When she entered the house that's when I found out she was on academic probation. I might have let slip something that was only known after this moment when she moved in. She had shown up to be a part of Artie's graduation too but had no degree when she joined the household. Her degree was in the culinary field but shortly after this last chapter, I had her go ahead and quit. Townies are not nearly as good at taking as many credits as possible apparently. She had an extremely low grade and only 3 credits to her name I believe. I think I did the math based on the average elder lifespan of about 10 days and felt it better that she spend time with Racheal and co than spend half of it in class.
The Grims are moving forward. This isn't our first generation so we've done deaths before. Artie also being what he is - I'm sure he's quite open with everyone about his connections. It's a Grim Family tradition that being collected just means you now get to go hang out at Artie's house in the otherworld with all the other crazies. I bet there is an entire wing dedicated just to his wives.
Chapter 67: Mountains, Fireflies, and Bears - Oh My!

Kamea: I'm not sure going in this weather is a good idea.
Artie: It's a great idea. I'm between semesters and we've been training. Plus we all want the weather to suck less, don't we?
Ichiro: It might be nice. This is only one step you know.
Alena: Where's your sense of adventure, Itchy?
Ichiro: It's hiding back under the blankets, princess. Where we should be.
Kamea: C'mon. We can all just teleport. Let's get this over with.

Artie: You don't think we're making this too easy do you?
Ichiro: I thought we just wanted to get this done?
Artie: Yea but there are people who can't just teleport through high wellness as we can.
Alena: How about you go spend some time in the tent as we need to while we discuss this.

Artie: So what's going on?
Alena: Kamea and Ichiro are going up. I'm playing in the fire and you're a crotchety old man who somehow decided he suddenly wanted to follow the rules.
Artie: I don't have to take this.
Alena: You could teleport to the end while we wait for the real workers to get the job done.
Don't fall!
Ichiro: You okay, princess?
Alena: He would have loved this.
Ichiro: I'm sure he does. Because we both know he probably stood up here earlier in all his deathness so he could rub it in that he was here first.
Alena: Yea. That sounds like him. Maybe we should leave his urn here so when he pops out he's always frozen.
Ichiro: Maybe after Ashwin's a little older.
Alena: Yea...

Artie: Look I'm sorry. I didn't know.
Alena: Huh?
Artie: That you'd be so sensitive about mixed nuts. I honestly didn't know.
Alena: What's wrong with you?
Artie: So much. Want to talk about it?
Alena: No. I think I'm good now.

Artie: This isn't over you know. I know it's hard. It's never been easy, even for me.
Alena: I know, Dad. You're not as heartless as the rest of the Simverse seems to think.
Artie: And we keep that in the family because I'm the boss.
Alena: So what was your point again?
Artie: Oh right. I just wanted to say that. I know it's not fair to you guys that I ask so much pain of you but I have tried to make the right connections to make up for it later.
Alena: I know, Dad. And honestly, isn't this better than what happened when Mom died? A whole week of deaths in a row. I don't think I could handle that again. I didn't want to watch Ichiro slip away, then Kamea, then Adrien, and whoever else we have around at the time. Not that I wanted him to go but you know if the elemental had slipped on the rocks I wouldn't have been completely sad.
Artie: Alena Grim!
Alena: -smirk-

Artie: -sniff- I'm so proud of you. But you have to be nice. He chose her and she's Lulu's mother.
Alena: And for their sake, I behave.
Artie: Thanks for climbing the mountain with me.
Alena: Hey I wanted it, too. I plan to finish the aspiration first while I'm at it.
Artie: Why is everyone always so mean to me?
Alena: Tough love, Dad. It's all tough love.

Alena: Well hello there friends.. it's been a while..
Fireflies: Hey! Listen. We don't have much time.

Meanwhile back home - you can see the progress from bad to okay.

Artie: There's something different about you Rach. I just can't put my finger on it.
Racheal (as a bear): I'm just being my true self. Whatcha doing?
Artie: Gotta finish this homework up.
Lulu: Why does an old man like you have homework anyway?
Artie: Because I have a slave driver who left me a note.
Voice: I did not.
Artie: I have the note at work to prove it was you. You can pretend all you want.
Voice: Why not bring it back home to show it off?
Artie: Because I can't trust you to not destroy it.. say it's my insanity and then get mad when I don't finish what you told me to do.
Lulu: You make my head hurt.
Racheal: Have you thought about therapy?
Artie: Says the bear.

A bear that does all the things she could ever want - like max logic.

And the violin!

Alena: You're not going to win.
Ichiro: I will because you're not even looking at your lines.
Alena: I don't need to watch my hands to still do better than you.
Ichiro: That's what you think.
Alena: I shall be the lady of the knits and you shall be my serf.
Ichiro: Okay Princess. We'll see.

Lulu: I'm not sure this is the shape we're supposed to have.
Artie: Why not?
Lulu: I don't remember seeing any like this.
Artie: Sims come in all shapes and sizes, why not snowpals?
Lulu: Okay.. point made. Work faster.

Lulu: What is that?!
Artie: -laughs- That's her mouth.
Lulu: I don't even know what to say about that!
Artie: I think it looks great.
Lulu: Well yea. I helped build it.

Lulu: Thanks for the snowpall, Grampa Artie.
Artie: Anytime dear. Anytime. I'm sorry Ashwin wasn't feeling up to it.
Lulu: It's okay. I know he needs time.
Artie: Hey! You ready for the cake?
Lulu: Yea!

Artie: Darn kids always teleporting around trying to blind people...

Racheal: -throws confetti and sings badly-

Kamea: Oh.. I think it's time to fix that.
Racheal: Fix what?
Kamea: Her hair. Let's go, Lulu.
Alena: Hey where's Ashwin?

Voice: Ashwin, you sure you didn't want to have some cake with Lulu?
Ashwin: No, I'm playing with my friends.
Voice: All alone in the second basement?
Ashwin: I like the quiet and so do they.

Lulu Diehl - Teenager at last.