. “Does it really matter that much?”

“Does it matter?!” Quentin barked. “Of course it matters. We talked of marriage, Lydia! What do you think? I’m a Maxwell! Maxwells don’t marry filthy spellcasters. My father would never hear of it! I suppose that daughter of yours is a spellcaster too!”

Lydia: “MY DAUGHTER may or may not be a spellcaster. But make no mistake. She is MY daughter. You don’t need to worry about it one little bit. She doesn’t need you in her life, and I don’t need you in mine!”

And with that, Lydia turned and ran all the way back to the house at the top of Olde Mill Hill and started packing her things.

Her aunt came in asking “How was your picnic?” But one look at Lydia stopped her in the doorway. “That good, huh? I take it he wasn’t happy about Josette.”

Lydia looked up with fire in her eyes, and said, “No. And he was even less receptive to me being a Spellcaster.”

“Oh, you told him about that too, huh?" responded Aunt Lucy. "Well I guess I’m not that surprised. The Maxwell’s do tend to have a high opinion of themselves. In all the time we've lived here, your uncle has never shown that side of himself to anyone, but I suppose people will figure it out now.”

“Oh, no Aunt Lucy!" cried Lydia, realization setting in. "I’m so sorry! I didn’t think . . . I shouldn’t have . . . “

Aunt Lucy waved her concern away. “Don’t be silly girl. It was bound to come out eventually. And you needed to tell Quentin. A little bit because he needed to know. But mostly because you needed to know what you learned about him because of it.”

“But honey, don’t run off," coaxed Aunt Lucy. "You planned to spend the summer here. Stay. At least for a while. Let me love on Josette and you take some time to heal and decide what you want to do. You know, Mason and his wife Lily have a son about Josette’s age. They could have play dates. It’ll be good. You’ll see.”

So Lydia and Josette stayed. Mason built a sandbox for the little ones and brought Jaxson along with him sometimes to play with Josette. And Aunt Lucy was right. It was good.

It was good, right up until it wasn't, which was during the last week of summer.

There are no pictures of that fateful night, but late one evening, after Mason and Jax had gone home, three vehicles came up the long road to Olde Mill Hill. They stopped just before they could be seen from the house, and several men jumped out, all wearing hoods or masks. They were quiet, and went unnoticed at first. Then they lit torches and started running. Some ran toward the house, some toward the animal sheds and chicken coops, and others toward the crops. Uncle Dan caught sight of fire through a window and went to investigate, but he was too late. Everything went up in a blaze.

The animal sheds were burning and Sally and Joe were running around trying to find an escape. The chicken coop was alight and the roosters and hens were making quite a racket, with little chicks running here and there. Then the crops caught fire. Uncle Dan thought the house was still safe, but then he heard Lucy, Lydia and little Josette screaming. He turned and saw the smoke coming from the front of the house, and he ran upstairs to get his family out. He passed Lydia in the hall carrying Josette and yelled at her to get out to safety.

He ran to the Master Bedroom to find Lucy, but someone had apparently climbed a tree and thrown a burning torch into the bedroom. Lucy was trapped on the other side. Dan grabbed a blanket, soaked it in the hall shower, threw it over himself and ran toward his wife. He pulled her under the wet blanket and just as they started toward the door, the floor collapsed beneath them. They never made it out to see the huge sign in their front yard that said “Filthy Spellcasters GET OUT!”

Lydia ran with Josette all the way to Mason’s house. She didn’t know anywhere else to go. The local fire department came and put the fire out, but by then the farm was a total loss. Lydia was too heartbroken over the deaths of Uncle Dan and Aunt Lucy to care much about the house. Evidence of arson was clear, and several men were arrested. They all claimed innocence, but some were found guilty and went to jail. The ringleader was never identified, but Mason felt sure it was Alexander Maxwell, Quentin’s father. He suspected Quentin was there that night as well.

The burned-out farm was auctioned off, and Lydia didn't even want to know who bought it. The money was split between Lydia and her father, Uncle Dan’s brother, as dictated by the will. Once it was settled, Lydia hugged Dan, his wife Lily, and his son Jaxson, and left to make a life for herself and Josette in Oasis Springs. Where no one would ever know the truth about them.

Lydia got a job and went about quietly raising her daughter. She gave no sign to anyone ever that she was a spellcaster. And she watched her daughter like a hawk, checking for any sign that Josette had inherited any extra ‘talents”. She knew that any powers Josette might have wouldn’t manifest until she was a teen, but still, she watched.

Lydia and Josette stayed mostly to themselves, but Josette grew, as children do, and before long, it was time to start school. Josette begged to go to the park before the end of summer, and Lydia relented.

Josette seemed especially keen to play with one little boy. His curly dark hair, green eyes and easy smile had a hint of familiarity, but Lydia was sure she hadn't seen him in their neighborhood.  But when he called out to her daughter, "Hey Josie, let's go swing" she knew exactly who he was. There was only one very small person who ever called her daughter "Josie". And she had called him "Jaxxie". But what was he doing in Oasis Springs?

When Lydia called Josette to leave, Jaxson followed her over. "Hi!" he said cheerfully. "I'm Jax."

"Hello, Jax," said Lydia, with a smile. "Do you live here in Oasis Springs?"

A sad look came over his face as he said, "No, I live over in Windenburg. Me and my mom moved in with my grandma because she's sick and my dad died."

Lydia fought back the sudden tears and pushed as much of the emotion from her voice as she could. "Oh, Jax, I'm so sorry to hear that," she said.

"Yeah, I know," he said slowly. He stared at the ground for a few seconds, and then he looked up, brightening, and said, "But hey, I made a new friend today. My mom always says when you feel sad, think of one good thing and just focus on that. Josie's my one good thing today!"

Lydia smiled, still fighting tears, and said, "Well it's very good to meet you Jax. I hope we'll see you again."

It took a little effort, but Lydia was finally able to make contact with Lily, and they enjoyed renewing their friendship. Which meant Jaxson and Josette got to spend time together too. The women talked about the fire once, and then never brought it up again. Lily shared only basic information about Dan's death from cancer. And they never talked about those things in front of the children.

As Josette approached her teen years, Lydia was torn about whether she should tell her daughter about her heritage. If she told her, Josette might start trying to manifest some sort of power. Or she might tell others about her family background. But if she didn’t tell her, and Josette did start manifesting power, she would be so surprised and confused. Lydia truly didn’t know what to do. Day by day, she decided to think about it tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Jaxson and Josette remained the best of friends, always together and never having so much as a squabble. Jaxson was slightly older than Josette, so he aged to teen first, with Josette aging up a few days later. At Josette’s birthday party, Lydia glanced outside and what she saw brought back a painful memory.

Lydia pushed away the memory before it could make her feel sad. Or worse yet, angry. And then smiled as she watched her daughter have her first kiss.

And then she saw it . . . just a few tiny sparks from her daughter’s hand. She didn’t think Josette even noticed, she was so focused on Jaxson. But Lydia knew it was time for them to talk.

So after Jaxson left, Lydia sat down with Josette and told her about their family background. Josette had a lot of questions, and Lydia answered them all carefully. She didn’t want magic to sound too attractive. She needed Josette to see it for the danger it held. She explained what happened to Uncle Dan and Aunt Lucy, and repeated again and again how important it was that no one ever learn that they were descended from spellcasters. She didn’t mention the faint sparks she’d seen fly out from Josette’s fingertips.

But Lydia did tell Josette about their days on the farm and showed her pictures of Josette and Jaxson playing together as toddlers. That helped take Josette’s mind off of magic as she couldn’t wait to show the pictures to Jaxson. Of course Josette told Jaxson everything her mother had said. Jaxson had heard about the fire from his father, but Mason had never acknowledged that anyone in the Flavio family really was a spellcaster. Jaxson vowed never to tell anyone what Josette had told him, and Josette knew that she could trust him.

The news that they had played together as toddlers only increased their certainty that they were meant to be together. After that, Jaxson and Josette were inseparable. They spent as much time together as they possibly could.

They went to Mt. Komorebi for some fun in the snow.

They sang Karaoke in San Myshuno.

And they danced their way through Windenburg.

Josette was eager to explore her spellcaster abilities, but she didn’t want to upset her mother. So it would have to wait until she and Jax graduated from high school and got their own place together, away from Lydia’s watchful eye.

Watcher Note: This backstory takes place in a separate file, with versions of the Cordova founders that were aged down. None of this is actually part of the Dynasty save file.

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2021, 04:37:52 PM »
What a complex backstory! I struggled a little matching names to faces but I figured it out in the end.
Are Jaxton's parents that couple kissing on a bench whom Agatha Crumplebottom pointed out to Quentin at the start?

I'm sorry Lydia's first love ended up so tragically. Here's hoping her daughter Josie will live Lydia's romantic dream!
Really looking forward to the start of Josie and Jax's story!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2021, 01:04:20 AM »
I love that there are so many generations leading up to your couple and Josette comes from both sides of the tracks. So sad that Quentin couldn't accept his own daughter.
With a start like this, I can't wait for your next installment.

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2021, 12:46:14 AM »
What a complex backstory! I struggled a little matching names to faces but I figured it out in the end.
I was so eager to start the Dynasty and it wasn't time, so I started on the Backstory and it just grew.  :D

Are Jaxton's parents that couple kissing on a bench whom Agatha Crumplebottom pointed out to Quentin at the start?
Actually, no, that's Adam and Eve Boomer from a past Baby Boomer challenge.

I'm sorry Lydia's first love ended up so tragically. Here's hoping her daughter Josie will live Lydia's romantic dream!
Yes, but Agatha may know more than she's telling, and Quentin may be heard from again . . .

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2021, 12:48:24 AM »
I love that there are so many generations leading up to your couple and Josette comes from both sides of the tracks. So sad that Quentin couldn't accept his own daughter.
With a start like this, I can't wait for your next installment.

Thank you. Future installments won't be so heavy on text compared to images, but the backstory just grew as I told it and you just can't always get the right picture.  ;)

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2021, 03:17:57 PM »

Jaxson: Here we are. Home Sweet Home. For now.
Josette (laughing): Finally! A home of our own!
Jaxson (grinning): A very small home.
Josette: A very cozy home. With extra benefits for our garden, lower bills, and faster learning!
Jaxson: Yeah, I’m not really sure how that works, but I’ll take it.
Josette: It’s magic, dear. Just roll with it.
Jaxson: Today we’ll get settled in and tomorrow we’ll go take a look at the place where we’ll build our forever home.

They took a quick look around their new home, which took about 1 minute.

Then Jaxson tested out the easel he found on the patio and Josette spent some time reading about flower arranging, and then got started on the garden.

Josette (to herself): "Okay, I think that's a good start. Spring flowers planted, bee box placed, fence built, and Patchy added. Not a bad day's work."

Josette (looking at Jaxson's first paintings): "These are . . . . nice."
Jaxson: "Yeah, I know. They aren't very good. I've been thinking about taking some classes at the University. I've never had any actual art training, and I think maybe it would help me improve."
Josette: "I think that's a great idea! You'd meet other artists, pick up some new tips. You should do it."
Jaxson: "Yeah, I need to take a trip to the museum to view some paintings. Do you want to come?"
Josette: "Nah, you go ahead. I'd like to go check out The Magic Realm Headquarters."
Jaxson quickly completed his scholarship and University applications, dropping them in the mailbox on the way out.

With three stories and a magical glow emanating from the glass roof the Headquarters was enormous and overwhelming and amazing. A small sign indicated that it was created by a builder named ijayleo. What an awesome building! Josette couldn't wait to go in.

Simeon: "Well, hello Josette. How nice to finally meet you."
Josette: "What? You know who I am?"
L. Faba: "Oh, yes, Josette. We've been waiting for you."
Morgyn: "We thought you might sneak off for a visit as a teen, but we're happy to see you now."
Josette: "Wow, so you know and track every Spellcaster?"
L. Faba (giggling): "No silly. We are only tracking you because . . . "
Simeon (interrupting): "There's time for that later. Some things must come to light in their own time. For now, L, why you don't get Josette started with some training?"

L: I’d love to.
L: “Just try not zap Hiroko, ok”
Hiroko: “Oh, yeah, good idea. Let’s not zap Hiroko!”

The next day was Welcome Spring Day. Josette arose to find some new characters in the garden. She and Jaxson successfully appeased them and got several seed packets in return.

Jaxson: What do you think? Do you recognize it?
Josette: Recognize it? Oh, is this . . . this can’t be . . . is this where my Uncle Dan’s house was?
Jaxson (smiling): It sure is. My dad bought it at auction. Put everything he had into it. He just couldn’t bear the thought of Alexander Maxwell getting hold of it.
Josette, misty-eyed: Oh Jaxson, this is the perfect place to raise our family.
Jaxson (smiling): I think so too. Dad would be so pleased. But we have a lot to do first. Starting with making some money to build our home. I know I need to improve my art skills, but I think I can get some freelance work even now. That way, I can make some money and still have plenty of time for classes and schoolwork.
Josette: And I’ve got my garden started. I just need to make a call about getting my Gardener career going. Which I will do right now.

Hmmm . . . that’s odd. No signal.
Jaxson: Oh, did I forget to mention, we’re off-the-grid here. No phones.
Josette (laughing and hugging him): Then let’s go home so I can get myself employed!

Next day, Josette was happy with how her garden was looking. While she was bonding with her bees, Patchy jumped off his post and came over to visit.

Jaxson: "Hey, look, Josie! The client loved my icons! They even gave me a bonus!'

Jaxson: "And I got two scholarships! One because of the painting skill I already have - maybe they heard about me being an honorary SimGuru."
Jaxson (lauging): "The other is because we're so broke."
Josette: "Haha, who knew being broke could pay off like that!"
Jaxson: "And I even got accepted at Britechester for a Distinguished Degree in Fine Arts. I can start tomorrow."
Josette: "Wouldn't you rather wait and start Monday?"
Jaxson: "Nah, I'll probably have a term paper to write and a presentation to prepare - it'll be good to have a weekend in the middle of the term. More time to get it all perfect."

And of course on the night that Jaxson wants to get a good night’s sleep before starting classes, this one comes to visit. Finding the front and back doors locked, he creeped around to the side of the house and somehow located Jaxson inside. Vlad mesmerized Jaxson right through the wall. Jaxson got out of bed to go to Vlad, but Watcher quickly locked both doors against Jaxson as well. Vlad then stood on the patio singing (badly) for an hour or so before giving up, while Jaxson went back to bed, still dazed.

Josette tended her garden, practiced her magic, and experimented with potions while Jaxson worked on the freelance projects and his homework.

And then this happened. Josette made a bad potion batch, resulting in one Potion of Questionable Contents. She bottled it up, but before she could empty the cauldron, she took a few steps across the patio and collapsed. At the same time, Jaxson left the presentation board he was working on inside, came out to the patio and also collapsed.

Watcher had never seen this before. She quickly hit pause and just sat there, trying to figure out what happened and what she could do. She didn’t know if her beloved Founders were going to get back up, or if Grim was coming. She hasn’t had many spellcasters in her care, and didn’t know if this was connected to the Potion of Questionable contents Josette brewed. She consulted Watcher Oshizu, who thought it was connected to the potion, and suggested checking Josette for curses. But Josette was not cursed. And neither Watcher knew why Jaxson would also be affected if this was because of the potion.

Finally, Watcher hit the un-pause to see what would happen next. After a few more minutes, both Josette and Jaxson got up and went back to what they were doing, as if nothing had happened. And Watcher let out a sigh of relief.

Saturday morning, Jaxson worked on his presentation for his Go Figure (Drawing) class while Josette chatted with him over breakfast.

A series of firsts: First snow, Josette’s first batch of Plentiful Needs potions, and Jaxson’s first masterpiece.

After sampling Josette’s potion, they were off to their first Romance Festival. The Romance Guru was very positive about their relationship.

Jaxson: "Josie, we've been friends our whole lives. I don't even want to think about life without you. You are everything to me. I want to travel all the roads of this life with you. Please marry me."
Josette: "Oh Jaxxie! You know I would never want to be without you either. Of course I will marry you!"

So happy together!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2021, 03:42:37 PM »
A scary start! Vlad visiting and then a double near-death experience. But a Romance Festival proposal makes it all worthwhile. Phew!

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2021, 04:00:18 PM »
Their starter home is so charming!
Josette and Jaxon are such a lovely couple.  Josette slays in whatever she's wearing, doesn't she?
And what a scare when they both collapsed like that! Still a mystery, huh?
Your game is truly testing you, Watcher. I've never heard of Vlad mesmerizing a sim through walls. Great timing with locking Jaxson indoors.

Perfect final shot!

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2021, 04:28:30 PM »
A scary start! Vlad visiting and then a double near-death experience. But a Romance Festival proposal makes it all worthwhile. Phew!
Yes, that happened a little before your Founder crashed his rocketship. So those very long seconds of waiting to see what was next was fresh in my mind when I read your story. Oh, what our Sims put us through!

Their starter home is so charming!
Josette and Jaxon are such a lovely couple.  Josette slays in whatever she's wearing, doesn't she?
And what a scare when they both collapsed like that! Still a mystery, huh?
Your game is truly testing you, Watcher. I've never heard of Vlad mesmerizing a sim through walls. Great timing with locking Jaxson indoors.

Perfect final shot!
So it did happen again, but for whatever reason I didn't think to take pictures, so unless it happens a third time, it won't be in the story. And again it was when Josette failed at a potion. So it must be that - I just don't know why it affects Jaxson as well, unless it's just that they are so close as Soulmates that he feels it when she does.  ;)

And Vlad, persistent bugger that he is . . I guess I haven't seen that because it probably can only work if the bed is pretty close to an outside wall? But maybe only from the side - because I usually have the bed against the wall on the headboard side, and not as close as this on other sides? I don't know for sure, but I thought they were protected by the locked doors. And then when Jaxson got out of bed all blank-eyed, I was scrambling to hit pause. ;D  I wasn't sure locking him in would work, because I have had Sims start to go somewhere, and I lock the door or gate, and they go right through it. Maybe he was just far enough away from the door? 

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2021, 12:57:45 AM »

Sunday Jaxson and Josette went to The Shrieking Llama for some fun and games. They had a few drinks, played a few games and met some new people. All in all, it was a nice change from school and skilling.

Josette: “You’re going down, Jaxxie-Man!”
Jaxson: “Says you, Joser Poser! Don’t get too cocky there. I’m good at this.”
Josette: “Oh really? Is that what you think?”
Jaxson: “I don’t think . . . I know.”
Josette (grinning): “Yeah, I don’t think you know either.”
Jaxson: “Oh, cute. You think you’re smart don’t you?”
Josette: “Smart enough to beat you at this game.”
Jaxson: “Really? Come on then. Show me your stuff.”
Josette (flirtatiously): “Oh, baby, I’ll show my stuff when we get home.”
Jaxson: “Ok, you win, let’s go!”
Josette (chuckling): “Told ya”

Jaxson (whispering): “Maybe tomorrow you can win at darts.”
Josette (giggling): “Sure thing, Jaxxie.”

Jaxson: “Oh, wow! I need to paint outside more often. That's three masterpieces in a row! I guess I love the outdoors even more than I realized!  Too bad Watcher wasn’t paying enough attention to get a picture of my Painter Extraordinaire completion splash page.”
Watcher: “Sorry. But, hey, awesome job! I’m so very proud of you Jaxson. No Watcher has ever been more proud!”
Jaxson: “Oh blah blah, enough already, geez!”

Meanwhile, Josette continued bonding with her bees.
Josette: “Oh, my darling little bee friends . . it’s so lovely to be among you . . . .you make the sweetest honey . . .  and the sound of your buzzing is so . . . HEY . . .WAIT A MINUTE . .  WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?”

Josette: “Ok, you little buggers, you know the drill. You sting, you bring. GO!”

This time they brought her a pack of starter flowers.

Later that week, Simeon Silversweater dropped by, so Josette asked him for some training.
Simeon: “Now swirl like this . . . no, no . . . more like this . . . see the sparkles . . . yes that’s much better . .

Josette challenged Simeon to a duel. She felt pretty good about her chances.

Simeon: “Always be ready!”

Josette: “Back at you!”

Simeon: “You’re stronger than I expected.”

Simeon: “But not strong enough. Keep practicing.”

Well that was fun.

Josette worked on her magic all the next day, hoping to improve enough to win a duel.

As Jaxson prepared for his classes, he felt the need for some social interaction. With Josette busy at the cauldron, he looked outside to see if anyone was around. He spotted a Sim he hadn't met, nicknamed her Lady Green Hat, and went out to say hello. He chatted with her long enough to get his social bar as green as her hat, and then said goodbye and headed for class.

Jaxson’s first term grades came. YEAH, BABY!!

The next day, Lady Green Hat came back, this time bearing a gift.
Lady Green Hat: “Because you’re such a good neighbor, I brought you this very plain, very normal cheese pizza!”
Jaxson: “Um . . . . thanks . . . . here just let me clean this really dirty sink right quick.”

And then another Green Hat showed up at the door.
Jaxson: “Is it just me, or are these N.A.P. Inspections getting more and more invasive?”
Josette: “I think they are, yes, but at least they help reduce our bills.”

After working on her magic for two days, Josette thought she was ready for battle. So she called L. Faba to come over.
L. Faba: “I’m so happy you called me for help. I’ll do everything I can to get you ready.”
Josette: “Ready? Ready for what?”
L. Faba: “Um . . . .er . . . . for more duels . . . yeah . . . so you don’t always . . . um . . .  lose.”

Jo confidently threw the first strike. But L. was ready and blocked it.

L. threw her own strike right back, matching Josette’s force.

Jo was ramping up to a big push, but L beat her to it.
L. Faba: “Oh, Josette. I fear you will need to be much stronger and much quicker than that. Keep practicing!”

Maybe Josette should rethink choosing Sages as opponents.

Jaxson: “I’m so glad you recovered quickly from that duel. I’d hate to miss the chance to take you out for Love Day.”
Josette: “You picked a perfect place. I hear the food here is very  . . . experimental.”
Jaxson: “And I thought it would be a nice place to talk Honeymoon talk.”
Josette: “Honeymoon talk? Don’t you think this is a little too public for honeymoon talk?”
Jaxson: “Haha, not that kind of Honeymoon talk. What I mean is, have you thought any more about where you’d like to go for our honeymoon?”
Josette (smiling coyly): “I have a couple of places in mind actually.”

(Over the loudspeaker): “Cordova, party of two. Your table is ready.”

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 11/21/21)
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2021, 03:07:09 PM »
Great job on your first term, Jaxson.
I'm impressed that Josette attempted to duel the sages. Even Caleb is astonished by at Josette's audacity, lol.
May I ask which NAP(s) you're talking about?
Such beautiful sims--I'm so looking forward (patiently) to meeting their kids!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 11/21/21)
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2021, 12:52:18 AM »
Great job on your first term, Jaxson.
I'm impressed that Josette attempted to duel the sages. Even Caleb is astonished by at Josette's audacity, lol.
May I ask which NAP(s) you're talking about?
Such beautiful sims--I'm so looking forward (patiently) to meeting their kids!

Thanks - he's determined to get an A+ in everything - just one more term.
Dueling the Sages hasn't really worked out for Josette. I think she needs to set her sights on some less-experienced Spellcasters.  :D
The NAPs in place are Green Gardening, Promote Creative Arts and Self-Sufficiency.
I'm a little eager for the toddlers, but I have a timeline plan and I'm trying to stick to it.  ;)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Cordova Big Dreams Dynasty (Updated 11/21/21)
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2021, 01:19:01 AM »

Week 3 kicked off with Egg Hunt Day. Josette and Jaxson left early to attend a Holiday Celebration Event. When they returned, they looked around their little house for eggs. Josette found one in the mailbox, and Jax found one behind the toilet.

But the house was so small, there weren’t many places to look. So they went to the Willow Creek park to see what they could find.

Josette: ”Since we’re here, I’ll see if I can catch some frogs for my potions.”
Jaxson: “I’ll try my hand at fishing.”

A little while later:
Josette: “Well, that’s two eggs, three frogs and no Flower Bunny. I’m ready to go when you are.”
Jaxson: “Three eggs, no fish. Let’s go. I’m ready for that Grand Meal.”

Josette: “Simeon, please sit down and eat with us. Jax cooked this beautiful turkey.”
Simeon: “Oh, thank you, Josette, it looks wonderful. I would, you know, but I just can’t quite let go of this ball of clay. No matter what I do, I just can’t seem to put it down.”
Josette (laughing): “Oh, well, in that case, care to duel?”
Simeon (chuckling): “Not today my dear. It’s a holiday. No duels on holidays, I always say. Especially if you have a lump of clay stuck to your hand.”

Later Don Lothario dropped by with some drinks in his pocket for a celebration toast, so Josette broke out the horns and confetti.

Reaching Virtuoso level and completing the Purveyor of Potions aspiration had Josie really motivated to win the three duels she needed for her Spellcraft & Sorcery aspiration. So as soon as Jaxson left for class, she went to The Magic Realm Headquarters itching for a win.

Josette was surprised to find a new Practical Magic Sage and wondered what happened to Simeon. Did he have to step down because of the clay?  She introduced herself, and was so very tempted to challenge Yua to a duel.

But she pushed down the thought, and instead challenged Yuuma Ito.

Josette: “Aha - my first win!”

Feeling very confident, she next challenged Michiko Takagi

It was touch and go for a minute there.

But Josette came out the victor.

With two wins under her belt, Josette was ready for a trifecta. She considered dueling Gemma Charm, but dueling a teen just didn’t seem right. Darrel Charm, on the other hand, was certainly within bounds. 
Josette took a strong early hit.

She bounced back and hit Darrel hard.

And the next thing Darrel knew he was flying - without a broom. Since she already knew 10 spells, this completed Josette’s Spellcraft and Sorcery aspiration.

Jaxson: “Hey Josie, guess what?”
Josette: “What?”
Jaxson (showing her his grades): “You’re engaged to a genius - A+ times four. Again.”
Josette (grinning): “Well, I expected nothing less.”
Jaxson: “Just one more term and then I get to marry the most beautiful woman in the Simverse.”
Josette: “You’re sweet, but I don’t know about that.”

Jaxson: “What, you’re having second thoughts?”
Josette: “No, but I caught sight of myself in the mirror yesterday. I’m going to have to start exercising if I want to fit into my wedding dress.”
Jaxson: “Oh honey, you are beautiful and perfect and I love you just the way you are. But . . ."

Josette: “Careful what you say about my butt!”
Jaxson (laughing): “I love your butt. I was just going to say that I bought us an ice cream maker yesterday, and it comes with a lot of recipes. Including one called Taste of Diet. I don’t think you need it, but if you want to try it, I could make you some.”

Josette: “Oh! Oh! Oh! Brain Freeze! Brain Freeze! Brain Freeze!”

Josette: “So, what do you think? Do you like the results?”
Jaxson: “I think you’re the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen and I can’t wait to marry you.”

Josette: “You always know the right thing to say.”

Jaxson: “Let’s see if I know the right thing to do.”

Josette: “Oh, yeah. I think you do.”

Josette: “You definitely do.”

Jaxson spent the next day (Saturday) doing homework, writing his term paper, and preparing his presentation. Neither of them even realized the Romance Festival was back until Josette got a phone call about it.

Josette: “Ah, Simeon, you know I’m engaged to Jaxson, right? And I’ve never thought of you that way.”
Simeon, “It’s the clay isn’t it?”