Author Topic: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim  (Read 65425 times)

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 50 - 10/10]
« Reply #150 on: October 10, 2021, 08:42:25 PM »
Are those hard-headed Grim boys ever gonna put two and two together and figure out who house they are in?

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 51]
« Reply #151 on: October 16, 2021, 02:36:19 PM »
Chapter 51: NOT Allergic to Pollinating

*distraction photo*  Just look at that belly! 

Tiffany aka Pinky: Oh wow... it's so nice to meet you.
Yuusuke: The pleasure is all mine. -suggestive brows-

Alena: Don't mind me.. just sitting here trying to write a bestseller. Everyone just come use my closet for whatever they want...

Alena: And then! He almost died.
Voice: Don't be so dramatic.
Alena: It's true!  He had to get a moodlet solver and take a nap.

Voice: What's wrong?
Kamea:  Third trimester.. I think I'm just gonna put my belly on the edge of the cauldron to help hold it up.
Voice: Not sure that will help with the back problem.
Kamea: Probably not. But I have to try.

Yuusuke: Well hey good looking. Haven't seen you before.
Brynlee aka BlueBabe: Oh well hello to you too...

Male and Female giggles.

Random good pause for me.  I just realized there's pink lightning with Sauna woohoo.

Hey look it's the first snow of actual winter... I wonder when the ground will cover itself up.

Why yes that is one of the Abe sisters that he's sharing his snorkel with? We call her Yellow.

Now you know why he needed the snorkel!

Voice: What happened?
Ichiro: Somethings wrong with Kamea. She started crying.. left a puddle then she teleported away again.
Voice: I'm sure it's nothing. But be a responsible boy and clean it up huh?
Ichiro: Yea I guess.
-- Kamea likes to randomly cry and leave puddles all over the house... it's weird as all get out.

Yuusuke: Just a little closer I want to show you something...
The other Abe sister who is called Purple: Oh!

Voice: Wow.. look at you looking almost grown-up...
Adrien: Huh?
Voice: I just happened to notice the working out has been working out for you.
Adrien: Oh you think?

Yeah we think.. (total fan service photo)

Ichiro: What's wrong Kamea?
Kamea: What's wrong?! Here I am heavy with your child and you're standing there like you never kissed your best friend!
Ichiro: -deer in headlights look-
-- There is a glitch where Kamea still randomly yells at Ichiro and he has to apologize even though the sentiments are no longer a part of their sim profiles. It's weird.

Ichiro: Please please forgive me. I haven't really been alone with her sense. We've both agreed we're better as friends. That is all a one-time thing that will never ever be repeated
Kamea: Of course I'll forgive you.

Kamea: Ohhhh that hurts.
Ichiro: What's wrong now?
Kamea: I think my water broke.
Ichiro: No you just made that puddle of tears remember?
Kamea: Owwww!

Voice: Ichiro!
Ichiro: What! You saw it happen?
Voice: Yeah but apparently she's sick too.. go get your wife some meds!
Ichiro: You don't have to yell too!

A Little While Later...

Voice: She's precious.
Ichiro: She really is.
Voice: What did you name her?
Ichiro: Her native name is Loimata. It's Samoan for tears.
Voice: Interesting.
Ichiro: But I think we'll call her Lulu.
Voice: Hello Lulu...
[Why is she called Lulu you might ask? Because the small child in my life demanded it. That's why]

You see it, right?

So while I'm sure you've noticed there's been a lot of activity at the house... you'll never guess what I did next...

I give you the secret hangout of the Pollinators Club. It will change in future photos as I realized some of these things must change haha.

Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 50 - 10/10]
« Reply #152 on: October 16, 2021, 04:03:09 PM »
Why is Adrien's mosaic so huge?  Um, I'm asking for a friend.
Also, i'm dying here, laughing over the vastness of the Pollinator's HQ.
What is Yuusuke planning?  To take over the simverse?
On a serious note, I'm looking forward to seeing the Pollinator's HQ "in action," so to speak.
I have missed your sims! 

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 52]
« Reply #153 on: October 17, 2021, 08:26:52 PM »
Are those hard-headed Grim boys ever gonna put two and two together and figure out who house they are in?
Who knows.... maybe when doors stopped being locked  8)

Why is Adrien's mosaic so huge?  Um, I'm asking for a friend.
Also, I'm dying here, laughing over the vastness of the Pollinator's HQ.
What is Yuusuke planning?  To take over the simverse?
On a serious note, I'm looking forward to seeing the Pollinator's HQ "in action," so to speak.
I have missed your sims! 
The Mosaic is likely because of angle and all that.  Or maybe he's a very lucky sim.  Who knows  ;)
And yes the Pollinators HQ is a bunch of room. But it's needed to take care of things. You'll see why soon enough. Just not this update.  This one is about something we've all been waiting for... I think.

Chapter 52: About time

So I worked a week where I barely had time to stay awake. One of the nights I actually got to play a little bit, I spent 3 hours rearranging my garden for the first night of winter.  It's so pretty.

Alena: It's just weird with everything that's been going with Yuusuke and Ichiro having a baby earlier.
Alisa (The Old Nanny): Yeah but haven't you been kind of waiting for tonight?
Alena: Yea.. but..
Alisa: No Buts. Get your hiney in there and grab what you've been waiting for.

Kamea: About time you stopped chatting with the guests.
Ichiro: This is gonna be great.
Adrien: I was beginning to think you weren't gonna come inside.
Alena: -nervous chuckle- Sorry. Gotta make that gold medal you know.
Adrien: Yea I know.

Alena: Well. Whatcha waiting for now?
Adrien: Making my wish.
Ichiro/Kamea: And?
Artie: Like he's gonna tell you two.

A Grim Serenade.. likely off-key.

They just stare at each other before that moment when the fireflies take over...

Voice: So how does it feel?
Adrien: About the same. But I think something needs to change.
Alena: What are you doing?
Artie: Clean up the cake. I have something I want to do.
Alena: oooo...k.
Voice: Alright let's go make you happy.
**Scooby-Doo noises on the way to the mirror**

**Now it's time for the romantic montage. Please provide your own spectacular 80s or 90s background music.**

**Music fades.. camera switches scenes...**

Artie: And that's why we're here, little one. But don't worry. I'll make sure you have a long and happy life, getting whatever you could possibly want, doing whatever you can dream of.
Lulu: -gurgles and coos-
Artie: Exactly. And your Aunt Alena finally got to try out her own closet tonight. She doesn't want me to know that.. but it's a lucky closet.
Lulu: -another cheery coo-
Artie: Exactly. Your best friend will be here soon. And you'll be inseparable as all dynasty children are. You'll support each other, test each other, challenge each other, love each other, and in the end, your name will be etched upon four generations of Grim souls for the rest of eternity. Now how about I tell you another story for bedtime. It's about a woman I met some time ago named Bubble...
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 52 - 10/17]
« Reply #154 on: October 17, 2021, 08:49:32 PM »
I heartily agree: that romantic montage needed no side commentary from the Watcher.  Just, I had trouble choosing between Marvin Gaye and Barry White for the background music.
Alena and Adrien are so cute together....counting the days until their nooboo.
And Lulu's still a nooboo. What great timing1

Oh, oh, oh, can't wait to meet Artie's grandchild(ren?)!

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 53]
« Reply #155 on: October 25, 2021, 04:31:02 PM »
I heartily agree: that romantic montage needed no side commentary from the Watcher.  Just, I had trouble choosing between Marvin Gaye and Barry White for the background music.
Alena and Adrien are so cute together....counting the days until their nooboo.
And Lulu's still a nooboo. What great timing1

Oh, oh, oh, can't wait to meet Artie's grandchild(ren?)!
Every time I read, there's a different song in my head. The last time included "Kiss Me" from She's All That. Because recently I watched the modern remake He's All That which was cute lol.

Chapter 53: Baby Bumps!

Alena: That was fun and all but I was thinking that maybe we should make sure we were successful and try again.
Adrien: You want to try again? -chuckle-
Alena: Yea.  Think you're up for it?
Adrien: -chuckles again-

Adrien: I have an idea though. And I know it's going to sound unconventional.
Alena: Oh really?
Adrien: Do you trust me?
Alena: Sure why not... Though I'd prefer to avoid anything with water considering Yuusuke has been doing that.
Adrien: Which is why I think this might just blow your mind.
Alena: I'm listening.

It did in fact... blow her mind.. with it's unconventional-ness.

Speaking of Yuusuke.  The Garden Gnomes new hangout has been quite active and.....

Revealing. Notice anything different about the Abe sisters?

Maybe you'll notice Tiffany has done something to herself other than get mad about losing a game of darts.

There's also Brynlee who has achieved a new hair color to go better with her cool skin tones.

Though the Garden Ladies aren't the only ones with a bit of news.

Adrien: So?
Alena: Well...
Adrien: C'mon babe. You can't leave me in suspense.
Alena: We're pregnant!
Adrien: Really!?

Adrien: This is really great, Alena.
Alena: I'm glad you think so, too.
Adrien: Of course, it's what I've always wanted - a family.
Alena: We've always been your family.

Alena: Well hello little one. I'm sorry it took me so long to come see you, but I've been a little busy.
Lulu: -stares-
Alena: Hi. -cheesy grin- You're adorable and cute and I can tell already that you're special just like your Daddy. He's my best friend you know. Even with everything, still my best friend. When we were little, I know everyone thought I'd be your Mama. But things don't always go the way we want. Just remember that. It's okay to not want what others think you should. It certainly doesn't stop me.

Kamea: You sure you want to try this? Just because you're an adult now.
Adrien: I've been ready to do this.
Kamea: I've got time on you.
Adrien: I'm better looking.

Adrien: I take it back!
Kamea: That's what I thought.

Artie: Excuse me. Are you done yet? I want baby snuggles too.
Alena: I'm done when I say I'm done, old man.
Artie: I will find a video of running water to antagonize your steel bladder into leaking.
Alena: He's just jealous that you're not looking at him this way.
Artie: Or, she's the only one in the family that actually listens to me when I talk.
Alena: The rest of us hear you. We just choose to pretend we don't.
Artie: I get no respect.
Lulu: -makes a stinky-
Alena: Okay.. your turn.
Artie: Really?!

Alena: So Dad. I know you're doing homework and since you're trying to concentrate I wanted to tell you something.
Artie: Does it have to be right now?
Alena: Yes because I know you're not going to just walk away because.. homework.
Artie: What is it?

Alena: You're gonna be a grampa again!
Artie: That's it? I knew that already.
Alena: Wait you what? Did someone else say something?
Artie: You've gotten fat.

Alena: I can't believe you just said that to me.
Artie: Really? I thought I'd been straightforward with my personality since you were born.
Alena: Do you know what I could do to you?
Artie: Give me a papercut?
Alena: You know what.. I think I need to walk away.
Voice: Yes pregnant women shouldn't get into brawls.
Artie: Alena..
Alena: Yes Dad?

Artie: Really it's because everyone heard the closet noises you were making right after you and Adrien disappeared on his birthday.
Alena: Wait what?
Artie: You're lucky Lulu can't process such things. You probably scarred her for life.

Meanwhile across the yard... We've added sleep pods to the hangout and sleep to the club activities just to make sure that everyone is getting their rest.

Yuusuke is enjoying his brood.

or at least the ones that let him. Everything is going by quickly and the Garden Gnomes are so much bigger in the belly than Alena even though she popped into the trimester first.

Ichiro: So.. you didn't eat a helium balloon?
Alena: No, silly.  I'm having a baby Itchy.
Ichiro: Wait with who?
Alena: What do you mean with who? You know who
Ichiro: Do I though?
Alena: Well it's not you...
Ichiro: That's true. I'd think I would know that part.
Alena: You've been cursed again haven't you?
Ichiro: Huh?
Alena: What I thought.

Despite being in university, Artie kept his job as the boss.  And randomly decided he should change from his suit.

Then came home in a different shirt, no pants but kept the boots and helmet.  Oh, Artie...

Randomest Image of the update. I did a thing.

This is the moment that Kamea began an experiment. Glow Orbs of the same quality from the same plant harvested by Kamea were planted in the ground, in a garden pot, and in the soil from Cottage Living. The same fertilizer was used for each plant and the only real bonus was the great soil lot trait. By the end of the week, all three plants hit the mature stage at the exact same time. The former truth that potted plants grew faster is no longer true apparently.

And for an announcement:
Alena has achieved Bestselling Author aspiration as one of her uniques. Her best friend Ichiro also finished it within the week so he could write her book of life.  Here are their book titles. All of Ichiro's books were romances except for the first one. Notice a theme?
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 54]
« Reply #156 on: October 25, 2021, 04:55:27 PM »
Chapter 54: It's a... Toddler!

Despite the sleep pods, some of the gnomes are having trouble understanding they need to take care of themselves. I realize I could have just made books of life about them all.. now.  Hindsight and all that. At the time I was trying to do this with the cunning use of club activities and let Yuusuke enjoy his harem.

Adrien: -baby talks to Lulu-
Lulu: -gurgles-
Adrien: I know. It's been a really quick forty hours and soon you'll be able to meet the fireflies and show us what pretty skin you have.
Lulu: -coos-
Adrien: No it doesn't matter as long as you're healthy but it's kind of a thing around here. You'll be beautiful either way. Though personally, I hope you're purple.
Lulu: -soft gasp and a little cry of joy-
Adrien: I know. If you look like your Daddy, then maybe just maybe mine will look like me. Yes I know that's selfish. But it's fun to tease Artie. You'll see.
Lulu: -giggles-
Adrien: Ahh already know that huh? You'll do just fine, baby girl.

Yuusuke: You've gotten really big, are you sure you don't want to sit down?
Tiffany: No I'm okay.
Yuusuke: Love, I'm worried about you. I just want to take care of you and our child and I don't like the way your face hit the floor earlier.

Speaking of bellies... She looks so... adorable!

Paparazzi: You can't tell me to go away. This is a free neighborhood and I can stand here and wait for your husband to show up if I want to.
Kamea: Excuse me!? Why are you yelling? I was being polite.
Paparazzi: No, you're trying to trample my rights and mess with my job.
Kamea: Oh really. Well, let me show you how I feel about your job.

Me = fiendishly delighted.

Kamea: So none of you are even going to comment on the fact that I turned the pap into a teddy bear.
Artie: Nope. Good Job
Alena: Didn't think we needed to.
Ichiro: Good spellwork, love.
Adrien: He deserved it.
Kamea: Wow. Just wow.

Yuusuke: I feel strange.
Voice: You apparently become younger when you're sick. 
Yuusuke: Oh.. must be a magical sickness.
Voice: Yes but your body is still an old man.. don't push it.
Yuusuke: Of course not.

All four women look like this from the side. HUGE.  But that's not the important part of this update.. is it?

No... that's happening right now!!

Kamea: Aww. Hello darling.
Loimata/Lulu: -gurgles-
Kamea: Looks like you got mommy's skin and I'm not sure where the rest came from.
Lulu: -grins-
Kamea: Yes, I supposed it is a sign of the power you wield. This is a good thing.

Kamea: Oh.. be careful, little one. There you go.  One more step.

This pic kind of says it all about Lulu.. don't you think?

Closeup of our darling girl!

And look.. even Grampa wanted to celebrate our newest toddler!
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 53 - 10/25]
« Reply #157 on: October 25, 2021, 05:03:15 PM »
What a hilarious update.  Loved all the snarky repartee!
And all the facial expressions were gold, too.
Artie telling Alena she got fat---the man doesn't value his life, I see.

Wow, Ichiro's book titles.  He never really got over Alena, did he?
Artie trying grab narrative attention with his weird career outfits.  We're onto you, Mister Grim!

Edited to add: Rica sneakily snuck in a second update while I was composing my response to her first of today's updates.

About Chapter 54
Will Kamea's pap remain a teddy bear for all eternity?
Nothing but the best for Yuusuke's gals. I've never bought a sleeping pod for any of my sims, haha.
Loved Adrien's chat with nooboo Lulu about not being red to spite Artie.
Toddler Lulu is adorable with her strange eyes, pointy ears, and Kamea-esque skin tone!
Hurry up, Alena!

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 55]
« Reply #158 on: October 29, 2021, 02:55:18 PM »
Everyone knows I'm sneaky. Some days I'm better at it than others.  To answer @oshizu's question I don't believe he stayed a teddy bear but I haven't taken Artie and Kamea to another file to test this out either. Though that sounds like fun.   And she's hurrying as fast as she can!

As a warning, there might be more updates after this. There might not be.  Who knows!

Chapter 55: Yuusuke's Brood

Just another photo of Lulu being Lulu.since I couldn't come up with words but wanted to show it off.  She's just so awesome.

The Garden Gnomes are really.... blossoming.

Kamea: Then the chieftain's daughter tricked the crazy crab into believing she had gotten rid of the elemental heart. The green glowing stone had fallen into a crevice and he dug and dug until finally he found the barnacle that had been covered in bioluminescent algae...

Voice: What's wrong?
Ichiro: Something smells.
Voice: We just made this room and even though it says you're brewing, you're not actually doing anything.
Ichiro: Something is definitely up though.
Voice: Okay.. well. find something else to do then anyway?  I hate when you guys do magic.

A Very Pregnant Alena: And then with the last twist of the magic wand... poof... teddy bear.
Artie: You're something else, you know that?
Alena: I'm serious!
Artie: Everyone knows that magic is an old Sims tale. At least in this version of the Simverse.
Alena: Wait what.

Tiffani: Something's wrong.
Yuna Abe: Yea this bowl of popcorn makes sitting here uncomfortable.
Tiffani: No I meant with the baby.
Voice: Oh... OH. Yuusuke!

According to my mouseover, this is a plentiful needs potion.

Yuusuke: Oh wow. I felt that.
Brynnlee: Yea. It was a strong one.
Voice: She's uncomfortable.
Yuusuke: Are you?
Brynnlee: A little.

Tiffani: Oh man it hurts...
Yuusuke: Oh.. we should probably end the meeting then huh?
Voice: Probably.

Voice: Oh no.. what happened?
Ichiro: I don't know.
Voice: So um... I think you were cursed.
Ichiro: Is it bad?

Voice: It's awful.
Ichiro: Nooooooo!
Voice: How about we get that curse removal potion from storage?
Ichiro: Good idea.

I looked over to find out why the princess was mad and saw this.  Had to take a picture. She's so cute and he's so green.

Voice: Like that?
Lulu: Oooh.
Voice: Oh yea. Everyone loves lumpia. Whether you're a Sim or a watcher.

This was the day I learned Independent toddlers can go to the bathroom without an adult regardless of skill level. Hello. That would have been nice to remember last generation. Also enjoy her cute pjs and monster feet. Oh Lulu.

Alena and Artie taking classes at the same university has made them closer than ever.

Lulu: -babbling up a storm with a plot that is sure to get us all... but doing it cutely-

The gardener judges Tiffani for leaving behind her infant hours old son to come back to this place even though we're not holding a meeting.

Voice: You okay, Alena?
Alena: No!
Voice: Did the hat insult you?
Alena: No!
Voice: Oh...OH!
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 56]
« Reply #159 on: October 29, 2021, 04:27:02 PM »
Chapter 56:  Babies Everywhere!

Voice: So have you decided?
Alena: -breathing heavy- No.
Voice: Running out of time.
Alena: No? Really?

Adrien: Oh Metro. It's happening! It's happening!
Alena: Nope. Not doing this here.
Voice: Why?
Alena: I'm not sure I could do this naturally with him right there doing that.

Adrien: Oh Metro! It's happening. It's happening.
Voice: She's leaving you.

She didn't even check-in. Just walked right past the chick at the front desk.

Alena: Aren't you the guy that delivered me?
Max Villareal: Yea that's right.
Alena: I hope you do better with me than you did with my father.
Max Villareal: Of course I will!

Alena: Doc? Umm.. Doc? Max? Hellooooo
Alena has learned that Max is a doctor at T Pose Medical Center. I would have never guessed. -heavy sarcasm-

Alena: What is happening?
Adrien: I don't think he knows what he's doing?!
Max: Will you shut up?! And will you start working right?!

Adrien: Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

Max: Hey it's a boy.
Alena: It is?
Adrien: I have to text your dad.

Alena: Hello my beautiful baby boy. 
Max: What are you going to call him?
Alena: Ashwin.  Ashwin Grim.

Voice: Where are you going?
Alena: -chuckles- Worried?
Voice: Maybe.
Alena: Just going to fulfill a quick promise. Ashwin will be safe with Adrien and Daddy.
Voice: You just gave birth.
Alena: Yea and I feel great... lighter.

It's time to start a journey... a journey of two friends and four babies. Oh and some 'gnomes'.

Enter new montage music

Meeting Lyric and Lillie.

Meeting Racheal.

Meeting Rodolfo.

Music fades...

Yuusuke: Thank you again for letting me meet him.
Tiffani: Of course.
Yuusuke: Goodbye, Tiff.
Tiffani: Leaving already?
Yuusuke: I can't keep Alena away from her son for too much longer. Time for us to go home.

Yuusuke: Oh hey it snowed.
Alena: Wow.. this is actually kind of pretty.
Yuusuke: Yea.. but it's cold.
Alena: Yep. Let's go inside and see my boy.

It's been snowing for days but the lot looked the same always... Come back from snow-covered Newcrest and this is what I find..
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 55 & 56 - 10/29]
« Reply #160 on: October 29, 2021, 05:27:07 PM »
Nooboo explosion! 
That Pollination HQ is seriously ritzy and spacious.

How weird that Max Villareal was Alena's doctor both at her own birth and then at her delivery.  Max must be on his last legs now.
That T pose glitch is terrifying.

Awww, how nice that Yuusuke made the rounds to cuddle all his spawn and that Alena got to meet them, too!
Up to now, I've been anxious about meeting Yuusuke's noobos and the Gen3 Grim heir.
Now, of course, I am eagerly awaiting the baking results.

P.S. Lulu is precious.  Her cuteness needs no words--it speaks for itself <3

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 57]
« Reply #161 on: October 29, 2021, 07:51:57 PM »
I just realized that one of the things that oshizu brought up a few updates ago was Ichiro's book titles. The theme for Ichiro was romance books about all of the couples in all of Artie's earlier dynasties. All except the first which was about his best friend as a kids book.  I had fun coming up with random book titles for both of them honestly.

Either way.  Here is a happy birthday gift from me to you guys. I had most of these written on my birthday (which was yesterday) but they needed a tweak so you got them today! I really want to catch you guys up to me. So much has happened and baby Ashwin is a child and Lulu is almost a teen!

Chapter 57: Hello & Goodbye

Artie: And there's grampa's boy. Welcome home, little man, it is so nice to meet you finally. Gramma Aggie will love you the moment she sees your face. And there are so many other people you will meet one day when this is all over. But it's going to be a long journey. Things won't always be easy though your Uncle Ares would argue you're getting it easier than he ever did. But we won't listen to him huh?

Artie: And I promise it won't be so bad spending many many days with your mom and I. You will have memories that you make soon that will keep you company for many moons. Like becoming best friends with Lulu.
Lulu: I'm Lulu!
Artie: That's right, angel. And you're going to be Ashwin's friend. This is your baby just as much as ours.
Lulu: Mine, too.
Artie: We're gonna give him the best, right Lulu?
Lulu: Yes!

Adrien: I'm so glad you're here and that I get to be your Daddy. We're going to have so much fun just like my dad and I did. Me and my little man.
Lulu: My Man!
Adrien: -chuckles- And perhaps maybe Lulu too.
Lulu: Yay!

Lulu: Rawr!
Alena: Whoa! Whose this little monster?
Lulu: Rawr! Lulu Monster!
Alena: Oh no.. not the Lulu Monster..!

Yuusuke: But you will right?
Artie: Of course I will.
Yuusuke: I just needed to hear you say it.
Artie: I know. Now.. what happened to watching this movie?
Yuusuke: I just can't believe you lived when people turned into this type of thing.
Artie: It was great. Especially if you had a peashooter. 
Yuusuke: A what?
Artie: A peashooter. It was a plant that would shoot an endless supply of peas out of a hole that was like a mouth towards zombies and only zombies.
Yuusuke: I don't know what to do with you sometimes.
Artie: I know.
Yuusuke: I'm gonna go sell the fruit in the garden.  You off to work?
Artie: Yea.  Someone has to whip the newbs into shape.
Yuusuke: Good luck.
Artie: You too.

Adrien: Oh no.
Reaper: This is a nice room.
Lulu: Get up Yuyu!
Reaper: Oh.. little girl. You shouldn't be here. Dude stop crying and get her out of here.
Adrien: But what about Yuusuke?
Reaper: He's dead. It won't bother him if you walk off.

Lulu: Is Yuyu hurt?
Reaper: I'm so not answering that... All you minty fresh.

Lulu: -gasp- What's that?
Adrien: -still lost in his emotional moment-
Reaper: That's an urn. It's what the body becomes after the soul is removed.
Lulu: That's Yuyu?
Reaper: Yea. You're kind of smart.

Lulu: Give Yuyu is soul back?
Reaper: Oh Carl. Too Smart. Umm..
Adrien: I better put Yuusuke with the others.

Reaper: I don't know why. Just is.
Lulu: But why?
Reaper: Because I don't have the clearance.
Lulu: But why?
Reaper: I DON'T KNOW!

Lulu: -starts crying because he yelled at her-
Reaper: Oh..don't start that. Please. I can't handle it when you kids cry.

Lulu: -full on ugly cries-
Reaper: Oh Carl. What do I do? I'm not supposed to take care of kids. Just take the dead.
Lulu: -still crying-
Reaper: C'mon why don't we find you an adult that can help you feel better.

Alena: Oh Lulu. What did the mean reaper do to you huh?
Reaper: Hey you're the one letting toddlers be by themselves. The mint guy had a total breakdown and was no help at all.
Alena: It's okay, sweetheart. I've got you.  How about we go get a snack okay?
Lulu: -sniffles- Okay.
Reaper: Look I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to--

Alena: Not allowed to be a decent Sim clearly. Why don't you just take your half rotten behind back to the netherworld where you belong and next time you can tell them I want a competent soul collector to visit for our loved ones or I'll find a way to make your life miserable in the hereafter the Grim way.
Reaper: What did you say?
Alena: Good Day!

Alena: And the little girl found out that she had magic in her veins and that she would be able to create potions that could do anything she wanted.

Alena: And cast spells that would turn her father into lizard if he dared to drop her baby...

Alena: Sweet dreams little one. The first one is always the hardest but I will always be here for you.

Alena: Dad.. you can leave him alone now.
Artie: No... we're going to be best friends.
Ichiro: You're going to make him sore.
Artie: I.. Ugh. Fine. I should go clean up after you pigs anyway.
Everyone comes to the kids' room to do homework and read. Even if I asked them to do this somewhere else.

Ichiro: You're a cutie. Yes, you are. And we're going to teach you how to treat Lulu right. And if you could somehow become purple just to mess with everyone. That would be great.. thanks.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 55/56/57 - 10/29]
« Reply #162 on: October 29, 2021, 08:01:19 PM »
Sp the Grim Way-Good Day!!  I will have to remember that one. LOL Please please tell that baby turns purple just to mess with Artie!!!

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 55/56/57 - 10/29]
« Reply #163 on: October 30, 2021, 01:09:06 AM »
RIP Yuusuke.  You were such a prolific, caring sim!
Fantastic shot of Artie throwing  Ashwin into the air?  Is that a sublimely-timed shot of Artie changing his diapers?
Loved Lulu pulling the ole Ask Why on the Reaper, rofl.

Btw, Adrien mentioned his own father while talking to Ashwin and I could not for the life of me remember his father.
Ended up going aaaaallll the way back to Chapter 27, where Malcolm moved in then adopted Adrien.

Oh, hey, I had no idea that you had posted an extra update today.
Moreover, I was absolutely clueless that yesterday was your birthday, tho you had mentioned getting stuffed on cake.
Belated happy birthday wishes, Rica! 🎂🥂🎈🖖

Sp the Grim Way-Good Day!!  I will have to remember that one. LOL Please please tell that baby turns purple just to mess with Artie!!!
I have no memory of how that rainbow mod works. Since Alena is red and Adrien is minty, would their nooboo be one of these two colors?
Or is an intermediate color along that spectrum also possible?

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 58]
« Reply #164 on: October 30, 2021, 09:22:55 AM »
@oshizu That was a sublimely timed shot mid "taking care of infant's needs" for being a super parent lol  So yea mid changing a diaper with that interaction or whatever it's called. And yeah it's been a while since I updated a bunch so I think most people forget he's Adrien Landgraab.  And thank you for the belated wishes. I didn't make a big deal of it because it wasn't. My family got me a whole bunch of Jack Skellington themed items that make me very happy and I had a great dinner/cake afterward. Which yes, I ate too much of.  It was a spice cake with cream cheese frosting - my absolute favorite.

As for the CC with the skin, it should only be those colors or the genetic background of the family line but I'm not sure how far back it will go honestly. I've never known it to throw out a random color. Then again - This is the Sims.

@sdhoey Alena likes to say stuff, doesn't she? Clearly Artie's daughter. And if I could make him purple, I would but that's not what happened as you'll see in about 19 images. Stay tuned.  ;)

Chapter 58: Ding Baby's Done

Voice: Oh no. Not again.
Alena: How bad is it?
Voice: Well. I know a Xylek that would find you adorable.
Alena: I don't know what that means.
Voice: That curse potion is in your pocket. Might want to drink it. That shade of green isn't complementary to your mate.

Lulu: But why?
Ichiro: Because Ashwin isn't yours. He's Alena's.  And Adrien's I guess.
Lulu: No. Mine.
Ichiro: He's going to be your friend, yes.
Lulu: My Baby.
Ichiro: He's not going to be a baby forever.
Lulu: No? Why?
Ichiro: Because he's going to get big like you soon.
Lulu: OooOOOOoh.
Ichiro: C'mon. Time for a bath.

Ichiro: Got your ducky?
Lulu: Plucky in the water.
Ichiro: Yep Plucky's in the water.
Lulu: Plucky go down the hoooole.
Ichiro: What hole?

Lulu: Plucky all gone!
Ichiro: Hey no splashing!
Lulu: -high pitched giggling-
Ichiro: Bring Plucky back and then we're going to dry off and play in the snow okay?
Lulu: Okay!

Lulu: Why cold?
Ichiro: Its winter and the snow can only happen in the cold.
Lulu: Oh. What now?
Ichiro: I don't know. It makes me miss Komorebi.

Lulu: C'mon let's play!
Ichiro: Okay just texting your mom a moment. Alright, let's do this.

Ichiro: There you go baby girl. Make it nice and smooth on the sides.
Lulu: Smoooth.

Ichiro: Ta-Da. Whatcha think? We do good?
Lulu: We do good work.
Ichiro: Yes we do.

Again - everyone seems to think the nursery is actually the study room. They study their magic tomes. Lulu studies them.

Lulu: Ashy.. just go to sleeeeeeep.

Gardener: So you're saying they all bloomed at the same time?
Alena: Yep. Kamea and I have been taking care of the garden and there is nothing about these three plants that is different other than how they're planted.
Gardener: That's so strange. There used to be a difference.
Alena: You think we need to do it again differently?
Gardener: Perhaps. But I'll still report your findings. Thank you for telling me.
Alena: Of course. Now go home and get warm, you're making me cold.

Alena: Hello my beautiful boy.  Are you ready to age up? I can't wait to see your face. No, I can't.

Apparently we call could.... because this happened.

Guess who's graduating tomorrow?! 

Oh, who cares.. bring on Ashwin!

Ashwin: -squeals of joy-
Alena: -Laughter-

Alena: C'mon. You got this. I know you do.

Alena: Oh baby. Mama loves you so much.
Ashwin: -murmurs back-

Um.... where's the Grim in this child? Someone find it. Artie had his double and now Adrien has his!
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'