Author Topic: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim  (Read 65434 times)

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 36]
« Reply #120 on: September 17, 2021, 08:19:34 AM »
Chapter 36: Birthday Death Day

Ichiro: Hey hey.. buddy you weren't going to try and do this alone were you?
Adrien: I am alone now.
Ichiro: You're not even close to alone. You got me and Alena and our parents. We're all family remember?

Ichiro: Bring it in little man. We can only do this for a few more hours and after that, I have to teach you the bro hug.
Adrien: Really?
Ichiro: You know it. In fact, I think I have an idea.

Adrien: What kind of idea?
Ichiro: What would you say to doing things a little different?
Adrien: You mean like bad?
Ichiro: More like taking control of yourself and what you want.
Adrien: Okay.. like what?
Ichiro: Well? Would you be interested in grabbing Alena and the cake and going somewhere?

Alena: Sorry to hear about your dad, Adrien. Want a hug?
Adrien: Yes.
Alena: Okay here you go. And I hear you're ready to see where Itchy and I disappear to.
Adrien: Am I allowed?
Alena: Does it matter? Let's go. It's your birthday. We'll do whatever you want.

Ichiro: This place looks great no matter what time of day it is.
Adrien: Are we allowed to be out here past midnight? Without the parents?
Alena: I won't tell if you don't. Let me set up the camping table and cake.
Ichiro: Over by the bonfire would be good.
Alena: That's what I was thinking.
Adrien: I can't feel the voice watching either.

Alena: It's one of the reasons we come here. Ichiro loves the island and it's traditions ever since Ukupanipo told us stories about this place.
Ichiro: This is where Alena brought me to calm me down earlier, too.
Alena: The waves help a lot. We have big waves and water at home but it's not the same as here. I wish we lived here.
Adrien: Can't we move?
Ichiro: No, it's against the rules Artie has to follow.
Adrien: Rules?
Alena: Enough of that. Come over here and blow out these candles, dude. Oh and suit up. We're going swimming.

Adrien: I don't know what to wish for.
Alena: Wish for anything!

Adrien: Okay got it. Here goes.
Teens: Whoo!

Alena: Where did this confetti come from?!
Ichiro: -blows horns to wake up island-

Adrien: Wow. Things sure seem different when you're bigger.
Ichiro: Oh yea. You have no idea. -glances to the side-
Alena: Should we eat the cake or put it all away?
Ichiro: Your choice.

The tradition of dead parents sending presents continues on.

As is the need to selfie as soon as you're a teen.
Ichiro: Oh Carl.. is that who I think that is?

Artie: Adrien. How come you didn't wait to party with the rest of us? I went looking for you and none of you could be found.
Adrien: Sorry Artie. I just. They were trying to help me get over what happened with Dad.
Artie: Is this what you wanted or did they pressure you?
Adrien: It's what I wanted.

Artie: Okay then. Happy Birthday, buddy.
Adrien: Thanks, Artie. Not mad that I came out here?
Artie: No. I'm glad the kids are trying to help you cheer up. I'm here too. Okay?
Adrien: Yep.

Artie: Alright. If you three teenagers can handle yourselves, I'm going home. Lemme just call up my ride.
Adrien: You're just going to leave us?
Artie: Don't do anything to ruin your reputation and I can trust you.. right?
Lloyd: Uhh..

Adrien: That was strange.
Alena/Ichiro: -bantering with BFF-
Reaper: -Thinking: Huh.. that kid looks familiar.-

Adrien: Oh no. Not again.
Reaper: -Thinking: Oh Metro. Looks like I lost the connection to whatever that was.-

Reaper: -Mental: Though.. there's something about her.-
Alena: -preparing to toss the rock- I don't know Itchy. That doesn't sound like the best idea you've ever had.
Ichiro: Why not? It's not like anyone could stop us.
Alena: I'm not sure the risk is worth it for something that... I don't know.. Small.
Ichiro: Oh so you think I should go bigger.
Alena: Well... yea.

Ichiro: Hey buddy decided to join us finally huh?
Adrien: Don't look but I think that old guy is dying.
Alena: What? You're kidding me, right?
Adrien: Nope. And the Reaper was staring at you for like forty sim minutes.
Alena: -nervous laugh- That's not creepy at all.

Adrien: I saw someone else die. Am I bad luck?
Ichiro: No dude. Just weird timing. Though.. you have to know that there's something about the Grims right?
Adrien: No?
Ichiro: Well.. I think it's time we had a talk.
Reaper: Don't I know you?
Alena: I don't know. Do you?
Reaper: You just seem really familiar.

Alena: Well two people have died in my house since I was born.. Maybe you just saw a picture or memory or something.
Reaper: How did you know we could see memories?
Alena: So you can!

Reaper: Ugh! I fell for it!
Alena: You sure did, buddy.
Reaper: I can't believe it. I'm usually pretty good about avoiding that kind of thing.
Alena: It happens to all of us.

Reaper: Hrm. The fire is dying.
Adrien: What?
Ichiro: Dude. -chuckles- Don't reply to that lame joke.
Alena: Shouldn't you be leaving?

Reaper: Until next time, little red girl.
Alena: Who says there will be a next time.
Reaper: There is always a next time in the Simverse.

Adrien: You sure you're okay?
Alena: Yea. Maybe. But I want to write all this down in my journal before I forget.
Ichiro: Just give it a try, Adrien. It's great for calming yourself down.
Adrien: So much death though.
Ichiro: Yea and we're going to talk about that soon. Don't you worry. Just write.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 37]
« Reply #121 on: September 17, 2021, 08:21:03 AM »
Chapter 37: This isn't Hittooine.

Artie: This is Roguish One. I'm leaving the atmosphere and off to find some fun.
Control Tower: Try to not get another intergalactic ticket, yea?
Artie: No promises. Hey, what's this swirly thing?

Artie: Um..  This is so not my rocket ship.
Artie: It's too quiet. Wait did I find a way to Sixam? Man, this is not what I expected today. Where is everybody? Why isn't there a welcoming committee? Why aren't there any houses like there were in Lunar Lakes? Again where is everybody? I guess I'm just going to have to go looking huh?

Artie: Hi I seem to be lost. I'm hoping you can point me in the direction of the mayor's house or something.
Female Alien: And why would I send you to the mayor's office?
Artie: Oh.. I thought this was a new type of space mission.

Female Alien: Wait.. oh my carl. Artie?!
Artie: Oh.. am I so famous you guys know me here too? This. Is. Awesim.
Male Alien: Are you having a problem?
Female Alien: This is Artie. You know. Arrr-Teeee

Male Alien: You're not supposed to be here. How did you get here?
Artie: Look. I'm not going to deal with attitude from a stranger on a weird planet that doesn't even have housing.
Male Alien: You're a strange man.
Female: You have no idea.
Artie: You sound familiar.
Female: Who me?  I mean if you've heard one alien you've heard us all right? -nervous laugh-
Male: I think it's time you go.
Artie: I would love to but I don't know how to do that. So I'm looking for someone in charge to help me.
Female: Oh Artie. I wish you hadn't found your way here.
Artie: What's that supposed to mean? Wait.. aren't you the voice from—

Male: Do it.
Female: -does it-
Artie: whoa!

Artie: Where am I and how did I get here?
Female: -changes voice slightly- No no. Don't shoot. I came to help you get off-planet. You had your head messed up during a space mission and landed in the wrong place.
Artie: Oh.. That makes sense. Okay, let's get me back to my ship.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 38]
« Reply #122 on: September 17, 2021, 09:39:15 AM »
Chapter 38: Day Two of a Long Week

Yes.. it was Saturday and now it's Sunday.

Magnus: Ahh!
Voice: What's with the scream?
Magnus: I haven't figured out the floating thing yet.
Artie: Less talking, more doing.

Someone glitched a little with the moodlet solver and we couldn't find it until I loaded in and I saw this.

Adrien: You nervous about tonight?
Alena: A little. It's kind of a big deal right?
Adrien: I think so. Especially for a newcomer.
Alena: Yea, but I feel bad.
Adrien: You have absolutely no reason to feel bad. None.
Alena: Okay.

Voice: Um... Mizuki.
Mizuki: Yes?
Voice: Maybe put the book down... away from the fire that's starting.
Mizuki: Fire?
Voice: Yep fire.
Mizuki: Oh frell! There's a fire!
Voice: Oy. Hurry up deal with it and let's go.

Magnus: I think I'd rather be home with Adrien, Artie, and Kaori.
Mizuki: No. You're a celebrity. It's good to be seen sometimes. And she needs our support.
Magnus: I know none of these people.
Mizuki: You know me, my daughter, and your son.
Magnus: I guess..
And meet the most magenta sim I've ever seen.

Basketball Star: I don't think I've ever seen you around here before.
Alena: -nervous chuckle- My first time actually.
Shannon (brown hair): Are you here to support your mom?
Alena: Uh.
Ichiro: No, she's here for herself. Dude, you're in my seat.
Mizuki: Ichiro, you forgot to change.
Ichiro: Hold that thought.. and you need to make room for me when I get back.
Shannon: Oh my Carl was that Ichiro NishidakeDiehl the artist?
Alena: Yep. My best friend is amazing.

Alena: Thank you, everyone. I'm surprised that a little book like The Bus Driver Chronicles could really bring this much attention. I'm just glad people enjoy reading it. I want to say Thanks to my mom who inspired me to write and my best friend who keeps me from giving up when writer's block creeps up.
Magnus: Will you stop staring at her like that? She's only a teen.
Basketball Star: She's cute though.
Magnus: I will throw a dim and gusty in your eyes if you don't blink and look away.

4-Star Celebrity: Congratulations, Alena.
Alena: Thanks.
4-Star Celebrity: So when is your birthday again?
Alena: Why?
4-Star Celebrity: Just curious as to what you're going to do when high school doesn't get in the way.
Alena: You'll find out. Just you wait.

Mizuki: Magnus you really need to calm down. Getting angry and tense isn't going to make a good impression.
Magnus: I don't care what they think.
Alena: Mom.. you know Uncle Magz is a loner. There's a lot of strangers. I got my award. How about we just go home?
Mizuki: Okay we can do that.

Magnus: Look Kaori.. the Book Monster wants to say hello...
Voice: Feeling better I see.
Kaori: He's positively playful now that he's home isn't he?
Voice: Yep. Keep reading so everyone can avoid another night of sleep.
Magnus: I have an idea...
Kaori: This ought to be good.

Semi-professional-looking pictures to decorate the house. Yay!

Don't you just hate the moment where you're not sure where you begin and your partner ends?

Voice: You're concentrating awfully hard over here.
Adrien: -breathing heavy- I need to build my muscles.
Voice: Why?
Adrien: I think she likes bigger guys.
Voice: Who?
Adrien: Her.

Voice: This is a teenager crush thing isn't it?
Adrien: No, it's not just a crush.. Oh Metro this is... I'm getting tired.
Voice: Maybe you should stop before you hurt something.
Adrien: Just a few more reps. I can do this.
Voice: Maybe we should ask Artie to come give you tips.

Not to be outdone, Artie got his co-parent to join him for a pic after work.

Ichiro: -chuckles- Dad. If you run through mud puddles you can fall.
Magnus: Ahh.. It's cold.
Adrien: You shouldn't laugh at your dad.
Magnus: What he said.

Artie: Just like that ladies.
Alena: And why are we doing this?
Artie: Because we need pictures around the house. I wanted one of my two girls.
Mizuki: Am I your girl?
Artie: You know what I meant. My daughter and her mother.

And I guess one of Mizuki alone too.

Voice: Why do you have his haircut?
Adrien: He has my haircut.
Voice: Did you start a trend?
Adrien: Apparently. Shh. I'm measuring.

Ichiro: -falls into a puddle- Unh.
Voice: Shouldn't have laughed at him.

Alena: There are more of you now.
Fireflies: Our connection is growing stronger.
Alena: What does that mean though?
Fireflies: We can only tell you that things will get harder before they get better.
Alena: So.. you're no help.
Fireflies: We can't.. Not yet. Keep doing what you're doing, daughter of red.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 39]
« Reply #123 on: September 17, 2021, 02:52:16 PM »
Chapter 39: Number Two on Tuesday

Artie: Ugh. Watching this movie always reminds me of Addy.
Alena: Why is that an Ugh? Isn't Addy your great by a ton grandchild?
Artie: Yea and she was also a witch. That frog thing was a curse and while she was supermaxing her alchemy, she turned all of us into toads before it was over. A few of us, mostly her grandfather Aker and myself were stuck that way for a long time before she'd let us near her batch of cure elixirs. I'll never be able to look at frogs the same way ever again.
Adrien: Did you try to eat a fly?
Artie: Uhh..
Voice: You know Artie is erratic, and well back in that part of the Simverse, he occasionally had a fly for a snack before the toadification curse ever came around.
Artie: You really were a fan!
Voice: Yes I did my homework. Speaking of homework, school time. Don't be late. Grab mister loud on your way out the door.

Artie: I win again.
Magnus: How!?
Artie: I'm just that good.
Mizuki: -messing with her simstagram to keep her fifth star-
Artie: Hey Kaori, come beat on your husband for a bit. He likes it. I'm off to get some meditation time in.
Voice: Yes. Go do that.

Mizuki: -gets done with Simstagram and stands up to wave at the sky- Uh. Voice?
Voice: I know.
Mizuki: Of course you do. Okay.
Magnus: What's going on?
Kaori: Okay I have to go to work.

Kaori: Mizuki.. why are you... oh. Magnus stop
Magnus: What?
Kaori: Look over here.
Magnus: Oh no.
Reaper: This room again. Do you people not live in the rest of the house?

Magnus: -almost immediately goes into an emotional meltdown, celebrity style-
Reaper: Huh. Do you know why this woman's last name is Grim?
Magnus: -can't really talk-
Reaper: Is she the reason this is the Grim residence? That's funny. I can't wait to tell Dad they're naming other Sims after him. Whenever he decides to re-grace us with his presence anyhow.

Reaper: Hrm. There are many holes in this woman's memory. That's strange.
Magnus: -comes out of his crying session- Why is that weird? She was quite forgetful.
Reaper: I'm not completely sure but I think I know why. I just can't say.
Magnus: Then don't bring it up.

Reaper: Oh My Carl, you're Magnus Diehl. Can I have your autograph?
Magnus: Sure. Who do I make it out to?
Reaper: Just put A Grim.
Magnus: Okay...
Reaper: It's what we all are. The whole family has names that start with A and our last name is Grim.
Magnus: Huh. Reapers with the last name Grim.. is that common?
Reaper: Not as common as you would think actually.

Voice: Doing so good Artie. It's almost over and then we can leave the room.
Artie: Shhhhhhuuuuuuuut Uuuuuuuuuuuuup

Magnus: So what's your career? It can't be this right?

( This was so not cool imo.  But funny )

Ichiro: Oh c'mon guys. Today wasn't that bad, was it?
Adrien: The world is so unfair. I just can't deal with iiiit.
Alena: -mumbling under her breath about someone she's going to get-
Ichiro: Alena you have to help me calm Adrien down. I think he's pushing some limits here.
Alena: Huh?

Adrien: I just can't believe that happened today.
Voice: Stop moping and get over to that moodlet solver.. Now, sir. Actually here. Let me bring it to you.
[He was sad .. but mortified.. I became quite concerned.]

Voice: Well that's haunting.
Artie: My mindfulness wore off and now I can't help but feel crushed by emotions I didn't really know I had.
Voice: You have actual emotions?
Artie: Ouch.

Artie: -gains emotional bomb quirk and promptly has a meltdown-
Voice: I didn't even think you liked her that much.
Artie: -unconsolable-

Voice: Really?
Artie: Seemed interesting.
Voice: I just.. okay I'm going to go check on the others.

Magnus: There ya go. Now you're getting it. Just keep your fingers nimble and stop thinking about it. Just feel it. You know the notes.

Kaori snapped this shot of her husband mentoring her son. It now hangs next to the 'portrait' of Magnus on the wall behind where she was standing.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 40]
« Reply #124 on: September 17, 2021, 02:54:30 PM »
Chapter 40: Wednesday aka Day 5

About Midnight on Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning

Voice: You okay Kaori?
Kaori: Yea. I think. Just can't believe Alena lost her mother just days after Adrien lost his father.
Voice: If this wasn't an immortal dynasty, she would have lost her father a long time ago.
Kaori: I guess that's true but Artie feels timeless. Seeing him die would break a lot of hearts. Mizuki though. She was just so.. I mean despite her issues we were friends.
Voice: What would you like to do to take your mind off things?
Kaori: I think I have an idea. Gonna grab the boys and Alena.

Ichiro: Dad.. why are we out here in the middle of the night?
Magnus: Don't ask me. Ask your mom.
Kaori: What? I can't want to take my family on a hike for all of us to get some time together. We just lost someone and we need to spend all the time we can with one another.
Artie: C'mon guys. It will be fun to do this as a family. We'll have this memory for a long time together.
Adrien: So we going?
Magnus: Ladies first.
Kaori: Oh no. The young ones can go first. I'm not being run over.

Artie: You feeling okay?
Kaori: I'm tired and sad.
Artie: You should have told me, we could have gotten you a moodlet solver.
Kaori: I didn't want it. I wanted to feel this.
Artie: I get that.
Kaori: This was a good idea.
Artie: It was. It's nice to watch Magnus with the kids.
Kaori: Is that why you're hanging back here with the old lady?
Artie: I'm old too you know. Plus it doesn't feel right for you to be back here looking at all of us. And I have gas.
Kaori: Artie! Hold it. I see some Kodama up ahead. You don't want to make them mad.
Artie: Are you sure?
Kaori: Yes. -dry tone-

Magnus: Hold on. I need to check out the map.
Ichiro: I thought we didn't consult maps as men.
Artie: -laughs- That's totally made up.
Magnus: Sometimes you have to even if you don't want to. I'm too old to be walking the wrong path half the night.
Adrien: Do you see it too, Auntie K?
Kaori: I do. It's amazing what you can see right before dawn.
Alena: I'm fairly certain I'm right and it's this path. C'mon Uncle Magz. Follow me to the temple.

Magnus: Guys.. we're supposed to be taking pictures and making wishes. Not playing on our phones.
Kaori: Yea but there's apparently a void critter gym here.
Magnus: Wait you too? And oh is there? Where's my phone? Afterward, we're making wishes and then memories while heading back.

Kaori: -jumps-
Voice: You okay? Everything jumped back over to you suddenly
Kaori: I hear something.

Kaori: Gah. stupid bugs! -stomp stomp stomp-
Ichiro: I draw the line at bugs. I know a place we can go that will be great. and quiet.
Magnus: Where?
Alena: Don't worry we'll show you.
Adrien: Same place?
Ichiro: No let's show them the other place. We'll have fun. Let's go.

Artie: Oh man this is nice.
Kaori: -yells- Don't run over the kids!
Artie: How come you didn't tell me that?
Artie: Interesting. Now I know why Ichiro called this place quiet.

Magnus: Thanks for swinging with me, wifey.
Kaori: Better than getting sand everywhere.
Magnus: Don't worry I would have made sure to get it all off of you.
Kaori: I'll remember that for later. Kids! Come back in it's almost time for school.

We see you, Adrien. (Another case of perfect pausing on my part)

Kalamainu'u: Oh My Gosh. It's Ichiro Nishidake Diehl.
Ichiro: Oh hello.
Kala (because I can): Your artwork is amazing.
Ichiro: Oh thanks. Wait till you hear my music.
Kala: You're a musician too. That's great.
Magnus: Man I'm hungry and we left the solvers and books at home.
Kaori: That's our cue, people. Let's get home to eat food not made near the sand and you guys get to go to school.
Ichiro: Well.. later.

About 5 minutes later...

Magnus: Turn around I want to give you a massage.
Kaori: Mmm I won't say no to that.
Voice: Is Artie.. stuck?
Magnus: Don't know don't care.

Voice: No you're not stuck. You're naked.
Artie: It started raining. That means shower time.
Voice: No it doesn't! The kids are still home for a few more seconds and there's a rando over there wanting to give y'all a present.

Rando: For being such good neighbors, I wanted to give you this present.
Alena: Great.. thanks.. wow. You shouldn't have.
Ichiro: Darn. Still no word about the scholarships or my acceptance. Hey, come check.
Alena: One second I'm being given a gift.
Ichiro: If that makes any of us sick, I will find you.
Rando: I promise it's just a present.
And it was but I can't remember what because I've slept since then.

Kaori: You know what I'm thinking?
Magnus: I hope it's not about how Artie's naked again.
Kaori: I was thinking we should get naked too.
Magnus: Oh well in that case..
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 41]
« Reply #125 on: September 17, 2021, 02:58:16 PM »
Chapter 41: Yep Still Day 5

Adrien: Alena, what's wrong?
Alena: I miss my mom and I just have this bad feeling.
Ichiro: Me too actually

About 22 hours after she died, Mizuki was feeling lonely. So of course we invited her over just as the kids were getting out of school.

Magnus: Whoa. I'm feeling a little lightheaded.
Voice: Oh. Well, I bet you are.  Why don't you lie down?

Magnus: Good idea. This floor seems really comfy.
Voice: I would have never guessed that from the look of it.
Magnus: Right?

Alena: Mom. I didn't think I'd see you again for a long time.
Mizuki: Even death can't keep me busy forever. I had to come check on my girl.
Alena: What's got you so tense?
Mizuki: Oh.. no reason honey. Tell me about your day.

Ichiro: Oh Dad.. no.
Adrien: -just crying-
Reaper (in gym): Hey.. this isn't the usual room. I'm so proud of you guys. And hey this equipment looks awesim.

Alena: I just got hit with a wave of sadness.
Mizuki: I know sweetie.
Alena: What do you mean you know?!
Mizuki: Oh just.. I feel it too.
Alena: Can't really tell that by looking at you.
Mizuki: Just stay with me and we can console each other.
Alena: Wait.. why are you keeping me out of the house?
Mizuki: No reason.
Alena: But.. You can't keep me here.

Kaori: -finally transportalates in from garden- Oh.. Magnus. No no no.
Ichiro: Stop stalling. And just get this over with already.
Kaori: Ichiro, calm down.
Ichiro: No. I'm tired of seeing this robe this week.
Reaper: It's kind of rude for you to assume I'm the same one.
Ichiro: You brought up the gym!
Reaper: I guess that's true. But we're also a gossipy bunch.

Alena: -rushes in and sees him- Oh Metro.. it's true. Uncle Magz. I'm so sorry.

Ichiro: I'll go start with the books.
Adrien: I'll get the solvers.
Ichiro: Give one to Alena first. She can ask Mom.

Voice: Where do you think you're going?
Mizuki: I can't believe I let you people talk me into doing this.
Voice: We did no such thing. Just because we brought something up and you did it is not on us.

Alena: Oh Auntie K. I know it's hard. I feel it too.
Kaori: Not like this. He was my soulmate and my best friend.
Alena:  I know. No one has ever questioned how much you two love each other. I just don't like to see you cry.
Kaori: What else would I do?

Alena: You should take this.
Kaori: A moodlet solver?
Alena: It will help you feel less sad.
Kaori: Isn't that dishonoring his memory?
Alena: Do you really think that Uncle Magz would have wanted you to mope around here for two days?
Kaori: No?
Alena: Exactly. Come on. Bottoms up.

Artie: I know you're in there Mizuki. I can feel dead people.
Mizuki: -opens door- That's totally a weird ability.
Artie: Yeah well it works most of the time.
Mizuki: Then how come you didn't come to see me when I was dying.
Artie: Don't change the subject here.
Mizuki: I didn't.

Artie: I need to know the whole story. And you're going to be the one to tell me.
Mizuki: There's not much to say.
Artie: And no artistic, bookworm embellishments. From the beginning. You just tried to stop our daughter and I don't appreciate you getting in her way then hiding out here in her closet like she'll forget sooner rather than later.

Alena: See. isn't that better?
Kaori: I guess. It still hurts a little.
Alena: And it always will.
Kaori: Thanks, Alena.
Alena: What would you guys do without me, huh?
Kaori: -chuckles- I don't know and I don't want to know.

Artie: I've heard enough. Shoo. Go. Get out of the house. You don't live here anymore. Maybe if you're lucky, I'll take your grave marker out at some point and think of you. I have two boys I have to make sure get their moodlet solvers, an old friend who is suddenly a widow and no time for your or their antics.

Artie: C'mon boys. Drink up.
Adrien: I just can't believe he's gone too.
Ichiro: She had her birthday the same day as us. and his was the next day. So.. they're consistent.
Adrien: Does that mean we know exactly when we're gonna die?
Ichiro: No. I think it's just a rough coincidence. Maybe.

Voice: Artie?
-muffled noise-
Voice: Artie is that you?
Artie (you guessed it, muffled): Go away. Trying to nap.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 42]
« Reply #126 on: September 17, 2021, 03:01:18 PM »
Chapter 42: Helping Kaori Cope

Kaori: C'mon guys. Liven up.
Ichiro: Mom, why are we here?
Kaori: To get you guys going on your sightseeing and extreme sports stuff. And so I can shred.
Adrien: Is this why we got snowboards before we left?
Kaori: Yep. C'mon. Out on the snow you guys. Take care of your lists and I'll be on the slopes you're still too little to handle.
Ichiro: Wow Mom.
Alena: So competitive Auntie K.

Adrien: Ahhhh!
Ichiro: Dude!
Adrien: Ow.
Ichiro: Wow Adrien. We're supposed to do stupid stuff on the slopes, not on just any old snow.
Adrien: I think I hurt myself. I'm not going to be able to do anything.
Ichiro: Oh no.
Adrien: Yea.

Alena: Did I forget how to balance?
Never mind good so far.

Ichiro: Okay I kind of see why mom likes this.

Thundersnowstorm hits and everyone high tails for the Onsen Bathhouse.. Even dead Liberty Lee. And For some reason, Kaori has a weird bug where certain activities take away her wrinkles and gray hair. Teleporting by spell is one of them - I'm not complaining.
Kaori: Okay done seen it all. Let's go home, kids.

Alena: I say we go to both sides of the house and check at the same time. I'm sure it's done by now right?
Ichiro: I hope so. We go to school in 3 hours and it's our last day because our birthday is tonight.
Alena: These schools won't make us wait. They're ready for us to give them money and show up. We're famous. It's good for their rep.
Ichiro: Hm. Okay. Let's do this.

Alena got into every degree program but distinguished Culinary Arts.

Ichiro got into every distinguished degree program.

Ichiro: YES!
Voice: What?
Ichiro: I'm distinguished!
Voice: Oh... okay.
Ichiro: It's a thing.
Voice: Yeah just not the way you were thinking. Almost school time. Go get ready. Can't miss the last day.

Artie: So I re-applied to university.
Kaori: Mhm.
Artie: Got my letter.
Kaori: Here to brag?
Artie: Maybe a little.
Kaori: Let me guess. You got into almost every degree program.
Artie: Not almost. I did get into all of them.

Kaori: No. One seems to be missing. I saw it in Ichiro's letter.
Artie: There aren't any missing woman.
Kaori: I don't see Villainy anywhere.
Artie: Gah! Not funny
Kaori: -giggles- Since I won that argument you have to do something for me.
Artie: -suspicious- what?

Artie: How's this?
Kaori: That's great. Right there is always so sore after a night of boarding.
Artie: Did you choose what color you want?
Kaori: Yeah this one.

Kaori: You're surprisingly good at this.
Artie: Look. I've had quite a few daughters and wives and co-parents and whatever else you want to call the women in my life. I've had to learn things to survive.
Kaori: Sure. But the moment I find you with painted nails, you know I'm going to give you so much flak.
Artie: You won't. Trust me.

Artie: Yes. Got it on without messing up the paint.
Kaori who is back to looking gray: That was great, friend.
Artie:  Yea Yea I know. Get your shoe off my knee.
Kaori: Neat freak.
Artie: Proudly.

Was she cold? The world may never know.

If you put a keg on the lot, everyone will want to do a keg stand. There was one time that I didn't cancel it before they dropped queue to try it. And this is what we got for it. I know we all wanted to see this at least once.

Yuusuke: There have been complications.
Alena: What do you mean complications?
Yuusuke: Not so loud. -a little louder- I mean I won't duel you.
Alena: Why not?!
Kaori: We'll figure it out. Don't worry.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 43]
« Reply #127 on: September 17, 2021, 03:03:10 PM »
Chapter 43: Most Anticipated Birthdays of Gen 2

Thursday Night/Friday Morning near/around midnight

Alena: You ready to get this done, Itchy?
Ichiro: As ready as you are, Princess.
Alena: Beyond ready. On three.

Alena: One.. Two... -blows-
Ichiro: Cheater.
Artie: -chuckles- You had to know she was going to do that. She is the oldest you know.
Kaori: She's always been in a hurry, as well.

Alena: Whee! I know I hear you guys. Shh, we have guests.
Ichiro: Hrm. What to wish for? Oh! I know.
Kaori: Make it good, son.
Ichiro: Oh it is.

Ichiro: Oh yea.  This feels great.
Voice: Feeling better without the need to cuss and listen to loud music.
Ichiro: Absolutely. Keeping the hair though.
Voice: I don't blame you.

Alena: Okay.. everyone's going home. You ready to execute the plan?
Ichiro: As I'll ever be.
Alena: You don't have to do this tonight. We have time.
Ichiro: I'm not sure I can wait any longer.
Artie: It's so cute when the next generation plots.

They do the Best Friend Secret handshake and it's hysterical. Reminds me of Parent Trap.

Alena: If this is what you want, as your best friend and birthday buddy I say let's do this. We going alone or taking others.
Ichiro: I was thinking we'd take the whole family.
Alena: Really?
Ichiro: Yea.
Alena: Let's go then.

Ichiro: -takes a deep breath- There's just something about this place.. Okay time to find my friends.

Ichiro: Come here often?
Kamea: Very funny. Who is that ghost there? He is not one of us.
Ichiro: Oh that's Lloyd. He died one night when we brought Adrien here for his birthday. I think the reaper was using his death as an excuse to come find Alena and Artie.
Kamea: These are the roommates yes?
Ichiro: The best friend and her dad.

Adrien: Is it weird that we're different ages now?
Alena: Why would it be? It's not the first time.
Adrien: Yeah but we've gotten really close this week.
Alena: And we can remain close. I'm not going to ditch you just because you're in high school.
Adrien: Okay cool.
Alena: C'mon. Race you back to the buoy.

Artie: Why didn't I move to Sulani? That's what I want to know. Next time I do this, I want to live on the beach.

Artie: This is so much fun. And I feel like somewhere out there someone really wanted me to do this. ((-coughOshizucough- ;) ))

Ichiro: While I have you away from the others. I was wondering... -whispers-
Kamea: -giggles- Really?
Ichiro: Definitely.
Kamea: Okay.

Kamea: I thought there would be more sparkles and stuff
Ichiro: Me too. And you're blue!
Kamea: Is that a problem?
Ichiro: No. You're perfect. Just wasn't expecting it.
Kamea: It's been a long time since I felt like this.
Ichiro: Alive or flirty?
Kamea: -chuckles- Well...
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 44]
« Reply #128 on: September 17, 2021, 03:07:08 PM »
Chapter 44: He Did What?

Early hours of Friday Morning...

Kaori: Ichiro, I think I'm going to go to the other side to see if the fish are biting. Wait.. who are you?
Ichiro: Oh Mom. About that. Kaori Nishidake-Diehl meet Kamea. Kamea this is my mother Kaori.

Kaori: So what's going on here?
Kamea: Ichiro has asked me to move in with him and I thought it was a wonderful idea.
Kaori: You can't be serious.
Kamea: I wouldn't joke about something like this. I am your new roommate.

Kaori: You know better than to just bring in another Sim into the house without talking to the adults first.
Ichiro: I am an adult now. And Alena knew what I was going to do.
Kaori: What made you think this was a good idea?
Ichiro: I've known Kamea since I changed my hair to blue. We met her here on the beach. We're close.  Now that we're the same age, I want to get closer.
Kaori: What about Alena?
Ichiro: She's my best friend. Nothing has changed.
Kaori: Wait till you have to explain to Artie.

Kaori: It's done now though so. Welcome to the house, Kamea. They're a little crazy if you can't tell from my son.
Kamea: I don't think your son is crazy. Impulsive maybe but not crazy.
Kaori: So.. how does this work exactly?

Kamea: And that's not all. I have a message for you.
Kaori: A message for me?
Kamea: Yes.
Ichiro: You never said anything about a message.
Kamea: I didn't know I had it until I saw your mother's face.
Kaori: What is it?

Kamea: And he said to say 'This is done with his blessing.'
Ichiro: See. I told you that everything was going to be okay, Mom.
Kaori: Did he say anything else?
Kamea: That you would know what to do.
Kaori: Well, of course, they think this is something I'll just know.
Kamea: I'm hungry. Is there a way to get food around here anytime soon?
Kaori: I think I smell grilled fruit. Adrien has probably attacked the grill. Let's go.

Alena: So is this her?
Ichiro: Uh-huh.
Kaori: Wait.. you hadn't met her?
Alena: Didn't have to. She made him happy and that's what mattered.

Alena: Welcome to the funhouse. I'm Alena.
Kamea: Thank you. I'm Kamea.
Alena: That's a very pretty name. What does it mean?
Kamea: It means 'the one' actually.
Alena: That's cool.
Kaori: Hm.

Kaori: And if you do that while they're on the grill, I bet they would taste even better.
Adrien: Huh. I'll have to try that out.
Alena: Oh.. hi Daddy. Finally, got off the jet ski huh?
Artie: I did. It was a lot of fun but I'm hungry. Wow. This is a full table, isn't it? Someone get up.
Ichiro: Artie there's someone I want to introduce you to.

Artie: Well I know it's not Nalani. So it must be this blueberry right here.
Alena: Daddy, be nice.
Artie: I'm always nice, honey.
Adrien: -snorts trying to not laugh-
Kaori: Artie. I think you forget you have a reputation.
Artie: Perhaps. Why don't you get up and introduce yourself?

Ichiro: Artie why don't you take my seat. I"m practically done as it is. This way you can sit next to Mom.
Nalani: C'mon Artie. Kamea is a friend.
Artie: Is she?
Nalani: She is.
Kamea: I mean you and yours no harm. In fact, if you want I can get you some kelp and we can bring back that red, gray, and purple fin of yours.
Artie: Interesting... Join the family club.
Fan: Excuse me.. Alena...

Alena: Of course you can have an autograph.
Aya Abe's Sister: Oh my Carl. Thank you Thank you. I have all of your books. Even the boring screenplay.
Alena: Wow I don't know what to say about that.
The Sister: You're just the best.
Artie: Happy now, Kaori?
Kaori: Yes. Welcome to the Grim Squad, Kamea. If you're done eating. I think we need to chat.
Artie: And where are you running off to now?
Kaori: I just want to have a chat with the woman my son brought into the house.
Adrien: Is he in trouble?
Artie: No, but if you decide to have a baby mama.. we better talk before things happen. Understand?
Adrien: Yes sir.

Kamea: What's wrong Kaori?
Kaori: You said your name means the one, right?
Kamea: Yea what of it.
Kaori: Then you know what I have to do.

Kaori: And you are the last. I thought it would be Adrien but it was actually you.
Kamea: What do you mean?
Kaori: The first son, the second child, and the one.
Three were chosen and three are to be changed.
Once the third has been touched, my task is done.
Now it's up to you three to do what's been arranged.

Alena: You look happy.
Ichiro: I am.
Alena: You're not worried?
Ichiro: Of course I am, but I'm not going to let it change what has happened tonight. Now that it's Friday morning though, we need to get Adrien to school and sign up for classes.
Alena: We do but I know how much you love the beach.
Ichiro: I do.. almost as much as Kamea.
Alena: I can't believe we're finally here.
Ichiro: Only the beginning, remember? So much more to go.
Alena: And yet.. so far away.
Ichiro: We just need to make the most of every day until the next one happens.
Alena: I know. I know.

Random Dolphin pic! Because why end on a mystery.. that's just so.. last chapter.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline sdhoey

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hmmm WOW!!! So much to take in. I was so wanting Ichiro and Alena to be together. *sniff* but I guess it will be Alena and Adrien. Talk about luck with the colorful sims. You are hitting that right out of the ballpark in this one.

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hmmm WOW!!! So much to take in. I was so wanting Ichiro and Alena to be together. *sniff* but I guess it will be Alena and Adrien. Talk about luck with the colorful sims. You are hitting that right out of the ballpark in this one.
Yea. I'm trying to get past everything that happened. And this was all done in 2-3 play sessions. And one of them I had a crash after a few hours and had to redo it. Redoing one of the deaths was hard. I want to play with some of my downtime but writing is easier than playing at the moment. So ya'll are getting alllll the updates.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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hmmm WOW!!! So much to take in. I was so wanting Ichiro and Alena to be together. *sniff* but I guess it will be Alena and Adrien. Talk about luck with the colorful sims. You are hitting that right out of the ballpark in this one.
Yea. I'm trying to get past everything that happened. And this was all done in 2-3 play sessions. And one of them I had a crash after a few hours and had to redo it. Redoing one of the deaths was hard. I want to play with some of my downtime but writing is easier than playing at the moment. So ya'll are getting alllll the updates.

And here I thought I was bad about posting all my updates at once. LOL Now I am taking on another project.. GEEZ.. and it's all Arties fault

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I am tempted to start a new dynasty myself after reading this. I'm still trying to finish my last one! Can I just say though that I love, love, Artie? I love how complex of a character he has become throughout all his stories and ARES! I'm so happy that he's looking for his ol' pops.

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 45]
« Reply #133 on: September 17, 2021, 05:42:57 PM »
Always Artie's fault, Shannon. Always.

@mpart Haha. Artie was originally started as my secondary dynasty and then became the one that went all the way. It's funny how that works sometimes. And yes Ares.. and one of his sisters! But which one is to be revealed later. ;) And yes I enjoy Artie as well. I like being able to show off his many facets of insanity.  There is always more to come too.  Thanks for reading and I'm glad everyone is enjoying it with me.

Chapter 45: Night on the Town 2.0


In young adulthood, Alena picked up her father's craziness. Her Starlight Accolade is becoming a best friend. Too bad it won't show up in her friend panel.
Alena: I just can't believe how much more homework you have for university. Grade School - one book every night. High School - one book every night. University - One book, four different sections - every two nights. On top of that is this term paper which is boring because I already know all this stuff and a presentation. And they expect me to get to school early outside of class hours to give the presentation to the professor. Seriously? Daddy never mentioned any of this. You think he did that on purpose?

Voice: So what degree did you decide on again?
Artie: Distinguished Communications.
Voice: Wait.. isn't that at UBrite?
Artie: Shhh don't say it too loud but yes. Ichiro and Alena are also at UBrite. I figured if I went along with this this time. I might be able to convince her to join Foxbury for the next one.
Voice: Next one? You realize you only need one degree right?
Artie: And you realize that dealing with you and elderhood is boring as all get out, right? A man can only sit on a little pouf and float for so long before he goes crazy.... er.
Voice: Well okay but hurry up and finish so we can go to dinner. Kaori wants to revisit the restaurant you took them for the last Night on the Town.
Artie: That the one where I told everyone we were going on vacation?
Voice: Yep. Then had to wait for three days for Magnus and Mizuki to finish classes.
Artie: I still say that's stupid. They should be able to do university and rent a house somewhere.
Voice: Less talking, more pinning of stuff.

Artie: Remember the last time we were here.
Kaori: I do. Remember no one is allowed to order something we already have a picture of.
Artie: Really? We're doing that?
Kaori: Why not? 
Artie: Alright. I'm game.
Kaori: And you'll remember to actually take a picture this time?
Artie: Yes, dear.

Host: Uhh Hello Ladies. How can I help you?
Alena: We'd like a table, please.
Host: Just the two of you?
Kamea: No. There are six of us now.
Host: I know just the table.
Alena: Lead the way.

Random Extra special Sim sighting. We'll have to look out for him to see what he does with his life.

Artie: Alright gang. We're going to attack this as a battle plan. Choose what drink you want, except you Adrien you get water. Then I'll give you an option for food.
Kaori: I want water too.
Alena/Ichiro at same time: Nectar! -laughs-
Alena: Didn't we say we were going to try the Tang & Zing?
Ichiro: Okay let's get that.
Kamea: Juice on the Rocks for me.
Artie: That sounds good actually.

Kamea: What are you doing?
Ichiro: We have a little downtime while we wait for the food so I thought I would get some homework out of the way.
Kamea: And you don't think that's rude?
Ichiro: Is it? I can stop.
Kamea: No. Go ahead. This way you don't have as much to do at home and can show me more of these club activities.
Alena: -under breath- is that what he calls it?
Kaori: Yes I'm ready to order for the table.

And everyone completes Night on the Town at the same time. The two slowpokes had to put their books down first.

Kaori Nishidake: Well hello again Kaori. 
Kaori the waitress: Good to see you again, dear. Is that all that you wanted?
Our Kaori: Yes for now. Thank you.

Kaori: Since they're all doing homework or writing in their journal, how about we entertain each other Kamea.
Kamea: Works for me. Artie said you chose this restaurant.
Kaori: I did. The only other time we've been here was right after I had joined the family. I was still dating Magnus, Ichiro's father, and his mother, Lena, was still with us. It's when she and I grew close.
Kamea: Lena? -looks to Alena and then back at Kaori-
Kaori: Yes. Alena is named after Lena.
Artie: Lena was my best friend even after Mizuki moved in.
Kaori: Stay out of this conversation. Do your homework.
Artie: Yes, dear.

Conversation 1: All Females
Kamea: So you came to this restaurant shortly after moving in. Like me?
Kaori: Actually yes.
Alena: You and Zuzu moved in about the same time right?
Kaori: The very same night. But I had already met Artie when I was a teenager and then Magnus when he was a teenager and I'd just had my birthday.
Kamea: So you're older than your husband?
Kaori: Only by a day or two actually.
Conversation 2: All Males
Artie: You know when I did this dinner the last time, Adrien. We all looked a lot better. And the fun part was drawing on the placemat.
Ichiro: Is that the placemat that's hanging in the studio?
Artie: Yep that one.
Adrien: I colored better when I was a child.
Artie: It's not about the technique it's about the feelings you're trying to convey.
Adrien: So.. you were feeling insane and chaotic.
Artie: Every. Single. Day.

Waitress Kaori: Everyone put up the homework. It's time for dinner. Voila. -didn't really give them time to close anything-

Kaori: Don't forget to actually get a picture of your food.
Artie: Wait.. what did you get me?
Kaori: Sixam pit beast. Apparently, it's free-range.
Artie: Yeah I bet -pokes it with a chopstick-

Kaori: Anyway. As I was saying before. The first time we came here. Artie and Lena had a secret up their sleeve.
Artie: To be fair, Lena had asked me to keep that secret and I wasn't going to let down my best friend. We wanted it to be a happy time for Kaori and Magnus as they went through the beginning stages of love and all that.
Kaori: And we did. We had a great time.
Kamea: That's actually really sweet.
Alena: What about my mother?
Artie: Your mother and I.. weren't a love match.
Ichiro: That wasn't obvious at all.
Adrien: Not even a little. Dude are you drunk?
Ichiro: Nope. Just leaning.
Adrien: -tilts too- Okay.
Alena: But why?
Artie: She was beautiful and funny. She was ambitious without being a freak about it. She knew what she wanted out of life which was to become a bestselling author and famous for it. Two goals that became a reality living with us. We clicked on some levels but she also knew that I've had four wives and I will never have another. Melody was the last and she was such a conniving... Sim that I vowed I wouldn't lead anyone on this time. Mizuki loved you very much. Even if she did have her own reasons for coming for me.
Kamea: You don't hold it against her?
Artie: If she pulls another stunt like before? I will release her spirit to the netherworld and never blink an eye. My kids can take care of her while I finish this up.
Kaori: There's the Artie we all know and love.
Alena: I have an idea.
Artie: Do I even want to know?
Alena: It's a good thing. Let's stay in Newcrest and extend our Night out.
Kaori: What did you have in mind, Alena?

Kaori: -starts laughing while looking younger-
Yuna: Oh sorry. Ticklish?
Kaori: Apparently. Keep going. That feels good.

Artie: Ow Gideon. I said deep tissue, not deep bruise massage.
Gideon Harris: If you weren't so tense, this wouldn't hurt.
Artie: Are you sure?
Gideon: Who is the professional?
Artie: I don't know. I've seen you at every vendor spot in town.

Adrien: Well what do you think?
Alena: What is it?
Adrien: I think it's a lizard or reptile of some kind.
Alena: Alligator I think. I'm not sure which one I want. You know what. Gonna do something else. Meet you downstairs.

Yuna: Just going to do a little hand massage before I get started.
Alena: Sounds great.
Yuna: Do you know what else you will want?
Alena: Actually.. yes.

Alena: Oh my Carl. They're so beautiful!
Kaori: They're very long. Those aren't going to be a problem with your school work and writing?
Alena: Nope. Won't take me long at all to adapt, I'm sure of it.
Kaori: I'm going to go hang out with the boys. Check on Kamea and your father will you?
Alena: Sure thing.

Kaori: It cracks me up that you two are in here when I never see you in the one we have at home.
Adrien: And I know why it's so hot.
Ichiro: This one is a little steamy.
Kaori: If you two can't take the heat, may as well leave.
Adrien/Ichiro: Didn't say that!

Artie found the Yoga class autonomously and joined. With Cousin Swole over here.
Cousin Swole: I think you're more limber than the instructor.
Artie: I could probably be the instructor at this point.

Kamea: Do I have to keep the robe on?
Alena: Not if you don't want to.
Kamea: Good I don't want to meditate in a robe.
Alena: Probably a good idea.
Kamea: Is that mask okay?
Alena: It's shiny that's for sure.

Kaori: I just don't want you making any rash decisions just because you think it's what I would have wanted.
Ichiro: Mom. I'm not. I promise.
Kaori: Have you two even decided anything?
Ichiro: No. We kind of got wrapped up in stuff. She joined a career and I had homework. Then we had dinner.
Kaori: Well why aren't you with her right now then?

Alena who sparkles: What's going on in here?
Ichiro: Mom is making sure I haven't made a mistake. She's saying it's okay to change my mind.
Alena: Are you changing your mind?
Ichiro: No. We're staying the course.
Alena: Good. You know what's at stake.
Kaori: I'm happy if you two are happy.
Alena: I'm... itchy actually.
Ichiro: No I'm Itchy.
Alena: Ugh really?

Ichiro: Feel better, princess?
Alena: So much better.
Kaori: Maybe we should call this whole thing a night and get some time in at home. Maybe for someone to do something other than his homework.
Alena: For real dude. Let's go. On the way, I'm going to tell you what you need to do.
Ichiro: Giving me advice?
Alena: Absolutely. I've written a bestselling romance and I'm older therefore wiser.
Kaori: Let's not push it, little red.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 46]
« Reply #134 on: September 17, 2021, 07:38:53 PM »
Chapter 46: The Last Day of a Long Week, Pt 1

Kaori is a big fan of the backward magical training thing.
Kaori: Okay. Yeah just like that. You're doing great. Ichiro are you almost done?
Ichiro: Yeah. At least the rough draft.
Kamea: Then we're done?
Kaori: Yeah I think so. Have fun you two.

Ichiro: Will you be my girlfriend?
Kamea: Yes! -kisses him-
Ichiro: Whoa -twitterpated-

Ichiro: -feeling confident- Kamea will you be my bride?
Kamea: What? No.

Ichiro: Oh.

(I have never ever had this happen before.. )

Ichiro: I'm sorry. I read the moment wrong and I thought that's what we both wanted.
Kamea: -unable to resist a Mediator- Oh Ichiro. I'm sorry I got mad.

Kaori: Um. I heard yelling and did one of you pee your pants?
Ichiro: It's all better now. And I don't know where that came from. [Ricanote: Neither do I]

Ichiro: -whispering- C'mon.
Kamea: -whispering- What about Alena?
Ichiro: She has her earbuds in. C'mon.
(Yep.. wanted to make out in a closet.. does it in the room across the hall.. )

Kamea: You're so adorable.
Ichiro: Thanks. -melting-
Kamea: Ask me again.
Ichiro: Really?
Kamea: Before I change my mind.

Ichiro: Will you be my bride?
Kamea: This is so unexpected. -chuckles-

Ichiro: Well?
Kamea: Yes!
Ichiro: Let's go tell my mom.
Kamea: I have a better idea.
Ichiro: What?
Kamea: Alena! Help me.

Kaori: Really Artie?
Artie: What? I still have to finish this but I wanted to watch.
Kamea: Ready?
Ichiro: Yea.

Kamea: With this gnome as a witness, I name you mine.

Artie: -soft clapping-
Kaori: You know what this reminds me of.
Artie: Your wedding? Right before Lena...
Kaori: Yea. Though you're not pregnant this time.
Artie: Thank Carl.

Kaori: How long are you staying out here?
Artie: Until they come up for air. What are you guys doing after this?
Kaori: I have an idea.

Kamea: And this is a family tradition?
Kaori: It's a Grim family tradition.
Kamea: But we're not Grims?
Kaori: We may not have the name Grim, but we are now and forever Grims. Or at least I am and Ichiro is. You will earn your place too.
Kamea: Hm.
Kaori: I win. Alright, I'm going to go do some meditation. You kids go have fun doing whatever it is you're going to be doing.
Ichiro: Mooooom
Kaori: -snickers-

Kaori: Oh... I miscalculated that a little. Hello?

Reaper: Well. I wondered when your ticket would come up. Where's the family though? And I like that you chose a new room. Brother said your husband was in the game room. I plan to go there next after this little bit of business.

Ichiro: No. Mom!
Kamea: Oh no a reaper.
Reaper: Oh hey.. aren't you supposed to be dead?
Kamea: I've been granted another with the man that I love.
Reaper: Nifty. Okay.

Alena: -runs in and gasps- No. Not yet. She was only 98.
Reaper: She lived longer than the others. Who are you? Oh.. hello. Interesting. Well, I gotta go. Reaping is a busy business. *poof*

Alena: Oh Kaori. We'll do you proud. I promise. And when it's safe, I'll make sure to put you in the yard where you can visit.
Ichiro: What's that noise?
Kamea: Oh.. that's my new ringtone. -picks up- Hello.. wait.. Who is this? But you...
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'