Author Topic: Farewell, Old Friend.  (Read 17025 times)

Offline Esther1981

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2021, 07:40:15 PM »
Pam, I will never forget the times you would correct my grammar. I used to spell horribly until I met you! The Dreamweaver Dynasty was so amazing. I'll never forget how often I would check the forums, just on the small chance you posted more. Your writing was so inspired. After we started talking on FB, you would still tell me stories about the Doctors and you. You got me into Doctor Who. I hope that whoever they choose to be 14 is someone you would like. I know how much you didn't like 13. I will never be able to look at Tom Hiddleston or Matt Smith without thinking about you. Thank you so much for every single thing you did over the last 12 years, thank you for being such an amazing person. I miss you so much, I love you so much. Thank you for being you.

Offline wa-wa-world

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2021, 06:20:30 AM »
Oh my god :( Im so sorry to hear about the passing of Pam I heard the announcement on twitter. Ive technically been here (and left a few times) since i was about 11 and I remember LOVING and being obsessed with her sims 3 dynasties she was so fun and creative :( RIP
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Offline WickedSimmer87

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2021, 06:36:10 AM »
Wow talk about some news to hit like a wall of bricks! Just saw Carl’s video “list of things that make no sense”and got to the end of it. I’m actually tearing up, cos while I didn’t know her personally, she was always around. Funny enough, my first mail I received, was from Pam correcting me about my punctuation all the way back in 2010 (hopefully I got better since !). Whole 12 years ago. I’ve read her Dreamweaver story from start to finish (and was so bummed when it ended, I can remember)

I’m deeply saddened by the news. And all my thoughts go to her family and all her friends who knew her personally. She will be missed. But her spirit will atleast live on, by the presence she left behind, in memory and on the forums.

Offline Sutz

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2021, 12:30:26 PM »
Hi everyone,

I've finished an updated version of Waiting for Midnight. You can listen here --> I hope I've enabled it for download for everyone. I'm sad she was never able to hear the piece fully realised, but I hope you'll all join me in giving thanks for Pam's life and her boundless creativity, as well as her leadership here.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2021, 03:33:53 PM »
Hi everyone,

I've finished an updated version of Waiting for Midnight. You can listen here --> I hope I've enabled it for download for everyone. I'm sad she was never able to hear the piece fully realised, but I hope you'll all join me in giving thanks for Pam's life and her boundless creativity, as well as her leadership here.

Wow. I am speechless. That was beautiful. Just like Pam you have no shortage of talent. She would be honored.

Offline Seabody

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2021, 06:02:20 AM »
Hi everyone,

I've finished an updated version of Waiting for Midnight. You can listen here --> I hope I've enabled it for download for everyone. I'm sad she was never able to hear the piece fully realised, but I hope you'll all join me in giving thanks for Pam's life and her boundless creativity, as well as her leadership here.

If Pam knew the words I wanted to say about that song, Sutz, I'd get a PM quicksmart! Suffice it to say, it was a beautiful updating of the song. I agree with Metro, she'd absolutely be honoured.

Offline Carl

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2021, 06:10:42 PM »
@Sutz It's really beautiful what you've done with this new version. Shows your growth as an artist since you wrote the original, and as others have said I know for sure Pam would be deeply honored by this. I've reached out to Esther who has contact with Pam's family in order to share this with them. Actually, one of me and Pam's last conversations was her wanting her sister to read her story (the guide version) so I cleaned up the pages for her.

I've also asked Esther to reach out about Pam's account with image hosting and perhaps transfer it to one of us so that we can preserve the pics. If I have to, I'll go one by one through stories and save them all in case the account goes down... I just don't know how fast I have to move but am hoping we can hear something from them.

So if her sister does read the story she'll definitely like to hear the song as well.

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Offline Ausette

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2021, 08:42:04 PM »
I just got the news. Carl, I'm so sorry <3 . I didn't know Pam as well as others, but no one could deny she was the heart and soul of the forum. I remember joining ten years ago because everyone was so nice and friendly. Pam told me off a few times for rule violations. I was annoyed at first, but I eventually realised just how hard she worked to develop the community. The lovely atmosphere I was drawn to in the first place came directly from her dedication. She was tirelessly devoted. She was constantly working, but somehow kept it fun. This forum is part of me, and by extension, so is Pam. She'll be in my thoughts this week. She often is. <3

Offline Sutz

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2021, 07:01:58 PM »
@Sutz It's really beautiful what you've done with this new version. Shows your growth as an artist since you wrote the original, and as others have said I know for sure Pam would be deeply honored by this. I've reached out to Esther who has contact with Pam's family in order to share this with them. Actually, one of me and Pam's last conversations was her wanting her sister to read her story (the guide version) so I cleaned up the pages for her.

I've also asked Esther to reach out about Pam's account with image hosting and perhaps transfer it to one of us so that we can preserve the pics. If I have to, I'll go one by one through stories and save them all in case the account goes down... I just don't know how fast I have to move but am hoping we can hear something from them.

So if her sister does read the story she'll definitely like to hear the song as well.

@Carl , that's lovely to hear. I was anxious not to hijack the thread, but still share how much of a positive creative influence Pam had on a bunch of strangers from all corners of the world. Like I said, even now I'm drawn to colourful Sim stories and I'm pretty sure that affiliation started with the Dreamweavers. I'd be so happy and profoundly touched if my music could help her family and friends in the real world learn more about her stories.

Ironically, I was actually looking through the Dreamweaver Immortal Dynasty story about three weeks ago, so likely right before Pam died. I was sad that the pictures in the final third of the story weren't working, especially as they contained fan-favourites Bubblegum, Forrest, and Midnight. If you can find a way to rescue and preserve them for the future, Carl, that would be great. Hopefully more people can come across her stories and appreciate them, even though she is now gone.

All the best, everyone. I wish the context was more positive, but it's been lovely to speak to you again.

Offline Carl

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2021, 07:23:33 PM »
@Sutz thanks - that was exactly the problem I had fixed that night, and it appears that it was falsely showing me them as working only to throw a new type of error. When Pam was writing these we went from photobucket, to the gallery, to an entirely different domain name. Lot of moves since then! I believe I have again fixed the issue with the final pages of the story!

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2021, 04:14:25 PM »
I just went through and found a few more pics that were not correctly redirecting in Pam's story, and also backed up all the pages that have photobucket images. I'm hoping I got them all. It's just a precaution in case we cannot get hold of Pam's photobucket account from her family member. If we couldn't, we'd need to manually edit all her posts that include links there which would be a whopper of a job so I'm going to be prepared for that possibility but hope for the best.

Offline scoed

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2021, 03:48:40 AM »
@Carl thank you for your work preserving Pam's legacy in this site. It means something to many here. Even those like me who didn't really know her well but respected the work she put in this site. Thank you.

Offline fansidoodle

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2021, 04:09:30 PM »
I'm at a loss for words. I grew up with Pam and the Dreamweavers. Rest her soul and blessings to her legacy.

Offline KTK10

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2021, 06:04:18 PM »
I am so incredibly sorry to hear this news. Pam was like the teacher you always remember from primary school - the one you wanted to impress but also tried not to get into trouble too much for posting the wrong thing in the wrong place. She had the ability to write a story with enough humour and love, that you felt like you were sitting down with the Dreamweaver family having a cup of tea and catching up with their lives.

When I first joined this forum I was stuck with one of the World Adventures (Sims 3) tasks and was stunned at how welcoming everyone was. I attribute a lot of that to Pam's strong moral values of not judging, hating or being rude at ANYTIME here. This way of respectful communication has carried on for years after and has been a place to come back to time and time again over the years.

Thank you so much Pam for your help in setting up a place for us all to learn and create without fear; your presence will remain here always.

Offline KRae

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Re: Farewell, Old Friend.
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2021, 12:02:55 PM »
I'm so sorry to hear the news about Pam. Even though she hadn't been around as much in recent years, her presence was still felt and influencing us to be kind and respectful posters.