Chapter 23: The Old Red Man
Aka the day that Alena decided to get mad at the whole house and it took us days to figure out why.

Alena: So hey. I heard there's a hunt going on around here.
Yamachan nods.
Alena: Can I get in on it?
Yamachan nods again.
Alena: Cool.

Artie: Boo
Nanami: When it's bright outside and you're a bright red, it's not easy to sneak around on people.
Artie: I have to keep trying though.
Nanami: -laughs- So why am I at a kids festival?
Artie: Two birds one stone. Alena really wanted to come and drag the rest of us with her. A few of us had some things to cross off our bucket lists and part of mine is to ask you something.

Mizuki: What's going on over here?
Kaori: This thing won't give me my Simmi.
Mizuki: Here let me finish this real quick and I'll show you how it's done.

Alena: This is actually kind of easy.
Ichiro: How do you do that?!
Alena: Just like that.. but where they actually are.
Ichiro: Rude.
Alena: But not wrong.
Ichiro: Point taken.

Nanami: Of course I'll be your best friend!
Artie: I knew we were already but I wanted to make it all official, you know?
Nanami: That's almost sweet.
Artie: And strategic. But I'll explain that more later.

Mizuki: And then you put your hip against it like this..
Kaori: Oof that looks like it hurt.
Mizuki: -groaning- Maybe a little but hey look.. your simmi capsule.
Kaori: Thanks!

Alena: Number Five!
Ichiro: Boo.
Alena: What number are you at?
Ichiro: Like 2.
Alena: Pick up the pace, Itchy.
Ichiro: Stop hogging all the critters, princess.

Alena: Eight!
Ichiro: Let me catch up!
Alena: Well hurry up already, we've only got like two more hours.
Ichiro: I'm trying!
Alena: I'm gonna go get a kobuto.
Ichiro: Get me one too!

Daisuke: You're right. That cloud does look like a pod.
Artie: It's crazy right. And that one looks like broccoli.
Daisuke: I think that's a tree.
Artie: Are you sure?
Daisuke: Yea.
Artie: Hey.. can I take your picture?
Daisuke: Absolutely!

Alena: Is that for me?
Yamachan nods.
Alena: Yes! Aww.. we already have this one. Thanks anyway, dude!

Alena: Monster off the starboard bow!
Ichiro: Prepare for evasive action.
Alena: Be careful at the cannons. Don't let the Zuzu get you!

Alena: Are we sure this is fun?
Ichiro: I think it's fun once you finish your first one.
Alena: Okay if you say so.
Ichiro: Ever gonna take off the helmet?
Alena: Jury is still out.

Artie: -evil laugh-
Voice: What are you so happy about?
Artie: I'm about to have an epic birthday
Voice: About that.. it's a holiday.. again. We can't have a party until tomorrow.
Artie: Awww. Why does this keep happening?
Voice: Because you're awesim?
Artie: I see what you're doing and I like it. Keep it up.

Ichiro: You ready for your dad's party?
Alena: Oh yea. He's going to invite over Toru for us to get closer with.
Ichiro: Awesim. Then we just need adults we don't live with.
Alena: Yep. Can't believe we're almost done.
Magnus: I can't believe you two are trying to get credit without helping. C'mon guys.
Artie: Yep let's hurry. Everyone is almost home and I have cake waiting on the counter.

Artie & Voice: Aww man.
Alena: Happy Birthday! -starts to sing-
Voice: Well.. we tried. but your daughter is happy so that's something right?
Artie: Yea and this was just an extra party for me anyway.
Voice: Exactly.
Alena: Hey but we can still have cake right?
Artie: Sure.
Alena: Dad is great.. He's giving us chocolate cake!

Artie: So how bad is it?
Voice: You, sir, need a mirror. Stat.
Artie: But is it bad.
Voice: Nah. Just can't have you being all gray. It's weird.
Artie: Agreed.

Voice: Whatcha making?
Ichiro: I'm making a sweater for Alena.
Voice: Aww that's nice.
Ichiro: Shh. I don't want her to know.
Voice: Well stow it because here she comes.

Ichiro: Yahoo!
Alena: Whee!
-lots of laughter as the watcher worries they can flip those things over and she forgot to read up on it-
Ichiro: Where's your Dad?
Alena: Said something about a secret lair I can't know about until I'm a teenager.
Ichiro: But where?
Alena: I think it's that door in the focused room.
Ichiro: Huh.
Alena: Right?
About that...

Artie: I'm the best. I know.
Artie's Bucket List
[√] A in University: Distinguished Degree in Villainy (Foxbury) [with honors even!]
[√] 1 Career: Criminal (Boss)
[√] 2 Aspirations: Public Enemy, Chief of Mischief
[√] 3 Skills: Mischief, Fitness, Robotics
[√] 4 Rewards: Always Welcome, Frugal, Free Services, Moodlet Solver
[√] 5 Gold Medal Parties: Birthday Party, House Party, Dinner Party, Date, Venue Party
[√] 6 Good Friends(1 Unique BFF): Megumi Ito, Shigeru Ueda, Daisuke Murakami, Nobuya Ito, Alisa Noriega, Nanami Tamura (BFF)
[√] 7 Emotional Whims: Send Playful Text (Playful); Chat with Someone (Happy); Tell Self-Deprecating Joke (Embarrassed); Enthuse About Interests (Energized); Shout Forbidden Words (Tense); Propose Crazy Scheme (Confident); Send Sad Text (Sad)
8 10 Museum Pieces: Utilibots x 10 -- 3 Cleaner Bots, 3 Party Bots, 2 Fixer Bots & 2 Gardener Bots -- §3500 each = Total: §35,000
We did it y'all.