No, Mackenzie, NOO! Don't do this!
I'm anticipating and interesting teenager-hood for Lynnore later on, Miss Rebellious. 
Thank you TallStar, I don't think she'll be rebellious so much as... slightly over-enthusiastic perhaps. But it should be fun to write, and I hope fun to read. *Sigh* Mackenzie, how could she do this to us!
Oh no! No! Mackenzie is a paparazzi! 
I am very sad.
Nyarah, that little girl will be rebellious, 'cause we readers vote yes! 
Awesome update, great job, Juxt!
Thank you Chronic, Mackenzie's fate is indeed dire, more so than any could have predicted, I was so upset when she showed up and started taking pictures etc. If she gets creepy and breaks into my house, than I will really write her off. Ultimately, Lynnore will be who she is, and that's as
I say she will be

ME: Yeah right, like you're really in charge here.
Juxt: Shut it you, I am, if I don't like it, I don't write it!
ME: You do realize you're arguing with yourself right?
Juxt: You got a problem with that ME? Oh wow, I've been spending too much time thinking as Velmoor I think LOL
Go rebellious Lynnore! 
A paparazzi! Shock and horror! 
Woo, go Juxt for great update! 
Thank you MissMaths, it's funny how much you all want Lynnore to be rebellious, it makes me chuckle. I was certainly shocked and appalled, who wants to be a paparazzi anyway, weirdo vampires.
I am jealous of the number of paparazzi you've had drop dead on your doorstep.
...and that's worse than anything I ever imagined Mackenzie actually doing.
Thank you Cathyknits, it is kinda funny how they keep dying at my dynasty house, you'd think it was something I was doing, but it's totally not! *Walks away whistling innocently*
Mackenzie is a paparazzi!! I don't think I can read this anymore! Jokes!
Lynnore is juxt the cutest!
Thank you Gogowars, I hope that the uncontrolled fate of a NPC wouldn't chase you away! *hugs* Did you use my handle on purpose, or was that just another awesome-sauce typo? Either way it made me smile LOL
Oh, a cookie for me! -dances, chews-
Mackenzie how could you?!
Lynnore is so cute. Just like you said. And hmm, Reaper Ted, I will have to see what Artie can get us on him!
Thank you Ricalynn, I figure Velmoor must have peeked over to look at Artie brain, or files or something, because he came through his dimension portal muttering, "I can tell them apart now, and Ted Grim is going to pay!" Mackenzie the betrayer, that's what she is LOL At least she's around the house a lot now.
Velmoor: Artie can send me all the info he has, I would appreciate it, but no matter what, I've seen the future, and that Grim has a date with a sore bottom!
Regarding Pam's post: She brings up an excellent point, which I haven't wanted to bring up because I'm not a moderator, and wouldn't want to be. I love, love,
love all the support you guys offer, it has really made writing this project a treat, but please make extra sure to follow forum rules too. Remember, caps only when appropriate, try not to overuse emoticons, give a brief check for any glaring spelling errors, and only post if you have something you'd like to say beyond "RIP" "Great Job" "Welcome" I know how much you want to be supportive, and that's super awesome, I would throw you all a big Sims style party if I could, but I don't want anyone getting in trouble for trying to be nice to me, that would make me sad. If you don't remember all the forum rules, remember, Pam has them linked in her signature.
Oh man Mackenzie! How dare you?? Also didn't you mean Lynnore when teaching her to talk? Considering Nyarah is a mother, she should already know how to talk right?
I wish my paparazzi problems could be solved like yours! 
Thank you Esther, I can't believe I missed that, I double proof read, but sometimes things still sneak past me *sigh* It's like I have a paparazzi death trap on my front door, it's uncanny!
Maybe this is her payback for the unrequitted love overclouding her long existance as a vampire.
Lynnore is absolutely adorable! Can I have a toddler like that too please?
I had to edit this because I mixed up Lynnore and Nyarah's name. I have said it before and I will say it again; I am terrible with names. And Lynnore really does like a lot like a toddler-Nyarah!
Thank you Phyre, yeah, three generations of wanting something you can never have must be unpleasant, but Velmoor's heart will always belong to Allison. Most toddlers look alike to me, but no one is wondering if Nyarah and Lynnore are close family, that's for sure! Don't worry, I had to edit my story post because I mixed up their names too, so you're in good company.
Uh-oh. Mackenzie really did turn to the dark side!
Lynnore is adorable.
Thank you Alexandria, I know, who could imagine a more terrible fate than a cherished family friend becoming *dramatic sting music* a paparazzi! No, it can not be! LOL Lynnore is quite the cutie, she's a lot of fun to dress up too.

Nyarah: So tell me again how you caught that purse snatcher.
Miguel: Well, a lady in distress yelled for help, and I was the closest officer, so I chased him and...
Nyarah: Oh, so brave *kiss*
Woohooium: *Glow, heart, glow, glow*

ME: Here's Deidre Littler, Romeo's second girlfriend, and mother of two of his four children, and Malcolm De D'Onlyn, who unfortunately recently passed away, childless *sigh*. I love my active graveyard, it's so awesome! The way some of you like the dancing Sim montages, I like my ghosts! Doesn't Malcolm look like a surprisingly happy ghost?

Quain: Oh Susie, I wish I could know for sure you're in a wonderful place, I wish I could talk to you.
ME: Quain spends more time in the graveyard than any of my Sims of course, so this isn't the only time I've caught him going off to mourn for his lost love.

ME: Mr Baer the vampire show that no Sim understands the life of an Immortal better than those of the vampiric persuasion. To have loved and lost is indeed better than to have never loved, but losing still sucks.

Velmoor: I have a new medicine, I'm not precisely sure what it might do, but I think it's good.
Miguel: Yeah, sorry, I'm gonna need more information before I just take some pill, who knows what it might do?!
ME: Wow, someone actually rejecting Velmoor's medicines, that's nearly a first!

ME: The Incarnations rocking at Plasma 501! A good time was had by all.
Quain: Hey you can actually see me in this picture.
ME: It's not my fault you're always hiding behind your piano in the band photos.
Quain: Sure it's the fault of the other people who take the photos, no, that's just you.
ME: That's enough lip from you mister, go back to your performance.

Aeluna: OK you read this page, then I'll read the next.
ME: Parenthood may be awesome, but being a G2 Grandmother means you can have all the fun, and less of the responsibility.

Sashyna: Really, I'm burying a hole, how is that news?
Paparazzi: Velmoor said you insisted he bury his own holes, was that false?
Sashyna: That's his adventure holes, this one was empty, I don't need another transit tunnel.
Paparazzi: What happens on an underground adventure?
Sashyna: I don't know, I've never been on one, go ask Velmoor and leave me be!
Next Time: Police promotions and paparazzi.