Author Topic: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge) COMPLETED  (Read 14392 times)

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 2.1: Just Call Me Irresponsible
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2021, 12:19:30 PM »
Oh, bummer, she's losing Responsibility for skipping school!  And you mostly gain it by doing your homework and going to school.
She's probably lucky Free Love hasn't been passed so far.  No matter what neighborhood it is, if Free Love is in effect, Nancy will come jog through it in her birthday suit...

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 2.2: Rage Against – Well – Everything!
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2021, 05:49:59 AM »
Rapunzel Grounded 2.2: Rage Against – Well – Everything!

Week 2: Thursday

Rapunzel: It’s Harvestfest! I’m a bit nervous about celebrating it on my own and I nearly cancel it but putting up the decorations got me in the mood.

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I send Thank You letters to Mum, Dad and even Malcolm. Sending letters is so old-school that I never thought about celebrating that way.

I know everyone would be off school so I call a club meeting and even cook them a grand meal. They don’t know I’d cooked it obvs. It just appears in front of them and some of them have some. It wasn’t very well cooked though. My fridge is only a cheap one and I wasn’t in the best mood. Dad shows up, so that was nice, I guess.

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I send the boys off after a while so they can celebrate with their families.

Later in the day a woman called Jesminder Bheeda just walks into the club house and starts dancing! Some people!

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After writing all day in a very responsible way, I get a message that I’m down to an F grade at school! I knew it was coming but I’m so mortified that I nearly don’t call the boys round. I invite another boy in – Kiyoshi. He’s cute but I’m not sold on that cold weather outfit! Oops, I forgot to take the Harvestfest decorations down.

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FG gives me a top of the range radio to cheer me up. It takes up a lot more space than the wall radio but it is soooo much better


I’m a bit confused today, FG. I’ve been counting the days and I’m sure it should be my birthday! Malcolm’s too.
FG: I wondered when you would notice. How do you feel?
Rapunzel: Not much older, if I’m honest. I thought by the time I was a young adult, I’d know what I wanted to do and how to get there. When does that happen?
FG: I’m not sure it ever does. Some people do know what they want, for sure, but the rest of us just muddle along, trying to take next step as best we can.
Rapunzel: That’s a bit deep! What about my birthday? And also, as a young adult, surely that’s the end of my incarceration (big word – feels smug)
FG: Well – you know you said you don’t feel any older… You’re not!
Rapunzel: I don’t understand!
FG: I think it’s a kind of Sleeping Beauty thing. You’re not aging; your family’s not aging; no-one’s aging.
Rapunzel: (…?)
FG: I know it’s mixing up fairy tales but who knew how long this would all take and aging just made life complicated. Look at it this way – you don’t want to spend all your youth in here, do you?
Rapunzel: (…) I’m still processing… What’s he doing here? Dancing! He looks very smug. Corrie is outraged!

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Week 3: Sunday Winter

FG: I’m just relocating the winter plants within reach of your enclosure outdoor area. Brr – it’s cold.
Rapunzel: I’ll just turn the heating up!
FG: Don’t forget that will eat into your earnings. How much are you getting now?
Rapunzel: Over $4k today in royalties. People like my writing. I’m getting quite famous.

The boys have come over. Still no Rahul but Kiyoshi is a keeper. After they tend the garden, they decide it’s the right weather for swimming. Corrie is transfixed by Wolfgang!

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The money tree has fruited! I’ll just harvest them all and plant th… oh no! I can only sell them. That’s sooo annoying. Still $11.2k in one go. I can fertilize it – should improve even more.
FG: (mutters) save file….might need to come back to this….
Rapunzel: What? What are you muttering.
FG: Well – the council of FGs, actually only @Brian_Z  but still, reckons you can have the money but there’s a slight possibility that Malcolm could launch an appeal and then we’d have to come back to this point but, don’t worry. If we have to do that, you’d never even know about it…
Rapunzel: (enraged mood swing) No aging, no money, no memories! Argh!!!!!!

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(lots of winding down to classical music, scribbling furiously, cold showers and mirror talks – this enraged mood lasts a long time. Especially as another fabrication attempt results in a dye explosion)

Rapunzel: Today has just gone in one mood after another. I call the boys round to get some work done but someone called Thorne Bailey comes in and knocks at the boys loo door!
FG: I think we need to set up a proper front door…
Rapunzel: Anyway – apparently he’s a proper celeb and the boys all go a bit fanboy on him so I send everyone home. Today has been a write-off without any writing!
FG: Oh the irony!

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Stats Week 3 – Tuesday am:

Opening score: 104
Day points: -5 (to Tuesday am) = total -16
Skill points: 0
Aspiration points: +0 = total +15
Closing score: 99

Rapunzel was genuinely enraged on the day her money tree fruited. I thought she’d be over the moon but she was still recovering from finding out about the not-aging thing coupled with teenage mood-swings.
Thanks to @Brian_Z  for the advice about the money tree. I have made a save file so I can return to it if necessary. It will speed things up significantly and Rapunzel will need to be more strategic in choosing aspirations rather than assuming she’ll have time to complete them all as far as possible.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 2.1: Just Call Me Irresponsible
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2021, 06:00:09 AM »
Oh, bummer, she's losing Responsibility for skipping school!  And you mostly gain it by doing your homework and going to school.
She's probably lucky Free Love hasn't been passed so far.  No matter what neighborhood it is, if Free Love is in effect, Nancy will come jog through it in her birthday suit...
Rapunzel's working really hard and rarely drops queues but The Man has decided that she's highly irresponsible and neutral on all the other traits! I need to have a chat with her about handling her emerging when we get near that point. I don't think she knows what she/I will want to do with her life yet. Oh - the possibilities...!

Rapunzel's mother streaking - she would not handle that well, in her current state of mind! Lol.
NAPs passed so far are:
Performing Arts - how Rapunzel got any influence and achieved Eco-Innovator level 1
Dazed - doesn't seem to affect the teens and we've had no obvious problems with adults
Rock Your Body - just passed - should encourage the working out.

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 2.1: Just Call Me Irresponsible
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2021, 12:50:10 PM »
Play With Emotion on an instrument will help with mood swings, and also develop Emotional Control.  A yoga mat will too, if you have Spa Day, but they are a space hog.  Other character traits-- they kind of all depend on interacting with people, or leaving your lot!
Juiced Community is what causes Dazed.  And that seems to be the only thing it does.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 2.1: Just Call Me Irresponsible
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2021, 03:18:52 PM »
There's a way to boost your Responsible character value and learn skills at the same time: school projects.
You can buy them for $100 each in Buy Mode's kid sort (click on the violin icon). The offer 5 skills to learn: Handiness, Logic, Painting, Programming, and Rocket Science.
Since Rapunzel doesn't attend school, she won't get extra credit for completing a school project, but she gains Responsibility while working on them (carefully).

I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to age up to YA.  You would still have the YA, Adult, and Elder stages to complete your challenge.
And if you feel your cutting it too close time-wise, you could disable Rapunzel's aging then in her late Adult phase.
I'm playing with everyone aging except the Active Household. But the parents can all make ambrosia, so it's mostly to allow the progeny to age.
It's not my intention to tell you what to do.  I'm just curious what benefits there are to playing the Room challenge as an eternal teenager.

Try the school projects, though, to see how much that affects Rapunzel's responsibility. As you know, brushing teeth helps, too.
Unless, of course, being irresponsible is part of Rapunzel's story, in which case please ignore my senseless blathering, lol.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 2.1: Just Call Me Irresponsible
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2021, 03:54:08 AM »
There's a way to boost your Responsible character value and learn skills at the same time: school projects.
You can buy them for $100 each in Buy Mode's kid sort (click on the violin icon). The offer 5 skills to learn: Handiness, Logic, Painting, Programming, and Rocket Science.
Since Rapunzel doesn't attend school, she won't get extra credit for completing a school project, but she gains Responsibility while working on them (carefully).
I started considering those - a bit late. They take up 6 squares while working on them but can be cleared away easily. A better choice than the fabricator, certainly. I'd forgotten about the teeth brushing.

I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to age up to YA.  You would still have the YA, Adult, and Elder stages to complete your challenge.
And if you feel your cutting it too close time-wise, you could disable Rapunzel's aging then in her late Adult phase.
I'm playing with everyone aging except the Active Household. But the parents can all make ambrosia, so it's mostly to allow the progeny to age.
It's not my intention to tell you what to do.  I'm just curious what benefits there are to playing the Room challenge as an eternal teenager.

Try the school projects, though, to see how much that affects Rapunzel's responsibility. As you know, brushing teeth helps, too.
Unless, of course, being irresponsible is part of Rapunzel's story, in which case please ignore my senseless blathering, lol.
Yes, the teen thing is part of Rapunzel's story. I wanted there to be a reason why she was in there and parental grounding seemed to fill the bill. The weird relationship of Geoffrey & Nancy had produced bad-boy Malcolm but there should always be some light to balance darkness  :)
I'm just starting to consider Rapunzel's exit strategy and future...

I'm very grateful for all input and queries - I have a lot to learn and seeing what other people do/suggest is really helpful and deepens the experience.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 3.1: (I Think) I’m Outta Here!
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2021, 04:37:51 AM »
Rapunzel Grounded 3.1: (I Think) I’m Outta Here!

Week 3: Tuesday

Rapunzel: After yesterday’s melt-down, I decide to take back a bit of control. As Malcolm just turns up all the time, I decide to invite him to join my club. It’s risky as he could turn the boys against me but it does mean his behaviour can be manipulated improved a bit.

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Wednesday: Winterfest

FG: Wakey, wakey! Rise and shine! Happy Winterfest!
Rapunzel: Why bother to get up? What’s the poi…. Oh! FG! A pile of presents and a fireplace! I WILL get out of bed AND put the decorations up. I see the boys are all dressed warmly apart from Wolfgang. He does like swimming – a lot.

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I cook them a Grand Meal – I’m still not great at cooking – and then send them home to their families while I take a nap

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8.00pm I wake up in time to greet Father Winter. I wasn’t sure he would be allowed in but he is and I get a present and a hug and I have the best time chatting with him. I go to bed after a bit but wake to find him taking a bath!

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After leaving copious amounts of empty glasses lying around he goes back up the chimney.


Hey – where’s it all gone? Was yesterday a dream?
FG: No – you really did have a good day. I just put the fabricator back. The fireplace was lovely but it takes up too much room and it’s a fire hazard which we can’t risk with the firefighters still unable to “gain access”.
Rapunzel: (sadly) OK. I’ll get on with the usual stuff then.

Did you notice that I’d written another 10 books since we last counted, FG? And at least 5 of them were excellent or bestsellers.
FG: Well done! Your biography of your mum sold out before it was even published! Not to mention all those exercise books you’ve written. Oh no! The clubhouse radio is on the blink again!
Rapunzel: It’s time to call the boys round after school anyway I hope no-one gets electrocuted. Or maybe….Yes! Malcolm’s fixing it! Let’s watch closely….shame!

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FG: I’m beginning to wonder about who’s the Goodie in this story!
Rapunzel: I can’t help it. He brings out the worst in me.


Rapunzel: Quick, I’ll be late for school. Get my clothes on…oh yes. I forgot! Why do I do this every day!!!!

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Just as well – I’ve still not done my homework.
FG: About that. I’ve never told you to do it because I thought you would have done it autonomously (big word – used a lot in the Simverse) by now. And it might help your responsibility levels.
Rapunzel: (changing topic) How much is my/our house worth now?
FG: Hmm. OK, we’ll come back to that. Oh – look, it’s over $50k. We just need 6 more bits of artwork. I wish we hadn’t sold all of your earlier attempts. I didn’t expect to get here so quickly.
Rapunzel: I’m on it! Had you noticed that I’m a leftie, btw?
FG: Interesting.

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Rapunzel: What was that? Ooh – Knox running topless again – it the snow this time!

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FG: He’s too old for you. Move on!
Rapunzel: The boys are helping. Not Malcolm, of course. He’s too busy chatting to Father Winter who has shown up. Probably wanting another bath. Put some clothes on, bro!

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And we’re done! House worth over $50k and 15 paintings
FG: Of dubious quality
Rapunzel: But still – done! I’m ringing Mom right away!

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Stats Week 3 – Friday eve:

Opening score: 99
Day points: -3 (to Friday eve) = total -19
Skill points: 0
Aspiration points: +10 (Bestselling Author 3/4 & Mansion Baron 1/4) = total +25
Closing score: 106


And so we end this episode on a high note! But you veterans out there know this isn’t the quick exit Rapunzel is hoping for. She’s forgotten all about her mum saying “steps” – plural!
Will she sink into a major mood swing? Will she come up with a plan? Will she continue to be distracted by topless Knox?
All Some will be revealed in the next episode.

I really did expect Rapunzel to start her homework by herself at some point. Especially as it’s a club activity but she seems strangely reluctant. Maybe the authorities are right, that she truly is irresponsible.

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Offline Brian_Z

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 2.1: Just Call Me Irresponsible
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2021, 10:45:59 AM »
I've found if they get Focused, they'll usually get straight into their homework.  She'll only be able to do it once, and then I think make-up homework once, anyway.

This has gotten me wanting to give it a try.  I wouldn't be posting the score on the challenge thread, because I have mods and I'm not taking them out, but I can refrain from doing any cheating.  Also, screenshots would need to be... chosen carefully lol.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 2.1: Just Call Me Irresponsible
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2021, 01:49:29 PM »
Go for it @Brian_Z ! I'd love to read another one.

I don't think I'd use the money tree in another play through but Rapunzel won't let me go back. It really shortens play but I think it could still be quite a short challenge, especially compared to some.

Rapunzel & I are currently looking at her exit options...

Offline oshizu

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 3.1 (I Think) I'm Outta Here
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2021, 04:02:39 PM »
I've found if they get Focused, they'll usually get straight into their homework.  She'll only be able to do it once, and then I think make-up homework once, anyway.

This has gotten me wanting to give it a try.  I wouldn't be posting the score on the challenge thread, because I have mods and I'm not taking them out, but I can refrain from doing any cheating.  Also, screenshots would need to be... chosen carefully lol.

LOL, do it. Using mods is only a no-no if you're doing one of the forum's dynasty challenges with an eye on getting into the Hall of Fame.
If you're doing other non-official challenges, it's fine to use mods and post your story in this challenge thread, as long as your screenshots are (coughs) "carefully chosen."
I'd love to read a story of yours, @Brian_Z!

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 3.1 (I Think) I'm Outta Here
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2021, 04:07:10 PM »
Granny Lawlor

So, does Rapunzel have a personal favorite among her club members?
Mine is Kiyoshi Ito but I've used him briefly in two challenges, so I'm giving him a rest now, haha.

Wait, exit options?  What is the end point of Rapunzel's challenge?  Completing the Mansion Baron aspiration?
Wow, Father Winter taking a bath in your one-room studio!?  Scandalous! 🤣

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded (A Room Challenge): 3.1 (I Think) I'm Outta Here
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2021, 05:16:18 AM »
Granny Lawlor

So, does Rapunzel have a personal favorite among her club members?
Mine is Kiyoshi Ito but I've used him briefly in two challenges, so I'm giving him a rest now, haha.
Rapunzel's gone on a journey in her preferences and of course it's all based on looks & behaviour as she can't interact with them other than as leader of their club.
Wolfgang looks like a bad boy which rebellious Rapunzel liked but then he gets on quite well with Malcolm and she thought her mother would approve!
Rohan is looks very sweet - maybe too sweet?
Duane looks lovely but I hear his heart is already taken  ;)
Hugo has got fitter but still needs a makeover. He is the most diligent gardener & painter.
Kiyoshi was a very pleasing addition to the club - time will tell...
I have to keep Rapunzel's eyes off topless Knox. I have had him as a founders spouse in the past (he gets flirty really easily!) but - that nose!!! It was a real challenge to pick heirs for their traits/asp if they'd inherited it (managed to avoid using the joke "big noses run in our family" - phew). Rapunzel is not going to settle for him!
I have discovered that Rahul has been too busy "looking for a house with his mum" to attend club meetings so I may have just bent the rules slightly to move him into 1 Cobblestone in HoB so he might turn up soon. He's kinda dreamy...

Wait, exit options?  What is the end point of Rapunzel's challenge?  Completing the Mansion Baron aspiration?
Yes, she has to complete the Mansion Baron aspiration but there are so many unanswered questions. How was this eternal incarceration achieved? Who really initiated it? Why have her family seemingly forgotten that she can't leave or let them in? I'm hoping there will be some answers soon!

Wow, Father Winter taking a bath in your one-room studio!?  Scandalous! 🤣
I know! I think your Pania had a lucky escape when he scarpered after their one-night-stand.
On the other hand, if it was Clement Frost, he has also been a spouse of one of my founders (I've never completed one, before you ask). It was Winterfest Night: she was lonely - he wanted to be Friend to the World - and...
Clement was a great father to 2 lovely boys and got a real job as they appointed a different Father Winter - waiting to see what happened the following Winterfest Night was nail-biting! As an immortal, he eventually moved out to an isolated part of Sulani but came to all the family parties/dinners through the years

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Rapunzel Grounded 3.2: Writing and Painting for Fame & Fortune
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2021, 05:38:11 AM »
Rapunzel Grounded 3.2: Writing and Painting for Fame & Fortune

Week 3: Friday evening

Rapunzel: Mum? I’ve done it. I’ve met your standards. My house is worth over $50k and I have 15 amazing (cough) pieces of artwork on display. You can let me out now. I can come home.
What? No! That’s not fair. It now needs to be over $100k and I need to make the garden look nice? Have you seen how small my plot is?

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I need to think about this. And have some eggs and toast.

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Okay FG – I think you can help me here. Do your thing.
Topiary animals – in pairs. Going in or coming out of the Ark? Isn’t that symbolism a little heavy-handed?
FG: Everyone’s a critic.
Rapunzel: Cute, though. That’s probably enough landscaping?

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Oh and the clubhouse is upgraded as well. Nice.

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What’s Dad doing here? Oh – he’s got a gift for me. I do worry about early onset dementia. There’s no way he can give that to me. At least he’s changed into some warm clothes, unlike Malcolm.

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Saturday: New Year’s Eve

My resolution? Write a book – ha ha. That’s an easy one. Tell jokes and get in the spirit? Done. Ooh my royalties have come in. With them and the money tree, FG?
FG: I’m doing it. The clubhouse now has more workout equipment and I’ve swapped all your furniture for the best quality. Apart from your bunk – we need the space. I hope that’s OK.
Rapunzel: It is because I quite like sleeping up that and because we’ve already met the $100k and garden requirements. Hooray – I’m definitely in the mood to party!
FG: Look – your Mum’s come over. Is she dancing? She’s on her own for New Year’s Eve too?
Rapunzel: I would say that’s a bit sad but she’s just texted me the next step. Apparently, it’s still not enough…

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Oh and apparently I’m going through another distant phase – like that’s going to be a problem!
Onward and Upward. I catch the TV countdown to midnight and go to bed.

Week 4: Sunday – Spring – Prank Day

Dad asks me to go to the Flea Market with him – I guess that’s his Prank of the Day.

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I’m seriously no good at mischief. Today might be a bust.
FG: I’ve bought you a book. Have a quick read and…
Rapunzel: Ah – I get it now. I’ll just ring Malcolm…. Rats – I’m busted

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Mum doesn’t fall for it, either. But Dad is a real sucker. I should’ve guessed. I’ll just Troll Teh Forums and – what’s this – hack my school grades? Don’t mind if I do. Wow! FG – you’re looking at a D grade student. (buffs fingernails)
FG: Um – I’m not sure that’s a great idea. There might be unforeseen consequences… Still – you’re done with Prank Day.
Rapunzel: just one more…
I’m feeling so energized that I work right through the night.


I harvest what I can, wave at no-one and then go to bed while FG does some more tinkering
FG: (muttering) too much clutter – time to go down – what she can’t see won’t bother her… 3 more violins
After school in the clubhouse and Malcolm is getting fit while I sit here and slog on another best seller!

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My third bestseller and we give the boys a dance floor to celebrate

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I feel very inspired and do lots of paintings.


Selling my paintings makes me even more famous. I’ve started a social media page and I’ve decided that I only want the best quality food and drink. Time to clear out the fridge. I'm not sure how this fits with my freegan principles? Maybe freeganism is just a lifestyle choice and not a trait!


I spend 3 days working on the garden – why do none of my plants need watering when I really need them too! The money is rolling in though.

Stats Week 5 – Sunday am :

Opening score: 106
Day points: -9 (to sun am) = total -28
Skill points: 10 (writing) = total +10
Aspiration points: +20 (Mansion Baron 2/4, Bestselling Author 4/4, Painter Extraordinaire 1&2/4) = total +45
Closing score: 127


It’s really hard to catch Rapunzel looking sad. She’s so – well – cheerful.
Choosing the botanist aspiration was not a good choice when there are so many that Rapunzel could’ve walked the 1st stage (bangs head). Still, it’s about the journey not the points, right? Lol!
The last few days were just writing/painting to earn more money and skilling – the fruit of which should materialise in the next episode.
Rapunzel has started doing her homework. She’s able to do a new lot every day although I don’t think there’ll be time to mitigate the non-attendance.

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Adult Trait
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2021, 11:18:45 AM »
Have your say

Dear lovely people who have been kind enough to follow this little story, I would value your input -

Rapunzel had grown disillusioned with the freegan restrictions and has decided that she will try to save the planet in a different way. All her writing, painting and cooking has made her realise that she is now a cheerful creative teen.

Neither of these traits, nor indeed her freeganism, have come from her parents.

Geoffrey is good, out-going and family-oriented.
Nancy is an ambitious, materialistic snob (is there anyway to make that sound nice?)

Malcolm is Evil! He has inherited his mothers snobbish ways.
For the sake of good vs evil balance, I think Rapunzel should develop one of her fathers traits, but which one?

Any thoughts, musings, whims and spanners (as in "in the works") welcome.

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Re: Rapunzel Grounded 3.2: Writing and Painting for Fame & Fortune
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2021, 03:45:26 PM »
for Rapunzel's adult trait, it really depends on where you see her story going.
if you're not sure, it might be fun to use Pinstar's trait randomizer.  Have you used it before?

There's another trait randomizer website out there, too, if you don't want influence from family traits.

i'm confused by the mention of the Freegan trait. Did you replace it with another one?
if so, you'll need to use the remove trait cheat to complete remove it or Rapunzel will continue to feel the trait's effects as moodlets.

As for Duane, the pool of single sims is quite small and we all end up using some of the same sims in our stories.
So yeah, Duane's heart might be taken in one simverse but not necessarily in the others.  ;)