Author Topic: Triplets!!!  (Read 3530 times)

Offline Dadjokes502

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« on: January 08, 2021, 12:03:23 AM »
I can’t believe I somehow ended up with Triplets
My Sims Judah and Penople were shocked by having 3
Twain  (m) Atticus (m) and Ivy Rose (f)

I didn’t use any cheats only had family orientated for Wife

I hired a nanny because everyone in the household works.
Judah runs a restaurant Roman is astronaut and Penelope is entertainer
House is hard to run with three toddlers.

Luckily most jobs pay well.

What luck I have any tips
I have them in same rooms
Locked door for them tell the reach kid age
But the rest I have no idea what to do.

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: Triplets!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2021, 01:52:20 AM »
Don't bother with high chairs.  You can just drag food to somewhere the toddlers can reach, and then they are able to help themselves.  You can even drag food out of the refrigerator onto another surface if the active sim is a toddler, so they can eat even if Mom and Dad are still asleep.
Do your best to potty train before they use their diapers.  It's a huge time saver once they max, because they'll do it on their own, and it won't take over an hour anymore either.
Thankfully, if you do let them roam, they won't get into anything dangerous.  Worst thing that happens is they make messes on the floor.  Even in-ground pools aren't a problem.
They love dancing, and it builds Motor.  I usually don't have to do anything at all to make them build Motor, between their roaming and dancing.
DO get them all to earn Top-Notch Toddler, by maxing all toddler skills.  You'll be setting them up for a lifetime of success, because it's a bonus to ALL skill building.  For life.
And just like earning Top-Notch Toddler, as children have them all finish all 4 aspirations, those bonuses are also a big deal. They'll be well on their way to being super-sims after that!
As soon as all 3 of them max all toddler skills, I would definitely age them up!  All the same day though, since I assume you want them to remain exactly the same age.
Good luck, 3 toddlers at once will be rough!

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Offline Brian_Z

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Re: Triplets!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2021, 02:15:17 AM »
And I thought of something else-- full bellies and empty bladders before bed!  Toddler beds all have very low comfort ratings, I guess to make them sleep a lot.  This means they'll sleep a long time, so you don't want them to use their diaper and delay potty skill gain, or getting so hungry you get the threatening message that they're very hungry and could get taken away.

And maybe you'll get a laugh out of my first experience with babies in TS4:
So Mom gets pregnant, and I gave a little bit of thought to what to name the baby- if it's a girl, I'll call her Melody and have her be very into music.  The big moment arrived, sure enough it's a girl, and I entered Melody in the first name field, kept the last name of course, and... the box popped right back up.  WHAT?!?!  This is NOT the time for the game to glitch out on me!  MELODY, same last name, click the check!!!
Yeah... not a glitch.  It's twins.  And now they have the same name.  And both Melody's are crying, and their parents are morons, and I've never done this before so I don't know what they want.  And I haven't discovered MCCC at this point, so time's flying by at the default rate.  And the parents are trying to do random things like admire the paintings.  And the notification that Melody was very hungry didn't help much, since they're BOTH Melody.  So one of them gets taken away, and I no-save quit.
That set me back a couple of game days, not too big a deal.  And Mom popped out twin girls again, but this time I knew what was happening and gave them different names, and had at least some idea how to take care of them.

Offline TomasGrizzly

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Re: Triplets!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2021, 03:11:20 AM »
And I thought of something else-- full bellies and empty bladders before bed!  Toddler beds all have very low comfort ratings, I guess to make them sleep a lot.  This means they'll sleep a long time, so you don't want them to use their diaper and delay potty skill gain, or getting so hungry you get the threatening message that they're very hungry and could get taken away.

And maybe you'll get a laugh out of my first experience with babies in TS4:
So Mom gets pregnant, and I gave a little bit of thought to what to name the baby- if it's a girl, I'll call her Melody and have her be very into music.  The big moment arrived, sure enough it's a girl, and I entered Melody in the first name field, kept the last name of course, and... the box popped right back up.  WHAT?!?!  This is NOT the time for the game to glitch out on me!  MELODY, same last name, click the check!!!
Yeah... not a glitch.  It's twins.  And now they have the same name.  And both Melody's are crying, and their parents are morons, and I've never done this before so I don't know what they want.  And I haven't discovered MCCC at this point, so time's flying by at the default rate.  And the parents are trying to do random things like admire the paintings.  And the notification that Melody was very hungry didn't help much, since they're BOTH Melody.  So one of them gets taken away, and I no-save quit.
That set me back a couple of game days, not too big a deal.  And Mom popped out twin girls again, but this time I knew what was happening and gave them different names, and had at least some idea how to take care of them.

TS4 is tuned so you need to eat once per 12 hrs as long as you stay with foods that aren't weird in the meaning they don't full hunger to full. So, avoid cakes and grand meals, as well as some of the special celebratory meals added in patches.

Also, you can change the name of your sims when you go to change outfits, though this probably doesn't work until Toddler stage.

Offline Brian_Z

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Re: Triplets!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2021, 01:47:27 PM »
TS4 is tuned so you need to eat once per 12 hrs as long as you stay with foods that aren't weird in the meaning they don't full hunger to full. So, avoid cakes and grand meals, as well as some of the special celebratory meals added in patches.

Also, you can change the name of your sims when you go to change outfits, though this probably doesn't work until Toddler stage.

Right, babies can't be edited in CAS.  This happened when I was quite new to TS4, and I didn't play any of the older versions.  Nowadays I am well aware that babies are born hungry, and if they don't stop crying after you feed them, they either need a diaper change or any one of the Attention interactions.  People complain about babies, but they're really easy- they need to be fed, changed, or some attention.  I give them attention after feeding, and you can easily tell if they need to be changed.  It's toddlers that really suck.

Toddlers will sleep so long, that if you didn't make them eat shortly before bed, they WILL wake up with their hunger in the red.  And I don't feed them stuff like cake, because I know the problems with those- in addition to low satisfaction, they are also crazy high in calories.  Sweets need to be rare treats, or your sims will get fat in a hurry.

