Author Topic: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!  (Read 18554 times)

Offline CynKuy

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2021, 08:26:17 PM »
Seven careers capped 7 x 1000 = 7000

104 rewards 104 x .05 = 5.2 + 1 = 6.2

7000 x 6.2 = 43400

I really learned a lot about the careers that I didn't know before.  It was fun and very chaotic with so many Sims living under the same roof.

Offline mismck

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2021, 09:04:38 PM »
Yep — I ran out of human time - had to stop my Sims on Wednesday of Week 2.

Beldar & Prymatt Conehead and their household capped 5 Careers (5 X 1,000 = 5,000) and placed 120 unique career rewards (120 X .05 = 6.00 + 1.00 = 7.00).

5,000 X 7.00 = 35,000

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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #77 on: February 08, 2021, 05:59:19 AM »
This event is now closed.

A small field for sure, but unfortunately I have a feeling that that may be the case for many events in 2021. Players want Sims 5. We'll see. :) Nonetheless, thanks to all participants and grats to Nikitachi on the win. Everyone can now share their strategy.

Offline Nikitachi

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #78 on: February 08, 2021, 06:06:22 AM »
So, first of all, I started by assembling an Excel spreadsheet with all the careers and their levels, and counted the amount of awards each level gives. Then I made a pivot table to see the totals and arranged it by descending order. My goal was 2 full careers for each sim, plus a few more levels for each of them where possible. It was quite a surprise to learn that some careers give zero ‘physical’ rewards or only a couple. Most of the careers give six to thirteen… but the amazing one is the Detective career which gives (drumroll) 54!!! Too bad that it’s an ‘active’ one, I thought. But I decided to give it a try in the practice run.
Then, as usual, I examined my long-existing Excel spreadsheet with all townies’ info to choose the best townies. This time, I couldn’t take Elders, so I skipped Jacques Villareal even though he’s a level 9 Criminal, and initially chose Lily Feng (Business - Management 9), Baako Jang (Entertainer – Comedian 9)*Anaya Jang (Painter – Master of the Real 9)*, Penny Pizzass (Social media – Internet Personality 8 ), Raj Rasoya (Culinary – Chef 7) and Octavia Moon (Writer – Author 6). There are more townies with levels 8 or 9, but these are the careers that give very few rewards.
*yes, they have a child daughter, but I came to their place and gave her a birthday cake so she could become a teen and stay alone – I asked about the cake beforehand and was allowed to use it.

Then I tried to do a practice run, but soon realized that the active career of the Detective is just impossible. Not only the active career ruins all the others sims’ work performance when you ‘accompany’ your detective at work, but also it’s too hard to get a promotion at, because they just don’t give you the full task of catching the crime every day, and you need these closed cases count for the promotion. After more than a week, my detective sim only got one promotion (maybe the fact that it was actually my very first time of playing as a detective played its role too, but still). So I thought I have to give up on this strategy… but then I got an eureka moment :D
When you play as a detective, the game generates you some colleagues, one of which is a boss. I thought that a boss should logically have a high level in the career, so I tried to befriend him and invite him to live together (I had to remove one sim from my household, but it was still in my practice run). And it turned out that the boss is level 10, and I instantly got all 54 rewards!!!
So, in my real game run, I decided to skip Penny Pizzass, because she had to get 25 million followers from zero, and it took too long, wasting precious days. Instead, I started with only 7 sims and waited for one of my aliens to go to work as a detective. There could be a problem though if a game generated an Elder boss, but I got lucky – there was a YA one, a perfectly young strong man named Karim Jawad! So I befriended him and invited him to our household, and the Detective career was done in a second :D
As for the basic gameplay process, there isn’t anything special. It’s just a routine where you just have to be very slow and concentrated. For the best possible work performance, I used the following:
-   I made all my 8 sims have a spouse from their household. The Aliens, Alf and Proxima Centaura, were already created married, as well as Anaya and Baako Jang; Raj married Lily who had to dump her Victor (and both Lily and Raj are Unflirty so I had to buy them a potion from the rewards store which allows you to choose other traits – it costs 5000 satisfaction points so it was quite hard to do because it had to be done fast). Octavia had to wait a couple of days before Karim arrived, then she dumped her Thorne and married Karim. Everyone bought the Great Kisser reward (with the help of the Soulmate aspiration that goes along with all that stuff well), and leveled Charisma to level 10 so they could ask for bonus. I started using this opportunity only at careers level 7 and up because levels 4-6 are doable without the bonus. I also watched the calendar wisely, taking into account that sometimes the schedule differs within two career levels, and it’s useless to use a bonus if you get a day off afterwards, but you have a working day if you don’t promote – it’s easier than just to go to work twice in a row and get promoted naturally.
-   Everyone always went to work in a “very” mood that would last for the whole shift – I mainly used the Massage table and various aromatherapy massages for that. Also they drank a mood potion just before the shift. I only had difficulties with Baako Jang because he worked in careers requiring the Playful mood which has no potion, and can also result in dying from hysteria – and the catch is that he HAD to be hysterical to get enough work performance. But he survived, tough guy :D
-   I also used the Crystal crown with a hematite crystal, making them all wear one just before going to work. And I bought them a new crystal for every new day, so they always had a fresh and powerful one.
-   After about a week, they all naturally got the Workaholic lifestyle (from the Snowy Escape expansion). But I’m still not sure how helpful it is – I have a feeling that it does nothing. Maybe I’m wrong though.
-   Of course, everyone had Connections and Entrepreneurial rewards.
-   At the free time, they all leveled Programming and used Hack work performance if really needed.
-   Some sims had some Fame (Octavia is level 3 from the beginning, and some others got fame when working via chance cards/social media account/etc.). If they had at least level 1 and a half, I made them paint, then sold the paintings while wearing a crystal crown with a Diamond that doubles fame, and got them to level 3. At this level, you can buy a perk that allows you to donate items for fame. They then donated a bunch of expensive computers and within a few sim minutes got up to level 5 fame, which, in its turn, gives a work performance boost if you choose a corresponding perk.
In total, here are my 8 sims and the careers they capped:
Alf Centaura (first Alien): Military – Covet Operator, then Secret Agent – Diamond Agent
Proxima Centaura (second Alien): Detective (quit immediately after inviting the boss), then Tech Guru – eSports Gamer, then Engineer – Computer Engineer
Lily Feng: Business – Management, then Criminal – Oracle, then Athlete – Pro Athlete (in the very last day!)
Anaya Jang: Painter – Master of the Real, then Gardener – Florist
Baako Jang: Entertainer – Comedian, then Social Media – Internet Personality
Octavia Moon: Writer – Author, then Style Influencer – Stylist
Raj Rasoya: Culinary – Chef (and that’s it for him -_- I was stupid enough to choose Doctor as his second career, and then realized I can’t get promotions without accompanying him for the whole shift that would cost me all the other sims’ promotions on that day. So he only got promoted once in two weeks)
Karim Jawad: Detective (instantly), then Astronaut - Interstellar Smuggler

Most of the sims also started a third career, but I don’t think it matters much who had which because they all could take any career at that point, I just chose by schedule. And last but not least, just before the end of the game, Octavia started and quit all the previously untouched careers to get some low-level rewards.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #79 on: February 08, 2021, 06:40:45 AM »
Wow, Nikitachi. What a great amount of detail. Grats again, on the win. This may finally be your big breakout year where you win it all at the end of November. I just looked at the last few World Rankings in the Graveyard -- 2nd in 2020, 2nd in 2019, and 4th in 2018. must be itching to finally get the top spot. We'll see. :)

Offline Vesper

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #80 on: February 08, 2021, 10:20:11 AM »
Amazing strategy Nikitachi. Genius thinking on befriending the Detective boss.

Offline ratchie

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #81 on: February 08, 2021, 12:48:07 PM »
My strategy was very similar to Nikitachi but not executed as well as it could have been. I have recently been playing the supersim challenge for fun which helped with the career aspect. I probably should have planned better but my initial thought was that city living had a lot of residents who were quite high up in their careers so I just went with that.

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Offline Nandarelle

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #82 on: February 08, 2021, 05:43:04 PM »
Nikitachi, congratulations on a well-deserved win.

My Sims were Ray & Connor (the aliens), Raj Rasoya, Penny Pizzazz, Lily and Victor Feng, Baako Jang and also the head detective (Manami, she was an adult in my game).
Penny was able to gain lots of followers quickly by livestreaming games. You can do this for as short as you want, and you get roughly the same amount of followers, ca 700,000. So, as long as you're willing to micromanage you can get many followers nearly instantly.
Victor Feng has the worst career in the whole game for this challenge, but I still chose him. Partly for the money, and partly because I thought a quick career cap would still be benificial (I was probably wrong about this - it took him longer than I thought).

I briefly moved my household to the largest house in Brindleton Bay to complete most of Mansion Baron for everyone, and then to an empty lot, where I built a tiny house. I had weather settings that excluded rain and snow, so all skilling items, including electronics, were outside (I was lucky not to get suprise weather). Indoors was just bathrooms. Fun fact: you can get the indoors lifestyle when spending 95% of your time outdoors - as long as you do 'indoorsy' stuff.
I also set up a holiday every day where the only tradition is to wear costumes. This way, everybody gets a +3 happy moodlet that, with the tiny house bonus, lasts the whole day. I also used good meals (thanks to Raj's culinary requirements) and baths to get everyone in a good mood. I got a wedding arch, but everyone was already happy enough that I didn't even use it much.
I used the needs cheat a few times, but not much. Basically, if someone met their career requirements, they were allowed to sleep. I also used the crystals for needs and fame. Frequently, they also used the hematite crystal for career progress, but I'm not really convinced that it does anything.
In the beginning, I let everyone max charisma to be able to negotiate for a bonus. Later, I let them paint or write to gain fame. The perks in rank 4 and 5 are very powerful for this challenge.
However, I did not realise how powerful the donate item interaction was, so I did not use it, and really only had some fame benefits at the end of the challenge.
While everyone was in very good moods, I didn't get them in the 'ideal' mood for their careers (just for skilling). I thought this disappeared in a patch, but now I'm starting to doubt myself - was it reintroduced maybe?
Either way, my Sims didn't usually get promoted in a single shift.
The careers they maxed (or get quite far with) were:

Ray Aissance: Floral designer (after joining the detective career briefly)
Connor Aissance: Scientist, Boss (level 7 )
Victor Feng: Politician, Secret Agent - Supervillain (level 8 )
Lily Feng: Management, Tech Guru - eSporter
Raj Rasoya: Chef, Painter - patron of the arts
Penny: Internet personality, Space ranger (level 9 )
Baako Jang: Comedian, Author, Botanist (level 8 )
Manami: Detective, Military - Covert Operator, Stylist (level 8 )

Offline techiechick

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #83 on: February 08, 2021, 05:49:06 PM »
Oof. I really admire you all who were able to finish this one. What with "quarantine brain" I found that I just didn't have the focus to play a household of 8 adult Sims with all different careers at the moment - it's easier when several of them are children/teens and have basically the same work schedules.

Maybe another time!

Offline Nandarelle

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #84 on: February 08, 2021, 06:01:29 PM »
Ha, I was thinking that I couldn't have done this challenge without lockdown.
My quarantine brain is such that whenever I think that a household chore or something needs to be done, I play the Sims instead.
It sure was a lot though.

Offline Delokkpsi

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #85 on: February 09, 2021, 05:18:00 PM »
Wow, Nikitachi, great job! I thought of recruiting the Chief to join my household, but in my practice run when I added the Chief to the household none of her rewards came with her. I tried to run my Alien through the detective career and, you're right, that is next to impossible in just 3 weeks.

The Congratulations to everyone who finished the challenge. Sadly I failed this challenge miserably, but I had fun doing it.   

Offline SueDenim

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #86 on: February 10, 2021, 06:51:27 PM »
Congratulations Nikitachi!

Basically, if someone met their career requirements, they were allowed to sleep.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Any other week, this would have been my favorite sentence of the week.  (This week, it loses to "I'm not a cat."  But it's still a great sentence.)

Offline Nikitachi

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #87 on: February 11, 2021, 03:49:29 AM »
I thought of recruiting the Chief to join my household, but in my practice run when I added the Chief to the household none of her rewards came with her

Wow that's unfair :( Sorry to hear that.
But you could just buy them after that, actually. Metro said it's fine as long as something gets unlocked.

Offline LenaLJ

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #88 on: February 19, 2021, 02:46:30 AM »
Time is a strange thing for me in these periodes. So i ment to write some comments to this just after it ended and now, yeah time just flew somehow again.

The sims i chose where not to much different compared to Nikitachi, except i forgot that i could have aged up Billie before moving in her parents.
And then I had Penny instead of Octavia.
The trick with the Detective is a nice one, and i was also lucky here and got at YA Chief to join my household.

Where i did not perform as perfectly as Nikitachi was planning what careers they all should tackle as the second one. When the first one was complete i simply just jumped in and looked at which ones they would fit for that had alot of rewards. And i think i should have thought more about working hours/days etc.

But congrats Nikitachi :)