Yikes! Thank goodness for death flowers!
I also have been playing stardew valley a lot lately. Currently I’m in year one, about 3/4ths of he way trough summer. just got chickens, so that’s exciting.
And that’s it for this weeks edition of: Auranaris gives news that no one wants to know!
@Auranaris Oh yeah, that would have been tragic if my dynasty founder died a few weeks before the challenge ended.

Hey, that's not true about nobody wanting to know your news!
Since you're in Year 1, I assume that you started a beach farm, too?
All "we" need is for oiur pig to produce a truffle to complete the Community Center, so I'm hoping that happens on that same day.
Sadly, though, I suck at Skull Caverns so acquiring the 5 iridium bars to repair Willy's boat is going to be a huge problem. *sighs
As a workaround, I have a fish pond with super cucumbers which occasionally gives iridium ore. *crosses fingers
Two more questions about SDV Youtubers, haha. (See, now you got me started....)
Sharky's new 1.5 casual playthrough on the beach farm is really delightful. You watching that?
Tooshi also very recently started a 2-year 100% perfection run on the beach farm. He's such a fantastic player, though, watching him gets demoralizing. LOL!