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All through her teen days, Curry's best friend by far was Neptune. I was 50/50 on sending her to the prom (she could have entered an event at the equestrian center if she hadn't gone), but ultimately I wanted to see if she developed a romantic interest while she was there. So she gave Neptune a pet goodbye in her formalwear and dashed off to the limo. Unfortunately for Curry, it wasn't a great evening for her; while she won Prom Queen, she also got rejected for a dance twice - which seems a little incongruous to me. Maybe the Sims version of Prom Queen is voted on by horses?
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When the prom failed to turn up a possible suitor, I sent Curry to the Equestrian Lovers Meet & Greetings. Dakota Fox was there with his family, but he didn't seem to spark any interest.
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A few days later, Leonel Chandra came home from school with her. Although their zodiac signs are compatible and they both love the outdoors, Curry wasn't particularly interested in him, either.
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The only townie boy who seemed to elicit any reaction in her at all was Davin Diamond (Juanita and Barrington must have gotten married at some point). She asked him his sign, and although the game didn't seem to think they were compatible, Curry immediately rolled wishes to learn two of his traits and to kiss him. There was just one problem - he had a girlfriend, and it was Curry's friend Teresa Pelly. Literally the girl next door - Davin's parents had moved in next to the Pelly house around the time he became a toddler.
I don't like breaking up townie couples if I can help it. But not only had Curry failed to show any interest in the other townie boys, she'd never rolled any other wishes for any other humans, *ever*. Including her parents. Curry was making herself quite clear.
This was going to be ugly.
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Things weren't any less chaotic in Gurpal's world. Kalliopi gave birth to a son named Antonio, but when he went over to the old Lionheart place to meet her, she accused him of cheating, left Antonio on the ground outside the house, and stormed indoors. I looked all over Gurpal's relationship panel, but didn't see any other romantic interests at all.
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The game wouldn't even let Gurpal pick up his own son to comfort him - it said that he didn't know Antonio's family well enough.
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I tried to repair their relationship for a few days, but Kalliopi was having none of it and Gurpal was on distinctly borrowed time - he was 87 days old. I couldn't risk a Mourning moodlet tanking Curry's mood for two whole days while she was getting her equestrian center career underway. So I moved him into a little house across the street from the Parrotts (I checked the rules several times before I did this - it doesn't count as a private lot since it didn't stay with the Hobble family but transferred to Gurpal's name). Hopefully this way he can at least be part of Antonio's life for awhile before he passes on.
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Meanwhile, both Honey and Chuck had gotten the Oh My Ghost! opportunity. I haven't had Chuck turn his in yet, but I had Honey take the opportunity to bring some, uh, *unique* genes back into the running for future generations.
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Hetty Lionheart drank some Young Again potion, then immediately moved out into another small starter home in the neighborhood. Are playable ghosts in the family's future? Who knows - but I didn't see the harm in keeping the option open!
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One day, I got a notification that Teresa Pelly would be coming home with Curry after school. Are you trying to make me feel worse than I already do, EA?
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On second thought, maybe I shouldn't feel that bad after all. Curry had only flirted with Davin a bit at this point, and Teresa wouldn't leave the house until Honey asked her to at around 1 AM. Instead, she sat at Curry's desk, pretending to do her homework and staring her friend down while she slept.
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I tried to focus on other things. The townies who start the game as young adults were rapidly aging into elderhood and I wanted to get at least one more pollination in. Zac Whipsnake was best friends with Honey, so she asked him to move in. He didn't bring quite the cash crop that Gurpal had, but he also came with a built-in romantic interest in Li Lo.
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A very inconveniently placed romantic interest. Can't you see Chuck is trying to smelt some metals?! Get a room!
The following day, they conceived their child in the old Singleton house, where Li had moved in with Alani, Charmaine, Kalliopi and Antonio. Hopefully this romance doesn't go sour like Kalliopi and Gurpal's; I'd like to get a happy marriage out of at least one pollinator relationship
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The day before her birthday, I had Curry invite Davin over. I was hoping that he and Teresa might have broken up, sparing me the "Lost Friend" moodlet hit and the chance that the Pellys might move out of town - but no such luck. Davin obligingly broke up with Teresa - and then, in an odd twist of fate, moved into the old Martingale place with his parents (Sofia and Cruz had moved out of town mere days previously). Davin must have a real thing for The Girl Next Door
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The next day, I bought a cake at 7 AM, more than ready for the unexpected drama of Curry's teen years to be behind me.
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Her final traits are, in order of selection: Loves the Outdoors, Virtuoso, Equestrian, Lucky, and Excitable. (She was always WOOOOOing about something. Once she even got excited about cleaning out the horse stall. Clearly she was meant to be excitable all along.)
By the end of her teen years, Curry had:
- Gotten on the honor roll (she didn't stay on - I neglected homework in favor of riding pursuits);
- Achieved her Lifetime Wish of The Jockey - helped greatly by the difficult decision to use Young Again on Freebird and sell her back to the equestrian center;
- Maxed Riding;
- Reached level 7 of the Horsewoman career;
- Won 4 equestrian center events at the advanced or international level (out of the required 20);
- Become best friends with 4 horses (out of the required 10);
- Won an international racing event (she still needs an international cross-country win and an international jumping win);
- Completed three opportunities (out of a required 10);
- Purchased and fully upgraded (where applicable) her property and building.
I'd say she's off to a good start! Now that she's a young adult, she can focus full-time on horsey pursuits. I'm hoping she'll be ready to move shortly before her adult birthday; from my previous riding supermaxes I recall that winning the international cross-country event was the toughest part of this supermax. I want to get Neptune to complete Frequent Flyer and Long Distance Runner to hopefully up my odds! He can do that on his own while Curry is befriending wild horses. I'm not worried about the tombstone; Johnny is 91 and has over 75k happiness points - and counting (I'm hoping for the outside odds of a large tombstone!).