Author Topic: A New Sharebear  (Read 11881 times)

Offline fanofaband

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2021, 06:25:19 PM »

Italy went into labor awhile after Egypt died.  One goes out, one comes in.  Welcome Vatican, a little girl!

...and San Marino, apparently.  Really Italy?  Again?

Monaco and Liechtenstein are children now!  Monaco is Neat with the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration and an even bigger afro.  Liechtenstein is a Vegetarian with the Social Butterfly aspiration.  The sooner I can get that one done the better, I hate making friends in game.  Not to mention the first night they were children they found the monster under the bed and freaked out their uncle as well.  Poor guy.

Vatican grew up to be Clingy and I'm not sure about her hair color yet.

While San Marino is Angelic and another red head.  They're both Spellcasters as well!  All the 2nd gen children have the Ancient Bloodline trait, so I'm assuming it'll keep going through the whole legacy.

With so many people in the house, I figured it was time for an upgrade, AND Pierce has the Mansion Baron aspiration, so I might as well work toward that at the same time.  30 windows is going to be rough.

Not to mention they only have about $5k after adding an entirely new floor and furnishing it a little bit.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2021, 11:41:27 PM »
Um, for someone who prefers playing small households, you now have a 7-sim household.  (Did I count right?)
It's a little hard to tell, but do Italy & Pierce have one girl (Monaco) and 3 boys?
If Italy or Piece do Big Happy Family, their 3 sons will be a great advantage.
San Marino is a real cutie!!!

Oof, getting Manson Baron so early in your legacy is tough!
Great incentive to expand the house, though. :)
Btw, you never mentioned where you starting lot is.  The 64x64 lot in Brindleton Bay?

Great progress!

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2021, 01:59:03 PM »

Yup... there are now 7, and I'm hating this game file right now trying to micromanage them all, lol.  It's actually made it pretty hard for me to play, unfortunately, especially since they're all so close together and I'm trying to manage a bunch of aspirations for the points.  Italy and Pierce have 3 boys (Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino) and 1 girl (Vatican) so you were close with the names!

Oh right!  I bulldozed the 64x64 lot in Windenburg and set up there, sorry about that!  If I'm ever unclear, please keep calling me out, I always forget the important stuff!

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2021, 02:04:30 PM »

Ah!  Vatican has black hair and is absolutely adorable for a Clingy little toddler!

Pierce became an elder, which means it won't be far off for me to only have 6 in the household.  He won't make his Mansion Baron aspiration, we just don't have the funding for it right now.  I'm still not the best at the game so I don't know the best ways to make money, and the bills every week are really kicking me, being about $4500 at the moment.

Germany became a teen and a Genius to go with his Loves Outdoors trait.  He also wants to be Master of Mischief, which I've never done because I can't seem to be mean in games lol.  I'm managing it so far, he's on the 3rd part of his aspiration already!

Evidenced by a fight to get his 2nd dislike.  With a teen.  Who kicked his butt.  And is a girl.  There goes that potential romance.

Tired of being Angelic, San Marino grows up to be Mean with the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration.

While his twin, Clingy Vatican, becomes a Perfectionist with the Artistic Prodigy aspiration.

Italy takes a few moments to breathe while working on her Renaissance Sim aspiration while her husband is at work and her brother and children are all at school.  So far she is on her last step for it, and only has 1 skill at level 8.  However she's still a young adult so I'm pretty sure we can get this one done!

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2021, 11:30:32 AM »

Italy becomes an Adult with 3 more skills to get to level 8 for her aspiration!

Germany is working hard on his Chief of Mischief aspiration, he bought a voodoo doll and bound it to Pierce.  Mainly.... because he's a bit expendable and old at this point.

Liechtenstein becomes a Teen with the Loves Outdoors trait and the Angling Ace aspiration, which totally works for me.

While his twin, Monaco, becomes Paranoid with The Curator aspiration.  Hopefully nodes respawn more for him than for Egypt, but I don't have high hopes.

Pierce works out whenever he's not too overworked, because he's in the Astronaut career.

....uh oh.  Whoops, my bad, I didn't think he had the debuff up.  It must have just been some fluke.  Poor guy, he didn't reach the top of his career OR finish his aspiration, but at least he helped bring in Gen 3.

Like her mother before her, Italy now sleeps alone.

Germany becomes a Young Adult soon after, with the Snob trait and quickly reaches the top of Chief of Mischief!  Whoo!  He changes it to the Programming one, which I don't remember what the name is at the moment.

Vatican grows up as well, with the Self Assured trait and Friend of the Animals aspiration.  Not too happy about that, never done it before and it's going to be a pain in the backside I bet.

San Marino is Active with Renaissance Sim just like his mother.  Soon after this, Italy reaches the top of hers and switches hers to Nerd Brain.

Vatican immediately adopts a puppy named Dixie, who ends up being Stubborn, a Glutton, and... some other horrible trait I can't remember at the moment.  At least I'm taking notes for my heirs.

Now they're starting to grow up!  Soon enough there will be a small poll for the heir, but for now...

Monaco becomes Self Assured and is actually on the last stage of his aspiration, which is exciting.

Liechtenstein is... Paranoid.  Really?

Italy leaves the house for awhile to work on her Nerd Brain aspiration, because she needs a little peace and quiet every now and then.  I also figured out Clubs a little!  So they're all in a club with a bunch of perks already, because sleeping is a positive thing to do lol.

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2021, 08:02:30 PM »
Wow, your household is growing and changing so fast!  I can't believe the Gen3 kids are already teens!
It's always such a relief when the toddlers age up, yeah? I hope you're still not hating your game file...

Haha, I didn't mean to "call you out" about the home lot--I was genuinely curious.  I also played my first legacy on that same lot, Dryden or Dresden or something.
Rest in Peace, Pierce!  That was totally unexpected. :(

Great job helping Germany complete Chief of Mischief!
Looks like everyone's doing great with their new aspirations!
For San Marino, you prob already know this but he can fulfill his "Reach Level 3 of a career" by working part-time jobs as a teen.

(Can I just say I ** hate "Friend of the Animals? You're lucky to have a pet with bad traits though...more opportunities to correct their behavior, hehe.
Italy's being awesome.  Doing great, Watcher!

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2021, 11:36:30 PM »

Things are a little smoother now with the club being active all the time, at least they're doing things that make them NOT try and die lol.  I'm trying with it all at least!  Still majorly winging it, but we'll see how this keeps going.

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2021, 11:40:10 PM »

Italy is officially an Elder and 2 promotions away from being the top of her Food Critic job.

And now the moment we've all been waiting for!  Who's the 3rd gen heir going to be?

Firstborn Monaco is Neat, Paranoid, and Self Assured, currently working on The Curator but he just has one more thing to do.

Twin Liechtenstein is Vegetarian, Loves Outdoors, and Paranoid, currently working on Angling Ace but he also only has one more thing to do.

The only girl, Vatican, is a Perfectionist, Self Assured, Goofball, with Friend of the Animals, which is going to take forever.

The youngest, San Marino, is Mean, Active, and Paranoid, with the aspiration of Renaissance Sim, which Italy has already completed for the family.

Let me know who you think would be best!

Offline oshizu

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2021, 09:14:01 PM »
How completely bizarre that all three boys inherited their father's Paranoid trait!
I think either Lichtenstein or San Marino would make the best Gen3 heir.
I'm finding it hard to chose between them.

Lichtenstein is a safe bet because:
(1) he's a redhead
(2) he's nearly done with his Angling Ace aspiration; and
(3) He shares the Loves the Outdoors trait with the Faust twins

Personally, I prefer San Marino because:
(1) He's not only a redhead but also the best-looking Gen3 kid
(2) Renaissance Sim isn't a time-consuming aspiration to complete
(3) Since the Faust twins' Public Enemy aspiration requires joining a Criminal career, San Marino with his Mean trait could maybe join the other Criminal career (Boss?).
On the minus, San Marino could pass on his Mean trait to the next generation.

For myself, I would pick San Marino to enjoy the drama of a crimm couple.
But choosing Lichtenstein and having them in one of the work-from-home Garden careers would mean mellower gameplay.

Aargh, I'm giving my vote to San Marino.  (I bet you're sorry you asked....)

By the way, how old are the Gen3 kids?  They all look older than teens...

Offline fanofaband

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2021, 09:25:49 PM »

I know right?  I was surprised when they all rolled Paranoid!  Liechtenstein was my favorite, honestly, but I'll go with San Marino since he's the favorite, and hey!  It'll get me out of my normal play style ;)

They are all Young Adult now, I figured I'd way to see what the final trait was (since I'm not rolling them all at once) before I put them out there for voting.  At this point I figure you're the only one voting, lol, so we'll go ahead with the file!  I bet I'll have an update later tonight!

Offline fanofaband

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2021, 10:18:01 PM »

San Marino is thrilled to be the heir!  Already scheming for what he can do to get what he wants, he joins the Criminal career

Vatican moves out with her dog, Dixie, to make way for the next generation.  Sure, Italy isn't too far away from the bubbling life line, but still, I figure it's for the best.

San Marino hears of someone who just moved to town with her brother and is... quite interested, even if she is bald.  (I most definitely don't have that many expansions and packs, lol)

Elektra is soon moved in to the Sharebear household!  She's... not quite sure what to do with all of these people, however, who seem to be so worried about everything.  Easy pickings, huh?

Due to me loving Liechtenstein and Monaco for being the first set of twins in the game file, they stay in the house to work on their careers and aspirations.  Liechtenstein just needs to catch 1 more unique fish and Monaco just has to finish up a collection.  Liechtenstein gets chained to the easel from time to time as well, trying to get a portrait of Elektra eventually.

Germany just has to get to Spellcaster level 5 for his newest aspiration and then he's finished with another one!  He's really been an asset to the family, it would seem, and I was worried about him at first.

Elektra finds out she's pregnant!  She rushes outside to elope immediately with San Marino after telling him the news.  She then inherits and works on the garden as her new husband sings his heart out.

Until he starts laughing, that is.

And then falls over...

Elektra can't imagine life without her one true love, and begs Grim for a second chance.  That was all he needed, however, and due to Elektra expecting their first child, Grim is kind.

San Marino lives to be mean another day.


I legit almost let San Marino go for the ghost, but... decided against it at the last second.  I don't remember if we're allowed to do this, but I figured I'd bend the rules this once.  It won't happen again!

Offline oshizu

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2021, 09:38:59 PM »
About voting, you definitely deserve a vote, too.  Going forward, if you and I vote for different heirs, you could maybe use a randomizer to break the tie?

And we all learn that Elektra is a gorgeous sim, even bald.
OMG, that was suuuuch a close call.
Even though you'd have been allowed to proceed with Lichtenstein since he's still in the house, I'm so glad Grim brought San Marino back to life.  Whew!!!
My sims are always most at risk of death by hysteria when recently married and especting a kid.
As a result, I tend to place mirrors all over the house, lol.

Germany's making great contributions to the household.
Here's hoping that Italy maxes her Critic career in time!

Btw, I didn't 100% my legacy score.  Looking back, I should have just skipped Friend of the Animals, LOL!
And, wow, Gen4 already on the way!  Crossing my fingers for..twins?

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2021, 10:28:17 PM »

This is true!  But I do also like the idea of someone else picking out who goes forward lol.  I'll always have my favorites, but breaking out of the mold is good for me too!

Thanks so much for commenting, by the way!  Having even one person to interact with makes this feel much more fun.

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2021, 10:34:24 PM »

Painting done of Elektra!  At least I've remembered so far, Italy painted her just like this.  I'll figure out posed paintings later on.

Germany is a full fledged Adult now!  I'm so glad he's not an Elder yet, he's done so much for this household in his own way, I hate to see him go just yet.

Italy is thrilled when Elektra gives birth to France, a little girl!

...and Spain.  Really?  Could we not do this right now?  8 in the house is too much for me!

Italy is instrumental in getting the twins through their Infant stage, and she pauses after work for a moment (which she had maxed the day before) and thinks about life.  She'd done pretty well, her brother and her kids, AND her grandchildren, all have this now.

Having lived to 106, she's ready to be with Pierce again.

Dear Italy, my Gen 2 heir, is put to rest by her parents and her husband.

Little Spain grows up the next day.

As well as France, the older twin.  They aged up with the same hairdo and color, both redheads!  They really DO look like twins this way, I have a hard time remembering who is who.

Obligatory shot of San Marino in his Criminal outfit playing the guitar, if only because he looks fantastic like this.

Offline oshizu

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Re: A New Sharebear
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2021, 10:51:20 PM »
Awww, rest in peace, Italy!  *sniffle, sniffle
How wonderful of you to max your 2nd career first!

Considering he's just had his Adult birthday, Germany's been a real go-getter.

Twin redheads!? You lucky dawg, Watcher!
What about dressing your kids in the colors of their national flags?
Not that that would help me tell them apart...

Wait, there's 8 sims.  Oh right, two of San Marino's siblings still live at the house!
San Marino is looking fiiiiine in his Crim outfit. :D