Awesome update! A baby is in there? Really, I thought she gained alot of weight haha.
Thank Esther
From Velmoor: Are you calling my wife fat?! Put em' up, I'm may be pixelated but I'm still a scrapper
Haha, I love the woohoonium effects
I can't wait to see the nooboo!
Thank you kattiq, I at first didn't know about them until I read Pam's dynasty, I pick up a lot of little tricks from these stories.
Allison: I know we've already interacted about this baby, but I wanted to tell you, I'm pregnant! I can't wait to buy baby shoes!
Velmoor: I can't wait, tiny little feet!
ME: Kinda weird that you can still announce pregnancy when the other Sim should really know by now.
ME: A new night time view of the Bridgeport skyline, no wallpaper could compare!
Draigoth: Oh gosh, oh gosh it's time isn't it, it's time! Oh no, oh no!
Allison: Calm down Draigoth, I'm giving birth, not exploding!
Allison(1): Oh, this hurts a bit more than I thought it would.
Allison(2): Just focus on tiny feet, and buying tiny shoes, I can get through this. Velmoor get in here!
ME: What is with Allison and thinking about baby shoes?!
Velmoor: OH MY GOSH!!! You are having a baby, what do I do? What do I do? Call the stork, bring me a cabbage!
Allison: You are no help, no wonder you nearly failed your gynecology rotation.
ME: So Allison steps outside, thinking she might go to the hospital, but then thinks better of it.
Allison(1): This is a big one, I don't think I can take much more!
Allison(2): Huh? Sparkles, none of my baby books warned me about awesome sparkles!
Allison(3): My son! We have a son, welcome to the world baby Quain!
Aeluna: I get to be a grandma now, all of the spoiling, and no more of the burden than I feel like taking on. Who's a cute little nooboo!
Velmoor: I just finished this multi dimensional communicator, I was hoping to make contact with another Sim world, can you tell me who I'm talking to? Can you hear me now?
Sashyna: Ten little fingers, everything in the right place, yup, you are the perfect little 2G Grandson.
Author's Note: G = Great, 2G = Great great. This will be my continuing method of typing these, just so you know.
Next Time: The family bonds with their joyous arrival.