Author Topic: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama  (Read 12084 times)

Offline Nandarelle

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2021, 10:22:10 AM »
Yes, I was tempted to buy Paranormal just for this challenge, but I didn't.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2021, 10:51:56 AM »
I've been pretty busy with other games lately but wanted to at least post a score. I opted to not go the full household route because that would have slowed me down significantly.

26 capped skills - 26000
23 partial skill levels - 1150
Total - 27150

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Offline LenaLJ

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #47 on: July 18, 2021, 12:21:35 PM »
What a blast of a challenge.
Picking up a few packs i did not have just for the skills so we could put in a total of 55 maxed skills :D

Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #48 on: July 18, 2021, 01:14:27 PM »
Hi Metro! 

It's really nice to see you too. :)  I have to play Sims less because of my shoulder and wrist.  Also, my marriage isn't doing well.  Thanks for checking my math.


Offline Nikitachi

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #49 on: July 18, 2021, 04:48:42 PM »
I don't have Paranormal Stuff as well, so my sims maxed 54 skills for a score of 54,000.

Offline math_chick

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #50 on: July 18, 2021, 10:18:40 PM »
31 maxed skills for a total of 31,000

I am glad I was able to squeeze in a game, but I wish I had time to practice before making a scoring file. I would've definitely done a couple things differently. I also don't have all of the game packs. It was still a fun challenge! Made me try a couple skills I never actually played previously. 

Offline CynKuy

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2021, 12:22:21 AM »
My Sims maxed out 47 skills and had 33 partial skills.

47 X 1000 = 47000
33 X 50 = 1650

47000 + 1650 = 48650.

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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #52 on: July 19, 2021, 06:29:15 AM »
This event is now closed.

Grats to mismck and Lena for a share of the win. Pretty decent participation, everyone. That always warms my heart to type in lots of names. Everyone can now share their strategy. Oh, and a special round of applause to Nikitachi, Nandarelle, and Teresa — the skills event was the 10th event of this season, and they are the only players to have participated in all 10 events. :)

Offline mismck

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #53 on: July 19, 2021, 07:38:10 AM »
Maddie Skillz was a Spellcaster with the Aspiration of Renaissance Sim for the bonus trait of Quick Learner. She also had traits of Cheerful, Loves Outdoors, & Insider. She moved into the empty lot of Fledermaus Bend in Forgotten Hollow. I changed the lot type to Tiny House and built a structure of 5X6, so a total of 30 squares. This gave me a Micro House with ‘You Got The Touch’ (doubles skill gains while on the lot) and ‘Let It Grow’ (doubles plant growth speeds).

I made a holiday for Monday: no work/school with activities of Fasting and Resolutions. Each day at midnight, I checked the calendar to see if the Skills holiday populated. (It never did.) Then I would make a holiday for the next day of no work/school with activities of Fasting and Resolutions. This was an easy way for everyone to get 100 Satisfaction points each day.

I immediately used Manage Households to bring in the following Townies and all of their household funds:
Evie Delgato - Toddler: Comes in with Maxed Potty Skill, 2 points of Communication, & 3 points of Movement.
Caleb Vatore - Vampire: Comes in with no skills, but Level 3 Sun Resistance
Lilith Vatore - Vampire: Comes in with no skills, but has Vampire potential :)
Vladislaus Straud - Vampire: Comes in with Maxed Pipe Organ Skill & 8 points of Charisma; also is Master of Darkness (increased skill gain at night in Forgotten Hollow), but has level 1 of Sun Resistance which means he can not go outside during the day.
Dominic Fyres: Comes in with 6 points of DJ Mixing & 3 points of Dancing
Megumi Ito: Comes in with Maxed Skiing Skill, 7 points of Fitness, & 4 points of Logic
Kaori Nishidake: Comes in with 7 points of Snowboarding, 5 points of Comedy, & 4 points of Fishing. (She also has 5 points of Fitness, but Megumi did Fitness and Rock Climbing concurrently on the rock climbing machine.)

Maddie started a club for the household to gain points to buy skill boosts along the way. She also joined Good Timers to be able to use Rally the Troops in her own Club. Caleb created a Club for Lilith and himself to fill with Townies to turn into Vampires - they each needed 12 Power Points to get all 3 Levels of Child of the Moon to gain skills faster. Whenever they weren’t turning townies, Caleb & Lilith joined the household Club.

I shopped for Satisfaction Points for everyone to be able to buy Morning Sim, Night Owl, and Savant. I also utilized the Lot Traits as best I could for various activities being done by the household. For example: Study Spot was used most of the time as a skill booster; Peace & Quiet was used when several of them were reading skill books. Great Acoustics was used when musical instruments were being maxed. When it was time for Pet Training, Dog Hangout and Training Ground were used.

When she wasn’t actively working on a skill, I had Maddie experiment with the cauldron and practice magic. Once she had created a Potion of the Nimble Mind and learned the Copypasto spell, she copied a bunch of the potions. I had hoped it would happen earlier than it did. As it was, only Caleb was able to use it for Selvadoradian Culture in Selvadorada & Herbalism in Granite Falls and Kaori used it for Snowboarding in Mt. Komorebi.

I laid out a plan of which skills would be maxed by each Sim, micro-managed the heck out of them, and the Pause button was my best friend. With You Got the Touch stacked with Morning Sim/Night Owl/Savant stacked with various Lot Traits, skill levels were able to be gained fairly quickly. For the vampires, the added stacking bonus of the Child of the Moon/Master of Darkness Vampire Power at night in Forgotten Hollow was instrumental in the three vampires quickly maxing out the skills assigned to them.

Some of the skills that have skill books were learned up to Level 9 with the books utilizing the Peace & Quiet Lot Trait for a few reasons. If the skill was dangerous (Robotics) or quickly decreased hygiene (Rocket Science), the skill could be mostly mastered without waiting for a Dazed moodlet to go away or stopping for showers. If a skill required snow (Snowboarding) or special herbs (Herbalism), it could be mostly mastered without traveling off the lot until absolutely necessary.

All except 4 skills were fully maxed on the home lot. Fishing was done at the 2 fishing spots in Forgotten Hollow, so no travel was required. After all of the other skills were maxed, Caleb went alone to Selvadorada to gain all 5 points of the culture skill. Caleb reached Level 9 of Herbalism with books at home, but then went alone to Granite Falls to identify mystery plants and to also chat with the Hermit to finish off the skill. Kaori read about Snowboarding to get from level 7 to level 9, then went alone to Mt. Komorebi to finish it off.

Here is a list of each Sim and the skills they maxed:

Dominic Fyres: DJ Mixing (10), Dancing (5), Violin (10), Piano (10), Robotics (10), Archaeology (10)

Maddie Skillz: Bowling (5), Photography (5), Media Production (5), Juice Fizzing (5), Parenting (10)

Megumi Ito: Skiing (10), Logic (10), Handiness/Woodworking (Mentored by Handy-person) (10), Fitness (10), Rock Climbing (10), Medium (5), Pet Training (5)

Caleb Vatore: Vampire Lore (15), Flower Arranging (10), Gardening (10), Veterinarian (10), Selvadoradian Culture (5), Herbalism (10)

Vladislaus Straud: Pipe Organ (10), Knitting (10), Writing (10), Charisma (10), Painting (10), Singing (10), Guitar (10), Mischief (10), Rocket Science (10)

Lilith Vatore: Mixology (10), Cooking (10), Gourmet Cooking (10), Baking (10), Acting (10), Research & Debate (10), Wellness (10), Fabrication (10)

Kaori Nishidake: Fishing (10), Comedy (10), Programming (10), Video Gaming (10), Snowboarding (10)

Evie Delgato: Potty (3), Imagination (5), Movement (5), Communication (5), Thinking (5), Creativity (10), Motor (10), Mental (10), Social (10)

If you want specifics of how a certain skill was maxed, please let me know and I will post  details. With 55 skills, I felt a summary of my attack plan would be easier to read than details of each skill.

Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #54 on: July 19, 2021, 03:41:57 PM »
Wow @mismck!  What a great strategy.  Congratulations on your shared win 8).

I'll post my strategy later.

Offline Nandarelle

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #55 on: July 19, 2021, 04:24:39 PM »
Congratulations, mismck and Lena!

My strategy looked a lot like mismck's. I'm away from home now, so I can't check any details.

My household consisted of
- my Sim Ella, a vampire (she never progressed enough to get Child of the Moon though, so that life state went to waste)
- Evie Delgato
- Vladislaus Straud
- Mila Munch
- Lana McKinnon
- Simeon Silversweater
- Clemens Frost
- Thomas Jabari

Clemens starts with 5 maxed skills and enough money to never have to worry about that.  Simeon has some high skill levels, and as a Spellcaster, he can make potions of Plentiful Needs and copypasto.
My Sims relied on those for their needs, except Evie.
Simeon also copied Amygdelights and Sunlight Reversal Potions, made by other Sims. He never made the Potion of Nimble Mind, because I couldn't find the right frog and didn't want to put too much effort into that.

I used holidays, a club and lot traits as well.
My tiny house had a giant roof to keep the vampires save.
The only trip my Sims made was to Mt Komorebi, to skill skiing, snowboarding, climbing and motor.
Skiing has no skill books. For the other winter sports, soms of the skills were learned by book. Same for Selvadoradan culture and herbology.
The last skill point (and sometimes more) was learnt by taking a class.

Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #56 on: July 19, 2021, 04:50:12 PM »
I really like your strategy @Nandarelle  and great score! 8).

Offline Teresa

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #57 on: July 19, 2021, 08:20:47 PM »
My sim, Kiera, was joined by Evie Delgato, Elsa Bjergsen, Raj Rasoya, Megumi Ito, Clement Frost, Simeon Silversweater, and Jing Fen. 
I didn't even consider having Evie to the child skills in place of Elsa.  Once they finished the toddler skills (Evie) and the child skills (Elsa), they aged up and joined the rest of the household working on adult skills. 
I used holidays and skill classes and made sure someone had at least one point in every skill and then worked on mastering the skills that were already near the top and the ones that improve easier than others.
Because we were leaving on vacation and I waited until the last week, I had to stop early, during the second week.
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Offline coolsim9999999

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #58 on: July 19, 2021, 10:15:47 PM »
Here’s my strategy, followed by which skills were maxed or worked on by whom.

My Sims moved into the Media Apartments next to the arts center in the San Myshuno Arts District.  Their apartment (the big yellow and blue) one was next door.  They completed all the creative aspirations by traveling to the Arts Center.  I added the third lot trait to home studio at the arts center.  I used the pause button to direct each Sim, then, triple speed.  Rinse and repeat.

Because I haven't done a challenge in awhile, I totally forgot about clubs, the wishing well, vamp stuff, and tiny home skill boosts. 
However, I did use the lot traits, which were needed for each skill.  Study spot was on quite a bit, as was child’s play because both accelerate Sims' learning.  I used science lair for focused skills and home studio and for inspired).  We didn’t go to the Arts Center until Grace was a child because it was just too much.

First, I’ll say which Sim maxed which skills.
Mama and Papa Aaron had had one child: Grace Aaron. 
Mama Aaron maxed singing,
Papa Aaron violin, dancing
Grace Aaron --- As a toddler, she maxed potty, communication and movement. She maxed motor and social, as a child.
The other 5 Sims were townies. 
Lily Feng came in with a level 9 in logic, so that was a fast maxed skill.  She maxed knitting,
Sophia Bjergsen came in with a level 8 in guitar, so that was a fast maxed skill.  She also maxed charisma,
Elsa Bjergsen had high mental skill, so she maxed that fast.  She also maxed creativity, as a child.
Travis Scott programing, video gaming (had a 2 or 3 in both skills to start.)
Liberty Lee writing,

Partial Skill List:
Lily got to level 3 mischief skill
Mama Aaron got to level 2 cooking skill, and Travis got to level 2 acting, level 2 flower arranging Travis, level 2 painting Lily, mama Aaron Parenting, and Vampire Lore Grace Aaron, as a teen.
Then, Mama Aaron, Grace Aaron and Travis each got to level 1 of the following skills by reading skill books or using skilling objects:
Here’s the list of skills I maxed, followed by the one my Sims started or got partway through level 1.
By Skilling Obect:
Imagination, Thinking, Comedy, Fishing, Fitness , Gardening, Handiness, Mixology, Pipe Organ, Research and Debate, Robotics, Piano and Wellness
By Skill Book:
Archaeology, Baking, Fabrication, Herbalism, Photography, Rock Climbing, Rocket Science and Snowboarding

It was fun, team.

Offline Nikitachi

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Re: Ultimate Skill-O-Rama
« Reply #59 on: July 20, 2021, 04:14:54 AM »
When I started, I thought the ties will be decided by time, so I wanted to finish all 55 skills as soon as I could, so I based my strategy on this principle.
I created a vampire, and the sims I chose were Evie Delgato (great toddler, potty already maxed, what a relief!!!), Shigeru Nishidake, Kaori Nishidake, Megumi Ito, and also Vladislaus Straud as a high rank vampire, Judith Ward as a high rank celebrity, and soon after the game started, my vampire married and added Simeon Silversweater as a high rank Spellcaster.
According to my initial strategy, Vladislaus was going to turn all the other household members (except Simeon) into vampires for the Child of the Moon perk which speeds up skilling a lot. Judith was going to give the players a 'Rally' speech boost (celebrity perk), and Simeon was meant to make Potions of the Nimble Mind for everyone. All the other human sims were chosen for their high levels in non-base game skills. Why non-base? Because we could use a Wishing Well that can instantly grant a sim level 10 in skills, but only gives base game ones. So I thought, why doubling things up when you can utilize the unique ones.
However, when I found out that we won't be judged by time, I ignored pretty much all of that strategy :D Everyone became vampires, but no one got to the Child of the Moon level. Simeon did make some potions though, but not so much. And I decided not to buy Paranormal stuff and just finished with 54 skills.

