Author Topic: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim  (Read 65687 times)

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 21]
« Reply #90 on: September 05, 2021, 05:36:26 PM »
Chapter 21: Venue Party FTG

(psst. that's for the gold ;) )

Ichiro: -plays with his food-
Alena: -doesn't look amused or satisfied with her excellent meal-
They both walked from their room on the other side of the house to come to this bench to eat their breakfast after waking up. Totes Adorbs.

Ever pause the game at just the right moment?

Kaori: And that's why she's my favorite superhero.
Alena: Okay bye.
Ichiro: Bye Lena.

Ichiro: But Whyyyy?
Magnus: This is getting a little ridiculous.
Kaori: I told you why. And you know his birthday is tomorrow so it's almost over. How about we do something else?
Ichiro: What?

Kaori: Where'd he go?
Magnus: Did you lose the baby?
Ichiro: -giggles on her back-
Kaori: I hear him but I can't see him.
Ichiro: I'm right here!

Artie: I know you're out there. I can see your light. I don't know why you've been so silent this time around. But I want you guys to know I'm doing all the things you wanted.
Small Voices: Not us.
Artie: What do you mean?
Small Voices: Not our rules.

Artie: So what am I supposed to do?
Artie: Oh come on.
Voice: Talking to yourself again?
Artie: No.. my new best friend this sign here.
Voice: Insanity.. so much fun.
Artie: I'm never lonely as long as I have the voices in my head.

Voice: Well we know where Alena gets that look now.
Artie: Is there a reason you're in my home gym?
Voice: Checking on the progress of you losing the baby fat.
Artie: You can go.
Voice: I'm here to remind you that it's almost party time. It's Ichiro's birthday and Alena is going to pop any minute if we don't head over.

Artie: Oh yea. The party. I can't wait. Oh and I think I maxed fitness.
Voice: Good job old man. Let's go.

Strong Magic Bloodline means nothing if you can't actually drive your broom.

All the fans show up for Magnus and Mizuki.
Nanami: This is quite the crowd you've called over.
Artie: We don't even know half these people. Your move dude.
Magnus: I know but I keep needing to stop to say hi to people.
Cassandra Goth: Oh My Plumbob. You're one of my favorite artists ever.
Magnus: See.
Artie: Cassandra.. we're trying to play.
Cassandra: Oh my plumbob Magnus's chess partner knows my name.
Alena: This is my party. Where's cake?
Artie: Yamato is setting it up right now sweetheart.
Alena: Want cake.
Artie: Just a few more minutes.

Nanami: -becomes even better friend with Artie-
Artie: Wow.. you can really kick that thing. But there is a little girl that wants to party.
Nanami: Aww okay. Let's go see how cute she's going to be like her mother.
Artie: Ouch.
Nanami: What're friends for but blunt honesty?

Artie: Aww is it naptime?
Magnus: Apparently.
Artie: They did stay up half the night. They're gonna be so wrecked trying to get on a school schedule.
Magnus: If anyone can manage it, it's kids in our house.
Artie: Got that right.

Mizuki meets her fans - other famous people but where's Kaori?

Showing off how good she's gotten.. that's where.
Voice: Hey.. you know I hate when you do that stuff. C'mon, it's cake time.
Kaori: Not even real cake because of Mizuki's intolerance.
Voice: Cheesecake is a viable other option and yummy. Le's go.

Ricanote: The change of apparel is because no new toddlers spawned so I couldn't do a Toddler Playdate that I wanted. Just further proof that pollination is required.
Artie: Okay big girl. Get ready to blow out the candles.
Alena: Okay.
Artie: One... two.... blow
Alena: PFffttbbbt.
Artie: Close enough.

Magnus: While she's doing that it's your turn, big guy.
Ichiro: Pwhooosh
Megumi: Points for effort.

and I missed the sprinkles for Alena.. But we're all so happy to have this saved for eternity to use against Ichiro. Dat grass skirt doh.

Alena: Check!
Mizuki: -gets mad and knocks down the whole board-
Alena: Whoa lady! What was that for?
Mizuki: This is a stupid game.
Voice: Tantrum alert. I think it's time to go home.

Ichiro aged up with the cheerful trait just like his mother. Isn't he a handsome boy?

Princess Alena is apparently a perfectionist. We kept the pigtails for now. I swear she looks like her sister Aria.

I randomly decided their traits since they don't really have that much of an impact. Or it doesn't feel that way anyhow.

Voice: -wolf whistle- Looking good.
Artie: Oh I know. No more baby fat anywhere on my body.
Voice: Too bad it's almost your elder birthday.
Artie: Just shut up and let me enjoy this again while I can.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline oshizu

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The kids are lovely both as toddlers and children!
I still haven't worked out the mystery of Alena's birth...Immaculate Conception?
Probably too early to tell but Alena (such a Sass Princess) looks so much like Artie and not so much like Mizuki.

Also, while I'm wondering (lol), why is Alena's hair fire-engine red like Artie's, but Ichiro's brown unlike either of his parents?
Wow, Artie's ripped! Can he just freeze that physique for all eternity?
Wait, Artie is (gasp) almost an elder?  Already? (I confess I peeked at his stats days ago, lol)
And don't let me forget to express my inner fangirl over that shot of Artie in his Robo-arm and heart boxers, LOL!

You are utterly crushing this dynasty challenge.  So glad you're back!

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I haven't caught up yet but I just want to say that I am super excited that you are back on the forum! I read your immortal dynasty (Artie's Lunar Lunacy) while looking for strategies for my own and LOVED IT! I then read Licious and oh boy, that story was definitely a treat (they both were!). Anyway, I'm super excited to read more of your work! Welcome back  :)

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 22]
« Reply #93 on: September 06, 2021, 05:11:28 PM »
@oshizu I love that you are a fangirl of those boxers on him. Don't worry. You'll be seeing them a lot this dynasty. You'll also eventually learn that other thing. ;)

As for Ichiro, I have no idea where it came from. I assumed Kaori's roots from before or maybe her grandparents? I don't remember.. was it Magnus's original color? Hard to tell how this works. I've kept it.. for now. And yes I think Alena favors Artie more than her mother.  Oh, and I can't freeze the hard bod of Artie in this dynasty.. but maybe one day in another story... far far away.

@mpart Hey! Welcome back to the Grim crazy train. Glad you can join us and I hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the others. I loved them both and I want this to be just as great. Thank you for the comment and reading.

Thank you to everyone who reads. I know not everyone wants to comment or has time, but I appreciate that everyone is with me again this time around.

Chapter 22: Unexpected fun and a visit?

Alena: Thanks for the party, Daddy.
Artie: Anything for you sunshine. Ready to pack away all your toddler stuff and get a big bed.
Alena: Yea!
Artie: Go get Ichiro and we'll make an afternoon of it before bedtime.
Alena: Fix the stereo so we can rock.
Artie: Oh no. No Metal for you until you're a teenager. For now, it's classical only.

Mizuki: Have a great first day of school, honey.
Alena: You too, Mom.
Voice: What is so fascinating over there?
Alena: I don't know.. but I'm looking.

Artie: Yamato.. you're splashing the yard.
Kaori: Artie what are you doing?
Yamato: He's mopping the yard.
Kaori: He's what.
Artie: I'm cleaning up the old man's mess.
Kaori: Wha.. I.. I'm going to the garden now.

Artie having to make the big decisions on Alena's first day in school. Funny enough this was the last one of these he ever got. Now they all go to Kaori or the special guest you haven't met yet (not the butler/cook).

Voice: There this oughta keep you busy.
Artie: Mwahaha. I shall make this dog toy into a... oh. That's disappointing.
Voice: Try again. We have plenty from you picking up all the boxes over by the docks. Then we'll find something else for you to do.

Artie: Hey you must be the new mayor!
Jorge (Blue guy): Why yes I am. Who are you?
Artie: Who am I? Who am I? -laughs- I'm just visiting. I own the big house over in Brindleton Bay. Cute little town you got here.
Grocery Guy: He just bought like 15 things from me. Leave him alone.

Voice: What are you doing? No! 
Magnus: What's going on over there?

Voice: What again? That's it. I know what can keep you busy. Oh, Alisa...
Ricanote: I have the stairs causing people to drop their queues and teleport up or down thing. It's annoying and if I don't notice, the kids decide messes are best. They are queued up all the time. Ichiro especially.

Alisa: Oh Carl.. not like that.
Ichiro: How about this? -another screech from the violin-
Alisa: That's.. something else alright. Keep going to see if you can get comfortable with the bow.

Magnus: Yea. Another Masterpiece.
Voice: That's kind of fitting. It's sad that portraits aren't a thing really.
Magnus: I'm sad we missed out on getting one of Mom.
Voice: Who knows. Maybe we'll find her floating around someday soon.
Magnus: Yea.. Maybe.

Magnus: Should we have a talk about all the messes you've been making?
Ichiro: No?
Magnus: Have you cleaned them all up?
Ichiro: Yes.
Magnus: You're a good kid. I'm sure there is a reason you're doing this but I don't like it when you spill paint all over my studio floor or flour and chocolate in the kitchen. I would prefer that you stop doing it altogether.
Ichiro: Yes, sir.
Magnus: Good.

New Kid: Hey guys. Look what I got.
Alena: Oh we know what you've got.
Ichiro: Oh yea. I heard you got it from Toru too.
New Kid: Wait what?

Artie: Oh hey Jorge. Come to save me from the normies?
The Normies are still arguing.
Jorge: Nope. Here for the competition but thought I would say hi.
Artie: Fair enough. They've been going for a while.
Jorge. We're passionate folk when it comes to our gardens and pie.
Artie: I hadn't noticed.

Alena: You're my best friend forever, Ichiro.
Ichiro: I know. Or until someone better comes along, right?
Alena: Right. I doubt anyone will.
Ichiro: But we keep our options open..
Alena: -laughs- Dude you should have seen your Dad's face when you said that.
Ichiro: -laughs-
Magnus: Kids was this you?
Together: No.
Magnus: Come clean it up anyway. Help your new friend.

Ichiro: Why are we doing this?
Alena: Because it's responsible and we were told to?
Ichiro: Right.. that R-word again.

Paolo randomly ages up in the middle of the fair. Another sign that Artie's time is coming soon. His roommate is right there in the purple.

Voice: What in the world? Artie!
Artie: What?
Voice: You know what!
Artie: Oh right... I'm supposed to be encouraging Alena.
Voice: Yea so get back in there.

Voice: Artie!
Artie: What?! I'm doing what you asked!
Voice: Alena don't look up.
Alena: Oh. I'm not. I can see the blurred blocks.
Voice: Good. How come neither one of you are embarrassed? Wait.. nevermind. Now you realized you should be. Yeesh. Sims.

Voice: Wait what.. Oh. Oh well. Thank you for your service, good sir. I hope your last days were happy ones. But I'm afraid what I'm doing is for everyone's own good.

Reaper: Huh. I've been waiting for a while, why isn't anyone coming?
.... nothingness ....
Reaper: I can't wait all day. I guess it's you and me bud. Then I'm gonna go watch that tv again.
Reaper: Wait... why are all the doors locked? This house sucks. -poof-
Voice: As I said.. it's for everyone's own good...
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 23]
« Reply #94 on: September 06, 2021, 06:33:58 PM »
Chapter 23: The Old Red Man

Aka the day that Alena decided to get mad at the whole house and it took us days to figure out why.

Alena: So hey. I heard there's a hunt going on around here.
Yamachan nods.
Alena: Can I get in on it?
Yamachan nods again.
Alena: Cool.

Artie: Boo
Nanami: When it's bright outside and you're a bright red, it's not easy to sneak around on people.
Artie: I have to keep trying though.
Nanami: -laughs- So why am I at a kids festival?
Artie: Two birds one stone. Alena really wanted to come and drag the rest of us with her. A few of us had some things to cross off our bucket lists and part of mine is to ask you something.

Mizuki: What's going on over here?
Kaori: This thing won't give me my Simmi.
Mizuki: Here let me finish this real quick and I'll show you how it's done.

Alena: This is actually kind of easy.
Ichiro: How do you do that?!
Alena: Just like that.. but where they actually are.
Ichiro: Rude.
Alena: But not wrong.
Ichiro: Point taken.

Nanami: Of course I'll be your best friend!
Artie: I knew we were already but I wanted to make it all official, you know?
Nanami: That's almost sweet.
Artie: And strategic. But I'll explain that more later.

Mizuki: And then you put your hip against it like this..
Kaori: Oof that looks like it hurt.
Mizuki: -groaning- Maybe a little but hey look.. your simmi capsule.
Kaori: Thanks!

Alena: Number Five!
Ichiro: Boo.
Alena: What number are you at?
Ichiro: Like 2.
Alena: Pick up the pace, Itchy.
Ichiro: Stop hogging all the critters, princess.

Alena: Eight!
Ichiro: Let me catch up!
Alena: Well hurry up already, we've only got like two more hours.
Ichiro: I'm trying!
Alena: I'm gonna go get a kobuto.
Ichiro: Get me one too!

Daisuke: You're right. That cloud does look like a pod.
Artie: It's crazy right. And that one looks like broccoli.
Daisuke: I think that's a tree.
Artie: Are you sure?
Daisuke: Yea.
Artie: Hey.. can I take your picture?
Daisuke: Absolutely!

Alena: Is that for me?
Yamachan nods.
Alena: Yes! Aww.. we already have this one. Thanks anyway, dude!

Alena: Monster off the starboard bow!
Ichiro: Prepare for evasive action.
Alena: Be careful at the cannons. Don't let the Zuzu get you!

Alena: Are we sure this is fun?
Ichiro: I think it's fun once you finish your first one.
Alena: Okay if you say so.
Ichiro: Ever gonna take off the helmet?
Alena: Jury is still out.

Artie: -evil laugh-
Voice: What are you so happy about?
Artie: I'm about to have an epic birthday
Voice: About that.. it's a holiday.. again. We can't have a party until tomorrow.
Artie: Awww. Why does this keep happening?
Voice: Because you're awesim?
Artie: I see what you're doing and I like it. Keep it up.

Ichiro: You ready for your dad's party?
Alena: Oh yea. He's going to invite over Toru for us to get closer with.
Ichiro: Awesim. Then we just need adults we don't live with.
Alena: Yep. Can't believe we're almost done.
Magnus: I can't believe you two are trying to get credit without helping. C'mon guys.
Artie: Yep let's hurry. Everyone is almost home and I have cake waiting on the counter.

Artie & Voice: Aww man.
Alena: Happy Birthday! -starts to sing-
Voice: Well.. we tried. but your daughter is happy so that's something right?
Artie: Yea and this was just an extra party for me anyway.
Voice: Exactly.
Alena: Hey but we can still have cake right?
Artie: Sure.
Alena: Dad is great.. He's giving us chocolate cake!

Artie: So how bad is it?
Voice: You, sir, need a mirror. Stat.
Artie: But is it bad.
Voice: Nah. Just can't have you being all gray. It's weird.
Artie: Agreed.

Voice: Whatcha making?
Ichiro: I'm making a sweater for Alena.
Voice: Aww that's nice.
Ichiro: Shh. I don't want her to know.
Voice: Well stow it because here she comes.

Ichiro: Yahoo!
Alena: Whee!
-lots of laughter as the watcher worries they can flip those things over and she forgot to read up on it-
Ichiro: Where's your Dad?
Alena: Said something about a secret lair I can't know about until I'm a teenager.
Ichiro: But where?
Alena: I think it's that door in the focused room.
Ichiro: Huh.
Alena: Right?

About that...

Artie: I'm the best. I know.

Artie's Bucket List
[√] A in University: Distinguished Degree in Villainy (Foxbury) [with honors even!]
[√] 1 Career: Criminal (Boss)
[√] 2 Aspirations: Public Enemy, Chief of Mischief
[√] 3 Skills: Mischief, Fitness, Robotics
[√] 4 Rewards: Always Welcome, Frugal, Free Services, Moodlet Solver
[√] 5 Gold Medal Parties: Birthday Party, House Party, Dinner Party, Date, Venue Party
[√] 6 Good Friends(1 Unique BFF): Megumi Ito, Shigeru Ueda, Daisuke Murakami, Nobuya Ito, Alisa Noriega, Nanami Tamura (BFF)
[√] 7 Emotional Whims: Send Playful Text (Playful); Chat with Someone (Happy); Tell Self-Deprecating Joke (Embarrassed); Enthuse About Interests (Energized); Shout Forbidden Words (Tense); Propose Crazy Scheme (Confident); Send Sad Text (Sad)
[√] 8 10 Museum Pieces: Utilibots x 10 -- 3 Cleaner Bots, 3 Party Bots, 2 Fixer Bots & 2 Gardener Bots -- §3500 each = Total: §35,000

We did it y'all.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Congrats Ole man. But I have to say, I kind of liked the greybon red.
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Offline oshizu

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Yay, congrats on your first immortal!!!
Artie, you may be an elder, but you still got it goin' on! 💖

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Grats on your first immortal!! You did it, Artie, you inappropriate but dapper old man. It's all just rinse and repeat from here, right?

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 24]
« Reply #98 on: September 07, 2021, 03:47:10 PM »
@sdhoey Thank you! I'll let the sire know. Maybe he'll try to find a gray he likes just to fashion show for you. You know how he is.

@oshizu Thank you!  And he really does. The flab isn't as bad as I remember.

@Rhoxi Thank you! And um... yea sure. Rinse and Repeat -shifty eyes- We can totally do this seven more times super quick like. (I wish).

Chapter 24: Sweet Summer Children

Voice: I thought you guys would put on bathing suits or something. Magnus.. I'm not sure you should be wearing those boots.
Magnus: I don't care. This feels good.
Voice: I bet it would feel better if you weren't wearing those shoes.

Alena: Higher Itchy.
Ichiro: You ever wonder if we can flip this thing if we go too high?
Alena: No. Not sure that was on the list of possible deaths that Dad has in that weird journal of his.
Ichiro: Did you ever find out what was in the basement's basement?
Alena: Not yet. But I will.

Voice: Scared?
Alena: No. I'm just not sure if it will be more fun to cannonball or just jump.
Voice: You can do one now and another in a minute.
Alena: Yes.. but which one first.
Voice: I don't know.
Alena: I know. I'm gonna backflip.

Voice: Helping Kaori with the garden?
Alena: Yea. Dad said I could use this kid time to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. He told me to try a little bit of everything. So we are.
Voice: We?

Voice: Ahh I see you're helping your mom too
Ichiro: Yep. It looked fun so why not?
Kaori: This is not a game though.
Ichiro: Nope not at all.
Kaori: Okay. Water these last two and let's go to the park.

At the park...

Just a kid and his new friend...

While Mizuki travels around grabbing collectibles. Making her fans have to chase her to pass out. That's Bob Pancakes with the book.

Look Ichiro made another friend.

They made a sand sculpture together where Ichiro never looked.

Then Alena made the same friend!

The next friend she made was hanging out by the strategically placed science table. There were placement issues.

Ichiro got to meet Tane Ngata and they became fast friends.

Alena also decided that Tane would make a good friend. This is where we learned he's not very creative.

After Tane became friends with them, Alena met Haven. She's fierce!

She showed a completely different side to Ichiro though.

Kaori: Kids.. Time to go see a friend of mine. C'mon then we're going home.

Ichiro: Wow this place is so cool.
Alena: Check out how close to the moon we are.
Ichiro: I wonder what that ring around it means.
Alena: Probably has something to do with Apollo's satellite system.
Ichiro: Really think so?
Alena: Anything is possible.
Ichiro: C'mon let's go explore.
Alena: Yea!

Alena: Oh wow is that someone's urn?!
Sage of Mischief: It is. It's my predecessor's.
Alena: Cool. I've never seen one like this.
Sage of Mischief: Have you seen many urns?
Alena: Yea my dad kind of has a thing about death.
Sage of Mischief: Is he morbidly curious or emo?
Alena: He's a reaper.
Sage of Mischief: Hrm. I think we need to find the person who brought you here.
Alena: Oh she's upstairs!

Sage of Mischief: Excuse me friend but I need to speak with this woman.
Kaori: Is everything okay?
Sage of Mischief: It's about the children that you brought with you.
Kaori: Oh no. Did they break something? Set something on fire?
Sage of Mischief: No. But it's too dangerous for them to ever come here again.
Kaori: Huh?
Sage of Practical Magic: Perhaps you might want to speak swiftly and candidly about what's wrong. You're worrying her.. and me.
Sage of Mischief: Yes. Come. We'll talk and walk.

Ichiro: Mom why did we have to leave so suddenly?
Kaori: There was about to be something that happened they thought was too dangerous for child Sims to be around.
Alena: One of the guys with a pink symbol said something strange to me.
Kaori: Let's not talk about that right now. In fact, how about we make dinner together and keep the field trip to ourselves, hm?
Both: Okay.
Alena: I wanna crack eggs!
Ichiro: I want to use a knife!
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [9/7 - Chapter 24 is up]
« Reply #99 on: September 07, 2021, 04:03:15 PM »
hmmm, I can't wait to see what the sire comes up.  ;)

Wow, I wonder what all that was about?  Has someone tainted the magical world?
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [9/7 - Chapter 24 is up]
« Reply #100 on: September 07, 2021, 07:37:14 PM »

Hm, I'm still learning a lot about the Sims 4. Is this from the magic game pack?

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [9/7 - Chapter 24 is up]
« Reply #101 on: September 07, 2021, 07:52:20 PM »
hmmm, I can't wait to see what the sire comes up.  ;)

Wow, I wonder what all that was about?  Has someone tainted the magical world?

C’mon now. You know I never give anything away know what’s going on.  I’m sure we’ll learn more soon.

Hm, I'm still learning a lot about the Sims 4. Is this from the magic game pack?
The place you see here and the types of people are from Realm of Magic, yes.  There are 3 types of magical spells you can learn - Practical Magic, Untamed Magic & Mischief Magic.  Each one is represented by a sage in the Magic realm. Some things you see will be gameplay and some are plot.  Feel free to ask about anything, just wanted to point it out.  I love this pack honestly.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 25]
« Reply #102 on: September 08, 2021, 11:54:40 AM »
Chapter 25: Alena's First Step towards Immortality

Alena: Kaori Kaori Kaori!
Kaori: Whoa little red. What's wrong?
Alena: Nothing's wrong. I just had an idea and I think you can help me.

Kaori: What can I do for you?
Alena: You think you could show me how to take care of a tree?
Kaori: What kind of tree is it?
Alena: A special kind. I read about it in one of Dad's books.
Kaori: I would be honored to help you. Maybe while you're taking care of your tree you can help me with the other plants?
Alena: Deal.

Alena: Okay so I have the seed right here.
Kaori: Go ahead and lay it down on the ground a little bit away from any of the other plants
Alena: Like this?
Kaori: Exactly. Now take your trowel and use it to bury it under some dirt.
Alena: This seems easy enough.

Kaori: Now just water the new plant. It needs nutrients just like you do. And I have a special fruit to fertilize it with.
Alena: Is that it?
Kaori: This was just day one. This is going to be your tree. Which means only you will be in charge of it.
Alena: So I will have to check it every day?
Kaori: Every day. You won't need to water it if it's raining, which we both know happens a lot here.
Alena: Tell me about it.
Kaori: You'll have to make sure it doesn't have any weeds and stays fertilized. Then it will grow and we'll see just what kind of special tree it is.

Alena: Thanks, Aunt Kaori.
Kaori: Of course, sweetheart. Now don't forget you invited a friend over from school.
Alena: Oh yea. I wanna show her my plant! Hey Aya. Come here!
Artie: What's all the screaming about?

Artie: Didn't you walk into my front door as a child?
Aya: Yeah.. so?
Artie: Well at least your hat matches your shirt.
Aya: Weirdo.
Artie: You have no idea, young one.

Artie: Hey kiddo, Is your friend leaving?
Alena: Yea she was sad that no one threw a party for her. I told her I would have if I had known.
Artie: Of course you would have. So what are you doing over here in the garden?
Alena: I took your advice and this little pile of dirt over here is that tree we talked about. I'm gonna check on it every day.
Artie: Good job. And how do you feel about gardening?
Alena: It's okay I guess.

Artie: Time for me to go to work. Make sure your homework is done and then be good for your mother, aunt and uncle.
Alena: I'll try.
Artie: That's all I can ask for.

Voice: What's wrong, red man?
Artie: I feel a disturbance in the force.
Voice: Huh?
Artie: Something is going very wrong inside my house.
Voice: Like what...
Artie: I don't know...

Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 26]
« Reply #103 on: September 10, 2021, 07:25:28 AM »
Chapter 26: Only the Grims

Alexander: Hello.
Artie: Hi.
Alexander: Are you sunburnt?
Artie: No I'm naturally this color.
Alexander: Oh. You seem familiar.
Artie: It's because I slept in your bed many weeks ago.
Alexander: Oh right!

Magnus: It's HOT! Ahh!
Kaori: Well of course it is. This is the spice festival. And you know as soon as I'm done collecting we're all going to Komorebi so why did you get food?
Magnus: It looked fun.
Kaori: It looked fun?
Magnus: Yea all flamy and stuff.
Kaori: Oh Magz.

Paka'a: What are you doing?
Mizuki: This thing won't give me my Simmi!
Paka'a: I don't think you're supposed to climb them you might...

Paka'a: -frozen in shock-
Me: Oh no.

Nobuko: I think the vending machine just fell on someone.
Blonde: Yea but check out the red man with the fire.

Paka'a: ...fall. If you climb it might fall. -still stunned-
Mizuki: Why is no one helping?

Mizuki: Almost...
Me: -nail nibble to see how this plays out-

Mizuki: Oh thank Carl.
Paka'a: Yea that was a close one. Did you hear there's a red guy playing with fire?
Mizuki: Of course he is.

Artie: -completely oblivious-
Yuusuke (Sage of Mischief in a purple kimono no less): -thinks: Hm. So this is the little girl's father. He's good. Dangerous but good.-

Paka'a: Wow that was amazing.
Mizuki: Yeah well no thanks to you.

Kaori: Do you see them?
Magnus: What are they?
Kaori: Forest spirits. We can make a wish on them or collect them.
Magnus: Which should we do?
Kaori: They're not fans of being collected.
Magnus: Good thing Artie isn't here then.
Kaori: Basically.
Magnus: Is that your phone I hear?
Kaori: Yea. A friend wants to duel but he has to wait.

Magical Dude whose name I've suddenly forgotten: About time you showed up.
Kaori: I was busy at the festival. C'mon let's get this over with so I can finish this milestone and move on.
Magic Dude: Oh.. you won't be beating me.

Kaori: -magically slams him down- What was that about losing?
Dude: Ow.
Kaori: Okay I have to get back to my family. See you later.

Artie: And that's how you do the disappearing arm trick.
Kids: Wow.
Artie: Okay who is ready for a story?

Artie: There once was a lady named Bubble / Who loved to get into trouble / like setting fire to her father, King Rubble.
Alena: What kind of story is this?
Artie: Just listen. -shakes off dejavu-
Alena: Okay Dad.
Artie: "You've become something I can't handle. / It's actually quite a scandal / I'm tempted to hit you with my sandal." / Fearful was she for he had big feet / So quickly she tried to retreat / Which only put her back on the hot seat...

Ichiro: So is that what all dynasties are like?
Artie: Not even close. She was a special lady in another world where they had all kinds of creatures beyond just Sims and Aliens.
Alena: And witches. Don't forget witches.
Artie: Course not.
Ichiro: And vampires.
Artie: Naturally.
Alena: So wait.. I heard we're a dynasty.
Artie: We are. But I wasn't going to tell you about that yet. How did you find out?
Alena: Oh well I heard from this man that said he knew you had started one.
Artie: -rocks- Oh really...
Voice: -wonders when that was-

You know how I said that Alena reminds me of Aria? I think I said that. Check this out.

Aria Grim (With her man Simonis) vs Alena Grim (selfie with Aya) [you can click on the images to make them bigger.. yay highslide]
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 27]
« Reply #104 on: September 10, 2021, 08:48:21 AM »
Chapter 27: Artie's Bold Move

Artie: Hey kiddo when we finish this project. You wanna go to your Mom's graduation?
Alena: Will she get upset if we don't?
Artie: She might. Though we accidentally missed Magnus's so maybe we shouldn't.
Alena: But it's Mom.
Artie: Is that a yes?
Alena: Daaaad.
Artie: Okay we'll go.

Artie: And this is that other university choice that you have.
Alena: What if I want to go here?
Artie: Well I won't stop you from making any mistakes you choose to make.
Mizuki: Artie.
Artie: What? We all know Foxbury is better.
Purple Dude: Uh. You do realize where you're standing, right?
Artie: Yep.

Artie: It's weird not going inside right?
Alena: You're weird.
Artie: -makes a face-
Alena: That is exactly my point!

Artie: And that's why you should say you're sorry.
Alena: But what if you aren't?
Artie: Say it anyway. 
Alena: But that's lying.
Artie: It's also avoiding a fight which is a good thing.
Alena: I thought you liked fighting.
Artie: I'm different. Do as I say not as I do.

Alena: Congratulations Mom.
Mizuki: Thanks, sweetie. I appreciate you being here.
Alena: Now what are you gonna do?
Mizuki: I don't know.
Artie: I have an idea.

Ichiro: Whoa.
Alena: Wow this place is so cool.
Mizuki: It's very pretty isn't it?
Alena: Yea. Can we go sledding?
Kaori: Go ahead. Ichiro, you going too?
Ichiro: You know it!

Ichiro: Hold on!
Alena: Stop wiggling.
Ichiro: Whooooo

Kaori: C'mon Magnus. Keep trying.
Magnus: I'm not sure I'm cut out for this.
Kaori: You can do it. I know you can.
Magnus: Okay.. one more try. If I fall again, I'm just gonna go hiking like Mizuki did.

Artie: Malcolm! It's good to see you.
Malcolm: Really Boss?
Artie: Oh right how could I forget you joined the organization like your mom.
Malcolm: I don't know. You never seem to choose me for anything.
Artie: You don't seem to be into it.
Malcolm: Eh. It's not as fun as I thought it would be. That or I just miss Mom and Dad. Wish I still had family, you know?

Artie: So you're saying you're lonely in your mansion on the hill huh?
Malcolm: I'm not sure how I feel about how you put it.
Artie: Look I was friends with your mom right?
Malcolm: Yea. She said you were as mean as a rooster but that you had a good withered heart.
Artie: -laughs- Oh man I miss your mom. Hey, I just got an idea...

Ichiro: Wahoo!
Alena: Look, Dad! No Hands!
( Every now and then Ichiro's face does this thing that makes him seem.. alien. I don't know.)

Mizuki: -huffing- All this walking and now you guys show up?
Forest Spirits: -melodic tone-
Mizuki: So... I hear you give wishes...
Forest Spirits: -melodic negative tones-
Mizuki: What? -angry suddenly because a hothead-

Malcolm: -deep breath- So this is the new place.
Small voice: It's kind of big and gloomy isn't it?
Malcolm: You get used to it I'm told.

Boy: Thanks for adopting me.
Malcolm: Thanks for letting me.
Boy: You're my dad, right?
Malcolm: Yes.
Boy: Cool. What about the other people?
Malcolm: Well.. that's a long story but I'll give you a run down before we go inside.

Everyone meet Adrien Landgraab. He and his father have joined the Grim Residence in an unlikely move made by our patriarch.

Magnus: And then the dark soldier proclaimed. "I am your father."
Adrien: What?! That's crazy!
Magnus: I know!

Artie: Check, little man.
Magnus: Don't let him get to you. This is where you work on that move I showed you.
Adrien: So I grab this one here and I move it. Oh! Checkmate. In your face, old man!
Magnus: He's a feisty one.
Artie: Fits right in. Malcolm chose well.

So I finally figured out what this is and how it works after chatting with a friend *coughoshizucough* and I'm sad I never realized what it was before. The first painting Magnus painted? A recreation of one of my favorite Sims 3 paintings.

Ichiro: Do we still have to go to meetings if we have all our badges?
Alena: Probably.
Ichiro: You think the new kid is going to join?
Alena: We could certainly ask him.
Ichiro: It's weird right?
Alena: A little but Dad did it for a good reason.
Ichiro: Yea I guess.

Voice: Kaori!
Voice: Kaori get up.
Kaori: -groans- Baaaaad. Potion is baaaad.
Voice: Whew.
Ricanote: She gave me a heart attack.

Artie: So what do you think of the new roommates?
Alena: They're okay.
Artie: Not upset that I asked people to move in randomly.
Alena: No. I get it. He's a friend of yours and you wanted him to die happy.
Artie: It's true. It's the one thing we can do as a dynasty family. Connect those that need to be connected. Give everyone the best life they could want.
Alena: Like Lena and Magnus and Kaori.
Artie: Exactly. 
Alena: But we have to watch them die?

Artie: Death is a part of life, little one. It was my business for a long time and while I barely remember anything from the first few millennia. I do remember some of the last decade or two. Doing this thing we're doing means yes we have to watch people die. People we adore and appreciate. But we have our reasons too.
Alena: I want to know our reasons if I'm going to lose my best friend, too.
Artie: Hm. I guess you're old enough now. Time to tell you everything I know.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

