Author Topic: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge  (Read 13996 times)

Offline Alexandra88

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #60 on: June 06, 2021, 06:49:23 PM »
First baby boomer challenge and I'm happy to make it through, haven't played in awhile and this got me through my vacation.

YAs moved out - 3(1600) - first one moved out at 29644 minutes
Teen (800)
Children 3(400)
Infant (100)

Offline mismck

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #61 on: June 06, 2021, 08:57:20 PM »
The Baker family is really tired!

YA moved out: 9 x 1600 = 14,400
The first YA moved out at 16,671 minutes.
Still at home: 1 Child (400) and 1 NooBoo (100) = 500
Total: 14,900

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Offline SueDenim

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #62 on: June 06, 2021, 11:26:05 PM »
7 Children moved out, 1 teen and 1 child left in the house.
I made some very key mistakes with that last teenager.  (I made some less key mistakes with some of the others - but they didn't really matter)

I forgot to record the date/time my first kid moved out - I think it was Tuesday, week 2.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #63 on: June 07, 2021, 12:06:00 AM »
The 10th incarnation of Adam and Eve Boomer finished the challenge with 10 young adults moved out. They had 1 teen and 2 children still at home for 17,400 points.

Aiden Boomer was the first to move out on Tuesday of Week 2 at 3:51 pm (13,431).

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #64 on: June 07, 2021, 06:04:16 AM »
This challenge is now closed.

Wow. I am pretty impressed with the participation. Pam would be proud. I was chatting with mismck in Discord the other day saying I thought we would get 20 participants, and lo and behold we got 21 in the end.

Grats to Nikitachi for the big win. She is a machine this year and will be hard to catch. Everyone is now free to discuss how you approached this event.

EDIT -- Oh...Glazey, I have you for 17600 points. 16k for the YA moved out + 1600 for the 3 still at home.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #65 on: June 07, 2021, 08:40:53 AM »
This challenge is now closed.

Wow. I am pretty impressed with the participation. Pam would be proud. I was chatting with mismck in Discord the other day saying I thought we would get 20 participants, and lo and behold we got 21 in the end.

Grats to Nikitachi for the big win. She is a machine this year and will be hard to catch. Everyone is now free to discuss how you approached this event.

EDIT -- Oh...Glazey, I have you for 17600 points. 16k for the YA moved out + 1600 for the 3 still at home.

Congrats @Nikitachi!

@Metro - Thanks - I modified a spreadsheet from a previous Boomer and didn't update the Child score correctly - I had 300 instead of 400.  Thanks for the correction.

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #66 on: June 07, 2021, 09:13:31 AM »
So glad to see the participation in this challenge. 

My approach to this was to just have single babies and not have any twins until the end of the challenge.  I really missed the lot traits on this one as the fertility massage and the Fertile trait did not help them out at all.  Everything generally went fast except their grades in school, which always took at least 2 days if not 3 days (again missing those lot traits).
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Offline Nikitachi

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #67 on: June 07, 2021, 09:33:34 AM »
Thank you for the congratulations! It's my first time winning the Baby Boomer, I think. Probably because this time it was really easy to raise each child, since we didn't need to complete adult aspirations, and we also had a decreased chance of twins.

Speaking of which, I used Fertility Massage to increase these chances. I always tried for baby while the moodlet was active, and, just in case, I had that massage both before trying for baby and a few hours before the expected birth (not sure if it works this way though). The mother also watched kids tv before birth, but not much and not always. I even got triplets once, and for all the other births, about half of them were resulting in a single baby, and the other half yielded sets of twins.

Other than that, this time there isn't much to describe. The father was working as a freelance programmer so the family had more than enough money and enough time for the dad to help with the toddlers. For the toddlers, I always chose the Clingy trait so they could learn skills faster when being helped by a parent. I always fed the infant and changed his/her diaper right before aging up so the 'fresh' toddler was always happy, then started with the Potty training. If the toddler became sad because of potty failure, I switched him/her to quick skills such as Communication (by talking to a big stuffed animal a few times) or Thinking (by watching the adult). When they became Happy again, I continued with the Potty. Movement was easily achievable by the dad playing with the toddler 2 or 3 times (when he throws them into the air and rides them on his back, not sure how the action is called in the English version). Imagination was easily done by reading to a toddler a couple of times (and this is convenient since you can read to all toddlers at once).

For the children, I always chose Whiz kid since it's relatively quick and doesn't require leaving the lot or finding anyone. Only the last two children had Rambunctious Scamp because they hadn't enough time to go to school for an A, so I was hoping for a B to turn them into Teens at least, but I failed anyway becasue they didn't  get enough sleep before their only school day :D

Teens were teens for just a few minutes - they already had a B right after aging up because of an A in elementary school, and it also gave them a level 2 at work instantly. And they only had to apply for any job by phone, and become best friends with dad/mom, then age up again and bye :D And that's it, I think. Nothing more to describe this time.

Offline SueDenim

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #68 on: June 07, 2021, 01:00:04 PM »
Congratulations Nikitachi!

8 and a half pregnancies.  Fertile trait for both parents, fertility massages.  Extra woo-hooing.  Kids radio & tv. 

One set of twins! Just one!  (And a few really long pregnancies. Like 40 hours in the third trimester long.)

I didn't have a test run for this one - which would have been useful because there were a couple of things I didn't realize/research until the final kid.  (Like, the reason that it was taking so very long for them to finish their aspirations is because I didn't go that final step to level 3/5 as toddlers.  That's no time at all for toddlers and a lot of time for children).  Also, I'm used to not wanting charmer toddlers because they get depressed and stop learning when the older people in the house don't/can't pay attention to them.  I usually choose independent, because they can potty train themselves, learn by themselves, and handle their parents' neglect. It took me a while to figure out that I had the parental resources to get  the charmer to learn quickly.
I also learned that I'm very spoiled by lot traits and clubs.  And, apparently, I'd never kept kids up all night and aged them to teens in the wee hours of the morning - didn't know that meant they wouldn't just bop off to school an hour later.

On the good side, the low birth rate meant I never had to worry even once about making sure there was enough room for another set of twins (most of the time, there was enough room for triplets).  The kids just didn't come.

Another baby boom down!  Hopefully, I won't forget everything between now and the next one.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #69 on: June 07, 2021, 01:27:01 PM »
I did some testing after last year's Baby Boomer using MCCC to check on Mom throughout the pregnancy to see how many babies she would have. What I found was that with the Fertile trait (and without the lot trait) the Fertility Massage nearly always resulted in twins if it was active both at the time of Try for Baby and the time of birth. But if the buff fell off, the number of babies dropped back to 1. Getting another fertility massage took the number back up to 2. Before this testing, I didn't realize that the number of babies would change like that during the pregnancy.

For the challenge, I kept the fertility massage buff up and had twins, then triplets, then a single (which filled the household). All other births were twins.

As for strategy, I gave all my toddlers the Independent trait so they could use the potty chair by themselves from the beginning.  That does make them prefer that the parents not teach them, but really seems to just affect Teach to Talk and Flashcards. Play still raises Movement quickly, Watch still raises Thinking quickly, Reading a Story still raises Imagination quickly and Babbling still raises Communication quickly.  They also learn faster when using the tablet as that is independent learning.

I only had toddlers 'Nap' in the highchair and never sleep in a toddler bed. They regain energy faster napping in the highchair.

I gave all the kids the Creative trait and the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. With mom and dad using the Encourage interaction when the child is drawing, this aspiration goes the fastest for me. I had the children all do their homework and complete a project before going to school for the first time. I used moodlet solvers before school with a Citrus bath to get them happy and Focused. Then I had them study hard at school - this would usually get them a grade increase each day, but occasionally they stopped just short of the "promotion" and then had to go to school 3 days to get an A. I did get each child to A except the last teen in the household - he got a B on week 4 Friday, so I just aged him up to teen for the additional points. As @Nikitachi mentioned, having an A as a child starts them with a B for High School and they start any job at level 2 as well.

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #70 on: June 07, 2021, 03:24:31 PM »
So many things I knew, but forgot when the time came. 
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Offline jesslc

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #71 on: June 08, 2021, 12:25:14 AM »
Congratulations Nikitachi!


Several weeks ago I was debating whether or not to get spa day for the fertility massage and spent some time trying to find any information about how much a fertility massage increases the chance of twins, to help me decide if it might be worth buying it. I didn't find anything on that point so thanks GlazeyLady for your explanation!

However while trying to find some information about that, I did manage to stumble across this thread in the spa day subforum:

I tried Playalot's tip from that thread in my practice file twice and got twins both times unlike the first two pregnancies where I had only had single children. That could have been coincidence - both practice sims had the fertile reward from mid first pregnancy - but I couldn't really spare any more time practicing so I decided I would just go with it in the real thing. Taking an extra few hours to get pregnant each time would be worth it if it increased my chance of twins.

I usually made my sims try for baby twice, take a brief break while I watched closely for any sign of pregnancy, and then try for baby again, usually twice more. They had quite a lot of multiple births.

If I count up all the times I've tried Playalot's tip so far (in practice, my challenge file, and unofficially continuing my game after stuffing up my attempt)... that comes to a total of 7 pregnancies with only 2 single births among them. The other pregnancies were 4 sets of twins and 1 set of triplets. So it looks like Playalot's method doesn't guarantee you multiples but does seem to give a better chance of them.

(There's 1 pregnancy from my real file that's not counted in that data because the game wouldn't let me try for baby multiple times - presumably because there was only one spot in the house at that point).

My sims both had the fertile reward trait too though I don't know how much difference that would have made. From what other people have been saying about the fertile trait, I suspect not much. I didn't end up buying spa day and did nothing else with regards to fertility other than the fertile reward trait and Playalot's tip.

Playalot suggested looking out for your sim appearing nauseous or having baby related thought bubbles. Personally I found it much easier to watch my sim's hunger need - it drains faster than usual when a sim is pregnant even if a pregnancy test hasn't been used yet.

I assumed that some of the other players would know about this since I found it on these very forums. It seemed quite unlikely to me that no other challenge players had read that thread in the years since Playalot posted in 2016. Though I guess I was wrong in that assumption, as surely someone would have mentioned it by now. SueDenim did mention extra woohoo-ing but it's not clear if that means trying for baby again after the sim is showing signs of pregnancy but before a pregnancy test.

Maybe the high number of multiple births I've had from using this tip were just random luck - 7 pregnancies isn't exactly a large sample size after all. But personally I'm convinced that it does have some effect. And while I'm probably the last person on these forums who still doesn't have city living yet, if you ever need/want twins without the fertility increasing lot trait, you could try this to improve your chances.


As for raising the kids, most of what I did has been covered already (clingy toddlers, high chair naps, etc). There are only two points I'd add:

Teens only need a B grade when they were a child in order to start a part time job at level 2. Of course then they only start high school with a C and you have to get their grade up.

Personally I find the child social aspiration the fastest, followed by creative. So most of them got social, but some got creative so that I didn't have to micromanage two kids working on social at the same time. (After doing that once, I decided never again!)

I had my parents go to park during the first pregnancy to meet kids which they could then invite over for my children working on the third milestone of the social aspiration. (And also so that my sims could complete "read to a child" from the family aspirations without having to wait for my own kids to be born/grow up). Once a parent invited over a child they knew, I just had my kids take photos with the visitor until they were friends & send them home again. The last child or adult to be befriended this way was usually kept on the lot for my kid to spam friendly socials until their social skill reached level 10. It always finished faster than creative for me - even with moodlet solvers and inspired potions, the creative kids would be less than half way through milestone 3 when their social twin completed their aspiration.

I almost ran into trouble when those first 3 townie children all aged up to teen around the same time but luckily the parents managed to meet one new child at the park while my kids at school managed to meet 2 more, so it didn't end up being an issue. That's said, if I did it again I would have probably go with making all children do creative at the 2 week point when I know the townie children are likely to all age up around the same time. Then only go back to social once I'd found 3 townie kids again.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #72 on: June 08, 2021, 08:04:08 PM »
What a great summary, jesslc. Thank you for taking the time to write that up. I'm not surprised you pulled from Playalot's expertise. It's been ages since she has competed in the Tournament, but I remember one year she dove into the first event and wiped the floor with everyone, and then we did not see her again. Lol. Oh well. :)

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #73 on: June 09, 2021, 05:28:49 PM »
So annoyed with myself I got a stomach bug and missed posting my score congratulations to everyone who took part.

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Offline Delokkpsi

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Re: 2021 Mid-Season Major: Pam's Memorial Baby Boomer Challenge
« Reply #74 on: June 13, 2021, 05:04:48 PM »
I guess I wasn't using the fertility massages correctly.  Both Carlisle & Pamela had the fertile trait & used the fertility massage before each "trying for baby" interaction. Pamela also listened to kids radio & watched the kids networks throughout all pregnancies. After all that she only had 1 set of twins! As an added bonus on the last Thursday of the challenge their child would not go to school and therefore could not be aged up to teen.