The first matter to tackle with the Crumplebottom is the aforementioned butler. As you can tell by the following pics, he's made a real mess of things. Leighton finally had enough, and fired Chad the butler, then everyone helped clean up the house and the yard. They even remove the butler's room, not wanting to try with another butler (I also removed the awful chimney as I discovered how)
The next big event is the Bay's first natural passing. Grandma Yumi had just finished teaching her youngest grandchild to talk when grim came to take her to the afterlife. Everyone was very upset, even Agnes. They made a lovely spot for her grave surrounded by flowers, and found comfort in mourning. And as the parents tell their children, Yumi is still around, in some form.
Now that Sam is finally old enough to drive, his dad and stepmom give him his first car. Being the richest family in the Bay, it's certainly not a cheap car. The family has their first gnome, which was sent to them from China, and have started a nectar collection. Leighton has been doing some wonderful designs on the drawing table, and has been establishing himself as an architect. He redid the McGraw's master bedroom (shot below), as well as the Windsoar loungeroom, and Laurel Grisby's basement sculpture room. He received small bonuses for all these designs, and saves his clients some money. He reaches Architectural career level 4 for his hard work. In his spair time he teaches Ingrid to walk, and donates to world peace.
Agnes practices for her band, The Barnacles, and invites Roxie Lin to join. She earns her first celebrity star for giving a painting to Blair, and also plays Bass for peace with aliens. And between all this she teaches Ingrid to use the potty.
Sam is studying hard, because he loves school. One day he wants to join the science career and eventually be a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder. He is trying hard to pursue a love interest, but Laurel Grisby always seems to be fed up with him quickly when invited over, and leaves abruptly. Will their love ever flourish?
Sam finds time to help his little sister, Patricia, with her homework, and Patricia in turn spends time with the youngest member of the family, Ingrid. Patricia is also working hard at school, and even stays behind one day to help clean up. She begins to prepare her room for Ingrid's birthday.
And finally it is time for Ingrid to grow up. This little girl now has the Exciteable trait, and has her mother's hair, and loves the colour blue and puppies.
Below is their new room with desks for homework and their new bed covers.
Patricia likes Ingrid's dress and pajamas so much that she must have her own in pink. When Leighton ages up, he decides it's time for a change too. Do you like his new hairstyle?
We leave the Crumplebottom family with a last look at their latest works of art – Leighton's architectural drawings, and Agnes' beautiful painting.