Italy becomes an Adult with 3 more skills to get to level 8 for her aspiration!
Germany is working hard on his Chief of Mischief aspiration, he bought a voodoo doll and bound it to Pierce. Mainly.... because he's a bit expendable and old at this point.
Liechtenstein becomes a Teen with the Loves Outdoors trait and the Angling Ace aspiration, which totally works for me.
While his twin, Monaco, becomes Paranoid with The Curator aspiration. Hopefully nodes respawn more for him than for Egypt, but I don't have high hopes.
Pierce works out whenever he's not too overworked, because he's in the Astronaut career.
....uh oh. Whoops, my bad, I didn't think he had the debuff up. It must have just been some fluke. Poor guy, he didn't reach the top of his career OR finish his aspiration, but at least he helped bring in Gen 3.
Like her mother before her, Italy now sleeps alone.
Germany becomes a Young Adult soon after, with the Snob trait and quickly reaches the top of Chief of Mischief! Whoo! He changes it to the Programming one, which I don't remember what the name is at the moment.
Vatican grows up as well, with the Self Assured trait and Friend of the Animals aspiration. Not too happy about that, never done it before and it's going to be a pain in the backside I bet.
San Marino is Active with Renaissance Sim just like his mother. Soon after this, Italy reaches the top of hers and switches hers to Nerd Brain.
Vatican immediately adopts a puppy named Dixie, who ends up being Stubborn, a Glutton, and... some other horrible trait I can't remember at the moment. At least I'm taking notes for my heirs.
Now they're starting to grow up! Soon enough there will be a small poll for the heir, but for now...
Monaco becomes Self Assured and is actually on the last stage of his aspiration, which is exciting.
Liechtenstein is... Paranoid. Really?
Italy leaves the house for awhile to work on her Nerd Brain aspiration, because she needs a little peace and quiet every now and then. I also figured out Clubs a little! So they're all in a club with a bunch of perks already, because sleeping is a positive thing to do lol.