Well, what a way to come back home from the beach. Welcome home, Artie and Rica. You have been missed. I can't wait to see what ole red gets into now.
Surprise! Hi Shannon! And thank you thank you. I missed you guys too. I bet Artie even missed Chrome Dome (being an ex-husband and all)

Didn't get to say congratulations but we mean it, as you know.
There were some parts of the nightmare that were vivid and fun.

Like beating up this guy. I can't even remember his name. We shall call him Ken.

And looking my new
vibrant lady. Because heirs are required and I knew this was a dynasty or else I wouldn't have had the field view.

The first birthday of the house and came completely as a surprise. [ Because devs forbid we be able to actually control pets this time ]

Bigglesworth: You can quit staring. I know how good I look. The markings are the best part even if the young one demanded the pink star on my haunch. Now to try the things I've been missing.

Bigglesworth: Yes. The view is so much better up here on the counters.
Voice: But he's trying to make breakfast.
Bigglesworth: They've been eating cat hair for days. A little more doesn't hurt.
It is funny that as soon as he's big enough, he chooses to sleep in here with him.
Bigglesworth: I'm not sure you're doing it right. Can you even see in that mirror?
Judith: And that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...
Bigglesworth: C'mon woman. Pet me. I know you have the cat toy in your pocket.

Bigglesworth: -sniffs- So this is what the butler made for dinner hm?
Artie: Yes. He's quite good. Keeps Judith happy since she can't make anything worth spit and hates eating food that tastes bland. Sooo picky.
Bigglesworth: Is that.. cheese?

Bigglesworth: Om nom nom
Artie: No. No. None of that. You get your foul mouth out of what was going to be breakfast and now isn't.
Bigglesworth: If you're not going to eat more then I can have more. It's so good. -snuffles-

Artie: Ahh nothing like playing in the rain. Because forget this place being Del
Sol Valley. Spring showers every day!

Though there was one good thing that came from being cooped inside. At the museum, I saw her over the fatheads. She's gorgeous and colorful and dem hips. Yum-my.

Some kid: Hey lady what's your favorite color?
Artie: Seriously? Did you not see we were trying to talk?
Kaya: Um. Red. Like him. Get the hint?
Kid: Oh... Yea. Sure. Okay.
Artie: You're amazing.

Artie: And this is the house. Like I said. It's great. Completely fenced in away from paparazzi. Has a jacuzzi in the back. I'd like you to live here with me and Judith and Bigglesworth.
Kaya: Are you compensating? Should I be worried?
Artie: Oh no. Trust me. Just need space for things because my roommate is a snobby you know what.
Kaya: Ahh. Yea. Needs a certain number of paintings and all that.
Artie: And a litter box.
Kaya: What?
Artie: Nothing, I have to work but here lemme grab Judith to chat you up.

Judith: So you're the latest victim. He told me to make sure you move in now that you've seen the place.
Kaya: Sure if that's what you want to call me, but he promised to help me get into Uni.
Judith: He's made promises to me too. And so far he's done well. I don't even have to cook.
Kaya: Oh but that's great. So we should make the most of this right?
Judith: Just make sure he stays upfront with you and if you have questions, ask the cat. He seems to know more.
Kaya: Haha yeah. Okay.

Judith: Well welcome to the house. Bigglesworth and I call it Hotel California because you can't ever really leave.
Kaya: Sure. And you invited me here and didn't share this before why?
Judith: Well someone has to give him babies and it won't be me.

Kaya: Oh so Bigglesworth is a cat.. not the butler. Huh.
Bigglesworth: And you're the new one. Do you know what you're getting into?
Kaya: I think so. Anything else you think I should know?
Bigglesworth: Just keep him on a tight leash. Does wonders for keeping him interested. And you can pet me now.

Butler: So why do you cut wood if you're worried about your manicure all the time.
Judith: Because using a saw and a hammer can be a good stress relief for all the nosy paparazzi and fans I see every time we leave the house.
Butler: Oh. So you think this new one is going to be good?
Judith: She'll keep him distracted.

Bigglesworth: Oh yea.. that's the spot.
Kaya: Just like this huh?
Bigglesworth: Oh yea. You might be a sucker but you got some magic fingers
Artie: She does huh?

Kaya: So I was thinking —
Artie: -goes in for the kiss-

Artie: Smile! First selfie as a couple!
Kaya: Okay... This is a bit weird.
Artie: Just go with it. You're my new girlfriend.
Kaya: Any way we can get rid of the flowers on the door?
Artie: They won't change a thing until I've earned it.
Kaya: Who?
Artie: Bigglesworth and his bud that doesn't speak.
Kaya: I'm confused.
Artie: Get used to it.

Artie: Well well well Hello old friend.
Mortimer: Hello. Do I know you?
Artie: Oh is that how we're playing it. Yes, we knew each other when you were younger. A long time ago back in Sunset Valley.
Mortimer: I haven't thought of that place since.. well it's been a while. Though I think I'd remember someone of your shade in my past.
Artie: Don't worry it'll come back to you.

Mortimer: Have you met my wife Bella?
Artie: Yes, Morty. I know your wife.
Bella: Well Hello. Nice to meet you. What is that purple woman doing over there?
Artie: Finding out if the guru thinks we should stay together.
Mortimer: That's great, old chap!

Artie: Wow. You punch hard.
Ginger: I just won six times in a row. We're now enemies. Please leave.
Artie: Sure as soon as the world stops spinning. Wow.. those sneakers are so cute. Gelly would love those.

Meanwhile.. over at the flea market...
Ricanote: Finding out who this was was such a shock. I had no clue.. but then.. an idea formed..mwahaha. Next time my darlings.