Chapter 32: The Last Elder, A Star, and Teenagers

Typical Teenager. Halfway through being mentored, she decided she was done to take a selfie. Mizuki doesn't even notice.

Voice: Why are we staring at your dad?
Ichiro: I think I'm going to paint his portrait.
Voice: O.. kay.
Ichiro: Yea. It will be great.
It was a masterpiece.

Artie: Hey who are you and why are you in my house?
Toru: Hey Man. I'm friends with Alena and I just wanted to let her know even though she's a celebrity know we're still friends you know?
Artie: She's not even here. She's at Scouts.
Toru: But it's cool I'm here, right?
Artie: Wrong. Go away.

Voice: Finish up with the garden. We need to hit up the Museum over by the lighthouse for Ichiro and then hit up the park for Adrien.
Alena: Yea, just a few more.
Voice: Okay.
Alena: -goes back to work, humming-
Mystical Voice: Alena...
Alena: Huh?
MV: Alena..
Alena: Who's there?
MV: Don't worry Alena. We're trying to help.
Alena: You're going to get a swift kick in the nargles if you don't show yourself.
MV: Soon. Trust your instincts.
Alena: Yea. I think it's time to go. -raises voice- Hey let's hit up that museum already.

Mohawk: O.M.G. You're so amazing. I've read all of your books and even have your app downloaded onto all my electronics.
Mizuki: That's sweet.
Adrien: Why are people like that with your mom?
Alena: It's a fame thing. This time she was being nice and signing autographs.
Adrien: That other dude passed out.
Alena: Yeah I love it when they do that. Wanna prank him while he's asleep?
Adrien: Don't think we have time.

Here we are trying to make friends for our last child and this is what we see. Seriously?

Artie: -chuckles- Yea. I don't think you're reading for an incline yet, pumpkin.
Alena: Whee I see stars.
Artie: Be glad the treadmill doesn't leave marks.
Alena: Okay.. getting up now.
Artie: And getting back on. This session is over yet, little lady.

You leave a Grim alone long enough and they find the cake.
Alena: Ew. What in the world?
Voice: You're almost maxed gardening. How did you not know that would happen?
Alena: I don't know. I got hungry.
Voice: That's what the fridge is for!
Alena: This was closer!
Voice: Go shower and don't go near it again.

Voice: What's wrong with you now?
Alena: Go away...
Voice: Is this about the cowplant?
Alena: No.

These mood swings make me laugh.

Alena: Hey! We just ranked those.
Adrien: Yea but this is more fun.
Kaori: It's okay. Let him have his fun, Alena.
Alena: Just saying I'm not going to rake up the mess.
Kaori: It's okay. I think we should stop and go grab the old men.
Alena: Party time?
Kaori: Party time.

Artie: C'mon everyone. Gather round. Now everyone with me. Haaa--
Magnus: Please Carl.. make him stop.

Artie: --aaaapppyyyyyyy Birthday to you. Happppy Birthday to.. Yooooou.
Alena: Okay Dad.. Just stop.
Kaori: Why isn't anything happening?
Magnus: He scared the sparkles away?

Everyone starts to leave.
Kaori: Oh no.. there they are.. oh. ow.
Malcolm: Welcome to stoopsville.
Artie: -snickering-

Voice: First hour as an elder and you're trying to die of hypothermia. No, Ma'am. get thicker clothes on and get your butt inside.
Kaori: A few more plants.
Voice: Now.

Magnus: Whatcha think?
Kaori: It's amazing.
Magnus: It's called Kaori's song.
Kaori: Aww honey.

Voice: I have a place for you to visit.
Artie: Can't you see I'm busy?
Voice: Yea not really.
Artie: What is it?
Voice: Something fun. Let's go.

Artie: Ahh! -stomps around- I hate bugs. Hate them.

Artie: Hey.. stone monkey. I don't need your judgment.
Voice: Um.
Artie: I don't like that look on your face. Lucky I don't still have my sculpting chisel anymore.
Voice: Just you big goof. Go find the thing that was left for you already.
Artie: Oh.. right.

Voice: What are you doing?
Adrien: More leaves by the front door!
Voice: Don't get dirty. We're headed to Del Sol Valley.
Adrien: Isn't it hot there?
Voice: Maybe. I don't know.
Adrien: So these clothes can get dirty!
Voice: No!

Mizuki: This is the one. I want my tile to sit right here.
Voice: You're sure?
Magnus: Hey it's Judith Ward's.
Mizuki: Yep. I want mine to be before hers.
Voice: Apparently we have to wait for a crowd.
Mizuki: They'll come. I'm kind of a big deal these days.
Voice: No, Magnus is the big deal. But you are a five-star celebrity.

Mizuki: Thank you everyone for attending and I want to introduce you to another up and coming author. Alena Grim!
Magnus: Oh wow.. using your fame for good I see.
Mizuki: If she looks good, we look better.
Magnus: of course.

Ichiro: This place is just so nice. I feel ideas coming from all over the place. I need to get back to the studio.
Alena: -feels something and looks- Uh-huh.
Ichiro: Yea. Like now. C'mon.

Voice: Oh that's one of my favorites.
Ichiro: It reminds me of my family.
Voice: How's that?
Ichiro: Well two of us are sp... well I won't say special but we are purple and Mom isn't. -saves himself from saying more-
Voice: Well it's your second masterpiece.
Ichiro: And I maxed painting.