Thanks Metro, I will do.
Pandora has been spending most of her Young Adult days
chained to at the laptop. Too much time at looking at a computer screen can make you go crossed eyed

She thought it was such a lovely day (as always) and she had just finished her 21st novel, she thought that she deserved a break or at least a change of scenery. So she high tailed it to the Park. As soon as she stepped foot in the park, her phone went, it was her Grandma. She thought can she not get any peace, she'd been out less than 20 minutes.

Pandora: Hey Grandma, I'm just at the park, I was going a bit stir crazy looking at the same walls for what feels like forever, and before you say it I know Grandma Lisa puts new paintings in my room every few days but still, I needed a change of scenery to let my creative juices flow. Plus I have my laptop with me for when the mood takes me.
Grandma: Don't worry sweetie, it's fine I know that you are going to do this family proud.
Pandora: Thanks Grandma, it breaks my heart to think that any of you would think that I'm going to mess up.
Grandma: You don't mess up, don't think like that. I know how difficult it is for you.
Pandora: Thanks Grandma, I think I need to let my hair down a little bit and stop stressing over every detail. I think that I will throw a party for my Birthday just to loosen me up a little.
Grandma: That sounds like an excellent plan. When is your Birthday?
Pandora: Five days from now, I know it's easy to forget. I didn't realise myself until this morning, it just feels like everyday is exactly the same. Plus I'm not getting to spend anytime with any of you.
Grandma: (mumbles something) *
STATIC* Okay sweetie, you have a brilliant day. See you soon lov----(phone cuts off)
Pandora felt better, felt inspired. She sat at the corner of the park where she had spent most of her teens and began to type a new novel.
Back at the house Portia was trying her hand at charming. I don't think she is getting very far though (I just like the picture).

Soon the five days had passed in a blur of sleeping, writing being zapped and it was time for Pandora's Adult birthday. She did as she had planned and threw herself a birthday party at Lofty Cerulean Blue Pool (did I tell you it was the happening place when the Danvers' Ladies age up).

The party was going very well, all of Pandora's friends turned up and she was pleased for that at least that was one part of her life that she was allowed to live. It was time to blow out the candles.

The sparkles flew......

And Pandora's Party Animal side was unleashed as she aged up to Adult

Happy Birthday Pandora
Pandora had been bit by the party bug and when onto the grind later that evening.

Her phone rang it was her Grandma.
Pandora: Hey Grandma, sorry a few of us decided to go out after my Adult Birthday party. I'm just at the Grind.
Grandma: Too late.
Pandora: Sorry?! Too late for what?
Grandma: Erm, for your birthday party sweetie. Not to worry I'll see you soon.
Pandora hoped, beyond hope that she would not get the battiness of her Grandmother when she became an Elder.
Back home because Pandora had spent most of her birthday partying Aurora was on hand to zap her back to full energy levels.

Elena and Peta broke away from the family to discuss something that Elena did not what the others to know.

Peta's eyes stung with tears when her mother revealed her plans. She could not speak and so hugged her instead.

Off topic (slightly)
Aurora met up with Howard at the Bistro only to discover that he had become a creature of the night.

Pandora also went to the Bistro (again she was stir crazy and even though her mood is elated, I hate having the stir crazy moodlet) and bumped into Bruce Handy, notice the reaction from the VampSim.

Yes we have residing in Sunset Valley our very own Simbot Hybrid, more on that later