Author Topic: Adventures in Henford-on-Bagley 22. Gen3 Kiddos/Finale (15 Oct)  (Read 25496 times)

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Adventures in Henford-on-Bagley 18+19. Decisions, Decisions (8 Oct)
« Reply #60 on: October 11, 2021, 04:16:47 PM »
@Granny Lawlor
There's the Perfect Genetics wherein the heir must be the first child who inherits certain physical attributes of the parents (usually, hair, skin color, and/or eye color).
I haven't looked at the rules recently because it doesn't interest me sufficiently.
Possibly, the Perfect Genetics concept could be combined with any long-term challenge but I've already done Pinstar's legacy twice.
Also, isn't every simmer who loves multi-generation challenges captivated by sims genetics?
Thanks - I'll look into the Perfect Genetics challenge :)

These days, I'm preparing for the Big Dreams dynasty challenge (with a clean library clone of one of the Gen3 kids--identical appearance but no non-personality traits, including reward traits, bonus traits, and inherited traits) as well as a variation of the Not So Berry challenge.
Will you join the Tournament Finale, too? Other plans?
I do fancy the Big Dreams but I've just sent Rapunzel to Glassbolt for the Apocalype Challenge - she's reached level 7 in the chef career and expecting a nooboo with her spouse who turns out to be an alien! Such Fun!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Adventures in Henford-on-Bagley 20+21. Choose Me! (13 Oct)
« Reply #61 on: October 14, 2021, 01:24:43 AM »
Our Best Lives: Adventures in the HoB 20+21. Choose Me!

Week 20, Sunday
(4th week of Spring)
Tamiyo: At the end of last week, our twins Yuna and Jin earned all 9 scout badges then quit scouts.
They did attend one scout meeting, but their first day of school is tomorrow.
This week, they'll be working on everything else: grades, aspirations, character values, and skills.

There seems to be more women in the HoB than men, don't you think?
Most of the HoB VIPs are women as well.
And they all adore Naoki from the time he was a teen.
Even our hens love Naoki, running to him flapping their wings whenever he enters their pen.
You think it's his pheromones?

Today's the long-awaited teen birthday of Katsuya and Akane.

They look somewhat dowdy right after aging up.
Let's go into CAS, you two.  We can do better than that!

Katsuya's not fussed about marrying someone with special traits, he says.
He just wants an attractive partner with a warm, caring personality.
On the other hand, Akane's more ambitious.
She really wants to marry Nicolas so she can have "special" kids.

Watcher: For the comparison's sake, let' me jot down Katsuya and Akane's satisfaction points.
Katsuya: 4,575; Akane: 4,700

(Later in Finchwick)
Yuna: Mama's just taking a minute to sell her stuff, so why are we knitting?
Tamiyo: You're both doing Rambunctious Scamp now, aren't you?
Jin: Oh, you mean we can gain Motor by knitting? Cool!
Akane: Wrong. More like "no rest for the wicked."
Katsuya: You should talk, Akane.  You always ask for advice then drop your character values.

Katsuya (grey): While Mom's off selling stuff we kids are here in the Community Center.
Both the Talla girls have joined us, so I introduce myself to Arihi.
Akane (red): But not Laka? Really?
Yuna (green): This is our second Samosa serving. Can I go home now?

Naoki: Leaving Tamiyo at home, I come to the Spice Festival with all the Nakadai and Talla kids.
Not Nicolas Talla, though, because he's already a Spice Hound.
Oh darn, my mistake!  It's Makoa who's already a Spice Hound. Oh well.

Everyone fails the Spice Challenge except me and, I believe, my daughter Yuna.
Yuna's never informed that she failed the Spice cChallenge.
But she doesn't get to wear the Spice Champion Tee, either. 
Guess that's only for teens and older?

Katsuya:  Akane and I eat three more servings of spicy food then retry the Spice Challenge.

Jin: My older brother Katsuya is such a weasel!
Looking at him getting all friendly with Arihi Talla by offering to teach her how to knit.
Has he no shame?

Jin (sighs): Since I have a Strong bloodline, I know I'm expected to marry Laka.
The downside is that I'll continue living with my parents.
On the plus side, I might eventually inherit our farm!

Yuna: I'm quite happy to step aside and let my older sister chase Nicolas.
My dream is to live on a beachfront property somewhere in Sulani.
Hey, maybe my older brother Katsuya and I will be neighbors!

Katsuya: Papa told me I'd only need to eat 5-6 services of spicy food.
But I only become a Spice Hound after my eighth serving.
And I'm not counting the two plates of curry I ate for the Spice Challenge.

Week 21, Sunday
(1st week of summer of Summer)
Duane: New Skill Day falls on the first day of  our week.
It helps me raise my Flower Arranging skill to Level 8.
Hopefully, I can help our kids earn the satisfaction they need as young adults.

The boys complete New Skill Day by fishing, which is an excellent skill.
As long as they're fishing, they cannot ask us for advice.
Nicholas already asked for advice once today, dropping his Responsibility out of range.

In an alternate reality, Watched aged up Arihi to a young adult to do some testing.
The young adult Arihi looks a lot like Beyonce, don't you think?
Will Arihi age up identically in our simverse? I sure hope so!

Duane: Lately, I've been wondering what Father Winter's IQ might be.
This morning, I remind Nicolas to leave for school on time while he's cleaning up.
He walks out with a pile of dirty dishes, then tries to come home again three times.
I had to reply NO to three "Should Nicolas come home?" prompts.
By the time he finally leaves home for good, he's over 90 minutes late for school.

Pania: Nicolas and Laka receive their teen birthday notices past 2 am.

As usual, Nicolas displays atrocious taste in coif and clothing.
Laka's not much better.

Pania: They're only teens! Why do they both look so…haggard?
Duane: Yeah, they look older than we do.
Pania: Why do they already have forehead wrinkles and crow's feet?
And look how deep their laugh lines are. It's unnatural.

Duane: Both kids get makeovers to get rid of their facial wrinkles.
Let's be honest: all their best features come from Pania, including their green eyes.
That weird wrinkling comes, no doubt, from you know who.
Watcher: Is that a Father Winter thing?

I finish adding a room for Nicolas and his future bride at the back of the house tonight.
While I'm at it, I decide to give our home a general renovation, raising the foundation, replacing the columns, and so on.

Nicolas and Laka ask if they can try becoming Mansion Barons.
Not feeling very optimistic, I buy the additional $2,000 worth of landscaping required.
To my surprise, they become Mansion Baron without needing any extra windows of columns.

Arihi: Hey, Makoa! I hear our Watcher is getting tired of country living.
Makoa: Oh yeah? What does that mean for us?
Arihi Last night, I overheard our parents whispering about what happens after our birthday next Tuesday.
Watcher's going to age us up to young adults and move all us kids out except Nicolas who'll continue living here.

Makoa: Nice1 Ohan'ali Town, here we come!

Nicolas; This Father Winter's Child thing is a curse, if you ask me.
Laka: You're luckier than me!  Unlike you, I'll be living with my in-laws!
Nicolas: True, true.  Do you think Watcher will ever stop dressing us in red and green?
Laka: Doubt it.
Nicolas: Thought so.

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Offline oshizu

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Adventures in Henford-on-Bagley 22. Gen3 Kiddos/Finale (15 Oct)
« Reply #62 on: October 15, 2021, 10:01:30 PM »
Our Best Lives: Adventures in the HoB: Gen3 Kiddos (Finale)

After 21 weeks of farming, caring for livestock, and living off-the-gird, this Watcher is ready for something new.
Before I go, however, I'd like to share how the third-generation Nakadai and Talla kids turned out.
Please note that I did not play all the way to their teen birthdays.
Rather, after they blew out their birthday candles as toddlers, I temporarily aged them to teens in CAS, took screenshots, then aged them back down to toddlers.
First, a reminder of all of the second generation as children.

The Nakadai Household
Akane was Naoki and Tamiyo's first child and Katsuya is her half-brother.
Katsuya's father is Naoki but his mother is not Tamiyo. 
Now, who do you think it could be?

A week later, Naoki and Tamiyo have boy/girl twins named Jin and Yuna.
Both twins inherit Tamiyo's green eyes.

The Talla Household
For the sake of sims science, the ex-elemental Pania has twins with Father Winter.
Nicolas and Laka both inherit Pania's green eyes.
We have no idea why Nicolas has red hair.
Pania and Duane get married just before the twins are born.

Later, Pania and Duane have twins as well.
Apart from my favorite Katsuya, Makoa and Arihi are the loveliest Gen2 children.

And now, let's meet the second-generation sims with their progeny.

Nicolas Talla & Akane Nakadai
Akane marries Nicolas and moves into the Talla homestead.  Here are their traits:
Nicolas: Father Winter's Child. Sulani Mana, and Weak Bloodline.
Akane: Strong Bloodline

(Allow me to confess that, as a child, Nikoas received cosmetic surgery via Change Sim.)

Akane shuffles off to the hospital in her slippers to give birth, accompanied by Nicolas.
I guess she doesn't trust the hospital to offer her slippers?

I prefer sending my sims to the hospital alone with their spouse.
Not only is it faster, but the hospital provides free bassinets.
I love learning as early as possible which life state the nooboos will assume as toddlers.

Frost and Clementine Tallas as teenagers.
They're okay in the looks department but start out with stellar inherited traits.
They both have the Ancient Bloodline, Father Winter's Child, and Sulani Mana traits.

Laka Talla & Jin Nakadai
Father Winter's daughter Laka marries Jin and moves into the Nakadai homestead.
They share the same combo of traits as Nicolas and Akane.
Laka: Father Winter's Child, Sulani Mana, and Weak Bloodline.
Jin: Strong Bloodline

Laka had initially been drawn to Katsuya, whereas Jin favored Laka's sister Arihi.
Ultimately, Laka prefers Jin's bloodline lineage and Jin enjoys beecoming the Nakadai heir.

Twin boys, both born spellcasters.

Here are Tadashi and Makoto as teenagers.
I give them the same hairstyle and top so there's no doubt.
Yep, they're identical twins.
They also share the same inherited traits: Ancient Bloodline, Father Winter's Child, and Sulani Mana

Katsuya Nakadai & Arihi Talla
In terms of producing attractive offspring, I have the highest hopes for this couple.
Katsuya: no inherited traits
Arihi: Weak Bloodline, Sulani Mana

They've moved to the Journey's End lot in Lani St. Taz, Sulani.

They have girl twins, who they name Aisha and Naomi.
Have you wondered why all the nooboos are born spellcasters?
Katsuya and Yuna Nakadai were the only Gen2 kids who weren't born spellcasters.
So, with their mother Tamiyo's help, the two became spellcasters after their young adult birthdays.

Aisha and Naomi inherit the Strong Bloodline and Sulani Mana traits.
I especially like Naomi who has her father's deep-set eyes.

Soon after Aisha and Naomi are born, Katsuya and Arihi try for baby again.
Here's Arihi on her way to the hospital with the panicking Katsuya at her side.

Identical boy twins this time.
Naoya and Akihito look a lot like their father, don't you think?
Like their twin sisters, they share the Strong Bloodline and Sulani Mana traits.

Makoa Talla & Yuna Nakadai
Makoa and Yuna have quite a bit in common.
They dislike farm chores and love warm weather, Sulani, and beach activities.
Makoa: Sulani Mana
Yuna: Strong Bloodline

They'd initially planned to move to Lani St. Taz, near Katsuya and Arihi.
But they later decided to move to the Chieftain's Villa in Ohan'ali Town.
The Kealoha household is excited to have Duane's children and grandchildren living nearby.

The island spirits arrive to bless the birth of the spellcaster twins.

Lillian and Sean are both attractive sims.
Thanks to their mother's Strong Bloodline, they share the Ancient Bloodline and Sulani Mana traits.


Favorites: I really like the Gen2 Katsuya Nakadai and will probably make him the founder of my next dynasty, possible along with Duane Talla's daughter Arihi.

Library Clone: Using Genetics/Randomize Twin in CAS to create a library clone can produce a lookalike sim without any of the original sim's personality traits, reward/bonus/inherited traits, skills, career levels, or aspiration progress.
Tamiyo was not a library clone, but a sim I transferred over from my Life States Dynasty. I removed everything she acquired after her teen birthday, but kept her Weak Bloodline trait.

Tamiyo: I choose her for this casual playthrough because I thought she was an attractive sim.
I found her genetic contribution to be disappointing. One sim I will never play again, lol.

Father Winter's Child trait: By their teen birthday, Father Winter's kids did not have substantially more satisfaction points than kids without that special trait.
I think the bad genes and a possibly pear-shaped body aren't worth the slightly more satisfaction.  Thanks to this experiment, now I know for sure.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Adventures in Henford-on-Bagley 22. Gen3 Kiddos/Finale (15 Oct)
« Reply #63 on: October 16, 2021, 05:57:53 PM »
It's been fun following you HoB adventures. All the best for your next adventure!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Adventures in Henford-on-Bagley 22. Gen3 Kiddos/Finale (15 Oct)
« Reply #64 on: October 16, 2021, 09:09:06 PM »
It's been fun following you HoB adventures. All the best for your next adventure!

Thank you! I enjoyed the deep dive into the new Cottage Living content.
Will you be playing the Big Dreams tournament challenge?  I do hope so.

Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Adventures in Henford-on-Bagley 22. Gen3 Kiddos/Finale (15 Oct)
« Reply #65 on: October 17, 2021, 02:02:12 AM »
One of my ancestral names - the Wesseldines - are indeed having Big Dreams. I'm sure they won't be as big as some of the others but it'll be fun!
Is Katsuya going for it? I'm looking forward to seeing the new full dynasty rules.

Offline oshizu

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Re: Adventures in Henford-on-Bagley 22. Gen3 Kiddos/Finale (15 Oct)
« Reply #66 on: October 17, 2021, 04:51:21 PM »
One of my ancestral names - the Wesseldines - are indeed having Big Dreams. I'm sure they won't be as big as some of the others but it'll be fun!
Is Katsuya going for it? I'm looking forward to seeing the new full dynasty rules.

@Granny Lawlor
Yes, I've decided to play library clones of Katsuya & Arihi for the tournament then restart with the yet another pair of clean library clones of the same couple for the Big Dreams dynasty challenge.
Unlike you and your Wesseldines, I have yet to start.   I'll start today, hopefully.
I sincerely hope you'll start a Big Dreams Dynasty when that launches.
It is so much fun when several of us start a dynasty around the same time: same rules but different sims and different approaches.
As for the tournament, I will find it difficult, I'm sure, to age up a toddler after only maxing one of their skills, haha.

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Offline Granny Lawlor

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Re: Adventures in Henford-on-Bagley 22. Gen3 Kiddos/Finale (15 Oct)
« Reply #67 on: October 17, 2021, 05:12:54 PM »
As for the tournament, I will find it difficult, I'm sure, to age up a toddler after only maxing one of their skills, haha.
I am finding the speed-aging a bit weird and the mother has turned into a baby factory!
Very different to how I normally mooch along but interesting/head-spinning having a house full of different aimed sims.
I would like to try the dynasty version too...
Good luck with yours

Offline oshizu

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Re: Adventures in Henford-on-Bagley 22. Gen3 Kiddos/Finale (15 Oct)
« Reply #68 on: October 17, 2021, 05:51:55 PM »
As for the tournament, I will find it difficult, I'm sure, to age up a toddler after only maxing one of their skills, haha.
I am finding the speed-aging a bit weird and the mother has turned into a baby factory!
Very different to how I normally mooch along but interesting/head-spinning having a house full of different aimed sims.
I would like to try the dynasty version too...
Good luck with yours

Yay! It will be so fun playing the same dynasty in tandem with you!

