Author Topic: The Branch Immortal Dynasty (Complete)  (Read 60011 times)

Offline Auranaris

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #90 on: January 07, 2022, 12:08:47 PM Ā»
Yay the Branches are back!

On a side note, can I just say that I probably enjoy your chapter titles too much. Thanks for the laugh over ā€œmarriage and marshmallowsā€
they/he pronouns please!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #91 on: January 08, 2022, 10:54:38 AM Ā»
Yay the Branches are back!

On a side note, can I just say that I probably enjoy your chapter titles too much. Thanks for the laugh over ā€œmarriage and marshmallowsā€

And I even mumbled to myself beforehand, "Well this chapter title is complete garbage." I feel better now. :D Thank you!

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #92 on: January 10, 2022, 06:44:22 PM Ā»
Interlude: The Nest Tour That Nobody Asked For

I donā€™t know if anybody cares, but I figured it was time for a halfway-through-the-dynasty tour of the Nest - new and improved. The Branch homestead has grown a lot over the years, and while I am definitely not an amazing builder, I've grown pretty fond of it.

Of course, many things havenā€™t changed since the start of the challenge. But some things have! Here are those things!

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First, hereā€™s a birdā€™s-eye view of the entire lot. This hasnā€™t changed much since Starling was a young adult.

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This is the Elder Flat, where mischievous elders can be safely locked away and remain comfortable without me having to watch them. Starling has lived here pretty much full-time for the last two generations due to her tendency to ruin marriages when left to her own devices. Thereā€™s a fenced-in path to the garden from here, so Starling can continue to garden even when she's locked up.

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Here we have the wedding setup that Iā€™ve been too lazy to put away after each generation. Behind that is the entrance to the museum, Starlingā€™s garden, and the studios.

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This building has three studios for sculpting, painting, and inventing. The painting studio is brightly lit with some white walls and some glass walls, to provide different options for good portraits. Results are still very mixed, but Iā€™ve managed to get some decent portraits this way.

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And way over here is the aviary, which has been sitting empty for a long time now. Birds in this game die so quickly, and I neglected to collect more birds after the last one died ages ago. Iā€™d like to get some birds in here again. This is a bird-themed dynasty, after all.

Okay, on to the main house!

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Iā€™ve kept the exterior of the house the same - I didnā€™t add any rooms in this renovation, just broke up some of the existing space into new configurations. In the front and to the right (under the gold-leaf tree)  is Chickadeeā€™s chess garden; other than that, the only things out here are topiaries sculpted by Ryan, Heron, Charles, and Conrad. Plus gnomes. Gnomes everywhere. Also a bake sale table that I literally did not notice until right now. How long has that been there...?

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The new living room is part of the entryway/nursery area now, right when you walk in the front door, instead of in a separate room on one end of the house. The nursery is right behind it. I recolored the wallpaper throughout the main floor. Now it is blue instead of green! Amazing!

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A new partition divides the foyer/living room and the kitchen/dining room.

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Refreshed kitchen and dining area. Actually a lot of the furniture is the same. But that bathroom in the corner is new! Isnā€™t that exciting?

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Starlingā€™s original bedroom has been renovated into an office for general use, and I updated the two bathrooms on the right so that this whole little suite is black and white.

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The old living room has been transformed into a party room. I donā€™t know how I feel about it. In fact, it's possible that I hate it. Maybe I should redo the colors so that itā€™s turquoise, which is Arthurā€™s favorite color. Heā€™s the resident Party Animal, after all.

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I havenā€™t shown much of this room in the past, but this is essentially the cloning room. Only Starling has access. She enters once a generation to create the next spouse. Her DNA samples from the original townies are kept in that chest in the corner (plus some backup samples in her inventory).

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Now for the upstairs, which has gone from a tangle of weirdly-proportioned bedrooms to a slightly more organized tangle of weirdly-proportioned bedrooms.

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In the corner is the general ā€œkidsā€™ roomā€, with a bed for the next gen spouse as he grows up (currently Wesley) and a bed for the next immortal as she grows up (currently Sandpiper - well, sheā€™s still a toddler, but sheā€™ll sleep here once she ages up to child). The empty room with pinkish wallpaper will belong to Sandpiper and Wesley as adults.

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I moved the loft sitting area furniture into a new lounge and added a couple of fun activities for bored elders and anyone else who has nothing better to do. (Of course, no one ever uses the foosball table or dartboard. Obviously rocking chairs are more fun.)

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This is my favorite addition to the house - a suite for the established immortals. This is essentially a second Elder Flat, but in the main house, so itā€™s not so isolating. Thereā€™s a common area with a fridge and a TV, and a shared bathroom.

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The bathroom and Goldfinchā€™s new bedroom.

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Starlingā€™s new bedroom in the corner. (Again, she may not spend much time up here because being in the Elder Flat gives her direct access to the garden. But she can sleep here on those rare occasions when I let her run free.) The room on the right will be Meadowlarkā€™s room once she is an elder and no longer has Arthur to share a bedroom with. In the meantime, Chickadeeā€™s lab station is in there, ā€˜cause I didnā€™t know where else to put it. Chickadeeā€™s bedroom is next to the room with the lab station. She and Conrad both sleep there; it will be Chickadeeā€™s alone once he passes away (which will probably be very soon).

Eventually I want to build a second suite for the later immortals (Sandpiper and her three descendents), but Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ll be able to work that into this same floor. I might have to build a third level. We shall see!

Now weā€™re going to hop back outside so you can see the ambrosia room and museum (a.k.a. the Super Secret Cellar of Secrets, if youā€™re Starling; the Vault of the Great Undying, if youā€™re Goldfinch; or the Longevity Laboratory, if youā€™re Chickadee).

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The entrance to the underground levels. Itā€™s literally just a stone fence with a bunch of flowers around it, but I still feel oddly proud of it. Itā€™s so pretty!

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This unnecessarily huge room used to be the museum. Now itā€™s just the ambrosia room. I think the massive empty space and darkness gives the place an eerie sort of feeling. For some reason I like that.

I had some difficulties building a new section of the basement - some walls couldnā€™t be deleted or connected to each other, the floor tiles were acting wonky, and everything just got sorta weird. So I ended up building a whole separate series of rooms underneath another part of the lot. To reach those rooms, a Sim must descend another spiral staircase from the ambrosia room, go through a stupid little tunnel thing, and then climb yet another spiral staircase up into the museum hallway. Itā€™s rather silly, but itā€™s the best I could do. Iā€™m not a great builder, okay?

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Anyway, hereā€™s the new museum. On the left are the rooms belonging to the first four immortals. Sandpiper's room has just been started at the far end of the hall on the right.

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The completed rooms so far. Meadowlarkā€™s is only missing her elder pieces. Each room also features the immortalā€™s favorite pattern as wallpaper, and any odds and ends they may have collected for their accomplishments (like prom crowns and career rewards).

Aaaand thatā€™s it! Thatā€™s the Nest as it currently stands. Congratulations if you read this all the way through without quitting.

Now, back to the story.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #93 on: January 10, 2022, 08:04:35 PM Ā»
I really must disagree with you Beks!

You ARE a great builder.

I particularly love the Elder Flat, the entry to the underground lair (at first glance on the overall map, I thought it was a well or a mini pool) and the ambrosia/museum and especially the tunnel to get from one to the other (oh and the founder's private access to her garden).

I'm a real sucker for tunnels to get to and from the museum :) Too bad mine is located in the two towers this time!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #94 on: January 11, 2022, 07:16:32 PM Ā»
I really must disagree with you Beks!

You ARE a great builder.

I particularly love the Elder Flat, the entry to the underground lair (at first glance on the overall map, I thought it was a well or a mini pool) and the ambrosia/museum and especially the tunnel to get from one to the other (oh and the founder's private access to her garden).

I'm a real sucker for tunnels to get to and from the museum :) Too bad mine is located in the two towers this time!

Thank you so much, Deklitch! That's so kind of you to say. :) I was frustrated about the tunnel when building it because it seemed so nonsensical that my Sims needed to descend another level just to go right back up to the same level they were just on...but maybe you're right and I should take pride in it. Maybe I'll even put a light in there and decorate it at some point!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #95 on: January 11, 2022, 07:30:30 PM Ā»
38 ~ The Sneaky Painter
by Sandpiper Branch

Hi! Iā€™m Sandpiper, and Iā€™m the brilliantest inventor the world will ever see!

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...Okay, not yet. Actually in this part of the chapter I was still a toddler. Iā€™m writing from the fuuuuture!

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Just a couple oā€™ things happened before my birthday happened. Mom got sculpted in ice by Grandpa Conrad. She wanted to look strong in her sculpture because sculpting is hard work.

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She sculpted a lot, but she still liked to play with me. Everyone says my Mom and I look exactly alike. I guess so. When I grow up Iā€™m going to be different, though. I donā€™t like green very much, for one thing.

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Grandpa Conrad was getting pretty old. Grandma Chickadee and him were always going off on dates to do stuff together. Probably kissing and stuff. Gross!

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My parents had their adult birthdays.

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Grandma Chickadee started a big fire in the kitchen and didnā€™t even try to put it out. Grandma Chickadee is a baddie! I want to be a baddie, too. Except I want to be good at fires. Both starting them and stopping them!

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I was still a little toddler when the big fire happened, so I didnā€™t even get to see Mom and Grandpa use their witchy powers to fix it. Maybe Iā€™ll start a fire when Iā€™m bigger, and see if they can fix it for me!

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Mom is a pretty good witch, but she still needs practice. She and Grandpa werenā€™t very close but they still practiced spells together and dueled each other.

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Mom is good at witching and sculpting but sheā€™s not very good at being happy at normal times, sometimes. Like who would cry over a birthday cake? Only my Mom. Sheā€™s kind of a weirdo.

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But now itā€™s my birthday, so letā€™s focus on that, okay?

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I aged up a little bit cross-eyed.

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And even when I got into CAS, my eyes were still a teensy bit funny-looking. Grandpa told me he had had bad vision since he was a little boy, and I probably got it from him. So I got to pick out my first pair of glasses to help me see better. Bonus! When Iā€™m inventing stuff, these babiesā€™ll protect my eyes from flying debris! I got the Daredevil trait for my birthday. Apparently thatā€™s why I like fire so much.

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I went to sleep for about half a second that night, because then my best friend Wesley was having HIS birthday! I canā€™t believe we all forgot about it. I cheered and clapped a lot so he would feel celebrated.

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Then I laughed at his new grown-up pajamas.

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Wesley was now a young adult. I know heā€™s a lot older than me, but heā€™s still my best friend in the whole wide world. His traits are Good Sense of Humor, Loves the Outdoors, Absent-Minded, Bookworm, and Cat Person. He decided to write books and be a Professional Author for his Lifetime Wish. I bet heā€™s going to write the best books ever!

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Wesley had a boyfriend in high school named Amit. At least, I think he was his boyfriend. Wesley found out that Amit had aged up, too, and invited him over to the Nest. They spent a lot of time together doing I donā€™t know what, but whenever I went looking for Wesley, Mom told me to leave him alone and give him private time with Amit. Thatā€™s why I think theyā€™re boyfriends. Mom didnā€™t think I was smart enough to figure it out, but I did!

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The next day, nobody had to go to work or school because it was Wesleyā€™s graduation day. When we all came home from City Hall, I got everybody to play a game of tag together. Itā€™s my favorite game! Everybody had a lot of fun, even the old people. I like playing games with everybody because it makes us all happier and makes us better friends.

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That night, I did a bad thing. I painted a little bit. Great-Grandmother Goldfinchā€™s easel was just sitting there in the front room, and I really wanted to try it! So I found some paints in a cupboard and I started making a sky.

Dad caught me. He was not happy at all.

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ā€œSandpiper, you know youā€™re not supposed to learn painting! Itā€™s very important that you stick to inventing, okay? Painting is Great-Grandmother Goldfinchā€™s thing. If you paint too much, you could cause the end of the Dynasty.ā€
ā€œBut I want to paint! And inventā€¦but also paint! I want to do both!ā€

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He gave me a big hug. ā€œI know itā€™s hard, sweetie. You werenā€™t supposed to be born with the Artistic trait. But I believe in you! Youā€™re going to be a great inventor, and someday, when all of this is over, youā€™ll be able to paint as much as you want.ā€
ā€œYou mean when Iā€™m immortal?ā€
ā€œWhen you and all of your descendents - your daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter - are immortal.ā€
ā€œThat sounds far away.ā€
ā€œIt is. But youā€™ll make it, Piper. I know you will.ā€


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So the next day, I went into my new pink studio and I tried inventing. And it was really fun! I liked fiddling with the scraps of metal and trying to put them together in different ways. Itā€™s like a puzzle, except every time you try it, itā€™s different.

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Inventing comes with some minor injuries. I did a lot of yelping ā€˜cause I kept hitting my fingers instead of the metal with my hammer. Good thing I canā€™t use a real, heavy hammer until Iā€™m a teenager.

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I really love inventing, but I kept thinking about painting a lot too. One time I took a break from inventing and peeked in the window to the painting studio. Then I checked the door. It was unlocked! Great-Grandmother Goldfinch was in there, painting away, and she didnā€™t even notice when I snuck in behind her and set up my own easel. Dad will never know I was there! Ha ha!

Offline Auranaris

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #96 on: January 11, 2022, 09:56:38 PM Ā»
Uh-oh! Hopefully Sandpiperā€™s artistic trait doesnā€™t fail this whole thing..
they/he pronouns please!

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Offline CeresIn

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #97 on: January 12, 2022, 02:28:15 PM Ā»
First, I liked the house's tour. The layout and decorations are great. You're a good builder.

Love the last chapter, you managed to capture Piper's young voice perfectly. I felt like I was listening to an 8 year old girl.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #98 on: January 14, 2022, 06:34:50 PM Ā»
Uh-oh! Hopefully Sandpiperā€™s artistic trait doesnā€™t fail this whole thing..

Indeed! I'm not really worried though. Sandpiper sneaking into the painting studio a couple of times isn't going to get her very far in the skill. Of course, I say that now... *knocks on wood*

First, I liked the house's tour. The layout and decorations are great. You're a good builder.

Love the last chapter, you managed to capture Piper's young voice perfectly. I felt like I was listening to an 8 year old girl.

Thank you so much! :)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #99 on: January 14, 2022, 11:53:13 PM Ā»
Just keep a better watch on Sandpiper than I did with one of my heirs a long long time ago - the last time I ever had painting as a supermax skill

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #100 on: January 15, 2022, 04:40:54 PM Ā»
39 ~ Pixelated Garbage
by Meadowlark Branch

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My daughter Sandpiper is growing up too quickly. Five seconds ago she was a burrito-like infant in a crib, and now sheā€™s posing for her next ice sculpture like some sort of miniature empress. What happened?!

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Iā€™m reveling in her kid days while I can. And ignoring the strangely grown-up-looking facial expressions she gives Wesley at times. We are not going to make a joke about this, okay? We are not!

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I was already pretty anxious about Sandpiperā€™s rapid growth. Then a whole new source of anxiety revealed itself. Iā€™d forgotten that my dad was over 90 - in fact, he had just turned 98. I was just plating up some grilled cheese when he stopped washing dishes and muttered something about feeling strange.

ā€œSorry, whatā€™d you say, Dad? I couldnā€™t hear you over the sound of my first Great-quality meal hitting the plate.ā€

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Then I turned around and my father was a ghost.

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It was a chaotic moment. I spun around to go and find Mom, but she was already right behind me. She must have sensed that something was wrong and come running. Then an inconveniently timed wave of hunger hit me, and I sort of hunger-moaned into my motherā€™s face while she started to weep. I really wanted that grilled cheese, okay? Also, anxiety is weird sometimes. I donā€™t know what came over me.

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Then the Grim Reaper arrived (along with the maid), and we stood there watching in horror as Conrad begged for a chance to live just a bit longer.

ā€œIā€™m afraid I canā€™t go with you, Mr. Reaper. You see, my lower legs are currently stuck inside this kitchen cabinet.ā€
ā€œDo you know how many Sims have made the same excuse? Far too many. Nice try.ā€

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When the deed was done, my mother went quiet, and the rest of us left her alone to give her some time to mourn. I'm grateful that she and my dad reconciled, and remarried, before it was too late. But that doesn't mean his death hurts less.

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Things quickly turned around, and we should have known they would. My mother was actually the one comforting everyone else. She is too Good, that one.

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Wesley tried to pass this comforting on to Sandpiper. I donā€™t think it went very well. I'm starting to look forward to the day they're both grown-ups so their interactions stop being weird. No, wait, I take it back! I'm not ready!

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Sandpiper was affected by the death of her grandfather, too. Sheā€™d always been so playful and rambunctious, perhaps the most of all us Branches so far. But somehow presiding over the kitchen court just wasnā€™t as fun without her grandpa around.

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Goldfinch, my grandmother, mourned in her own way: by attending parties hosted by vampires. I think she enjoyed discussing death and immortality with them. Theyā€™re not exactly immortal, but maybe they understand a bit more than humans do.

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In time, the sadness faded, and I watched Sandpiper cheer up and enjoy her childhood again.

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She loved going to the junkyard and digging in the piles of pixelated garbage for scrap.

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Arthur wanted to give his daughter a treehouse, and after he convinced me that no, it would NOT become infested with wasps as soon as it was built (I think thatā€™s a valid paranoia!), he went ahead and built one for Sandpiper. None of us were surprised that she loved it.

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I was pleased to see that she and Wesley remained close friends who loved to laugh together. That shows promise for their eventual marriage (even though that whole concept just makes me feel anxious).

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Wesley was quickly becoming a successful author. His retellings of various Branch family stories were quite popular among readers throughout Sim Nation.

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And me? I was just a few thousand dollars away from maxing my sculpting career. I was getting close to completing all of my requirements - I only needed to finish acquiring my best friends and complete two more opportunities. (Which were taking forEVer to show up. Color me anxious as usual.)

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As for Arthur, he hasnā€™t changed much over the years, really. He still dances every chance he gets and never fails to make me laugh.

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All too soon, far before I was mentally prepared, Sandpiperā€™s birthday arrived. Arthur threw one of his legendary parties for her and many of our old friends came to celebrate.

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Everyone says my daughter and I could be twins. I never really saw it until she became a teenager. :o

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Sandpiper decided to cut her hair short and picked out a new pair of stylish glasses. Our stunning young inventor is growing up! But not as quickly as I feared. To my delight, she took the Childish trait for her birthday. I think we have many more tag games in our future. :)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #101 on: January 31, 2022, 05:58:31 PM Ā»
40 ~ Over the Moon
by Starling Branch

Hello!!!!! Sorry, thatā€™s a lot of exclamation points. I just havenā€™t written a chapter in so long! I was in grown-up time-out for like a hundred years! Haha, time is so weird!

The last time I got to write a chapter, my daughter Goldfinch had just become immortal. Now Goldieā€™s granddaughter is almost ready to become immortal. My great-granddaughter! Thatā€™s how much time has passed!

I think Meadowlark is going to be a great immortal. I was worried about her for a while, ya see. Sheā€™s always been an anxious kiddo, but through years of hard work and lots of time spent with the sexy scamp that is Arthur Vanderburg (Iā€™m sorry, but all of my descendentsā€™ spouses are hot stuff and Iā€™m not afraid to admit it, and yes, I will be keeping my own voluptuous skin-sack to myself from now on, so stop looking at me like that), Meadowlark has blossomed into a bold, brave, and beautiful Sim who makes topiary giraffes look like art.

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For example, a younger Meadowlark would have had a panic attack over Chip Cho staring at her at a party. A younger Meadowlark also wouldnā€™t have danced at a party at all. Look at her now!

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Okay, so actually Iā€™m getting nervous looking at these photos. Maybe Chip Cho was just feeling nostalgic, watching a couple of Branches have a good time. He died a day or so later. He was one of Charles Winterlyā€™s sons. He lived a long time!

More proof that Meadowlark has come a long way: sheā€™s still trying to get her last two BlackOps, and every time her phone rings and itā€™s NOT a BlackOp, she lets loose!

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ā€œEmmit Preston, this is ridiculous! Youā€™re three hundred years old, youā€™re a fairy, youā€™ve tried this a thousand times already, and youā€™re STILL trying to ask a married woman on a date! I am not interested in talking to you unless you require my services in a legitimate Opportunity! No, a date does not count! Goodbye!ā€

Overhearing that was fun. Anyway! Now that I had been mostly freed from the Elder Flat, Iā€™d been cooking up an idea. I talked to Goldie about it.

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ā€œSometimes, when I was feeling particularly loopy in the Elder Flat, Iā€™d play some upright bass,ā€ I said. ā€œAnd I think, now that there are three of us in the Old Lady Club and will soon have a fourth, we should totally start a band! An old lady band!ā€

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ā€œThat sounds like a marvelous idea, Mother. But I must insist that if I join, I play the grand piano. It is the most proper instrument available.ā€
ā€œYou want to drag a grand piano all over Hidden Springs with your bare hands? Iā€™d love to see that! Youā€™re in!ā€

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Then I asked Chickadee, who had just come in from a shift at the hospital. ā€œIā€™ll play guitar,ā€ she said. Which basically means sheā€™s the leader. Maybe thatā€™s for the best.

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She must have known that Meadowlark would want to play the drums. Even though Meadow isnā€™t old enough to be a part of our immortal band yet, I told her about the idea, and she requested permission to sit in the back and hide from our audience. Drums would be perfect for her!

And so my daughter and granddaughter and I formed a band called FLOCK. What does it stand for? Iā€™m open to suggestions. My only idea thus far is Fancy Ladies Opening Cans of Kidneybeans. Chickadee said that wonā€™t work because ā€œkidneybeansā€ is actually TWO words, and Goldfinch said that wonā€™t work because ā€œthe whole thing is justā€¦horrifyingā€. I like it, but maybe weā€™ll all agree on something in the future.

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Usually what we do is hop in the Motive Mobile together, drive for seven hours to reach downtown Hidden Springs, and then set up in the central square to play for the zero townies that show up. We can stay there for a long time because our needs get filled on the way there. And sometimes Meadowlark joins us to practice! Itā€™s a good time!

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Other exciting events: Meadowlark sold the last sculpture she needed to max her career and become a Master Sculptologist!

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She also purchased her third unique Lifetime Reward: Magic Hands. Now she can do magic without a wand and it looks totally wicked.

Chickadee had a good idea for Meadowlarkā€™s BlackOps, which still werenā€™t coming. Chickadee was the first Branch to gain a celebrity star due to making so many friends at the hospital over the years. She told Meadowlark that if she gained a star herself, sheā€™d start getting special celebrity opportunities! Meadowlark was very nervous about the prospect of attending red carpet events and such, but Chickadee assured her that ā€œitā€™s really simple stuff, actually, like cooking a plate of spaghetti for no reasonā€. She also gave her a perfect way to get that star without having to talk to a bunch of people. Her suggestion: just go talk to the celebrity next door!

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So Meadowlark did. Felix Vanderburg, son of Charles Winterly and Francisca Vanderburg and former flame of our darling Heron, still lives in the little house next door. Being a vampire has given him extra-long life - heā€™s still in his adult life stage! Anyway, Felix was a one-star celebrity already, and chatting with him for a couple of hours gave Meadowlark the star she needed. Blammo! Problem solved! If the BlackOps start coming in, that is.

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More fun events! Wesley went on a date to the Starlight Picnic Park For Activities Other Than Picnicking. He and Amit definitely followed the No Picnicking rule!

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Meadowlark and Arthur also got all lovey-dovey, cuz they always do that!

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Ooh yeah, Wesley adopted a kitten! He got the Cat Person trait when he aged up, and since Coconut was getting kind of old, we all figured it was a good time to add a new member to the family. No, this isnā€™t the new kitten. This is the animal shelter guy, whom I totally hit on.

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Thereā€™s the new kitten! Down there! See it? You might have to squint through Chickadeeā€™s chest to see it. Thatā€™s what Wesley had to do, apparently.

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There he is! This is Douglas Fur Branch. He is Aggressive, Quiet, and One Other Trait Somebody Forgot To Write Down.

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See? What did I say? Coconut became an elder that very night. The timing was impeccable, and a little bit sad too perhaps.

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It was fun having a kitten around again. Wesley was over the moon. And so was Douglas Fur! You know, because he looks a little bit like a cow? Get it?

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Oh look, hereā€™s me! At the moment this photo was taken, I had just come up with that cow-over-the-moon joke. Or possibly I was just laughing at Douglas Fur. Cats are funny, okay?

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Wow, we havenā€™t even talked about Sandpiper yet! Sandpiperā€™s my great-great-Granddaughter, which is just crazy. Here she is become Best Friends Forever with Hope Boyles, a girl she met at school.

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Sandygirl spent a little time inventing, but mostly she was really busy with school and homework and being friends with Hope. (Those girls hang out almost every single day!) She came home from school feeling stressed a lot, and her favorite way to relax was by playing with the toys she herself made at her workbench. I think thatā€™s pretty cool. I also think her choice of location for this photo was very relatable. Sheā€™s a girl after my own heart!

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Now I get to tell you about the most exciting thing that happened at the Nest recently. I may be old and crazy, but Iā€™m also a brilliant scientist. Why is that important, you ask? Because I do the cloning of the spouses, obviously!

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Specimen #9,541 came into the world without any problems. He was a perfect clone of his donor, and I named him Robin - an honorary bird name, even though heā€™s not yet a true Branch. Why? Because he's the clone of a very special Sim, and also because heā€™s the last cloned member of this family. Can you believe it? I can almost see the end of the dynasty, sparkling through a fog far away.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #102 on: January 31, 2022, 07:07:56 PM Ā»
41 ~ Where Does The Time Go
by Meadowlark Branch

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I couldnā€™t believe how fast Sandpiper grew into a spunky and beautiful teenager. Where does the time go?

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Baby Robin had his first birthday. Arthur, ever the family man, brought him to his cake.

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Robinā€™s first traits were Excitable and Ambitious. He really took after his donor, who according to legend was a founding member of this dynasty. I never knew Charles Winterly - he died when my mother was only a child. But it feels right, to all of us, to have another way to remember him.

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Sandpiper went to prom, looking beautiful in her rather frilly dress and tall boots.

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While she was there, she caught a glimpse of a very unusual Sim indeed - an Imaginary Friend! For generations, Goldfinchā€™s old doll, Ann, had been sending useless notifications from her inventory, insisting she be played with more. A simple glitch evidently turned into a weird, living phenomenon. Ann Branch became a teenager and went to prom to spy on her ownerā€™s great-granddaughter! Iā€™m trying not to be too irrational about this, but it DOES freak me out a bit.

Starling and Chickadee had the bright idea to go play music right outside the high school doors during prom. (Okay, it was purely Starlingā€™s idea. Sheā€™s the crazy one.) It actually was fortuitous that my mother was there - one teenager came out in the middle of prom complaining of abdominal distress.

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ā€œFeeling a little panicky, eh?ā€ said Chickadee. ā€œI understand. Iā€™m a bit Socially Awkward myself. Let me just check your traits quickly - ah, youā€™re a Loner, so itā€™s no surprise that you find prom a bit stressful. Your symptoms will ease once itā€™s over, or sooner if you decide to leave early.ā€
ā€œLeaving early sounds good.ā€
ā€œIndeed it does. Smart choice, kid.ā€

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I donā€™t think Sandpiper was too thrilled to see her grandmas outside her prom, though. Especially not after the night she had - she got into three fights and lost all of them! I think her classmates were just jealous of her for winning prom queen, but I didnā€™t inquire too much. Thinking about prom still makes me anxious, and Iā€™m practically an old woman!

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Everyone joined in to help train Robin in his toddler skills. It was a joy having a toddler in the house again. I mean, Iā€™m still convinced my Sandpiper was a toddler literally yesterday, but I donā€™t quite have my head screwed on straight, possibly.

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Starling doted on little Robin more than anyone else. He reminds her of her old friend Charles, naturally. Plus, as the last spouse for this dynasty, heā€™s a pretty special kid and deserves lots of tickle attacks.

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As for Sandpiper, she had begun YET ANOTHER FORBIDDEN SKILL. I found her in my sculpting studio after school one day and practically had to drag her out!

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Oh, she knew what she was doing. Sheā€™s feisty, this one.

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I sent her back to her own studio. Somehow, even though sheā€™s Eccentric and inventing is going to be her lifeā€™s focus, I suspect she likes painting and sculpting more. Iā€™ll be keeping the sculpting studio locked from now on.

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This is yet another reason to keep the studio locked. Sometimes I get into embarrassing scrapes in there. Youā€™d think Iā€™d have learned to avoid this by now.

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After cloning Robin, Starling discovered that she actually hadnā€™t quite mastered the science skill back in the day. She was at a high level 9 and had been sitting there for three centuries! She took the time to finish it up, partly out of nostalgia - sheā€™d never have a reason to clone anything ever again. At least, not human samples.

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Douglas Fur had a birthday...

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...and became a very elegant adult cat.

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Arthur and I reached our final days of adulthood. It was hard, and scary, for me to imagine Arthur as an old man, and me as an old lady. Arthur was infinitely comforting through all my angst about it.

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Then he went to the Grind across town and danced alone under the strobe lights for a few hours. Itā€™s how he copes.

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Of course, he also wanted to cope by throwing a raging birthday party. All our old friends came: Felix Vanderburg, Gary Shue, Christy Carlisle, and several other vampires and fairies who are still kicking.

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Even our old friend Shanta came. It was so good to see her again!

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Before the birthday celebrations began, I gave my daughter a hug. ā€œSoon, all this pressure and focus will be on you,ā€ I said. ā€œPersonally, I cannot wait for this to be over. Youā€™ll be much stronger under the stress than I was. Have fun!ā€

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Then it was time. My candles lit, I looked out upon the gathered guests, our beloved friends and family, and tried to calm my anxious thoughts. Growing old is scary, even when you know you arenā€™t going to die.

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Finally, I made a wish and blew out my candles.

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All I had left to do was complete one more BlackOp, and then I would be ready for ambrosia. But before I do any of that...Iā€™m going to go scream into a pillow.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #103 on: February 03, 2022, 06:33:15 PM Ā»
Author's Note: You may notice that the screenshots in this story take on a different shape from this chapter onward. This is because my old laptop, unbeknownst to me, had an appointment with the Grim Reaper. I have since acquired a new laptop which is rather more rectangular in resolution. I was able to transfer the Branches over without any problems (praise the lords a-leaping). I do apologize if the slight change in screenshot shape alarms anyone. I assure you, itā€™s for the best.

42 (Part 1) ~ Calm
by Meadowlark Branch

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In all the excitement over my elder birthday, we nearly forgot to celebrate Arthur. I was relieved to have the spotlight on someone other than me after my elder transformation. Yes, everyone look at Arthur! Perfect!

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This Party Animal was not excited to join the ranks of old people. Out of respect for his angst (which I share and completely understand), I will not post a picture of his elder-fied face here. Youā€™ll see it soon enough in other photos, anyway.

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Even before he fixed his hairdo, Arthur sculpted me in ice for the last time. I struck a funny pose and tried not to think too hard about that whole last-time-this-is-ever-happening thing. Too much anxiety isnā€™t good for anyone, let alone an old lady!

And I had enough to be worrying about. Once my portrait, photo, and sculpture were completed and placed in the museum, it was time for me to enter the secret underground lair that my ancestors had told me so little about.

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ā€œOh, so THIS is the entrance to the Crazy Old Lady Cave?ā€ I said, following my mother and grandmother into a locked section of the garden and toward a precarious-looking spiral staircase.
ā€œItā€™s called the Vault of the Great Undying,ā€ said Goldfinch.
ā€œItā€™s called the Longevity Laboratory,ā€ said Chickadee.
"It's called the Super Secret Cellar of Secrets!" yelled Starling from somewhere beneath us.
ā€œ...I think Iā€™ll stick with Crazy Old Lady Cave,ā€ I said.

They led me down that scary staircase into a vast and spooky underground chamber. Starling was already there, replicationg four plates of that magical food - ambrosia.

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ā€œSoooo whatā€™s in this, exactly?ā€ I asked.
ā€œLife, death, and a touch of magic,ā€ said Great-Grandmother Starling. ā€œAlso probably some of Emmaline Rhoenā€™s DNA.ā€
ā€œWhat?! Thatā€™s disgus--ā€
ā€œHurry up and tell me what it tastes like!ā€ said my mother eagerly. ā€œI want to know every detail, for research purposes.ā€

Typical Chickadee.

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Even though I was feeling nervous, I willed myself to take a bite. And another. When Iā€™d cleared the plate, I stood up from the table and braced myself for the effects to wash over me.

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And it wasnā€™t terrifying! In fact, I couldnā€™t remember the last time Iā€™d felt so at peace. Ambrosia tasted, to me, like a warm bath accented with the smell of wood shavings and warm stone. It tasted like the feeling of safety I got in Arthurā€™s arms. Like the feeling of accomplishment I got every time I completed a sculpture. It tasted like calm - a calm Iā€™d never known.

I was immortal. And I was not as afraid as Iā€™d expected.

Fourth Immortal - Meadowlark Branch

ā€œThe meadowlark: the state bird of like six states you wouldnā€™t want to live in.ā€ --The Field Guide to Dumb Birds of North America (edited)

Traits: Neurotic, Clumsy, Hydrophobic, Savvy Sculptor, Good Sense of Humor
Supermax Skill: Sculpting
Other maxed skills: None
Career: Sculptor
LTW: Living in the Lap of Luxury
BlackOps: Young Politiciansā€™ Club Induction; Help the School; Larger Than Necessary Doorstop; Oh Scrap!; The Drumline; Rhythm Robot
LTRs: No Jealousy, Magic Hands, Flying Vacuum
Best Friends: Chickadee Branch, Coconut Branch, Arthur Vanderburg, Shanta Norris, Kylie Burch, Brandee Paris
Building: Hidden Springs Day Spa
Property: Meadowlark Beach
Immortal at: 74 days (week 25, day 5)

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
Ā« Reply #104 on: February 03, 2022, 06:50:51 PM Ā»
42 (Part 2) ~ Not So Calm
by Sandpiper Branch

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My name is Sandpiper, and I love danger. For example: I like to ride motorcycles without a helmet. Iā€™m pretty much the opposite of my mom in that way. Sheā€™s Neurotic about everything; Iā€™m a Daredevil. Fear does not own me. ā€˜Nuff said. (Nobody tell my mom I did this, okay?)

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Iā€™m not even afraid of contracting tetanus while scrapping in the junkyard. Partly because my grandmother is the most renowned physician in Hidden Springs and keeps us all up to date on our shots. But I digress!

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This is my best friend Wesley. Heā€™s quite a bit older than me, but he still sleeps in the kidsā€™ bedroom with me and says ā€œGood morning, Sandygirl!ā€ when he wakes up. Heā€™s pretty much a dork. But I like him a lot.

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This is the newest member of the family, Robin. One day, he's going to marry my daughter. Wild, right?!

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When Iā€™m not at school, cracking jokes with Wesley, or trying to sneak into the painting and sculpting studios, Iā€™m inventing. Itā€™s what I have to do for my whole life, at least until I become immortal. Itā€™s slow going, and I am not a slow going type of gal. I only discover a new invention every couple days, and thatā€™s when I have a lot of time to spend inventing. Most of the time itā€™s more like school, homework, bed. Not much room for danger in there at all.

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So when I finally reached my young adult birthday, I was ready to forget about school and just focus on inventing. While reluctantly blowing out the candles (I would have preferred to watch them burn), I wished for a butt fire. I hadnā€™t experienced one yet, and they sounded so exciting!

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I did not wish for...these. But they appeared anyway. Yā€™know, nature is more inventive than I could ever be.

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Here I am as a young adult. I took Born Saleswoman as my final trait, to help my invention sales at the consignment store. (I wouldā€™ve liked to go with something more daring, like Flirty or Inappropriate, but apparently someone with authority disagreed.) My other traits: Eccentric, Artistic, Daredevil, and Childish. I chose Monster Maker as my Lifetime Wish. Like I said - danger.

You know whatā€™s possibly more dangerous than anything else? Romance. I wasnā€™t afraid of it, though. The real question: was Wesley afraid?

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ā€œSo, Wesley - now that weā€™re both fully grown adults, I think itā€™s time we start thinking about the future. Eventually, weā€™re going to have to bring in the next heir. What do you think, quick compatibility check? Should we go somewhere? Like, to a different lot?ā€
"Are you trying to ask me on a date?"
"I'm succeeding at asking you on a date."
"Oh. All right, then."

Wesley did agree that getting to know each other, as adults, was a good idea. I drove him to the Black & White Cafe and we had a chat.

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ā€œAh, the Black & White Cafe - the Hidden Springs house of love! Okay, so the goal of this little rendez-vous is to determine our compatibility as future parents and spouses. Are we destined for great love, or for tension and awkward silences? Today, we must decide!ā€

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ā€œOkay, well, hereā€™s the thing, Sandy. Iā€™ll be prepared to have a child with you when the time comes. But Iā€™m stillā€¦kind of involved with Amit. I donā€™t see him very often, but heā€™s been in my life since I was a teenager. I don't know if I'm ready to give him up, as much as you mean to me.ā€

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ā€œI understand. I had a high school crush myself, though it never turned into anything. At least I know I can always be best friends with her. Anyway, what do you say we keep things casual for now? Thereā€™s no space in the household for a baby anyway. I think weā€™ve got a while to wait.ā€

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ā€œThat sounds good.ā€

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ā€œAnd just for the recordā€¦I donā€™t think weā€™ll have any problems. When the time comes, that is.ā€

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A promising sign. Wesley looked a little stressed and confused after that conversation, but I was glad we had it. Our plan was to chill out and just focus on our work until we felt that it was time to move forward romantically. Or at least procreationally. I decided I could live with that.

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We ended our date with a lot of laughs, as always. He IS my best friend, after all. If nothing else, weā€™ll always be able to joke about our awkward shared destiny. Thatā€™s encouraging.

Notes from a stressed watcher
-- Iā€™ve been anxious about Sandpiperā€™s supermax for a while, but now that itā€™s underwayā€¦Iā€™m even more anxious. The inventing skill is not one I do very often, and it feels very slow-going in comparison to, say, sculpting or painting. Also itā€™s taking Sandpiper ages just to learn all the inventions. If there are any magical inventing tips floating around out there, Iā€™d love to hear them!
-- Both Sandpiper and Wesley have shown signs of being bi. Wesley, as we know, is involved with Amit (I thought they were an official couple, but theyā€™re actually just romantic interests); and as a teenager, Sandpiper was attracted to her friend Hope Boyles at school. I have no idea how this keeps happening in this dynasty. It's distressing.
-- When Sandpiper and Wesley spend time alone together, their interactions are purely friendly or funny (lots of funny), but forced flirt interactions are also accepted. So even if they are primarily friends, there does appear to be room for romance here. At the very least, both of them wished to go on another date after this one ended, so thatā€™s a good sign. (Iā€™ve been worrying about what to do about Amit, but as of the last time I played this file, Amit had aged up to elder. Soā€¦itā€™s possible that I wonā€™t have to worry about it for very long. We shall see.)

