Author Topic: The Branch Immortal Dynasty (Complete)  (Read 60012 times)

Offline Beks

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The Branch Immortal Dynasty (Complete)
« on: February 10, 2021, 09:00:49 PM »
~ The Branch Immortal Dynasty ~

This is my attempt at a Hall-of-Fame-eligible Immortal Dynasty. Back in like 2016 or something, I completed six generations of an Immortal Dynasty before the glitches and lag made the file unplayable. Also my laptop broke. I’m trusting the universe not to let that happen this time. Hah. Hah.

The theme of this dynasty is birds. My brother sent me a book for Christmas entitled The Field Guide to Dumb Birds of North America by Matt Kracht, and it is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. As soon as I cracked that book open I was like, “I think I just found my dynasty theme.” All immortals are named after birds featured in this book. I will also be incorporating quotes from the book into various parts of the story (edited so as to be forum-appropriate).

Expansions I have installed: Ambitions, Generations, Late Night, University Life, Pets, World Adventures, and Supernatural.

Stats will be posted here, as well as a family tree once the tree becomes a tree. Now, let’s get flappin’!

Branch Family Tree

Immortal Stats

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Chapter Links
1 ~ Because We Can
2 ~ Mating Dance
3 ~ Burritos are Boring
4 ~ Flying Creatures
5 ~ I Am Fine
6 ~ Mirror Image
7 ~ Rules of Etiquette
8 ~ The Timing Was Perfect
9 ~ Interacting With Vegetables
10 ~ Down the Ladder
11 ~ Fear of Birds
12 ~ Golden Sands
13 ~ Lots of Exciting Stuff
14 ~ Bean
15 ~ Rubber Duckies, Clowns, & Mummies
16 ~ An Imperfect Perfectionist
17 ~ Adult Agitations
18 ~ Galaxies & Chess
19 ~ Recipe for Romance
20 ~ Out of the Blue
21 ~ Good Luck
22 ~ Happy Things
23 ~ Daylight
24 ~ Clubs
25 ~ Little Lark
26 ~ Things To Not Think About
27 ~ Love Affairs & Love Triangles
28 ~ Defying Science
29 ~ Not My Lobster
30 ~ Glitch in the Matrix
31 ~ No Jealousy
32 ~ A Party of Many Colors
33 ~ Black & White
34 ~ Just Friends
35 ~ These Mortal Knees
36 ~ Expectations
37 ~ Marriage & Marshmallows
Interlude: The Nest Tour That Nobody Asked For
38 ~ The Sneaky Painter
39 ~ Pixelated Garbage
40 ~ Over the Moon
41 ~ Where Does The Time Go
42 (Part 1) ~ Calm
42 (Part 2) ~ Not So Calm
43 ~ Weird Things & Destiny
44 ~ Holy Ground
45 ~ Gross Grownup Things
46 ~ Mean Cat Saves The Day
47 ~ The Best Funeral Ever
48 ~ Old Man Lunch
49 ~ Pink Diamonds & Neon Lights
50 ~ You Made My Heart Explode
51 ~ Queen
52 ~ What a Rush
53 ~ Walking On Air (Part 1)
53 ~ Walking On Air (Part 2)
54 ~ Rookie
55 ~ Boogie
56 ~ Record Setter
57 ~ A Serious Ghost Problem
58 ~ The Last Handshake
59 ~ Activist
60 ~ Paint the Town
61 ~ Adding to the Noise
62 ~ Dawning Beauty
63 ~ Weird Phenomena
64 ~ I Am Bluebird
65 ~ Wands in the Aviary
66 ~ Fruits & Sea Sludge
67 ~ Odd Little Habits
68 ~ Total Rebel
69 ~ Death & Kisses
70 ~ Time Was Passing Everywhere
71 ~ Conversations With Old Ladies
72 ~ Star to Blue
73 ~ Dawn

Immortal Museum
The Nest & The Birds

Epilogue ~ Part 1
Epilogue ~ Part 2
Epilogue ~ Part 3

Pigeon Post

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2021, 09:09:48 PM »
1 ~ Because We Can
by Starling Branch

I’ve heard stories. We’ve all heard stories. Eight Sims, born from one, doing a bunch of stuff and living forever because they did a bunch of stuff. Let’s be real, friends. We all know what’s going on here. So naturally, when I emerged into existence from the ether that is Create-a-Sim, I knew exactly what was happening. I found myself standing on the edge of a gigantic empty lot in Hidden Springs, and I was like, “Oh, yes. I’m going to do a bunch of stuff, and then become immortal! And my descendents are going to do a bunch of stuff and then we’re all going to live forever and ever!”

Why do we do it? Because we can, that’s why! It’s like that thing some guy said about Everest. The world was like, “Why the heck would you subject yourself to that kind of torture, climbing the tallest mountain?” and the guy was like, “Um, because it’s there? Duh.”

This is the same kind of thing.

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I said this all to myself. I’m a great listener.

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My name is Starling Branch. Cute, right? Me and all my descendents, we’re all going to be birds! Why? What do we always say when people ask “Why?” That’s right. Because we can.

My traits are Ambitious, Charismatic, Green Thumb, Loves the Outdoors, and Insane. I prefer French music, because if I were an instrument, I’d be an accordion, and everybody knows that the only instrument they play in France is the accordion. I also like Stu Surprise (it’s always a surprise! at least when I make it) and the color black (it’s mysterious, and also starlings are mostly black, kind of). My Lifetime Wish is to have The Perfect Garden. Which I will. Because that is the thing that I must do in order to become immortal. That and many other things.

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HOLY HECK IT’S A PINK TAXI. Well, pinkish. Did you know that almost everything in Hidden Springs has a pinkish tinge? It’s because fairytales happen here, and fairytales are pink as a rule.

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Going with the pink theme, I found this pink house and I went there.

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There was this guy inside named Ryan Anderson. He shook my hand and invited me inside, and he didn’t even ask what kind of dynasty I was doing! Such a nice guy.

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We got along super well. Ryan laughed at all my jokes, probably because he has a Good Sense of Humor. I wonder if people who don’t have a Good Sense of Humor will laugh at all my jokes?

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Ryan agreed to move into my big empty lot with me, and the money he brought allowed us to build this little house.

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Welcome to The Nest. It looks nothing like a nest. It’s also really small. Also I kind of hate it.

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But me and my new best friend were still so excited, we all-out ran to see the inside for the first time.

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After pretending I was a real estate agent and giving Ryan a tour of a house I had also never been in before, I decided to give Ryan the lowdown on why we’re here and what the heck we’re doing.

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“Oh, you need a painter and a sculptor and a photographer and a fisher and a cook and a scientist and a husband and a cat? Let me call my brother Kyle! He can be at least two of those things.”
“Ooh, a scientist cat?”
“Alas, no. Gee, I’m so glad you asked me to move in! How lucky that I’m related to the perfect person to help you out!”
“Yes, I had no idea that you had a brother with extremely high painting skill and a particular love for reading skill books. That is totally not why I targeted you as a dynasty helper.”
“Why you...targeted me? What?”

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Ryan called his brother immediately.

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A few moments later, I stepped outside and found a man sneezing in the front yard. This must be him! The man I had no idea existed!

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We met. I peered past his super long hair and amazingly stupid hat and saw clear blue eyes and freckles and all kinds of lovely genetics. “Hi,” I said. “I’m Starling.”

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Kyle said hello back, and then he started criticizing my outfit.

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“UGH!” I shouted back at him, secretly thrilled at the onset of such drama only five seconds into the dynasty. “Of all the people to criticize my outfit, YOU are the LEAST QUALIFIED!”

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He must have felt bad, because he offered me flowers next?

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He looked so earnestly sorry, watching me bury my nose in them. I must admit I felt my stomach do a backflip. I don’t know what it is about hairy guys in top hats who insult me and then try to woo me in the span of five seconds, but man. It gets me going.

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Kyle waited until I’d finished pocketing the flowers, and then he started insulting my career.

“You plant VEGETABLES all day?!” he shouted. “Of all the things to plant, why VEGETABLES?”

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I’m not sure what other plantable things he would have preferred. Flowers maybe? That’s all that comes to mind, because after that, he gave me flowers again. The shock on my face is genuine. I was like, “I mean, I guess I could do this all day. That'd be fine.”

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Ryan must have overheard the shouting by then, because he came out and tried to distract Kyle by asking him about his day. Over Kyle’s shoulder I gave Ryan a look that hopefully communicated “you didn’t tell me your brother was hot AND mean”, and also that I was okay with that combination.

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After the boys went inside, I gave myself a talking-to. “You shouldn’t like mean men,” I said. “Not even when they have cute freckles!”

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But then Kyle came with me to the library and sat with me on the bench outside reading his science skill book, and I could barely concentrate on my gardening book because my stomach was doing flips.

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We were now a household of three, and Ryan was on a mission to secure our fourth member. He found Emmaline Rhoen wandering the art gallery late at night. They bonded over their mutual exhaustion and need to pee. I personally take Emmaline’s heart-shaped pee puddle as a sign that she’s meant to be part of our family. <3

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Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2021, 01:14:11 PM »
2 ~ Mating Dance
by Starling Branch

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Before I got too deep into gardening, I officially became an officially official gardener at City Hall. I'm a little confused as to why this is required. Like, "Hi, excuse me, mayor of everything, do I have your permission to grow some vegetables?" "Why yes, of course. Thank you for asking first. Here's a list of our city laws, none of which have anything to do with your personal home garden. And here's our official I Am A Gardener Yes I Am form. Please sign."

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I convinced Kyle to burn his hat with the fire of a thousand suns, and also change his outfit. I might have said something about him being hotter with short hair. Possibly. I really don’t remember.

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Ryan decided to also burn his hat, but only with the fire of about four suns. He figured now that he’s a mature adult, he doesn’t need to wear a beanie and pretend he’s cool anymore. He is cool.

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Emmaline did indeed join the household and immediately got to fishing. She already had maxed cooking skill, so she’d be able to make ambrosia as soon as she had the ingredients. She spent all her waking hours in various scenic spots around Hidden Springs, communing with the fish. I say communing because that is what she told me she was doing. And I get it. We’re both off our nuts. I understand.

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My crush on Kyle was becoming a serious issue at this point. I went a little bit berserk at times. At least he didn’t seem to mind when I decided to just get the inevitable over with and show him all my goods.

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Afterwards, he chucked a rubber ducky at me, because, I don’t know, that’s how he flirts? He thought he was going to catch me off guard, but no! I am ALWAYS prepared to catch a rubber ducky coming at you from out of nowhere. You just have to do these things if you want to get through life unscathed.

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He was almost as impressed by my reflexes as he was by my body.

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He wasn’t very impressed when I started telling him my theories about rubber duckies and their ability to break through the space-time continuum without human assistance, though. I think it might take time to warm him up to things like that.

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When I wasn’t doing various sorts of mating dances in front of Kyle, I was gardening, because that’s my supermax and my career and my Lifetime Wish and it's just what I do, okay?

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Ryan quit his job as a journalist and started sculpting, and also learning photography. The photography part makes a lot of sense with his official bio, which states that he is a nature photographer. Luckily, birds are nature, and he’ll be photographing a lot of birds.

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A fifth member of the family appeared soon after this. This is Twig, and he is the love of my life, aside from Kyle and my plants.

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Ryan also may or may not have found the love of his life. While exploring town for potential friends and, I don’t know, future spouses or whatever, he met Ella Carlisle at the Shoreline Cabin and they IMMEDIATELY started flirting with each other. And I gotta say, if anybody deserves the Cinderella of Hidden Springs, it’s the loving, lonely nature photographer who sacrificed his independent life in order to make ice sculptures of immortal birds.

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It was several days into the dynasty by this point, and I was starting to get impatient for my own love story to happen. I had a wish to kiss Kyle and everything. So I forced Kyle into Emmaline’s mid-range sedan and drove him to Hidden Gardens for a chat.

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I had to pause and admire him before we reached the Pinnacle of Romance, i.e. the middle of the bridge.

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I didn’t have to do much, thank goodness. Kyle seemed to be getting impatient too. Also he may have been absorbing some of my “you are my future dynasty spouse and before long we’re going to have to procreate” vibe. Also, as he told me later, he also had a wish to kiss me. Apparently we rolled those wishes at exactly the same time. Cute, right?

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I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend. He said yeah.

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Then I asked him if he wanted to be my husband. He also said yeah. Yeah!

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I felt exceedingly proud of myself for snatching up this Mean-Spirited jerk. This sexy, sexy jerk.

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We threw a wedding the very next day and invited all, like, seven people that we knew from around town. Ryan and Ella made their relationship official before the ceremony. Ella looked more like a bride than I did, which honestly took a lot of the pressure off.

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Kyle vowed to love me till the end of his days, and to give me an heir, and to try to be a little less mean.

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I vowed to love him till the end of time, like actually though, and to give birth to his heir, and to try to be a little less cute. Just kidding. I will never be less cute.

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Congratulations to me! To us! To the first new Branch of our magnificent family tree!

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After that I had to go stick my butt in the sprinkler for a minute. I just had to. You know?

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Emmaline went in to use the bathroom and aged up to elder in front of the dirty toilet. True dynasty things.

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And after all the guests went home, Kyle and I went to the lodge up on the mountain and did our first woohoo. There may or may not have been a townie stuck in the room with us. But it's fine.

Offline hazelnut

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2021, 02:19:51 PM »
Yup, just your standard dynasty stuff  :P.

Good luck!

Offline butterfly

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2021, 08:57:55 AM »
Good luck with the Branches!
Wow, Kyle cleans up real nice, no doubt the next heir will be gorgeous when you look at the parents.
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2021, 05:26:56 PM »
Yup, just your standard dynasty stuff  :P.

Good luck!

Thanks hazelnut! I'm honored to have the reigning queen of dynasties following along :)

Good luck with the Branches!
Wow, Kyle cleans up real nice, no doubt the next heir will be gorgeous when you look at the parents.

Thank you! He does, doesn't he? He has some really nice features.

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2021, 05:43:37 PM »
3 ~ Burritos are Boring
by Starling Branch

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One day, Twig was a small cat.

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Then, suddenly, he was a bigger cat. Isn’t that crazy?

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Know what else is crazy? Science. Kyle had been spending very long hours at the library, reading science skill books until his brain melted out his ears. Finally, he reached level 9 and was able to clone his first human. Meet Specimen 7,991, also known as Phillip. (I was going to call him Specimen 7991, because it's funny, but Ryan overheard me and told me that humans aren't numbers. I mean, I guess so. I'm Immortal #1, aren't I?)

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The other part of this equation was the part involving social interaction. Kyle isn’t exactly the most social guy. Also, he’s kind of mean, remember? So I was extra grateful for his willingness to run around Hidden Springs befriending everybody in order to steal their DNA. (At least, he told me he stole it. Seems believable, right?) I think all that pretending to be nice wore him out, because he’d come home and go find Emmaline and yell at her almost every night. Those two do not get along. Even though their outfits are all matchy-matchy. I think that means they should be friends.

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Well, now that Kyle had completed his first cloning, he was like, “Yeah, I don’t want to deal with people anymore. Even tiny ones.”

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So he got to work painting my young adult portrait instead, accompanied by his brother, who was on ice sculpture #7 or so at this point. Almost there, Ryan! Just a million more to go!

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Phillip, like most burritos, was incredibly boring. Emmaline was pretty much the only one to take care of him. So she got to bring him to his toddler cake. It’s the first birthday of the Branch Immortal Dynasty! I think. Things are already starting to blur together.

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Isn’t he a cute little man? Phil was born Friendly and Artistic. I would tell you his favorites, but that would give away who his Cloner Donor was, and that’s supposed to be a guessing game, as we all know.

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Emmaline pretty much became Phil’s surrogate mommy. She was more than happy to spend her time teaching him how to pee into a receptacle instead of all over the floor. She has some experience in peeing all over the floor herself, so she was an ideal instructor.

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A boy who knows where to pee is a happy boy indeed.

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I think Twig was glad to have somebody his own size to sniff, instead of a bunch of knees and ankles.

Now, by this time, things were getting a bit tight money-wise. During my long hours weeding tomatoes and watering lettuce, I was thinking about the building and property I’d one day have to buy. And the rooms we’d need to add to the house. And the cars we needed to acquire ASAP because we were all really sick of riding taxis everywhere.

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Kyle saved us. Well, Twig and Kyle together. Twig was out hunting and managed to catch a Rainbow Beetle in his little kitty mouth. Do you know how much those things are worth? 4,500 simoleons! Kyle snatched that beetle right out of Twig’s lil' teefers and started cloning it. By the end of that day, we had increased our family funds by many thousands of simoleons. Out of approximately three sighs of relief that I would take during this first generation, this was a big one.

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We were all really busy these days, gardening, sculpting, painting, fishing, and giving Phillip just enough care and attention to ensure that he doesn’t die or get lonely. (Sorry, Phil.) So Ryan’s elder birthday snuck up on us. Sorry, Ryan. I’m just really sorry, everyone, okay?

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Ryan had something more exciting to celebrate, though. His girlfriend Ella was pregnant with his child! As a Family-Oriented Sim, Ryan was ecstatic. He kept talking wistfully about marrying Ella, even though he'd known from the start that he wouldn’t be able to.

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This proves how busy and distracted we all were: a new member joined our household around this time, and we didn’t even get any real pictures documenting it. Whoops. Well, on the right there is Charles Winterly, and he became the newest dynasty helper and future savior of our butts. As a newly-minted young adult without a job who was still living with his parents, Charles was just sort of kicking around town, and Kyle (in a rare moment of thoughtfulness) offered to give him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do nothing but sculpt all day forever. Charles accepted and became a member of the family.

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And a welcome addition he was, too. When he wasn’t sculpting, Charles was either peacefully reading a book or taking care of little Phil. It was refreshing to have someone so NICE around. *ahem, ahem*

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Twig also brought a new family member. He caught a nuthatch one afternoon, and I rescued the poor thing before Twig could chomp it to bits. And thus Loony became the first of many pet birds in the land of the Branch family.

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I was working super hard at my requirements this whole time, which is why you don’t see a lot of me in these pictures. I think gardening is super exciting, but do you? Quite possibly not.

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I was also struggling to get opportunities, even as I was cruising up to level 8 of the gardening skill. This is when I completed my first one, almost two weeks into the game. That's when I realized that you actually have to answer your phone in order to accept opportunities. How was I supposed to know?

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Ella gave birth to a son named Ariel. He’s an interesting-looking little guy, isn’t he? Ariel was born around the same time that Ryan completed his 25th ice sculpture. Finally, he had some time to go spend with his own family.

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But not that much time. It was time for my young adult sculpture!

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Kyle and I were still doing well as a couple, by the way. Like, really well. In fact, I’m pretty sure our relationship is bugged because we both periodically get little relationship plus signs over our heads, and our relationship bar never drops at all. Which is convenient, because in another timeline I feel like Kyle might just insult me all the time. In any case, we’re very in sync with our wishes, too - on the same exact day, we both wished to have our first child. I was like, “You know what? Something’s telling me it’s heir time.” And Kyle was like, “Something is telling me the same thing.”

~ Notes from a Rather Dumb Watcher ~

Kyle was the perfect Sim to learn science quickly, being a genius and a bookworm - he leveled up in just a few days. He was, however, one of the worst possible Sims to befriend townies and get their DNA. I had to babysit him every time he went out to socialize, because if I left him alone for two seconds, he’d start arguing and insulting people and criticizing their families and undo all the progress he’d made. Purchasing the Never Dull Lifetime Reward ended up saving our butts, because Kyle could just “Enthuse about ___” twenty-seven times in a row. Also, charisma. Once Kyle got to the stage where he could befriend somebody quickly, I’d have him grab their DNA and then run away as fast as possible before he started spewing insults. *sigh* I love you, Kyle, but also YOU’RE THE WORST.

For the first couple in-game weeks, I was very confused about Starling’s lack of opportunities. I was purposely skilling her up rather slowly, but she never got any popups, whereas her housemates were constantly getting them. It wasn’t until she was at level 8 that I realized why. Starling WAS getting opportunity phone calls, but because she was gardening all the time, she wasn’t answering her phone. I had to be there to hear the phone ring and physically stop her from gardening so she would answer. *facepalm* Once I realized that, I started hanging around the garden more, and she finally started making some progress on her BlackOps.

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Offline Chubling

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2021, 02:53:24 PM »
I LOVE STARLING! She is perfect and beautiful and ridiculous and I would die for her! I am really loving this dynasty and I can't wait to read more about them!

Offline Nella

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2021, 04:07:49 PM »
Technically, you are not immortal #1, Starling. You will be immortal #1.  :P

I love this dynasty and the founder, she's something else. (I also love your humor.)

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2021, 06:10:48 PM »
I LOVE STARLING! She is perfect and beautiful and ridiculous and I would die for her! I am really loving this dynasty and I can't wait to read more about them!

Aww, thank you so much! I'm so glad you love Starling. She really is a delight. Insane Sims always are. :)

Technically, you are not immortal #1, Starling. You will be immortal #1.  :P

I love this dynasty and the founder, she's something else. (I also love your humor.)

Haha, you are correct. She's a loooong way from being immortal #1 at this point.

And thank you very much! I really appreciate it!

Offline Beks

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2021, 06:52:44 PM »
4 ~ Flying Creatures
by Starling Branch

I woke up early the next morning with all kinds of flying creatures in my tummy.

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Not just butterflies. There were also, like, pterodactyls, I’m pretty sure.

I felt better after expelling all the bats, bees, dinosaurs, and flying fish into the toilet. (They weren’t visible, but I KNOW they were there.)

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A few hours later, just as I reached up to pluck a fresh apple from my newly harvestable apple tree, I felt a new sort of flying creature in my belly. A new bird. A new baby Branch!

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There was a lot of fluttering over the next few days. And a lot of growth. Kyle was excited, and I know this because he actually started spending time with little Phil. He even took him to the library to read the art books.

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It was just in time, because all of a sudden, little Phil was gonna become a bigger Phil!

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He grew up into a serious-looking kid. Sometimes I have to say “Boo!” to his face, just to make sure he’s capable of other facial expressions. Anyway, Phil gained the Artistic trait. I bet you have NO idea what he’s going to be doing with his life.

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Surprise! Are you surprised? Yeah, me either. I am a dynasty founder, after all. I know these things.

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I was, once again, plucking fresh fruits in my rapidly expanding garden when I started having contractions within my rapidly expanding midsection.

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I stayed right there in the garden and waited it out. It’s so peaceful in the garden, you know? And it’s my place. I had all my plants for company. The tomatoes and maui beans cheered me on.

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My daughter, Goldfinch, arrived in a burst of sparkles as the afternoon sun peeked over the mountains. The vegetables cheered! The watermelons were like, “Thank watcher we worked!”

Something felt off, though. I wasn’t quite done.

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There were no sparkles for Heron, but she appeared in her own special way--on the living room floor, between a dead fish and a pile of cat vomit. I’m pretty sure this would be symbolic, if it wasn’t, you know, a dead fish and a pile of cat vomit.

We weren’t expecting twins, by the way. That was not in the dynasty plans. But here we were, with two pink burritos on our hands, and a tiny house with ugly wallpaper and stupid flooring that I could hardly stand to be in (another reason I chose to give birth in the garden). We needed a new house. Like, real bad.

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So we built one! I finally remembered to check the mailbox for the first time ever, and the wedding gifts from neighbors and friends provided more than enough funds to build a slightly less terrible home for us and our babies. Just don’t tell Ella Carlisle I sold the beautiful statue she gave me. And I mean, I HAD to sell the Fountain of Youth that Phil’s cloner donor gave us. This is an Immortal Dynasty, not an Immortal One-Stop Day Trip!

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Here’s the ground floor of the new house. Loooots of space, and a cute little nursery behind the stairs, and a cozy living room, and a skilling room for the non-immortals, and a bedroom for me and Kyle, and two very cute bathrooms. And a porch, with some newspapers on it. Oops.

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The upper floor doesn’t have much yet. Just beds. But beds are important. Humans sleep in them, for instance.

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In all the hubbub surrounding the birth of our babies plural, I forgot that my adult birthday was coming up. It hit me in the garden, along with the shocking realization that Oh crudites I'm going to be an old lady after this and I'm not even halfway done with my requirements yet?!?!?.

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And shortly after, Kyle became an old man.

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Speaking of old people, Emmaline was really getting up there in years. She’d caught dozens of deathfish for us, and as I’d finally managed to convince a few life fruits to grow for me (they were very shy), Emmaline could finally prepare ambrosia for the first time. Not that I’m ready to eat ambrosia! Noooo, not even close! I’m still young and adorable, thank you. But Emmaline also used her Lifetime Happiness points to purchase a Food Replicator, and she filled it with ambrosia just before her age bar filled. I shall forever be grateful to you, green lady.

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But we all know why you’re really here. Yes, you. You want to see the babies! Goldfinch and Heron celebrated their first birthday surrounded by their very excited fam.

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Goldfinch turned out to be pretty much a clone of me, I think. Which means she is GORGEOUS.

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I was preparing to take Heron to her cake when the two old men of the house started arguing. Ryan had scooped up Goldfinch to give her a cuddle, and Kyle came over and was all like, “Wow, your baby STINKS!” and Ryan was all like, “She’s YOUR BABY, you idiot!” and Kyle was all like, “I’m gonna ignore that and just break the fourth wall real quick.”

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...Anyway. Heron’s turn!

Nobody took a picture of Heron post-sparkles and pre-makeover, because Goldfinch had already crawled over to the dresser in my bedroom and practically cartwheeled into CAS. If you insist, Goldfinch.

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Here’s my beautiful heir! Like I said, she’s me, mostly. Our baby girl is Artistic and Friendly. Her favorite music is R&B, her favorite food is falafel, and her favorite color is purple. Yeah, I don’t think so, darling. Goldfinches are not purple. Sorry.

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Heron takes more after her daddy, although she got my hair and eye color just like her sister. Heron, our lovely surprise spare, is Friendly and Insane. (Being born between a dead fish and a pile of cat vomit will do that to you.) Her favorite music is R&B as well, her favorite food is vegetarian grilled salmon, and her favorite color is blue. Why of course you can wear blue, dear! Everything shall be blue for you!

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It was a joy having two adorable little beans in this house that was otherwise filled with oldish people. Emmaline took a particular liking to Heron and started teaching her to walk right away.

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And Kyle, despite his meanness, seemed incapable of being mean towards his little girls, thank goodness. If anything, he doted on them even more than me.

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Yup, a new generation has been born into The Nest, and Goldfinch is ready for anything.

Notes from a Surprised Watcher

- Yes, the Branches did receive the mythical Leon’s Fountain of Youth as a wedding gift. Yes, it is the most expensive item in the game. Yes, it felt a little bit cheaty selling it. Yes, I did it anyway. And yes, I laughed for an hour at the irony of the whole thing.
- Heron really was a total surprise, but a lucky one. (I’ve played much farther into the game and I sort of don’t know why I didn’t plan for twins in the first place?) I feel terrible that she was born in such a disgusting spot on the lot. But also it’s one of my favorite things that’s happened in this dynasty.
- Both Heron and Goldfinch were born with the Friendly traits. I have no idea why, since Starling had a perfectly comfortable pregnancy and got the most expensive package at the spa. I had a different trait in mind for Goldfinch, so I was a bit irked, but hey. Of all the curveballs to be thrown, this one is pretty tame. I'm sure there will be worse ones.

Offline Chubling

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2021, 03:11:13 PM »
Twins! I live in fear of them in my dynasty house, I'm always so full with pollinators. I'm glad it happened to you early, hopefully that means it won't hit at a later generation!

Offline Auranaris

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2021, 10:30:29 PM »
All caught up! Somehow I only just realized that Emmaline has greenish yellowish skin. Not going to lie I thought she was a zombie for a split second. Oops.

I love the idea of naming sims after birds! I once had a family where all the kids were named after types of pasta, (Ravioli, Linguini, Penne, etc.) but I think birds is a bit of a better idea. ;)
they/he pronouns please!

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2021, 10:33:06 PM »
I did everything to ensure dynasty twins in my own house and got a singleton...I guess the spirit of a twin sibling for dynasty-slave purposes lives on in the universe. Heron is definitely my favorite in the bloodline (it happens + it's one of those bird names a real person could probably pull off with enough confidence) but Ryan and Elle's baby is my favorite overall. Phil got last place for having a confusing donor :P (but I think I figured it out...)

Not pollinating does lead to better dynasty helpers, Ryan notwithstanding I suppose. I hope you've gotten the issues with Starling's requirements sorted out and I definitely used different sims for DNA harvesting and keeping friends in the beginning (it's different when you've given the job to an immortal though)
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Offline mpart

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Re: The Branch Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2021, 04:18:36 PM »
Ah! I just discovered this! I love your founder and her personality. The theme you are going with is also super adorable.

