Author Topic: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - Dec 18  (Read 15284 times)

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - July 6
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2021, 03:05:48 PM »
House 3: Logic – Part 1

Iguazú arrived at his new home in Barnacle Bay on a Sunday morning. He moved to a premade house, I wasn't in a building mood when I started to play this household but I made some changes inside.

The first thing to do was call the fire department and fake an emergency.

For now I'm hand picking my Sims' spouses based on traits and skills (or lack thereof.) And their looks, obviously.
For Iguazú I chose firefighter Lillie Campbell. She came running to put out a non-existent fire and when she saw that it was a false alarm she fined Iguazú 500 Simoleons. A low price to get him to meet Lillie.

She left immediately but after a couple of calls she agreed to come back to the house, this time to stay forever.
Lillie is a young adult with zero skills, her traits are Great Kisser, Artistic and Clumsy and she wants a Perfect Private Aquarium which will be changed to Ghost Hunter as soon as she collect 10k happiness points.

Her career obviously is Ghost Hunter. I haven't said so far, but between the chapter title and Lillie's profession it's obvious that the skill of this house is logic.

Iguazú and Lillie waited a little to start the family, by the end of the first week the woman was expecting their first child. This will be a house with two children, like the previous one.

She spent her pregnancy between playing chess and scanning the community lots for spirits.

Lillie went into labor at night with Iguazú freaking out like a good sim spouse.

I think I never had a better timed pregnancy, Aguapey Skiillo was born a couple of minutes before midnight. His traits are Genius and Friendly, he'll be in charge of supermaxing logic.
I'm continuing with the same name theme from the previous house, rivers from my country. At first, I thought of using pirate names but they all seemed so obvious so in the end I decided to continue with the same theme.

The birth of their first child made both Lillie and Iguazú wish to marry each other and in general, collecting 10k happiness points each.
They had a private wedding in their backyard in their formals, I don't feel like doing big ceremonies for now.

The next days until Aguapey's toddler birthday were used to skilling so there's not much screenshots to share. Aguapey is the first toddler to play with the pegbox.
He's such a cutie who looks a lot like mom.

Iguazú aged to adult while playing chess, I'm only aging with cake the younger sims to take full advantage of their birthdays, once they reach the young adult I let them grow naturally.

He wished to max the Athletic skill so I let him, I wasn't going to lose 5k points like that. He was level 8 in the skill when moved in so it didn't take that long to fulfill the wish.
The house came with a basement so I turned it into a kind of exercise room.

Aguapey was also the first sim to read toddler skills books, sometimes his father helped him and at other times he read it alone. I know that if toddlers play with the pegbox and read the books, they grow with 4 points of logic, but I didn't remember if they had to read all of them or just one was enough, so just in case I made him read all of them.

A couple of days later was Lillie's time to age, she was outside the police station after finishing a job.

Who also had a birthday was Aguapey, he gained the Computer Whiz trait and posed for the screenshot with cake in hand, this had already become a tradition.

He immediately started with the challenges that can be done as kids, discovering potions and celestial bodies.

Iguazú reached level 10 of the Culinary Career and completed his Lifetime Wish, but I didn't get to take the photo with the numbers above his head because I was paying attention to Lillie who was dealing some ghosts in a nearby house.

Following in her husband's footsteps, Lillie completed her LTW the next day while playing chess with herself. Usually when I complete this particular career, I make my sim resign or retire based on age but I wanted Lillie to collect all of the service reward for completionism purpose so she stayed employed.

I was waiting for her to reach level 10 of the profession before the arrival of the second child. So that same night, as soon as Iguazú got home from work, they started looking for this generation's heir.
Until now I haven't decided the sex of the children but after two male heirs I thought it was time for a female, Lillie only ate watermelons in her pregnancy.

Aguapey had another birthday. I didn't take a lot of screenshots of his childhood because he only did three things: go to school, discover potions and search the galaxy, not a lot of fun to document.

His fourth traits is Insane. He's going to work as Bookstore Clerk and his Lifetime Wish is going to be Chess Legend, that seems the most logical to me. (I know bad pun.)

To finish this chapter, Lillie and Iguazú were very kind to reach level 10 of the logic skill. She achieved it while reading about it at the library, she was visiting the place to fulfill a wish to read a book about pregnancy and stayed to read about logic.

While he maxed it while searching the galaxy, Iguazú didn't wish for it but I was able to take the picture just as the skill bar was filled and disappeared.

Offline CeresIn

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - July 19
« Reply #16 on: July 19, 2021, 01:01:39 AM »
House 3: Logic – Part 2

Lillie went into labor at home, like all of my other sims because of the friendship bonus between carrier and baby. Her eldest was there to freak out like any good sim. I imagine him yelling "What do I do? What do I do?" Iguazú was at work so he missed all the drama.

And thus was born the heir to this house, Paraná is a Genius and Loves the Outdoors.

The next day, Lillie was called to the City Hall to have a Reward Ceremony where the Mayor gave her the Key to the City.

Her family wasn't in attendance but the number of townies that were present more than made that up. The town's people was just happy they had someone willing to get read of the pesky ghosts and the annoying music that came with a haunted house.

Aguapay went to his prom, he ran along the limousine for a couple of block before getting in. He had a great night, dominating the dance floor and being chosen Prom King.
He also met Lakisha Tatum (I love the name), she became his interest romantic who will never be featured in this story because something strange happened with her, she was in Aguapey's contacts and he could always call her without problem but every time he invited her to the house or at a community lot she never showed up. There was also no pop out saying she couldn't come or to call him in 15 hours because she was working, Lakisha just didn't show up. I didn't find her living on the town either, so I guess she was a homeless townie.
This is the first time something like this happened to me so I don't know if this some type of glitch o she just didn't want to meet Aguapey.

I have to say I love him and, like it happened with the previous house, I would have liked him to be the heir. I'll have to rethink my plans of having the younger kid to be the heir but it's hard because I'm planning every sim's traits, LTW and career according to the household's needs.
Here's he autonomously taking care of his little sister's needs.

He did this a lot, even when Paraná aged to toddler. They were so cute together and they looked a lot alike.

He maxed his career in his mid-teens and immediately quit his job to fully dedicate himself to supermax logic. I have to say the amount of happiness points for completing it feel somehow lacking, I know it can't be compared to a full time career but I think its deserve more than 750 points.

Despite his dedication to this house's skill and his family, Aguapey was still a teen and pulled a couple of pranks.

Iguazú was the one who mostly fell into them.

With his afternoon free of work, Aguapey went to the park after school to tutor in the logic skill to any sim he could find there.

Who also skilled a lot was Paraná, after all she was a genius like her big brother.

Lillie had another Reward Ceremony with a lot of witnesses again, I suppose that with the lack of expansions the sims had nothing to do so they showed up to any ceremony that the City Hall celebrated. This time she was presented with the Paranormal Memento, or that's what my notes say. I think that's the graveyard reward.

A shot of Paraná before aging up because she was a cute toddler.

And another shot after with a cake in her hand because it's still that funny to me, I know is not but I can't seem to help myself.  In more serious matters, her third trait is Over-Emotional.
I have to say I love Lillie's nose on kids, it suited both Paraná and Aguapey.

Without wasting time, Aguapey took his sister and began to tutor her. This was one of the reason I gave them such an age difference. He's almost a young adult here.

That night, Iguazú aged to elder. He was either chatting in the forums or surfing the net when the sparkles hit, which is what he did in his free time and I let him do it since he had met all his requirements, sometimes I sent him to collect rocks but Barnacle Bay is very lacking in that area so it wasn't that often.

I gave him a homey look and didn't dye his hair either, which is what I'll normally do, but so far in this save I'm leaving my elders with their white hair.

Two more birthdays, first Aguapey aged to young adult and gained the Lucky trait to add to Genius, Friendly, Computer Whiz and Insane. He chose the Chess Legend Lifetime Wish a couple of days before. I failed to take a post birthday screenshot.

The last birthday of this update is Lillie's, who aged to elder while working. The ghost she had to banish laughed throughout it. I don't know why, he's dead and she's still alive. Or maybe he was just laughing to her for wearing sport clothes in her work hours.

She looked good as an elder.

Aguapey's first trouble with the Grand Master challenge (this happened a lot), I least this time he was able to win the game before Grim took his opponent.

Others challenges were more easily done, like tutoring his sister in logic. This was a double win because Paraná leveled up logic while her brother completed one of the challenges.
I didn't know that teaching her to beg to a future boss is part of tutoring logic, though.

The young adult graduation happened a couple days after his birthday because the later was on a Friday morning and the weekend got in the way, which was weird because I know some graduations happened on weekends. He was selected Class Valedictorian and his classmates voted him Most Likely to Take Over the World, I don't think  that was in Aguapey's plans at all.

Despite aging the day before, this was the moment Lillie realized she was old, her eldest was a graduate young adult now. Her son wasn't that worried, it seems.

And with Lillie's troublesome revelation I close this update.

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - July 22
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2021, 12:28:27 PM »
House 3: Logic – Part 3

I start this chapter with an Aguapey's close up. Why I took this screenshot? I don't know, but since I didn't show his face well in the previous update, here's he as Young Adult.

It's time for Paraná to grow up again. She gained the No Sense of Humor trait. Per challenge's rules all traits have to be used at least once, so I'm trying to distribute them according to the personality that I think my sims should have. I don't use this trait much and I have to wonder why. Contrary to what its name suggests, it's a lot of fun. I loved boring sims to death.

She's all Lillie with Iguazú's coloring. Don't let her sad expression and new trait fool you, Paraná turned out to be a very fun sim to play.

Just like on her previous birthday, she was tutored by her brother as soon as she finished eating her slice of cake.

Lillie scoured the city looking for spirits until she captured 150. Thus becoming my first sim to receive the Ghost Hunter's Bravery Ribbon. Until now I always gave up before capturing all of them because I find it quite a tedious task, but I did it because I want to complete as much as possible in this project.
Having collected all the Service Awards, she retired with a good pension for a profession, $7256 per week is pretty nice.

Aguapey had some problems completing the Grand Master challenge, one of his opponents and childhood friend Cemre Lai was always working. The sim was in the firefighter career and never available, so I went to edit town and added a chess table to the Fire House, which didn't help because the man was never there.

That's the type of thing I wanted to avoid by doing this skill early in this project before other expansions were activated, I was thinking of avoiding proprietors/showtime careers but I didn't think of others type of professions. In the end, I did something that could be called cheating but I was desperate after three days without being able to challenge him to play chess. I went to edit town again and bulldozed the Fire Station since it was of not use to me. Immediately, I made Aguapey call Cemre and, luckily, he won in the first game.

An opponent later and Aguapey completed his Lifetime Wish, Chess Legend.

At the same time, he supermaxed Logic. The three days in which he couldn't compete in the chess tournament served him to complete the other challenges.

From here on all that was left to do was for Paraná to grow up to young adult, max logic and buy her two lifetime rewards. With that purpose I began to fulfill all kinds of wishes. Like pillow fighting with her brother.

Or Obey attention to her mood swings. I usually don't fulfill those type of wishes, like pranking a house. But this challenge it's forcing me to do things that I don't normally do, which I love and it's keeping me entertained.

She wanted to change her haircut so I complied, I also dyed her tips and highlights in her favorite color, Lime.

She went to prom and was elected Queen, everyone high fived her as she ran up to accept her crown. Said crown became part of her museum.

Iguazú and Lillie gained the Eternal Faithful reputation like his parents before. They were spending a lot of time together, both at home and on bistro or movie dates. They're so cute.

Returning to Paraná, she wanted to learn the Athletic skill so her mother was more than happy to train her encouraging her to fulfill even more wishes.

Another one was to see a movie. With so much time spending on skills, the family rarely do things together. I thought it was the perfect occasion for a group outing.

After the movie, they went to eat at the ship diner and they ended the night in the park in free will, not before I made Paraná bore some sims to death because I was having a blast with that.

Finally, Paraná maxed Logic reading in the library, sadly there was no wish attached to that. The only one in this family who had that particular wish was Lillie.

The one logic wish we can always count is discovering potions, so Paraná was attached to the Chemistry Lab Station for a couple of days until fulfilling it.

One day before Paraná's young adult birthday, it was Iguazú's time to depart. He and his wife were cuddling in bed when it happened. His daughter was in the house and ran up to the bedroom just in time to see him go.

He greeted Grim with a handshake and a smile on his face. He lived a happy and fulfilled life.

Paraná's birthday was bittersweet, her brother and mother tried to impart joy but the recent loss of their older family member was noticed by the three of them.

Paraná's final trait was Virtuoso and her Lifetime Wish, Hit Movie Composer. It's obvious what the next house's skill is going to be.

A few hours later and only one day after Iguazú's death, his wife followed him. Taking a page from her husband's book, Lillie accepted Grim's hand without problem.

The two large tombstones were put together in one corner of the house's garden, surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants.

Continue in the next post.

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - July 22
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2021, 12:29:39 PM »
Then came Paraná's graduation day. Like her brother, she was selected Class Valedictorian and her classmates voted her Most Likely to be a Rock Star (wrong career pat there, guys).

The next few days she fulfilled wishes until she had the points to buy her two rewards, Complimentary Entertainment and Collection Helper. She already owned the bookstore since her mid-teens.

With all the requirements met, it was time for a new move. The first to go was Aguapey who bought a small house near his parents'.

Then it was time for Paraná to say goodbye to Barnacle Bay.

At first I had thought about Paraná buying a new house in town but I began to notice that none of my sims received opportunities, despite all of them having skills that have many of them. So a new town was the best bet to supermax Guitar.

Before closing this update, I leave you with this household's museum.

Iguazú's was pretty bare so I added the three space rocks he found while using the telescope.

Lillie's impressive one. I think I collected all the Ghost Hunter Profession's awards.

Aguapey's was as good as his mother's. I added the potions collection since he was the one who supermaxed this household's skill.

And finally Paraná's museum. Pretty good for a recently turned young adult sim.

House 3 Summary

Skill: Logic

Skills: 10 Cooking, 10 Athletic, 10 Logic.
Traits: Heavy Sleeper, Good, Neat, Natural Cook, Schmoozer
Career: Culinary - to finish in the next house
LTW: Celebrated Five-Star Cheff

NPC: Firefighter
Skills: 10 Logic, 10 Athletic, 10 Handiness.
Traits: Great Kisser, Artistic, Clumsy.
Career: Ghost Hunter
LTW: Paranormal Profiteer

Skills: Supermaxed Logic, 4 Athletic, 3 Cooking.
Traits: Genius, Friendly, Computer Whiz, Insane, Lucky.
Career: Bookstore Clerk
LTW: Chess Legend

Paraná (Heir)
Skills: 10 Logic, 7 Handiness, 1 Athletic.
Traits: Genius, Loves the Outdoors, Over-Emotional, No Sense of Humor, Virtuoso
Career: Music - to start in the next house.
LTW: Hit Movie Composer
Building/Property: Divisadero Budget Books
Unique Rewards: Complimentary Entertainment, Collection Helper.

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - July 25
« Reply #19 on: July 25, 2021, 03:26:06 PM »
House 4: Guitar – Part 1

Hidden Springs is the town chosen for this generation. This time I wanted to build Paraná's new house. I tried to go with the style of the town and I'm not completely sure I succeeded, but I like the way it looks.

I brought Iguazú's and Lillie's tombstone from Barnacle Bay (for genetics purposes) and put them in the Graveyard because I don't want to deal with ghosts just yet.

This house's skill, as I already mentioned in the previous update, is guitar. I haven't added any expansion since I activated Ambitions and Generations on the first day of the project so I think this will help complete the Guitar Star challenge. Fewer expansions generally result in more opportunities.

Paraná ordered a pizza and waited while playing the guitar. That's productivity, people. I chose Ken Woodard as her spouse because we're in Hidden Springs and that means greenboos. Luckily, they agreed with me if the hearts flying in their heads are to be trusted.

Paraná explained to him why she had called him to her home and he seemed happy about that. I guess the prospect of a real house after living in an invisible one with about 20 sims looks like a very good bargain.

I gave him a Rock Star look because that's exactly what he'll be doing for a living. He's also the one in charge of supermaxing this house's skill. I know you can, Ken, I have faith in you!

They don't need much prompt from me to interact with each other, just one romantic action and they can be like this for hours. So far, I'm having luck with the couples that I chose for my heirs, they all seems to be into each other.

Because she'll be working in a rabbithole career, Paraná immediately became pregnant. I like to avoid the maternity leaves as much as possible, I generally have my sims start or complete their careers before getting pregnant.

The imminent arrival of their first child made both Paraná and Ken have the wish to marry. They had a private wedding at Hidden Gardens and Paraná was the first sim to have a sort of wedding dress in this story. I admit I'm being a bit lazy about this type of things.

They spent their wedding evening at the Library reading about pregnancy. I think the panic over the arrival of the nooboo was stronger than anything else. At least they spent the night together.

As soon as he reached level 5 of Guitar, Ken started playing for tips.

Like her husband, Paraná enjoyed the outdoors while playing but in her home's backyard.

It was at one of those sessions that she went into labor. Kilka Skiillo is the first kid of gen 4, her traits are Virtuoso and Friendly.

While Kilka has a nursery in the first floor, I put a crib in the room where the stairs are since her parents' room is on the opposite side of the house on the ground floor. I didn't design the house very well.

Ken is very proud to be a daddy. Despite having no traits, he attends to his daughter's needs automatically.

One day before Kilka's first birthday, Ken and Paraná looked for their second child. This time I wanted the children to be close in age so I can choose the heir among them. Meanwhile, I gave them traits that can be used in a couple of careers.

As this house's skill is guitar, I thought about throwing a few parties. The first one was to celebrate Kilka's toddler birthday. Ken played the guitar and Paraná declined a couple of unwelcome advances.

The game reported that the party was a great failure because no one aged up, but Ken's wish to throw a great party was fulfilled and he had the moodlet to prove it. Aside from the fact that, at the time Kilka grew up, there were still a few guests in the different parts of the house enjoying themselves.

Kilka is the first sim to have a genetic variation. The blond hair it's nowhere in the family tree but it looks good with her tan skin.

That evening, her mother gave her the news that she was going to have a little brother or sister. Not the best birthday present for a toddler, although Kilka was more interested in playing with the mysterious gift that had arrived in the mail the day after she was born.

The one who was very happy with the arrival of the new member of the house and being a father again was Ken. He dotted on his wife at every opportunity that he could.

Kilka was the first toddler to play with the xylophone. Although I doubt that putting the stick in her eye is the proper way to make music.

Sometimes she would play alone with her new toy, other times her mother would join in. On one of those, she was interrupted by Paraná going into labor. Kilka wasn't impressed.

It's a greenboo! And a totally surprise because Paraná stuffed herself with watermelons from the moment the baby was conceived. I wanted this generation to be all girls, but well.

Pelque is a Virtuoso who Loves the Outdoors, just like his mother.

Nothing really important happened the next few days. In addition to teaching her daughter their skills, Paraná and Ken spent several hours on the guitar and the woman joined the music career.

I dedicated myself to send Ken to different parts of town in search of the community lot that would attract the most sims. This lot turned out to be the diner. Although this screenshot doesn't show it, generally Ken plays for about 15 sims, sometimes more.

For Pelque's toddler birthday his parents didn't throw a party because both of them had to work. It was a quiet affair with just the family members.

Besides his skin tone, Pelque inherited his father's hair color. The rest, like his sister, it's all her mother. Lillie's factures are really strong, both her children and grandchildren look like her.

I love how his favorite color, pink, goes with his coloring, such nice contrast. I think this was the moment I was sure he was the heir. I had thought of it when he was born because a colorful heir is always great in my book, but I think seeing him dressed in pink was the decisive factor.

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - July 27
« Reply #20 on: July 28, 2021, 12:01:35 AM »
House 4: Guitar – Part 2

I'm starting this chapter with Kilka's child birthday. There was no party for her this time, just her parents cheering on. Her brother was sleeping in his crib.

Kilka is now an ambitious girl.

Let's not forget the obligatory picture with a slice of cake in her hand. She's a mini Paraná, which in turn is a mini Lillie. I love how the nose plays with the rest of her face, plus her random blonde hair with her skin. Cute kid who is going to become a beautiful woman (she's already a young adult in the game.)

Although there was no celebration, she enjoyed a family moment eating cake together with her parents.

During her childhood, Kilka became good friends with the toy that had mysteriously arrived in the mail. For this reason, I let it come out to play with the girl.

Seeing her friend Ruca transform into a kind of living doll, Kilka wondered if there was any way to monetize this. She could win a lot of money!

From that moment on, Kilka and Ruca became inseparable.

Playing different games throughout the house and just enjoying themselves.

I planned to turn an invisible friend into a real sim in the previous generation, since that household was the one in charge of the logic skill. But, neither Paraná nor Aguapey received these dolls. The one time that I wasn't going to get rid of them, it's the time that the game decided not to send them.

So when Paraná left her childhood home, she brought some special potions with her. When her daughter told her about her best friend being invisible, she didn't hesitate to give her one of those potions.

Kilka held her breath as she watched Ruca transform into a real sim.

For a moment I thought about modifying Ruca a bit, but in the end I left her pudding face intact because she'll not be taking part in the heirs' gene pool. I don't dislike face ones per se, they're are pleasant to watch if a little bland, and bland people exist in real world, so... What I really hate it's that they're the only type of sim the game generates.

Despite her traits (Insane, Can't Stand Art, Frugal), Ruca's a well mannered child. She likes to read quietly along with her new mother. She also autonomously helps around the house, and takes care of Pelque.

Speaking of Pelque, a screenshot of him before aging up. He was lucky to play with both the pegbox and xylophone.

After his birthday. His third trait is Good Sense of Humor. I'm grooming him for the next household skill. Being green really suits him.

He wasn't very impressed with the girls ignoring his birthday. How can homework be more interesting that eating cake? By their faces, it's not.

Who also had a birthday is Paraná, she's now a full adult with responsibilities, the game informed her, as if having three kids at home and a job wasn't enough responsibility. One of the Pertridge girl (for some reason I can never remember who is who) laughed at her. Or maybe at the silliness of the game.

Instead of going home, Paraná watched the townies' dramas for a little while. Liam O'Dourke and Maya Abbot were in an endless flirting/no flirting circle. It was amusing to see. When one of them began to flirt, the other rejected the first, and in the next action the roles would change. I captured only a few of these failed flirting attempts, but they continued doing this for a couple of hours.

Paraná used her high leveled handiness to upgrade the appliances and plumbing around the house, thus maxing the skill.

The family threw another party, this time to celebrate the girls' teen birthdays, inviting a few classmates, although there were some adults who sneaked in. Playing the guitar made the party a success.

The first to age was Kilka, she's now Athletic because she's going to do the Professional Sport career. At first I had decided on another trait and career, since I was thinking of using her as a back up for supermaxing guitar, but Ken was doing really well with the skill by this time and I was sure he could do it. Which I was right, where I'm in game right now I only need one more opp to supermax it.

Ruca followed her best friend in aging up. Her new trait is Genius and her future career is Medical.

One of the guest and co-worker of both Paraná and Ken, Ryan Anderson, was kind enough to provide music with his guitar. The only problem? He played the guitar all night long. I had to reset him the next morning when it became obvious he wasn't going to stop at any time soon.

When I made Ruca real, I did it with the intention of her becoming a sister to Kilka and Pelque. During the girls' childhood, I mentally referred to her as twins. They, for their part, had different ideas.

Ruca autonomously started flirting with Kilka, who accepted her advances with gusto. Obviously, I immediately followed their wishes. This is the first couple in this story that I didn't push together, which makes me very happy because I generally like my sims deciding for themselves.

Here are a couple more screenshots of them being cute together. And a first kiss.

And to give Ken a bit of a place in this update and to close it, here is him aging to adult in the middle of a guitar session and with his sixth opportunity call ringing on his cellphone.

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - July 29
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2021, 03:23:35 PM »
House 4: Guitar – Part 3

The skiillos had a night visitor.

Although I have not documented it in the previous updates, every house has had a burglar so far. What is different this time that I'm writing about it? This town's police are the first one to catch a theft.

The alarm woke up every member of the family, unsurprisingly. And Ken had a good laugh at all of this.

Kilka offered to watch the burglar, while the cop checked the house to see if anything was missing.

Despite the events of the previous night, life goes on and the Skiillos have to skill. I put a couple of exercise machines on the first floor for Kilka. I enlarged that part of the house when Pelque was born to add his room, so I was left with a large, empty space that is perfect for this.

Speaking of skilling, Paraná was the second sim in this house to max the Guitar. Ken did it first but I don't have a picture of it because it was while he was fulfilling an opportunity and I wasn't expecting it.

Pelque's birthday was early one morning before the bus came to pick up the three Skiillo Kids. Ken's not in the screenshot because I had him outside the house a lot, playing for tips and fulfilling his needs with one of Paraná's motive mobiles.

Pelque is now a Nurturing sim. I'm pretty happy with my heir, I must confess. I like his face and greenness.

The girls are only 5 days older than him, which made the three of them attend prom together. They posed for a screenshot before entering the dance, although Ruca's insane trait made her wear her everyday outfit. None of the three were voted as Prom Queen/King, a first in this challenge.

Hidden Springs had an unusual ghost activity. This is not the first time that one of them has watched some of my sims play the guitar, Ken experimented this too; and I have seen another ghost sunbathing in the community pool.

Although the house has a pool from day one, Kilka is the first in the family to make use of it. Se has yet to perfect her dives, though.

Ken reached the highest level of his career and fulfilled his lifetime wish to be a Rock Star.

Just a day later, his wife did the same with her own career and wish, even though Paraná signed up for the music career when he was at level 5 of his. It's clear to see who was the better of the two (or who had no problems with the promotion past midnight bug.)

Pelque liked to prank everything, he was my most pranker sim until this point; he seems to had a swing mood every other day. Here, he's fulfilling two wishes, pranking the school by releasing frogs from the science classroom, and then putting a booby trap on one of the bench outside.

And despite Pelque being the rebel, the police caught Ruca leaving the library after a long logic study session. They may be able to catch thieves, but I don't think the Hidden Springs law enforcement force are the smartest bunch out there.

Paraná's rant was half heartedly at best. How to scold one of your kids when all they did was studying all day long wasn't in the books she read while pregnant. Ruca was also somewhat confused by all this, she had only lost track of time.

Luckily, the next day two of her three teens would no longer be so young.

Another party, which I now realize is always for Kilka's birthdays. It's not favoritism, it's just that I only throw parties where not everyone is so busy and they seem to coincide with these.

Kilka now Dislikes Children, which for some reason I thought it'll suit her well and now I can't recall why.  Her Lifetime Wish is Become a Super Star Athlete, as I had said in the previous chapter.

Lol to Paraná's facepalming at the whatshername Pertridge (I still can't distinguish between them and I'm too lazy to google them.)

Ruca, meanwhile, became a Vegetarian and wish to be a World Renowned Surgeon.

The room they shared all their life has suddenly a double bed, they made good use of it.

Graduation day was a bit confusing. The whole family attended, but wasted time running around the city hall. By the time they reached the entrance of the place the ceremony had ended and the girls received their diplomas and ribbons at the doors.

Kilka was the Class Valedictorian and voted Most Likely to Fulfill Their Lifetime Wish, it was already received by another sim in this story, I don't remember who was right now. Ruca was voted Most Likely to Offend Others, which was so far of the mark that I have to wonder if her classmates really know her.  Ruca is a sweetheart who never argues with other sims despite her insane trait. In fact, the only indication of being insane is that she randomly changes clothes. Even she only talk to herself when I make her do it to fulfill a wish she had on her panel.

I wanted to have a celebration and have them eat together at the bistro, but each started to leave on their own. So I gave up and accepted this graduation as a failure.

With the ceremony over, I sent the girls to sign up for their respective careers.

Most of the family returned home, but Ken stayed in the center of town waiting for his first and only autograph signing session to begin. I did it with the intention of completing all those kinds of things that each career brings and I never bother with, but the money that the session brought was less than if he had played for tips, so I never attempted this again.

And to finish this chapter, I leave you with the family gnomes for the sole purpose of completing the 25 screenshots and to get near the 1000 words.

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - July 30
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2021, 05:07:39 PM »
House 4: Guitar – Part 4

My girls each maxed one skill, albeit different ones. Ruca maxed the Logic skill while reading at the library, or, more specifically, outside of it. As has happened with this particular skill throughout this challenge, she never had the wish to reach level 10.

Kilka did the same with athletic, but at home. Sorry for the cut wall, I misjudged the timing and barely had time to take the screenshot before the points disappeared.

Ruca had her first vaccination clinic. It was held on the graveyard.

At the same time that Ruca injected who knows what to the townies, Ken got his tenth opportunity. He was tasked with sorting the section at the bookstore.

 And supermaxed Guitar! This is the third time I have achieved this since I started playing sims 3 in 2011. I'm feeling very accomplished.

The next day, Pelque aged to young adult. His fifth and last trait is Charismatic; he had chosen Golden Tongue, Golden Finger as his Lifetime Wish.

For some reason, they were all thinking about the pool at the same time instead of Pelque's birthday. The only one who sometimes uses the pool is Kilka, so I don't understand why everyone had that bubble in their head.

Like the other two couples before them, Paraná and Ken received the Eternally Faithfull reputation. This shows that I'm more focused on meeting the requirements of each house, making my sims' lives free of drama.

They carried out such a monogamous marriage. Nothing better that playing videogames with your partner. 😜

For Pelque's graduation, we had the same problem as with the girls. The family was late again and Pelque received his diploma, but no ribbons, at City Hall's doors. He's the second sim who wasn't voted for any of the 'most likely'; the first was Iguazú on the second house.

Paraná aged to elder the next weekend, in the middle of a party, but not to celebrate her birthday. Ruca had to invite a coworker to one to fulfill an opportunity. Apparently, I'm not very smart and I didn't realize that it coincided with the birthday of my third gen heir?

She looks good as an elder, especially with that nose.

At the same time as the party, Kilka was fulfilling an opportunity that gave her enough experience to max the guitar skill. I didn't get to take a picture because I didn't realize it until I heard the music and the game notified me of it.

Early Sunday morning, Pelque headed to school to get a job as a playground monitor. Maybe all the time he spent pranking the place during his teen years made him fonder of the school.

Speaking of jobs, the girls were doing very well in theirs, although Ruca wasn't very happy that some emergencies made her leave her girlfriend sleeping alone in their bed.

I would feel sorry for her but she doesn't seem to respect the privacy of other couples.

Although following this line of thought, I wouldn't have to feel sorry for Paraná either because she does the same thing as Ruca.

We better put aside the creepiness of my sims and let's focus on good things like Pelque maxing the guitar skill.

Or him and maid Sandy Blackburn heart farting each other. We found the next spouse!

The game occasionally throws those notifications that make one to start scratching the head in bewilderment. Apparently the townspeople think that Ken is a woman.

Finally, Ruca maxed the guitar skill. She was the last one in the house, now it only remains for her and Kilka to top their respective career and fulfill their lifetime wishes.

Because of that, Pelque went to buy the spa. In addition, he already has his first reward Bookshop Bargainer and is collecting points to buy the Moodlet Manager.

He also maxed Logic, although the next screenshot is of him discovering the ten potions, because again this skill came without a wish to top it.

Paraná, for her part, not only reached level 10 of the Handiness skill but supermax it too. She completed the Electrician and Plumber challenges almost at the same time, and when I looked at her skill journal I realized that she already did 6 different types of upgrades. So I put her to finish another four.

Continue in the next post

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - July 30
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2021, 05:14:37 PM »
Pelque had the wish to be best friend with his boss, fulfilling it gave him enough happiness points to buy his second reward. In addition, his job bar was almost full so he asked for a promotion that the man gladly granted. To thank him, Pelque gave him the honor of being the first sim to be cured by the Moodlet Manager.

I haven't shown it much in this story, but Ruca likes to revert to her toy form from time to time.

Although, she was in her human form when she completed her career and lifetime wish. Ruca only had two clinics and a seminar, so she didn't receive any of the Medical awards. I think I'll have another doctor again, since one of the things I want to do in this challenge is complete all kinds of collections. Not for now, though.

Her girlfriend also completed her wish. Kilka only needs one level to max her career to make all the requirements of the house complete.

Unfortunately, with a short workday and a game in between that was going to take a couple of days. Meanwhile she dedicated that time to supermax the Athletic skill.

Seeing that the moment of his move to a new house was approaching, Pelque interrupted Sandy at work and started flirting with her.

She was very happy to accept his advances. Before the end of the day Pelque had a girlfriend.

And a Naughty Reputation.

I stared at the notification for a few seconds without understanding what I was reading, until I remembered that he had returned from prom with a romantic interest. I never made him break up with her because I had left her as a backup, since she was a newspaper delivery girl. But I never paid more attention to her than that because I have a npc with the same job in mind that I want in my game.

Pelque invited her to the park and broke up with her. Julianna, I think was her name but I'm not so sure, wasn't expecting it.

While her brother was having a not so good time, Kilka was enjoying a quiet night with Ruca. This was their adult birthday and instead of celebrating it with a party, they preferred to spend the night together.

The next day Kilka topped her career.

Pelque waited until his entire family was together to enjoy a last dinner before moving to his new home.

Paraná and Ken watched through the window as their son left the house.

There is no museum this time because I forgot to take a screenshot of it, I was in a hurry to play and have enough screenshots to be able to finish this house.

House 4 Summary
Skill: Guitar

Skills: 10 Guitar, 10 Logic, Supermaxed Handiness, 5 Athletic, 7 Cooking.
Traits: Genius, Loves the Outdoors, Over-Emotional, No Sense of Humor, Virtuoso.
Career: Music - Symphony
LTW: Hit Movie Composer

NPC: Pizza Delivery Boy
Skills: Supermaxed Guitar / Completed Gem Collector and Metal Collector.
Traits: Pizza Appreciator
Career: Music - Rock
LTW: Rock Star

Kilka (Invisible Friend)
Skills:10 guitar, Supermaxed Athletic.
Traits: Insane, Can't Stand Art, Frugal, Genius, Vegetarian.
Career: Medical
LTW: Become a Superstar Athlete

Skills: 10 Guitar, 10 Logic, 2 Athletic.
Traits: Virtuoso, Friendly, Ambitious, Athletic, Dislike Children
Career: Professional Sports
LTW: World Renowned Surgeon

Pelque (Heir)
Skills: 10 Guitar, 10 Logic, 3 Cooking, 1 Athletic.
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Virtuoso, Good Sense of Humor, Nurturing, Charismatic.
Career: Education - level 8
LTW: Golden Tongue, Golden Finger
Building/Property: Hidden Springs Day Spa
Unique Rewards: Bookshop Bargainer, Moodlet Manager.

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - August 17
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2021, 07:14:48 PM »
House 5: Charisma – Part 1

Pelque moved within the neighborhood to a premade house in which I have played a couple of times and I really like.

The reason for not moving to another town is the skill of this house. Charisma. Pelque was working towards the challenges in the previous household even if he hadn't unlocked the skill. And he did a good job of it. Learning the first level gave him the following stats:

In his second day in his new home, Pelque called her girlfriend, maid Sandy Blackburn and invited her to live with him.

Sandy traits are Flirty, Brave, Neat, Evil and Kleptomaniac. She came with the Emperor of Evil Lifetime Wish, she has the perfect traits for that and she's is in the beginning of her adult life so I toyed for a couple of minutes with the idea of making her pursue it. But, untimely, I continued with the plan that I devised for Pelque's wife. After a house with 5 rabbitholes career, I wanted a least one profession for this one.
I added Showtime so Sandy is now a Magician.

I modified her face a little without changing the color of her eyes, hair and skin. I tried to give her a face that reflects her evil trait, I think I accomplished it.

She learned a point in charisma, registered at the City Hall under the artistic name of Diabla and went immediately to perform for tips.

A few hours later, the game notified me that Paraná passed away. I sent Pelque to the mausoleum to retrieve her grave and placed her beside her parents.

Even with the death of his mother the day before, Pelque celebrated his birthday with a party. He intended to play the guitar for his guests.

But one of them stole his thunder and did the same upstairs. Even his family preferred to listen to this sim.

At least the party was a success, not only the guests left happy with the invitation, Pelque completed the Super Friendly challenge thanks to it.

Sandy participated in her first Simfest. The public cheered her on and she was announced the winner.

Although I think the reason for winning was because everyone was a little afraid of her. I mean, I would have done the same, look at her face as she raises her sword.

At the same time that his girlfriend was at the Simfest, Pelque reached level 10 of the education career. He's now the District Superintendent. The seriousness of all this is disproved by the prank on the bench behind him, which he himself left in his teen years. If the high-ups knew their new superintendent was the one who released the frogs from the science classroom...

But no one can deny that he has a vocation for teaching, here he's tutoring one of his students on a non-working day. (This has nothing to do with it being an easy way for him to make friends while I pay attention to Sandy, of course not.)

Sandy enjoy this part of her shows a little too much. I'm becoming a fan of her face's gestures.

Pelque needed only one more best friend to complete all the Charisma's challenges.

Talking to his father did the trick. They were good friends so a couple of calls were enough to do the last challenge. He was still a level 8 on the skill, so despite having completed all the challenges he still hadn't supermaxed it. So to the library he went.

And after several hours sitting on the bench outside the library, Pelque not only supermaxed charisma but also completed his Lifetime Wish Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers.

Sandy, for her part, continued with her presentations and being all around creepy. Her diabolic face is well diabolic.

However, for her boyfriend she only has tender looks.

And for her baby, too.

Now that his girlfriend is pregnant, Pelque has the wish to propose her, but something about their interaction is buggy. They never pass from the flirty stage and then drop to okay even if they do a lot of romantic actions. In order for Sandy to get pregnant I had to make them relax in bed first and then to try for baby. So Pelque may be the first non married heir, not that it really bothers me, but I was thinking of having a wedding party in the house of charisma.

Both Pelque and Sandy don't have much to do, he because has already met all his requirements and Sandy because of her pregnancy, so they are goings on dates to the new places in the town.

Sandy went into labor in the morning, so being a neat sim she made her bed first.

Fifth gen is born! Lileo Blackburn (I'll change that shortly) is the heir because she's going to be the only kid in this household. Sandy is only seven days to elder and I want to focus in her career.

She inherited her father skin and favorite color, pink. Her traits are Light Sleeper and Easily Impressed. I have two different plans for the next house, so for now I trying to select traits that can go well with either. I guess I'll have to decide before she turns into a child.

She was immediately taken to blow out the candles of her cake and aged to toddler. I like her random dark brown hair, it looks good with her skin. I think she looks a good mix of her parents.

I played up to here so I'm going to take a few days to play before I post the next one.

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - August 17
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2021, 09:57:26 PM »
Glad to see another green one! Maybe it's too late for you but I usually can solve the "not past flirty" issue with a game restart.
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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - December 26
« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2021, 06:21:16 PM »
House 5: Charisma – Part 2

Pelque is in charge of skilling Lileo because has the Nurturing trait. He also has free time since he only works three times a week and supermaxed charisma and completed his liftime wish.

After trying various things to solve the problem of not passing the flirty interaction with no results, resetting the town with master controller did the trick. So Pelque wasted no time and proposed to Sandy. Both of them had the wish to marry each other and the general one.

The awkward moment when your father-in-law comes to your wedding in a bathing suit.

And on top of that, he's bored. Senility seems to have gotten a hold of him, which is not strange because I think he's already past 90

It was a cute wedding, anyway. Both Pelque and Sandy were very happy.

The next day, a notification popped about Ken's death, confirming my suspicions that the man had passed the 90 days. Pelque retrieved his urn from the mausoleum and placed it next to Paraná's.

There were others notifications, too.

I hope that rumor involves Ruca and not someone else, Kilka! Pelque's sister never showed interest in other sims while under my command and was very happy with Ruca.

The one who does show interest in people other than her husband is Sandy. If I left her in free will, even for a short time, she flirts with the first sim she meets, although she has a preference for Sri Honeycutt (that name  ;D) the Performance Park's proprietor. For now I'm interrupting the interactions between them, but maybe I will let it progress, a little drama after several very monogamous houses will be fun to write about.

Her flirty trait seems to be her predominant one, rather than her evil trait which she demonstrates only with scary faces.

Speaking of scary faces... The cuteness!

Pelque started training, maybe because of the insecurity his wife's flirty doings is giving him, but the reality is that he had too much time in his hands so I'm making him learn other skills.

Something that amuses me a lot, and even more to Sandy, is that her shows seem to be the perfect moments for townies to die.

Like here. I don’t remember if she was crying or laughing. I bet on the second option.

Or here.

The trend of deaths at her shows continues, even when I lost more than a week of game and had to switch computers when mine broke. My old man lent me his, which is an old potato but it works quite well with slightly lower graphics and in window mode.

The only bad thing, as I said, is that I lost more than a week from this save. Luckily I had externally saved the Skiillos right after Lileo’s birth so I didn’t lost her. (Well, it wasn't luck, I already knew my computer was in a bad shape, so I did frequent backups of them.)

I repeated everything that happened so far in this chapter in more or less the same order, including some deaths at Sandy's shows. Until Lileo’s birthday.

Being an only child, the girl has all the attention of her parents. Here, her mother is doing some magic tricks to celebrate her birthday, while her father plays the guitar to celebrate the moment.

That same night, Sandy maxed charisma. She only needs to max her career to complete that requirement and her Lifetime Wish.

Lileo likes to talk to herself on the mirror and practice different faces.

She also likes to meet new people and ask them what they think of the town and what they think needs to change. She is young but she already knows what she wants to do with her life.

Sandy had her first big show one day after she became an elder.

Of course, Grim could not miss the opportunity to take the life a spectator.

He and Sandy seemed to cross glances. Maybe there is some kind of pact that I am not aware of? Anyway, Sandy seems very happy with what her shows accomplish. This is a form of evil that I have not seen before.

Even her fans started telling ghost stories in the middle of her recitals. Everything is very mysterious, but it cannot be denied that her performances have become the talk of the town.

In the midst of the controversy, Sandy maxed out her career and became a Master Magician.

Meanwhile, her husband also became an elder. And he's not very happy with it.

A few days later it was Lileo's turn, who is now closer to her future.

She is now a charismatic girl, to go with friendly, easily impressed, light sleeper and the hidden makes no messes trait that she inherited from her mother.

Although that hidden trait doesn’t include this type of mess.

Because she makes a lot of those. Maybe Sandy is a little tired of this. Or maybe not.

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - April 16
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2022, 01:20:00 PM »
House 5: Charisma – Part 3

Old age seems to have brought out the evil trait in Sandy.

But this chapter is not about Sandy’s and Pelque’s antics, but about the heiress.

Until now I had neglected the afterschool activities so I made Lileo join the Drama Club. By the time their first meeting came around, she had almost maxed out charisma so the club wasn’t of much help.

Thanks to the moodlet manager and the motive mobile, Lileo spent her nights studying charisma and the hours after school meeting people.

Sometimes Pelque provides a bit of music to help his daughter with her requeriments.

But not everything is work for Lileo.

She went to prom with one of her friends, Miles Corley Willow. While dancing he asked her to be steady, she accepted, and then they shared their first kiss. Lileo was voted prom queen, so it was a good night for her.

After prom, she and Miles went out on several dates. If it wasn't for the rules that Lileo has to marry (or at least breed) with an npc, I'd take him with her to the next town.

Look at that face, I would love for them to have weird cute babies. But well, is not in the cards for them.

In other news, Pelque maxed out the athletic skill. That’s basically his life now.

At some point, Lileo was arrested by the police and I don't know why. It’s my fault for not writing it down while playing and for writing this chapter two months after this happened.

She was grounded by her mother.

Immediately after scolding her daughter, Sandy and Pelque went on a free vacations, leaving their grounded daughter alone in the house for three days. Sims logic.

And even though Lileo was alone in the house, she had to sneak out every time she left home. I love this game so much.

On one of those sneak outs, she went to the library and maximized charisma. She such a rebel.

With the charisma task completed, Lileo dedicated herself completely to fulfill wishes and collect enough happiness points to buy her lifetime rewards.

Like almost all my sims in this challenge, she wanted to learn the athletic skill.

One night we had a visit from a burglar. So far all the houses have received a visit from these characters.

Lileo called the police, but before they arrived, Sandy had already taken care of the matter.

Although all the effort was useless, because the burglar took advantage of the cop flirting with Sandy to escape.

Pelque slept through it all.

A few days later, Lileo grew to young adult.

She’s now a social butterfly and chose Lider of the Free World as her Lifetime Wish. She immediately went to look for a job at the city hall.

I think it was the next day that Grim came for Pelque, he was only 92 days old and working toward maxing his sixth skill.

The very next day, Lileo maxed athletics and with that collected enough happiness points to buy her two rewards, Food Replicator and Fearless Vogager.

She stayed with her mother a couple of days more waiting for graduation, but the day never came. So she knew it was time to move to her next house.

They parted ways with a big hug, and in true Sandy fashion she left driving her own limousine to her new cabin in the woods.

This time I will leave the headstones of the family in Hidden Springs, I like to take them to other cities to preserve the genetics. But I'm ready for new looks for my sims, everyone so far has looked a lot like Lillie (2nd gen spouse). Four generations of the same nose is enough!

First row: Pelque. Second row: Paraná, Ken, Kilka and Ruca. Third row: Iguazú and Lillie.

Then it was time for Lileo to leave her childhood home and start a new life.

House 5 Summary
Skill: Charisma

Skills: Supermaxed Charisma, 10 Guitar, 10 Logic, 10 Athletic, 10 Handiness, 8 Cooking.
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Virtuoso, Good Sense of Humor, Nurturing, Charismatic.
Career: Education - level 8
LTW: Golden Tongue, Golden Finger

NPC: Maid
Skills: 10 Charisma, 5 Cooking, 4 Athletic, 2 Handiness.
Traits: Flirty, Brave, Neat, Evil, Kleptomaniac, Makes No Messes.
Career: Magician
LTW: Master Magician

Lileo (Heir)
Skills: 10 Guitar, 10 Logic, 3 Cooking, 1 Athletic.
Traits: Makes No Messes, Easily Impressed, Light Sleeper, Friendly, Charismatic, Social Butterfly.   
Career: Political – Level 2.
LTW: Lider of the Free World
Building/Property: Little Corsican Bistro
Unique Rewards: Food Replicator, Fearless Voyager.

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - May 25
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2022, 12:11:08 PM »
House 6: Sculpting – Part 1

Lileo moved to Startlight Shores to another premade house. I'm being lazy with construction lately, maybe the next house will be built by me, we'll see.

Here is the collection of Cranstan Boonitz, the gnomes came with her from her previous home, all obtained by her mother.

In this house I will try to do the rest of the showtime professions, so I chose a skill that didn't have many jobs associated with it, sculpting.

Considering this, I chose the singer NPC Lashon Lavelle as her future husband.

He was not the one who showed up when she asked for a Sing-A-Gram.

Nor was he the one who showed up when Lileo asked for a second one, this time Lileo had to dedicate the sing a gram to Faylene for the game to let me call the second singer. The game created a pudding face even though the correct npc exists.

Third time the charm! Now Lileo has to pay three singers, but money is not a problem for this family.

Amid the calls to NPCs, Lileo was visited by neighbors who come to welcome her to the town. The first time in six generations!

Although they did not pay much attention to the new Startlight Shores townie, preferring to have a pillow fight in the farthest room in the house or eating alone. Rude.

Pudding face glitch out and remained standing for more than 24 hours outside the house. I had to reset him.

A few days later and after several phone calls, Lashon agreed to come to the house.

Lileo wasted no time and made him her boyfriend and inviting him to live with her.

Here's Lashon Lavelle. His traits are good sense of humor, bookworm, genius, handy and good. Really good traits. His lifetime wish is Vocal Legend, the reason why I chose him even though he is an adult.

That face! I have faith that he will break the Skiillo genes a little. They are cute and I love them, but everyone looks like the second gen spouse, I want variety.

Even though he is an npc singer and he used to do sing a grams, Lashon was unemployed. He signed as a singer under the name El Bello, a play on words with his last name meaning the beautiful.

While her boyfriend was working, Lileo started with this household skill.

Lashon became very intimate with the ground.

Nothing a change of clothes can't fix. I let him enjoy a bit in the pool, since I've been working him hard, delivering sing a grams nonstop, thanks to the motive mobile.

Lashon gave his first show in the park.

He sang before the loving gaze of his girlfriend, the city council member Lileo Skiillo.

Lileo and Lashon welcomed a new member of the family.

Paclín is a genius and independent puppy. I chose her for her traits but I fell in love with her strange face.

Paclín was only a puppy for a couple of hours, she aged to adult the same day she was adopted.

She gets all the attention in the house.

Maybe next update will have another new member in this family.

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Re: Skiillo's Household Skills Project V2 - May 25
« Reply #29 on: May 25, 2022, 01:21:15 PM »
Hi CeresIn, Please be careful about singing for tips. I had a sim catch fire (hot singer?) once and there was nobody available to put her out and no pool or shower nearby. Unfortunately, that was all she wrote, that was it. It was for an apocalypse challenge too so I was not allowed to resurrect her. :(

