45 ~ Gross Grownup Stuff
by Sandpiper Branch
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Life went on at the Nest. Robin aged up to teen while playing pretend in Wesley’s office.
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His new trait was Family Oriented. This kid is just so darn excited for his future, isn't he?
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Wesley hadn’t seen Amit in a while, so he took him on a date to Phil’s Place. Wesley came back looking a little sad. I think he knows that Amit won’t be around much longer.
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Age is creeping up on my dad, too. Fortunately he remains as energetic as ever (and as in love with Mom as ever).
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About halfway through my young adult stage, I maxed the inventing skill. Somehow I managed to do that without completing any of the skill challenges. Impressive, eh? Thanks, I hate myself too. (Not really. This just means I get to blow up a lot more things! And make like a thousand more widgets.
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Robin went to prom and was voted prom king. He also acquired a romantic interest, but he wouldn’t tell us anything about them. “It’s not going to last, anyway,” he said. I suppose he was right.
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FLOCK has become a full-blown band, except for the fact that nobody ever calls them for gigs. Starling dragged all the immortals out of the house and took them to Starlight Picnic Park For Activities Other Than Picnicking, where they serenaded the locals for hours on end.
I spent that whole day drilling with a miner outside the consignment store. I was trying to create a secret tunnel to connect to one of the holes I’d drilled at the Nest, so that I could travel to the consignment store much quicker. I was so excited to explore underneath the town and have adventures!
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After the sun set, I started hearing shouts over the noise of the miner. I looked around and saw several townspeople gathering on the lot. I figured they were angry at the noise, like people usually are. I was getting tired anyway, so I rolled my eyes and packed up the miner. Once the noise died down, I realized that they weren’t shouting at me. And they were looking at the sky. It did seem to have gotten darker all of a sudden…
I wanted to stay and watch, but some uncontrollable impulse drove me to run into the Consignment Store. As soon as I closed the door behind me, I heard the biggest explosion ever - bigger than all my explosions put together! Well, almost.
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It was a meteor! I’d heard of these things falling once in a while, but not in Hidden Springs, even in the hundreds of years since Granny Starling was young. It was so epic!
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Nobody was hurt in the crash, thankfully. We just all got a bit singed. I was used to being singed, so it didn’t bother me. A couple of the witnesses came inside to clean up just as I was leaving. One of them said I was smart to run inside. I just stuck my tongue out at him because at least HE got to see the explosion UP CLOSE!
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Then I went outside and saw the meteor itself, which had implanted itself in a giant hole in the ground. I wondered if I could suck it up with my harvester. What do you think? Was it possible? Um, spoiler alert, IT TOTALLY WAS. That big rock was worth over 3,000 simoleons! All in all, a very exciting day.
The day before my dad turned 90, he approached me in the kitchen for a chat.
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“So, my little Sandpiper! How goes the inventing? The romance? The life?”
“Oh, it’s all going great, Dad! I’m making good progress on my requirements, and I think Wesley and I are moving in a good direction!”
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“That’s wonderful, Piper. As for Wesley, well, he’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You see…I’ve been holding onto a wish ever since you became a young adult. It’s a wish to see you get married, kiddo.”
“Oh! I hope to marry Wesley eventually, Dad, but…I don’t know if he’s ready yet. He’s still with Amit.”
“But what about you, Piper? I’ve seen how you act around your man. You’re positively smitten!”
“Well…yeah. Yeah, I guess I am. I keeping rolling the wish to skinny dip with him…”
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“Here’s the thing, Piper. Obviously this is a shared decision between the two of you. But while you might have all eternity to do the things that you want, life is short for the rest of us. If you’re ready to take the next step, it’s all right to tell Wesley that. He might be readier than you think.
Also I’m almost 90 and I might die before you get married at this rate.”
“What was that last bit?”
“Hmm? Oh, nothing!”
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“Okay, Dad I’ll think about it. But what about Amit?”
“Sometimes we have to take things into our own hands to create the life we want.”
“Wait...re you suggesting I detonate him or something?!?”
“Of course not! Just…talk to Wesley. That’s all I’m suggesting.”
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“Thanks, Dad. I love you.”
“I love you too, Piper.”
I headed across the lot to my inventing studio, deep in thought. I knew that Dad might not be around for much longer. I knew that Wesley was still involved with Amit. I knew that I’d been pining for Wesley for years, even though I tried to resist it. And I knew that the only way to think things through was to bang out a few widgets in my private studio.
So I was a little bit startled to find Wesley waiting for me.
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“Uh…hi. No one’s ever been in here before, besides me.”
“Yeah, sorry. I figured you wouldn’t mind me, a mortal, sneaking in. I have something important to talk to you about.”
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“Yeah. I’ve ended things with Amit.”
“What?! When?”
“At the bistro yesterday. I figured…it was time.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, really. He was upset but I think he understood that I have duties here that are more important.”
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“Well, I wanted to talk to you too,” I said, rushing through the words. “I just spoke to my dad, and also I’ve been thinking for a while, and…maybe we should…you know, move forward with things. I know you still care for Amit, and I’m a lot younger than you, and some of this is because my dad might die soon, and it’s all really sudden and kind of strange...but I’m ready to move forward and I was wondering if you are too.”
We talked for quite a while that evening. We both admitted that we’d been rolling wishes for each other for a while but had been too afraid to do anything about it (and me being a Daredevil! For shame!).
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And eventually, we came to an agreement that moving forward seemed like the right thing to do. Also we may or may not have kissed a bit but that's gross and unimportant.
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So I proposed! “Hey Wesley, do you want this ring I made out of scrap metal?”
“Yes. Yes I do.”
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“I love you, Wesley.”
“I love you too, Sandygirl.”
Okay, that’s enough gross grownup stuff. Next time, more gross grownup stuff!
Notes from a pleasantly surprised watcher
-- Of all the Branches, Sandpiper is absolutely the #1 Sim I would have chosen to experience a meteor strike. I would have loved to keep her right there in the action to see the explosion close up, but for obvious reasons I couldn’t risk her dying. I had her duck inside the Consignment Store for safety. She really didn’t get to enjoy the adrenaline rush at all. Sorry, Sandy.
-- I was fully expecting Sandpiper and Wesley to remain a platonic couple. But shortly after she became a young adult, Sandy started rolling wishes for Wesley - mostly, um, physical in nature. (She jumped right over the “Kiss Wesley” wish and went straight for “Woohoo with Wesley”!) In time, Wesley started rolling wishes too (though more gentlemanly - he mostly just wished to go on dates with her). I’m sorry for the loss of Amit, but I’m also so pleased that things have worked out romantically between Sandy and her intended spouse.
-- Robin’s romantic interest at prom was a boy named Manuel Washburn. Yep, we have another not-straight Sim in the family. I’m starting to wonder if there’s some sort of town-wide bug that’s affecting the sexualities of all recently-born Sims. I’ve noticed mixed attractions happening with new visitors to the house, also - for instance, service Sims will express attraction for both the male and female members of the family. It’s quite bizarre.
-- Sandpiper has an odd glitch I’ve never seen before: she seems to be incapable of traveling to other lots in any vehicle other than a taxi. She has half a dozen sports cars, a motorcycle, and two Motive Mobiles on the lot to choose from, but she never uses any of them when I send her somewhere. Hence the attempted consignment store tunnel that resulted in a meteor. (Update from the future: Since writing this, Sandpiper has started taking non-taxi vehicles about 50% of the time. She still refuses to take the Motive Mobile by herself, though. She’ll only use it if she’s wrangled in with a group.)
-- Arthur might be just about the happiest and most energetic elder I’ve ever played, and this is in spite of the fact that his education career has been bugged for ages now and he’s been stuck at level 9 since his birthday. (His job performance is suffering because the “Give Lectures” work tone doesn’t register correctly, no matter how many shifts he spends actually giving lectures.) He also seems to be stuck in terms of skilling; his logic and charisma skills haven’t progressed despite a lot of chess and social interactions. Looks like our Arthur is destined to be Principal forever. At least he seems happy with his lot in life. If nothing else, he’s always down to dance.