Author Topic: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty  (Read 5187 times)

Offline Brisayshi

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Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« on: December 10, 2020, 04:58:50 PM »
Hello, it's me, back with another Sims 4 challenge after I ended up abandoning my past two.  ::) This one seems faster paced, so I'm hoping that will keep me more motivated to actually complete the challenge. I'm also going to try to tone down the story-telling a little, because I think that's the part that I have the most trouble staying motivated to keep up with. Heroes will be listed in the next post!

Offline Brisayshi

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2020, 04:59:30 PM »
1st Hero: Ann Zeven

Traits: Good, Loves the Outdoors, Bookworm
Character Values: Good manners, responsible, compassionate
Requirements: Complete
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Project: Grow 7 perfect fruits, 7 perfect vegetables, and 7 perfect herbs (COMPLETE)

2nd Hero: Kierra Zeven

Traits: Insider, Good, Loves the Outdoors
Character Values: Good manners, responsible, compassionate
Requirements: Complete
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Project: Clean up Sulani and max conservationist career (COMPLETE)

3rd Hero: Cindy Zeven

Traits: Family-oriented, Childish, Good
Character Values: Good manners, responsible, emotional control
Requirements: Complete
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Project: Raise 7 top-notch toddlers and send them to good homes (COMPLETE)

4th Hero: Maia Zeven

Traits: Vegetarian
Character Values:
Requirements: In progress
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Offline ratchie

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2020, 06:40:36 PM »
Good luck

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Offline MarianT

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2020, 08:41:26 PM »
Welcome to the club!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline Brisayshi

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2020, 09:43:34 PM »
Chapter 1.1: Our founder, Ann Zeven

This is Ann Zeven. Ann found herself on an empty plot of land in Willow Creek, aside from a rather fancy mailbox. She doesn't know how she got there, nor does she know anything about her family or past----mostly because the Watcher is lazy and uncreative. With $20k to her name, she built herself a modest home. However, it apparently wasn't modest enough, because she had to go out fishing, catching frogs, and digging up rocks before she had enough money for dinner that night. ( I felt rich starting a challenge with 20k and got overzealous :P )

Ann picked up the fishing skill at the Magnolia Blossom Park. Perhaps because she loves the outdoors, the rain didn't bother her at all as she reeled in guppies. That's a good thing, because it rained 5 out of 7 days of her first week living in Willow Creek.

In a very lucrative first day, Ann also made her first good friend while doing her homework--Sofia Bjergsen!

She even managed to start a small garden in her basement! That basement is precisely the reason Ann almost didn't have dinner on her first night. ::) But really, who has time for swapping plants around every season?

The rest of this post is going to be a little rushed, because I didn't take as many screenshots as I should have, so I'm just going to try to get the important points across.

Ann joined the scouts early on, and took no time at all climbing the ranks and earning 7 scouting badges. She also made 7 good friends without much trouble. Here's one, Billie Jang!

She spends a lot of time in the library. The library is great for making new friends and getting help with homework and school projects.

And reading, too! Ann has five books under her belt already.

2 days before she was due to naturally age up, Ann finally got her third character trait, empathy, high enough to get the compassionate trait. Cake time!

Ann picked up the bookworm trait upon aging up to go with her good and loves the outdoors traits. Now to finish up the rest of those requirements!

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2020, 09:34:05 PM »
To celebrate Ann's birthday, I got rid of the plant basement, and replaced it with a hastily and cheaply made greenhouse....with no windows. Just disregard that lapse in logic.

Oh, and a beehive! The bees seem to be perpetually angry, but they're helpful for pollinating the plants.

And of course, every gardener needs a magic scarecrow to gives them seeds and teach them gardening knowledge.

Ann quickly finished up her requirements. She found 7 collectibles, earned 7 scouting badges, made 7 good friends, grew 7 different plants, caught 7 different fish, completed 7 different emotional whims, and read 7 non-skill books. Now her energy can all be put into her greenhouse to complete her project, which will be to grow 7 perfect fruits, vegetables, and herbs. But since plants can only be evolved so quickly, I think it's time to give Ann something else to keep her busy. Meet our second hero-to-be, Kierra. Her trait is "Insider".

Our newest member of the family settled in with ease, and it turns out Ann is pretty good at this parenting/mentoring thing! Ann will raise Kierra and teach her the importance of changing the world for the better.

Kierra had no trouble at all befriending children in the area. Here she is with her BFF, Gary Bheeda (and Lilith Pleasant sulking in the background).

And here's Vaea helping Kierra out with her solar system school project.

Ann took Kierra on a fishing trip to Sulani during their first weekend living together. It was cold and snowy at home, but Sulani is always warm! Our two future heroes got to bond over some fishing, food, and swimming.

Kierra took to the ocean like a fish. Perhaps she could be my chance to try out the Marine Biologist career?

Thanks for joining in! I'll be back with another update soon!

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2020, 09:47:59 PM »
What a beautiful founder and Kierra is lovely, too!
Good luck with your garden, Ann!
And best wishes, Watcher, on a successful dynasty!

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2020, 02:46:57 PM »
Kierra seems to be settling in nicely.

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Offline Brisayshi

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2020, 07:15:18 PM »
Thank you guys for your comments!

Ann's garden is finally making enough money to be worth talking about. I ended up expanding the house a little bit just to give Ann and Kierra little more space--things felt too crowded to me. I only took screenshots of the living room and kitchen. The general layout of the house is pretty much the same.

Ann's gardening is maxed and most of her plants are excellent or magnificent quality at this point. It feels like it takes a lot longer to level up plants since Seasons came out--which I'm sure is actually the case and is old news to everyone. I just haven't been playing very much in quite a while, and haven't given a lot of attention to gardens since Seasons, to be totally honest.  :P My point is, leveling up plants to perfect is taking longer than I expected. But thankfully I wasn't too concerned about achieving a really short finishing time for this dynasty. Also, Ann gets access to de-aging potions since her requirements are complete, which is very nice.

Now for updates on Kierra. Her childhood went very well. She completed the Social Butterfly and Whiz Kid aspirations, and only suffered one "phase" in which she decided she didn't like anything other than quick meals. Of course, it hit just in time for Winterfest dinner.

I just wanted to include a few Winterfest images because I thought they were cute. For once I had a good spot to put a Winterfest tree without needing to move all of my furniture around!

Kierra wasn't happy with her Winterfest gift from under the tree. I thought this might be part of her phase, but she actually got a rotten wolf eel in her gift box, so I don't blame her for that reaction.

Soon, Kierra's birthday came about.

Kierra actually already had 3 character values in range to get positive traits, but I felt bad immediately aging her form child to teenager to young adult. So I gave her one day as a teenager to go to high school and get her grades back up to an A, and finish reading non-skill books.

While at school, her empathy fell just out of range due to a random event of some sort. So I quickly got it back up by having her talk to a tense Ann about her mood, decided I didn't want that to happen again, and aged her up with a new cake.

And here's beautiful young adult Kierra! I think she's gorgeous.  ;D

Kierra got right back to work on finishing her 7 requirements--if I'm understanding correctly, she can't start a project career until after she finishes those requirements. She joined the Knights of the Hedge club with Yuki Behr and Wolfgang Munch, which helped a lot in getting some more good friends and getting her logic up to level 7. I've never played with that club before, so I was surprised to see that members actually wear suits of armor during club gatherings. What commitment!

As I was typing up this update, I thought that Kierra's requirements were finished, but I realized she actually was short one good friend! I must have miscounted, so she will be going and finding one more friend before she joins the conservationist career. Thankfully, the polite introduction interaction makes making friends very easy for her. Another update will come soon!

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2020, 07:47:38 PM »
I agree with you that Kierra aged up into a gorgeous lady!
Their house looks quite spacious!

And thank you for the reminder that a hero can consume an anti-ageing something once they've completed their 7 requirements!

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2020, 08:33:51 PM »
Kierra is quite the stunner and I will be watching for help with the gardening project.

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Offline Brisayshi

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2020, 09:59:02 PM »
First of all, Kierra has officially finished her 7 requirements. Soon after the last update, she befriended the first person she saw walking around the neighborhood--Arnav Raghavan, giving her 7 good friends.

With that, Kierra is eligible to begin working on a project. As soon as she hit the "good friend" level with Arnav, she asked him to leave, and applied to join the conservationist career track. Thanks to earning an A in high school, Kierra started her career at level 3 as a Land Surveyor. I've honestly never actually played this career, so I was excited to get started. I know, I know, I'm way behind on Sims content.  ::) Anyway, in case it wasn't already clear, Kierra's project will be to max the conservationist career and clean up Sulani.

First thing I had to learn: "cleaning up Sulani" really means "cleaning up Mua Pel'am." Oh well. Kierra still had a nice time hanging out on the other beaches.

Also, I've found that the litterbugs actually anger me as the player! What jerks! I have yet to manage to convince one that they're wrong. I suppose it's realistic, at least.

Anyway, things were pretty bland in the game for a while, getting Kierra ahead in her career and waiting for Ann's darned plants to evolve. So here are a few shots of Kierra at work, because I think she's such a beautiful sim, and I want to show her off some more.

As I said, things were starting to feel a little dull at this point in the dynasty. My intention was to have Ann finish her project before adopting the next hero-to-be, but I decided I needed something new happening. So here's the member of the family, Cindy! She has the gloomy trait. Maybe she'll be able to trade that out for a more positive trait someday.

Of course, she joined the scouts as soon as she moved in. Here she is heading out, with Patchy watching. I got rid of Patchy shortly after this. I was getting annoyed with him interrupting my sims to chat with them. He was helpful while Ann was building her gardening skill and expanding her garden, though.

Kierra fell into the mother role well. Though she's busy with work and trying to make Sulani a better place, she always leaves time to dote on Cindy.

Here's a picture of all three of our heroes-to-be together. How cute. :)

Cindy gets right to work on her requirements. I had to include this picture of her catching a tambaqui (which I did not know existed) in Willow Creek (where I don't think it belongs), because it was just too cute.

Finally, finally, Ann's garden was finished! I spent a lot of time waiting for her last couple plants to hit perfect quality.

Looking back, I realized there were a few features in the game that might have helped speed things up that I didn't realize existed. For example, I think the "great soil" lot trait could have helped increase quality more quickly, but to be honest, I forgot lot traits even really existed.

I was waiting for Ann's garden to be finished to move the family to a new lot. New surroundings sounded nice. It felt lame to just leave the house and greenhouse behind, so after moving, the home was converted into a community greenhouse where Sims can come care for and harvest plants, providing the area with more fresh, high-quality food! I realize that there is a feature like this actually built into Eco Lifestyle, but I didn't have that EP at the time. I just purchased it today.

I'm proud of how it turned out! It's simple, but I think it's really cute. In the next update, I'll show the family's new home. :)

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2020, 11:49:43 PM »
Congrats to Ann on completing her gardening project!
Cindy is a lovely addition to the family!
Looking forward to seeing their new home (in Sulani?)!

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2021, 05:56:22 PM »
As @oshizu guessed, the new family home is in Sulani! Very handy for Kierra finishing up her project. I'm not much of a builder, so I'm proud of how this home turned out. I like things symmetrical, so it's hard for me to keep my builds from looking like giant squares.

It took Kierra about a week after moving to complete her project. She maxed out the conservationist career (marine biologist track), and while chatting about conservation with a fellow marine biologist, I got the notification that Sulani was fully restored! Yay!

So now we have two completed heroes. At this point Cindy was still a child, so I was eager to get her aged up and her requirements completed so she could start a project. Until then, I had Ann pick up a second project--she's going to be working on making and giving away 70 flower arrangements. I believe Oshizu is doing this was well with her first hero--sorry! I'm not trying to copy strategies, it's just that gardening and flower arranging go together so nicely!

It soon became time for Cindy to age up to a teen. At this point, she completed the Social Butterfly aspiration, earned every scouting badge, and made a good bit of progress on her requirements. However, she did not yet have 3 character values in range to earn positive traits, so she had to remain a teenager for a while.

That's a teenager with the gloomy trait if I've ever seen one. Cindy picked up the Childish trait.

Cindy was an absolute trip of a teenager. Look at this!

I decided that Cindy's been such a socialite so far (despite that terrible moody phase she had), I'd make one of her tasks to throw 7 parties--especially since I'll probably never desire to do that task again.  ;D

Having so many parties was...interesting. I have to be honest, I did not miss it from the Immortal dynasty. At least they aren't required to be gold medals. The parties went mostly smoothly, aside from a few blips. For example, it turns out that Cindy's friend Samaria insists on wearing almost the exact same outfit as Ann to every party!

Here we have Cindy's friend Brandie Aikens, who showed up to the incognito party wearing the same costume as Kierra. AND it turns out she's an alien, so she was super incognito! Awkward!

And due to a neighborhood action plan, anyone who visits the household feels the need to start making de-stressing concoctions and leave them all over the house. One party guest set the kitchen on fire.

I didn't record the exact amount of time it took for Cindy to finish up her requirements, but it wasn't too bad. The longest part was completing all the darned parties.

Time for another birthday cake.

Here she is! Cindy, young adult edition!

Next update, we'll start getting into Cindy's project! Thanks for joining in! :)

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Re: Another 7 Heroes Dynasty
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2021, 06:10:44 PM »
Your Sulani home and its landscaping looks lovely!
Wow, Kierra was super efficient about completing her project!
I love everything about Sulani living.
(The only downside is that Sulani fishing doesn't count for the Outdoor Adventurer badge.)

Congratulations, Watcher, on your second hero and happy YA birthday to Cindy!