Author Topic: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state  (Read 15998 times)

Offline MeestorMark

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Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« on: June 11, 2021, 12:58:43 PM »
Anybody have any advice on how to avoid the bug of plants reverting to just planted state?

Happens at random times of seasons, not just at season change. Seems to be tied to gameplay speed some way, or when plants generate weeds or bugs. Sometimes the whole ** garden will revert at once.

Any tips for a frustrated gardner? Lol.

Offline MrsFlynn

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2021, 01:46:18 PM »
Sounds like this is a common bug that has been happening for awhile now regardless if Seasons is installed or not.  It seems they are asking for players to share their save files that have this bug for further investigation.

[NEEDS SAVES] In-Season Plants revert to dirt piles (Patch 1.68)
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Offline MeestorMark

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2021, 02:18:12 PM »
Thank you MrsFlynn.

Don't think I have the technology to send a save from a console. I also have very little hope anyone actually looks at EA Answers except Crinrict and frustrated gamers. Will definitely put my two cents on that thread though; add it to the list. Lol.

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2021, 05:23:57 PM »
It has been said that the game devs do look at the bug threads from time to time. And get reports from Crinrict on the most problematic bugs.

As for the fixes getting to console. I don't know. From what I understand it's a partner company porting over the packs to the console and that company is responsible for porting over the bug fix patches as well.
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Offline MeestorMark

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2021, 06:23:10 PM »
Interesting... Specially when some major bugs seem to be consistent across platforms.

I voiced today that it seems like EA just lets the mod community sort out some bugs and just not worry about them much anymore.

Offline MeestorMark

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2021, 06:36:06 PM »
Thank you for your answers MrsFlynn. 😀

At this point I'll just have to pretend it is the blight or something.

Do what I can to protect against it. But sometimes Mother Nature is a cruel mistress. Lol.

Anybody have good preventative practices they can share?

Offline Highlander

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2021, 11:59:33 PM »
As a habitual gardener, I can give you a few ideas.

For a very long time, this only happened when seasons changed. So you could have a healthy garden at 11:59 PM on Saturday night, then find plants reverting at 12:01 on Sunday morning, So always save before seasons change. Kind of a pain, but it's necessary. Also, make sure you are at home when the seasons change.There are plenty of times I have come home to several dirt clumps.

If you have taken the time to build a greenhouse, always extend the roof so that you can move plants underneath the eaves. They will remain "sheltered", but won't look as pretty as plants in the greenhouse. Specifically, greenhouse plants will still look normal in the winter while plants under the eaves will be frosted. The reason this is important is that plants in a greenhouse can revert if you are heading into that season. So if you are going from winter to spring, move all your spring plants out of the greenhouse, but under the roof before the season changes. I have had a lot of greenhouse plants revert, Very few that are outside under the roof revert.

Finally. if you are doing anything - harvesting, watering, weeding or fertilizing - save before you start. This is the newest (and most infuriating) version of the bug. It's pretty frustrating when plants randomly revert to dirt clumps just because you are interacting with them. But it does happen. So the best thing you can do is save early and often.

I am not even going to start on the bug reporting process. My job is to play the game, not act as QC. If they want me to be a QC player, they can pay me.

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2021, 12:27:00 AM »
The many gardening bugs caused me to take a break from the game as I wanted to do the tomato challenge but couldn't. It angered me to the point I had to walk away for a bit over a month. I wish EA would fix their game instead of slamming us with half baked game packs like the last one. Their is at least three known bugs effecting gardening at this time. All three can show up at the start of a game, with any interaction or at season change randomly. The worse one freezes all plants at harvestable but will not let harvest the plaint. It effects every plant in the neighborhood. It is related to bust the dust pack. It angers me that EA doesn't seem to care the best skill in the game is so bug ridden.

Offline MeestorMark

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2021, 02:07:55 AM »
Highlander, thank you for all those tips. I must confess, I actually thought plants reverting at the start of their season was an poorly planned feature, not part of this bug.  Lol.

I try a lot these strategies. With my current save, I'm refusing to use the never weary reward. So it has put me in more contact with the bug from the game speeding up while sleeping. I also just upgraded his bed all the way, so it's changed the sleep cycles outside of normal times I saved the game to protect myself from the bugs. I just didn't notice the bulk of the garden had reverted when I saved to lock in some other progress.

At least one sim with the never weary reward, never speeding up the game speed, and saving at some point near the clock turning 5am, 6am, and 7am, had pretty well protected from this bug being too painful. If I'm going to give up never weary for this save, I think I'm giving up gardening too.

Scoed, I'm with you. Had plenty of, "Why do I even play this silly game when they don't even try to fix some things," running through my head today. We'll see if it pushes me back to other titles this time.

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2021, 06:31:17 AM »
This plant-resetting bug is apparently part of the laundry list of bug fixes as of yesterday, June 15th.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline Highlander

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2021, 10:08:10 PM »
I was testing this out tonight. Season changed from Summer to Fall. One of the plants I moved under the roof of the greenhouse reverted to a dirt pile. Fortunately I had saved the game.

Tried again and things were going well. It was New Skill day, so my sim was madly skilling up baking and gourmet cooking. I took a look at the garden around 2 PM. 6 plants in the greenhouse, 5 plants that were sheltered and 4 in the open (including 2 growfruit trees) had all reverted to dirt piles.

To be fair, this is a game I have been working on for a while. But I don't have a great deal of confidence that they will fix this bug. It used to be something that only happened when seasons changed. It has evolved into something much worse than that. And since nearly anything can trigger it, I fear that gardening will forever be bugged.

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2021, 10:52:57 PM »
I suspect that they've finally realized, they BETTER do something about this bug now, because the next pack involves a lot of gardening.
I don't know if it's from TwistedMexi's All cheats, or debug cheats enabled through MCCC, or because I have both, but I can shift-click a plant when it does this and cheat it back to the mature stage.

Offline Heart Foam

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2021, 04:18:03 AM »
I also shift click plants all the time to do that. My money trees are planted decoratively, and they're supposed to be in season all the time. I'm not having dirt piles. So in the end, the bug doesn't bother me too much, because the fix is so easy. I'm glad it's on the laundry list though.

I don't have those mods, so it only requires having testingcheats on.
It is a little thing of my own. I call it "Heart Foam". I shall not publish it. Farewell! Patience, Patience, farewell!

Exit Bunthorne.

Offline MeestorMark

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2021, 07:21:12 PM »
Sometimes I have luck putting the glitches dirt pile into the household inventory and then replace it, it then becomes a full plant again. But only sometimes.

Now that I've broken the no cheat rule for the Xbox on this save, I'll do the cheat them back. That's too easy and don't know why I never thought to do that before. Duh! Lol.

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Re: Gardening bug - Plants reverting to just planted state
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2021, 05:50:36 AM »
MrsFlynn: Is that true, that the developers don't look at the reports themselves but wait for updates from someone who is not hired by EA, according to their sig on AHQ? That sounds very unprofessional!

OP: there are lot of questions in the bug report linked above that you could answer.
Here is a link for sharing saves that lists console ways of doing so: