Author Topic: So Abduction, But No Cigar 9.2: Life States Dynasty (Completed 25 Aug 2021)  (Read 22304 times)

Offline reggikko

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Re: A Life States Dynasty 2.2 (Tribe 2) (29 Jul 2021)
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2021, 03:01:27 PM »
You are just flying through this challenge. I love how you've mixed up the marriages and lone moveouts. Little Lyra is adorable. It's too bad that elixir didn't really give you any benefit at all.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Life States Dynasty 2.2 (Tribe 2) (29 Jul 2021)
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2021, 05:06:57 PM »
Well, that elixir and your moral support did encourage me to believe that I might someday complete the insect collection.
Yutaka has the Fertile trait but I guess the two elixirs cancelled out its effect. lol.

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A Life States Dynasty 3.1 (Tribe 3)
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2021, 03:29:14 PM »
Tribe 3, Part 1

Yutaka: Now that I'm a Professional Slacker who's around the house all the time, I'll do this update's narration.
You also want to hear about our household from my perspective, right?  Right!?

Week 7, Sunday
It's our very first Skill Day.  It's about time!
Lonnie and Lorna are now children, working hard on their childhood aspirations.

As a teen, Lyra devotes Skill Day to her Robotics skill instead of her character values.
Alas, my Patriarch trait exerts zero effect on Lyra's Robotics skill gain.

Early this morning, Ynna gives birth to a little spellcaster, whom we name Bikuni.
By the afternoon, she ages up to a toddler. Am I wrong to hope she becomes a Daddy's Girl?

The Skill Day boost on top of all our other skill boosts made a huge difference.
With me training her, Bikuni nearly maxed Potty Training at the first go yesterday!
Yuna and I gave her a second wind whenever possible and she maxes all her skills by morning.
From left to right: Lorna, Lyra, Ynna, Yutaka, Lonnie, and Bikuni.

I get abducted again in the wee hours of the night.
With only 3 kids in Tribe 3, I've really been feeling the pressure!
Sadly, I have no control  over the whims and fancies of Sr. Pollinator Technician #3.
'We'd also planned to adopt a third child after Lonnie and Lorna, but Watcher reminded us a day too late.

Teen Lorna and Bikuni enjoy breakfast together.
Lorna's such a good daughter; she cleans up without being told!

Lyra ages up to a young adult with three positive character values.
That completes my Super Parent aspiration.
Unfortunately, Yuna 's aspiration doesn't complete because she's not Lyra's biological parent. (Really?)

Darn it, Lyra!~  You forgot to add your third trait! *sighs
Watcher:  Grrrr! *facepalms

Bikuni brings home her classmate Christie Sigworth of Strangerville.
However, Christie spends the whole time making puppy-dog eyes at our teen son Lonnie.
Could this be a romance in the making?

Lonnie: Um, no, Dad! Definitely not!

Bikuni ages up to a teenager this morning.
She's every bit as beautiful as my lovely wife.  *whispers: maybe even prettier…
Here she practices guitar while learning Emotional Control.
Volunteering may be quicker, says she, but music is more satisfying.

After completing her homework, Lorna is so close to her third character value.
To boost her Responsibility that last little bit, she starts a school project.
And she's ready to age up: Good-Mannered, Responsible, and Emotionally Controlled.

Her siblings, Lonnie and Bikuni, also lack a smidgen of Responsibility.
Now a young adult, Lorna can teach responsibility to each of them.
That's all Lonnie needs to age up.
But Bikuni needs Lyra to come teach her responsibility as well as well as more teeth brushing.

By morning, our children are all gainfully-employed young adults.
From left to right:  Lorna, Lyra, Yuna, me, Lonnie, and Bikuni.

Lorna's an Academic and an Educator..
Lyra's a Bestselling Author and a Writer.
Lonnie's a Jungle Explorer and a Civil Designer.
Lastly, Bikuni's a Super Parent and a Style Influencer.

We're leaving in a few hours for a short vacation in Selvadorada.
It will be great to get away from home for a few days!
I mean, I'm so tired of getting abducted in vain, you know?
(Incidentally, we've moved Lyra to Tribe 3 since she's spent most of her time with Tribe 3, not Tribe 2.)

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Life States Dynasty 3.2 (Tribe 3) (31 Jul 2021)
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2021, 10:37:55 PM »
Tribe 3, Part 2

Week 7, Friday
Loonie: We're here in Selvadorada for two of my unique skills: Selvadoradian Culture and Archaeology.
At first, I have no local socials to share with the vendor.
In the meantime, I interview her about utilities (for my Civil Designer's daily task).

With this vendor's help, I max Selvadoradian Culture in no time.
Not only does the vendor show me her secret wares, she also becomes my good friend.

My sis Bikuni became good friends with Christie, then aged her up to a teen.
But I know Christie would rather be my good friend. (Bikuni doesn't mind, either.)

Erm, I might have aged Christie and her six-pack abs to a young adult.
And, uh, she might be my girlfriend, too.  *whistles innocently

Lorna: I run into that hunk Sergio Romeo while he's strolling past our house.
I schmooze him into being BFFs then persuade him to spend the night. *waggles eyebrows

Week 8, Sunday
For some reason, Sergio snuck off around dawn this morning.
But I invite him back over this afternoon to finish what we started.
Sergio's got a charming smile, a dry wit, sculpted abs, a great job, and a beachfront home.
Who cares if he hates children?  Not me!

Yutaka: Tribe 3 has two unique skills left: Fabrication and Parenting.
Lonnie's trying to max Fabrication without rummaging for bits & pieces.
And Bikuni needs to max Parenting without a youngster to nurture.

But the most time-consuming skill so far has been Lyra's Robotics skill!

Our lovely Lorna looks so diligent and serious in her frumpy Educator's outfit.
No doubt she will be the first child of Tribe 3 to move out.

Our kind-hearted Lonnie has the worst luck ever.
When volunteering, he always made the wrong choice and lost empathy or manners.
He's also not doing as well as his siblings in his career.
Seriously, besides Lonnie, who takes two workdays to earn their Level 2 promotion?!

Yuna and I are so very proud of Lyra!
She'll certainly become a Bestselling Author before moving out!
She's published a half dozen books today, so she might be done in 2-3 more days.

Another night, another abduction.
I hardly have the heart to hope anymore.

It's 1 am when I'm back from the spacecraft.
Before heading to bed, I give Bikuni a final parenting tip.
And what do you know? She maxes Parenting!
All she needs to move out is a third good friend.

It's so peaceful after the kids have left for work!
How time flies!
Last Friday, I drank my first Potion of Youth two days before my elder birthday.
Today, it's Yuna's turn to drink her first Potion of Youth.

We last moved out Akemi as a spellcaster (Tribe 2), so our next child must be human.
And that would be Lorna!

Right after earning her third promotion, Lorna elopes with Sergio and moves out.
We give her the means to buy her and Sergio a super-deluxe double bed.

Next to move out is Bikuni, who's a born spellcaster like her mother.
She doesn't want to get married, so she moves across the street from us.

I'd spent the day rummaging in the trash for bits & pieces for our Lonnie.
Yay, he finally maxes Fabrication!
Earn your third promotion tomorrow, son.  We know you can do it!

When Lonnie offers to mentor me, I gladly try my hand at making a candle.
What? You're wondering about my bulging waistline?
I expect to go into labor around 1:30 am on Monday.
So much for Yuna and I enjoying a short vacay before Tribe 4!

Lonnie earns his promotion to Green Technician, then marries Christie Sigworth.
With $17,000 in goods, he's able to remodel her childish bedroom for adult use.
He also buys the household a pricey TV and comfier sofa.

And now, we're ready to start Tribe 4, so I switch to the Mansion Barn aspiration.
Yuna chooses Bestselling Author, buys the Connections and Pro Slacker traits, then joins the Writer career.

Lyra sits and chats with Britany and Payton, the two children we adopted last night.
Her Bestselling Author aspiration completes at 10 am, which means she can write the Book of Life!

Ater writing the epic sagas of Yuna and I into our Books of Life, Lyra moves to Medina Studio Apartments in San Myshuno.
She's got a crush on her co-worker Salim Benali but dislikes his grungy apartment.
That's why she's moved into the pricey 2-bedroom apartment (over $30k!) next door.

She better hope another girl doesn't come along who cares more about Salim than about his crib! Just sayin'...

And now, on to Tribe 4!

Watcher's Note
We went through lots of trouble for Lyra to write Yuna a Book of Life, starting with Yuna maxing Writing so she could mentor Lyra.
Before moving out, however, Lyra managed to "steal" Yuna's book from her parent's locked bedroom.
Of course, she was made to go back immediately to gift Yuna's Book of Life to her.
Why would Lyra do that and how did she get the book from their locked bedroom?

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Life States Dynasty 3.2 (Tribe 3) (31 Jul 2021)
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2021, 11:30:08 PM »

Wow, your sims get abducted a LOT. Hope you're having fun with that!  :P

Offline oshizu

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Re: A Life States Dynasty 3.2 (Tribe 3) (31 Jul 2021)
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2021, 11:37:12 PM »

Wow, your sims get abducted a LOT. Hope you're having fun with that!  :P

Haha, this is a Life States dynasty, so I welcome alienboos more than I usually do.
Also, I'm skipping the vampires because I'd hate to see their vampire children burn to death during the daytime.
As for the frequent abductions, it helps that the father's in the Scientist career, has maxed Logic, and is obsessed with the Observatory.

Are you almost ready to unveil your new Immortal Dynasty, @Rhoxi ?  I'm looking forward to it!  :)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Life States Dynasty 3.2 (Tribe 3) (31 Jul 2021)
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2021, 12:05:32 AM »

Thank you! Perhaps it's about time I should start posting, although there's not too much to share just yet.

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Re: A Life States Dynasty 4.1 (Tribe 4) (2 Aug 2021)
« Reply #22 on: August 02, 2021, 03:51:53 PM »
Tribe 4, Part 1

Yuna: I'm back to chat with you all.  Did you miss me?

Week 9, Sunday
It's a peaceful Sunday with our toddlers--Britany and Payton--sleeping.
Yutaka read a tip about listening to Kids's Radio for multiple births, so we're both trying that.

I've started out Bestselling Author with a ready reserve of novels from previous weeks.
Yutaka only needed more windows and columns to complete his Mansion Baron aspiration. Who knew our home was already worth over $350k!

Despite his Fertile trait and countless hours of Kids' Radio, Yutaka birthed one son last night.
But, oh, what a beautiful child he is! We've named him Nikolas.

Yutaka changed his everyday look to include drawstring-waist pants for extra comfort.

I'll be going into labor past midnight tonight, but I stopped listening to Kid's Radio after the (single) birth of Nikolas.
With only three kids in the house, I consider buying the Fertile trait.

Of course, I'll get fertility massages this evening in the hope of twins.
If not, Yutaka will need to spend his nights in the Observatory, searching for the truth.

Returning from the hospital around 2 am, I find two bassinets on our patio.
Boy/girl twins and they're both spellcasters!

I don't know about your Watcher, but our Watcher almost never gets boy/girl twins.
(And yes, I caved and bought the Fertile trait yesterday afternoon.)

All of our previous natural-born kids had green eyes like mine.
Yutaka is thrilled that Kenzo  (left) and Chidori (right) are the first to inherit his violet eyes.

Britany, Payton, and Nikolas are sick of emptying trash and brushing their teeth.
Now the three of them hope to gain Responsibility by caring for insect farms.

Are school projects a better way (though certainly not as cute)?

Today, Yutaka and I are united in a single objective: two Top-Notch Toddlers by late afternoon.

In other news, I became a Bestselling Author this morning then left the Writer career.
Publishing novels alongside Lyra last week gave me a head start with publishing royalties.

Tada!  We hold back Britany and Payton's teen birthdays to bring you this family photo of our five children!

From left to right: Britany, Chidori, Nikoas, me (Yuna), Yutaka, Kenzo, and Payton.

When ageing up, Britany chooses this hairstyle herself and it suits her!
She gives up on her grubs to start, but not complete, a school project.
And her Responsibility value's in the bag.

The kids are approaching Round 2 of the unique skills.
Before they can start, they have five skills remaining in Round 1:
Fishing (Britany); Knitting & Cross-Stitch (Payton); and Handiness & Rocket Science (Nikolas).
Here, I'm teaching Payton to knit.  He's a natural!

An acquaintance tactlessly points out to Yutaka that's he's looking pudgy these days. 
He buys a rock-climbing wall and prepares to work out, when he remembers Taste of Diet ice cream!
(Yet another priceless tip from reggikko from several years ago.)

*whispers: Besides his lost waistline, he looks like he has a first-trimester baby bump

Nikolas doesn't regard me as the Matriarch, though I'm his primary caregiver.
In fact, I've spent more time looking after him than Yutaka has.

Nikolas plays chess next to the Observatory so he can benefit from Yutaka's Patriarch trait.
Out of compassion, I go outside and mentor Nikolas until he reaches Mental 10, his third skill, so he can age up.

Payton has maxed Knitting and draws closer to doing the same for Cross-Stitch.
He's such a gentle, sweet-natured son.  And he's always willing to help with cleaning.

Once he's done with Cross-Stitch, he'll continue working on his character values.

Now a teen, Nikolas starts his Nerd Brain aspiration by reading skill books.
We've assigned him the easiest Round 1 skills: Handiness and Rocket Science.

Naturally, he loves this "alone time" with Yutaka and looks forward to Yutaka mentoring him in Handiness.

Week 10, Sunday
Thanks to more of Yutaka's mentoring, Britany maxes the last of the Round 1 skills.
Now the kids can start on Round 2 of "unique" skills!

Also, Yutaka asks me to point out his sleek side profile!  No more spare tire for him!

I am well aware that this challenge's focus lies in our raising 45 talented offspring.
But would you mind terribly if I sneak in another shot of the "new Yutaka"?
Not only has he regained his flat stomach but he also a waistline again!

(Yes, I'm being shallow, but I really didn't want him to get over-muscular from rock climbing…)

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So Abduction, But No Cigar 4.2: Life States Dynasty (4 Aug 2021)
« Reply #23 on: August 04, 2021, 11:27:20 AM »
Tribe 4, Part 2

Week 10, Monday
Yuna: Here's the latest shot of our growing household.
From left to right: Chidori, Nikolas, Payton, me, Yutaka, Britany, and Kenzo.

Today, Britany and Payton start in their respective careers: Civil Designer and Critic .
Nikolas, Kenzo, and Chidori attend high school for the first (and last) time today.

Payton earns a promotion and invites over his coworker Diego Lobo.
In high school, Payton had a huge crush on the stylish Diego.
As soon as Payton aged up to a young adult, he became a Critic like Diego.

My sweet Payton is not such a shy boy after all. Diego looks positively enthralled.

The food stall across the street from us has been a boon to this household!
Our Social Butterflies always start with the vendor of this 24/7 stall.
Whenever the kids feel happy, they build Good Manners by giving heartfelt compliments to not only other family members but also the vendor.
Tonight, Britany visits him for her daily task: "interview a homeowner about utilities."

Nikolas and Chidori aged up last night and got jobs.
Nikolas has a few hours before his first shift as a Scientist begins.

What a surprise that Moira Fyres, his third good friend, is in the military.
You'd think she'd join the Botanist career, no? (And I do NOT appreciate the way she's looking at my son!)

Payton prepares a Lemon Meringue Pie and maxes his third skill, Baking.
He's eager to move out and live in San Myshuno.
All he needs is two more career promotions.

I write an excuse note for Kenzo so he can stay home from school today.
Due to poor parenting by his inexperienced (young adult) siblings, his Empathy has dropped twice this morning!
Thankfully, he's ready to age up to a young adult by noon.

You might wonder why Logic is Kenzo's unique skill, when Nikolas needs it for Nerd Brain.
Since Kenzo is thinking of living nearby, it'd be handy if he could be a Mental/Logic mentor.
Besides, Nikolas has already maxed two mentor-able skills.

Naturally, Senior Pollinator Technician #3 abducts Yutaka now that he's regained his figure!

Between breakfast and work, the kids study their skills for a few hours.
Nikolas, Chidori, and Britany are learning skiing, snowboarding, and rock-climbing, respectively.
I've given Yutaka a Robotics book to read so he doesn't run off to the Observatory.

Would Kenzo learn Research & Debate faster by that Archive Machine or by skill book?

Chidori is a lovely girl but has been the most difficult child of this tribe.
As a toddler and child, she was constantly making a mess.

Right before her first day as a Painter today, she runs into the garden and becomes Very Focused.
I have her quickly buy and drink an Inspired Potion.
Sheesh! Chidori doesn't even have any Gardening skill!

Oh, the sacrifices Yutaka and  I make for our children!
Right now, I could be sleeping  in our super-comfy, fully-upgraded bed.
Instead, I nap on the sofa next to Kenzo so he benefits from my Matriarch trait.
On the plus side, he maxes Research & Debate tonight.

The whole family is out working today except me.
Nikolas has become Yutaka's co-worker at The Lab, so they left for work together.

Meanwhile, I've joined the Culinary career to prepare for my next aspiration.
My sense of timing is the worst: I don't start work until Friday evening…

Aside from Payton, all the kids have now earned two promotions.
Certainly, Nikolas, Kenzo, and Chidori will earn their third tomorrow.

But Britany seeks supernatural help with her Civil Designer career.
The Wishing Well generously grants her a guaranteed promotion tomorrow.  Perfect!

Payton earns his third promotion today, so he and Diego tie the knot.
Both art critics, they'll be living in Diego's posh penthouse in Uptown San Myshuno.

Kenzo: Rock Climbing's been such a slow grind for Britany, she's switched her third skill to Photography.
Around 10 pm, she unintentionally captures this shot of Yutaka being abducted.
Nooo, don't take Papa!  I need him to mentor me in Fabrication!

Nikolas: Since Britany was taking photos, I had to wait three hours before I could move out.
But here I am, living in a small trailer in StrangerVille.
I like the idea of living around a lot of other Scientists like myself.
And I hear that Lonnie (one of our siblings) lives with a local girl in this same hood!

Yutaka: Hey, didn't I just get abducted?  Did Nikolas moving out cancel my abduction?
Kenzo: I guess. Anyway, I'm glad you can keep mentoring me, Papa.
This Fabricator machine works much faster than the candle-making table.

Yutaka: Sure, Kenzo.  And Britany, drink another moodlet solver and keep climbing!

Kenzo: A little past 1 am, I max Fabrication and move into Sultry Springside across the street.
I don't have the fancy backyard pool area like Akemi next door, but my house is better furnished.

Yuna: I'm back home from work without a promotion because I forgot to "Work hard." *sighs
At 3:31 am, Yutaka and I are ready to start on Tribe 5.
I switch to Master Chef and Yutaka switches to Freelance Botanist, but then at 3:36 am…

Darn it! "She" could have at least waited until he adopted first! I'm going to the adoption agency, anyway.

Britany: I finally max Rock Climbing around 2 pm then move to Evergreen Harbor.
I'm living in a 1-bedroom place in the Stonestreet Apts. in Grims Quarry.
My moving allowance lets me remodel and buy nicer furnishings, including a huge TV.
It's a good-sized home for me and there's a fishing spot nearby.

Chidori: Obviously my parents know nothing about San Myshuno!
They move me to the "Needs TLC" apartment, assuring me I could switch the lot trait later.
But guess what?  It's permanent!

I do receive a generous housing allowance and completely redecorate, though, so there's that.
Still, do you think my parents play favorites? Was I just not a good enough daughter?

Week 11, Sunday
Last week could surely not have been any more hectic! 
During our 24-hour period, we adopted three kids who you'll meet next time.

Unfortunately, Yutaka is not pregnant.  On the bright side, I'm in my first trimester.
So while I'm out working, Yutaka better be searching for the truth!

Here's the order in which Tribe 4 moved out:
15. Payton (Human): Lord of the Knits; Art Critic 4; Knitting, Cross-Stitch, Baking; Home: 1020 Alto Apts., San Myshuno; Spouse: Diego Lobo.
16. Nikolas (Alien): Nerd Brain & Joke Star; Scientist 4; Handiness, Rocket Science, Skiing; Home: Slip 42, StrangerVille; Single.
17. Kenzo (Spellcaster): Mansion Baron & Party Animal; Law 4; Research & Debate, Logic, Fabrication; Home: Sultry Springside, Oasis Springs; Single.
18. Britany (Human): Eco Innovator; Civil Designer 4; Fishing, Photography, Rock Climbing; Home: Stonestreet Apts. #3, Evergreen Harbor; Single.
 9. Chidori (Spellcaster): Fabulously Wealthy & World-Famous Celebrity; Painter 4; Painting, Dancing, Snowboarding; Home: 12 Chic Street, #1313, San Myshuno; Single.

Watcher's Notes
* Nikolas, Kenzo, Chidori, and Tribe 3's Lyra each completed their first aspiration, so they were assigned a second one.
* I have yet to turn any of the children into a vampire, because I fear having to watch them die by sunlight as part of a non-active household.

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So Abduction, But No Cigar 5.1: Life States Dynasty
« Reply #24 on: August 05, 2021, 07:13:28 PM »
5.1: Tribe 5, Part 1

Week 11, Sunday
Food stall vendor: Wow! Is it my imagination or does that man across the street get abducted every 2-4 days?
Better him than me, I say.

Yutaka: Our three grade-schoolers just left for their first day of school.
I'm jazzed you've asked me on a date, Yuna, but why doesn't this feel like a date?

Yuna: I'm making "3 gourmet dishes during an event" for my Master Chef aspiration.
Once that's done, though, our date can begin for real.

Sasuke and Tamika sit and chat about their school day.
Arturo's invited Mara Watson home after class.

Sorry to break the news, Arturo, but Mara is not for you.

My day off coincides with the day I give birth to a little human girl.
Yutaka names her Niki, after a famous female chef.

Sasuke surprises me by playing with the doctor's kit on his own.
He also cleans autonomously.
It's hard to avoid favoring him among the Tribe 5 children.

Niki is a beautiful toddler and a very fast learner.
Don't be fooled by her angelic look!
She' enjoys making messes and playing in the toilet.

By the time I'm home from work, Niki's ready to age up.
The older three are almost ready to become teens as well.
We take a moment to pose for a family shot.
From left to right: Arturo, Tamika, mama Yuna, Papa Yutaka, Sasuke, and Niki.

There he goes again! I'm glad they waited until Niki aged up…

Sasuke, Tamika, and Arturo became teens last night.
With no school today, they look forward to a three-day weekend.

When Sasuke aged up to a toddler, he chose an all-pink outfit.
Now that he makes his own wardrobe choices, he chooses pink as his hallmark color.  He's looking fiiiiine.

From terrible toddler to challenging child, Niki is ready for school.
Shall we age her up to teen as quickly as we can or not?

Pro: a child easily gains Empathy or Conflict Resolution by repeatedly queued actions.
Con: some children are super messy and require constant vigilance.

In case you were wondering, that last abduction was a winner!

For their next birthday, the boys only need to build Responsibility.
But Tamika needs both Responsibility and Compassion.
Sasuke starts a school project that teaches Programming, since that's one of his skills.
Arturo's not as lucky with his project options, so he starts a Logic project.

By noon, Sasuke gains enough Responsibility to age up.
Then, as young adult, Sasuke teaches Responsibility to his brother.
Soon after, Arturo also ages up to a young adult.

Arturo joins the Business career to emulate, he says, his "future father-in-law"
Huh, his future father-in-law? Who dat?

Yutaka: Yuna's at work and I'm crafting camping mascots.
Behold the children, skilling in the proximity of their Patriarch.
Technically, Tamika isn't skilling; she's doing a school project.
She just enjoys everyone's company.

Soon, Tamika gains enough Responsibility and ages up to a young adult.
She then invites someone surprising to mentor her in Pipe Organ.

Vlad: You're not even my type!
Tamika: Oh, please! You're an aristocrat, and I'm a snob.
Plus, we're both Music Lovers and I'm not only gorgeous but also modest.  We're a perfect match!

Tamika: It's no easy task to win Vald's heart!
First off, he does that darn bat thing whenever I pucker up to kiss him.
And then there's my family.  It's a household conspiracy, I swear!
One by one, they make excuses to come to the front porch. 
Go away, Arturo!  No, I do NOT want to chat with you just this minute. Sheesh!

Niki: I absolutely love being the youngest in the family!
Mama helps me with Conflict Resolution and my siblings take turns teaching me Responsibility.

In fact, I haven't brushed my teeth even once in my life!
Arturo: Hush, Niki! Ain't nobody wants to hear that you never brush your teeth.

Yuna: Before nightfall, Niki ages up to a teen with 3 character values in range.
So, she buys three reward traits then ages up again right away.

Here we are with our four young adult children.
And Yutaka expects to go into labor early Tuesday morning.

For some reason, our Tribe 5 children seem to be growing up faster than our children in previous tribes.
Can we thank our accumulated reward and bonus traits, which boost our parenting skills?
Or are we simply becoming better parents?

Offline reggikko

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Re: So Abduction, But No Cigar 5.1: Life States Dynasty (5 Aug 2021)
« Reply #25 on: August 05, 2021, 10:16:19 PM »
YAY for fruitful abductions.

So, Tamika and Vlad?!?! I didn't see that one coming. I'm itching to know where that's going to go!

Tamika and Niki are both so pretty!

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Re: So Abduction, But No Cigar 5.1: Life States Dynasty (5 Aug 2021)
« Reply #26 on: August 05, 2021, 11:17:13 PM »
Thank you! He's had so many unsuccessful abductions that I'd thought, "I'll just capture every abduction but only post fruitful ones going forward," and then....success!
I'm sure the scarcity value is what makes alienboos so desirable, haha.

Vlad has Level 10 Pipe Organ so he can mentor. :)
This group was so easy to raise, except for Niki.  It took her so long to "Draw 2 pictures while inspired" for Artistic Prodigy!
By the time she finally finished her 2nd drawing, she'd reached Level 9 Creativity.  She's great and perhaps the prettiest of the natural-born girls.

I like the adopted kids so much this group, I'm tempted to adopt two pairs next time.
Give me and mu papa sim a break from searching for the truth, lol.

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So Abduction, But No Cigar 5.2: Life States Dynasty
« Reply #27 on: August 07, 2021, 03:59:49 PM »
5.1: Tribe 5, Part 2

Week 12, Sunday
Yuna: Skill Day catches us by surprise this morning. We do need to check the calendar more often.
We make a short trip to Selvadorada for Arturo to learn Selvadoradian Culture.
He learns it in record time and we're back home a few hours later.  Thank you, Skill Day!

While the others kids are skilling hard, Arturo has only 3 promotions left.
He invites over his childhood BFF, Olivia Kim-Lewis, then ages her up. Twice.

Do you see how he dragged the counter out front to avoid the rest of the family?
By the time Olivia's ready to go home, she's Arturo's girlfriend.

Tamika: Aaargh, it's all too frustrating!
How can a girl make a move when Vald's constantly flapping his bat wings?
And don't get me started on my family's various pretexts for coming to the front porch.
Sasuke, just leave the darn book on the table!

After my siblings go to bed, I finally manage to propose.
Vlad's an evil loner so I wasn't sure he'd say yes.
But….we're officially engaged!

Yuna: I bring home my Level 8 promotion at 2 am and complete Master Chef!
Just in time, too, since the kids start moving out this week.

I phone in to quit my Mixologist job.

Four-plus hours later, Yutaka gives birth to a little girl. We name her Ayame (Iris).
We'd planned to have her live undisguised disguise like her two alien siblings, Lyra and Nikolas.

But Yutaka changes his mind after seeing Ayame's human disguise.
She has black hair with eyes the same violet shade as Yutaka's.

After work, Sasuke invites his friend Liberty Lee over.
They're both geeks and enjoy spending time together, but Sasuke's hoping for more.

He wants a Big Happy Family with someone who also wants lots of children.
Someone like Liberty Lee?

Tamika might have acted impulsively last night.
When Vlad came to visit, she asked him to turn her.

She expected to earn her third promotion tomorrow.
How was she to know that she'd have Wednesday off?

Sasuke earns his third promotion this evening and can move out anytime.
He's staying a little longer, though, to help Ayame with her character values.
After they play together, Ayame is ready to age up.

Niki: Can you believe Papa?
I take my coworker Mitchell Kalani to the side of the house for some privacy.
Why did Papa follow us here?  Fine, I'm gonna smooch Mitchell, anyway!

We don't know exactly when Tamika will transform, so I've locked her indoors since morning.
In the afternoon, she shifts and her dark form is incredibly distasteful.
Tamika likes her vampiric makeover so much, she copies it over to her human form.
We're not taking any chances: she remains locked indoors until her work shift tomorrow.

Niki also has the day off today, so she invites Mitchell over again.
Niki has two marriage options in the culinary career:  Mitchell Kalani and Raj Rasoya.

No surprise she chooses to live with the laid-back Mitchell and his hip roomies.
Living with that uptight Raj and his hotheaded mother wouldn't suit Niki's style.

Arturo brings home this third promotion, then immediately gets married.
He's living with Olivia Kim-Lewis in her large, modern house in Willow Creek.

Ayame, now a child, has no school today, so Sasuke takes a day off from work, too.
He devotes much of his day teaching Ayame to say sorry.
Every so often, he calls a break so he, Tamika, and Niki can teach Ayame Responsibility.
Ayame's off to a great start.  Every child should be so lucky!

Before going to bed, Sasuke asks me to give him the Rite of Ascension.
Abracadabra, mumbo-jumbo.  Sasuke, you are now a spellcaster!

First thing this morning, Sasuke invites Liberty Lee over and they elope.
At his new Willow Creek home, Sasuke remodels the bedroom he shares with Liberty.
He also upgrades the beds of Summer and Travis as well as the dining/kitchen area.

The biggest hit is, of course, the large TV and gaming console.
After he moves, Yutaka and I switch to the Renaissance Sim aspiration.

Tamika then Niki earn their third promotions tonight.
I hope Count Vlad will keep Tamika happy and safely out of the sunlight.

Before Niki elopes with Mitchell, we've adopted 3 kids and aged them up to toddlers.

In her new home, Niki buys new beds for everyone and new patio furniture.
With Mitchell tending bar and Niki cooking, just imagine the parties they'll throw!

In move-out order:
20. Arturo (Human): Archaeology Scholar; Business 4; Archaeology, Selvadoradian Culture, Wellness; Home: Cypress Terrace; Willow Creek; Spouse: Olivia Kim-Lewis.
21. Sasuke (Spellcaster): Big Happy Family; Tech Guru 4; Parenting, Programming, Video Gaming; Home: Garden Essence, Willow Creek: Spouse: Liberty Lee
22. Tamika (Vampire): Vampire Family; Entertainer 4; Comedy, Pipe Organ, Vampire Lore; Home: Straud Manor, Forgotten Hollow; Spouse: Count Vlad Straud IV.
23. Niki (Human): Master Chef; Culinary 4; Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Flower Arrangement; Home: Cacti Casa, Oasis Springs; Spouse: Mitchell Kalani.
24: Ayame (Alien) still at home.

Offline reggikko

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Re: So Abduction, But No Cigar 5.2: Life States Dynasty (7 Aug 2021)
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2021, 07:35:57 PM »
WOW, WOW. So much progress! I doubt I'll bother with getting very many kids married now that Big Happy Family is out of the way, possibly one from each group. I love both Niki and Tamika!

Offline oshizu

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Re: So Abduction, But No Cigar 5.2: Life States Dynasty (7 Aug 2021)
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2021, 08:23:55 PM »
WOW, WOW. So much progress! I doubt I'll bother with getting very many kids married now that Big Happy Family is out of the way, possibly one from each group. I love both Niki and Tamika!

LOL! This group of kids seemed to run into townies that seemed to me like a compatible match.
Like Arturo making Olivia Kim-Lewis his BFF for Social Butterfly.
Sasuke was SUCH a good son that he deserved a partner to go with his Big Happy Family aspiration (though none of the kids are having children since the parents completed Big Happy Family).
Niki was a naughty, messy child so I'd planned to saddle her with a mother-in-law, but she grew up nicely and ended up with coworker Mitchell instead.

But yeah, it's a lot of extra time and effort--not doing marriages at all for the current Tribe. Well, not unless one of the girls is Kiyoshi-Ito-worthy, hehe.