Author Topic: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty Part 30 (Feb-3)  (Read 21006 times)

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Avilla TownieDecaDynasty Part 30 (Feb-3)
« on: February 07, 2021, 10:01:26 AM »
The Avilla Townie Deca Dynasty

After spending the whole quarantine on a dynasty that got an aging bug on gen 6, I decided to start again. New town, new family, new beginning. I am still playing The Sims 3 because the TS4 is just not intriguing me with the new packs, and just lacks so much. Also, I really like this dynasty challenge.
All in all, I wanted to write a story here for the good old times, and hopefully finish it.

Without further ado, meet our founder(s), the Avilla sisters of Starlight Shores!

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Lindy and Lanya are two polar opposites, but both are equally beautiful and qualified as founders. But, is it going to be Lindy the Diva Gold Digger, or Lanya, the Hopeless Romantic Writer?
Stay tuned and find out!


Generation 1: Asteria Avilla

Part 1:Mystery Lovers
Part 2: The Reveal
Part 3: The First Heir
Part 4: Fires and Flirtations
Part 5: New Love
Part 6: Three Days, Three Parties
Part 7: The Double Trouble
Part 8: All The Brithdays
Part 9:Lookin' For Love
Part 10:  Broken Hearts and Family Times
Part 11: Rodeo Romance
Part 12: Old Love, New Love
Part 13: Jog Around the World
Part 14: Get Your Flirt On
Part 15: The Waiting Game
Part 16: Moving On

Generation 2: Caerus Avilla

Part 17: Family Time
Part 18: Toddler Time
Part 19: Apples and Dinosaurs
Part 20: Spoiled Rotten
Part 21: (Pillow)fights
Part 22: Dog Person's Dream
Part 23: Monsters and Magic
Part 24: The Pancake Success
Part 25: Love and Death
Part 26: Beginnings, Ends and Everything in Between
Part 27: Final Countdown

Generation 3: Apollo Avilla

Part 28: Baby Boom
Part 29: Everyday I'm Toddlin'
Part 30: Pools and Ponies and Parties
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2021, 10:19:49 AM »
Part 1:Mystery Lovers

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Of course, the first thing to happen were the makeovers, just how pretty can these girls be?!
Lanya is Bookworm, Perfectionist, Hopeless Romantic, Athletic, and a Computer Whiz
Lindy is Flirty, a Social Butterfly, Hot-Headed, Childish and a Diva

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Next up, meeting the potential spouses. At first, I thought of starting with the Luck brothers because they have a bigger house and well, I need all the luck I can have with this. But then I would need to think of what to do with two spares instead of just one, and the girls seemed a bit more interesting to me. So, I crept around the town to see where they are and sent the girls to them.

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Some introductions were made...

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There was dancing....

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Hand holding...

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Of course we didn't wait long for a kiss...

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And immediately rushed through all the proposals.

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Just your basic fast-paced dynasty start.
I let the sisters meet all of the brothers to see who will hit it off the best. At that point, I was not fixed on one of them being the founder (although I had my hopes for one). I wanted to see who will make the best couple, and these two won without a doubt.

My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2021, 05:29:38 AM »
Part 2: The Reveal

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Our secret lovers are Lanya and Isaac! These two just kept talking to each other, Lanya almost immediately popped a wish to have their first kiss, and even wanted to write a romance novel about her new love.

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Even the accident he had while talking to her didn't make Lanya want him any less.

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Isaac is a very attractive sim, an ambitious workaholic on a path to being the biggest rock star in Starlight Shores. I think the future of this dynasty is in good hands.

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But what about Lindy? She was attracted to both Isaac and Chad, but since Isaac was fixed on her sister she tried some moves on Chad but it just didn't work out. Their relationship went into red quite fast and I just couldn't fix it because our Diva was, well, a diva. So she went on the dating site and met a few guys around town.

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But then, Chad invited her on a date out of nowhere.

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Don't get your hopes up, it wasn't going well. Chad is just not having the best time as you can see.
I decided to give up and canceled Lindy's wish to befriend him, but as soon as I did, she rolled it again! Talk about mixed signals...

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Meanwhile, our founders were enjoying their married life together.
Isaac: "Is that singing that I hear? I can't wait to have a band with a mini-me!"

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They just had as much fun as they could before the baby arrives.

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Lanya focused on her book while Lindy and Isaac had a competition outside to see who will befriend their boss faster. Isaac won, of course.

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Isaac will need that friendship more for sure, since the baby is on the way!
Lanya: “AAARGHH, why did I sign up for this?!“
Well, you didn't actually, but you can't back out now.

My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2021, 01:26:18 PM »
I don't know the Avillas well but like the Luck brothers, especially Isaac.  Looking forward to seeing how this develops :).

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2021, 09:14:43 AM »
I don't know the Avillas well but like the Luck brothers, especially Isaac.  Looking forward to seeing how this develops :).
I like to think of the girls as hidden gems, they have amazing genes!

Part 3:The First Heir

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Baby Asteria was born a pink loving Virtuoso like her dad and Athletic like her mom.

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Her childish aunt couldn't wait to try out her niece's toys while waiting for her to come home.
Lindy: You're saying these aren't for me? Ugh, and here I thought that I was lucky to avoid being the founder.

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Asteria's baby years were full of love and snuggles, from both her mom and dad. Lindy didn't show much interest in her niece because she couldn't risk a diaper that needed changing.

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Although she didn't play with Asteria, she and Isaac spent a lot of time together and quite quickly became best friends. I guess Isaac just has something that makes the Avillas fall for him really fast.

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They even loved to jam together every once in a while, and Lanya was always in the front row supporting them. (I love how into it Lindy is.)

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It was time for Asteria's birthday party, a very eventful event. Talk about schmoozing your boss!

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Lindy got an idea from her coworkers and hoped that the third time's the Luck.

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But Wylie was startled by her Heath of the Moment Kiss and unfortunately didn't like it. There's no Luck in this girls love life (I'll stop now.)

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After the heartbreak, it was time for Asteria to age up. It was her party and you would think she got more attention during it.
Lindy: „Yaaaay, I'm gonna just keep cheering and pretend I wasn't just rejected a minute ago!“

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Just look at how gorgeous she is! I had my fingers crossed that she will resemble Lanya, and I think my wish came true!

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Seeing how beautiful their firstborn is, these two couldn't but roll the wish to have another kid with each other. I'm happy about that, but this is still a kid's party and the making out has to tone down a bit!
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2021, 02:24:23 PM »
How fun! I haven't played much in Starlight Shores, so I love getting introduced to new sims. The girls look amazing! What great faces! I can't wait to see what they kids grow up to look like!

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2021, 03:52:09 PM »
Another dynasty. Yay! I always thought that the Avilla sisters were gorgeous, glad to see someone using one of them as a founder.

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2021, 05:32:13 AM »
How fun! I haven't played much in Starlight Shores, so I love getting introduced to new sims. The girls look amazing! What great faces! I can't wait to see what they kids grow up to look like!

Another dynasty. Yay! I always thought that the Avilla sisters were gorgeous, glad to see someone using one of them as a founder.

Thanks to both of you! I'm so excited to see that you are excited! :)
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2021, 05:38:42 AM »
Part 4: Fires and Flirtations

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The household was filled with cuteness and training. Asteria was very quick to learn everything so the rest of her toddler days could be filled with toys and cuddles.

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Meanwhile, her aunt kept searching for a rich bachelor. She didn't mind the kid in the house that much, but there is something else that kept her wanting to move out.

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She couldn't keep her mind off Isaac... And he..., well usually he rejected her flirtations, but I guess that her nightgown was a  bit too much this time.
Isaac: "Woah, where did you get that nightgown? I want to buy one for Lanya since it looks so good on you!"
Lindy: "Oh, you like it? It's not like I wore it around the house on purpose or anything."
No, no, no! This has to stop! I wish I was directing this for the drama, but actually, they do this autonomously, and they do it a lot.

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I especially hate the fact that Lanya was in another room writing their love story while this was going on.

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I guess she did notice something going on because she and Lindy kept lowering their relationship every time they interacted.
Lanya: „You seriously think Isaac didn't tell me what happened, Lindy? How could you do this to me?“
Lindy: "You're just lucky that you got to meet him first! If it was me who he went himself in front of you would know how this feels!"

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It got into her head so much that she left the fryer unattended one night. Thankfully, everyone was fine. Now that I think about it, is there a possibility that it wasn't an accident?

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How lucky is Asteria to be unaware of all of the mess going on in her home, she just plays her xylophone all day, with an occasional snack break.

My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Chubling

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2021, 11:53:46 AM »
Oh man. The sims can be so flirty with the wrong people sometimes. Maybe Lanya should consider dumping him and finding herself a hot new wife

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2021, 07:10:45 AM »
Oh man. The sims can be so flirty with the wrong people sometimes. Maybe Lanya should consider dumping him and finding herself a hot new wife
That would've been great actually, but it didn't cross my mind at the time because poor Lanya was too busy to meet anyone interesting. Luckily, we got this problem sorted out, well, at least a half of it.

Part 5: New Love

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After Asteria's birthday party, Lindy had a wish to go on a date with someone. To everyone's surprise, it was Wylie, Isaac's brother. So she invited him out, and the date actually went very well!

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Soon enough she went to his house to see if it is something her golddigger self could see herself in.
Lindy: „Nice big living room, a pool, three bedrooms... Not bad, not bad.“

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After finding out Wylie is rich she tried some moves on him.

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And she was successful! Wylie is now her boyfriend. *sighs in relief*

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Well, almost successful. I guess Wylie wanted them to get to know each other better before going any further.

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I did catch him talking to his brother about marriage after kissing Lindy. I guess this guy met his soulmate. Who would've thought it is going to be Lindy.
Wylie:  „Chad, I've met this girl, and I think I wanna marry her, she's super hot. Actually, you know her, is Lanya's sister, Lindy!“
Chad: „Lindy Avilla? I do know her... Good luck with that bro!“

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While Wylie was breaking the news to one of his brothers, the other one tried some moves on Lindy, even though they didn't like each other. And Lindy rejected him.
Lindy: „You had your chance, Chad. I'm with Wylie now and I don't want to screw this up.“
 Is it possible that our girl actually likes Wylie, not just his money?

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All of this happened at a party in Luck house. Lanya was there as well and she and Isaac just had to try out his old shower.

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Chad wasn't that big of a fan of their idea...
Chad: „I love how my brothers like to rub their love lives in my face...“
Actually, I feel kinda bad for him.

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Back home, our heir was actually well taken care of. This babysitter fed her and put her to bed at a reasonable hour. It's funny to me how we're always surprised by these things.

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The next day, Lindy wanted to make sure that her and Wylie are ready for the next step.
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2021, 05:12:17 PM »
The babysitter actually took care of the kid? Seems fake! (That is a joke in case tone is unclear!)

I'm rooting for Lindy! Go for it you delightful chaos nugget! Lanya still deserves better than her cheating husband! Though, Lindy is hard to resist.

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2021, 07:17:00 AM »
The babysitter actually took care of the kid? Seems fake! (That is a joke in case tone is unclear!)

I'm rooting for Lindy! Go for it you delightful chaos nugget! Lanya still deserves better than her cheating husband! Though, Lindy is hard to resist.
It's such a rare thing that we have to joke about it haha!
Chaos nugget is probably the best nickname ever tbh.

Part 6: Three Days, Three Parties

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Lindy: „Hi, I would like to hire your finest for my party. Oh, the price doesn't matter, just send the bill to the Luck residence.“

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The party was filled with a lot of local ladies who all decided that Lindy's room is the best one for the party.

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Lindy: „Lanya, I read The Flirty Sister and realized that I wasn't the best sister in the world last couple of months. I'm really sorry, that is one of the biggest reasons I want to move out to Wylies, can we just make up?“

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Lanya: „Listen everyone! This girl over here is the flirtiest sim I've met in my life and I hated her guts for going after my husband. But I believe that Wylie has changed her and she is ready to commit to him. I love you Lindy, and I forgive you.“
*crickets* *music and singing from the room*

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Oh, well, at least we had the opportunity to listen to that lovely speech, she joins the room party right after. Why is Lindy in her nightgown, you ask? Well, I guess the default outfit is not good enough for her. She didn't bother to change when the party started.

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The party then moved to Lanyas bedroom. We only got one dancer, but I think he was more than enough for the ladies.

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Usually, the dancers just stay and hang out at the party, but this one decided to chill in the rocking chair and dislike the sight of Lanya. This guy seriously creeped me out.

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Isaac joined the party after work. He seemed quite happy to hear about Lindy moving out tomorrow.

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The next day, our beautiful bride got ready for her wedding. She didn't have the wish to marry Wylie but I had to still go with the wedding because this house is too small for a family and a diva like herself.

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First thing that happened at the wedding was this, I guess Chad hated to be the only single brother so he went after married Priscilla.

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The wedding was quite nice for an autumn outdoor event, even though the trees in the background just don't seem too romantic.

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I mean, they do look very happy, we have to give them that.

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And off to the sunset they went. Bye, bye Lindy, I guess we will miss you. Well, depends on who you ask.
Isaac: *sigh of relief*

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The last party was Asteria's birthday party. I can't wait to see how this cutie will look like as a child!

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Dad took her to the cake while everyone cheered.

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I forgot to take the CAS pics but she is just adorable! Her parents got her the ballet thing as a gift and she couldn't wait to try it out.

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That wasn't the only gift for our heir. I wanted a dog but this kitten just stole my heart when I saw her. Everyone, meet Mew!
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty Part 6
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2021, 11:41:32 AM »
Yay Lindy! Finally found herself a man. I hope she keeps flirting with the town even after she's moved out. Asteria looks so cute! I can't wait to see her grown up

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Re: Avilla TownieDecaDynasty Part 6
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2021, 05:48:20 AM »
Yay Lindy! Finally found herself a man. I hope she keeps flirting with the town even after she's moved out. Asteria looks so cute! I can't wait to see her grown up
Oh, I can't wait to show you how Asteria looks all grown up!

Part 7:Double Trouble

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Asteria and Mew got along really well, she just loved her little sidekick.

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I mean, who couldn't like this clumsy ball of fur.

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Since she aged up during winter, Isaac made sure she had a head start at school and tutored her to a B.

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Mom had a different idea for bonding time. Somehow, Asterias relationship with Isaac was still a little bit higher.

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As you probably figured it out already, Lanya got pregnant as soon as Lindy moved out. Both her and Isaac wanted a child with each other, but they wanted different genders, we'll see how that turns out. And pregnant Lanya doing ballet is as funny as it is adorable.

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Soon, little Bia arrived. She's a Friendly Genius

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Right after, the family welcomed Bacchus. A surprise baby.
Did I plan twins? No. Did I want twins? Not really,the house is too small. How did I get twins then?? Well, I guess playing the game on silent is not the smartest choice, because it turned out someone left the radio in the living room on the kids station the whole time. Even though Lanya doesn't spend much time in there it still had an effect. I can't say I'm too angry, because both parents got what they wanted when it comes to gender.
Bacchus got Good and Genius traits.

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Trust me, Isaac is happier with this than he looks like right now, but having twins is quite exhausting.
Isaac: „So many diapers, so much crying... I need a break“

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So he decided to play for tips at the festival instead of helping with the twins.

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Asteria went with him as well and had fun on the lake.

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I mean, Isaac still is a great father, he just tries to avoid dirty diapers as much as possible.

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In the meantime, Lanya stayed home to work on her new horror story, The Double Trouble. I mean, she tried to work but the babies had a different idea.

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And Mew just didn't care about anything, the only important thing was the food.

My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

