Author Topic: Good as Gold: A Seven Heroes Dynasty (New format 7/24/21)  (Read 3322 times)

Offline reggikko

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Good as Gold: A Seven Heroes Dynasty (New format 7/24/21)
« on: July 14, 2021, 02:02:27 PM »




Offline reggikko

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Re: Good as Gold: A Seven Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2021, 02:25:37 PM »
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Character Values
Good Manners   

Grow 7 plants of different species: catnip, parsley, elderberry, madnip, garlic, Dragon fruit, sage   
Find 7 collectibles: My Sims X4, fossils X 2, crystal X1   
Complete 7 emotional whims: CON_tell unbelievable story, CON-practice speaking in the mirror, SAD-call someone on the phone, SAD-write in journal, H-meet someone new, IN-buy an easel, H-make a friend   
Complete 7 volunteer activities: She did all of them at least once.   
Make 7 good friends: Julia Wright, Johnny Zest, Duane Talla, Knox Greenburg, Jennifer Akiyama, Bess Sterling, Rohan Elderberry
Reach level 7 of an adult skill: Gardening   
Make 7 objects: Garden pot X 4, mirror X3

Completed Projects
Assemble a natural history museum containing 7 collections of 7 unique items each. Aliens, crystals, fish, fossils, insects, metals, microscope prints.
Assemble an Omiscan museum containing all artifacts, treasures, and relics.
Create 7 Simbots and give them to 7 elders: Meredith Roswell, Johnny Zest, Penny Pizzazz, Knox Greenburg, Roomies, Gemma Charm, Rohan Elderberry
Grow 7 perfect fruits, 7 perfect vegetables, and 7 perfect herbs Herbs: madnip, catnip, basil, sage, valerian, garlic, parsley; Fruit: Glow orb, Quill fruit, lemon, avocado, blackberry, elderberry, grape;
Vegetables: carrot, green pea, bell pepper, spinach, potato, onion, green bean
Max flower arranging skill and give away 70 arrangements
Max Secret Agent career and witness the deaths of 7 evil Sims Malcolm Landgraab, Max Villareal, Evie Delgato, Olivia Mendez, Juan Diego Meza, Greta Hernandez, Thaddeus Cowan

Physics, Distinguished
Psychology, Distinguished


Careers: Secret Agent

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Re: Good as Gold: A Seven Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2021, 02:32:39 PM »
Very impressive. I think Rose has a good future.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: Good as Gold: A Seven Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2021, 08:38:17 PM »
Wow, two distinguished degrees?
Also, Rose and her Watcher deserve a medal for collecting all 27 mysterical relics!

Can't wait to learn what else Rose gets up to!

Offline reggikko

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Re: Good as Gold: A Seven Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2021, 02:21:23 PM »
In the beginning, Rose divided her time between University, travelling to Selvadorada, and once her skill level was high enough, building robots. I chose not to adopt the second hero during this time because I knew that completing the Selvadorada project was going to be time consuming. I think I spent about 3 Sim weeks on these projects.

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Concurrently, Rose worked on the Natural History Museum, which she completed fairly easily.

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Note: The robot project was not completed in those 3 Sim weeks. Rose worked on that for quite some time in between completing and working on other projects.

Next up was the Secret Agent Career and witnessing the deaths of seven evil Sims. Malcolm Landgraab and Max Villareal were a given. Rose purchased the Observant reward trait so that she could find out a Sim's traits with an introduction. She met two evil Sims in Selvadorada and the rest back at home. Finding seven evil Sims wasn't all that difficult, but now I had to decide how best to dispatch them. Since Rose had spent so much time in Selvadorada, she had some extra relic pieces. She'd been lucky enough to find an assembled Zazatotl Death relic. Inserting a rare crystal and cursing a Sim makes them Marked for Death. The guide says the Sim has only three days to live, so I thought this would be a good way to go since it tied in with Rose's jungle adventures.\

Great. Except that it doesn't take three days. The *final* stage takes three days, but it takes about 8 days total before the Sim dies, so that was out. Rose began quickly leveling her flower arranging skill. She made arrangements scented with the Death Flower she got from Patchy (I used Patchy to help level gardening without having an actual garden so that he couldn't tend any plants). In the mean time, she formed a club with the "fix objects" club activity. It had been raining in Oasis Springs, so I bought some dishwashers and refrigerators and put them out in the rain to break them. I tried stereos, but they weren't as effective. The problem with this method is that most of the Sims ignored the broken objects. One Sim was electrocuted. Another repaired an object with no problem. She must have had some Handiness points.

I then changed the club activity to "woohoo" and aged Sims up to elder using the flower arrangements. Rose "helped" two Sims and another died from autonomous rocket woohoo with another club member. Flower arrangements took care of the rest. I wanted to have some variety in the deaths, but didn't want to resort to fencing off a pool and other methods like that. I wanted to use actual game mechanics to achieve the goal.

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For those who read my previous first installment, I decided on a different way of documenting the challenge because trying to come up with a story just bogs me down.

Edit: I had some trouble getting this to post and somehow the below images became attachments. I'm not sure how to get rid of them without deleting the pictures inserted in the post. Well, I got rid of most of them, but had to do all of my images over again. When I try to delete the last one, I keep getting a message saying the body of the message was left blank, so that's the best I can do. Sorry about that!

Offline oshizu

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Re: Good as Gold: A Seven Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2021, 02:28:32 PM »
What a great approach to shaking up the means of death for Rose's 7 evil sims! She's getting so much done!
For me as a reader, you documenting your challenge journey is more than interesting enough. :)

Offline reggikko

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Re: Good as Gold: A Seven Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2021, 02:33:34 PM »
Thank you! @oshizu

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