Author Topic: De D'Onlyn Dynasty *Completed*  (Read 261792 times)

Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #780 on: September 01, 2011, 07:15:23 PM »
Author's Note: Sorry for the delay again, but this is the first time this week I got more than five hours of sleep, curse you insomnia!

Thank you Rachel!

Can I just say that I love how you dress your Sims, you make the Base Game clothes work on a Sim! I'm normally using Store or EP/SP Clothes! I just have to try and experiment more.  ;)

Thank you Thomas, I actually have a very few number of store items, I just don't have money to spend on getting more. Though I would love to. You know what they say, necessity is the mother of innovation :)

Lynnore (1): Sorry I have to go Louis just showed up, we have a date to go the movies tonight, bye Joy *click*
Louis (1): All these Sims around, I'm not going to make it through this movie without a snack! *Munch, munch*
Lynnore (2): Hi sweetie, I'm ready to see the movie *kiss*
ME: At least he's not one of those vampires who's constantly starving himself!

ME: I'm so jealous! Why don't townie houses get trashed when meteors land on their properties, they must have super powers since they're super stars! Lynnore found this one last night, but we can't get it since it's behind their privacy gate.

Mailwoman: And the princess hand said, oh thank you brave knight hand, for saving me from the horrible dragon!
Nyarah: That woman is crazy, how does she keep a job.
ME: The same way Velmoor does I guess.
Nyarah: Fair point.
Mailwoman: And the the knight hand said, don't worry fair maiden, I will always be there to save you!

Bebedora: I do not go out on the town to be depressed by my mom's friends passing away, I'm going to a different bar.
Grim: Oh come on Bebedora! Don't be like that! I just got here, don't leave!
Bebedora: Sorry Grim, it's nothing personal.
Grim: Aww, man, I wanted to party! Come on mortal, let's go.
ME: Someone is going to have to teach Bridgeport Sims how to dress, those two guys in the background are wearing the same outfit!

ME: That is a very, umm, yellow dress.
Lynnore: Yeah it's my new uniform as a world renown athlete!
ME: It matches your drink.
Lynnore: Yeah, after a long day working out while dressed like a Chiquita banana I could use a nice drink.
ME: I don't like the dress either.

Bebedora: How does "To Mackenzie: Our family's biggest fan, Love Bebedora" sound, will that be OK?
Mackenzie Sleep: Oh my gosh yes! Now I have to whole set, autographs from the entire family, my friends will be so jealous!

Elissa Kinkaid (1): Oh oww, my stomach is killing me! I guess I shouldn't have played drums in front of the house for so long!
Lynnore: Oh, hi Grim, welcome to our home. I don't suppose you're going to clean up after the vampire this time?
Grim: Nay Lynnore, house chores are not part of the Grim job description!

Elissa: Oh, my stomach hurts, and I'm so tired. I need to rest before I can move on.
ME: Wow, that is now the creepiest thing I've ever seen in Sims.
Elissa: Too tired to care... go away.

ME: Grim, can you please get the creepy vampire off my lawn.
Grim: Sure, sure, soon. First I need one of these awesome drinks!
ME: The only skill you need to be learning is ghost removal.
Grim: Oh, go call a paranormal investigator, I already helped her move on.
ME: Yeah, but not far enough! She's curled up on my lawn!

Next Time: Lynnore's Elder birthday, not long before she becomes an immortal now!
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
where the party never ends.

Offline ratchie

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #781 on: September 01, 2011, 07:23:48 PM »
That is really creepy. Maybe Grim needs to advertize for some help seems to me he just isn't up to the job anymore.

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Offline Gogowars329

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #782 on: September 02, 2011, 04:36:08 AM »
First, Congratulations on earning your Generations from Pam!

Now, 2 Townie kills in one update, life in Bridgeport is getting hectic! Mackenzie must be so excited on having all the autographs! Awesome update.
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Offline Sophie98

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #783 on: September 02, 2011, 08:36:23 AM »
Lynnore's dress is very yellow, isn't it? But apparently mustard yellow will be fashionable this autumn (fall to you Americans) so she could make it work!
Congratulations Mackenzie on the whole set of autographs! Whenever she's upset about vampirism, think about this: you'd never have managed 8 generations of autographs otherwise!
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Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #784 on: September 07, 2011, 05:51:18 PM »
Author's Note: Wowee! 20K views, all you readers are so awesome, cookie and *confetti* party at the De D'Onlyn house, and you're all invited!

That is really creepy. Maybe Grim needs to advertise for some help seems to me he just isn't up to the job anymore.


Thank you Rachel, maybe Rica's Artie Grim knows a few fellows who aren't too distracted to do their jobs.

Wanted: One grim who removes creepy ghosts from the lawn promptly! LOL

First, Congratulations on earning your Generations from Pam!

Now, 2 Townie kills in one update, life in Bridgeport is getting hectic! Mackenzie must be so excited on having all the autographs! Awesome update.

Thank you Gogowars, I'm very excited about my copy! It should be arriving very soon! You're not kidding about this file being hectic, fun fact: Did you know it takes over an hour for me to load this file at this point? No joke!

Lynnore's dress is very yellow, isn't it? But apparently mustard yellow will be fashionable this autumn (fall to you Americans) so she could make it work!
Congratulations Mackenzie on the whole set of autographs! Whenever she's upset about Vampirism, think about this: you'd never have managed 8 generations of autographs otherwise!

Thank you Sophie, it's too yellow, it's icky yellow and is the only uniform I'd really like to change, *blargh*! Mustard yellow will never be in fashion in my Bridgeport LOL! Oh Mackenzie is grumpy by nature, I think she wouldn't trade being a vampire for anything when you get right down to it.

Bebedora: Check out my mad skills!
ME: I was more checking the new look of your bar.
Bebedora: It may not match the room, but it's super awesome! Thank you!

Bebedora: You may have bigger muscles than me but that is not going to help you on the digital field.
Lynnore: Yeah, but I play to win, you'll receive no mercy on the field of battle!
Quain: Girls, this is a house, not a battle field play nice!
Lynnore & Bebedora: Aww, do we have to?

Lynnore: Hey handsome fellow, you better come inside before you burn right up.
Louis: I can't help it, you're just so hot!
Lynnore: Aww! I think that's the sun though.
Louis: I'm pretty sure you've got the sun beat.

Bebedora: The Prosper Room's secret drink recipes are now all in my brain. Time for a break.
ME: I find it interesting that your favorite color blends in so well with the color schemes of some of these clubs.
Bebedora: Well, who doesn't like turquoise.
ME: Well, ME really.
Bebedora: Good thing the architects who made this place don't agree with you ME, because I look awesome!

ME: What's up, not hungry for your favorite sandwich?
Lynnore: No, it's not that, it's just that I'm about to become an Elder.
ME: No party?
Lynnore: Nope, a lot of my recent parties have had no one show up, and I don't really want anyone to see me gain wrinkles until I know how I feel about becoming older.
ME: I understand, at least we know you'll still be in good shape after the sparkle confetti.
Lynnore: I better be!

Aeluna: Congratulations Lynnore! Happy birthday! You're as beautiful as the day you were born!
ME: And she would know, she was there for that.
Lynnore: Ugh, I don't like having gray hair though, where's the mirror!?

Lynnore: Now this is more like it!
ME: Purple is one of my favorite colors so dressing Lynnore up is always a treat.

Bebedora (Internal Monologue): I am now the Master of Mood, Bebedora, the Master! Yeah, I like the sound of that.

Bebedora: I remember back in the day when I would break some bottles, but keep practicing, I'm sure one day you'll be as good at bar tending as I am.
Mixologist: I'm twice your age, how are you so much better than me?
Bebedora: Same way you get to Carnegie Hall, practice practice practice!

Next Time: Velmoor defies physics (so what else is new?) and Grim keeps super busy!
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
where the party never ends.

Offline ratchie

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #785 on: September 08, 2011, 04:57:01 AM »
Great update as usual I almost don't want this dynasty to end.

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #786 on: September 09, 2011, 08:36:16 PM »
Die and learn? By far my favorite quote hahaha. I'm really glad no Rocko's were hurt.  Happy birthday Lynnore! Wow, way to go Lynn, in the hot tub. "Training" him my llama!! Congrats on the nooboo! Haha I know me as well as you know me is hilarious!! Seriously, lock the gate! Stupid paps always in your house and in their business! Dumb robber. Don't they ever learn? A nice house + lots of valuables inside = burglar alarm!! DUH! Less talking more eating? Haha I guess nooboo is putting in his/her words there! Lynn, Velmoor may be crazy, but he's not this time. Sunset Valley really does exist. I was just there this afternoon!! I hope it's not a troubled birth. Congratulations on your immortality Nyarah! You deserve it. I don't believe that this time Velmoor. I think it was the other way around. You did nothing while Juxt about tore her hair out to save your family. :D Welcome little Bebedora! What an odd and awesome name! Happy birthday Bebedora she is beautiful!! The dancing skeletons are hilarious! Where did you get them??  I'm aware I can't hear Velmoor, but I think he has a good voice lol. Lynn does too! So he breaks in right behind a cop? How dumb is that?? I thought he couldn't get dumber but I was wrong! Go Nyarah! Kick that guys bottom! Yeah!! Wowza I just now came across a comment of mine I made when I thought I hadn't commented in forever. No matter, even though I said some of the things I did in this comment, I'm gonna leave it cause most of it is different! Skinny dipping Quain is hilarious! Mackenzie does look good as a consignment specialist! Much better than a paparazzi. *shudder* Velmoor is so awesome, hopefully Louis listens lol. Congrats to Velmoor on making 250 widgets! You're so right Juxt, if I had a cutie like Bebedora I'd have biceps the size of Sunset Vally! Haha. Happy birthday Bebedora she's an adorable child! Remind me not to crash a De D'Onlyn party! Yikes lol. RIP party crasher! Grim on a trampoline is about as hilarious as Grim in a hot tub!! Congrats Quain on catching 100 deathfish! Velmoor is hilarious. I think his twisted sense of humor comes from none other than Juxt herself! ;D Happy birthday Bebedora, and passing out in your own urine has got to be the worst thing in the world. Poor lil vampy! I love her new outfits. Also, if the music is too loud, you're too old. Turn it up Bebedora!! Happy birthday Lynn! Yay for Mackenzie working with Nyarah!! Congrats on the llamas shutout! The Buckeyes had a shut out 42-0 last Saturday! YAY! I can't believe Louis turn vamp without consulting his girlfriend! So not cool!! I'm glad she's ok with it though haha. True, he won't die anytime soon! Yay for Lynn!! Yep Velmoor is right this time. We are watching you Bebedora and you're doing an awesome job!! That book does look cool! Dumb burglar. Do they ever smarten up? Well I guess if they did it wouldn't be as funny haha. Happy birthday again Bebedora! She's gorgeous!! Those gnomes are hilarious!! Congrats on getting your LTW Lynn! Louis did it for Lynn and Bebedora how romantic! Congrats on your LTW Bebedora! Thank goodness that Louis is smart enough to keep plasma fruit handy! I hate the stupid ones that just stand there and die!! Uh yeah, like Elissa lol. Over an hour to load? Oh my. I hope I have the patience to deal with that when I'm on generation 8!! Notice I said when? I have faith I tell ya!!
"Lynnore: Hey handsome fellow, you better come inside before you burn right up. Louis: I can't help it, you're just so hot! Lynnore: Aww! I think that's the sun though. Louis: I'm pretty sure you've got the sun beat."
That has got to be the most romantic thing I've read in a long time!!
Happy birthday Lynn! You are a beautiful elder!! Awesome updates, and I'm really sorry I haven't been commenting. I had been going through some personal stuff, then when that was over, I couldn't really remember what page I was on, as proven by the comment I made before I thought I had commented haha, and plus since Carl changed the post numbers, it became very confusing! Same way with all the stories I used to read, I'm going to try to read one a day til I get caught back up though. I'm really sad/happy you've gotten this far. Happy cause it's an awesome story, but sad it's almost over. About the way I felt when the Dreamweaver's ended. Sorry for the mini-novel, but I've got my handy notepad to keep track of everything I missed.  ;D

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Offline Serena Darrin

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #787 on: September 11, 2011, 11:59:32 PM »
I like Lynnore's new outfit, and you can tell her that I don't see any wrinkles.

And congrats on making the Master of Mood, that one's hard and rather time-consuming.

A quick question, where did you get the pattern on Lynnore's pants in sleepwear? I really like it!

Offline Sophie98

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #788 on: September 12, 2011, 02:01:59 AM »
I'm not Juxt, but I think that pattern in 'In the Pink', by Gheez. It has been recoloured. You can download it from the Swap Shop.
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Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #789 on: September 15, 2011, 06:00:24 PM »
Great update as usual I almost don't want this dynasty to end.


Thank you Rachel, at this point, I can't wait for the Dynasty to end! It takes forever to load, and is starting to get a bit laggy even for my high end PC! But don't you worry, my plans for the De D'Onlyns have extended far past the end of the Dynasty.

Thank you Esther, I usually quote comments but goodness, that's quite the wall of text!  :o  Thank you for taking the time to read my story still, and for writing so many kind things! That comment really made my day!

I like Lynnore's new outfit, and you can tell her that I don't see any wrinkles.

And congrats on making the Master of Mood, that one's hard and rather time-consuming.

A quick question, where did you get the pattern on Lynnore's pants in sleepwear? I really like it!

Thank you Serena Darrin, master of mood actually took me less time than professor of drinks did, poor Bebedora was forced to go out and party every night for weeks! Weeks! Don't we all feel so sorry for her? LOL No of course not, I know she enjoyed every minute of it. Sophie is exactly right, that pattern is a recolor of Gheez's In the Pink pattern, which I downloaded a long time ago, and really love!

I'm not Juxt, but I think that pattern in 'In the Pink', by Gheez. It has been recolored. You can download it from the Swap Shop.

Thank you Sophie, you're exactly right, good eye!

Velmoor: Look what I pulled out of this tiny hole in the ground!
ME: There's no way you pulled that huge meteor out of that mining tunnel.
Velmoor: Ha ha! My powers are increasing, I can do things even ME thinks are impossible! Mwa-ha-ha!
ME: Curb the evil laugh, or I'll take away your time machine.
Velmoor: I would just make another, my plans are too near completion for even you to stop them, ME!

Louis: Oh no! This lady needs emergency care, she's a ghost!
Nyarah: But I'm not an emergency personnel, I just play one on TV!
Ghost: There's never a real doctor around when you need one.

Bebedora: So you're saying that mood will affect the flavor of this recipe?
Mixologist: Yeah pretty lady! You gotta be upbeat or this fizzy drink just won't fizz!
Bebedora: I don't believe you.
Mixologist: Well you try it yourself you'll see!

Mixologist: With Louis and Mackenzie here, you'd think this was Plasma 501, but the color scheme is all wrong for a vamp bar.
Louis: Well even a vampire can get bored with all the dark and red, blood and death, sometimes we need some brightness and fun!
Mixologist: Fine with me De D'Onlyn family establishments have a strict 'No Discrimination' Policy.

ME: Oh gracious! That lady has absolutely no fashion sense! Ack!
Bebedora: Be nice, she taught me the last recipe I need to become the Professor of Drinks!
ME: I'm sure Quain will be so proud.
Bebedora: I'm not a teaching professor, so probably not anymore so than usual. I don't like this club, it's dark and boring.
ME: Hmm, well, maybe we'll just have to do something about that, you and I.

ME: So, umm, what are you doing?
Bebedora: Now that I've mostly super maxed mixology, it's time to start a career.
ME: So you're at the theater? Going to be a projectionist?
Bebedora: Hah! No, I'm going to be a Rock Star! Well, soon anyway, just like usual you have to start at the bottom.

Lynnore: So you're not going to just leave this one on the floor, right? Going to be a winner and take it with you.
Grim: Yes yes! I won't be leaving the vampire ghost on the front lawn again, I get the picture.
Lynnore: Good, it's bad enough loosing a friend of the family, we don't need the constant creepy reminder.
Grim: I got it, I got it!

Grim: But she never said I couldn't have a good time after work was done, these new video games are fantastic!

Next Time: The gallery get stuffed with art! Finally! Plus dancing, vampires, medicine, you know, all the normal stuff, or as normal as things ever get in this neck of the woods.
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
where the party never ends.

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #790 on: September 15, 2011, 07:04:16 PM »
Did the first ghost ever go away?
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Offline Gogowars329

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #791 on: September 16, 2011, 02:56:11 AM »
Happy Birthday Lynnore! You'll be Immortal soon, I have a very good feeling about it. I too will miss this story when it goes...

Velmoor, Nyarah, Louis and Bebedora in one update means an awesome update!
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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #792 on: September 20, 2011, 04:39:28 AM »
I just caught up on everything I've missed, and it's still just as fantastic as always!
You're so extremely close now, Juxt!

Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #793 on: October 24, 2011, 04:56:23 PM »
Author's Note: My latest projects have been kicking my glutes! But it's my birthday, I have the day off, and I am going to Sim!  Hopefully I will at least be able to post one or two more updates this week, and hopefully things will calm down for me soon.

Did the first ghost ever go away?

Thank you Simstar, yes the creepy vamp ghost went away, but not until six the next morning, it was eerie! Needless to say I removed that tombstone from my property promptly, I do not want creepy ghosts around!

Happy Birthday Lynnore! You'll be Immortal soon, I have a very good feeling about it. I too will miss this story when it goes...

Velmoor, Nyarah, Louis and Bebedora in one update means an awesome update!

Thank you Gogowars, I have a good feeling too!  :D

I just caught up on everything I've missed, and it's still just as fantastic as always!
You're so extremely close now, Juxt!

Thank you Alexandria, I am so close, I want to sprint to the finish line, but I don't want to rush, it's very conflicting LOL

Music: For my two left feet And our two hearts beatin´ Nobody´s gonna see us go crazy. So baby why don´t we just dance
ME: Sashyna is obviously enjoying herself at the Grind. Nobody stops her from dancing!

ME: When one of the more recent patches came out, all the artwork in Draigoth's inventory suddenly became unlocked, and I could finally do what I wanted with the art gallery! Here's the downstairs entry hallway.

ME: Here's directly upstairs from the entry. As you can see I had been saving art for a long time, I'm very glad to finally be able to display it as I had always intended to.

ME: And following the wall around the corner. Now the art gallery actually has art in it! Woo!

Velmoor: See it's just a little shot, nothing to worry about.
Vampire: And you're saying this will cure my incontinence and passing out issues.
Velmoor: I can't give you a guarantee of that, but it definitely will help, come to another clinic if your issues start to flare up again.

Draigoth: Now this is a real stage, it's as flashy as we are!
ME: Well, maybe not quite that flashy really.

Sashyna: This place is dead quiet, even most of our family couldn't make it tonight, I was hoping the three star remodel would bring in the customers.
Draigoth: If you play it, they will come!
Quain: Evidence currently suggests that that is not the case.

Brennan Sleep (Internal Monologue): My brother, sister and I are really getting on in years, I wonder if we could unlock the secrets of whatever keeps the De D'Onlyns so young and lively, we know for sure it isn't Vampirism, maybe it's this eerie green goop?
Velmoor: Don't worry sir, this injection will keep you immunized against all sorts of common infections, suck as the dreaded llama tail.

Next Time: Velmoor gives the serious crazy eyes, it's too much craziness for just one man!
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
where the party never ends.

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: De D'Onlyn Dynasty
« Reply #794 on: October 24, 2011, 05:09:16 PM »
Happy Birthday Juxt and Welcome Back De'Onlyns!  *confetti*

I was thinking about you and Bebedora earlier today actually and was hoping everything was ok.  Especially since we patched this past week.  Glad to see everything is ok and extra happy to see you post.  I love the art studio.  Years of painting certainly did some wonders.
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