Author Topic: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim  (Read 65430 times)

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 14]
« Reply #75 on: August 29, 2021, 06:28:44 PM »
Chapter 14: Celebration Time

My niece: You never showed me the water balloon fights.
Me: Well they weren't going to play in the snow. That was snowballs.
My niece: Pleeeeeaaaaaase.

Their aim has not gotten any better...

..until it did.
My niece: They're all standing in puddles.
Me: Because they actually hit each other.

Kaori: I was wondering since the vacation got cut short if you wanted to go out with me. Maybe do something just us before you have to start the new term and I go back to work
Magnus: I think that's a great idea.
Kaori: I know just the place.
Magnus: Just tell me what to wear, love.

Voice: Hey. We got him for Lena.
Artie: Yea but I just couldn't help myself. I have work soon.
Voice: That whole mood thing for work is only certain people these days.
Artie: Yea well.. I needed that.
Massage Therapist: I always get the crazy clients.

Magnus: This place is amazing.
Kaori: I know. Come here I want to show you my favorite part.
Magnus: Whatever you want.

Kaori: From up here the whole world is put into perspective you know?
Magnus: It's certainly breathtaking. Though not my favorite view in the simverse.
Kaori: And what's that?
Magnus: You, of course.
Kaori: -chuckles- Smooth.
Magnus: I thought so. You know I've been thinking—

Kaori: -drops down- Marry me.
Magnus: Babe.. I was supposed to do this.
Kaori: I was feeling impatient. Just.. let's do it. Tonight.
Magnus: Tomorrow.
Kaori: Soon.
Magnus: Absolutely.

Random picture to break up the mood before Artie accuses us of being a kissy story again. They went to dinner and everyone just sat there annoying the chef. He was Magnus's only friend in school.

Voice: You're looking very pleased with yourself.
Artie: You're looking at the Brains of the operation. Only one person in my way of being the Boss again.
Voice: Are you sure you're the brains of the operation?
Artie: Hey.. what are you trying to say?

Voice: So.. you like?
Lena: Mhm. If I could just get these needles to do what I want.
Voice: Whatcha making?
Lena: A hat for my grandbaby. You should be making something too.
Voice: Yeah. I probably should.

Ta-Da.  The corner of the yard has been transformed! Who's ready for a wedding?

Voice: What is wrong with you?
Artie: Too much lovie dovie stuff happening.
Voice: Yea that's not it.
Artie: I think I ate a spoiled bag lunch.
Voice: Ew.

Artie: And then you'll never believe what she said after that.
Artie: I know.
Just an erratic Sim talking to his friends.. Nothing to see here.

Magnus: And Mom.. I don't want you to be too surprised. But we're about to have a wedding.
Lena: Oh. Is that why we had an arch show up?
Magnus: Yes. Exactly. And we're doing it tonight.
Lena: Am I making the cake?
Artie: Yes, please. I almost just lost a finger with these BLTs.
Lena: That would have been funny. A great wedding gift even.
Artie: Hey!

Voice: You okay?
Artie: I don't understand.
Voice: What's wrong?
Artie: Check my moodlets.
Voice: Oh. Yea. About that.
Artie: So you knew?
Tiny Voice: Maybe.

Artie: So.. I have something I need to tell you.
Mizuki: Is everything okay?
Artie: Actually, I'm not sure. But I think I know why you've been having trouble.
Mizuki: What do you mean?

Artie: Because apparently, I'm the one who's pregnant!
Mizuki: What?!

Voice: Still Mad.
Artie: Not talking to you.
Voice: Oh c'mon.
Artie: this is going to completely ruin all of my pants.
Voice: That's not how this works.
Artie: None of the lines are going to be right for days.
Voice: Are you really throwing a tantrum over pants?
Artie: No.. Yes.. Maybe. I don't understand and I'm going to continue to take it out on you until someone explains.
Voice: I.. I'm not allowed.
Artie: ...

Artie: Oh man.. I now owe many many women in my life an apology.
Mizuki: Where is Magnus?
Artie: Ugh. I feel so bloated.
Kaori: Brant I'm surprised you actually came.
Lena: Me too.
Brant: You're my friend. Of course, I did. Plus you're kind of marrying a celebrity. I want his picture.
Kaori: Wow.

Eventually he arrived. Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep people over here when Magnus chose today to be slow.

No one ever sits where you want them to.

By this gnome, I pronounce you Mister and Missus.

Artie: That gnome seems familiar.
Voice: He's only been standing out here for a few hours.
Artie: Right right.

@oshizu I would like them to all get it but I'm doing it in spurts because of work/school/etc. I want Artie to get it if no one else. So Yeah I can't wait either especially since I have no idea what that is!

Oh, and your vote made the tally 1-0 so.. it happened.

Also do you have any idea how hard it was to hold this back for so long?
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline sdhoey

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BAH!!! So Artie is a little hormonal lately. That was gold. He can get pregnant. That is the best. Congrats to the newlyweds. Lena is a sneaky one.

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Offline oshizu

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First of all, how great that Magnus and Kaori are legally a couple now.  It's cute how she's so crazy about him.
What important thing was he engrossed with that he would be so late to his own wedding?

Bwahahaha! Artie's big surprise!
And here you had us thinking that he was just feeling all broody about Nancy's death. Great plot twist!

After reading Shannon's comment about sneaky Lena, I went back and reread her private convo with Artie.
I can't help but feel her reason for wanting to go home early and Artie's "condition" are not directly related.
No doubt I'm simply being misled by The Voice.
More mysteries to unfold: what is really going on with Lena?

Haha, I loved the shot of Artie fussing over his tummy while seated, waiting for the wedding to start.
Hilarious update. Well, except for the kissy first half. *winks
By the way, I remember seeing Artie throwing up way back on page 1 of your story and wondering, "Whaaaaat?"

Offline Trip

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That's crazy, but it's also what Artie deserves. He had it too good with all his weight going to the rear for the first few chapters. 8)

But I'm glad the twist isn't about Lena dying because I'm not ready yet.

For whenever that day comes, I'm putting my vote in for the glowing white chef with the big nose as a new pollinator. Great Value Vlad, if you will.
No respect, no chance, cease and desist when I chant-

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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 15]
« Reply #79 on: August 30, 2021, 11:23:54 AM »
BAH!!! So Artie is a little hormonal lately. That was gold. He can get pregnant. That is the best. Congrats to the newlyweds. Lena is a sneaky one.
Lena was a good egg. It's true. While she ended up not being Gen 2's mom, I like what she did contribute to the house. And Artie is always hormonal. He just has an excuse for a few days.

First of all, how great that Magnus and Kaori are legally a couple now.  It's cute how she's so crazy about him.
What important thing was he engrossed with that he would be so late to his own wedding?

Bwahahaha! Artie's big surprise!
And here you had us thinking that he was just feeling all broody about Nancy's death. Great plot twist!

After reading Shannon's comment about sneaky Lena, I went back and reread her private convo with Artie.
I can't help but feel her reason for wanting to go home early and Artie's "condition" are not directly related.
No doubt I'm simply being misled by The Voice.
More mysteries to unfold: what is really going on with Lena?

Haha, I loved the shot of Artie fussing over his tummy while seated, waiting for the wedding to start.
Hilarious update. Well, except for the kissy first half. *winks
By the way, I remember seeing Artie throwing up way back on page 1 of your story and wondering, "Whaaaaat?"

I do not know what happened. Other than he refused to leave the house. I think part of it had to do with the stairs thing. It was just killing me.

Artie would like everyone to know that he really was upset about Nancy. And he was. They weren't even that close. In fact, I'm fairly certain this connection is why something else happens in the near future.

And yes the Voice can be misleading. He clearly has some information he's not giving up.

For the official record, all of the puking before now except for the bush were from various other things. The one in the prologue was something random and I thought it funny he got it during his wedding with Aggie in attendance. The other times is because of exam time. An hour before a final exam that counts towards a grade in university causes a moodlet to appear about how nervous they are. Mizuki and Artie got it every single time. So that happened for 6 classes in 3 weeks for poor red man.

That's crazy, but it's also what Artie deserves. He had it too good with all his weight going to the rear for the first few chapters. 8)

But I'm glad the twist isn't about Lena dying because I'm not ready yet.

For whenever that day comes, I'm putting my vote in for the glowing white chef with the big nose as a new pollinator. Great Value Vlad, if you will.
Oh. Artie deserves a lot. And now he's pregnant. I think secretly he likes the attention. Wait until y'all see the next photos of him.

As for Lena and pollination, well.. some things that can't be stopped are in motion. I'm ahead to almost the teen birthday of Gen 2 haha. The red man gave me a scare with his requirements. 

And I know you guys are going to hate me for having to share this. I'm not sure there's a way to prepare for it, but there are ways to distract from it. Am I right? Feel free to wait for a few chapters before coming back if you have to. One post now, another will be made after my work shift is over (I'm on lunch!)

Thank you to everyone that is reading. I hope you're having as much fun as I am.

Voice: Psst. Why are you in here?
Magnus: Just like being near her.
Voice: That's sweet.
Magnus: I know how old she is. I'm not stupid.
Voice: And if living with a reaper teaches us anything, Death is unavoidable. Especially when he's naked.
Magnus: Ha.

Artie: Ugh why wont it stop?
Voice: Guess you're not one of the lucky ones.
Artie: Go away. No more pictures of me talking to John.
Voice: Sure thing. But remember we have to finish the room.
Artie: Oh right.. We should do that soon.

Lena: This is so nice.
Voice: It looks nice. Even if it is cloudy.
Lena: It's cloudy and hot. Welcome to Brindleton.
Voice: Hey.. Artie has something he wants to show you guys. C'mon.
Lena: Oooh.

I present the living room.  Now complete and with a downstairs bathroom! This is the finished product of the open room near the kitchen. It came out well I think.

Voice: We arranged for seating and all of you want to stand as close to the TV as possible. What is with that?
Mizuki: Okay Okay I'm sitting I'm sitting.
Voice: Uh Lena, you too.
Lena: I feel tired. I think I'm gonna lay down now.
Voice: O...k. Frell. Where's Artie? I'll be back.

Mizuki: Lena!
Magnus: Mom?
Reaper: Hrm. Lena Diehl. Age 94. Lives in Brindleton Bay as part of the Grim House. Hey, you guys know what Grim this is?
Magnus: If I tell you it's not the one you want, will you leave my mom alone?
Reaper: No. Sorry. Just curious. Lost contact with some old friends just making sure this isn't where they're hiding.

Reaper: Well. It looks like she had a nice life. I'm just going to get going as soon as she turns to space dust.
Magnus and Mizuki crying hard.

Mizuki: -tries to console Magnus-
Reaper: You sure this isn't the Grims I'm looking for?
Voice: Nope. Unless Mizuki looks familiar to you.
Reaper: Nope. Then you're right. Not the house I'm looking for. Uhh.. Sorry about your mom.

Reaper: Hey I remember this movie. It was one of my favorites.
Magnus: Where is our friend who owns this house anyway? -eyeing the reaper-
Mizuki: I don't know. It's not like he would want to miss out on this.
Reaper: Well I guess I'm going to go now. See ya in a few birthdays.
Voice: Wow he was creepy.
Magnus: Where have you been?
Voice: I was handling Artie.

Artie: -crying in bed and hiding from everyone-

Magnus: I'm too sad to even paint.
Voice: Aww buddy. I know it's hard but I'm sure she wouldn't want you to just stop for a few days. Remember how she kept Artie moving when he was upset about Nancy?
Magnus: I hear the words but I want to hate you for them. I think I'm gonna go hide in the closet.
Voice: Okay.

I repeat... happiness to come soon! but the bandaid had to come off.

Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 16]
« Reply #80 on: August 30, 2021, 02:38:38 PM »
Chapter 16: First Birth

If this house needed anything it was a big dose of happiness. Just like this.

Voice: You know from this angle you look normal.
Artie: What are you talking about?
Voice: I mean I can't tell you're any different.
Artie: What do you mean I'm different? What happened now?

Voice: The second trimester. You're huge!
Artie: You know... nevermind
Voice: What?
Artie: Just a joke to myself.
Mizuki: He's right though. That belly of yours...

Artie: Wanna touch him?
Mizuki: What makes you so sure it's a boy?
Artie: I don't know. I mean for all we know it's twins too.
Mizuki: Twins in there?!
Voice: Oh Carl I hope not.

Voice: Feeling better?
Artie: I little. Not sure how I'm going to get back up when this water turns cold.
Voice: A problem for future Artie.
Artie: Exactly.

Magnus: Hey Artie.. you've been hitting the leftover cake kind of hard there haven't you buddy?
Artie: No. But now I want cake and my eggs.
Kaori: Cake does sound good.

Artie: So Magnus. I wanted to talk to you.
Magnus: What?
Artie: Well you know how you just called me fat?
Magnus: Maybe...
Mizuki: Now I want cake too, but I have class.

Artie: Well I'm not fat. I'm pregnant. I'm having a baby.
Magnus: How is that even possible?
Artie: Well you see when two people have enough of a pink bar.
Magnus: Crazy old man. I meant.. why you and not her?
Mizuki: -starts humming-
Artie: It's the Voice's fault. But he's not sharing.
Voice: Hey I never claimed that I had anything to do with this development.
Artie: And yet you won't tell me what you know!
Voice: -gargled cry of frustration-

Kaori: I know you're doing your homework but I wanted to tell you before anyone else figured it out.
Magnus: What's going on, love? I always have time for you.
Kaori: You're going to be a Daddy.
Magnus: What?!
Kaori: I know!
Magnus: That's awesim!

Voice: Really? Again?
Artie: My pants are feeling restrictive due to the increase of my waistline if you must know.
Voice: We could get you a robe or something.
Artie: I like this better.
Voice: Ugh.

Kaori: Whoa.  Maybe I shouldn't have had that cake after all.
Voice: Nah.. that's just the morning sickness. It'll pass.

Just when you thought he couldn't get any bigger. Welcome to the third trimester.

Artie: KayKay... I know you're hungry because you're eating for two but you can't eat two plates at the same time. I've tried
Kaori: That sounds like a challenge.
Artie: I mean.. maybe.  But don't go far, I can only waddle so fast.

With breakfast over, the timer's running out, and generation two on the way, it became apparent that some of the requirements probably needed to be worked on. So Kaori has picked up gardening. And the watcher gets to try this oversized crop thing. (Spoiler: I'm not good at it... yet)

Artie: Oh boy. That's not good.
Voice: What's wrong?
Artie: I think I'm in labor.

Mizuki playing the role of Dynasty spouse: -freaks out!-

Mizuki: OMG the baby is coming. The baby is coming!
Max Villareal (no really): Ahh I love the sound of panic in the early morning.
Artie: -chuckling between contractions- Yeah it is nice. And it's not me this time.

Voice & Artie: Where are you going?!

Well, it wouldn't be a Grim birth if someone wasn't on the computer, would it?

Nurse: How can I help you, sir?
Artie: Get it ouuuuuut.
Male Nurse: Apparently we've got another abduction victim.
Artie: Something like that.. help me.
Nurse: Give me your name and address and as soon as Doctor Villareal comes in. He'll take you to the birthing suite.

Artie: I'm not so sure about this. Maybe I should have done this at home.
Voice: And somehow made a mess? I don't think so.
Artie: Yes but this wasn't in the last simverse. I don't like it.
Voice: It's perfectly safe.

...and bugged.

Random Extra:

The grim reaper has been stalking people in my game. This is the third victim in as many traveling locations.  Rest in Peace L. Faba. You might be missed.

Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Rhoxi

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Wow, Artie. Just wow.  ;D

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Offline oshizu

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The new living room looks gorgeous!
I hope the household realizes how lucky they are to have a TV at home!
(My sims never do because I live in fear of them inadvertently watching the Comedy channel--you know the drill.)
Oh, I looked again and noticed they even have a gaming console!  Watcher, you are playing fire!

LOL, I thought that Max Villareal showing up as the doctor delivering Artie's nooboo was sufficiently hilarious, but then Doc Max has to go stand on Artie's tunny.
But not a glimpse of Artie's nooboo(s).
What a cliffhanger! *bites nails and shifts to the edge of my seat

Just wondering: should I start making popcorn now or wait until tomorrow?
Haha, just kidding. I realize you posted two updates today.  I should survive without another fix until tomorrow or whenever you have time next. *drums fingers impatiently, anyway

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 17]
« Reply #83 on: August 30, 2021, 05:07:17 PM »
Chapter 17: Aww Nooboo

Artie: What is it?
Max: It's a girl!
Artie: I like it when I have girls.
Mizuki: -still playing games and freaking out in the wrong birthing suite-

Artie: -puts on everyday wear and picks up the baby- Hello little one.
Max: What name are we putting on the birth certificate?
Artie: Alena.  Alena Grim.
Max: That's nice. Now it's time for you to go home and enjoy forgetting how to sleep at night.
Artie: That part I remember from before.

Artie: -arrives back home... back in his gown-
Voice: Um. Didn't you already change?
Artie: Yea and then I realized this is more comfy. Has extra room.
Voice: Well okay then.

Artie: -baby talks to the little one-
Alena: -coos-
Artie: And Daddy is going to take care of you for a long time. You'll be together for six more generations. And then you'll get to meet all your other siblings on the other side. The ill-mannered get that doesn't even come by to say hi.
Voice: Umm. they can't.
Artie: We're ignoring the voice in the sky too when he says stuff that upsets us.

Voice: You sure you want to go to work today?
Kaori: I'll be fine. I want my next promotion and that will happen today.
Voice: Okay if you say so.
Kaori: I'll be back soon enough.
Voice: Here take two sack lunches.
Kaori: Good idea. Oh and I think Alena was working on a dirty diaper. Grab Artie.
Voice: -snorts-

Kaori: Told you I could do it.
Voice: Yes congratulations on the promotion in your third trimester.
Kaori: I'm tired. I think I need a nap.
Voice: Okay.

Kaori: Ugh I feel so uncomfortable.
Voice: You look it. Sometimes you look normal and other times it's just.. wrong.
Kaori: Why haven't I gone into labor yet?
Voice: I don't think it's time.
Kaori: Oh.. well I guess I'll go water the plants.

Kaori: Or... well that's not how I planned to water the flowers.
Voice: Magnus!

Who needs words when this picture says it all

Voice: What are you doing?
Kaori: Well no one came to check me in so I thought I'd tinker on this thing while I waited.
Voice: I think Max is coming now.
Kaori: Good.

Um yeah..Another one of those pictures that need no words. She was just waddling with the doc to the suite like everything was fiiiiine.

Max: Okay I think I got the hang of this this time.
Voice: So far so good. No weird glitches.

Magnus: Ahh what just happened.
Voice: I jinxed it.
Magnus: What's happening!
Voice: Look into this light. You never saw this.

Max: It's a boy.
Kaori: It is?!
Max: And he's perfectly healthy. 
Kaori: He's so little. Let me out of this thing already.
Max: I'm trying. I promise.

Kaori: Happy Birthday, little one.
Max: What name did you guys have for him?
Magnus: Ichiro. Ichiro Nishidake Diehl.
Max: That's a mouthful. Well, good luck on sleeping.

Voice: What are you doing?
Artie: It's been almost twenty-four hours. Time to get rid of the baby weight.
Voice: Well.. Kaori had a boy.
Artie: that's great. I'm happy for them.
Voice: Did you have anything to do with that?
Artie: Not at all. Neither of us wanted to know remember?
Voice: Mhm. So just think it's fate or something.
Artie: Maybe? I don't know. They could just be best friends for all I care.

Voice: Everything okay? You're supposed to be sleeping while the baby sleeps.
Mizuki: Yea it's all great.
Voice: Then what—

Whoops. Happy Birthday, Mizuki.

Wow, Artie. Just wow.  ;D
I say this.  A lot.

@oshizu Until they give me cause to be worried, I am letting them have their fun. Sort of. I am a slave driver after all. And yes I did two but then I got impatient and went ahead and wrote up #3.

And for those of you keeping count. That means we are one away from the answer to the ultimate Grim question: Red or Not?

Ricanote: I did not influence the births at all. Like it was mentioned, I decided to see what the game would give me. Either way, they would be BFFs, naturally.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

Please read and follow the Forum Rules.

Stories: Artie | The Race | Grim Chronicles | Revenge | Licious | Artie's TS4 Dynasty | Grim Rivalries | Speed Dreamin'

Offline Rhoxi

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Also gotta agree with Oshizu about the living room; it's gorgeous! Where is that couch from? And yay! Nooboos!!

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 18]
« Reply #85 on: September 01, 2021, 07:30:49 PM »
Chapter 18: Ding, Baking's Done (aka: Red Or Not?)

Artie: Hello my little angel. I'm the one you were kicking from the inside, but I still adore you. Yes I do. Yes I do. And that little guy over there? He's going to be your best friend. I'm not saying you have to marry him, but together you will go through a lot as you learn about what we're doing and why.  And did you know.. you're named after his grandmother who was my best friend. This lifetime is just getting started little one and you're going to do big things.. but no pressure, of course. Just can't fail.

Artie hosts a house party for Magnus's adult birthday.
Artie: Hey look, everyone. The birthday boy found the candles. -starts the group singing- Now don't spit on the cake, son.

Magnus: That wasn't so bad after all.
Artie: Told ya.
Magnus: Do I look different?
Artie: I can see your crow's feet.
Voice: No he can't. He's older than you and his eyesight isn't the best anymore.
Artie: Hey!
Kaori: -snickers-

Magnus: Aww they're so sweet.
Artie: Yes but it won't last.
Magnus: Yes I know they could be like me as a teen.
Artie: No I meant we're about to have two toddlers int he house in the next 13 hours or so.
Magnus: Wow. already?
Artie: Time flies when they're nuggets.

Artie: Here you go sweetheart.  The timer has popped and it's time to see Daddy's girl.
Magnus: Timer's popped indeed.
Artie: And remember.. I'll still love you if you look like your mother but I would rather you look like me since I was in labor for..
Voice: Enough already! Sparkles do your thing.

She's Red!
Artie: You're perfect just like your Daddy. And tomorrow morning your best friend is going to join you in the land of learning things.


Voice: Hello Alena. That's Ichiro. He's going to be your playmate soon.
Alena: -babbles-
Voice: We really need to get you talking. I didn't understand a word of that.

Alena: -goes on an adventure without anyone else, babbling the entire time cutely-

Mizuki: Whew. You're so stinky.
Alena: -giggles-
Mizuki: You just had to do this when no one else was around huh?
Alena: -murmurs-
Mizuki: Yes I agree. Potty time.
Voice: No.. bad translation. That's not what she said at all.
Mizuki: But it's what she's getting.

Mizuki: Just like that. The stinky goes into the hole and then the maid will come to clean it up.
Alena: Tink ho
Voice: Uh.
Mizuki: Right.. talking is next. I got this.

Mizuki: -hotheaded trait rears its ugly head- Look at this mess. Who is gonna clean all of that up? It's not going to be me!
Alena: -starts sniffling-
Mizuki: Oh.. Sweetie. I'm not mad at you.. exactly. Well a little but that's no reason to cry.
Alena: -sniffles more-
Voice: You need to read a parenting book. I miss those from the other place.
Mizuki: -slight growl at the voice-
Voice: Maybe some therapy too.

Kaori: And the king told his princess that she was causing a scandal and she needed to go away to learn her manners. On the way to figure out what he meant, she ran into a red man.
Alena: Da.
Kaori: No.. not your dad. I don't think. -gets thoughtful-
Voice: Oh it was totally him. Keep going. Some of my favorite parts are next.

Ichiro: -screams because his butt needs attention-
Alena: -wakes up because his butt needs attention- Da! Da! Da!
Artie: What is it, munchkin?
Kaori: I got him. Go cheer her up

Alena: Eeee!
Artie: -laughing-

Artie: Oh that's a good one, big girl. Thank you so much. I gotta take Aunt K somewhere special. Mommy is going to take care of you.
Alena: K. Da. K.
Artie: You got it. Now go learn some good words from Mommy before I get in trouble.

Brittney, new sage of mischief: And there you have it. Now get that red man out of here before someone notices him or he touches something he shouldn't.
Kaori: Oh.. okay. But.. do you know a potion recipe perhaps that I could learn?
Brittney: Sure why not

Ricanote: While I love this image because of what it represents. This trip also cost me Magnus's graduation photo. I was so mad. He graduated with a distinguished degree in fine art with honors. Mizuki isn't allowed to start up her classes again until after toddler training is a little more handled.

Mizuki: Mama. I'm Mama.
Alena: Zuzu
Mizuki: No. I'm Mama.
Alena: Zuzu.
Mizuki: Okay.. next word. Artie.
Alena: Daddy!
Mizuki: Shh.. don't wake up Ichiro. He needs to rest for his birthday.
Alena: Cake?
Mizuki: No cake.
Alena: Aww
Kaori: We're back. And it's time.
Mizuki: Hear that? It's time.
Artie: Baking timer went off. Let's see what we got.
Kaori: He could look just like me.
Artie: He could. And we'd still like him. You normies are fun sometimes.
Kaori: -rolls eyes-

He's Purple! That hair color - I have no idea where he got it. But it's cute.. though he needs a haircut.

Handsome Little Man!

Friends already. And the new generation of biting heads has begun!
Voice: I wonder what you guys are babbling about.
Another Voice: Probably how annoying your voice is. You're in trouble. The chief would like a word.
Voice: Oh.. okay.

Ricanote: Squeeee they both got a skin tone! I was so ecstatic!
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [9/1 - Baking's done!]
« Reply #86 on: September 01, 2021, 08:48:29 PM »
Yay, you got just the combination of skin colors you'd no doubt hoped for!
I mean, green Alena would also have been beautiful, but it's so fitting that Artie's heir be red!
And both kids are freaking adorable.
Great job, everyone! You too, Voice!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [9/1 - Baking's done!]
« Reply #87 on: September 02, 2021, 06:28:00 PM »

Whoooo! Such delightful and colorful nooboos! So nice to see a mini red Artie.

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 19]
« Reply #88 on: September 05, 2021, 03:23:32 PM »
Chapter 19: Toddlers - Round 1

Alisa: C'mon little one. I think it's time for you to get a bath.
Alena: No bath.
Alisa: There's a green cloud honey. It's time.
Alena: No bath!
Alisa: We can play with bubbles and a ducky and you can splash all you want.
Alena: Bath now.
Alisa: Say Please.
Alena: -just stares-
Alisa: I had to try.

Alisa: Oh sweetie we don't eat the ducky.
New Voice: Actually we do eat some ducks. Just not rubber ducks.
Alisa: Exactly..
Alena: *splash, giggle, squeal, more nomming*
Alisa: This one is going to have a hole in it before you even get dry.

New Voice: Oh no. We forgot your birthday, didn't we?
Kaori: I thought we had more time, too. It's okay. You just took over after all.
New Voice: This is what happens when I'm distracted. I forget to remind people.
Kaori: And Artie is slaving away at some museum project.
New Voice: Yea.. he's having fun with that.
Kaori: I can tell by how many naps he takes.
And why yes that is Alisa mentoring Magnus. Yay Nanny. But yea.. got wrapped up in the red man who is making me concerned that he might not make it before the clock runs out. Oh, and these toddlers are cute but they refuse to do what I tell them to do.

Mizuki: Let's play sweetie.
Alena: Play!
Mizuki: Wheee -spins in place with her arms going through her body while the baby never leaves the ground-
Alena: Daddy doesn't do it like this.

New Voice: Taking a moment for yourself?
Kaori: It just looked so inviting and cool.
New Voice: Absolutely. Though there is a giant pool.. right over there.
Kaori: Just needed a quick dip, hair isn't wet at all.

It's just so cute to watch them play in this tent.
Ichiro: Mama! Mama!
Kaori: -still in the pool- I'll come play in a moment honey.
Ichiro: Mama.. Play in pool.
Kaori: Oh well.. I guess since I know it's safe. Mizuki grab Alena.

*childlike giggles and splashes*
Kaori: You like how that feels? Nice and cool.
*splash splash splash*
Kaori: Oh here comes Alena.
*squeal of delight*

Kaori: Hey look here. I got you a ducky just like what's on your wings.
Ichiro: Oooh.
Alena: Not bath.
Mizuki: Nope. Not a bath. Time to play with the water.
*double the giggles and splashing*

Kaori: Oh honey don't eat that.
Artie: Alena comes from a long line of toy eaters. He'll be fine.
Kaori: ...
Artie: Okay back to work.

Ichiro: Uni why you sad?
Uni: -just is-
Ichiro: It's okay. It's okay.  I'll be friend.
*continues to babble until he can do almost full sentences because that's how it works*

Alena: Whatcha doooing?
Yamato: -scared, drops bottle- Ahh!
Alena: -staring intently-
Yamato: It's just so creepy when you do that.
Alena: -smiles and moves to watch someone else for a little bit-

Ichiro: Fly like superhero!
Magnus: -makes flying noises-
Ichiro: Wheee.

New Voice: You look mighty full of yourself
Artie: You know it, baby. I'm the Boss again.
New Voice: Miss the glow?
Artie: Yea but it's okay. I can glow a different color at almost every festival over in the city.  Not the same but what're you going to do huh?
New Voice: Exactly. Congrats buddy.
Artie: Thanks, new guy. Whatever happened to the other guy?
New Voice: Oh.. he um. He got reassigned and is around here somewhere.
Artie: Ahh. They do it so strangely these days.
New Voice: I know.  Completely strange. -not convincing-
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Staying Alive: Take 5 - A Story about A Grim [Chapter 20]
« Reply #89 on: September 05, 2021, 04:13:18 PM »
Chapter 20: Toddlers - Round 1.5

Voice: Artie! What are you doing?
Artie: Going outside.
Voice: Put some clothes on!

Artie: There.. happy?
Voice: Argh. They tried to warn me, but I just.. wow. There are children in this house now. Can't go walking around like that.
Artie: Why? They do.
Voice: And we tell them no, too!
Artie: New house rule.. no pants required.
Voice: Veto. -impersonates a buzzer sound- Nope. Not happening. Go get dressed and get back to work.
Artie: Fine.

Yep he just put on his boxers instead...
Alena: Whatcha dooooing?
Artie: Making a component.
Alena: Why?
Artie: Because I have to.
Alena: Why?
Artie: Because it's required.
Alena: Why?
Artie: Ask your mother.
Alena: Why?
Artie: Because I said so.
Alena: Why?
Artie: I'll give you sugar later.
Alena: K!

Alena: ZuZu! Whatcha doooooing?
Mizuki: Mama. Say Mama.
Alena: Okay Zuzu. Mama.
Mizuki: -sigh-
Alena: Whatcha doooooing?
Mizuki: I'm writing a book.
Alena: Why?
Mizuki: Because I want to, it's what I do for money.
Alena: Why?
Mizuki: Because I'm famous for it and I like writing.
Alena: Why?
Mizuki: Because I like books.
Alena: Why?
Mizuki: Because books are doorways to new worlds and views without ever having to really change into pants.
Alena: No pants!
Mizuki: Well.. just pajamas.
Alena: Why?
Mizuki: Help me, Watcher One-Kenobi.
Voice: Not that kind of watcher.
Alena: Why?
Artie: -maniacally laughs in the background-

Brindleton Bay is the home of Thunder and Lightning. It storms all summer. ALL SUMMER. Like all the time.
Voice: Umm.. Kaori.. You look a little..
Kaori: I got a zap of electricity and it was great.
Voice: Um. You sure you're okay?
Kaori: -storm chaser- Yep this is the best. Okay.. need to check on my plants.
Voice: Maybe put the umbrella down so you don't attract another strike.
Kaori: I'll be fine...

Kaori: And that's why we say please and thank you.
Ichiro: Why?
Kaori: I just told you why.
Ichiro: But why?
Kaori: This is a game I don't like between you two. How about we find something else to do?
Ichiro: Like what?
Kaori: I have just the thing. Watcher help me if you will.
Voice: Sure.. if I can.

Artie: -plays Jaws soundtrack-
Voice: Not funny
Artie: A little funny.
Voice: At least they're having fun?
Artie: All that matters.
Voice: Getting close?
Artie: Can't tell.

Kaori: -giggling- Stoooooop.
Magnus: Not until you say the magic word.
Kaori: Noo.
Magnus: C'mon just one little word.
Kaori: -can't stop giggling-
Still cute and so much in love it's not funny.

Artie: -making funny faces at Alena-
Alena: -is concerned, doesn't know whether to laugh or cry-

My first oversized crop! Kaori did great. Even if I can't really figure out how to make this work better. Trial and error and eventually maybe reading a guide about it. Maybe.

If looks could kill... you'd never know they were having a nice conversation together.. sort of.

*Trumpet noises*

Voice: Very nicely done.
Yamato: It's so beautiful.
Voice: It really is. Now to go put that where no one can get it.
Yamato: Am I done?
Voice: No you fished up 6 more fish and I have the other pieces you need too.
Yamato: Good thing I like cooking huh?
Voice: Yep. Sounds about right.

Did I enslave some poor butler to learn the last few points of cooking and gourmet cooking just to make ambrosia... of course not.. no.. -cough-
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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