Author Topic: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump  (Read 9754 times)

Offline QueenOfSquirrels

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump Chapter 12: And Then There Were Two
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2021, 07:43:52 PM »
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The next morning after Alec and Carla's wedding is Bianca's birthday! First thing she does is get the party all planned and set up for that evening.
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Behind her, Zelda and Jared maintain their usual cycle of flirting and fighting on repeat.
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Carla has been spending lots of time at the library learning the cooking skill. If her and Alec are the heirs, she will definitely be the one making all the meals due to her Natural Cook trait.
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Gobias Koffi and Darlene Bunch have gotten married in my game, and they are surprisingly cute with their toddlers.
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Sheena Jolina has aged up and showed up at the party, and I think she turned out quite cute!
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Alec and Carmen cheer their sister on.
Carmen: Give her the beehive hair!
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Bianca: Carmen, I blame you.
Carmen: Eh, it wasn't as funny looking as I wanted.
Alec: Wooo Bianca, I love the hair!
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Bianca gets a quick trip to the mirror and gets a ridiculously colorful wardrobe. Her Lifetime Wish is Seaside Savior. She also popped wishes for the Law Enforcement career, but since she and Alec get along so well I couldn't imagine them at odds with each other.
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As soon as she's done with her makeover, Bianca makes a beeline for Cortez and asks him to move in. Carmen doesn't seem impressed.
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Cortez also gets an express trip to the mirror. His traits are Kleptomaniac, Heavy Sleeper, Loves the Outdoors, Athletic, and Clumsy, and his favorite color is Lilac. His Lifetime Wish is to Become a Superstar Athlete. I added the mustache because I just couldn't help it.
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Kip Crumplebottom continues to be mean to almost everyone he meets, and poor Adriana Goddard is the recipient when she tries to high five him and he faker her out. Her disappointed face is priceless!
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The next day is graduation, and Bianca shows up only to find Arlo Bunch telling scary stories to his wife while his eldest daughter ignores their baby. Perfect sims parenting.

Bianca gets Valedictorian and no other accolades, surprisingly. The rest of the day is spent setting up Bianca and Cortez in their careers; Bianca as a lifeguard, and Cortez in the sports career. At this point, I had to decide between Alec and Bianca on who would stay and still possibly be the heir. Otherwise I'd never let any of them leave, and there's only 8 spots in the house.
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Cortez and Bianca headed out to the edge of the backyard overlooking the ocean.
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Cortez being clumsy drops the ring, but Bianca is also clumsy, so I think she doesn't mind.
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Cortez: Bianca Mae, you and your family have so much going for them. You are kind, and smart, and beautiful. I know right now deciding whether you or Alec stays is tough, but either way i want to be there with you. Will you marry me?
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Bianca quickly accepts, and the two get married right then and there.
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Congratulations to Cortez and Bianca Keaton!
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In case you couldn't tell, Bianca will not be the heir. She and Cortez move into a small house closer to town. Although they won't be playables anymore, I plan to keep a very close eye on them. Hopefully there will be nooboos soon!
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Carmen heads out to Prom later that night. She and Daniel have a great time, and she gets voted Prom Queen.
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Carla has started at the Business office as a coffee courier. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I can't imagine promotions won't take very long at all.
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And I leave you with this photo of Jared as a baseball flies toward his head.

Next time: An heir is chosen!

Offline QueenOfSquirrels

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump Chapter 13: And the Heir is...
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2021, 02:25:00 PM »
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Zelda continues to be absolutely adorable. She's the cutest elder.
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She finally reaches the top of her career, completing her lifetime wish.
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Carmen's young adult birthday has finally rolled around, so it's time for her party!
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Alec and Carla continue to be very sweet with each other.
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At least Carmen chooses to wear something that isn't her swimwear, I feel like she spent most of her teen years dressed as a mermaid.
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Of course Bianca is invited, and it looks like she and Cortez will be having a baby soon!
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Cortez doesn't seem impressed with his mother-in-law. It seems like she is constantly having to dispel rumors.
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This is Alec's old friend from school, Lucy Sekemoto. I think she turned out so pretty!
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Jared of course has to laugh at his youngest daughter as she ages up. I don't know why you're laughing Jared, that just means you're really old!
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Carmen ages up without terrible hair! But even still, it's time for a trip to the mirror.
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Carmen ages up gaining the Perfectionist trait in addition to being Good, Insane, Loves the Outdoors, and Eco-Friendly. Her Lifetime wish is The Zoologist. I love how she turned out! She seems to be a really pretty mix of Zelda and Jared.
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Rosalind decides to scare her father. Serves him right!
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How does she balance like that? That's some talent.
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Bianca and Cortez continue to be super sweet. I love how in love they are.

At this point I was really torn as to who should become heir. I had always leaned towards Alec ever since the kids were little, but seeing how Carmen was the only one who wasn't just a Zelda clone had me torn.
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And thus Alec and Carmen moved in with Connor, Alec's uncle, at Jared's old house. Carmen is the heir!
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Carmen heads out the next day to get started on her lifetime wish. She picks up a spiny turtle and names it Red. Why Red? I honestly have no idea. Thanks to the collection helper she finishes the Lifetime Wish quickly, and Red is the only one she keeps.
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Carmen graduates as valedictorian, and gets the "Most Likely to Offend Others" title. She's the most sane insane sim I've played, and yet she still gets this title?
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Red's terrarium gets put in her master suite. She is constantly playing with him and watching him swim around.
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The house feels really empty without the other two kids. Zelda and Jared are mostly fighting/flirting/dancing, leaving Carmen to spend time with Red.
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Carmen heads out to meet up with Daniel for a date since he's also now a young adult.
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They meet up at Maywood Glen park in town.
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Daniel aged up really cute! I can't wait to give him a makeover.
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Carmen asks Daniel to move in, and he accepts!
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Daniel joins the household and gets a makeover in his favorite color, orange. His traits are Can't Stand Art, Bookworm, Good, Over-Emotional, and Loner. His lifetime with is Professional Author.

Next time: Daniel and Carmen settle in to the house!

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Offline CeresIn

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2021, 06:30:43 PM »
I like that you have chosen Carmen as heir, she's a good mix of her parents. Love Daniel makeover, perfect bookish for his lifetime wish.

Offline QueenOfSquirrels

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump Chapter 14: Wedding Faux Pas
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2021, 10:26:32 AM »
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Daniel and Carmen continue to enjoy each other's company now that Daniel has moved in. However I think it's time for them to take the next step...
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Carmen proposes because 1. she's insane, so even though their relationship bar is full who knows what her answer would be and 2. I want them to keep the Mae last name anyway.
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Daniel happily accepts. He's so dorky and precious. Any idea who his parents are?
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Carmen immediately calls for a bachelorette party because at this point I am so over bachelorette parties and wedding parties I just want to get it over with.
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Bianca shows up, much less pregnant. She had a baby girl!
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Carla also attends, and it looks like she and Alec are expecting their first child as well!
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Daniel spends his time avoiding the party in the office, working on his first book.
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Carmen asks Bianca for a toast, which she happily does for her younger sister. Alec continues to dance like nobody's watching.
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Alec overshadows the toast by performing some.. interesting dance moves.
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Jared continues to be an unpleasant old man by yelling at his pregnant daughter-in-law.
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Bianca ends up staying the night in Carmen's old room. Awww Bianca, I miss you!
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Maybe Carla should go take a bed as well? Is no one concerned about the passed out pregnant woman?
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Alec is apparently unfazed by this as he dances with his old childhood friend.
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Geneva Sekemoto and Eduardo Keaton get in a fight towards the end of the party, which Eduardo ends up winning.
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Daniel: Hi Red! I know you love Carmen as much as I do, so hopefully we can continue to make her happy together!
Daniel is so sweet. He spends a lot of time in the first few days at the house getting to know Red. It's like he wants the turtle's approval!
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The next morning is the wedding, and apparently Madison VanWatson didn't get the memo that only the bride wears white. Tacky!
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Carla takes the time before the ceremony to let her mother know about the new baby.
Madison: Really? I thought you were just gaining weight!
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The bride and groom say their vows with goofy happy grins.
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Congrats to our newlywed heirs Carmen and Daniel Mae!
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Daniel, you are quickly becoming one of my favorites. How could you not love this sweetheart?
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Due to bad planning on my part, I forget that Jared has work and he leaves the party just after the ceremony. Oops!
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After the party, the newlyweds head home to celebrate privately.

At this point both Zelda and Jared have full life bars, so I'm just happy they've gotten to see all of their kids get married.

Next time: We meet one of the grandkids!

Offline QueenOfSquirrels

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2021, 10:27:46 AM »
I like that you have chosen Carmen as heir, she's a good mix of her parents. Love Daniel makeover, perfect bookish for his lifetime wish.

Thanks! I know I didn't expect Carmen to be the heir originally, but I love her personality! She's really mellow for an insane sim.

Offline QueenOfSquirrels

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump Chapter 15: Meeting the Grandkids
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2021, 09:34:45 AM »
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Carmen gets registered as a self-employed gardener. Daniel is already a self-employed writer, so when they have kids it looks like we will almost never need a babysitter!
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Carmen shows off her ring to Red. I love how close she is to him.
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Crazy eyes of Red! Maybe he's insane too, and that's why they get along so well?
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As the family gets more funds, I'm working on redoing each room one at a time. Here's the master suite for Carmen and Daniel!
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Carmen heads over to Bianca and Cortez's house to meet their baby.
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This is Kerri Keaton, their daughter. It looks like she mostly took after her mom, but time will tell.
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Jared and Carmen continue to spend all of their free time together.
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Carmen gets a greenhouse to house all of her plants in.
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I sent Jared over to Alec and Carla's to meet their new baby as well.
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He doesn't make it inside.
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Carla makes it outside just to see Jared beg for more time.
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Poor Connor is also there to witness his older brother's death.
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Jared (Frio) Mae lived to be 93. He absolutely loved his wife and was successful in both his career and his family. He became very grouchy later in life, but that didn't stop him from spending all of his time with the love of his life, Zelda.
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Zelda leaves work, and instantly can fell that something is very wrong.
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Zelda puts Jared's urn on their dresser for now.
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Carmen doesn't handle her father's death well either.
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At least she has Daniel to keep her company.
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Jared shows up the first night after his death. Except he actually shows up at 3 a.m. and stays until almost noon. He dances through the night and has breakfast in the morning with Zelda.
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Poor Zelda doesn't take his temporary absence well.
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Carmen and Daniel decide it's about time to get started on their family.
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I went ahead and made the nursey in their favorite colors, grey and orange.
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Carmen heads over to visit Bianca. They have this absolutely adorable doggie!
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She meets Bianca and Cortez's second child, Becky Keaton.
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Zelda takes it upon herself to break in the nursery.

Next time: Generation 2 arrives!

Offline QueenOfSquirrels

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump Chapter 16: Generation Two!
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2021, 11:29:10 AM »
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Customary photo of a possibly pregnant woman puking. Please ignore the disgusting toilet.
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Carmen: Listen here, toilet! This is the last time I will puke in you ever! I am stronger than vomit! I AM CARMEN!
Uh huh.
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Surprise surprise, Carmen's pregnant! I normally don't bother making maternity clothes since it's only a couple days, but since she's insane maybe I should've.
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Daniel continues to be wholesome as ever, making the sweetest faces at all times! I don't think I've ever seen him make the "eww/disgusted" face.
Daniel: Gotta be fit so I can run around and play with the baby!
I think you've got plenty of time before that Danny boy.
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I don't really take too many photos during her pregnancy, since all that really happens is Carmen gardens, Daniel writes, and Zelda goes to work or dances with ghost Jared.
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Jared: Oh dear watcher, is my child pregnant?!?!
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Carmen goes into labor in her greenhouse.
Carmen: How does anyone do this? DANIEEEEL!
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Daniel and Carmen arrive at the hospital only to run in to Carla.
Carla: Boo! I should be a playable!
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Zelda also shows up to the hospital to wait outside.
Tabatha Bunch: Yay, I am having a baby at the same time as the playables! Maybe they can get married!
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Carmen leaves the hospital with a baby girl named Dakota. She is Disciplined and Loves the Heat.
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Everyone arrives at home with varying levels of excitement.
Carmen: Babies smell funny.
Daniel: I can't wait to get home and write about this whole thing!
Zelda: My kids are all grown with their own kids now. I'm so old!
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Carmen and Daniel still find time to spend with each other.
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Daniel spends a lot of time with Dakota. He always rushes to beat Zelda to Dakota's crib.
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Zelda loves having a grandkid in the house. When she's not dancing or playing with the dollhouse, she's cuddling her newest grandbaby.
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Zelda might be getting a bit cuckoo. She forgets to get dressed sometimes after a shower.
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I like to think Jared came out of the house to come check out Carmen's work.
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Carmen throws a party for Dakota's toddler birthday.
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Alec might not have the inappropriate trait, but he is definitely Jared's son.
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It also looks like Carla and Alec are having another baby soon!
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Zelda takes charge and takes her grandbaby to the cake.
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This little cutie is Kerri, Bianca and Cortez's oldest daughter. She looks so much like Bianca!
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Dakota ages up into a Daniel clone with Carmen's coloring. Her favorite color is turquoise.
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Carmen gets right to work teaching Dakota her toddler skills.
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Bianca is pregnant again as well! It looks like the Mae family tree is about to get a baby boom!

Next time: Zelda pinches some cheeks!

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Offline deedee_828

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2021, 10:09:18 PM »
@QueenOfSquirrels  Wonderful story! I love town jumps and I'm thrilled that someone else took the plunge and used Jared Frio as a spouse. Despite his traits, he's a loving husband and father. :)

Looking forward to your next chapter!

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump
« Reply #23 on: May 16, 2021, 05:44:35 PM »
RIP Jared. Dakota is so cute! Really, all the Maes' kiddos are cute!

Offline QueenOfSquirrels

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump Chapter 17: Meeting More Maes
« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2021, 10:09:21 AM »
@QueenOfSquirrels  Wonderful story! I love town jumps and I'm thrilled that someone else took the plunge and used Jared Frio as a spouse. Despite his traits, he's a loving husband and father. :)

Looking forward to your next chapter!

@deedee_828 Thank you! Town jumps are my favorite too. I started reading your last week, I can't wait to get caught up on it!

RIP Jared. Dakota is so cute! Really, all the Maes' kiddos are cute!

I love watching all of the kids grow up and see what they look like, it's my favorite part!

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Daniel gets right to work training Dakota how to walk.
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I caught this moment between Zelda and Jared, dancing until the sun rises. Look at how happy she is!
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Until he returns to his urn.
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Carmen sees Alec out and about in his work outfit. I'd think that the criminal warehouse would be a bit more inconspicuous, don't you think?
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Carmen: When you get bigger you can win fights!
Dakota: Yay, fights!
Why is the insane one teaching her to talk? Why not the bookworm?
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Carmen finds out she's having another baby!
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Zelda heads over to visit Alec and Carla and meet their kids! Hopefully the porch doesn't kill her like it did Jared.
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This is their oldest, Korey. He looks just like his mom!
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Zelda does as all good grandmas do, and can't resist pinching Korey's cheeks!
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I'm not sure what caused the freakout, but Alec spends most of the visit doing this repeatedly.

Unfortunately Carla and the rest of their kids weren't home, so hopefully she can meet them another time!

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Dakota loves her grandma. Zelda is always around to cuddle and play with her.
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Carmen of course spends plenty of time with her daughter, but she never forgets Red.
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It's during one of their hangout sessions that Carmen goes into labor!
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Carmen enter and exit the hospital with a baby girl, Edith! Her traits are Perceptive and Slob.
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Daniel continues to work on his lifetime wish. Almost there!
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It's finally time to hire a maid. No more dirty toilets!
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I also start renovating the kitchen, so happy with how it looks so far!
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Zelda is the most adorable rocker ever. Knowing her time is probably coming soon, I spend a lot of time watching her go about her day.
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Carmen and Daniel keep wishing for more kids, so baby #3 is on the way!
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Dakota is so precious. I have to stop myself from take 100 photos of just toddler spam.
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Zelda runs into Alec and Carla's middle child, Lukas, while out and about. He is such a good mix of the two of them!
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Carmen starts calling for Dakota and Edith's joint birthday party!

Next time: Births and Birthdays!

Offline QueenOfSquirrels

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump Chapter 18: Party Time!
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2021, 05:47:51 PM »
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Last we left off, it's time for another Mae birthday party! The adults get ready for the party with a brunch in the new kitchen.
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Bianca has joined the adults and is stuck with the into the future beehive.
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Bianca and Cortez's oldest daughter, Kerri, has turned out so pretty!
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Zelda goes to take Edith to the cake. I clicked on her to see who was going to take the baby to the cake, only to see the "Expire" action queued for her. However, the expire action seems to cancel the moment she picks up Edith. I guess Zelda lives to dance another day!
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Dakota and Edith share a birthday this time, and Dakota is up first!
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Dakota twirls into her dad's old hairstyle!
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Zelda brings baby Edith to the cake.
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And surprise! It's also Daniel's birthday! Carmen should be a day older, so I will correct that once the baby's born.
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Edith becomes a toddler looking just like her mom!
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Carmen seems really excited to see her husband age up.
Carmen: Yay, he's gonna be older than me now!
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This is Daniel's younger brother, Mario. I just love his look!
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Daniel ages up without any change besides a few new wrinkles, which I honestly think really suit him!
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Dakota gets a makeover and gains the trait Bookworm in addition to Loves the Heat and Disciplined. She really is her father's daughter!
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Edith seems to be a mini-Carmen. Her favorite color is purple! I feel like I never see that as a favorite color in my saves.
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Dakota gets Bianca's old room made over in her favorite color.
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Daniel wakes up the next morning to see Carmen in labor, nonchalantly making the bed.
Daniel: CAR! We need to go to the hospital, like now!
Carmen: I've done this twice before, I got this.
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Apparently making the bed functions as good as an epidural, unfortunately for Carmen it doesn't last very long.
Carmen: Dear watcher Daniel, call a taxi!!!!!
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Flynn Mae arrives at the hospital! His traits are Brave and Slob.
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Dakota enjoys skating at the park, although she isn't very good at it.
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Daniel works on toddler training Carmen Edith.
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Dakota loves watching Red and often takes care of him before anyone else in the house.

Next time: Flynn's birthday!

Offline QueenOfSquirrels

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump Chapter 19: Toddler Spam
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2021, 12:07:36 PM »
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Dakota ends her weekend before her first day of school by spending the day at the park.
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She also continues the time honored tradition of staring at the bus driver.
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Carmen works on training Dakota to talk before Flynn also become a toddler.
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Zelda stops by Alec and Carla's house to meet their youngest daughter, Carie. She has Zelda's hair!
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Dakota heads over to the Sekemoto house after her first day of school where she met Jaclyn. Another generation of Sekemoto/Mae friendships on the way?
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Daniel discovers that Red has passed away while Dakota was at school. Everyone is upset, especially Carmen. RIP Red, the best therapy turtle around.
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Since Zelda's been given a second chance at life, I spend a lot of time following her around and taking screenshots.

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Flynn's toddler birthday rolls around, and Carla and Kerri decide to celebrate by fighting in the living room.
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Zelda doesn't quite make it to the celebration.
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Carmen comes up to grab Flynn and bring him to the cake, but instead finds Zelda waiting for Grim.
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The partygoers clog up the entrance to Zelda, and Grim can't make it in.
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Zelda Mae lived to be 112. She was a wonderful mother, wife, and a successful rockstar to be remembered for the ages. I will miss her goofiness constantly entertaining me. Goodbye Zelda!
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Despite the visit from Grim, Daniel takes Flynn to the cake.
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And we have a goofball that has his grandma Zelda's hair color! What perfect timing.
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Poor Carmen is distraught. Between losing Red and her mother, she can't keep it together.
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Flynn gets a makeover is his favorite color, Lime. He is such a cutie!
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Oh goodness, look at that smile. I already adore him.
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I love him. I gotta stop myself from the toddler spam!
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Edith isn't one to be left out. She's just so mellow, and she tends to stay to herself.
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I really try not to have favorites this early on, but Flynn is just too adorable. Time will tell if he stays the favorite!

Next time, Zelda stops by for a visit!

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Many Maes: A Legacy/Town Jump
« Reply #27 on: May 30, 2021, 07:12:39 PM »
Rip Zelda, she'll be missed. At least, Flynn got her hair!

