Author Topic: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge - on hold) Graveyard please  (Read 5174 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Rapunzel in Pity Me: An Apocalypse Challenge

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1.0: Prologue
1.1: Why Wait?
1.2: Love is All Around
1.3: Just Can't Help Ourselves
1.4: What's in a Name?
2.1: Plans? What Plans?
2.2: Love the One You're With
2.3: Comings & Goings
2.4: Just Beat It!
3.1: Uni Makes a Stand
3.2: And Two Makes....Lots


Rapunzel Middlemas né Landgraab, erstwhile daughter of Geoffrey & Nancy Landgraab and graduate of the Candidate Teen Project, has agreed to enter the City of Glassbolt as our undercover agent.

A plot of land, previously known as Rippling Flats in the Llama Lagoon area of Newcrest, has been purchased and is now known as Pity Me.

Rapunzel has the funding generated by her training although it’s not sure how finances are currently being handled in Glassbolt.

As part of Rapunzel’s stipulations for being our agent, the watcher that she knew as Fairy Godmother, has been assigned. This is against the our policy of using experienced watchers. Further contact will only be through the watcher.

Since the great nuclear disaster the outside world has moved on, developing new technologies, ethics and social groupings. Negotiating the limitations and attitudes in Glassbolt whilst guiding them towards our new paradigm will require creativity and a certain amount of flexibility. We can only hope and pray that Rapunzel and her watcher are up to the task.


Aging set to normal for current household; off for non-played Sims
Weather on but no extremes
Seasons: 14 days
Autonomy off at start – now allowed.


Thanks to Pinstar for the original Apocalypse Challenge which can be found here.
These rules have not been updated for expansion packs. Others have tried to adapt them but the original limitations can be extrapolated somewhat and that is how I shall be playing this challenge. I shall be focussing on the base careers and only taking on the new ones should specific traits/aspirations be rolled
The Candidate Teen Challenge is one that I have produced by mashing together the Wonder Child Project and the Room Challenge. I enjoyed creating and playing it so I’ve shared it too.

This is my 5th attempt at the Apocalypse Challenge, the 3rd with Rapunzel. The others failed usually due to me breaking the rules and being too disheartened when something when something failed! The last failure was due to a bug where my Sims would go out to work/school and then immediately return so at least that wasn’t my fault, lol!
Rapunzel has previously married an alien (unknowingly) and Gunther Munch who made a lovely father and even had an alien nooboo of his own. Who will she meet, woo and marry this time!

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) Careers Cleared
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2021, 01:52:41 PM »
Careers Cleared (chronological)
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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.0: Prologue
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2021, 01:57:45 PM »
Rapunzel in Pity Me 1.0: Prologue

Rapunzel: I guess this is my log for posterity and I don’t know who’ll ever read it but, here goes.

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I’m the daughter of Geoffrey & Nancy Landgraab and twin to Malcolm.

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I wanted to explore freegan values but Mum hated that. While I was in a major teen mood-swing, Malcolm hacked Dad’s agent database and signed me up for the Candidate Teen project. By the time the agency worked out that I shouldn’t be there, it was too late and I was locked in.

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I had to survive with hardly any outside contact, earn enough to build a huge house and become a responsible young adult. I freaked out when I got locked up but the one person that kept me going was my Fairy Godmother. I know – she’s not really a fairy godmother. She’s a watcher for the agency but she helped me and encouraged me and…
Watcher: (polishes halo) …yes, but you did all the hard work
Rapunzel: writing, painting, gardening plus selling all the paintings done by my unknowing club members.
Watcher: It’s weird that no-one but us remembers all that
Rapunzel: I know, but I still had to deal with the Fame issue. Everyone knew I was famous but couldn’t remember why. It wore off after a while though.
Watcher: You’re getting ahead of yourself.
Rapunzel: Right. So – I made it out of the Tower and then got debriefed (snigger – ooh missus!) by Dad’s agency. One of the agents, M, was an alien and she was the most helpful.

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The Candidate Teen Project was a training project to generate agents with enough skills to go in and help the City of Glassbolt get back to normal. You must’ve read the original news – so long ago now – about the nuclear disaster there.

I was given some time to consider whether to go for it or leave and do my own thing. Saving the world was always something I’d fancied having a go at. So I said yes, on one condition…
Watcher: Me!
Rapunzel: …yes, you! I know you got a few things wrong before but I really didn’t want to rely on someone I’d never met before. Although, come to think of it, we’ve never actually met.
Anyway, M takes me to this dynastic house and we go through a wormhole generator to Sixam.
And then back to our world but to Newcrest and no-one remembers!

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To avoid people working out who I really am, my name’s been changed to Middlemas. Watcher suggested a few and I liked this one
Watcher: It’s one of my ancestral names – welcome to the family!
Rapunzel: Nice!
I got this great house and still loads of money left over. I have called it Pity Me because I did have a low moment when reality set in. I rallied but the name stuck.
The agency has built houses on all the other lots in my neighbourhood.

There’re 2 fishing spots a short jog away, plus a park next door with a barbeque and 2 sets of monkey bars. There’s even a jungle gym down the way – a great place to raise kids…
Watcher: Not straight away. First you need to get that job. You’ve got connections that should give you a head start.
Rapunzel: Culinary Career – I knew there was a reason you had me do all that cooking in The Tower.
Watcher: Yes. And you remember all those books you read on fishing? Time to put it into practice! Fried fish is the only thing you can eat around here apart from basil until Autumn comes.
Rapunzel: Ah – food is going to be a problem with no fridge or oven. There’s that food van in the park!
Watcher: You can’t buy from there. We’re not sure why Alex Moyer is working it but we think the mob controls it and is putting “additives” in the food or using cheap radioactive ingredients. Until you’ve reached the top of your career, we just need to avoid that for now.
Just fish, grill, repeat. And work hard, really hard.

Starting Status – Year 1: Start of Summer

Founder: Rapunzel Middlemas, Culinary career level 4, relationship status – Single & Lovin It!


I used my unfinished Dynasty household in an alternative simverse to facilitate Rapunzel’s transition to her next project.

Middlemas is one of my paternal ancestral names. They were from North East England – Northumberland and County Durham. Working as agricultural labourers, they became miners in the industrial revolution period. Pity Me is a suburb of Durham City, a mining area, desolate and a hard place to live during the late 1800s.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.1: Why Wait?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2021, 02:05:25 PM »
Rapunzel in Pity Me 1.1: Why Wait?


Rapunzel: My first day here and reality is….OK…I guess.
Watcher: You got your job – straight in at level 4 – those Connections you’ve got really helped.
Rapunzel: Yes – only 6 promotions and I’ve already got the skills for the top job so – it’ll be a breeze! I just need to mix a few drinks at this portable bar before I start on Tuesday.

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Watcher: I know it’s theoretically portable and you could try to put it in your inventory but we’ll just leave it here on the creative/focused floor.
Hey – who’s this come to play chess?
Rapunzel: Sh! Akira’s very romantic and self-assured and he’s a Tech Guru. I met him when I was barbequing and he was at the food van. We’re having a moment – butt out!
Watcher: OK – no rush – you know!

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Well – that went well! I see he’s your boyfriend now!

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Watcher: He seems nice.
Rapunzel: Sh! We’re just having fun. Just…do some strategy planning with your spreadsheets…go away! I’m not sure I’m doing this right but he seems to like this….he’s going to stay the night!

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Watcher: Wait – he’s still here?
Rapunzel: Let’s see if he likes fishing.

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Rapunzel: He does – he’s a keeper – here we go!
Watcher: Wow – OK (revises strategy) – he’s a keeper!

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Right – he’s only at level one of the Tech Guru career but he’s already at skill 6 for video gaming. Weird that he’s not done any programming but we can work with that.
Rapunzel: You focus on the most prosaic things – I’ve just got married and we’re both ecstatic.

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Watcher: His jealousy might be a challenge – let’s hope that doesn’t get passed down the generations.
Psst – don’t forget the family planning talk we had…
Rapunzel: Sh! I remember! Soooo embarrassing!
Ah – look at him – my husband – working hard on his programming. He’s doing really well.

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Not much of a cook though – his dishes are awful.
Watcher: That’s OK – he didn’t have the practise as a teen that you did. He’ll get there.

Week 2

Rapunzel: Um, Watcher, it’s been over a week. Did you work out those pregnancy timings?
Watcher: Ah – yes. Let me see, you’re up to level 6 chef. It’s Friday today and you’re off from Tue next week. (counting on fingers) What time do you both finish tonight? Do you think…
Rapunzel: Say no more!

Status – Year 1: End of Summer

Founder: Rapunzel Middlemas, Culinary career level 8, relationship status – married, pregnant
Spouse: Akira Kibo, Tech Guru career level 4


I wasn't planning for Rapunzel to marry so quickly (by day 2!) but meeting, dating, proposing and wedding someone at the start of the Apocalypse Challenge is – well – a challenge. You can’t invite them over unless you bump into them in the neighbourhood – hence the back-to-back socials and immediate wedding. I'd previously waited a week and then it took ages for someone suitable to come along.

Akira is rather sweet and the Tech Guru – gamer career is one I wanted to clear early. His romantic nature means that, despite autonomy being off – the couple are really lovey-dovey. I even had to cancel an ill-timed spontaneous woo-hoo!

I am using clubs from the Get Together expansion pack but only for household members.

Rapunzel really does have a tower now. 5 storeys (2 basements) plus a rocket on the roof, all within the 8x8 squares. She had plenty of dosh from her Candidate Teen Challenge and spent as much as possible on all the basic levels of anything she might want. Seeing the mob take over $200k on the 2nd Monday was a crying shame!

Offline Nevermore

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.1: Why Wait?
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2021, 02:56:18 PM »
Rapunzel is back! I hope you have better luck this time around.

Akiro is adorable, and a total keeper too.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.2: Love is All Around
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2021, 03:57:12 PM »

Rapunzel: This “No pregnancy test” is great – we just have to keep trying! No pics of the deed for the voyeurs out there – sorry!

Tuesday morning

Just at the right time Gerwyn Middlemas arrives.

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I’ve got the next few days off to breast-feed before I have to go to work on Friday evening. I just about manage to keep fish on the table and nap in between feeds.


I age Gerwyn up first thing Friday morning. He’s very fussy but we have fun.
Watcher: Where’s Akira?
Rapunzel: He's jealous of Gerwyn! Can you believe it? He’s off programming and gaming while me and my little man have some fun.

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Watcher: I did wonder how Akira would cope with you being affectionate to Gerwyn but he’ll be happier if you go explain about the timing thing while Gerwyn’s asleep
Rapunzel: (checks calendar) Oh yes!

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Look how happy Akira is when I tell him that we’re expecting again. He doesn’t seem to connect the news with having to share me with more people – I love that silly billy!

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Watcher: I’m pretty confident you’ll get that last raise this week. I’ll put in the fridge and stove ready for when you do as I can only do that on Sundays. You can’t use them until you’ve got the raise tho!
Rapunzel: No worries. I don’t do much without your help yet!

Monday night/Tuesday morning

I get back with my final promotion. There's chefs all over the world sending us food now and we can cook real food.
I quit my job straightaway – time to focus on my babies

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But before I can make a cake, Gerwyn ages up and, despite me being right there with him, he thinks that no-one has remembered his birthday. His self-assurance helps him get over it and he gets to grips with homework.

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Nooboo No. 2 is due to make an appearance around lunch time so we share a Grand Breakfast sitting together

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Right on time – lunchtime – Aroha Middlemas joins the family. Having the fridge and stove to use makes the baby phase a lot easier, especially with Gerwyn out to school.


I can’t believe it – Akira gets his top promotion too! He’s worked out how we can connect to the rest of the world again. It's just in time for you to buy us some toys!!!
Watcher: All the lowest grade but yes! Penguin TV, another pc, a tablet for Aroha, a fire alarm (phew) and a thermostat. Things will be more fun around here now. And you can do more for yourself too
Rapunzel: What about a radio – some music would be fun?
Watcher: No – music is still seen as a waste of time! We need a musician for that.
Rapunzel: OK – computer games and TV are great – thanks!


Aroha ages up to be such an angel

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Status – Year 1: End of Autumn

Gen 1
Founder: Rapunzel Middlemas, Culinary career topped, relationship status – married
Spouse: Akira Kibo, Tech Guru: eSports Gamer career topped

Gen 2
Gerwyn Middlemas – (Fussy) Self-Assured (Social Butterfly)
Aroha Middlemas - Angelic


I’ve used the names Gerwyn and Aroha previously. They both mean “love” in Welsh & Polynesian respectively.

Akira’s jealously of Rapunzel’s attentions to the children mean she has to do all their care while he’s at work or gaming. His romantic nature means they have to be affectionate together at least twice a day!
With electronics allowed, I’ve put autonomy on. I mainly need to check the use of drinks and quick meals now but stopping phone games was impossible!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.2: Love is All Around
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2021, 06:06:39 PM »
Please.  Rapunzel's Japanese husband first name is Akira (ending with an "a").
Rapunzel was so huge with Aroha--I thought she might have twins.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.2: Love is All Around
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2021, 06:32:59 PM »
Please.  Rapunzel's Japanese husband first name is Akira (ending with an "a").
Rapunzel was so huge with Aroha--I thought she might have twins.
My bad - I know it's Akira really but for some reason I mistype it sometimes! I think I've corrected it everywhere in my posts.
Rapunzel was huge although that shot was just before the birth. I'm glad there weren't twins. Keeping 2 toddlers clean without baths would be hard.
Genetics wise, I'm very happy with Gerwyn being blond but having Akira's eyes and Aroha is the other way round!

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.2: Love is All Around
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2021, 02:21:03 AM »
i agree that the kids are very lovely!

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.2: Love is All Around
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2021, 09:08:31 AM »
Gerwyn and Aroha are adorable! Rapunzel has a beautiful little family.

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.2: Love is All Around
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2021, 03:28:10 PM »
Gerwyn and Aroha are adorable! Rapunzel has a beautiful little family.

Thank you! And here come some more...

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.3: Just Can’t Help Ourselves
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2021, 03:34:00 PM »

Rapunzel: With Aroha finding her toddler feet, Akira and I decide to have our 3rd and final child. Gerwyn is interested in the pregnancy but wasn’t pleased when Cerys was born. Aroha was very happy to have a sister join her.

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I love playing with kids in the snow – it’s great being outside. I don’t know why I keep wearing my shorts – they’re supposed to be one of my every day outfit, not cold weather.

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Watcher: Akira seems more relaxed about you spending time with the children.
Rapunzel: Maybe it’s because he’s an adult now

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Gerwyn ages up as well, to a teen – with a bit of a pot belly. He’s trying to get fit but he really wants to be an academic. He also wants us to get a dog but I think we’d need to have a vet in the family before doing that.

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Cerys becomes a toddler just before Aroha became a child
Watcher: I love those toddler hugs!

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Rapunzel: Aroha walks all the way outside after blowing out her candles to become child. It must be because she now loves the outdoors – the rambunctious scamp!

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Watcher: Did you enjoy your birthday? Erm - what have you and Akira been doing on the roof?
Rapunzel: joining the 50,000 mile high club – yay!
Watcher: Ah – family planning?
Rapunzel: Well you didn’t stop us so…..
Watcher: I can’t believe I’m saying this but you’ve got to try for a baby, right now! Just once – maybe we’ll get away with it.
Rapunzel: Another baby? That wasn’t the plan! I’m an adult now – aren’t I too old to conceive?
Watcher: No!

The next day

Rapunzel: Akira – I’m eating for 2! Do you mind?
Akira: Let’s celebrate – you can’t get more pregnant! LOL!

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Rapunzel: New Years Eve. Toddler Cerys doesn’t stay up but the rest of us see the New Year in.

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I don’t bother going to bed because, right on time at 3am, Freya is born just before Spring starts and with a full nappy!

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Status – Year 1: End of Winter

Gen 1
Rapunzel Middlemas (adult) Culinary: Chef career topped
Akira Kibo (adult) Tech Guru: eSports Gamer career topped

Gen 2
Gerwyn (teen): Self-Assured, Dog Lover – Academic
Aroha (child): Loves Outdoors – Rambunctious Scamp
Cerys (toddler): Inquisitive
Freya (nooboo)


Like Gerwyn and Aroha previously, Cerys means “love” (Welsh) and Freya is the Norse goddess of love.

I was planning to have only 3 children in Gen 2 but…with autonomy on, Akira and Rapunzel went and joined the 50k mile high club before I could stop them. To stay within the spirit of the rules, I had them try for a baby once immediately after and Freya was the result. I need to keep a closer eye on them! I blame the romantic trait!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.2: Love is All Around
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2021, 11:00:52 PM »
Oh no, autonomous woohoo but in the rocket ship? Was there nowhere else to woohoo?
Hats off to you for having the couple try for baby. Would you mind reminding me the condition that allows regular ole Woohoo?
With four separate pregnancies, Rapunzel has inadvertently extended her lifespan. :)

Looking forward to finding out what careers the children all enter. 
Education for Gerwyn?

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.2: Love is All Around
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2021, 02:56:09 AM »
Oh no, autonomous woohoo but in the rocket ship? Was there nowhere else to woohoo?
Hats off to you for having the couple try for baby. Would you mind reminding me the condition that allows regular ole Woohoo?
With four separate pregnancies, Rapunzel has inadvertently extended her lifespan. :)

Looking forward to finding out what careers the children all enter. 
Education for Gerwyn?
Woo hoo without "Try for a baby" plus pregnancy tests is part of the Journalist restrictions on baths/showers which I really want to clear asap. It'll be too late for my loved-up founding couple. I really thought the simverse gods would send twins to make life even more complicated!
The pregnancy-life extension is a doubled-edged sword. On one hand - I have fun with Rapunzel for longer. On the other hand - she's fertile for longer and there's still room for 2 more and I need that space to bring in gen 3!

One of gen 2 will undertake a teen career - probably retail to allow "plan outifits'. Some of the outfits/hair of the children are cute but Gerwyn needs a serious makeover!
Journalist is definitely a priority but traits will determine the other 2 careers.

When planning this attempt, I did look at some of the suggestions for including expansion careers like Education but the restrictions got confusing and extreme so I thought I'd stick to the original careers. I'd like to try it updated if I ever succeed at this.

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Rapunzel in Pity Me (Apocalypse Challenge) 1.4: What’s in a Name?
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2021, 08:16:48 AM »
Rapunzel in Pity Me 1.4: What’s in a Name?

Year 1 Spring

Rapunzel: Gerwyn becomes a self-assured young adult and looks very smart in his work outfit. He won’t discuss work because it’s all very hush-hush.

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Freya ages to a child from the cutest toddler.

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But soon after I have to discipline her. She’s a bit mean – I don’t know where she got that from!

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Rapunzel: Akira ages into an elder. He’s as romantic as ever and still good looking so it wasn’t hard to reassure his insecurities. Strangely, having not done any working out previously, he suddenly decides to do lots to the point of extreme exhaustion. Fortunately he quickly decides he doesn’t like fitness and stops.

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Everyone gathered to celebrate Aroha aging up but for some reason Akira and Cerys wander off and I needed to do some push-ups

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Aroha: What do you mean, you’re not sure about the boots? I think they’re fab! I’m getting a job in a clothes shop so I can share my style with everyone!
And – look at my washboard belly! Hey Gerwyn – you can’t blame the genes!

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Status – End of Spring and end of Year 1

Gen 1
Rapunzel Middlemas (adult): Cheerful, Creative, Loves Outdoors; Renaissance achieved; Culinary - Chef career topped; unemployed
Akira Kibo (elder): Jealous, Romantic, Self-Assured; The Curator; Tech Guru - eSports Gamer – topped; unemployed

Gen 2
Gerwyn (young adult): Self-Assured, Dog Lover, Adventurous; Academic; Secret Agent level 5
Aroha (teen): Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured; Master Chef; Teen Career – Retail level 2
Cerys (child): Proper; Social Butterfly
Freya (child): Mean; Creative Genius

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No big news in this season, just a lot of aging up!

As previously mentioned, Freya is the Norse goddess of love. She is also the goddess of battles/war so maybe her Mean trait is not a surprise? I’m trying to keep her busy so she doesn’t alienate everyone too much.

Aroha’s teen style is not to my taste – she will clear the Retail teen career and everyone will get makeovers. That won’t ease gameplay but being able to enter build/buy mode on days other than Sunday will.