Author Topic: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty  (Read 7123 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« on: September 18, 2021, 11:51:41 PM »
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Lifespan - Normal
Seasons - 7 Days, no extreme weather
Lot - Henford-on-Bagley: Olde Mill Hill
Lot Traits - Great Soil, Homey, Home Studio
Lot Challenges - Simple Living

Additional Watcher Rules
Founder and Heir traits are chosen; spare traits are random.
At least 2 of the 3 skills for Founder and Heirs must be unique.

Requirement Stats

01. Meet the Founder
02. Beginning
03. A Little Help From Some Friends

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2021, 11:52:34 PM »
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Founder - Annalise Everlive

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  • Traits: Loves Outdoors, Family-Oriented, Creative, Muser                 
  • Starting Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2021, 11:53:00 PM »
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Founder: Annalise Everlive
    [ ] "A" in University
    [ ] Earned a Degree:
    [ ] 1 Career: Master of the Real
    [ ] 2 Aspirations: Painter Extraordinaire,
    [ ] 3 Skills: Painting, Wellness
    [ ] 4 Rewards:  Observant,
    [ ] 5 Gold Medal Parties:
    [ ] 6 Good Friends(1 Unique BFF):
    [ ] 7 Emotional Whims:
    [ ] 8 Museum Pieces:

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2021, 11:53:26 PM »
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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2021, 11:53:44 PM »
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I am Annalise Everlive.

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I’m still trying to get used to that.

I’m here to introduce myself, but I’m not really sure how to do that. There isn’t much I can say about myself. My life literally just started today. 

I have memories - of a childhood at an orphanage, being adopted into a family, living a busy, eventful life. But they aren’t my memories. They are Celeste Jansen’s memories. And I am not Celeste Jansen.

Celeste Jansen was a Hero. Part of a Seven Heroes Dynasty. Celeste slayed vampires, fed the hungry, clothed the homeless. I am not a hero; I am not Celeste Jansen. I just look like her. And I have her memories. Right up to the point that her daughter Krista cloned her to create me.

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It’s a very weird feeling. I remember knitting, but not how to knit.

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 I remember upgrading countless plumbing and electrical items, but not how to do those upgrades.

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I remember cooking and grilling and mixing drinks, but I have no skill in doing any of those things.
I will have to learn everything all over again.

As I write all this, it sounds a little depressing. But that’s only because I am looking back, and not finding anything of my own to tell you about.

But now I get to look forward, into the fun and excitement and wonder of starting a new life in a new place with a new family and the promise of being able to enjoy it forever.

No, I am not Celeste Jansen. I am Annalise Everlive - with no past of my own, but with an amazing future before me.

Online oshizu

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2021, 01:18:15 AM »
What a great intro!
Best wishes on your new journey, Annalise!

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2021, 03:39:43 PM »
Good introduction. Welcome, Annalise!
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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2021, 06:42:04 PM »
What a great intro!
Best wishes on your new journey, Annalise!

Good introduction. Welcome, Annalise!

Thank you both! I'm excited to get started on this.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2021, 07:50:30 PM »
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My lot is so big and so empty - honestly, its a little overwhelming.

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So I'm not going to think about that. Instead, I'm going to check my text messages.

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Ok, the library it is.

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Let's see here . . . Founder . . . heirs . . . immortals . . . non-immortals . . . ambrosia . . . career . . . aspirations . . . skills . . . rewards . . . parties . . . friends . . . whims . . . museum . . . ok . . . got it.

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Oh, and extra Watcher rules. Ha! Yeah, of course she did that. Ok, I'm good. Just need to get started.

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Bjorn: "Well helllloooo Gorgeous!"
Annalise: "Excuse me?"
Bjorn (clears throat): "I said, 'Hello Doris!' That's your name, right? Doris?"
Annalise: "No, my name is Annalise."

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Bjorn: "Yes, of course, that's what I said. I haven't seen you in here before Annalise. You must be new in town."

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Bjorn (swooning): "You're so beautiful. You should join my club. You're perfect for me . . .I mean for it . . . my club I mean. We're called the Good Timers because we love to have a good time. You like to have a good time, right?

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Bjorn: "Of course you do."

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Annalise: "Look, Buster, I don't what you think you're doing, but I see that ring on your finger! And even without the ring, you are NOT my type!"

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Bjorn: "Oh no, I fear you've gotten the wrong idea! You would love our club. We're just a bunch of fun consenting sims out to have a good time together. Come on, turn this frown upside down - say you'll join."
Annalise: "I don't think it's for me."
Bjorn: "Nonsense. I just added you to the roster. You'll get a message when we have our next meeting and I am looking forward to seeing you there."

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Bjorn (to himself): "Bjorn, you sly devil. You still got it!"

Later, at the Art Gallery . . .

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First Mr. Good Timer and now Mr. Bag Man? I'm not even gonna ask.

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Now this is more like it. One tip for your playing and another for not being weird.

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Ah, painting. Celeste was a very skilled painter . . . let's see . . . yep, as expected. I have to start from scratch and learn it myself.

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She looks like she knows something about painting. I think I'll see if she has any pointers for me.

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Annalise: "Hello, I'd like to introduce myself."

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Oh, right, first we must stop what we're doing and go downstairs.

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Yes, all the way down.

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Oh, and outside too.

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To sit on this bench  . . .  all before I can say, "Hello. I'm Annalise Everlive. Dynasty founder and aspiring artist. You seem to know your way around a paintbrush. Do you have any tips for me?"

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Angela: "Well, practice makes perfect, as they say." But I would also suggest enrolling in University like I did."

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Katrina: "Dynasty Founder?! I know a thing or six about Dynasties? What kind of Dynasty?"

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Annalise: "Immortal Dynasty."
Katrina: "Of course - I should have guessed by your name. Immortal Dynasty is a big one. You know what we should do? We should go have a drink and I'll share all my juicy dynasty tips and Angela can clue you in about University."

And that is how my first friendships began.

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2021, 08:26:40 PM »
Welcome, Annalise, I love your name. Oh yes, Katrina is an ole pro at this. She can give you great advice. Bjorn needs to go home!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2021, 07:41:38 PM »
Welcome, Annalise, I love your name. Oh yes, Katrina is an ole pro at this. She can give you great advice. Bjorn needs to go home!
Thank you!

The whole going out of the room and down the stairs and outside just for a friendly intro was a little frustrating, but then Katrina was there and that looked like an opportunity worth taking.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2021, 11:14:31 PM »
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Katrina: "Ok, listen carefully. You need to get a gardener, but they don't usually have much money. So try to find someone, not too young, with some bucks. It will make everything easier."

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Katrina: "Unless you want to do the cooking, you should get someone to do that, and that person can help with the kids."
Annalise: "Kids?"

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Katrina: "Of course. At least one. You have to have an heir, or heiress. A fisherman used to be a thing, but you don't really need one anymore because you can build a pond."
Annalise: "Pond?"

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Katrina: "Yes. I hope you have a big lot because you're going to need to build a house for eight and a museum and have room for the pond and the garden and the cemetery . . . "

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Annalise "Cemetery!?!"
Katrina: "Ok, you don't have to have a cemetery if it freaks you out. You can bury the mortals somewhere else. Or just throw them in your inventory. But then you can't interact with the ghosts."

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Angela: "Katrina! Slow down, you're scaring her."

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Katrina: "Ok, but let me just say one more thing. You need to find a spouse, and you want to get a good one. So you need to get on that right away."

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Annalise: "What have I gotten myself into?"
Angela: "Nice job Katrina."
Katrina: "Oh, no, honey, it will be fun! Truly it will!"

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Angela: "Annalise, you don't have to think about all of this right now. The first thing is to get you enrolled in University. Get your painting and photography skills up so you can get into Britechester, where I am."

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Annalise: "Ok, painting and photography. I'll just focus on that for now."

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Angela: "Yes, and start a club. For painters. You'll get better faster in a club."

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Annalise: "Speaking of clubs . . . have you heard of one called Good Timers? Some guy was hitting on me today and he said added me."

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Angela and Katrina together, rolling their eyes: "Bjorn!"
Katrina: "Yeah, he's a menace. Don't quit the club though, not yet. Just don't go to the meetings. They have this thing called Rally the Troops that any member can do . . . "
Angela: "Katrina . . . "
Katrina: "Oh, yeah, well I can tell you about that later."

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Angela: "For now, focus on getting your skills up and start the club. Require some painting skill. You'll get more money that way when you sell the paintings."
Annalise: "Sell them?"
Angela: "Of course. To pay for University. And a house."

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Annalise: "But won't everyone want to sell their own?"
Angela: "Without a Watcher, we can't even pick up our paintings, much less sell them. We finish one painting and then we have to go find another easel. It's such a pain. That's why we need a club."
Annalise: "So why don't you start one?"
Angela: "Can't. No Watcher. We need you to start one and then take our paintings away so we can paint some more. You might as well sell them. We can't do anything with them anyway."

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Angela (whispering): "Don't look now, but that's Mrs. Good Timer . . . except he's more like Mr. Two-Timer."

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Angela (whispering louder): "I said don't look!"

Back at home . . .

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Oh no! I forgot to text my Watcher.

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How did she do that?

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Oh, what have I gotten myself into?

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2021, 11:32:01 PM »
I love it!! This is gonna be good!!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2021, 01:38:22 AM »
I love it!! This is gonna be good!!

Thank you! I'm having fun with it.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Everliving: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2021, 11:23:39 PM »

What a fun start! Your writing is delightful and witty! Good luck with the challenge.  :)

