Author Topic: De D'Onlyn Dynasty *Completed*  (Read 263441 times)

Offline Alexandria_

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #795 on: October 24, 2011, 09:20:40 PM »
Happy birthday Juxt!
I love the art gallery.

Offline samoht04

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #796 on: October 27, 2011, 09:02:37 AM »
Happy Birthday Juxt! Glad to see the De D'Onlyns again!  :D
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Offline kattiq

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #797 on: December 23, 2011, 09:39:50 AM »
So I finally just caught up from where I left off in your story! All your characters are so spunky!
Oh and I know it's been several months ago but Happy belated Birthday :)

Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #798 on: December 27, 2011, 05:58:54 PM »
Oh my goodness, I have been such a slacker about posting I can hardly believe it, though I'm only slacking on my online fun time because in my off line life I have been going what feels like 100 miles a minute.  Life has been super crazy! But enough about me, you're here to hear about the De D'Onlyn's right? So let's resume where we left off.

Happy Birthday Juxt and Welcome Back De'Onlyns!  *confetti*

I was thinking about you and Bebedora earlier today actually and was hoping everything was ok.  Especially since we patched this past week.  Glad to see everything is ok and extra happy to see you post.  I love the art studio.  Years of painting certainly did some wonders.

Thank you Rica, I was so happy when all those paintings were released from the purgatory of Draigoth's inventory, I practically did a happy dance.

Thank you Alexandria!

Thank you Thomas!

So I finally just caught up from where I left off in your story! All your characters are so spunky!
Oh and I know it's been several months ago but Happy belated Birthday :)

Thank you Kattiq, I'm finally catching up too :D  I write characters I like, and can relate to, which apparently is spunky, crazy, fun loving people, which when I look at my friends, seems to hold true :D

Bebedora: GG Grandpa Velmoor, you are really freaking me out! What is wrong with you?!
Velmoor: There's this spot on the wall, the spot is making me really thirsty, I need a drink or the spot will consume me!
Bebedora: That makes no sense, but I'll hurry your drink along just in case you're right like you normally are.

ME: Now that you've finished all but one skill challenge for mixology, it's time to start a career, what are you going to do!
Bebedora: I'm a rock star! OK, I'm a roadie right now, but I'm totally going to be a rock star!
ME: Well, they say attitude is a big predictor of success, so a rock star you shall be!

Bebedora: "On the road my friend, the road to rock and roll star-dom! Gonna shine cause I am young and talented, and I'm so glad to be a rock and roll star!"
ME: Not the best song I've ever heard, but I'm sure you'll have better material by the time they want you to perform.
Bebedora: What I can't hear ME, on account of my rocking!
ME: Yeah, you may want to turn that down before the family complains.
Bebedora: Huh? I didn't quite catch all that.
ME: *Sigh*

Quain: It's so nice to be out at night, it's so quite and peaceful.
ME: Don't look now, but I think your quite time is about to be quite disturbed!
Quain: Three ghosts! Oh my!

Velmoor: Help! Help! A dragon with tentacles is pulling me down this hole! Help me!
ME: Dragons don't have tentacles, I checked with someone.
Velmoor: It's a special dragon then, a tentacled one, just pull me up!
ME: Hmm, nope, you're going down the hole, hope you brought your dragon battling sword.
Velmoor: Oh no, I knew I forgot something in my laboratory! Ack! *falls in hole*
ME: Don't worry folks, he'll be OK, probably.

ME: OK, so maybe he's slight less than all right, but it's nothing a hot shower won't fix.
Velmoor: Next time you're fixing your own glitches, don't expect me to alter time for you after this!
ME: Pfft, if you wouldn't do it for me, you'd do it for your family, your bluffing!
Velmoor: Fine, then maybe I'll pull my family over to some other world, see if another watcher might look after their Sims better than you do ME, which is to say that they might not push me down a million and one holes just to see what happens!
ME: Good luck with that, and I'm taking you time machine away again.
Velmoor: Whatever, I'm making a new one then!
ME: Maybe I'll take that one too!
Velmoor: Then I'll just make more!
ME: Then I'll take your lab!
Velmoor: Then I'll crash your game, that would show you!
ME: Woah! Slow down there, you win! Don't even joke about doing that, I'm a little scared that you might be able to.
Velmoor: That's right, nobody messes with my lab! I've got plans you know, big plans! Big important plans!

Nyarah (Internal Monologue): He was such a sweet boy I bet, how did he get so crazy?
Velmoor: Out of the way family, I claim the shower as my own! I've been battling dragons, holes, and know it all humans, all day long.
Lynnore: Hmm, maybe I'll just go for a run, the house seems a little...
ME: Crowded with Velmoor's crazy?
Lynnore: Yeah, that works, I'll be back later tonight. *Jogs off*
ME: So Nyarah, what have you got there on the floor under the painting.
Nyarah: That is our family's only omni seed, there's no way for me to order more here in Bridgeport I'm hoping Velmoor can find a way to replicate them.
ME: I think Velmoor's up to something again, so I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for him to get to that.
Nyarah: *Sigh* I suppose it's no big deal, my garden is nice enough.

Nyarah: Move aside darling, I'm late for the set! I'll be playing a rock star tonight, and Bebedora was giving me advice and I got all caught up in the character.
Lynnore: Sure, it's just game day, it's not like I'm in a hurry too or anything, just thousands of fans waiting for me to lead the team to victory.

Next Time: (Which will hopefully be soon, but unfortunately I apparently can't guarantee that) Bebedora demonstrates how to make a flaming drink while looking super cool.
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
where the party never ends.

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #799 on: December 27, 2011, 06:03:53 PM »
Welcome back De D'Onlyns! I missed these guys. I think Bebedora will be a walk through the park to become Immortal. (If you don't count the loading time)
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Offline SassySimmer

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #800 on: December 29, 2011, 08:58:08 AM »
Fabulous update, as usual.  Oh how I have missed them :)
♫♪If life seems jolly rotten, there's something you've forgotten and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.  When you're feeling in the dumps, don't be silly chumps, just purse your lips and whistle that's the thing, and always look on the bright side of life......♪♫

Offline samoht04

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #801 on: December 29, 2011, 09:02:52 AM »
Haha! I really hope that Tris Jade ages as well as Velmoor did. If I find Tris a handful I probably couldn't cope with Velmoor!  ;D
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Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #802 on: December 29, 2011, 05:16:09 PM »
Author's Note: Two updates in the same week, now we're cooking!  I'll get back on track in no time at this rate!

Welcome back De D'Onlyns! I missed these guys. I think Bebedora will be a walk through the park to become Immortal. (If you don't count the loading time)

Thank you Gogowars, I think at nearly 2 hours of load screen they demand to be counted LOL. I start my game, then go do my chores. Bebedora does seem to be taking an easy walk towards immortality though. :)

Thank you SassySimmer!

Haha! I really hope that Tris Jade ages as well as Velmoor did. If I find Tris a handful I probably couldn't cope with Velmoor!  ;D

Thanks Tom, Tris will age just like fine wine, and not like milk I'm sure :D It takes a patient person to deal with Velmoor!
Velmoor: Well it takes even more patience to deal with ME.
Juxt: We were already saying that.
Velmoor: Not me, ME!
Juxt: You're just repeating yourself.
Velmoor: Argh!

Bebedora: I've got something to take your mind off your troubles GGG Grandpa Draigoth: Ta-Dah!
Draigoth: Wow, nothing inspires me more than pyrotechnics!
Bebedora: You think that now, but just wait until you taste it!

Velmoor (1): Never have I thought you see, that I would be so very thirsty:
Velmoor (2): That without a word my throat would scream, I need a drink so it would seem:
Velmoor (3): Help me quickly, lovely lady, for now even my voice is fading!
Bebedora: That's like the coolest way anyone has ever asked me for a drink, coming right up!

ME: *Shhh!* Sashyna is preparing ambrosia, she does it by hand, and every dish of it comes out perfect, but it requires a lot of her time and concentration.
Sashyna: I'm busy ME, go away, this is the tricky part!

Lynnore: Even as an elder, or maybe even more so now, it's important to stay very fit! I can't have a back spasm or a leg cramp on the field, so every day I do my exercises.
ME: Have you ever thought of hosting an exercise video?
Lynnore: I'm an athlete, not an actress! Oo, but maybe tell Nyarah, if she made a video, everyone would exercise more!

Bebedora: I can't believe you beat me mom! I beat GGGG Grandma Sashyna all the time!
Lynnore: She didn't grow up with this game, like you and I did, and I have years of practice at it.
Bebedora: Couldn't you just let me when, cause you like, love me?
Lynnore: No way! You won't appreciate your victory if I hand it to you on a plate young lady!

Velmoor (Internal Monologue): The things we've sacrificed for this dynasty, some days it feels like to much to give, for too little reward, I miss you auntie.
ME: That's sweet, and really deep.
Velmoor: You're spying, spying on my private thoughts, like fly on the wall of my brain, go away!
ME: And we're back to crazy.

Sashyna: ...then we go into the next bridge, your fans will love this!
Bebedora: Wow, who knew the world's best cook was also the world's best drum machine!
Sashyna: Drum machine? I don't think so young lady, I'm musician, just like you.
Bebedora: *Under breath* Yeah bang bang boom crash, real musical, *sigh.*

Music: We are the stars which sing, We sing with our light; We are the birds of fire, We fly over the sky. Our light is a voice; We make a road for the spirit to pass over.
ME: Everyone in this house understands the importance of just getting out and having an awesome time!

Next Time: Another room completed, another Immortal added, Lynnore crosses the biggest finish line of her life!
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
where the party never ends.

Offline TallStar

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #803 on: December 29, 2011, 06:27:05 PM »
Woot woot! Great to see the De D'Onlyns back in action!

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #804 on: December 29, 2011, 06:33:54 PM »
Just started reading this, so I'm only as far as Sashyna -- love your sense of humor!
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Offline kattiq

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #805 on: December 30, 2011, 09:17:37 AM »
Woohoo! Great update. I've always wanted to have one of my potential immortals learn an instrument for a super skill. I just dont know which instrument to Choose! I'll be looking forward to seeing your new immortal in the next update!!

Offline Katluvr

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #806 on: December 30, 2011, 11:12:21 AM »
Welcome back De D'Onlyns!  Awesome update as always!  I love how you get into Velmoor's head and make him come alive.  I'm nuttier than a fruitcake and still I couldn't find my insane sim's voice in my current dynasty.

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #807 on: December 30, 2011, 02:45:36 PM »
Yay, De D'Onlyns! I've missed you! (Two hour load time? Ugh. I got cranky at waiting 10 minutes for the Tanners....)
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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #808 on: December 30, 2011, 08:35:29 PM »
Thank you Gogowars, I think at nearly 2 hours of load screen they demand to be counted LOL. I start my game, then go do my chores.

Gah, and I thought the Conells were bad.  But I know what you mean about doing something else while the game loads.  I discovered it will load while minimized, so I often do other things online while waiting.

Bebedora does seem to be taking an easy walk towards immortality though. :)

That's good news! :)   Sasha's supermaxing mixology (partially inspired by Bebedora ;) ) and I'm also finding it easier then I thought it would be.

Offline samoht04

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #809 on: December 31, 2011, 04:52:41 AM »
Two Hours!!  :o I thought Pam's Dreamweaver's was only 45 Minutes.
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