Author Topic: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge - on hold) Graveyard please  (Read 5169 times)

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.4: What's in a Name?
« Reply #15 on: November 06, 2021, 10:24:45 AM »
It is impossible for Rapunzel to make ugly kids. They are all adorable.

LOL! Woohoo in a rocket? That is some style right there.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 2.1: Plans, What Plans?
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2021, 02:02:59 PM »
Rapunzel in Pity Me 2.1: Plans, What Plans?

Aroha: Summer starts well with Cerys aging up and, like me, she loses her long hair in favour of a short cut.

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But soon something very sad happens. Dad lived a good life, topping his eSports career so quickly. He was a (very) loving husband to mum and a great dad to the 4 of us. We're all sad and mum is devastated.

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Cerys and I have the same taste in PJs although I favour navy and she prefers a cornflower blue

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I finally max my Teen: Retail career and quit straight away. I’m too tired to plan everyone’s outfits now but look out for them in the following photos.

Big bro Gerwyn has been working hard on his career but also on his fitness levels

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I think that gave him enough confidence to flirt with Summer Holiday when she turned up angry on Love Day. She really wasn’t in the mood and was beginning to hate him by the time she left. She kept coming back though and I think Ger wore her down

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Watcher: I think it’s cute and he really likes her – still no family planning available….
Aroha: I know. The next time Summer comes over, she has some news to share – look at that little baby bump!
Ger is so happy he pops the question. Will he go and live with her when he’s allowed to move out?
Watcher: That’s the current plan!

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Aroha: Hey – where’s my birthday photo? I know I don’t change much but really!
Watcher: Outwardly you don’t change but you’re watching a lot of romance on the TV these days!
Aroha: And reading those bodice-rippers that no-one else looks at!
Watcher: (making notes – perfect to bring in the next gen…)
Rapunzel: Ah – ooo – my back!
Watcher: Lovely Rapunzel – all those pregnancies couldn’t keep you young forever. You’re still rocking that sporty outfit. We’ll keep that one but maybe adjust your wardrobe for your new slouchy look.

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Aroha: The next time Summer shows up, she is heavy with child and I mean heavy! Watcher, I think she’s going to have it here!
Watcher: Oh no! That’s happened before and everything got in a pickle – what to do?
Aroha: Gerwyn can’t help himself – here comes the wedding confetti – she’s moving in!

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And that evening, Ash joins our family!
Watcher: That was not the plan! Don’t you want a family, Aroha?
Aroha: A bit of a love-life, yes! Kids? I suppose…if they come along…
I think, with Summer not working while breast-feeding and mum not working, the budget’s getting a bit tight. I’m going to take a part-time job just for now. I can’t re-take my Retail career – I’m going diving for treasure! You’d think I’d wait until I got to work before donning my flippers!

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Two more birthdays. Freya becomes a creative teen – just look at her given style – no makeover for that outfit!

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And adorable Ash becomes an inquisitive toddler – look at those chubby cheeks! Time for Summer to get a job!

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Aroha: All these men coming round…and I get my pick?
Watcher: Not exactly – we just need to make sure Cerys meets this one…you can have your pick of the others….you still not wanting kids?
Aroha: Ooh Marcus, what big muscles you have….!

Status – Year 2: End of Summer (the season, not the Sim!)

Gen 1
Rapunzel Middlemas (elder): Cheerful, Creative, Loves Outdoors; Renaissance achieved; Culinary - Chef career topped; unemployed
Akira Kibo (deceased)

Gen 2
Gerwyn (young adult): Self-Assured, Dog Lover, Adventurous; Academic; Secret Agent: Diamond Agent level 8; married to…
Summer Holiday (young adult): Active, Cheerful, Outgoing; Master Chef; Athlete career level 2
Aroha (young adult): Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured, Romantic; Master Chef; Teen Career – Retail topped; Diver career – level 3 (no associated restrictions)
Cerys (teen): Proper, Squeamish; Successful Lineage
Freya (teen): Mean, Creative; Leader of the Pack

Ash (toddler): Inquisitive

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Cerys’ squeamish trait is a nuisance. She doesn’t like being in the same room as the frogs or doing any cleaning. She also seems to lose hygiene more quickly – tricky if I wanted her to get fit in a household with no showers or baths.

So sad to see Akira die. He very kindly left his urn in a helpful position.

The plan was for Gerwyn to father a couple of children with Summer and then move out to be with her once he topped his Diamond Agent career but I think my Primitive Methodist ancestry kicked in so he “made an honest woman” of her (such an unfashionable attitude).

Ash is short for Asher and means “joy” in Hebrew.

Summer Holiday has always been a conundrum to me. Her aspiration is culinary but she’s active so she’s perfect for the Bodybuilder career which Cerys’s squeamish knack of low hygiene makes unattractive.

I thought Aroha would make a great mum with good traits to pass on and Cerys wants at least one child for her aspiration but…plans change. What will Autumn bring?

During this season, I again got a bug when people would go out to school/work and immediately return. Googling for an answer, I "planned outfits" and changed all of Freya's everyday outfit and hairstyle to basegame options. I left Cerys's alone. They then both went off to school as normal. I'm not sure if it was changing the outfit or whether I just needed to go into the planning to reset it. I'm going to change Freya's look back because it was awesome so I hope it works!

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 2.2: Love the One You’re With
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2021, 11:27:39 AM »
Rapunzel in Pity Me 2.2: Love the One You’re With

Aroha: Look who keeps coming to call; so big and strong and easy on the eyes…

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While we’re billing and cooing, Cerys goes outside to look at something. I’m not sure what she’s done to get their attention other than age up to a young adult and become a writer. Maybe those aliens want to be interviewed for a story!

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I make Ash a chocolate cake for his birthday. He loves being around lots of people just like his mum Summer.

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Freya ages up too! She starts joining me in reading those romances and watching them on TV. She’s started a job but she looks a bit shifty when I ask about it.
She’s not mean most of the time but I do catch her knocking seven bells out of Unicorn sometimes – I’d better check his stitching!

Oh mama – no! What will we do without you? I can’t believe you spent your last few hours binding a Book of Life to Ash and now you’re gone?

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Such sad timing – Ger comes home with his last promotion. He says the streets are now clear of Zombies now and we can travel anywhere. We can even move out if we want to.
If it was only a few hours earlier, mama could’ve moved out to live a long life elsewhere!

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The whole house goes into mourning. Maybe that was why I take some comfort where it’s freely available or maybe I’m as romantic as dad was but teatime on Sunday I realize I’m eating for two! I’m really pleased – it helps me get over losing mum. I call over Marcus to tell him. His immediate response? He tells me that he’s non-committal without me even asking! I don’t want him to move in or anything but he could be a bit more supportive or even subtle!

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He does make up for it by fixing the stove. Maybe think I’ll forgive him!

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When I tell Cerys my news, she gets a far-away look in her eyes and starts talking about being ambitious for a successful lineage. She also goes a bit quiet when she sees Summer serenading Gerwyn at breakfast out of the blue

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Anyway, long story short, she invites Aiden McCartney over and this happens!

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We’re all thrilled for Cerys but she doesn’t invite him to live here…something about long-term plans and no breaks at work… She goes off to work pretty happy and comes back in a new outfit – she really rocks that journalist look

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The night I’m in my 3rd trimester, mums ghost shows up. She looks so happy to feel my bump – it makes me think everything will be OK

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And, of course, the highlight of this season – I get my own sweet, green-eyed nooboo – Joy. And she is! Into everything and so cute in her own choice of clothes

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Marcus sends Joy a wooden duck which is sweet of him. He pops round as well for a cuddle and some playtime. Maybe he will be part of our story….especially as he gave us all a green-eyed present!

Status – Year 2: End of Autumn

Gen 1

Rapunzel Middlemas (deceased)

Gen 2
Gerwyn (adult): Self-Assured, Dog Lover, Adventurous; Academic; Secret Agent: Diamond Agent topped; married to…
Summer Holiday (young adult): Active, Cheerful, Outgoing; Master Chef; Athlete career level 7
Aroha (young adult): Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured, Romantic; Master Chef; Teen Career – Retail topped; unemployed
Cerys (young adult): Proper, Squeamish, Ambitious; Writer – Journalist level 8; Successful Lineage
Freya (young adult): Mean, Creative, Romantic; Criminal level 5; Leader of the Pack

Marcus Flex (young adult): Active, Bro, Non-committal; lover of Aroha; not in household
Aiden McCartney (young adult): Art-lover, Freegan, Neat; husband of Cerys; not in household

Ash (child of Gerwyn & Summer): Outgoing; Artistic Prodigy completed
Joy (toddler of Aroha & Marcus Flex): Inquisitive

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The end of an era with Rapunzel now gone. I have loved journeying with her. Having got the Renaissance Aspiration, she wrote 4 books of life and bound them to all the girls plus Ash. I believe a Sim reading them while that Sim is at work should help with their mood/promotion but I may be wrong about that. I’ve tried it a few times and not noticed a significant improvement.

Yes, Gerwyn does have BO in his last promotion shot but I thought he deserved a photo anyway, even though it was a couple of hours too late to save Rapunzel (I have aging off for NPCs so she could’ve moved out)

Playing with genetics to keep green eyes in the family is a thing in my real life too – at least that might have been why I fell for my green-eyed husband! Aroha and Marcus both have green eyes so Joy was almost guaranteed to have them.

Cerys wants a child for her aspiration but she is Proper so I thought it only right that she marries the future father. The journalist career doesn’t have 2 days off together at some levels so she’s had to wait (only breast-feeding until Mixology is cleared)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 2.3: Comings & Goings
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2021, 10:52:11 AM »
Rapunzel in Pity Me 2.3: Comings & Goings

Aroha: Cerys finally gets a work pattern with 3 consecutive days-off and works out when to call Aiden over for a booty call – with 7 people already in our house, it’s pretty clear that the first attempt is successful but they still go for the 50k high club, just to be sure.

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While Cerys works hard at her journalism, my little bundle of Joy ages up to a pretty cool child – very keen on exercising but aspiring to be creative too.

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Cerys gives birth to sweet Allegra. With 3 days off in a row, the breastfeeding is no problem. Toddler Allegra definitely has her own style – the headscarf is a real 70s throwback!

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I can’t believe it! The first day back and Cerys tops her Journalist career! She’s managed to get articles to people outside Glassbolt and they send people in to sort out our sewerage system plus we finally get family planning clinics! I’ll just give Marcus a ring…..

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Ash ages to teen and looks so like his Dad. Not a bad-looking lad but even though he’s keen to exercise with Summer’s mentoring, Ger’s fat genes are not doing him any favours!

I know Gerwyn was born way before us but he seems to be aging really quickly. With his elder birthday looming, he decides to move out to Summer’s old house. We don’t know Travis & Liberty  that well – they never really visited Summer when she moved in but they don’t seems to mind Ger being there. He keeps popping back - to see Summer & Ash I guess.

Ash is now the only male in the house so he moves up to sleep in his parents bed and Summer moves down to share a room with Joy. I don’t think she’s happy about it but teen Ash sharing with his cousin Joy wasn’t really appropriate!

With a bit more room and I’m still not working, I decide another baby would be fun and Marcus is happy to oblige. He’s been spending some quality time with Joy and has realised I’m not after any commitments from him. He seems genuinely happy, if a little shocked, when I tell him I’m expecting again

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After mentoring us at every chance she got, Summer finally tops her Bodybuilder career. She creates an amazing workout routine that gets everyone doing planks and burpies. We get a proper sized dining table and sofa to celebrate but Summer moves straight out to live out her days with Ger. I’m not surprised – she didn’t like the new sleeping arrangements plus she was always very happy with her looks and wouldn’t want to age…

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So that’s just 6 of us left in the house: Ash, 4 girls plus my bump! Can’t wait to meet my nooboo. We’ve only got 2 incomes now but I think we’ll cope.

Sunday morning and Freya gets back from her night shift and tells us that she’s got to upgrade things as part of her work. That’s absolutely fine by me, girl!

Status – Year 2: End of Winter

Gen 2

Aroha (young adult): Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured, Romantic; Master Chef; Teen Career – Retail topped; unemployed; pregnant
Cerys (young adult): Proper, Squeamish, Ambitious; Successful Lineage; Writer – Journalist topped
Freya (young adult): Mean, Creative, Romantic; Leader of the Pack; Criminal level 8

Gerwyn (adult): Self-Assured, Dog Lover, Adventurous; Academic; Secret Agent: Diamond Agent topped; not in household
Summer Holiday (adult): Active, Cheerful, Outgoing; Friend of the World; Athlete – Bodybuilder topped; not in household
Marcus Flex (young adult): Active, Bro, Non-committal; lover of Aroha; not in household
Aiden McCartney (young adult): Art-lover, Freegan, Neat; husband of Cerys; not in household

Ash (teen of Gerwyn & Summer): Outgoing, Active; Friend of the Animals
Joy (child of Aroha & Marcus Flex): Active; Artistic Prodigy achieved
Allegra (toddler of Cerys & Aiden): Inquisitive

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Allegra means "joyful" in musical terms.

I'm not sure why we're getting mainly girls (apart from the first-born in each gen). My pregnant sims are not eating strawberries or watching anything specific on TV. Radios aren't allowed yet so that's not a factor. There's room in the household for Aroha to be carrying twins, green-eyed hopefully - time will tell! Freya will not be having children. Even though I'm quite fond of her sassy style, I really don't want to pass her mean genes on.

I’d previously thought Summer Holiday’s aspiration was Master Chef but it’s actually Friend of the World. Sorry if I confused anyone.

With aging off for all but the active household, it's nice to move people out and know they'll not age. Plus I don't have to worry about running out of young adults later on in this challenge. The downside is that there's less surprises and child friends don't age up with my sims.  I might change it at some point.

There have been over 250 views of my little story which can't all be me spell-checking, so "thank you" for reading.

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 2.4: Just Beat It!
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2021, 03:08:59 PM »
Rapunzel in Pity Me 2.4: Just Beat It!

Aroha: Allegra ages up wearing the same brown bunny nightwear as Joy but they have different daytime looks

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My nooboo arrives not much later. Not twins, thank goodness, but green-eyed, dark-haired Felix – my little angel.

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And then Joy ages up with a strong Roman nose which needs a bit of hair-styling to make more stunning. I'm not sure where that feature crept in!

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She immediately takes a break from scouts to take up babysitting which she tops in one weekend, researching and publicising radically effective childcare and allowing parents to direct how their children develop.

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Ash ages up to a cheerful young adult. With maxed fitness already, he's a natural for the Astronaut career.
Freya has spent most of the Spring upgrading all the plumbing. Even the penguin TV got a couple of upgrades before she topped her shady career. We’re all a bit afraid of her, especially Uni who takes many a beating. However, at least with her at the top, we’ll be exempt from the mob payments forever!

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And the last milestone of this season, my baby Felix ages up to a self-assured social butterfly.

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Status – End of Year 2: End of Spring

Gen 2

Aroha (adult): Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured, Romantic; Master Chef; Teen Career – Retail topped; unemployed
Cerys (adult): Proper, Squeamish, Ambitious; Successful Lineage; Writer – Journalist topped
Freya (young adult): Mean, Creative, Romantic; Leader of the Pack; Criminal – Boss topped

Marcus Flex (young adult): Active, Bro, Non-committal; lover of Aroha; not in household

Ash (young adult): Outgoing, Active, Cheerful; Friend of the Animals; Astronaut level 5
Joy (teen of Aroha & Marcus): Active, Perfectionist; Extreme Sports; Teen – Babysitter topped
Allegra (child of Cerys & Aiden): Neat; Artistic Prodigy acheived
Felix (child of Aroha & Marcus): Self-Assured; Social Butterfly

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With the babysitter career topped, I can now choose the character traits and aspirations as the children age up.  I’ll still use the Pinstar legacy generator to keep an element of chance but swap out any really tiresome traits and replace them with ones to achieve the remaining careers or keep the household functional.

Uni had requested that Freya move out as soon as she topped the Boss career – his relationship with her is fully red due to the beatings! However she’s staying just a little longer until Ash’s income increases a bit. Sorry, Uni! I’ll try to send her off fishing or something….

As always, thanks for reading, if you've made it this far!

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 2.4: Just Beat It!
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2021, 06:05:37 PM »
Looks your family is making great progress and flourishing!

I was wondering if your Auto-Aging for Played Sims is still set to Normal (as your Settings post states).
Since Summer and Ger are played sims, they will continue aging after they're moved out unless you switch your setting to:
Auto-Aging (Played Sims): Active Household Only

You probably knew this already, but I thought I'd post it just in case.
Are you between one-third and one-half of the way through your challenge now?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 2.4: Just Beat It!
« Reply #21 on: November 14, 2021, 02:29:37 AM »
Thanks @oshizu for the advice. Yes - I had a panic the other day when I remembered in one of your dynasties that a loved sim kept aging so I went and doubled checked! Active household only!

I also went into household management and set Summer's house as unplayed to be doubly sure.

I think I'm only about a quarter through clearing the careers. I haven't touched the business or arts careers yet!

There will be a break in the story for a while, maybe 1 more chapter. I am more than a little excited/nervous about starting the Big Dreams Dynasty tomorrow.

I'm currently resisting all temptations to start early! Especially as I'm on real-life Granny duties all day tomorrow. Little O (wild toddler) will definitely not allow me to play while she's awake, lol!

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 2.4: Just Beat It!
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2021, 03:10:58 PM »
I'm glad you already had your Auto-Aging setting to Active Household Only.
Haha, I wondered if I should say anything but then I thought to myself: the worse thing that can happen is that she already knew.  :)

Lucky you, starting your Big Dream Dynasty tomorrow!
I'll be joining you in another 4-5 days.

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 3.1: Uni Makes a Stand!
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2021, 11:33:57 AM »
Rapunzel in Pity Me 3.1: Uni makes a stand

Aroha: Allegra ages up on the first day of Summer with her own classy style.
Watcher: You’re right! I’ll add in a few extra outfits but that’s a pretty cool outfit for a teen. It must be inspiration from all that art she loves. I know who’ll be creating the family portraits now.

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Uni: Watcher? Watcher! She’s got to go!
Watcher: Oh Uni! I agree. No matter how hard I try to keep Freya distracted, she just keeps coming back to you. Are you OK?
Uni: I will be if you get rid of her.

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Watcher: Right, Aroha? She’s got to go!
Aroha: What? Who? Oh yes! She does have to go. Can you sort it out?
Watcher: Well – you need to kick her out – you’re the leader of the Middlemas Clan.
Aroha: But she scares me too! OK – we’ll go outside – hey do you like our hot weather outfits?
Watcher: Stop trying to change the subject! Do it, already!
Aroha: Oh no! I wasn’t expecting tears! Where will she go?
Watcher: Only round the corner. There’s a single lady living in a 2-bed house. Brandy something.
Aroha: She’s a bit evil. Are you sure Freya will be OK?
Uni: Who cares?

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Uni: Wait – who’s this? I’ve never seen him before and he seems to think he can take over Freya’s abuse of me!
Watcher: Uh oh! Malcolm randomly knocked on the door and I thought it would be cool, him being Rapunzel’s twin – not that he knows it.
Uni: It’s not cool – he’s not cool. Get rid of him, now!

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Watcher: Done. Now – what’s happening here? Ah, Aroha enjoying her last few days of adult hood.

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Oh, enjoying your last days to the full, I see.  That’s one way to stay younger, longer. In this universe, anyway. Um – you do know you’ll be moving out soon?
Aroha: (smugly) I know. And I’ll be moving out pregnant!
Watcher: Have you told Marcus about the plan?
Aroha: I’m still not asking for any commitments but have you seen the size of the Partiihaus? There’s more than enough room for me and a little nooboo.

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Watcher: Is there something in the air? I thought Spring was over! Joy – when you wanted to invite Gunther Munch for your birthday treat, I didn’t know what you had in mind.
Joy: Well – he was sweet and you’d been saying that you knew, or thought you knew, or something, that he’d make a great Baby Daddy. So…he’s my boyfriend and we got a bit busy! He gives me a big hug when I tell him the news

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Mum’s a bit surprised but she’s pleased too. She’s moving out, you know?
Watcher: Yes, but it’ll be OK. I know Windenberg seems a long way but she’ll be over her to help when she can – she’ll be having her baby just a bit before you have yours.
Joy: Isn’t it a bit weird? Mum’s going to have my sibling at more-or-less the same time as I have Gunther’s baby.
Watcher: Life’s complicated. Just go with it. I’ll keep track.

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Joy: Aunt Cerys was a bit sad when Mum left so she invited Uncle Aiden over. They’re as much in love as ever.

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Hang on a minute, what’s that fancy hand-touchy thing that Allegra is doing with her Dad. I don’t know what that’s about. Nice that they’re close though.

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Oh – Aunt Cerys – you’re up the duff too? Ah – finally moving in with Uncle Aiden. That’s nice. Another cousin for me and a sibling for Allegra – she always did envy me having Felix as a brother.

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Hey, Watcher! Did you hear that Sofia Bjergsen has invited cousin Ash out on a date? She aged up with him as she was visiting on his birthday. She must be attracted by the romance of his space exploits.
Watcher: Yes – well this is getting exciting! He can propose all he likes but she can’t move in. I have plans!

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Watcher: Big news time, Joy. Your mum’s had a little boy Manuel!
Joy (panting): That – is – great – oh… Quick, Gunther, get round here! I’m in labour and it’s all your fault!
Watcher: Not entirely, sweet Joy!
Joy: Oh – a little boy – Joy’s little boy – Freddie! It means peace, you know! Hey Gunther – why are you angry. You’re just going round acting like a jerk to everyone. I don’t care that you’re Freddie’s dad. I can’t be doing with this behaviour – let’s agree to be just good friends.

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Aunt Cerys has had a little girl Sadie!
Oh Freddie! Who’s mummy’s little Silly Billy and who’s got cool-dude shades?

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Joy: Felix ages up to a teen and immediately starts hogging the workout machines. Oh, cousin Ash! I think Sofia has got some big news!
Watcher: Nope – not moving in!
Uni: She looks nice tho…

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Um – who’s this?
Joy: Well – I don’t want Freddie to be an only child…I know he’s got a confusing array of cousins, or whatever they are. But he’s going to need playmates. Diego’s very colourful.
Watcher: Rebounding from Gunther to Diego – couldn’t be much more of a swing!

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Joy: Whatever – he stays the night and, in the morning, I’ve got some big news too! Doesn’t he look happy!

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And Sofia’s just phoned Ash to say she’s had a little boy Reed! Wow! What a summer!

Status –Year 3: End of Summer

Gen 2

Aroha (adult): Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured, Romantic; Master Chef; Teen Career – Retail topped; no longer in household
Cerys (adult): Proper, Squeamish, Ambitious; Successful Lineage; Writer – Journalist topped; no longer in household
Freya (adult): Mean, Creative, Romantic; Leader of the Pack; Criminal – Boss topped; no longer in household

Marcus Flex (young adult): Active, Bro, Non-committal; lover of Aroha; never in household
Aiden McCartney (young adult): Neat, Freegan, Art Lover; never in household

Ash (young adult, of Gerwyn & Summer): Outgoing, Active, Cheerful; Friend of the Animals; Astronaut – Interstellar Smuggler level 8
Joy (young adult, of Aroha & Marcus): Active, Perfectionist, Family-Oriented; Extreme Sports; Teen – Babysitter topped; unemployed; pregnant by Diego
Allegra (teen of Cerys & Aiden): Neat, Art Lover; Painter Extraordinaire
Felix (teen of Aroha & Marcus): Self-Assured, Active; Nerd Brain

Manuel (toddler of Aroha & Marcus): never in household
Sadie (toddler of Cerys & Aiden): never in household

Gunther Munch (young adult): Bookworm, Creative, Clumsy; ex-boyfriend of Joy; never in household
Sofia Bjergsen (young adult): Squeamish, Musical, Cheerful; fiancé of Ash; never in household
Diego Lobo (young adult): Hot-headed, Snob, Art Lover; boyfriend of Joy; never in household

Freddie (toddler of Joy & Gunther); Silly
Reed Bjergsen (baby of Ash & Sofia): never in household

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Well – did you keep up? I’m making lots of notes, in case you’re not! This is the most photos I’ve had in a post.

After Freddie aged up to a toddler, Joy took him round to age up his uncle Manuel and his first cousin, once removed Sadie so that’s 3 toddlers in the extended family plus a nooboo and one on the way.

If you don’t recognise the handshake that Allegra is giving her father Aiden in this chapter, then you’ll get a surprise in the next one, when she ages up. It was a surprise to me!

Only Ash is currently earning in the household but their reserves are not too bad, with mob payments having stopped when Freya topped the Boss career.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 3.2: And Two Makes....Lots
« Reply #24 on: November 18, 2021, 09:58:23 AM »
Rapunzel in Pity Me 3.2: And Two Makes....Lots

Joy: Allegra ages up to an adult and immediately signs up to be an artist, to no-one’s surprise. The surprise comes when I go into labour with Diego’s child and look who shows up and goes into pre-natal panic! Diego’s nowhere in sight. Ah well – another little man – I’d like to call him Manfred or Manny, meaning peace but it’s too close to my youngest brother Manuel. Let’s call him Pax.

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Ash is overjoyed about his son Reed. He goes round to Sofia’s house for his birthday.

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Ash and Sofia play a little Mummies & Daddies game in the Bjergsen’s house!

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Look at my 2 boys having a toddler hug after Pax ages up and before Freddie becomes a child. Aw – I love them so much.

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Erm, Ash! There’s someone here with some big news!

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I’m not sure how much I like my 2 baby daddies but they do keep coming round to spend time with the boys.

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Status –Year 3: End of Autumn

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Ash (adult, of Gerwyn & Summer): Outgoing, Active, Cheerful; Friend of the Animals; Astronaut – Interstellar Smuggler level 9
Joy (young adult, of Aroha & Marcus): Active, Perfectionist, Family-Oriented; Extreme Sports; Teen – Babysitter topped; unemployed
Allegra (young adult of Cerys & Aiden): Neat, Art Lover, Creative; Painter Extraordinaire; Painter level 5
Felix (teen of Aroha & Marcus): Self-Assured, Active; Nerd Brain

Gunther Munch (young adult): Bookworm, Creative, Clumsy; ex-boyfriend of Joy; never in household
Sofia Bjergsen (young adult): Squeamish, Musical, Cheerful; fiancé of Ash; never in household
Diego Lobo (young adult): Hot-headed, Snob, Art Lover; boyfriend of Joy; never in household

Freddie (child of Joy & Gunther) Bookworm; Social Butterfly
Reed Bjergsen (toddler of Ash & Sofia): never in household
Pax (toddler of Joy & Diego) Wild
Cade Bjergsen (baby of Ash & Sofia): never in household

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The family tree diagram was created using Family Historian - my genealogy software package. I hope it shows up clearly. With all the cousins and cross-over generations, I thought I’d better record the family properly.

