Author Topic: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim  (Read 65706 times)

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 28]
« Reply #105 on: September 10, 2021, 09:40:17 AM »
Chapter 28: Guess Who's Calling

What does it say that they called the only Sim with the Responsible trait in the house for this?

Alena: And I heard that you can't get in trouble for doing it when you're at the festival.
Ichiro: You think we get to go?
Adrien: I'm not sure if that sounds fun or not.
Malcolm: Why am I the only one working? And I doubt we'll be going to the Humor and Hijinks Festival.

Mizuki: We're doing pranksters right?
Malcolm: Ahh the smell of mischief in the air.
Adrien: I want to drink the gold one.
Magnus: Huh.. Kaori is that..
Kaori: Surprise! Your mom invited us to the Festival so I pulled everyone with us.
Magnus: Mom..?
Lena: Oh this is great. It's nice to be out in the open.
Malcolm: Adrien you can't participate, I'm afraid. Why don't you go to the museum instead?
Adrien: -sigh- Fine.

Magnus: Oh Mom it's so good to see you again.
Lena: I miss you too honey.
Alena: -quiet- That's a weird hug right?
Ichiro: -quiet- Yea...
Alena: -quiet- Not a family thing is it?
Ichiro: Not that I know of.

Kaori: Kids come meet Lena. Lena. I want you to meet your grandson and Artie's daughter Alena.
Lena: Alena?
Magnus: Artie named her after you.
Lena: Where is that red guy anyway?
Magnus: Work. He'll be **ed he missed this chance.
Lena: Darn. I had a message for him. You need a jacket dear.
Magnus: Mom.
Lena: What? You do. It's freezing here.

Lena: Lemme get a chance to check out my grandchildren.
Alena: Uh.. Lena. I'm not.
Lena: Yes you are or you will be.
Kaori: -laughs- We're not pushing that you know.
Lena: -looks to Magnus with a raised brow- You're not?
Magnus: Their choice.
Ichiro: Wha?
Lena: Nothing, baby boy. Come tell me about school and yourselves.

Malcolm: I heard you!
Mizuki: I don't know what you're talking about!
Malcolm: Don't think I won't tell him.
Mizuki: There's nothing to tell.
Malcolm: I don't believe you.

Lena: You know I've been up there.
Ichiro: We heard the rocket is yours.
Lena: It is. Though I think Artie has done more work on it than I have.
Alena: He goes out once a day at least.

Ichiro: Gramma. Is it weird being dead?
Lena: A little but I'm glad I can reach out and I see we're becoming fast friends with all these photos you're taking.

Trip's Nominee: So when do I get to move into that house of yours?
Magnus: Oh boy. How do I put this?

Alena: Ew. This is not a kissy story.
Lena: All I'm saying is that the heart is never truly dead.
Ichiro: Still ew Gramma.
Lena: You won't think so for long.

Lena: I have an idea now that we're friends, kids. Let's go make a mess somewhere.
Alena: We're not allowed to do that.
Ichiro: We get in trouble when we do.
Lena: Then it's a good thing I'll be there with you.

Adrien: So how weird was it meeting a dead person that you're named after?
Alena: It doesn't seem weird at all. Glad we could meet her.
Ichiro: Where did you end up going?
Adrien: Did you know they have kid activity tables and violins at the museum?
Alena: Huh. I had no idea. Maybe next time we can explore.

Artie: C'mon she had to have said more.
Alena: No. I told you that was the entire message.
Artie: You're sure.
Alena: Yes, Dad. Stop freaking out.
Artie: But...I don't understand.
Voice: What's going on?
Alena: Nothing. Telling Dad about the Hijinks festival he missed.

Malcolm: Ladies Ladies. We can get another yoga mat. Don't destroy the house before we can have cake.
(Another Holiday ruining my birthday party plans)

Magnus: It's your birthday already?
Malcolm: Yea. This is why Artie invited me to live here.
Artie: Whoo! My friend is going to have an actual cake for his birthday!
Malcolm: Yea!

|Malcolm: Ow.
Kaori: Adrien you need to clean that up.
Adrien: Huh?
Kaori: You know what I mean. -points to the floor-

Umm... okay.
(Still mad I can't find their graves. I miss that from Sims 3 where we could go get the gravestones from the graveyard.)

Becoming old is just so exhausting... right?

Ricanote: I know I'm updating a lot but I missed out on updating yesterday because of work and I really want you guys to see what happens in Chapter 30. So that's my goal. I might need a nap first though.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline Trip

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Updated - 9/10 x 3]
« Reply #106 on: September 10, 2021, 11:02:01 AM »
I never considered that adopted kids would also generate with rainbow skintones. How cool! Especially if you just want to grab a throwaway elder later on to adopt a future spouse, that could get some mileage even for Gen 5 if I'm doing my immortal dynasty math correctly...

I'll live with being let down on the white one. I just thought he looked cool.
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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 29]
« Reply #107 on: September 10, 2021, 11:44:33 AM »
Yep adopted kids can be colorful too. And this was my solution to Magnus deciding he wouldn't be a pollinator. I guess I just need Alena to make up her mind on which one is hers now rofl.

Chapter 29: Keeping Adults Busy

Sage of Practical Magic: Just listen for the signs, Kaori. Oh and here is the potion recipe you asked for.
Kaori: I don't remember asking for a potion recipe with a side of cryptic conversation.
Sage of Practical Magic: You were the one chosen. We told you this before. And congratulations on reaching Virtuoso.

(Something about Super Sell bugs out my cowplant. But he still pretends he's a big boy and so do the Sims!)
Voice: Since all you had to do was feed him for work. Why don't we go somewhere fun?

Voice: What's wrong Mizuki?
Mizuki: -crying hard- He just didn't deserve to go just yet. He's still a new computer.
Voice: Why don't you just fix him instead of crying over it?
Mizuki: Oh. Guess I could do that.
(Lifestyles man. Some of the reactions are hilarious)

Voice: Uhh.  You might not want to be that close.
Kaori: I'm not. I can barely feel the heat.
Voice: ...

Mystical Voice: Your son should be next.
Kaori: What?
MV: Ichiro will ask you a question and you should give him what he wants.
Kaori: So when I go inside and he asks for more void critter cards I should blindly say yes.
MV: You will know the question when you hear it.

Voice: Already that time huh?
Artie: Do you mind? I'm spending time with my glowing food.
Voice: Just making conversation. You seem bored in your immortality.
Artie: There are three children and two mischievous adults other than myself in this house. How can anyone be bored?

Malcolm: I'm still not looking!
Voice: I wish I wasn't either.
Artie: I don't know why you guys have such a problem with this. I look good.
Voice: Why don't you get that snowsuit on and take Kaori as you promised.
Artie: Oh yea.
Malcolm: Yes, please. Go.

Kaori: If you unclench your butt cheeks, you might have more fun.
Artie: How did I let you talk me into this?!
Kaori: It's fun. You'll see.

Voice: You okay?
Artie: It's fun she says. Just give it a shot she says...
Voice: Well.. why don't you go again.
Artie: -grumbles-

Kaori: Oh how I've missed this! Watch me!

Artie: Whoa! Don't hurt yourself!
Voice: She won't. She's awesim. If you would just keep practicing..
Artie: Shut it, boy.
Voice: You almost called me woman didn't you?
Artie: That's not shutting it.

Voice: I look away for 10 seconds to check on him and you're on the ground.
Kaori: Just a little slip. I'm good.
Voice: You sure? How's the arm?
Kaori: This is nothing. Just need to get back up.
Voice: As long as you're having fun.
Kaori: Hours of time on the mountain? I'm having more than fun.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 30]
« Reply #108 on: September 10, 2021, 12:18:14 PM »
Chapter 30: Children Grow So Fast

Alena: Dad
Artie: What's up kiddo?
Alena: Did you schedule my party?
Artie: Not yet. Should we?
Alena: Yea! And I want to make the cake with you.
Artie: You do huh?
Alena: Yep.

Artie: Yep that's right in 2 Sim hours. Three different people will be blowing out candles. I know it's so crazy. See you then.
Alena: Yea! Let's get started.

Artie: So if this is yours, what flavor should we make Ichiro?
Alena: He really likes the matcha cake.
Artie: Okay. And for your mom?
Alena: Hrm.  The white one. She likes to wear white so the white cake.
Artie: Be careful not to spill okay?

Alena: Dad... I got this.
Artie: Hey I'm just checking. Are we sure you're my child? I have no idea where that attitude of yours comes from.
Alena: -laughs- Dad.
Artie: No I'm proud of you sweetheart. You ready for high school and boys?
Alena: We have two boys right here in the house.
Artie: Well yea but one is significantly younger than you.
Alena: Nine days is hardly significant.

Adrien: You're my best friend, Dad.
Malcolm: Aww, you're mine too buddy. Are you ready for your new friends to grow up without you?
Adrien: It will suck being the only kid for a bit, but that also means I don't have to worry about sharing any of the toys and games.
Malcolm: -chuckles- Well that's one way to look at it.

Voice: Oh no. What's wrong?
Artie: My baby girl is growing up.
Voice: That happens. You've seen it happen.. a lot.
Artie: I know... but we're about to have teenagers in the house. There will not be quiet for three weeks.
Voice: That's hardly a reason to cry.
Artie: Oh and my friend Megumi passed on.
Voice: I'm sorry to hear that.
Artie: It's just hitting me all at once. Shmoo Shmoo Shmoo.
(Oh and you know.. he has that emotional bomb fame quirk. Lovely right?  The fourth cake is because the one Artie & Alena made couldn't have candles. Only 8 serving cakes can and it's a 12 serving cake. The more you know.)

Alena: -blows right into Ichiro's cheek- Itchy you're in the way!
Ichiro: Sorry just trying to make my way to my cake.

Alena: It's okay. Clearly, that was a practice run. Everyone ready? Here I go again.
-thinks: Please cake sparkles don't make me have bad hair.-

Alena: -finally blows out the candles-
The whole house erupts in screams, clapping, and confetti except Ichiro who is still trying to figure out how to get one tile to the right of Alena.

Shigeru: Mizuki you're supposed to wait for the kids.
Mizuki: I wanted to get it over with.

Artie: Is it me or is the light clinging to her a little long?
Alena: I feel amazing at this height. How do I look? I feel cute.
Voice: We can't really tell yet.

Alena: Fine if you won't tell me, I'll check my phone and get a selfie.
Artie: -groans- it begins.
Ichiro: Hey this place is totally different when you're tall.
Voice: Why do the sparkles think you need that hair color huh?
Ichiro: I like it.

Mizuki: Oh.. ow.  Yes pay attention to the teenagers and don't watch me become a sad version of myself.

Alena aged up with the Bookworm trait. She got purple contacts and a brow piercing. It fits her. I adore this hair on her. She's just so pretty. Got more of her mother in this life stage.

Ichiro aged up and gained the Geek trait, like his grandmother. His hair was darkened a little bit and it's so cool to see the mix of genetics from his parents in him.

Artie: You're not a sad version of yourself. You still look good.
Mizuki: Really think so?
Artie: Absolutely. And our daughter looks more like you now.
Mizuki: She's pure you though. Which is good.
Artie: She told me she wants to write like you do.
Mizuki: I guess I'll have to show her the ropes then.

Homework chaos. Can you tell who is helping who?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Artie: Sweetheart, this is where things get a little interesting for you. There are decisions to be made. Life choices that will come in front of you. Just know that you are free to do whatever you want. Just some things need to be chosen and stuck with now.
Alena: I know all that, Dad.
Artie: Good. Where'd the necklace come from?
Alena: -weird laugh- Oh that? I don't know. Maybe a gift from the sparkles.
Artie: It reminds me of something. Huh. I'll figure it out later.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline oshizu

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I have such a soft spot for Malcolm (because he's an unpopular sim), so I'm glad to see Artie give him a chance at some happiness in his
Alena aged up into a gorgeous teen! Did Ichiro age up with the same hair as Mizuki? Haha

Great job, Watcher.  Alena will now have two thoroughly-trained boys as spouse options!
Hmmmm, Kaori and her mysterious destiny and Alena with her mysterious (RoM) necklace.... *goes to make more popcorn and mull things over

Offline Rhoxi

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Grats on that first immortal! Alena is absolutely stunning as a teen.

Offline Trip

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Aww I swore Alena would be a little Artie from head to toe. And Ichiro avoided kinda lacking a chin like some of Kaori's kids do (and teens are the worst for the trait in general)

She also found a pendant that matches her eyes, which makes it just a little worse. Well for Artie. Not for me, the interested reader.
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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 31]
« Reply #112 on: September 14, 2021, 05:27:03 PM »
I have such a soft spot for Malcolm (because he's an unpopular sim), so I'm glad to see Artie give him a chance at some happiness in his
Alena aged up into a gorgeous teen! Did Ichiro age up with the same hair as Mizuki? Haha

Great job, Watcher.  Alena will now have two thoroughly-trained boys as spouse options!
Hmmmm, Kaori and her mysterious destiny and Alena with her mysterious (RoM) necklace.... *goes to make more popcorn and mull things over
Malcolm was Artie's first son-in-law so we have a soft spot for him too. Even this evil alternate universe version. Ichiro's hair might have been the same but I changed it. I think. It changes again in the future so you know they won't be confused (haha kidding). -snags popcorn-

Grats on that first immortal! Alena is absolutely stunning as a teen.
Thank you! And I agree. I just want her to remain young forever. I fear what the elder years will bring.

Aww I swore Alena would be a little Artie from head to toe. And Ichiro avoided kinda lacking a chin like some of Kaori's kids do (and teens are the worst for the trait in general)

She also found a pendant that matches her eyes, which makes it just a little worse. Well for Artie. Not for me, the interested reader.
I swore too. I just looked at her and went - that's a mini Artie. But now. I can see her mom and she's so pretty I'm okay with it. And yes that pendant is great isn't it?

Chapter 31: Ichiro's Question

Ichiro: So why are we the only ones that come down here anyway?
Kaori: Well you see. The Watcher knows that this is where the museum rooms are. She knows that there's a sauna. But the "sauna" -air quotes- causes her signal to get all grainy. When I'm down here she leaves me alone because it's too annoying to have her monitor on me when she needs to watch Artie and Alena.
Ichiro: So it's just us?
Kaori: Yes. I unlocked the door for you to join me.
Ichiro: Cool.

Ichiro: So.. since I have you down here with me.
Kaori: Yes?
Ichiro: I think now would be a great time for you to bestow your gift upon me.
Kaori: Excuse me?
Ichiro: C'mon Ma. Don't you think it would be better if we had two spellcasters in the family?

Kaori: First off. This is not how you ask for something like that. We clearly need to have another manners conversation.
Ichiro: -sheepish-

Kaori: Second - Do you think is a gift that is just given lightly because I don't want to be the only one in the house?
Ichiro: No.
Kaori: Exactly. There's a lot of responsibilities and things that need to be considered when it comes to magic in this house. There are things you can't even fathom going on beyond our small part of the Simverse.
Ichiro: You could have just told me no.

Kaori: It's not that I'm saying no. It's that I'm letting you know it's not just having magical powers, there's more.
Ichiro: Mom I know it has responsibilities. Like we can't go all willy nilly duplicating everything. And some sims really don't like it when you tell them you stink then magically scrub them.
Kaori: I mean can you blame them? You just insinuated that they stunk.
Ichiro: Oh. I never thought of it like that. I mean usually yea they did though>
Kaori: Yes but manners says you can't just say that. You should ask.
Ichiro: Gotcha.
Kaori: If we do this you follow the rules or we take it away. And you can only practice when the watcher is busy.
Ichiro: Yes!

Ichiro: Whoa. Is it supposed to feel like that?
Kaori: -gives a look like she can't exactly answer at the moment-
Ichiro: Oh.. right. I guess.. no pain no gain right?

Ichiro: Whoa. I feel..
Kaori: That's the power in your veins. It will get stronger the more you practice and learn.
Ichiro: What if I can't control it?
Kaori: I'll teach you how to control it.

Kaori: Woohoo. I have someone else to duel.
Ichiro: Wait what?!

Kaori: Nothing. I wouldn't do that before you've gained some experience. How about I give you a quick training session?
Ichiro: Do we have to do it here in the sauna?
Kaori: Oh of course not. Let's go outside. Get your clothes on too. Don't want magic missiles to go up under this thing.
Ichiro: Hey! Whoa! Ma!
Kaori: -silent cackle-

Kaori: No, more flourish. Like this.
Ichiro: You're cheating with a wand.
Kaori: Get the movements right and we'll talk about getting you a wand.
Ichiro: Okay. So. OH-sa not oh-saaa
Kaori: -rolls eyes-

Alena: I can't believe you were doing that without me. That's gotta be so cool.
Ichiro: -motions head to Mizuki-
Alena: Oh pfft. whatever. So next time you'll have to figure out a way for me to come.
Ichiro: Absolutely.
Mizuki: How do you two like your drinks?
Voice: Aren't they a little young to be enjoying nectar?
Mizuki: Nah. They're teens. Better to be with them when they try it, right?
Voice: Hm. I guess if the Simverse lets it happen. Are we ready to finish this party?

The rare glimpse of the hallway and fish tank. Oh and I guess the cake is cool too
Magnus: Who put this cake down on the table huh?
Artie: Get used to slouching now buddy.
Magnus: Rude. Here goes nothing.

Magnus: Whee!

Magnus: Ow.
Artie: -maniacal laughter-
Kaori: I know how to make you feel better. Why don't you follow me?
Magnus: Happy Birthday to me.
Teenagers: Ew.
Child: What's ew?

And you know because it's been an entire two chapters since he was last naked (Chapter 29)
Artie: The rain is so refreshing.
Voice: You concern me.
Artie: We should make one of the parks clothes optional.
Everyone who can hear him except Ichiro: NO!
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 32]
« Reply #113 on: September 14, 2021, 05:28:43 PM »
Chapter 32: The Last Elder, A Star, and Teenagers

Typical Teenager. Halfway through being mentored, she decided she was done to take a selfie. Mizuki doesn't even notice.

Voice: Why are we staring at your dad?
Ichiro: I think I'm going to paint his portrait.
Voice: O.. kay.
Ichiro: Yea. It will be great.
It was a masterpiece.

Artie: Hey who are you and why are you in my house?
Toru: Hey Man. I'm friends with Alena and I just wanted to let her know even though she's a celebrity know we're still friends you know?
Artie: She's not even here. She's at Scouts.
Toru: But it's cool I'm here, right?
Artie: Wrong. Go away.

Voice: Finish up with the garden. We need to hit up the Museum over by the lighthouse for Ichiro and then hit up the park for Adrien.
Alena: Yea, just a few more.
Voice: Okay.
Alena: -goes back to work, humming-
Mystical Voice: Alena...
Alena: Huh?
MV: Alena..
Alena: Who's there?
MV: Don't worry Alena. We're trying to help.
Alena: You're going to get a swift kick in the nargles if you don't show yourself.
MV: Soon. Trust your instincts.
Alena: Yea. I think it's time to go. -raises voice- Hey let's hit up that museum already.

Mohawk: O.M.G. You're so amazing. I've read all of your books and even have your app downloaded onto all my electronics.
Mizuki: That's sweet.
Adrien: Why are people like that with your mom?
Alena: It's a fame thing. This time she was being nice and signing autographs.
Adrien: That other dude passed out.
Alena: Yeah I love it when they do that. Wanna prank him while he's asleep?
Adrien: Don't think we have time.

Here we are trying to make friends for our last child and this is what we see.  Seriously?

Artie: -chuckles- Yea. I don't think you're reading for an incline yet, pumpkin.
Alena: Whee I see stars.
Artie: Be glad the treadmill doesn't leave marks.
Alena: Okay.. getting up now.
Artie: And getting back on. This session is over yet, little lady.

You leave a Grim alone long enough and they find the cake.
Alena: Ew. What in the world?
Voice: You're almost maxed gardening. How did you not know that would happen?
Alena: I don't know. I got hungry.
Voice: That's what the fridge is for!
Alena: This was closer!
Voice: Go shower and don't go near it again.

Voice: What's wrong with you now?
Alena: Go away...
Voice: Is this about the cowplant?
Alena: No.

These mood swings make me laugh.

Alena: Hey! We just ranked those.
Adrien: Yea but this is more fun.
Kaori: It's okay. Let him have his fun, Alena.
Alena: Just saying I'm not going to rake up the mess.
Kaori: It's okay. I think we should stop and go grab the old men.
Alena: Party time?
Kaori: Party time.

Artie: C'mon everyone. Gather round. Now everyone with me. Haaa--
Magnus: Please Carl.. make him stop.

Artie: --aaaapppyyyyyyy Birthday to you. Happppy Birthday to.. Yooooou.
Alena: Okay Dad.. Just stop.
Kaori: Why isn't anything happening?
Magnus: He scared the sparkles away?

Everyone starts to leave.
Kaori: Oh no.. there they are.. oh. ow.
Malcolm: Welcome to stoopsville.
Artie: -snickering-

Voice: First hour as an elder and you're trying to die of hypothermia. No, Ma'am. get thicker clothes on and get your butt inside.
Kaori: A few more plants.
Voice: Now.

Magnus: Whatcha think?
Kaori: It's amazing.
Magnus: It's called Kaori's song.
Kaori: Aww honey.

Voice: I have a place for you to visit.
Artie: Can't you see I'm busy?
Voice: Yea not really.
Artie: What is it?
Voice: Something fun. Let's go.

Artie: Ahh! -stomps around- I hate bugs. Hate them.

Artie: Hey.. stone monkey. I don't need your judgment.
Voice: Um.
Artie: I don't like that look on your face. Lucky I don't still have my sculpting chisel anymore.
Voice: Just you big goof. Go find the thing that was left for you already.
Artie: Oh.. right.

Voice: What are you doing?
Adrien: More leaves by the front door!
Voice: Don't get dirty. We're headed to Del Sol Valley.
Adrien: Isn't it hot there?
Voice: Maybe. I don't know.
Adrien: So these clothes can get dirty!
Voice: No!

Mizuki: This is the one. I want my tile to sit right here.
Voice: You're sure?
Magnus: Hey it's Judith Ward's.
Mizuki: Yep. I want mine to be before hers.
Voice: Apparently we have to wait for a crowd.
Mizuki: They'll come. I'm kind of a big deal these days.
Voice: No, Magnus is the big deal. But you are a five-star celebrity.

Mizuki: Thank you everyone for attending and I want to introduce you to another up and coming author. Alena Grim!
Magnus: Oh wow.. using your fame for good I see.
Mizuki: If she looks good, we look better.
Magnus: of course.

Ichiro: This place is just so nice. I feel ideas coming from all over the place. I need to get back to the studio.
Alena: -feels something and looks- Uh-huh.
Ichiro: Yea. Like now. C'mon.

Voice: Oh that's one of my favorites.
Ichiro: It reminds me of my family.
Voice: How's that?
Ichiro: Well two of us are sp... well I won't say special but we are purple and Mom isn't. -saves himself from saying more-
Voice: Well it's your second masterpiece.
Ichiro: And I maxed painting.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 33]
« Reply #114 on: September 14, 2021, 05:30:30 PM »
Chapter 33: Just Keeping it In the Family

Ichiro: Mom you should have seen Alena handle that kid today in the gym. She was a total BA.
Alena: Aww thanks Bestie.
Ichiro: Just telling the truth.
Kaori: You are becoming a very strong and beautiful young woman, Alena. Nothing wrong with that.
Alena: Thanks, Auntie K.

Kaori: So. If you're done with your homework. Are you interested in a trip with just us girls?
Alena: Sure where do you want to go?
Kaori: There's a restaurant in Willow Creek I want to try.
Alena: Just going for a snack?
Kaori: Basically. Interested?
Alena: Sure.
Ichiro: Bring me back something sweet.
Kaori: You finish learning the violin with your father.
Ichiro: Yes ma'am.
Adrien: -snickers-

Kaori: Actually why I really brought you is over here.
Alena: What's over here?
Kaori: A secret. Just follow me.
Alena: Okay.. to where?

Kaori: Hey are you coming?
Alena: I can't even figure out where you went. Did the tree eat you?
Kaori: Follow your instincts and get closer to it.
Alena: Okay. But I think Dad will be really mad if we get eaten by this thing.

Kaori: Ahh do you feel that. It's always so nice in here.
Alena: Whoa where is this place?
Kaori: A hidden pocket away from the eyes against us.
Alena: Way to be a downer, Auntie K.
Kaori: I'm serious. Come here and I'll tell you the whole truth.

Kaori: This is one of the last places that fairies have touched.
Alena: What?
Kaori: This is a place made by magic. And there are those that cannot visit here.
Alena: Like who?
Kaori: Listen close. I have a lot to say and not much time before it's noticed the heir is missing.

Alena: So. This whole time it wasn't that he hated me. It's just that I'm the child that came from a plot hook.
Kaori: This isn't one of your books, Alena. Your Dad doesn't know he's being manipulated and I can't figure out how your mom is involved but I know that she can't receive the gift. But you can... The Grim part of you knows that you can accept the power into yourself. But just getting access isn't enough. Your line is still stuck.
Alena: So we're gonna do this right?
Kaori: This is serious Alena.
Alena: I know that and I'm totally being serious, but I'm excited. I thought this was something we couldn't do because Dad didn't.
Kaori: No. It's that he can't. There is so much that has to be done to get the family freedom to finish the job. It's going to take the entire dynasty.
Alena: Let's do this. Talk more later. We've been gone a while.

Alena: Whoa that's cold.
Kaori: Concentrate on accepting it.
Alena: I see darkness.
Kaori: That's your dormant powers. We can't activate them yet. Pull away from the darkness and think about your pendant. Focus on it.

Alena: Is that.. Wow.. I can see you now...

Alena: I feel like a cartoon princess!
Kaori: Alena!
Alena: Sorry couldn't help it.

Alena: Okay so I just wiggle this and concentrate on that and then.. sparks?
Kaori: Sure.

Kaori: No no. not like that.
Alena: You're not even looking.
Kaori: I can feel how wrong it is with the help of the atmosphere. Try again.

Kaori: Before we go home, I have a gift for you from the Sages.
Alena: For me?
Kaori: Yes. They said it will help you on your journey.

Alena: Wow! My very own wand!
Kaori: Don't tell Ichiro you got one first.
Alena: We're getting him one though right?
Kaori: Of course.
Alena: Is that a broom too?
Kaori: All the things a growing spellcaster needs to get started.
Alena: Thanks Auntie K.  What's this made of?
Kaori: The bone of a dragon wrapped around a unicorn hair infused with the spirit of a pixie.
Alena: Cool.. I think I just thought of a book I need to go write.
Kaori: And be careful when you practice, little red. As soon as the watcher finds out, things will get complicated.
Alena: I know. I'll be careful. Promise.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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Hmmm, I'm hooked, tell me more, please.
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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 34 - House Tour]
« Reply #116 on: September 14, 2021, 06:01:33 PM »
Chapter 34: A House Tour.. Finally

Ichiro: Hey. I heard we're doing a house tour.
Voice: Yes. And apparently rearranging things because there were changes regarding massage chairs and tables.
Ichiro: Cool.
Voice: So I need you to hurry up so I can move this room.
Ichiro: Oh. Okay.

Alena: Why aren't we doing the tour yet?!
Voice: Patience young one!
Alena: We need it!
(I can't remember why she made this face. I think it was yet another one of her phases or mood swings. She got more than the two boys combined.)

Front view of the house with the green roof we added. The Wedding "room" is off to the side under the tree with lights. Our gazebo is still front and center.

Backyard view. Lena's rocket, Artie's observatory. The kid's playground and rocking chairs. And Kaori/Alena's garden.

Why yes I did forget to turn on the lights. Left side of the house with the three bedrooms. Alena uses the purple room for her writing. Adrien/Malcolm mostly use Lena's old room. Ichiro rarely leaves the studio so he doesn't sleep.  The large bathroom and the kitchen, dining room, arcade game.

Right side of the house. Artie & Mizuki's room. The Kid's room, a room that holds a buyer beware because I can't figure out what to do with that space, a tiny bathroom, and the room that was supposed to be a big bathroom but turned into a clone machine room.

First Basement level. The living room, Focused room, Studio. New Spa room, New Workout Room, Game area.

A better view of Gym, Game Area. The stairs that lead to the next level and a bathroom no one but guests use because in the Grim house we ** hold it forever... unless we've been drinking.

New Yoga Room, Kaori's Cauldroom Room. The Microscope and Robotics Room. And the new Placement of the sauna.

Second Basement with the Museum Rooms waiting for stuff and the Hot Springs. The poor abandoned Constructor waits for someone to want him again. Soon buddy.. maybe.

Living room cameo. I just love it and thought I'd show the new view of it.

Focused room.  Hi Malcolm!

Inspiration Studio. Artie plays the piano. Right now Magnus is teaching Kaori the violin to keep them both busy. Elders man. Always in the way doing what they're not supposed to.

Gym. Now complete with a tea kettle. Because why not. And a crystal that refuses to give off energizing aura. It's broken. We keep it in case one day it decides to not be broken.

The game area. Because Artie is an overgrown frat boy some days and if I can keep him gaming instead of running around nude.. I'll take it.

Mizuki's lair. She earned all five stars of her celebrity in that chair right there.

The empty for now kid room. Everyone just comes in here to use the rocking chair for no reason at all these days.

The new way to keep elders busy at the Grim house. (I tried to do the guided meditation and can't figure it out. but hey they didn't move for hours!)

And that's the house for now. I'm sure I'll change something again soon. I always do. Haha.

Hmmm, I'm hooked, tell me more, please.
You mean you weren't before? Geez. <3
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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LMAO!! You know when it comes to the Grim's I'm always hooked, but now I am now more hooked.
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For some reason, I forgot to show this. Not all the elders keep busy with meditation. Mizuki continues to hang out by herself with her computer and research hub. While this guy...

He does whatever he wants and we're okay with that.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 35]
« Reply #119 on: September 17, 2021, 08:16:14 AM »
Warning/Caution/Something: The next 13 chapters (35-47) came from a marathon weekend gaming session and I'm likely going to be posting them as fast as I can write them. Some of the things that happen during these chapters are a little on the rough side and this is my way of pulling the bandaid off and bringing y'all up to date. It happened over one week in my Sims game. Two days of play and 7 Sim days. I'm going to try to keep the need for tissues on one or two of them to a minimum but I'm also true to the story. As you guys know.  So let's go enjoy the story together.

Chapter 35: Day One of a Long Week

Voice: Aww Adrien. You okay?
Adrien: I'm a little itchy.
Voice: We need to get you some medicine.
Adrien: Not sure I'm the one you should be worried about.
Voice: Oh no.. your dad is fine. He just ragequit MySims Racing again.
Adrien: Oh.. I don't mean that yelling. I'm talking about him.

Ichiro: -going through a phase-
Voice: Hey hey, none of that mister, and what did you do to your hair?
Ichiro: Go away you wouldn't understand!

Ichiro: -still cursing when he talks-
Alena: C'mon Itchy. This is me you're talking to.
Malcolm: You know. Your best friend.
Adrien: -Mental: ooooh-

Alena: I bet I know exactly what you need. You trust me right?
Ichiro: -starts to calm himself down- Yeah. I guess. I mean. I do.
Alena: -just stares a little longer-
Ichiro: Okay. What are we doing?
Alena: Going back to that beach you liked so much. C'mon.
Mizuki: Where are you going?
Alena: We'll be back after Scouts.

But not before asking hard questions of those around them.

Magnus: Kaori.. I thought we were just going to relax.
Kaori: Yes but the kids are off to Scouts and the adults are all busy, except you.
Magnus: -chuckles- Plan to remedy that?
Kaori: Absolutely.

Malcolm: Uh.. Hey.. Voice Person Thing.  I feel weird.
Adrien: I know where we keep the medicine!
Voice: Oh no. It's not that kind of feel weird. Lemme go lock Artie in the yoga room. Adrien don't watch.

Adrien: Dad! You're doing that weird glow thing and this isn't a festival.
Malcolm: I know buddy. I think I'm going to lay down for a bit. Don't look like the voice said

Adrien: Why aren't I allowed to look?
Malcolm: Because we said so. And I just want you to know you've made me very proud to be your dad.
Adrien: I'm glad you chose me, too.

Adrien: Dad?


Kaori: Adrien what's with the screaming? Oh.. Oh, Carl.
Reaper: Hello again dear.
Adrien: Auntie Kay.. Is that who I think it is?

Kaori: Honey you know your dad was in his final life stage. But that didn't change that he enjoyed every minute he was your dad, okay?
Adrien: And there's nothing we can do to bring him back? Ar--
Kaori: Shh. No honey. This is just what happens to the Sims who live a long happy life in this house.

Adrien: But we just made a cake.
Kaori: I know sweetie and if he could have waited, I know he would have. It's okay. You have me and Magnus, Alena and her parents, Ichiro when he gets his head out of his keister.
Adrien: -sniffles- I know.

Kaori: You will be well taken care of and he will be watching. Remember how we got to see Magnus's mom?
Adrien: Yea. I do.
Reaper: This is all very touching. You might actually make me tear up a little bit.
Mizuki: Hey, what's going on in here? Oh.
Reaper: Hello there minion.

Mizuki: What? Why would you call me a minion? What are you doing here?
Reaper: I'm here for his soul. But since you're here I have a message for you.
Mizuki: For me?!
Reaper: And the one thinks they have control.
Voice: I do have control.
Reaper: You have some, but you won't even have that for long. We know what your superiors did and we plan to fix it. Soon. Days are numbered. Both of you.

Adrien: Mister Reaper.
Reaper: Yea kid?
Adrien: Why don't you like the voice and Aunt Mizuki?
Reaper: You really sure you want to know?
Adrien: I"m going to be a teenager in a few hours. I think I can handle it.

Reaper: They're part of a group of people who stole something from my family. We know they did it but we can't prove how it was done and we can't seem to find what or rather who was stolen. There is a pull that says we'll find it in this part of the Simverse though.
Adrien: What kind of pull?
Reaper: Ever just had to be near someone and you weren't sure why they needed to be in your orbit? It's kind of like that.

Adrien: Yea! For me, IT WAS MY FATHER.
Reaper: Whoa whoa. It was his time, little man. The boss said come get him and that's what I did. But what I'm missing is my Dad too. So I get it.
Adrien: It's not fair! Why him?!
Reaper: Sometimes it's not, but that doesn't change how life has to go on. Now.. why don't you go find one of the other adults to ask these questions to? I'll be back. Whoops I mean.. well. I'll likely be back. Might be my brother next time, or my nephew.

Where are the other adults?

Artie: Something happened didn't it?
Kaori: Yea.
Artie: I don't understand why they don't stick around and chat like they used to. How's Adrien taking it?
Kaori: Not good. We need to have a party for him. Invite his friends. Make sure the kids teach him the ropes.
Artie: Yea. As soon as I finish these last couple of poses.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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