The story continues....
Pandora was disappointed to find that after everything she had surrendered there was no big fanfare, no fireworks, nothing when she ate the ambrosia for the first time. The only thing that she felt was empty. She was happy that she had helped her family not living her life in the way that she would of wanted but sacrificing her life for her family. She sat down to write her final book entitled 'The Danvers Dynasty'.
Elena called a family meeting in the Museum
Elena: My Daughters. You have made me so happy in completing this quest. We have all sacrificed loved ones for the good of the family, some of us more than others
(she looks knowingly at Pandora) and words cannot express how that makes me feel. But I grow weary of this world, I have lived over a millenia witnessed so much good but also so much pain
(she looks knowingly at Peta). I have felt the pull of the Grim for many years and I cannot fight him any more, I am going to surrender myself to him.
Pandora was overcome with anger.
Pandora: How could you?! Why do you get the easy way out? After everything that we have all been put through.
Elena: Pandora, I did not come to this decision lightly. I have thought about it and talked at length about it with Peta and Portia. I am doing this for you my Child.
Pandora: You two knew?! I feel betrayed. All this time buttering me up and telling me that it is for the best 'The Good of the Family' and all that. Doing this for me? How is giving in to the Grim for me?
Portia: Pandora this is for the best trust us.
Pandora: Trust you, you have said that to me before and I did and look where it has taken me?
Elena: Child, all will be revealed once the Grim is preoccupied with me. You have to trust your family, we are doing this for you.
Pandora saw the pleading in Elena's eyes, something was there that she could quite put her finger on.
Pandora: I do trust you, but you are not telling me anything.
Elena: We can't, not until the Grim is here.
Pandora hugged her Grandmother for the last time. Elena whispered 'Trust in your family, that is all we have ever done. When Grim is here follow Portia up to the games room and she will tell you the plan'.
Elena took a deep breath, pulled the death flower that she had been carrying around for so long, yet it was still as fresh as the day she plucked it from the stem, and called for Grim.
Elena knew that he was not far from the family at any point in time as they could all feel his presence.
The black cloud of Grim appeared and the room when icy.
*laughs* Elena Danvers, you have been on this Earth far too long. I have been waiting for you.
Elena: Yes I know, I have felt you for years knowing that you will come for me one day. I have lost my passion for living, I agree to go with you now.
*angrily* You agree to come with me?! You should not decide. But I have been waiting so long for you and now it is your time.
Grim swiped his scythe and Elena was gone.
Portia quickly rushed Pandora up the stairs to the games room.
Pandora: What is going on? Why would Grandmother do this?
Portia: Child, I have been travelling through time, the last few days, to find the exact point that you turn young adult. I finally have the right time stream for you to enter. All the phone calls throughout your life from me has been me from this time.
Pandora: What?
Portia: Pandora, we don't have much time. If Grim finds out about the plan he will come and take us all. Remember that day in the Park?
Pandora: Yes
Portia: That was me, from this time. I knew you needed to be put on the right track to achieve the requirements. You may have got there on your own but I have had this plan in mind since I was pregnant with Lexa. Everyone in the family knows.
Pandora: What plan?
Portia: You need to travel to this day in time week 48 day 3, the day of your Young Adult birthday.
Pandora: Why?
Portia: To give you a chance of a life that you deserve, love, happiness, children. You need to convince your past self to come through to our time.
Pandora: How do I do that.
Portia: You will know when you get there. Quickly Child you must hurry, my past self will meet you on the other side.
Pandora: Thank you.
Portia: Hurry Child.
Pandora jumped through the time machine and hoped she could do as she had been asked.
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