Author Topic: 7 Heroes 7.29: We're Finished! [Completed 4 March 2021]  (Read 66345 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 6.25: He Doth Protest Too Much (16 Feb update)
« Reply #120 on: February 17, 2021, 08:05:06 PM »
Lock up your sons indeed!  Kaila is pretty fantastic.  Well, maybe I meant pretty and fantastic!
I am angry with Ayame because she ridiculed Momo for eating in the kitchen.  Momo can do what she wants!
You're making such great progress on this!!  The only real problem with that is that it means the story will end soon  :=(   Love this family, love your writing, and looking forward to the next update  :=)

Awww, c'mon, cut Ayame some slack! She makes a fancy breakfast for everybody and half of her family can't be bothered to sit and eat?
That's just bad manners! ;)

After reading this update I realized something... I completely messed up with the rules of my 7HD. I had the heroes do one unique requirement thing each, instead of 7 each. NOOOOO!  :'(
Btw Kaila is really pretty

If it's any consolation, I also had to restart my first attempt at a 7 Heroes Dynasty story, though I'd restarted it 2-3 times before my first story attempt.
In fact, I've always needed to restart my dynasty challenges at least once.
I adopted a kid thinking that the 7 requirements were needed to start a project.
Better to restart early in the challenge, though, right?

And thank you! Kaila aged up really gorgeous!

Offline oshizu

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7 Heroes 7.26: Stealing Hearts, Saving Lives
« Reply #121 on: February 28, 2021, 07:01:31 PM »
7.26: Stealing Hearts, Saving Lives

Week 21, Monday (Day 142, 1st week of summer)
Hey, simmers! It's your girl Kaila, future 7th (and final) hero of this Nana Dynasty.
I just celebrated my teen and young adult birthdays this morning.

You're probably wondering what I've been up to lately.
Well, Watcher got me crazy distracted by my new beach farm in Stardew Valley.

My Recife Farm's doing great so far.
I rushed the greenhouse, which I earned in mid-autumn of the first year.
My empire of ancient fruit and starfruit wine is already off the ground.
Without the greenhouse, I can't do any farming all winter.

It's the first day of Year 2 on my farm.
You can see three ponds for fish farming in front of my farmhouse.

I also have a barn and coop with cows, goats, pigs, chickens, and ducks.
Anyway, after playing my farm for a year, I'm ready to get back to work.

So….where were we?
Oh yeah, my nephew Sora is one promotion away from finishing his 3rd project.
Yeah, he's my nephew since he's the son of my older brother Kiyomi.

How cool that Sora's gonna become the National Leader soon.
I mean, he's an alien metrosexual who wears guyliner!

I'd like to remind you that I'm an adventurous, romantic cat lover.
My first move this morning is to make friendly with Meong.

But my eldest brother Tetsuya is being weirdly possessive.  Sheesh!

Once I complete my project, we cross the finish line!
Not much I can do, though, until the evening.

I take a careful look around the house, destroying any cursed objects.
Meanwhile, the rest of my family are "busy" playing foosball and beer pong.

At 9 pm, we're informed that some dude named Guidry has arrived.
But an hour has passed without any sign of him.

Finally! I find him upstairs in our Inspired Studio.
Darn Ayame, playing the piano when she knew I was expecting Guidry!
Whatever. I nust get him out of his inspired mood.

After I ask for my paranormal investigator certificate, we become good friends.
Ahhhh, this is so much better!

Guidry: Now give me your other foot.
You've got a lot of tension built up in this pressure point.
I can help you get rid of this tension, Kaila.
Kaila: I bet you can, baby boy. I bet you can!

Kiyomi (walking by): Hard to believe Kaila was in grade school yesterday.
Look at her now, living like there's no tomorrow!
That Guidry never stood a chance.

My new boyfriend (ahem) and I spend all night getting to know each other.
And in the morning…

Guidry: Listen, Kaila, I'm not usually like this.
Kaila:  You mean your sleepwear? No worries, baby boy. If you'd brought your PJs, that would have been weird.

Hiromi: Hey, Grandson! Way to go with maxing the Politician career and completing your 3rd project.
Sora: Thanks, Grandma. But nobody was waiting for me when I arrived home. I'm deeply wounded.
Kaila (to herself): That Sora, always so full of drama!

Oh right, my project!
I phone to join the Federal Bureau of Spooky Investigations.
At the offering of 3 different gigs, I choose the Easy one scheduled for tonight.
My project requires me to exorcise 7 houses at the Expert level.
But no harm in working up to the harder gigs, right?

Of course, the second I'm trying to focus on my project, the worst happens.
Mama is dying of hysteria.
It's that pesky "Let the Good Times Roll" (Playful +1) sentiment!
Watcher, it's time to replace the foosball table with meditation stools.

When the Grim Reaper arrives, I make a beeline his way.
I offer him a Death Flower to spare Mama's life.

And it works!
I'm not an official hero of the Nana Dynasty until I complete my project.
Mama has gained a new sentiment toward me, though.
She feels "Awed by a Livesaving Hero."  Awwww, shucks!  "Tweren't nothing!

My first gig takes me to Brooke Bungalow in Willow Creek.
I waste the first two hours creating 10 séance circles all over the lot.
Why? Because I can't figure out how to use a séance circle until almost midnight.

I destroy 3 cursed objects, though not a single spectre appears.
But I manage to complete the gig using a séance circle by 3:30 am.

Tonight, I'm challenging myself with a Medium-level gig.
Another evening I can't spend with Guidry. *sighs

Until then, I chat with Kiyomi while hitting the hookah.
Naturally, I like Kiyomi best: we're both adventurous sims!

Household Progress

5th Hero: Sora
Completed Projects (3)
*Max Politician career (10/10), participating in 7 demos and giving 7 inspired speeches

Future 7th Hero: Kaila
Traits: Cat Lover, Adventurous, Romantic.
In-Progress Project
*Exorcize 0/7 different houses at the Expert level.

*Kaila: Wow, the curves on this girl!
*Disclaimer: We weren't "just" playing the beach farm. I joined a readathon from Feb 15-21, after which all I could do was zone out on Youtube videos.

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Offline Auranaris

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Re: 7 Heroes 7.26: Stealing Hearts, Saving Lives (28 Feb update)
« Reply #122 on: February 28, 2021, 09:09:38 PM »
Yikes! Thank goodness for death flowers!

I also have been playing stardew valley a lot lately. Currently I’m in year one, about 3/4ths of he way trough summer. just got chickens, so that’s exciting.

And that’s it for this weeks edition of: Auranaris gives news that no one wants to know!
they/he pronouns please!

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 7.26: Stealing Hearts, Saving Lives (28 Feb update)
« Reply #123 on: February 28, 2021, 09:41:40 PM »
Yikes! Thank goodness for death flowers!

I also have been playing stardew valley a lot lately. Currently I’m in year one, about 3/4ths of he way trough summer. just got chickens, so that’s exciting.

And that’s it for this weeks edition of: Auranaris gives news that no one wants to know!
Oh yeah, that would have been tragic if my dynasty founder died a few weeks before the challenge ended. :(

Hey, that's not true about nobody wanting to know your news!
Since you're in Year 1, I assume that you started a beach farm, too?
All "we" need is for oiur pig to produce a truffle to complete the Community Center, so I'm hoping that happens on that same day.
Sadly, though, I suck at Skull Caverns so acquiring the 5 iridium bars to repair Willy's boat is going to be a huge problem. *sighs
As a workaround, I have a fish pond with super cucumbers which occasionally gives iridium ore. *crosses fingers

Two more questions about SDV Youtubers, haha. (See, now you got me started....)
Sharky's new 1.5 casual playthrough on the beach farm is really delightful. You watching that?
Tooshi also very recently started a 2-year 100% perfection run on the beach farm.  He's such a fantastic player, though, watching him gets demoralizing. LOL!

Offline oshizu

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7 Heroes 7.27: Specters Like to Watch
« Reply #124 on: March 01, 2021, 06:11:34 PM »
7. 27: Specters Like to Watch

Week 21, Wednesday (Day 144, 1st week of summer)
Tonight's my second gig and I'm going for the Medium difficulty.
My second gig sends me to Waterlock Redoubt in Windenburg's Olde Platz district.

No doubt you recognize this house where Candy and Yuki Behr used to live.
Funny, I thought…

Right. The only resident now is one of Tetsuya's servos.

Nothing's going on at first, so I create a séance circle and perform a ceremony.
By the time I'm done, I find three cursed objects to destroy.

By 1 am, I still haven't seen any specters. That's a good thing, I guess.
After I perform my second ceremony, I check upstairs for cursed objects.
There's an ectoplasmic something that I mop up, which completes the gig.

This time, I'm home at 2:30 am, which is an hour earlier than my previous Easy gig.
Every gig lasts from 9:30 pm until 6:30 am of the following day.
Looks like I finished my Medium difficulty gig with hours to spare!
And you know what that means, right?

At home, I find several angry red specters which my family hasn't sent away.
I convince everyone to reach at least Level 4 of the Medium skill.
After working all night, I do not want to come home to find angry specters to dispel!

Persuading Tetsuya to join a group séance also leaves Meong "unattended."
So I finally enjoy a little cuddling with my feline friend.
I'm a cat lover! I deserve some quality time with Meong!

I keep constant watch over the family to ensure no one's feeling Very Playful.
Mama and Tetsuya need to go calm down in a mirror several times a day.

Watcher decides it's best to return to meditation.

Well, this is unfortunate. She's here?  Who is "she"?
My first Expert gig starts in a half hour, I don't have time to deal with "her"!

Wait, what? Just as I'm sent to my gig, a red ghost in a dress appears.
Well, I'm off, so good luck with that, fam!

This house in Willow Creek looks familiar.
Near the former Pancake home, it's the home of one of Sora's girlfriends.

Obviously, this is where I was sent for my first gig.
Out back, I choose one of the half dozen séance circles I created that night.
This time, I set out some sacred candles before starting my ceremony.
Can't be too careful, right?

Still no specters show up, but I do destroy 2 creepy dolls and 3 other cursed objects.
Otherwise, I'm just performing ceremonies in the backyard.

At 4 am, I complete my first Expert gig during my fourth ceremony.
Apparently, I receive a reward item but can't tell what it is.
Here's the Grump Specter Jar I received from yesterday's Medium-difficulty gig.

I hope future gigs won't be at that same house. I need to exorcise 7 different houses!

Friday evening, I stay home to spend time with Guidry.
That first night, we got carried away and I never asked him about paranormal stuff.

Though he gives me a bizarre doll to ward off Temperance, he seems distracted.
Tonight, he keeps wandering off in mid-conversation.

When Meong runs away, I realize Temperance must have arrived.
Kiyomi immediately posts an alert about our missing feline.

Does Temperance visit every night? What's her relationship with Guidry?
If I switch our home to a regular residential lot, will Guidry stop visiting?

Introducing myself to Temperance, I learn that she's jealous, romantic, and mean.
Wow, I must be really charismatic because Temperance and I are now friends!

Sorry, Temperance! I'd love to chat but Guidry and I are busy.

I mean, we're getting busy. Same thing, right?

Um, I guess specters like to watch?

Meong comes home around 1 pm with fleas, which I cure with a Wellness Treat.
He was only gone for a little over 16 hours.
Meong brings home a present, so maybe was just out prowling and didn't actually run away?

Not to gloat but Tetsuya and I became companions with Meong during the same week. Okay, I'm gloating.

Kiyomi: I don't mean to criticize, sis, but why are your updates so, uh, cheesy?
Kaila: That's entirely Watcher's fault, not mine!
I'm romantic but Watcher hates writing sappy lines for me and Guidry.
Kiyomi: So that's why you two are constantly…?
Kaila: Yep. Not that we mind, you understand.

Thankfully, my second Expert gig sends me to Cypress Terrace!
It's a three-story house.
Good thing I took the time to level my Wellness skill so I can teleport.

Yet another house where the only resident is one of Tetsuya's immortal servos.
Thank heavens for my family's servos and baby mamas!
Without them, I might not be able exorcise seven different houses!

Week 22, Sunday
By 2 am, I'm only about two-thirds done exorcising the house.
I spend most of my time here performing ceremonies.
Do I need to complete a certain number of gigs before specters appear?

For now, I need to perform yet another ceremony.

I'm so sure that destroying this creepy doll would complete the gig.
But no. All I can do is perform another ceremony. *sighs

I complete my second Expert gig at 4 a.m.
My reward item is this Mopey Specter Jar.

Do Temperance and specters not appear at my gigs because they're at our house?
Honestly, I don't mind at all!  Just five more Expert gigs!

Household Progress

Future 7th Hero: Kaila
Traits: Cat Lover, Adventurous, Romantic.
In-Progress Project
*Exorcize 2/7 different houses at the Expert level.
   1. Brook Bungalow (Courtyard Lane, Willow Creek)
   2. Cypress Terrace (Sage Estates, Willow Creek)

*Empty simverse: Besides Tetsuya's immortal servos and the children of baby mamas, our world is completely empty with the exception of a single random sim who moved into Willow Creek.
I really wish the "Fill Empty Houses" feature actually worked.

*Sentiments: I'm repeating myself, I know, but I wish I could disable Sentiments.
My happy sims are at constant risk of death by hysteria, some more than others.

*The exorcism gigs seem repetitive to you, I'm sure.
I need to think of a way that I can show I completed the 5 remaining Expert gigs without boring you and myself to death.

Offline Auranaris

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Re: 7 Heroes 7.27: Specters Like to Watch (1 Mar update)
« Reply #125 on: March 01, 2021, 07:47:53 PM »
Ok, welp now I’m hooked on Sharky’s 1.5 play through. I may have spent yesterday evening  binging... hehe. 8)
they/he pronouns please!

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 7.27: Specters Like to Watch (1 Mar update)
« Reply #126 on: March 01, 2021, 07:57:06 PM »
Ok, welp now I’m hooked on Sharky’s 1.5 play through. I may have spent yesterday evening  binging... hehe. 8)

LOL! Yeah, Sharky's series is so much fun!
Tooshi's new series is also awesome, but his videos are Twitch-to-Youtube conversions and I can barely finish his 2-hour videos in one sitting.
Tooshi's a great content creator and an amazing min/maxer, though.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: 7 Heroes 7.27: Specters Like to Watch (1 Mar update)
« Reply #127 on: March 02, 2021, 08:51:24 AM »
Hahaha!  Loved how your love of Stardew Valley made an interesting crossover into your Hero Dynasty  ;=)  And yes, I'm totally certain that was Kaila's farm and not yours  ;=)
Wow, she and Guidry are really something!  Looks like you're having lots of fun with that paranormal pack...and the built in ghostly guy  ;=)
Congrats on the progress Kaila's made so quickly!  Hard to believe you're so close to finished!!!

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 7.27: Specters Like to Watch (1 Mar update)
« Reply #128 on: March 02, 2021, 01:23:02 PM »
Yeah, that was totally Kaila's beach farm.  I had a time and half dragging her back to start her Paranormal Investigator project! :)
I'm disappointed that Kaila can't have a nooboo with Guidry, lol.
And I can't move Guidry in and deghostify him due to the 7 Heroes Dynasty rules. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen the option to invite him to join household.
Oh well.
Kaila's only 5 Expert exorcisms away from completing the challenge.
My biggest worry is that she won't be sent to five different houses, though it's technically possible since Tetsuya moved out 8 immortal servos.
My secondary worry is that sending Kaila off on gigs for the next five nights makes for a boring update, LOL!
Maybe the whole household needs to visit Batuu?  (jk)

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7 Heroes 7.28: Thank Heavens for Servos
« Reply #129 on: March 04, 2021, 04:23:50 PM »
7. 28: Thank Heavens for Servos

Week 22, Sunday (Day 148, 2nd week of summer)
We spend the afternoon visiting three of Sora's children, who live in Bedrock Straits.
Nikolas Ikeda is a young adult with two teen siblings.

Tetsuya's servo raised them after their mother (Sora's wife) passed away.

We plan to spend at least four hours in Bedrock Straits today.
We're hoping our presence will encourage a new household to move into the hood.

I'm honestly worried about being sent to gigs at 5 more different lots.

I've been getting myself ultra-Energized for my gigs.
The Energized mood overrides any fear or terror I might feel..

For tonight's gig, Kiyomi giving me a Rosemary & Mint aromatherapy massage.
This is my first experiment with a pre-gig massage (with Invigorating Cinnamon incense).

Usually, I just take a Muscle-Relaxing Soak with Invigorating Cinnamon Incense.
And, if there's time, I take a Brisk Shower.

The last thing I do is drink a Spark Drive serum.
Tetsuya made a bunch of them for Kiyomi last year for his Scientist project.
Kiyomi gave the remaining serums to me last week.

I'm back at Waterlock Redoubt, where I did my first and only Medium-difficulty gig.
Since I've never done an Expert gig here before, it counts for my project!

This lot's one of six in our simverse with a servo as its lone resident.

My assigned lots never have specters. Also, cursed objects only appear after several hours.

That's why when Temperance shows up, I don't try to chase her away.
Instead, I let her drop her creepy dolls and make trouble.
I doubt I can complete an expert gig by solely spamming Perform a Ceremony.

It's 6:06 am when I finish my third Expert gig.
That's right, I nearly failed this gig.
Pretty sure my gigs are glitched…

We spend the day at Ohan'ali Beach in Sulani.
My family just wants to get out of meditating for hours on end.

I don't mind. I'd never ridden a jet ski before!

After our luau, I catch Meong playing in the trash.
When I lecture him about it, he doesn't even pretend to listen.
Who can blame him? Why shouldn't he live the way he wants?

Tonight's gig is at Riverside Roost, next door to the famous Pancake house.

Its resident is the only housed sim who is neither a servo nor related to us.

If only more sims would be like him and move into the empty houses!

I'm not sure if it's just my wishful thinking or what.
But it seems like if I ignore a creepy doll for at least an hour, another one appears.
Is that just my imagination working overtime?

At 5 am, I suddenly find that I'm unable to perform a ceremony. Why?
Gah, the sim has started a fire in the kitchen, that's why!

On an Expert gig, ain't nobody got time to be extinguishing the client. *rolls eyes

I complete my fourth Expert gig at 6:04 am.  Cutting it very close, thanks to that fire!
This time, I receive four reward items.
Two Hello Dahlia dolls and two Display Only Clay Hands.

My niece gives me her massive stash of Cereberries today.
One Cereberry gives a Focused +3 boost for 8 hours.
I wonder how much difference my mood makes toward completing a gig?
Tonight, I'll go Focused for my gig after a massage, a soak, and a Cereberry!

It's not hard to understand why Watcher is such a fan of my brother Kiyomi.
Not only is he gorgeous, but his children are stunning, too!
Jodie is the teen daughter of Kiyomi and his wife Ayako.

Tonight's gig sends me to Sembamachi in Mt. Komorebi.
This is the former home of the Akiyama household.

Soon after I knock on the door, I change the household rule to "Shoes allowed indoors."
I'm on a strict timer, so I want to be safe.
Would I really be expected to take my shoes on and off while exorcising?

Yet another house with only an immortal servo living in it. Splat!

I complete the gig at 4:25 am, my fastest time ever for an Expert gig!!!
Was my Focused mood the cause?

As reward items, I receive two decorative (non-cursed) Strange Overgrowth things.
Only two more Expert gigs left, y'all!

Household Progress

Future 7th Hero: Kaila
Traits: Cat Lover, Adventurous, Romantic.
In-Progress Project
*Exorcize 5/7 different houses at the Expert level.
   1. Brook Bungalow (Courtyard Lane, Willow Creek)
   2. Cypress Terrace (Sage Estates, Willow Creek)
   3. Waterlock Redoubt (Olde Platz, Windenburg)
   4. Riverside Roost (Courtyard Lane, Willow Creek)
   5. 5-3-1 Shinrin'yoku (Sembamachi, Mt. Komorebi)

*Temperance: It occurred to me not to immediately chase away Temperance.
Kaila isn't afraid of her and, on the contrary, hopes Temperance will drop multiple creepy dolls for her to destroy.

*Glitched Gigs: The issue with gig-related lots spawning without specters or cursed objects remains unsolved on EA Answers HQ.
Kaila barely finished her 3rd and 4th Expert gigs during her remaining 30 minutes.
When she started her 5th gig, there was no progress bar so I exited the game and deleted Origin's cache files.
After that, she finished her 5th Expert gig 90 minutes earlier than her two previous gigs.
Is it because she was Focused instead of Energized, or because I'd deleted Origin's cache files?

*The finish line: We are so close now, we can taste it!

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 7.229: We're Finished!
« Reply #130 on: March 05, 2021, 01:44:06 AM »
7. 29. We're Finished!

Week 22, Wednesday (Day 151, 2nd week of summer)
Tetsuya might be the one who adopted Meong into our household.
But we all know who Meong loves best!

Just killing time before my next gig.
Kiyomi's daughter Jodie is so lovely that we keep inviting her over!

Ayame (right): Don't just sit there, Uncle Tetsuya. Make some move!
Momo (center): She's right! Do you want us to get sent back to the meditation stools?

This morning, I maxed my job performance bar.
It's gone from Excellent to Good.

And hey, look! I now get paid an extra 100 simoleons per Expert gig.
It doesn't feel like much of a raise to me. What do you think?

Kiyomi: Rumor has it that Watcher wants you for her next dynasty project.
Jodie: Would you be in it, too, Papa?
Kiyomi: I'm your father so, no, that would be too weird.
Jodie: ?

Kaila: Look who shows up on our porch at 9 pm!
Why here but not at my gigs?

Look who else shows up on our porch!
Sorry, sweetheart, but I gotta run!

My second gig in a row in Sembamachi!
Tetsuya's wife, Kaori Nishidake, used to live here with their children and her grandparents.
Now, only one of Tetsuya's servos lives here.
How far would I have gotten with my project without Tetsuya's servos to visit?

Nothing of note happens while I'm exorcising that house.
I return home drained of energy from performing so many ceremonies.

I'm back home by 5:34 am. My reward is another Display Only Clay Hand. Whoopee-do.

Whenever you see any specters, you know I'm still at our home lot. *sighs

Oh! Tonight's gig is at the Agave Adobe lot in Oasis Springs!
We all recently visited this place on Sunday, remember?

The three kids of my nephew Sora live here with their servo.
Sora's kids are so scared that they keep getting in the way of my ceremony.

I give them a good look at my badge and ask them to let me work.
They're still panicked but stop trying to talk with me.

Small houses are definitely easier to exorcise.
So much faster to notice and eliminate cursed objects and occult symbols!

A little past midnight, I realize that the servo is broken.
With this house less than half exorcised, I don't have time to call for repair. Sorry!

I complete this gig at 5:08 am, which is pretty good time.
Instead of going straight home, I stick around a bit to chat with Sora's kids.

Doesn't seem to be anything I can do to help calm them, though, so I head home.

My reward is a third Hello Dahlia doll in a red dress.
I like that it's dark-skinned like me!

Yep, that's right!  I've finished exorcising 7 different houses at the Expert level!
We've finished this challenge!

We seven heroes completed 24 projects over 153 days.
Tetsuya and Kiyomi completed the most projects; they did five each.
I only finished one project, but that's fine with me!

To view a detailed list of our projects, click the spoiler tag.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And here we are in all our heroic glory. From left to right:
Kaila (7th hero; adopted, Momo (4th hero, adopted), Kiyomi (3rd hero; Hiromi & Kiyoshi Ito's son), Sora (5th hero; Kiyomi's son),
Hiromi (founder), Tetsuya (2nd hero, adopted), and Ayame (6th hero; Kiyomi's daughter).

Thank you for joining us!

Household Progress

Future 7th Hero: Kaila
Traits: Cat Lover, Adventurous, Romantic.
Completed Project (1)
*Exorcize 7/7 different houses at the Expert level.
   1. Brook Bungalow (Courtyard Lane, Willow Creek)
   2. Cypress Terrace (Sage Estates, Willow Creek)
   3. Waterlock Redoubt (Olde Platz, Windenburg)
   4. Riverside Roost (Courtyard Lane, Willow Creek)
   5. 5-3-1 Shinrin'yoku (Sembamachi, Mt. Komorebi)
   6. 5-6-1 Shinrin'yoku (Sembamachi, Mt. Komorebi)
   7. Agave Adobe (Bedrock Strait, Oasis Springs)

Offline Auranaris

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Re: 7 Heroes 7.29: We're Finished! [Completed 4 March 2021]
« Reply #131 on: March 05, 2021, 08:12:08 AM »
Woo! Congrats on finishing! The family tree got a little complicated by the end, but this is a dynasty after all  ;)

(Grumbles something in corner about my failed attempt)
they/he pronouns please!

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Re: 7 Heroes 7.29: We're Finished! [Completed 4 March 2021]
« Reply #132 on: March 05, 2021, 08:26:36 AM »
Congratulations, @oshizu! Great job, and I'm glad the exorcisms worked out for you.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: 7 Heroes 7.29: We're Finished! [Completed 4 March 2021]
« Reply #133 on: March 05, 2021, 12:09:19 PM »
So many congratulations to you and your heroes.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 7.29: We're Finished! [Completed 4 March 2021]
« Reply #134 on: March 05, 2021, 05:59:32 PM »
Woo! Congrats on finishing! The family tree got a little complicated by the end, but this is a dynasty after all  ;)

(Grumbles something in corner about my failed attempt)

Thanks for reading and commenting! Sorry if the extended family relations got hard to follow.
Genetics are one of my fave aspects of the game and I love seeing what the offspring look like. Also The Patriarch/Matriarch trait is OP. :)
And you should try this one again. I think this was my fifth attempt...

Congratulations, @oshizu! Great job, and I'm glad the exorcisms worked out for you.
Thank you!  My last three exorcisms were broken, to be honest. I tested them in a separate file, no exorcism progress bar would appear.
My workaround: An hour before each gig starts, save/exit and delete Origin's cache files. Kaila had a progress bar for each of her last three gigs.
I would have switched to another project but there weren't any undone that appealed to me. :)
Thanks for a fantastic challenge, @MarianT !  Really, really enjoyed this one!

So many congratulations to you and your heroes.
Thanks so much, Rachel!