Author Topic: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!  (Read 18573 times)

Offline Metropolis Man

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A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« on: January 15, 2021, 06:18:10 AM »
A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!

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It's been a long time since a dedicated careers challenge has graced the forum. We're allowing your starting two Alien Sims to use their awesome powers (a needs filling cheat) as a reward for any household member that places a unique career reward object.

General Challenge Rules
The General Challenge Rules always apply. Exceptions are noted below.

Specific Challenge Rules
  • Create two Young Adult Alien Sims.
  • Rally the Troops is banned.
  • The Wishing Well is banned.
  • Potion of Plentiful Needs is banned.
  • The Copypasto spell is banned.
  • You may add to the household via Household Management, but no one can move out or be intentionally killed.
  • If any Sims dies, continue the challenge with the remaining Sims, but that slot must remain empty.
  • All maxed jobs must be unique — part-time jobs do not qualify. Each branch of a given career is considered a unique career. So, Sim A could max the Chef branch of the Culinary Career, and Sim B could max the Mixology branch, but not the Chef branch since Sim A already had.
  • All rewards counted to add to your multiplier must be unique. If Sim A caps one branch of a career and unlocks a low-level reward, and Sim B caps the other branch of the same career and also unlocks the same reward, you only count that reward once for your multiplier.
  • For every unique career reward obtained by a household member, your two Aliens use their special powers (shift click the appropriate Sim and use the Make Happy cheat) a single time.
  • No life extension methods are allowed or changing life state.
  • This challenge ends at Week 4, Day 1, 8 a.m.


Scoring is based on how many unique careers have been maxed and collecting as many different job-related rewards.   

Career Cap — Award yourself 1000 points for any maxed career unique to a Sim.

Rewards — Your multiplier is the total number of unique physical/placeable single objects** you get as perks for hitting certain levels in various careers. Simply unlocking the items is not enough to count them towards your multiplier. They need to be placed. Everyone starts the game with a reward multiplier of 1.00.

**Certain careers have entire rooms as rewards. These do not count as rewards.

Do not get rid of any rewards during the challenge so that you can get an accurate count at the end of the event.

Each reward adds 5% (.05) to your multiplier.

DO NOT ask in this thread if a certain item qualifies as a reward. PM the team with your question.

Total — Add up the number of job caps from your two Sims. Then take that amount and multiply it by your rewards.

Example: The game clock hits Week 4, Day 1, 8 a.m., so it's time to stop playing your file. At this point your two Alien Sims have hit 3 different career caps. You also brought in 5 other Sims, and those household members were able to max an additional 7 unique careers. Finally, your household acquired 19 different rewards.

10 job caps = 10000 points
19 rewards X .05 = .95. Final multiplier = 1.00 + .75 = 1.95
Your Total = 10000 X 1.75 = 19500

The team does not want to edit and make changes to the ruleset once this event goes live, but we may have to. If an exploit is brought to our attention or we discover something else we reserve the right to ask affected players to redo their effort.

Have Questions?
If you have questions and need clarifications, ask away — you can either post your questions in this thread, or if you feel a question might reveal a particular strategy you are considering, then feel free to PM the team. Choose the My Messages tab > Send Message > Send to Group (show membergroups) > Check the Challenge Board Moderator group.

And the Winner is...
After this event has closed everyone is encouraged to discuss how they approached the event. The winner is expected to provide detailed information on their strategy. Keep notes as you play your file.

This Event is Now Closed

Player                            Career Cap     Rewards          Total
Metropolis Man50006.5032500

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2021, 06:26:46 AM »
1/17 -- Only single reward objects count towards the multiplier. Not entire room rewards.

1/18 -- added two addition bans:

  • Rally the Troops is banned.
  • The Wishing Well is banned.

1/20 -- two more bans added:

  • Potion of Plentiful Needs is banned.
  • The Copypasto spell is banned.

1/27 -- clarified the following to allow Household Management...

  • You may add to the household via Household Management, but no one can move out or be intentionally killed.

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Offline Nikitachi

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2021, 07:14:50 AM »
Perfect, thank you!

A few questions straight away:
- What about Teen careers?
- How are we allowed to add Sims to our household?
- Can we use Manage Households screen to swap some family members between two households? What restrictions are there (besides the one that once someone entered our household, he/she must stay?)
- When someone gets a reward item, do we have to use the Alien power right after that, or can we 'store' these until they're needed?

Thank you!

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2021, 08:41:26 AM »
Perfect, thank you!

A few questions straight away:
- What about Teen careers?
- How are we allowed to add Sims to our household?
- Can we use Manage Households screen to swap some family members between two households? What restrictions are there (besides the one that once someone entered our household, he/she must stay?)
- When someone gets a reward item, do we have to use the Alien power right after that, or can we 'store' these until they're needed?

Thank you!

Let's keep it as simple as possible. This is my idea for a challenge, so my aging brain needs to keep it simple! ;) All careers allowed. Any way you want to add household members - go for it. Manage households - no restrictions. Storing the Alien powers is fine.

EDIT: By the way -- team, or anyone else with an opinion...if you feel this is too easy and too simple, then voice your opinions now so rules can be changed before this event goes live.

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2021, 02:14:53 PM »
The rules already say no part-time careers, which would actually count teen careers out?

Using Manage Households is fine with me - sims can't move out once they move in, so there is a natural limit on this.
Storing power is fine with me.
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Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2021, 03:01:05 PM »
The rules already say no part-time careers, which would actually count teen careers out?

Oops. Yep. Nikitachi, are you clear on that or did you forget like me? Lol.

Offline Nikitachi

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2021, 04:03:07 AM »
The rules already say no part-time careers, which would actually count teen careers out?

Oops. Yep. Nikitachi, are you clear on that or did you forget like me? Lol.

I just wasn't sure whether teen careers qualify as part-time ones :D so that's why I asked. Okay, then they're not allowed, got it.

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Offline Nikitachi

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2021, 04:45:02 AM »
Some more questions:
- Can we age any Sims up with a cake if we want to?
- As far as I know, some promotions unlock some Build Mode items, but don't give a copy of them into your family inventory. Should we count these if we buy one and place it, or not?
(please ignore if this statement is wrong by default, I'm not sure if it's true)

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2021, 06:42:49 AM »
Some more questions:
- Can we age any Sims up with a cake if we want to?

Yes, that's fine. But, just a reminder -- no age extension methods.

- As far as I know, some promotions unlock some Build Mode items, but don't give a copy of them into your family inventory. Should we count these if we buy one and place it, or not?
(please ignore if this statement is wrong by default, I'm not sure if it's true)

As long as you can place the item then count it towards the multiplier.

Offline cyclonenic

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2021, 04:42:22 PM »
Seeking confirmation that all parts of a career reward must be placed on the lot to count? So if something doesnt fit a room as its too tall say it cant be placed (only if not placed in a room) as it will delete part of the reward to enable placement (and resizing isnt allowed as the cheats panel cant be accessed so it cant be made to fit  :P)?

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2021, 04:53:54 PM »
Seeking confirmation that all parts of a career reward must be placed on the lot to count?

Correct. Just think of the crazy and funny screenshots from players after I close the event. :)

Offline Delokkpsi

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2021, 11:53:46 PM »
I thought we could resize items because the cheats panel isn't required for resizing.

Offline Metropolis Man

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2021, 08:48:46 AM »
Rewards are now limited to single objects, not entire rooms. I clarified the scoring description...

Rewards — Your multiplier is the total number of unique physical/placeable single objects** you get as perks for hitting certain levels in various careers. Simply unlocking the items is not enough to count them towards your multiplier. They need to be placed. Everyone starts the game with a reward multiplier of 1.00.

**Certain careers have entire rooms as rewards. These do not count as rewards.

Offline cyclonenic

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2021, 09:05:57 AM »
I thought we could resize items because the cheats panel isn't required for resizing.

You are coorect- forgot about shift + []  ;)

Offline Delokkpsi

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Re: A Career Challenge with Cheats? Sounds Alien to Me!
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2021, 02:01:39 PM »
I want to make sure I have this right. For every unique reward object placed, BOTH of our Alien Sims can use/store their powers on any Sim.  So, we could fill the needs of any 2 Sims in the household for every 1 unique reward object placed. Is that correct?