Author Topic: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim  (Read 65423 times)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [12/15 - Chapter 65]
« Reply #180 on: December 15, 2021, 03:01:42 PM »
*snicker* A big blowhard that is evil and eats little kids!! Now that I believe.  ;D :P

Offline oshizu

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [12/15 - Chapter 65]
« Reply #181 on: December 15, 2021, 03:15:03 PM »
I never even realized, until you mentioned it, that Alena and Adrian never got the chance to marry. That's so sad.
How great that Adrien is visiting, though as a ghost. Lol, he loves coding?
So glad to hear that you're keeping Adrien on ice, so to speak, and that we can look forward to seeing him again as founder of a new dynasty.

Rodolfo is such a cutie. By process of elimination, I take it he's the son of Tiffany?
Also, Artie was born to wear The Boss suit.

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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 66]
« Reply #182 on: December 18, 2021, 02:22:53 PM »
@sdhoey :-P

It is sad they didn't get married but there are things on the horizon that feel like a strange circular dose of fate. I know it's a tease but Gen 4 is about to be born in my game and I'm okay with that.

Yes, Rodolpho is Tiffany & Yuusuke's son.  And he's gon' learn today.  He actually comes over quite often as one of the school-age friends for all three kids.

Chapter 66: Winterfest!

With the Winterfest holiday coming near, the family took a small vacation back to Mt. Komorebi to maybe get some of their cheer back.

And maybe you know... finally get that aspiration I've been going for since... Magnus and Kaori were young adults.

This didn't scare me at all.. nope.

Why yes that is a shirtless guy running up the snowcovered hill.

Voice: You okay?
Artie: -groans-
Voice: Gonna live?
Artie: Yes.
Voice: Oh good.. get up already.
Artie: I'm going to check on the kids.

Ashwin: But Grampa how will Father Winter find us if we're not at home?!
Artie: Well I don't know.
Ashwin: How could you not know! We have to go back.
Artie: Do we now?
Ashwin: YES!

And home we went.  Where all the decorations were done... all of them.

Racheal: And then we all got to choose if we wanted to ski or snowboard. Do you know what I chose?
Brynlee: What?
Racheal: The snowboard of course! Just like Alena! She's so cool when she does all the flips.
Brynlee: But you're being safe, right?
Racheal: Of course, we only got a few times in before we had to go back to maxing skills but it was so fun.

Racheal: I'm so glad that you came over, Mom.
Brynlee: I'm glad I'm here too.
Racheal: I'm gonna go bathe so I don't stink for Father Winter.
Brynlee: Probably a good idea.

Artie: Hey. Thanks for coming over.
Brynlee: What do you want, old red man?
Artie: Hey just trying to be nice Winterfest spirit and all.
Brynlee: Yes but I can tell when you want something.
Artie: I was thinking.  Well, I had an idea actually.. And I believe it's something you can agree with.

Alena: And before we randomly start some of these traditions... I'd just like to welcome Brynlee to Grim House formally. If there was some good that had to come out of our tragedy, I'm glad that we can bring Racheal's mother into the fold to give them more time together. However, I think we can all agree that no one is allowed to mention whose idea it was.
Artie: It was mine.
Ichiro: That was the point.
Ashwin: Can we sing now?

It doesn't matter what language it's in.  Some of these songs always sound the same. It was fun to watch the group though.

Chaos. Utter Chaos as they all talked to one another about what they wanted. All the kids wanted toys and the adults all seemed to just want peace and quiet. Yea right. This is a dynasty house. No toys and no peace and quiet.

Artie: Now that everyone but our favorite island chatterbox is done with breakfast. Which one of you kids knows what we're doing next?
Ashwin: Is it presents?
Artie: No. But thank you for volunteering to take care of the dishes.
Ashwin: Aww man.
Lulu: -snickers-

Speaking of chaos...
Ichiro: I don't think this is going to work.
Ashwin: Why not?
Artie: Just elbow your way in.
Kamea: Alena..restrain the old man. I'll get the tree.

Ashwin: Since we're done can we do presents?
Alena: When everyone is done we can do presents.
Ashwin: Aww man.

Everyone had a chance to get something new. Artie surprisingly did not get a lump of coal.

Ashwin: Was I a good kid?
Father Winter: You've been a great kid.
Ashwin: Does that mean you have something for me?
Father Winter: Of course I do. Something extra special that someone close to you picked out just for you. But you can't use it yet.
Ashwin: Why not?

Father Winter: You can use it soon but your father said he knew you would love it.
Ashwin: I do. If you see him, tell him thank you.
Father Winter: I will. Happy Winterfest, Ashwin Grim.
Ashwin: Happy Winterfest, Father.

Voice: In the house for less than a day and already aged up, you sure you were okay with no cake?
Brynlee: Yea. Yea.. Ow.
Voice: Still want that degree?
Brynlee: I don't know. Ugh. I'll think about it.

Oh and Racheal is going through a phase. She's a bear. An avocado bear to be exact. And this is her being Doctor Bearrington to her little cub toy.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [12/18 - Chapter 66]
« Reply #183 on: December 18, 2021, 07:04:55 PM »
I remember you previously mentioning that Brynlee was on academic probation.  Can you see that status on Racheal's family tree?
Out of curiosity, how many credits has Brynlee already completed on her own?
So nice to see the Grims pulling themselves together to move forward.

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 67]
« Reply #184 on: December 21, 2021, 07:46:36 AM »
When she entered the house that's when I found out she was on academic probation. I might have let slip something that was only known after this moment when she moved in. She had shown up to be a part of Artie's graduation too but had no degree when she joined the household. Her degree was in the culinary field but shortly after this last chapter, I had her go ahead and quit.  Townies are not nearly as good at taking as many credits as possible apparently. She had an extremely low grade and only 3 credits to her name I believe. I think I did the math based on the average elder lifespan of about 10 days and felt it better that she spend time with Racheal and co than spend half of it in class.

The Grims are moving forward. This isn't our first generation so we've done deaths before. Artie also being what he is - I'm sure he's quite open with everyone about his connections. It's a Grim Family tradition that being collected just means you now get to go hang out at Artie's house in the otherworld with all the other crazies. I bet there is an entire wing dedicated just to his wives.

Chapter 67: Mountains, Fireflies, and Bears - Oh My!

Kamea: I'm not sure going in this weather is a good idea.
Artie: It's a great idea. I'm between semesters and we've been training. Plus we all want the weather to suck less, don't we?
Ichiro: It might be nice. This is only one step you know.
Alena: Where's your sense of adventure, Itchy?
Ichiro: It's hiding back under the blankets, princess. Where we should be.
Kamea: C'mon. We can all just teleport. Let's get this over with.

Artie: You don't think we're making this too easy do you?
Ichiro: I thought we just wanted to get this done?
Artie: Yea but there are people who can't just teleport through high wellness as we can.
Alena: How about you go spend some time in the tent as we need to while we discuss this.

Artie: So what's going on?
Alena: Kamea and Ichiro are going up. I'm playing in the fire and you're a crotchety old man who somehow decided he suddenly wanted to follow the rules.
Artie: I don't have to take this.
Alena: You could teleport to the end while we wait for the real workers to get the job done.

Don't fall!

Ichiro: You okay, princess?
Alena: He would have loved this.
Ichiro: I'm sure he does. Because we both know he probably stood up here earlier in all his deathness so he could rub it in that he was here first.
Alena: Yea. That sounds like him. Maybe we should leave his urn here so when he pops out he's always frozen.
Ichiro: Maybe after Ashwin's a little older.
Alena: Yea...

Artie: Look I'm sorry. I didn't know.
Alena: Huh?
Artie: That you'd be so sensitive about mixed nuts. I honestly didn't know.
Alena: What's wrong with you?
Artie: So much.  Want to talk about it?
Alena: No. I think I'm good now.

Artie: This isn't over you know. I know it's hard. It's never been easy, even for me.
Alena: I know, Dad. You're not as heartless as the rest of the Simverse seems to think.
Artie: And we keep that in the family because I'm the boss.
Alena: So what was your point again?
Artie: Oh right. I just wanted to say that. I know it's not fair to you guys that I ask so much pain of you but I have tried to make the right connections to make up for it later.
Alena: I know, Dad. And honestly, isn't this better than what happened when Mom died? A whole week of deaths in a row. I don't think I could handle that again. I didn't want to watch Ichiro slip away, then Kamea, then Adrien, and whoever else we have around at the time. Not that I wanted him to go but you know if the elemental had slipped on the rocks I wouldn't have been completely sad.
Artie: Alena Grim!
Alena: -smirk-

Artie: -sniff- I'm so proud of you. But you have to be nice. He chose her and she's Lulu's mother.
Alena: And for their sake, I behave.
Artie: Thanks for climbing the mountain with me.
Alena: Hey I wanted it, too. I plan to finish the aspiration first while I'm at it.
Artie: Why is everyone always so mean to me?
Alena: Tough love, Dad. It's all tough love.

Alena: Well hello there friends.. it's been a while..
Fireflies: Hey! Listen. We don't have much time.

Meanwhile back home - you can see the progress from bad to okay.

Artie: There's something different about you Rach. I just can't put my finger on it.
Racheal (as a bear): I'm just being my true self. Whatcha doing?
Artie: Gotta finish this homework up.
Lulu: Why does an old man like you have homework anyway?
Artie: Because I have a slave driver who left me a note.
Voice: I did not.
Artie: I have the note at work to prove it was you. You can pretend all you want.
Voice: Why not bring it back home to show it off?
Artie: Because I can't trust you to not destroy it.. say it's my insanity and then get mad when I don't finish what you told me to do.
Lulu: You make my head hurt.
Racheal: Have you thought about therapy?
Artie: Says the bear.

A bear that does all the things she could ever want - like max logic.

And the violin!

Alena: You're not going to win.
Ichiro: I will because you're not even looking at your lines.
Alena: I don't need to watch my hands to still do better than you.
Ichiro: That's what you think.
Alena: I shall be the lady of the knits and you shall be my serf.
Ichiro: Okay Princess. We'll see.

Lulu: I'm not sure this is the shape we're supposed to have.
Artie: Why not?
Lulu: I don't remember seeing any like this.
Artie: Sims come in all shapes and sizes, why not snowpals?
Lulu: Okay.. point made. Work faster.

Lulu: What is that?!
Artie: -laughs- That's her mouth.
Lulu: I don't even know what to say about that!
Artie: I think it looks great.
Lulu: Well yea. I helped build it.

Lulu: Thanks for the snowpall, Grampa Artie.
Artie: Anytime dear. Anytime. I'm sorry Ashwin wasn't feeling up to it.
Lulu: It's okay. I know he needs time.
Artie: Hey! You ready for the cake?
Lulu: Yea!

Artie: Darn kids always teleporting around trying to blind people...

Racheal: -throws confetti and sings badly-

Kamea: Oh.. I think it's time to fix that.
Racheal: Fix what?
Kamea: Her hair. Let's go, Lulu. 
Alena: Hey where's Ashwin?

Voice: Ashwin, you sure you didn't want to have some cake with Lulu?
Ashwin: No, I'm playing with my friends.
Voice: All alone in the second basement?
Ashwin: I like the quiet and so do they.

Lulu Diehl - Teenager at last.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 68]
« Reply #185 on: December 21, 2021, 08:20:57 AM »
Chapter 68: Suspicious Activity

Lulu: So what do you think?
Artie: Hey what happened to the red?!
Lulu: It was nice for a bit I'm ready to be myself again.
Artie: I get no say?
Lulu: Artie... do you ever get a say?

Hey, What was that noise?

Oh no.


Kamea: What was that!?
Unknown Voice: What happened?
Kamea: The landing thrusters failed.
Unknown Voice: Oh well I guess you need to rebuild and try again.
Kamea: Oh no. I'm good thanks. Think I'll go somewhere else.
Unknown Voice: Your husband is making a snowpal with Alena. 
Kamea: So...

Alena: This came out way better than last time.
Ichiro: A waste of bacon if you ask me.
Alena: Hey you said I got to do the face.
Ichiro: Yea but now I'm hungry.
Alena: You know where the kitchen is. Race you to it.

Kamea: Will you leave me alone?! I just wanted to relax in peace!!
Kamea: I don't care. I don't care. You can't...

Lulu: Ewww she's naked.
Reaper: I'm not sure that's really what you should be thinking right now.
Lulu: I just.. what a way to go.
Reaper: Actually... wait.. where are the adults of the house?

Ta-da! Adults.
Ichiro: Wait.. she was in here?

Voice: Ashwin are you okay?
Ashwin: No! Leave me alone!

Ichiro: It's okay, Rach. Lulu, Rach... come on. Let's get out of here and go to the living room or studio or something. While Brynlee goes to get some moodlet solvers. Now.

Alena: Hey hey. It's going to be okay. I promise.
Ichiro: -sniffles and gasps trying to talk-
Alena: No.. don't say a thing. Just head right into that studio and play it out. The kids will watch a movie. I'll find Ashwin. Brynlee is with the girls. Dad is at work. Go play. Go.
Reaper: Miss. I need a word.

Reaper: Look. I've been to this house a lot and there's always interference but this is something else. I can't figure it out but I want you to know I think this was intentional.
Alena: What do you mean?
Reaper: I think someone wanted her dead. She was a powerful being that should have been above all of this and yet.. she's not.

Alena: Why are you telling me this?
Reaper: Because despite all my best efforts I think someone is hiding something about this house.
Alena: What could we be hiding?
Reaper: Tell me, ever heard of a man named Grim?
Alena: You mean like you or me?
Reaper: You?
Alena:  Yea, I'm Alena Grim.
Reaper: Huh. I.. that's strange.
Alena: ...
Reaper: I have to go.

Voice: Oh there you are, Alena. C'mon now. Must stay busy, right?
Alena: Right...

The friends that cry together...

Oh, Ashwin...

Ricanote: Kamea died randomly of being enraged. I'm unsure as to why she was enraged but all her happy moodlets went straight to anger like they do. So here I am. making a story out of it ;) Like I do.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [12/21 - Chapters 67 & 68]
« Reply #186 on: December 21, 2021, 08:53:56 PM »
Wow, those emotional deaths are really packing a punch to your household.
How does one get enraged in a sauna? Was she ever jealous over Alena's closeness to Ichiro?

Not to dwell on the sadness, CONGRATS to the Grims for their conquest of Mt. Komorebi!

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 69]
« Reply #187 on: December 22, 2021, 04:27:21 AM »
Kamea would randomly get mad at Ichiro or sad too sometimes. I couldn't tell if it was an elemental thing (because eventually Lulu randomly cries and leaves puddles too). But the moodlet always mentioned being betrayed even though Ichiro's actions with Alena never venture away from friendly when they do get some time together. It's rare and usually Kamea is close so I don't know. Maybe she did get jealous. 

Kamea's death was another part of the reason I fell out of sync with the Sims for a bit. With her and Adrien gone, I just felt.. eh. The next two updates are the last that I played back in October and soon you will see the all-new gameplay from my triumphant return with a mostly new computer which has made playing so much better.

And yes. Mt Komorebi is no match for the Grims. Woot woot! Now to finish the rest of the aspiration because of course that's only the middle tier lol

Chapter 69: Grims' First New Years

Lulu: I feel a disturbance in the force.
Voice: No.. that's your mother.
Lulu: She feels...
Voice: She's still angry.  But she's the reason we're at the festival. Keep playing hoops.

Alena: Kamea.. why did you ask me to see you here?
Kamea: I wanted to tell you that someone took me and Adrien out of the house on purpose. Our strength is weakened with only Ichiro, Lulu and you having come into your abilities.
Alena: Yes but who?
Kamea: I don't know but I think they've done me a favor by sending me to this side angry.
Alena: Are you okay?
Kamea: This wasn't my first death and it won't be my last. I am on a task and eventually, I will return to the elders where Ichiro found me. Thank you for letting me borrow your best friend for a time.
Alena: I ..
Kamea: Tell him that I'll always love him. And tell Lulu to see inside herself for her true power. It will help her connect with Ashwin and Racheal for this next generation.
Alena: I will. Let me know if there is anything I can do from this side.
Kamea: Just be happy. Finish the requirements. Keep them safe.

Alena: Hey Itchy.. where you going so fast?
Ichiro: I thought you said you wanted to go on a hike together?
Alena: Yea but you're in jeans and I'm in the festival kimono.
Ichiro: So? You can do better than that.
Alena: I'm gonna knock you into next year with that attitude.
Ichiro: You wouldn't dare.

Why do these Sims continuously scare me like this?

Artie: Oooh. 
Fireflies: You're an idiot.
Artie: I've missed you, too.
Fireflies: Keep writing in your journal and actually reread some of your entries.
Artie: Wait I have to read it too?
Fireflies: Not funny.
Artie: I'm doing what I can. I still don't understand what the problem is. I'm not that old.
Fireflies: You'll know more when you actually read what you've written.

Artie: Yay!
Spirit: You're way too giddy for a Grim.

Ichiro: Why did you bring me here?
Alena: So we can place Adrien and Kamea's names with the others. And to give you her message from earlier.
Ichiro: You saw Kamea?
Alena: At the spice festival, listen I don't have time while Dad keeps her busy.

Because nothing says fun like having to fend off attacks for an aspiration. Which as soon as we got to this part, suddenly it was hard to thwart the buggers!

And yes this is his new footwear for random outfits.

Voice: What are you doing?
Alena: It's New Years' Eve. Time to take the polar plunge!
Voice: You're going to freeze to death.
Alena: Nah.. I got this.

Happy New Year.. look it's a wild Ashwin come to join the group!

Ichiro: Happy New Year, princess.
Alena: Happy New Year, Itchy.
Artie: Happy New Year, Racheal.
Racheal: Good job living this long old man.
Lulu: Haha. She got you there. Hey.. where's my hug Ash?
Ashwin: I don't feel so good. I'm gonna go get some medicine.

Voice: What are you doing over here? That doesn't look like medicine.
Ashwin: I didn't want to be around everyone else.
Voice: Are you okay sweetie?

Ashwin: I will be. I get to see Dad's present now. Just like Father Winter said.
Voice: What is it?
Ashwin: Just watch. Happy Birthday to me!

It was like he flipped a switch right into a surly teenager.

With Adrien's hair.  The only difference is the nose. That's Alena's nose.

Finalized look for Mister Ashwin Grim.

Voice: Where you going, Ash? Where'd that door come from?
Ashwin: The key Dad gave me opened it.

Ashwin: Wow...
Voice: Oh boy.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 70]
« Reply #188 on: December 22, 2021, 04:39:41 AM »
Chapter 70: Spring Beckons

Ichiro: Excuse me, I was wondering if you had anything new for me to see?
Kamea look-alike: Hello handsome.
Ichiro: -nervous chuckle- No? Okay.

Agatha... is that Agatha over there?

Artie: And remember Racheal you can never have too much Crumplebottom!
Two Agatha's at the Gnome's Arms. One tending the stall and the one I didn't get was the fourth one walking around somewhere. Lovely glitch that one.

Ashwin: I've always wondered what you guys thought of different kinds of trees?
Ashwin: Really? Well, I'll let the rabbits know how you feel about that.

Voice: I thought for sure you would be downstairs with new friends by now.
Ashwin: No I'm taking over the garden from mother. It's my turn and I'm going to make it something wonderful.
Voice: Well Okay then.

Ichiro: That's it kiddo. You can do this. You know that plant in the corner is one my grandmother made.
Racheal: I can't exactly look at it, you know. I'm concentration.
Ichiro: Yes you are. But as soon as you finish this, I think it's cake time.
Racheal: Oh well I can finish this as a teenager. Let's go.
Ichiro: Did you want a party?
Racheal: Yes. Formal clothing, please.
Ichiro: Of course.

Racheal: Everyone ready? No Ash?
Voice: Sorry sweetheart.. he's immersed in the garden at the moment.
Racheal: Well at least we know where he is. Alright.. big moment here.

Racheal: Ta-Da!

Someone else turned into a surly teenager too. May these mood swings be small and over quickly.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [12/22 - 2 New Chapters]
« Reply #189 on: December 22, 2021, 03:01:57 PM »
Love the teenage mood swings - they're so realistic! Aha - an underground small-holding, who knew that was down there! Such fun!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [12/22 - 2 New Chapters]
« Reply #190 on: December 22, 2021, 07:21:25 PM »
How interesting that Kamea occasionally got the Betrayed moodlet.  Maybe she knows Ichiro's inner feelings more than he himself lets on?
Ashwin is such a mini-Adrien!  Well, except for Alena's nose which she inherited (?) from Artie. And we all know that Artie has the perfect nose.

Wooo, Ashwin's all in with not only chickens and cows but also a llama!  Good luck, Ash!
Love his underground farm!  Remember: any Nerd Brain can insta-upgrade the coop and sheds. (Haha, Artie or Adrien no doubt took care of that weeks ago!)
Haha, I love how both Ash and racheal aged up snarling.

That fast-walking in kimonos is so stupid and unrealistic.  I'm sure the devs think it's hilarious but I only find it annoying.

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [12/22 - 2 New Chapters]
« Reply #191 on: December 22, 2021, 07:42:27 PM »
Hold on a Grim minute!! Just how many Agatha's do you have running around? What does Artie do with so many?

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [12/22 - 2 New Chapters]
« Reply #192 on: January 02, 2022, 08:30:59 AM »
Thank you to everyone who has been reading. Sorry I haven't updated in quite some time. Just before my last update, my house had gone into quarantine due to my brother-in-law having tested positive. By Christmas, my nephew was positive with me following a few days later. I'm still not 100% but I have been playing. In fact, I keep telling myself I need to just go ahead and update but it's easier to play than write and I think we all know that.  Which is probably why Gen 5 is ready to be conceived and none of y'all know what Gen 3 did as a teenager. I will say this - he didn't do anything too bad which is why he's actually Immortal in my game. But I can't wait to share some things as soon as my brain can grasp the subject matter. 

Thank you for your patience and time. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and that this new year brings everyone joy.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline oshizu

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [12/22 - 2 New Chapters]
« Reply #193 on: January 02, 2022, 03:34:23 PM »
So sorry to hear that you entire household has gone under quarantine, and I'm particularly dismayed to hear that you caught it, too.

Um, so Ashwin's already an immortal?

Please take care and get well soon! We can wait. <3

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [12/22 - 2 New Chapters]
« Reply #194 on: February 25, 2022, 12:31:10 PM »
Surprise. Do you know what's hard?  Remembering your own mind a day or two ago. This is me attempting to remember what I was thinking before Thanksgiving and the rest of the holidays. Life has had me a bit drained which makes enjoying some things increasingly more difficult. I haven't even played the Sims since January 7th.

But I've decided to try anyway.  Please forgive me as I roll back into what I remember is going on with all of the pictures I've taken. I might take a break from normal storytelling as I get us all through this temporary break in my flow. I had wanted to be finished with this challenge by now but I hit that snag we all do.  The boring middle generations.

Chapter 71: Regaining Control

Reuben: Why are we hanging out in this guy's yard?
Bob: Dunno. Boss left a message saying to just get ourselves here posthaste.
Mr. Bigglesworth: It is rather abysmal isn't it?
Reuben: Whoa! Hey Mr. Bigs. What brings you to this side of the simverse?
Mr. Bigglesworth: Dave was very happy to bring me.
Dave: Har har.
Reuben & Bob: -snicker-

Mr. Bigglesworth: On a more serious note, the boss has decided to put me in charge of finding him.
Reuben: Wha? Why?
Bob: We've been doing everything we can. Taking every soul in the hopes of finding him.
Mr. Bigglesworth: And it's not working. The ones who oppose us are smarter than you both give them credit for. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that you've been in his presence and never felt him.

Reuben: That's not possible is it?
Bob: He's one of us. We would know he was there.
Mr. Bigglesworth: Again, I think you forget who we're up against. So I've brought in some help to assist.

Mr. Bigglesworth: In fact, I hear them now.
Reuben: Wait.. no.. is that?
Bob: You can't be serious.
Dave: Oh he's serious. This is what the Boss wanted too. So we've brought them so we can work out the deal.
Reuben: This isn't going to go well.

Blonde: Hey Bob. Hey Reuben.
Female Red: This is a cute little graveyard y'all have here.
Male Red: I'm not sure this is going to work.
Blonde: Just smile and let's get this over with.
Ankou: Do we have to do this in sunlight?

Mr. Bigglesworth: Thank you for all coming.
Ankou: I'm not sure I had much of a choice. But these three really?
Blonde: Like you could do it on your own.
Female Red: She's right.
Bob: Hey.. you keep your judgments to yourself. We're all in this for the same reason.

Mr. Bigglesworth: That's right. To get him back and take control of whatever experiment they think they could use to pull over us. As revolting as it is to admit, we all have deep ties to him. Between all of us, there should be no problem actually locating where he's been stashed away.

Male Red: You mean you haven't actually found him yet?!
Blonde: Oh now you've done it.
Mr. Bigglesworth: Dave .. could you please...
Dave: There is a belief that something is making it so that we are unable to figure out just which part of the collective he's been tucked away. We have been able to narrow down the parameters to specific towns but we can't get any closer than that which is why we've asked for more help. You four have better connections across the simverse that could allow you to get glimpses to help us narrow it down further.

Female Red: -raspberries- Boring. That is a bad plan. You've been going all about this the wrong way. And forgetting the true keepers of the simverse.
Male Red: The Fireflies.
Blonde: They should be able to see past everything and find him.
Mr. Bigglesworth: Has anyone even reached out to find out if they know anything?

Female Red: -cackles-
Male Red: You haven't even looked into it?!
Blonde: Calm down sweetheart.
Ankou: I'm with the kids on this one. I can't believe none of you have made that step.

Blonde: How about you guys leave this to us for a bit? Ankou will assist us.
Ankou: Huh?
Blonde: Bob you know you've been working too much. And Sheila would like a long weekend if you can manage it, Reuben.

Bob: What makes you think that you can do this when we couldn't?
Male Red: Are you doubting me?
Bob: Uh no... it's just.
Male Red: That's what I thought. Besides, there's a lead already from a few visits of my own I've done recently.

Blonde: What we need from you is to find out how many dynasties are currently being run. Narrow it down to ones that started shortly after the meeting and then go for ones that have been started within the townships that have been narrowed down. Provide the others in a separate list to the side.
Ankou: And include a third list of all the others. Just because we know how much he wants to make it work, we can't rule out that there's been at least one fail. He's not being watched by a proper watcher which means there could be false starts and difficulties if they aren't paying attention.

Female Red: Meanwhile, you need to make sure that you're contacting the beings that are within this world. Fireflies are good indicators but there are others and you have the means to communicate with them far easier than we can.
Ankou: Oh that's the easy part.
Female Red: And if you fail...

Ankou: Look I won't fail. I don't have to like the guy to want to help.
Male Red: You better not be making this more difficult.
Ankou: Just trust me. When things went sideways he wasn't the only one to lose family. The hope is that one day we shall all have that chance to regain what we've lost. He is the best way to make that happen. As long as he's missing, we all know the Boss is going to be unreasonable about... everything.

Reuben: Are we *really* going to leave this to them?
Mr. Bigglesworth: Absolutely. Get them what they want.
Female Red: Goodbye, for now, kitten.
Mr. Bigglesworth: Goodbye, for now, Little Grims.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

