Chapter 14: Celebration Time
My niece: You never showed me the water balloon fights.
Me: Well they weren't going to play in the snow. That was snowballs.
My niece: Pleeeeeaaaaaase.
Their aim has not gotten any better...

..until it did.
My niece: They're all standing in puddles.
Me: Because they actually hit each other.

Kaori: I was wondering since the vacation got cut short if you wanted to go out with me. Maybe do something just us before you have to start the new term and I go back to work
Magnus: I think that's a great idea.
Kaori: I know just the place.
Magnus: Just tell me what to wear, love.

Voice: Hey. We got him for Lena.
Artie: Yea but I just couldn't help myself. I have work soon.
Voice: That whole mood thing for work is only certain people these days.
Artie: Yea well.. I needed that.
Massage Therapist: I always get the crazy clients.

Magnus: This place is amazing.
Kaori: I know. Come here I want to show you my favorite part.
Magnus: Whatever you want.

Kaori: From up here the whole world is put into perspective you know?
Magnus: It's certainly breathtaking. Though not my favorite view in the simverse.
Kaori: And what's that?
Magnus: You, of course.
Kaori: -chuckles- Smooth.
Magnus: I thought so. You know I've been thinking—

Kaori: -drops down- Marry me.
Magnus: Babe.. I was supposed to do this.
Kaori: I was feeling impatient. Just.. let's do it. Tonight.
Magnus: Tomorrow.
Kaori: Soon.
Magnus: Absolutely.

Random picture to break up the mood before Artie accuses us of being a kissy story again. They went to dinner and everyone just sat there annoying the chef. He was Magnus's only friend in school.

Voice: You're looking very pleased with yourself.
Artie: You're looking at the Brains of the operation. Only one person in my way of being the Boss again.
Voice: Are you sure you're the
brains of the operation?
Artie: Hey.. what are you trying to say?

Voice: So.. you like?
Lena: Mhm. If I could just get these needles to do what I want.
Voice: Whatcha making?
Lena: A hat for my grandbaby. You should be making something too.
Voice: Yeah. I probably should.

Ta-Da. The corner of the yard has been transformed! Who's ready for a wedding?

Voice: What is wrong with you?
Artie: Too much lovie dovie stuff happening.
Voice: Yea that's not it.
Artie: I think I ate a spoiled bag lunch.
Voice: Ew.

Artie: And then you'll never believe what she said after that.
Artie: I know.
Just an erratic Sim talking to his friends.. Nothing to see here.
Magnus: And Mom.. I don't want you to be too surprised. But we're about to have a wedding.
Lena: Oh. Is that why we had an arch show up?
Magnus: Yes. Exactly. And we're doing it tonight.
Lena: Am I making the cake?
Artie: Yes, please. I almost just lost a finger with these BLTs.
Lena: That would have been funny. A great wedding gift even.
Artie: Hey!

Voice: You okay?
Artie: I don't understand.
Voice: What's wrong?
Artie: Check my moodlets.
Voice: Oh. Yea. About that.
Artie: So you knew?
Tiny Voice: Maybe.

Artie: So.. I have something I need to tell you.
Mizuki: Is everything okay?
Artie: Actually, I'm not sure. But I think I know why you've been having
trouble.Mizuki: What do you mean?

Artie: Because apparently, I'm the one who's pregnant!
Mizuki: What?!

Voice: Still Mad.
Artie: Not talking to you.
Voice: Oh c'mon.
Artie: this is going to completely ruin all of my pants.
Voice: That's not how this works.
Artie: None of the lines are going to be right for days.
Voice: Are you really throwing a tantrum over pants?
Artie: No.. Yes.. Maybe. I don't understand and I'm going to continue to take it out on you until someone explains.
Voice: I.. I'm not allowed.
Artie: ...

Artie: Oh man.. I now owe many many women in my life an apology.
Mizuki: Where is Magnus?
Artie: Ugh. I feel so bloated.
Kaori: Brant I'm surprised you actually came.
Lena: Me too.
Brant: You're my friend. Of course, I did. Plus you're kind of marrying a celebrity. I want his picture.
Kaori: Wow.
Eventually he arrived. Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep people over here when Magnus chose today to be slow.
No one ever sits where you want them to.

By this gnome, I pronounce you Mister and Missus.
Artie: That gnome seems familiar.
Voice: He's only been standing out here for a few hours.
Artie: Right right.
@oshizu I would like them to all get it but I'm doing it in spurts because of work/school/etc. I want Artie to get it if no one else. So Yeah I can't wait either especially since I have no idea what that is!
Oh, and your vote made the tally 1-0 so.. it happened.
Also do you have any idea how hard it was to hold this back for so long?