Author Topic: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge (update April 14)  (Read 11308 times)

Offline MarianT

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A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge (update April 14)
« on: April 04, 2021, 02:15:44 PM »
Since my Immortals' garden is severely infested with a bug, and not the kind you can get rid of by spraying, I'm starting a different project: 10 different Sims doing the Power of 10 Challenge. There will be only a few screenshots and not much in the way of stories, but lots of stats. My Sims will be able to do what Sims do best -- grind.
As the word "Lengthy" suggests, I'll be playing on long, which means a few additions to the rules. For starters, all my Sims are beginning with a Tiny house. This one is typical of most of them:

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Note: Using the loft version of the bunkbed doesn't give me more space, but it does give the room a more open feeling. Before marrying, the Sim has to upgrade the house to include a separate kitchen and a bedroom large enough for a double bed. Spouses who come from a household with more than one person can bring only a fraction of the household income with them (i.e., someone from a 3-person household would bring 1/3). Before trying for baby, the Sim has to have a wedding ceremony and a 3-day honeymoon. Before the baby becomes a toddler, the house has to include a nursery.
Heirs and other children can be aged up as soon as they've completed the following:

Babies -- good friends with both parents
Toddlers -- Topnotch Toddler
Children -- All 4 child skills maxed, 5 games won of chess, don't wake the llamas, or voidcritters
Teens -- Completed Scouting or Drama Club, level 3 of a part-time job, 5 games won of basketball, bowling, darts, foosball, horseshoes, or ping-pong, 3-day trip to some other town, have 3 character traits.

Each household will have stats in addition to each individual. They are expected to max all skills, complete all degrees, and endure all NAPs. I'm undecided about lifestyles. Since each household is played for a week at a time, my Sims might not develop lifestyles (or might develop them when I'm not paying attention). I'm including Collections in the stats. These are full collections rather than the 10-item ones required by the Challenge.

Household Stats
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Founders' Stats
Children's Stats

Founders Week 1
Founders Week 2
Founders Week 3
Founders Week 4
Founders Week 5
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Offline MarianT

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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2021, 02:16:12 PM »
Adult Stats -- Founders

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Beatrix Schultz
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Dylan Horvath
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Mallory Quinn
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Gunther Betancourt
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Clarissa Gray
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Caleb Larsen
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Elaine Hood
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Rory Chisholm
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Shania Maldonado
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Reginald Farrell
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Offline MarianT

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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2021, 02:16:28 PM »
Children Stats

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Winnifred Gray
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Diana Larsen
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Marjorie Hood
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Cynthia Schultz
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Will Horvath & John Horvath
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Jasmine Quinn
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Martin Chisholm
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Juan Maldonado
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Neville and Nigel Farrell
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Lee Betancourt
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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2021, 11:13:24 PM »
What an interesting challenge!
I'm not sure I understand (haha, I almost complimented you on your "founding couple," Beatrix and Dylan.
Your challenge consists of rotational gameplay involving 10 different households?
I like the realistic additions you've added to prolong your enjoyment of each household: house upgrades before marriage (like Stardew Valley :D), wedding/honeymoon before trying for baby, and a nursery.
Even if you don't post a story, I hope you will occasionally share screenshots of your households.

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2021, 07:53:12 AM »
@oshizu, Each household will be working on the Power of 10 Challenge, but in rotation, one week at a time. While you won't be seeing the usual pictures of Sims doing things, I do plan to include selfies and family pics. Once my Sims marry, their selfie will be of them and their spouse, and the children's stats will include toddler pics and child pics.

But I feel that I've taken pictures of almost everything Sims do -- including vacuuming, and it is time-consuming, trying to get a good shot, and then edit it. I might write about them a little along the way, but I won't try to give equal time to each Sim family.

Incidentally, about vacuuming, apparently if you don't buy a vacuum cleaner, you don't get dust. I don't know this for sure. Maybe when I cycle back to Beatrix, I'll find that her tiny house is filled with dust bunnies.
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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2021, 08:26:50 PM »
Are your sims in one save file or many?  Just wondering if this is an official dynasty (or 10)?

Offline MarianT

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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2021, 09:23:40 PM »
They're all in one save file. As for being official -- I'm trying to follow the official rules for The Power of 10. I'll worry about whether it's eligible for the HOF when I get closer to the end. I'm curious about what effect the changes in traits and the new lifestyles will have.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2021, 07:32:15 AM »
15th of Autumn, the Year of the Penguin
Each of my Sims has had a week now, with one exception. More about that later. My intent for this first week was to get everyone established in a job and develop some skills. I'd hoped they would each meet someone at a festival or on a community lot who could develop into a future spouse. But it seems like most of the people who show up at festivals are adults rather than young adults. Nevertheless, three of my Sims got married, and one, Mallory Quinn, found a boyfriend.

I learned a few things. The first is that you can't have an outdoor wedding when it's raining. The spouse-to-be shows up with an umbrella, which prevents all the animations necessary to the ceremony. The second is that dust isn't a problem unless your Sim owns a vacuum or lives on a lot with the filthy trait. The third is that the "Shoes Off" placard can be a hazard.

Anyway, here is how their first weeks went:
Beatrix Shultz made progress in her career in Education and is acquiring the Research and Debate skill. She completed 4 whims and visited 3 lots.

Dylan Horvath is working on the Tech Guru career and the Programming skill, probably Video Gaming, too. He has one good friend -- another guy, completed 7 whims, and visited 3 lots.

Mallory Quinn is a promising Politician, working on charisma. She has 6 good friends, one of whom is the non-human Flower Bunny. She completed 5 emotional whims, and visited 6 lots, meeting Gavin Richards at the Romance Festival, where he became her boyfriend. I'm curious to see whether he'll still be her boyfriend 10 weeks later.

Gunther Betancourt doesn't have a job, but is studying Physics at Foxbury Institute. He has an A+ average, which means that he has 4 college A's. He has maxed the Handiness skill, thanks to the Gremlins on his lot. He has completed 5 emotional whims and visited 6 lots. He has 2 good friends -- one another guy, and the other a teen-aged girl.

Clarissa Gray is a Painter, working on her skill in painting, and has earned over 10,000 simoleons. She met Mila Munch during the Welcome Wagon visit, and met Mila's son Gunther when she went to visit her.  Gunther invited her out on a date, after which the two of them had a wedding. They haven't gone on honeymoon yet. Clarissa has completed 6 emotional whims and visited 5 lots.

Caleb Larsen doesn't have a job yet but is working on the archaeology skill. Dina Caliente came to his house when he returned from Selvadorada, and visited again later. They got married and went on honeymoon to Mt. Komorebi. Caleb has earned over 10,000 simoleons. He has completed 9 emotional whims and visited two lots (I'm not counting the ones in Selvadorada and Mt. Komorebi).

Elaine Hood has reached the top of the Entertainer career as a comedian, thanks to being discovered by a television producer. She is working on the guitar skill and plans to go to college. She has completed one odd job, and has thrown 3 parties. Two of them have been kava parties, and she has to throw a 3rd because she can't get gold without having a kava toast. The other was her wedding to Diego Lobo. They were out on a date, when she got the call about her great-uncle's will. She and Diego decided to get married immediately, but they haven't had time for a honeymoon yet. Elaine has completed 5 whims and visited 3 lots.

Rory Chisholm was doing great until he made the mistake of leaving his shoes on inside the house. That put him in a playful mood, which was heightened by the fact that he'd just gotten engaged to Alice Martin. Rory got hysterical, couldn't calm down, and was visited by the Grim Reaper. I moved in the Rory Chisholm from my gallery, and he is currently working on a career in Mixology and trying to renew his romance with Alice Martin. The fact that she won the lottery a few weeks ago is not a factor ;). Rory is the first Sim I've had who can carry his tombstone around in inventory. He has completed 1 emotional whim.

Shania Maldonado is a Scientist. She has maxed cooking, but that won't be her primary skill. She only has 2 emotional whims, and has visited 4 lots. She has two good friends, one of them a vampire.

Reginald Farrell is a freelance fabricator, working on the fabrication skill. He has completed 5 gigs and thrown a Spooky Day party. He has one good friend, has completed 5 whims, and has visited 3 lots.
That's it for the first update -- on to everyone's 2nd week.
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Offline MarianT

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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge (update Apr 14)
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2021, 08:50:21 PM »
22nd of Spring, the Year of the Llama
"First comes love, then comes marriage,
Then comes SimNameHere with a baby carriage."

Or would, if the Sims had baby carriages. Seven of the founders have babies or toddlers now, and everyone is married.

Beatrix Schultz, being a quick learner, realized that the housemates of a lottery winner would benefit from the lottery as well. She became friends, then lovers, with Mark Eggleston, who is great spouse material (art lover, bookworm, cheerful, and good-looking) even without the simoleons. They went to Windenburg for their honeymoon, and Beatriz worked on the Soulmate aspiration. Their favorite place in Windenburg was the library, Quad Manor. There wasn't time for the baby to be born before they returned home, however.

For a while, Dylan Horvath thought that he might never get married. The librarian at Quad Manor, a promising young adult, turned out to hate children. And he seemed to meet only young men when he went to community lots. Finally, he met a young adult woman -- Elisha Woodworth. She agreed to become his girlfriend -- and then zapped his memory with her alien skill. But Elisha relented and developed a relationship with Dylan again. They married and spent their honeymoon on Mt. Komorebi.

Mallory Quinn and Gavin Richards spent their honeymoon on Sulani, where they discovered that the rental property, the Admiral's Wreckage, didn't have a double bed. They were able to buy an air mattress, though. Gavin decided to make use of his painting skill and start selling paintings. He quit his job as a writer to become a stay-at-home father when the baby would be born. Mallory discovered that she couldn't do odd jobs while on vacation, but she did complete her requirement to visit 10 lots and worked on the Soulmate aspiration. She found 10 seashells worth $1005, and plans to return to Sulani occasionally to put together a complete collection. She and Gavin threw a house party when they returned from their honeymoon.

Gunther Betancourt had planned to wait until he finished his degree before he got married, but when he met Liberty Lee, that plan was changed. They got married, Gunther finished his second semester of classes with an A+ average, and the two of them went on the first day of their honeymoon on Batuu. Although less conducive to romance than other places, both Gunther and Liberty were very pleased with their choice. Gunther picked up the schematic for the camping mascot in Granite Falls and made almost 5000 simoleons on his first sale on Plopsy. He also maxed the robotics skill and opened up the entrance to the Forgotten Grotto.

Clarissa Gray and Gunther Munch went to San Myshuno for their honeymoon, staying at the Salt House, which was very expensive. They had a great time, though, and Clarissa's paintings almost paid for the trip. After their honeymoon, there was time for Clarissa to go through her pregnancy. She had a little girl, Winnifred, who became a toddler with the silly trait.

Caleb Larsen and Dina Caliente also had a little girl, Diana, who picked up the angelic trait from being born on Winterfest. Caleb has been to Selvadorada a couple of more times, and plans a few more trips until he maxes the archaeology skill. He's trying to put together a collection of excellent artifacts. Once he does that, he'll become a writer and write about his adventures as an archaeologist and explorer.

Elaine Hood and Diego Lobo had a great time on their honemoon in Windenburg, even though Diego didn't think much of the accommodations. Their house had no central heating, so they had to buy a couple of space heaters. But they found a place where they could go ice skating. Their little girl is named Marjorie, and she's a charmer.

Alice Martin gave Rory Chisholm a scare on their wedding night by becoming hysterical after drinking a glass of wine at their wedding. She went out for a run and eventually calmed down.  Rory completed a snow globes collection at the Flea Market but plans to use something else for his 10-item collection. With Alice's third of the lottery, they bulldozed Rory's tiny house and built something with more style, based on @Playalot's Contemporary Maybe. They now have a baby boy, whom Rory plans to name Martin, after Alice.

Shania Maldonado married Johnny Zest and took him to Granite Falls for their honeymoon. It wouldn't have been Johnny's first choice, but he enjoyed learning how to play horseshoes. He also enjoyed pranking the toilet, but repaired it and cleaned it each time. Shania became good friends with the Hermit, Mabel Pate, and was able to harvest three wild plants. On their return. Johnny got a promotion, and Shania gave birth to a little boy, Ian.

Reginald Farrell had the surprise of his life when he found that his wife Leslie Holland was infected with the Strangerville sickness. This causes her to become possessed and go wandering in search of the Mother. The fits last for 3 hours and can occur even when she's pregnant. It made for a rather unusual honeymoon on Sulani, and Reginald may have to visit Strangerville to develop a vaccine for Leslie. Apparently you can take the girl out of Strangerville but you can't take Strangerville out of the girl.

Next week will probably be devoted to toddlers. Stay tuned.
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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge (update Apr 28)
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2021, 05:10:42 PM »
28th of Summer, Year of the Llama
This time, it's all about the toddlers. And I'm switching to reporting on half the families at a time.

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Beatrix Schultz had rather a dull week, just working and studying research and debate. But she did throw 2 toddler playdates, one at Magnolia Blossom Park and one at home. Her husband Mark had more excitement. He got to look after Cynthia, who is an independent toddler. Mark also was put in charge of laundry and vacuuming. He did manage to write a children's book for Cynthia, though. And next time around, he'll get ready to take university classes.

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Dylan Horvath didn't know what to expect when he and Elisha tried to have a baby. The child would turn out to be half-alien, but whether that would be visible was an unknown. And he didn't know whether the carrots that Elisha ate would have the effect of producing a boy. So it wasn't too much of a surprise that Will turned out to be a boy and pale blue. As was his twin brother John. They're easy to tell apart because Will has curly black hair and John's hair is straight and brown. They were born on Freedom Day, so Will got the independent trait. John picked up the same trait, randomly. Elisha works part-time as a gardener, so she was able to stay home and look after the two of them. When she wasn't dancing, that is.

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Mallory Quinn completed her aspiration to become a Friend of the World.  She picked up a couple more good friends. She also completed her 9th and 10th emotional whims with a lot of help from Gavin. He completed his Painter Extraordinaire aspiration, which meant that he could paint a playful and a sad painting for her. They hung the paintings in the laundry room. Even with viewing the sad painting, Mallory could not be dominated by the emotion, so Gavin wrote a sad book for her, too. Apparently he gained the ability to make all kinds of emotional objects, not just paintings, from the aspiration. In addition, their daughter Jasmine made great improvement as a toddler. In particular, she enjoyed going to Ohan'ali Beach and playing in the water. Mallory found another shell for her collection. Gavin applied to university and will start next time.

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Gunther Betancourt thought that the happiest day of his life was the day he graduated from Foxbury Institute with a degree in Physics and also flew a mission to distract the First Order in Batuu. And got his own droid -- a BB model in red. But that night Liberty told him she was pregnant, and Gunther realized that heretofore he'd had no idea what real happiness was. And real terror. Trying to get away from a First Order plane by flying between a few rocks was nothing in comparison. Would he be a good father? Liberty would be an excellent mother, he knew that. But he didn't know whether being good with machines and things would help with fatherhood. Children didn't come with instruction manuals.

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For a while, Clarissa Gray thought that she wasn't making any progress at all. As a workaholic, that bothered her. But then she finished the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration and completed a few whims. With a toddler playdate and a birthday party done, and a couple of promotions at work, she realized that this challenge was something she could manage. And it helped that little Winnifred became the first toddler to age up to child in her generation. Clarissa was too tired to celebrate Winnifred's birthday, but her father and grandmother were there to dance with her.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge (update May 10)
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2021, 01:40:20 PM »
7th of Winter, Year of the Llama

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Boredom has been a problem for Caleb Larsen ever since he became an adrenaline seeker. He has plenty of money, a beautiful wife - Dina Caliente - and an adorable daughter Diana, so he should be happy, but he misses the excitement of tomb exploration. Now that he's put together a collection of excellent artifacts, there's no reason for him to go to Selvadorada again. It's time for him to get a job -- perhaps the Secret Agent career will provide him the thrills that he craves. Meanwhile, his daughter Diana is a child now and has joined the Drama Club.

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Elaine Hood threw yet another kava party that didn't quite make it to gold. But she almost made it, and next time she's sure she'll get it. She did complete her gigs though, serving as a Sand Sculpture Judge at the end. She has visited 10 different lots now, and has more than 10 seashells. She wants to get a complete collection. She needs one more whim - tense would work, but it's hard getting tense on Sulani. Her daughter Marjorie became a topnotch toddler and is a child now, with a desire to live in a green neighborhood. Marjorie has already cleaned up a couple of messes around her home and has joined the Scouts.

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Rory Chisholm prefers the Close Knit lifestyle, so his only good friends are his wife Alice, her former housemate Leslie, and his son Martin. That might explain why his Incognito party, with only two guests, was a flop. Whenever he thinks about it, he gets sad or embarrassed or tense. But he's making progress as a Mixologist, and his clingy toddler Martin thinks he's the greatest. His wife Alice has licensed her first song on the piano, Strange Rag, and written a second song.

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Shania Maldonado had a fairly good week. She got two promotions at work. Considering that she had the Watcher present on only one day and took Thursday off for Harvest Fest, that was amazing. Her husband Johnny Zest has quit his job as an entertainer until their toddler Juan is old enough for school. He is an inquisitive child and handsome, too, with his mother's dark brown hair and blue eyes, and his father's slicked-back hairstyle. Shania threw a dinner party and made another good friend, Sonny Sisk. She's close to having a complete collection of My Sims dolls and also of crystals. She's hanging on to the crystals, though, in case she'll need them for inventions at work. Her satellite dish has been a success. Even though she hasn't brought it home yet, its influence has led to her being abducted by aliens, which she found very exciting.

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Getting used to his wife Leslie's "condition" has been a challenge for Reginald Farrell.  Every night, around 1 am, her eyes open wide, her movements become jerky and disjointed, and she runs off, muttering about the "Mother." It's winter in Glimmerbrook now, with snow on the ground, but she doesn't put on a coat or even shoes if she's in her nightgown, and Reginald has worried that she'll freeze before her 3 hours of possession are over. But he's discovered that he can keep her in the house most of the time by challenging her to a chess game. And if it's a little humiliating to be checkmated by someone possessed, well, worse things could happen. Her hours of possession seem to be limited to the wee hours of the morning, so Reginald feels okay about taking a job as a Civil Designer now that he's finished with his gigs. Both his twin boys seem normal enough. Nigel, his heir, is inquisitive while Neville is a bit fussy. But both of them are potty-trained now and will soon become top-notch toddlers.
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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge (update May 23)
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2021, 10:19:37 PM »
15th of Spring, Year of the Dog

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With a mother who is a college administrator, Cynthia Schultz knows that she has to do well in school. Beatrix Schultz is only one promotion away from the top of the Education ladder. And after that? She's thinking about interior design. She also has to make a few more friends and throw a few more parties. As for Cynthia, she's already beaten two other children at chess and is halfway through her child skills.

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Will and John Horvath are not toddlers any more, but they wanted to show off their Winterfest tree. Will got dressed in his good clothes for the picture, but John was still in pajamas, which seems typical for toddlers. Dylan Horvath has maxed the programming skill, and needs only two more promotions. But he still needs to make friends and throw parties. Will hasn't beaten anyone at Voidcritters yet; John won their first game.

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Mallory Quinn only has to work 3 days a week now, but she has to spend the rest of her time fund-raising. Even though she's always asking people for money, she has quite a few friends. She has newly discovered a liking for painting, so when she finishes her career as a Politician, she might become a freelance painter. Her daughter Jasmine has gone from being a fussy toddler to a hot-headed child. She's beaten three people at Don't Wake the Llama -- her father Gavin, Billie Jang, and John Horvath. Jasmine's favorite color is orange; she likes fitness and violin, but dislikes dancing.

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Gunther Betancourt is very glad that he took the time to get a degree in Physics. He managed to reach the top of his career in his first week at work. And it might have been an influence on his son, Lee, who went from infancy to childhood in less than a week. Because he likes handiness, Gunther was able to enjoy making 10 camping mascots for his collection. His museum display also includes his diploma and a badge for completing the snow globe collection. Gunther can now concentrate on throwing more parties; his toddler play date was a success even though only the parents showed up.

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After reaching level 10 in the Painter career, Clarissa Gray thought that she'd be able to pick up 10 gigs as an Interior Designer without any trouble at all. That was before she met Eliza Pancakes. The room that she turned into a nursery for her and Bob didn't please either of them. It had never occurred to Clarissa that she might have to decorate with fish. On the plus side, she has set up her hall at the Ten by Ten Museum with 10 masterpiece paintings, worth $17,705. And there's always next week. Gunther has finished his first 4 courses for a degree in history with an A+ average, and Winnifred has set up a chess club. So far, the only other child she has beaten is Alexander Goth. Winnifred also has her own treehouse and might be able to sleep out there when it gets warmer.

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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge (update June 2)
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2021, 03:23:15 PM »
22nd of Summer, Year of the Dog

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Although he makes plenty of money from authenticating artifacts, Caleb Larsen still has to complete a career. He has become a Secret Agent, hoping that it will satisfy his adventurous desires. He is no longer an Adrenaline Seeker, but perhaps that will change if he takes up skiing again. His daughter Diana is doing well at school and working on her skills. She took time to go to the Festival of Youth, where she managed to find all 10 of the virtual voidcritters. Once she becomes an A student, she might take up playing with the real ones. His wife Dina, meanwhile, is making progress as a mixologist.

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Elaine Hood finally threw a gold kava party. She also harvested some coconuts, so is very close to achieving the Beach Life aspiration. Elaine lost her Close Knit lifestyle, but she doesn't mind. In fact, she'll take up the People Person lifestyle if it will help her make more friends. She decided to go ahead with seashells (worth $1410) as her collection; it's too hard to find buried treasure. Her husband Diego is very close to the top of the Critic career, and Elaine can't wait to try on a few berets. Little Marjorie is now an Artistic Prodigy and very responsible. She also picks up some empathy points every time she cleans up a mess in the ocean or on the beach.

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Rory Chisholm is also in danger of losing his Close Knit lifestyle, but he also doesn't mind. After a few days of feeling tense about having so many (5) friends, he's decided to let it go. He has discovered that he enjoys fitness and gardening as well as writing. He hasn't done much writing yet, but plans to become a freelance writer once he gets to the top of the Mixology career. He's at level 8 now so doesn't have far to go. His little son Martin is a child now and has started a club. Into the Void encourages its members - Martin Chisholm, Lee Betancourt, Will Horvath, Olivia S-K-L, and Olive Tinker in the picture below - to play Voidcritters and do homework. Martin is an A student already and hopes to get a dog.
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Shania Maldonado has thrown her third successful party and become good friends with an alien and her Invention Constructor. She has also been abducted twice. Shania has completed her My Sims collection, and can now sell all her crystals, metals, and fossils to the Simsonian Museum for a hefty profit. Her husband Johnny Zest has decided that he likes handiness, which is good, because it means that he can enjoy repairing the toilet after he pranks it. At the rate he's going, he might max the skill. Their son Juan is enjoying being a child. So far he's beaten Diana Larsen at chess and joined the Drama Club.

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Now that Nigel isn't a toddler any more, he realizes that something is wrong with his mother. Every night, around 1 am, she goes outside, even when there's a thunderstorm going on. His father, Reginald Farrell, tries to keep her inside playing chess, but as soon as their game is over, she's off. Nigel doesn't know what he can do about it, but he's going to figure something out. Meanwhile, Reginald is doing well, getting promoted at work, maxing the fabrication skill, and putting together a collection of carved candles. Nigel himself is a B student, almost at the halfway point with his skills, and has been beating his friends at Don't Wake the Llama. His brother Neville is a B student, too. And even his mother is becoming a successful writer, with a couple of best-sellers.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge (update June 18)
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2021, 08:11:40 PM »
21st of Autumn, Year of the Dog

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It's been a week of transition for Beatrix Schultz. To begin with, she, Mark, and Cynthia acquired a pygmy hedgehog named Thimble. Thimble was intended to be Cynthia's responsibility, but everyone has been feeding the little animal. Cynthia joined Scouts, and is a Unicorn Scout already. More important, Beatrix became Head Chancellor at Foxbury Institute and maxed the research and debate skill.

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She changed jobs, however, becoming an interior decorator. Beatrix started at the bottom with a room renovation for the Ngatas. She put together a new room for Tane, decorated with his favorite color, purple. This was so successful that she got a promotion.

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Her next job was for the Harrises of Evergreen Harbor. Their stove caught fire while she was there, so Beatrix decided to give them a new kitchen in their favorite colors of green and brown (but no mid-century decor).

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They loved it! Beatrix left after hugs and handshakes all around.

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Dylan Horvath is now one promotion away from being able to do freelance programming. The big excitement in the Horvath household, however, is the adoption of two small orange kittens, Zippo and Groucho. They're not related and are of different breeds, so it will be interesting to see what they look like when they reach maturity. Since they can't climb the ladder, it's been up to Will and John to teach them not to wake people up. Will has been making friends at school and inviting them over to battle voidcritters. He's also trying to develop a full collection by trading cards. Elisha has been promoted as a gardener again. Thanks to the dustbunny, she's added a couple of plants to her garden -- a cherry tree and a money tree. She also told Mallory Quinn to try for baby, so it will be interesting to see how that worked out.

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Mallory Quinn did indeed try for baby. She and Gavin added a beautiful little girl to the family -- Dahlia. And with Cici grown up to be a rather large Akita, the household is complete. Mallory has started doing odd jobs and playing for tips on her days off, but she also needs to work at collecting donations. She picked up a little money when she went to see Bebe Rezha in concert. Meanwhile, her daughter Jasmine has reached level 8 in all her child skills and is a champion at Don't Wake the Llama, winning 5 times. But she's not happy about sharing a room with her toddler sister. "You could put Dahlia in the laundry room and move Cici's bed in with me." "Not going to happen," her father Gavin told her.

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Gunther Betancourt picked up his last emotional whim. It was hard work because he had to pick a fight with a passing stranger to get angry enough.  He is now 5 parties away from finishing all his requirements. There is plenty of time; his son Lee still needs to improve all his child skills, win some more games of voidcritter and do his work as a teen. But Lee is an A student already, thanks to his time spent studying the family's pet Bubalus. Gunther and Liberty finished building a rocketship.

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Of course they had to try it out, while Lee was off at school.

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Ever since she left her job as a painter, Clarissa Gray has been struggling. First there was her attempt at interior design.

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It did not go well. She switched over to freelance art work, but found that it wasn't enough that she was a Painter Extraordinaire who had produced quite a few masterpieces. The first time a fly-by-night computer company rejected one of her designs, she was devastated. And things didn't get better. She was always tense, feeling that she ought to return to her old job, and because she was tense, her work was sub-par. Finally her husband Gunther suggested that she try something called Lifestyle Coaching. The therapist she saw gave her a new perspective -- yes, she was a great painter, and yes, her clients often had the aesthetic sensibilities of pond scum, but they were the ones who paid the bills. Rather than try to impress everyone, Clarissa would pick up some of the low-hanging fruit, teaching a class on nectar and painting, for example.
Meanwhile, Winnifred was growing up, collecting scouting badges, improving her skills and beating her classmates at chess. She's a teenager now, with an adventurous outlook and a desire to excel at extreme sports.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: A Lengthy Power of 10 x 10 Challenge (update July 20)
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2021, 09:18:38 PM »

Okay, you know I have to ask. Where did the blue nooboos come from??  :o

