Author Topic: 2021 Tournament Big Dreams Finale  (Read 21991 times)

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2021 Tournament Big Dreams Finale
« Reply #135 on: November 22, 2021, 06:21:34 AM »
The Finale is now closed.

 My thanks to all participants. Grats to Lindshara for swooping in near the last day with a great score for the win. Everyone is now free to discuss strategy. I will post the last World Ranking for this season soon.

Offline Lindshara

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Re: 2021 Tournament Big Dreams Finale
« Reply #136 on: November 22, 2021, 01:24:08 PM »
This was a great challenge.  :)
Thanks so much for the team planning , it was so well thought out.

Since maxing the careers was the limiting factor in most cases, I prioritized it beyond anything else.
I made sure every kid the family raised had the responsible trait, even if it wasn't required.
With micro house and clubs.I didn't have to really pay attention to other skill gaining optimization.

Starting out, My first consideration was how many children to start with .
Too few children-> more time spend ineffectively with a none full household.
Too many children7-> Not enough space for townies with advanced careers.
I eventually settled on 4 children + 1 spare (more on that later)

Starting sims were "Family Ties" sim and "Author" sim
 "Family Ties" sim got the freelancer job right at the start even though it was a while before he actually started doing gigs.
Since he had to be there for 3 weeks no matter what, he is the one that got to do any odd task to help the others.
First thing they did is adopt the five toddlers.
Toddler care was divided between the parents, a nanny, and random strangers which the charmer toddler recruited to take care of him.
I tried to always have an adult working with the toddler for movement, potty, and imagination,
 but let the toddlers work on they own for communication (with Blarfy)  and thinking (by watching adults)
The five toddlers were:
1. "Artistic Genius"
2. "Garden Guru"
3. "Tech head" (top notch toddler)
4. "Music" sim   (top notch toddler)
5. "Foodie" . (top notch toddler)
between toddler care, Author got her soulmate aspiration done, bought connections and joined the career.
All children that had to max a teen job only aged up after getting A as a child, since that would start them up at the second level once getting the job.
I also maxed charisma as soon as possible for all of them to negotiate bonus.

The third day I added a gnome holiday and about 100 gnomes, to give some easy starting money to the family and some easy seeds to the gardener.4.

Tragically, Nancy and Malcolm Landgraab drowned pool (I wanted the part of their money which was invested in the estate).
Later, Geoffrey and his money found comfort with "Artistic Genius".
than She and Geoffrey also dies in a pool.
I thought I would need the money soon for rosebud, but I ended up doing that big dream later than I thought, so it was all just pointless murder  :-\.

After that, there were 2 empty spots:
"Tech head" married Baako who would be "People Person"
"Music" sim married Jacques who would be (according to the plan) "Love 'Em and Take 'Em" sim

Jacques was a mistake.
 I did use a potion of youth on him so he would not die of old age.
However, only after I already filled most of his requirements (including breaking up with 12 patners), I've taken a look at what his required character traits means.
50 woo-hoos?! Jacques was all good flirting and making promises to a whole bunch of people, but 50 woo-hoos? the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
Even if I would wait the 4 hours between woo-hoos that would take him to recover, that is minimum 200 more hours of constant discomfort.
So he had to go.

after he died, "Foodie" married Victor Feng who would be "Family matters" sim

Baako was more successful. He was pretty constantly partying and making friends. I always had some of the family be guests at his parties so that he could interact with them as guests.
I also add a egg hunting holiday on the second week which fulfilled his collection requirement
He was the first to finish a big dream on Sunday 6am in the third week
"Tech head" and "Author" both finished next on Tuesday.
For tech head I made sure to complete "Computer Whiz" first so she could use "make connections" as much as possible.
Even as a teenager, I used every spare time to be on the computer to fullfill the 100 hours requirement
I've done "Author" first because I thought the books of life may be helpfull, but I didn't end up using them.

"Foodie" finished on Thursday.
I tried to minimize the time off lot so I chose the bestseller cookbooks requirement. I worked on her writing skill in her spare time and got her creative visionary.

"Music" sim also finished later that day.
Every time someone needed to be off lot he took him with them so that "Music" sim could "busk with guitar" in the meantime.

Once space opened up when Baako left, "Foodie" and Victor adopted their first child which would be the "Master Mixer"

Two days later they adopted future (or so was the plan) "Artistic Genius" (second try) and "Soulmate"
All 3 2nd gen kids were top notch toddlers.

Since those last two kids didn't have enough days to finish the grades requirement before the weekend , I started wishing for grades as much as possible with them.
with "Artistic Genius" I  had really good luck and he became and adult on Friday (week 3)
with "Soulmate" I had really bad luck so he only became an adult on Sunday, but I used the time to get him 3 positive value traits for Victor's "Super Parent" aspiration.
"Master Mixer" became an adult a little sooner on Thursday (week 3)

"Garden Guru" married Lily Feng who finished the dream within 3 days. She collected magic beans from rare seeds packs(I maxed gardening for her In case it is needed)

I really didn't want to raise the "Love 'Em and Take 'Em" sim. 6 days of school and bad traits which are hard to get.
So I would have to marry them into the family.
But who can do it?
I still had some hope to get Anaya for the artist dream so she was out.
It became clear that it had to be Raj.
He may not seem the type, being unflirty and all.
And he wasn't.
That is why he got a complete personality makeover with the help of a re-traiting potion!
For two weeks pretty much all he did was woo-hooing everyone in sight, I'm not sure if that is quite what his mother hoped for him...
But he did get to 50 woo-hoos, as well as the other requirements.
He also collected space prints.

After "Master Mixer" married Raj, It took Victor one more day to complete his collection.
Because he had relatively a lot of free time, I had him try to collect all recurring collectibles.
In the end frogs was the fastest.

After that, "Artistic Genius" married penny Pizzaz who would be a "People Person" (second round).
Social media work from home career is a little more time consuming, but she still had time to have plenty of parties and to collect postcards.

"Soulmate" married Diego Lobo who would have been the "Soulmate" from the next round
I didn't want to waste the vacation days on anyone else.
However, they both wished for promotion before going to vacation, and they both got bad outcome of poor performance (even though the well mood was happy)
After that, they both got fired when on vacation, so both had to do just the partial dream.

"Artistic Genius" also didn't finish the whole dream, it got to the point were he was career level 7 and had 3 more days of work (and no wishes).
 I knew that the only chance I had was if he got very good luck with hacking, so I maxed programming and got the computer upgrade that improves the chances.
But already on the first try he got a poor result, and therefore couldn't complete the dream.
So, "Master Mixer" was the only one of the second generation kids who got the big dream (on the last day)

Since I had an empty spot, "Master Mixer" and Raj adopted a child who later fulfilled all the none adult requirements of "Music" sim.
I noticed to late that I had another empty spot, so that guy married Anaya and I tried to get partial "Artistic Genius" (3rd try) for her on the last day.
She actually got promoted from the wishing well, but needed a few more hours to get the skill requirement

Does it seem like there is someone we forgotten? well, I almost did...
"Garden Guru" was the second child of the original couple.
I thought he will be the first to finish because he didn't need a career (I didn't have much practice with gardening)
The plants quality just wouldn't budge, even though I fertilized at every opportunity and used bees as well.
I tried to evolve the growfruits themselves (maybe that was a mistake) and didn't use fish except at the very beginning
only two days before the end of the challenge did I finally get those perfect plants.

The "most interesting sim" requirement was never an issue, since I just filled it with cheap reward store traits.
In the end I finished all big dreams available to me except  "Soulmate" and "Artistic Genius" and did "People Person" twice
6 people did partial dreams:
1st gen "Artistic Genius"
2nd gen "Artistic Genius"
2nd gen "Soulmate"
3rd gen "Music"sim
Diego Lobo

This was very fun, but I'm not sure I have in me more then one challenge per tournament :)

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Offline jesslc

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Re: 2021 Tournament Big Dreams Finale
« Reply #137 on: November 22, 2021, 11:27:38 PM »
Congratulations Lindshara!

The plants quality just wouldn't budge, even though I fertilized at every opportunity...
I had this issue with my Garden Guru sim too. I managed to get some plants to excellent quality without too much difficulty but then I couldn't get them past that level. Even repeated fertilizing with fresh $50+ salmon didn't get them there.

I thought the graft 9 unique plants requirement would be the hard part for my Garden Guru what with the way that the rares only grow very rarely on a spliced plant. But in the end that wasn't too difficult - I just had her create 4+ spliced plants for each combo that I needed a rare from and always had the rare I needed on at least one plant within a few days. But the perfect plants thing... :(

If there's something I'm missing with plant quality, please tell me. She got super green thumb asap and we also had the tiny home bonus for plant growth.

(Does saving and reloading the game maybe cause it to glitch or something? Given how slowly I play a full household, I usually only got through about 2 sim days per session).

When/if I do the dynasty, I'll probably start over and I won't have a sim on Garden Guru until earlier generations have managed to get a plant at least as far as magnificent.


I started with an Author and Master Mixer. They adopted 3 babies (immediately aged up to toddlers) who were intended for Tech Guru, Artistic Genius & Financial Whiz. A day or two later they adopted another 2 babies intended for Garden Guru & Soulmate.

I only left one spot for a spouse since I was a bit concerned about the unique spouse collection requirement (particularly with the packs I have). Also I'm not very experienced with collections.

In the end I only managed to get 4 sims done - Soulmate, Author, Master Mixer & Artistic Genius. 2 or 3 more should have made it, if I could have managed to play more/faster and had got through the full 5 weeks. Tech Head was literally only 1 day away from done when I stopped, Katrina Caliente (who married in) only needed a couple of extra days, & my Financial Whiz would have probably made it with the week we had remaining too.

Oh well... Hindsight's always 20/20 - there are so many things I would have done differently if I knew at the start what I know now. But that's at least half the fun of challenges - learning things I didn't know about the game. :D

Offline Nandarelle

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Re: 2021 Tournament Big Dreams Finale
« Reply #138 on: November 25, 2021, 03:46:18 PM »
Congratulations, Lindshara, for a great score.

I also started with a family dream for one of my founders, but it was Family Ties.
His wife did Master Scientist.

They adopted five toddlers in total, of which 3 were top notch. This left one space in the household for a spouse to quickly fulfill Big Happy Family.
I will list the dreams of the children:
- Garden Guru
- Artistic Genius
- Master Mixer
- Author
- Music to my Ears

The spouses were
- Caleb Vatore: Vampire Monarch
- Penny Pizzazz: People Person
- Raj Rasoya: Foodie
- Dirk Dreamer: Tech Head
- Diego Lobo: Financial Whiz (not completed)
I was not really sure if the 'no remarrying' rule applied to townie that were previously married, so I limited myself to single Sims.
There were also three grandchildren (to the founders) and one grandchild in law (Alexander Goth) in the household.
They didn't complete a dream, but most of them contributed at least three components (and got a nice start towards the dynasty).

Mostly, the career was the limiting factor. Several Sims learned charisma a an extra skill to ask for bonuses.
One of the vampire aspirations needs the Sim to survive for 20 days, so that took longest for Caleb.

The spouse collections I used were frogs, party cracker plushies, experimental food pictures, decorative eggs, and geodes.

The partycrackers and sentiments caused some dangerous playful moodlets, and I would like to take a moment to commemorate Penny, who completed her big dream, left the household, and almost immediately died of laughter.

Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: 2021 Tournament Big Dreams Finale
« Reply #139 on: November 27, 2021, 02:10:08 PM »
Congratulations on winning, Lindshara 8).  Great scores at the top, though.  This was fun, and it's the first time that I've been toward the top for about 2 weeks.

I'd like to add to your awesome strategies.  This is what I did that I didn't see mentioned:

I used the lot traits on ley line until three sets of twins (one set at a time) were born. As soon as the mother gave birth, she was back trying for baby, so that the "old" toddlers were children by the time the next set of toddlers was born. I used science lair, and had that lot trait and added child's play after getting rid of on ley line on the Rippling Flats lot in NewCrest (I like that lot for families because if there's a bathroom line, then, there are two public bathrooms without going through a loading screen.) I also chose a tiny residential lot micro home with a kitchen, 2 bathrooms and a computer room.  There was also a tiny room with a 2 by 1 pool for drowning an acquaintance Sim elder because the Sim mother was Chef Dreams and she did the grilled cheese aspiration, so we had to have a visit from Grim.  Of course, I had a club going with rally the troops and kept changing the activities, as needed for different big dreams. I took the parent sims (one at a time) to the flea market on different Sundays to complete most of the my sims collection and the snow globe collection.  The other collections were just gotten by gathering them around the world and with the telescope/microscope.

My Sims did the following big dreams:

Mother --- Chef Dreams, Foodie 
Father --- Family Dreams, Family Matters
Kid 1 (girl) --- Music Dreams, Music to my Ears
Kid 2 (boy) --- Author Dreams, Author
Kid 3 (boy) --- Outdoor Dreams, Outdoorsman
Kid 4 (girl) --- Tech Dreams, Tech-head
Kid 5 (boy) --- Science Dreams, Master Scientist
Kid 6 (girl) --- Learner Dreams, Life-long Learner

Have a great holiday, team and everyone!  I'm excited about the next tournament year.

