Author Topic: 7 Heroes 7.29: We're Finished! [Completed 4 March 2021]  (Read 66007 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.22: Emotionally Mindful (3 Feb update)
« Reply #105 on: February 03, 2021, 08:58:30 AM »
Momo still got screentime!!
Congrats on finishing the counseling requirements!  Seems like the lack of tense Sims was creating a tense Watcher  ;=)
Hooray for Ayame finishing her first project in almost no time!  I'm still shipping Ayamith, of course, but yeah, I see that Ayame may have simply been using her feminine wiles to sucker Lilith into being cured.
Professor Sora in his work attire reminded me of Matt Smith's portrayal of The Doctor (from Doctor Who)!  I thought it was rather fantastic!
Poor Tetsuya always in the background being as solid as can be as he works away on projects that don't demand screentime.  And how very sweet of Ayame to be supportive of Captain Background (he is a hero, so I figured he needed a super hero name)   ;=)
Oh no!  Meong is glitched?!?!?  Well, an eternal source of kitten spam doesn't seem like too horrible of a problem to have, right?
An excellent update and I can't wait to see what's next for the Momo Clan!

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.22: Emotionally Mindful (3 Feb update)
« Reply #106 on: February 10, 2021, 03:07:34 AM »
I thought I'd done a rather good job of matching projects to heroes.
Since I didn't play-test them all in advance (just a few), I didn't realize until too late that I have too few feasible projects as my dynasty nears its end.
Oh well.
Haha, I really love Tetsuya "Captain Background"! He's handled all of his projects so well!
But my active adventurous sim has definitely had the projects most enjoyable to play.

Yes, Meong the eternal kitten is a little bit of a pain. Like, he has to be picked up and carried up/down the stairs.
He has the prowler trait but we never send him prowling because he wouldn't be able to get back into the house (because stairs).

Haha, speaking of projects, my next update is a complete mess.

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Offline oshizu

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7 Heroes 5.23: Um, I Got Options
« Reply #107 on: February 10, 2021, 04:51:48 AM »
5.22:  Um, I Got Options

Year 2/Week 19: Tuesday (Day 129, 3rd week of spring)
At 4 pm, I return home at the top of the Professor career.
I got supremely lucky with chance cards, earning two promotions in two days!

And, since I've already mentored 7 children, my second project is now complete!

Check out this letter I received last week while I was still at university.
It's a recruitment letter from the Secret Service Bureau.

Of course, I accept the offer today. Our simverse needs me!
Thanks to my degree, I join the Diamond Agent career at Level 8.  Sweet!

Hiromi: So, are we all in agreement about our future 7th hero?
Tetsuya: Yes, I vote for adopting a child, not a toddler.

Kiyomi: Me, too, especially since we've all completed one project each!
By the way, Sora, that's a classy suit! The James Bond look suits you!
Sora: *blushes

Tetsuya: Not to change the subject, but thank you all for agreeing to keep Meong!
He'll never age up but he'll never misbehave, either!

Soon after, Grandma* adopts a new family member named Mikayla.
We've renamed her Kaila, which is a Hawaiian name.

Very lucky for Meong that Kayla's a Cat Lover!
*Ever since she broke up with my schoolmate, I stopped calling her Not-Grandma.

We spend the evening at the gym in Oasis Springs.
Papa Kiyomi invites friends to the gym so he can mentor them in fitness.

We're all going to have to give Ayame tips on Parenting.
Why did it take her 3+ hours to "Read to a child for two hours"?

This morning, Ayame starts her new career and Kaila starts grade school.
.We all voted against Ayame joining the Doctor career last night.
Watcher believes the Doctor project will be too time-consuming.

Given the remaining project choices, Ayame enters politics.

As for me, I switched to the Detective career last night.
Arresting 7 felons seems easier than finding 7 evil sims and witnessing their deaths.

With my degree, I join as a Level 8 Captain.
I easily complete Training Day 1 without a hitch.

When Grandma remembers to capture Kaila's epic saga, we all get a surprise.
Grandma can write an epic saga of Meong as well?
Is that so we can bring him back to life in case of an accident?
Huh, we'd never even thought of that!

It's so handy having a fishing spot in our neighborhood.
As an older brother, I help Kaila level her fishing skill.

In fact, she asks me to become her BFF!

Early in the morning, we celebrate the release of Uncle Tetsuya's sixth video game.
To complete his project, he needs one more video game and three more promotions.

He's been saying that, after all his efforts, he deserves more than a meditation stool.
But what kind of entertainment wouldn't make us too playful?

My Training Day 2 assignment has me go on patrol.
To my surprise, I'm assigned to patrol my own neighborhood!

Nobody's out and about when I first get there.
I wait on a bench across the street from our house for an hour or so.

Even though I witness two fights, I never have the option to "Issue a citation."
Of course, my second assignment ends in failure, so I leave work early.

As soon as I get home, I quit that cursed career!
There must be another project I can complete within the next 3-4 weeks.

Hiromi: You're so sweet to quit politics so your brother can enter politics instead.
Ayame: It's no big deal, Grandma. The Politician's career outfit is unbearably frumpy.
Besides, I don't want to just shuttle back and forth from the party headquarters.
I have another project in mind.

Momo: Seriously?  There's nothing to do here except meditate or this boring table game?

Sora: Nothing like a promotion on my first day of work!
And I choose the Politician branch of the Politician career. Huh?
Are the career and its branch sposed to match like that?

Once everyone's back home and more or less settled, Ayame heads out to Brindleton Bay.
She's bought the Tail's End lot in  the Whiskerman's Wharf district.

You know the Domus Familiarus house in the Sable Square district?
We've had it renovated so Ayame can use it as a retail store.

The store area only takes up the left half of the first floor.
The rest of the lot is strictly off limits except to household members.
And since our eternal kitty can't use stairs, a large deck is added out back.

The grand opening is tomorrow!

Both Uncle Tetsuya and Papa Kiyomi work today, but Ayame insists on opening early this mroning.
As soon as Uncle Tetsuya completes his seventh video game (!), we all head for Tail's End.

My sister Ayame doesn't seem to be much suited for this project.
She needs to be locked inside her store to prevent her from chatting with us out back. Sheesh!

Ayame's mostly selling off-the-grid furnishings. The paintings are just for ambiance.

Late afternoon, I mosey on down to Salty Paws Saloon with some of the family.
I hold a protect to support A World United, but draw no onlookers.

Perhaps it's better to actually travel to the saloon beforehand.

Week 20, Sunday
Ayame's grand opening runs from 6 am Saturday until 4 am this morning.
She's not going to restock anymore, though she can earn perk points from restocking.

It's faster if she simply removes the Sold sign then places the merch stockpiled in advance.
One of us occasionally helps out by mopping the floor or Rallying the Troops.

Ayame's store offers eco-efficient furnishing.
She figures plumbing that is not off the grid can be eco-efficient if it recycles water.
Grandma and Uncle Tetsuya perform instant upgrades to make that happen.

Kaila hoped to collect bird photos but learned that Meong can't be sent to chase after birds.
It's no doubt a kitten thing.
We visit the Flea Market so Kaila can look for more MySims Trophies, but no luck.
I hold my third protest here, though, so the trip's not totally wasted.

Ayame puts in a grueling 12 hours at the store and earns 18k simoleons.
Her sales skills seems to be improving!

Something for everybody today!
Grandma captures Meong's epic sage in a Book of Life.

Papa earns his Level 9th promotion as a Personal Trainer.
Only Watcher misses his skimpy career outfit from last week.

Uncle Tetsuya and I finish work at the same time.
Like Papa, he also brings home his Level 9 promotion.
And here's his Royalties Report from Saturday, showing he's released all 7 video games!

I'm a Level 6 Politician as of today.
This week, I'll do my best to finish my project's demos and speeches. Wish me luck!

Household Progress

2nd Hero: Tetsuya
In-Progress Project
*Max the Tech Guru career (9/10) and write 7/7 video games

4th Hero: Kiyomi
In-Progress Project
*Max Personal Trainer branch of Athletics (9/10) and mentor  7/7 Sims in fitness
(Momo Nana, Naoki Yamada, Nick Reagan, Tonya Reagan, Freddy Reagan, Ayako Goto, Ayame Nana)

5th Hero: Sora
Completed Projects (2)
*Max the Teacher career (10/10) and mentor 7/7 children or teens
  (Nicholas Ikeda, Hun Goto, Alexandria Pierce, Gerard Yamaguchi, Carol Sasaki, Payton Ikeda , Jodi Goto)

In-Progress Project
*Max Secret Agent career (8/10) and witness the death of 7 evil sims. Nope.
*Max Detective career (8/10) and arrest 0/7 felons. Nope.
*Max Politician career (6/10), participating in 3/7 demos and giving 0/7 inspired speeches

6th Hero: Ayame
In-Progress Project
*Max Doctor career and perform 7 surgeries.  Nope.
*Max Politician career (5/10), participating in 7 demos and giving 7 inspired speeches. Nope.
*Make 38,296/70,000 simoleons running a retail store that sells essential items

Future 7th Hero: Kaila
Traits: Cat Lover
Requirements: 6/7 completed
   1. 9/7 scouting badges: Civic Responsibility, Scholarly Aptitude, Give Back, Good Deeds, Young Scientist, Outdoor Adventurer, Sociability (plus Arts & Crafts + Keep Fit)
   2. 7 emotional whims: C/Meet someone new, C/Make a friend, C/Tell incredible story, F/Play video game, F/Finish reading a book, I/Play an instrument, I/Talk about dreams
   3. 7 objects: 3 motion potions, 2 spring crafts, 2 drawings.
   4. Level 7 skill: Piano
   5. 7 collectibles: Tobor x2, Zombie Carl Goth Boy, Trevor Verily, Yuki, Hopper,
   6. 7 unique fish: Perch, Angelfish, Bass, Betta, Minnow, Treefish, Sturgeon.
   7. TBD:


*Salaryperson Project: I really wanted to have a hero, specifically Ayame, do this project.
Donating $1,000 to charity via the computer has a cooldown of about 24 hours, which means $70k in donations would take at least 70 days to complete. Compared to other projects, 70 days seems excessive.

*Detective/Issue a citation: I made a copy of my official save and repeated Training Day 2 twice more, but Sora never got the Issue a citation option.
Yes, I checked a Youtube video or two to ensure I was looking in the right menu for the social.

*Household Shoe Rules: I've removed the signs for removing shoes in the house.
I'd been having trouble with my aliens not properly switching skintones when changing to or removing their human disguise. I read on EA Answers HQ that this bug is caused when they're not wearing shoes inside the house. Sheesh.

Offline Auranaris

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.23: Um, I Got Options (10 Feb update)
« Reply #108 on: February 10, 2021, 08:34:29 AM »
Yikes! That chapter was... very chaotic.

Have you tried giving Meong (sorry if I misspelled that) an age up treat?

Sorry about all the bugs and glitches  :(
they/he pronouns please!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.23: Um, I Got Options (10 Feb update)
« Reply #109 on: February 10, 2021, 09:18:02 AM »
Ayame is knocking it out of the park with that store!!  I'll bet Momo would be good at helping her run it  ;=)
When "Not-Grandma" first hooked up with the college friend, I had my suspicions that the final hero would be biological, but little Kaila is a cutie pie...and will never put you through the burrito or toddler days, so probably a good choice  ;=)
So much shifting and juggling projects!  Excellent work at being a flexible Watcher  :=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.23: Um, I Got Options (10 Feb update)
« Reply #110 on: February 10, 2021, 01:42:44 PM »
Yikes! That chapter was... very chaotic.

Have you tried giving Meong (sorry if I misspelled that) an age up treat?

Sorry about all the bugs and glitches  :(
Thank you reading @Auranaris
Yes, in fact, Tetsuya crafted 4 Age-Up Treats which he gave to Meong one after another, but they didn't age Meong up to an adult cat.
I think the only solution would be to use the cas.fulleditmode cheat to age Meong up in CAS, but I'd have to ask permission from the Challenge Team.
Since owning an eternal kitty is more of an occasional bother than a serious threat to the dynasty challenge, I'm just going to continue playing with Meong as a kitten.
As for other bugs, I haven't been able to play that Detective career in years! I really thought it might work this time since I'm not using any cc, but no joy.
Sure, I could re-install my game to see if it fixes the career, but I decided to abandon that project. :)

Ayame is knocking it out of the park with that store!!  I'll bet Momo would be good at helping her run it  ;=)
When "Not-Grandma" first hooked up with the college friend, I had my suspicions that the final hero would be biological, but little Kaila is a cutie pie...and will never put you through the burrito or toddler days, so probably a good choice  ;=)
So much shifting and juggling projects!  Excellent work at being a flexible Watcher  :=)
Haha, Momo is summoned every now and then for cleaning, mopping up, and removing Sold signs.
The store is Ayame's project so she really needs to do all the main stuff herself.  She hasn't hired any employees, either.
Not sure why the store's always so crowded. Maybe I should raise the Price Markup from 25% to 50%?

As for Kaila, I really really wanted the 7th household member to have the Father Winter's Child trait, haha.
Kaila is a beautiful child, though, and will possibly shorten this challenge's duration by two weeks (pregnancy + toddlerhood).

Offline oshizu

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7 Heroes 6.24: You Better Shop Around (11 Feb update)
« Reply #111 on: February 11, 2021, 05:00:16 PM »
6.24: You Better Shop Around

Year/Week 20, Monday (Day 135, 4th week of spring)
Ayame: After all those hours this weekend, everybody needs a night off from my sshop.
Instead, we travel to San Myshuno where we listen as Sora gives two Expert Inspiring Speeches.

What would Sora do without us? The friends he invited all ran off to the Skye Fitness Gym.
Lucky Momo!  She's off volunteering with Kaila! *stifles a yawn

Of course, Sora follows his speeches with a demo to protest Skye Fitness Center's discriminatory hiring practices.
It's his most successful protest so far.

Papa's friend in the white skirt brought along a protest sign AND a megaphone.
The man in the hat beside her is random passerby who decides to join the cause!

I'm giving Sora a Lotus Blossom aromatherapy massage to boost his confidence at work.

During the two days I worked in politics, I didn't pre-work massages from nobody.
Just sayin'.

Since only Sora and Kaila are out today, I decide to open my store.

Our kitty Meong requires a fair bit of extra attention.
He needs to be picked up and carried into any building with stairs, such as my shop or our home.
And we can't just send him home, because he can't get inside by himself.
Perhaps we could place an extra food bowl and litter box  in the yard  Meong can access.

I've changed up my merchandise since the weekend.
Now, nothing in my shop costs more than 2,500 simoleons (the popular Realm of Magic fridge).
Also, I'm keeping my price markup at 25%.
My goal is to offer the community essential, eco-friendly furnishings, not earn huge profits.

So, I'm in the  shop, dashing around and juggling a half dozen customers by myself.
Meanwhile, the rest of the household has all the fun.

After one of my customers dies right in my shop, the Grim Reaper pays us a visit.
Next thing I notice, he's walking to the back porch to play ping pong with Auntie Momo.
(Watcher's note: Momo and Grim arranged that all on their own, haha!)

By 10 pm, I've been open for 13 hours.
Sure, I could easily make another three sales but I've done enough for today.

As of today, I've earned 50,700 simoleons.
Two more days like today and I can finish my project.

Everyone's glad when I close up shop.
Feeling generous, I treat the household to a light dinner at Villa Bovine.

My family is full of saints.
Every night, we alternate between my shop and Sora's demos, but nobody complains.

What? I can't go into Buy mode to get Meong an extra food bowl and litter box as I'd planned.
Ooooooh, after 17 days as a kitty, he's finally aging up.

Here's  adultMeong, throwing shade at Tetsuya after being scolded for scratching the furniture.
Was the eternal kitty a blessing in disguise?
Kaila is mad that Meong waited until  after she gathered her 7 collectibles.

Speaking of Kaila, she entered a Bear phase last night at the restaurant.
Grandma's humoring her by wearing a bear costume, too.
Wait, if Kaila is Grandma's daughter, does that means she's my "Auntie Kaila"? How unfair is that?

Anyway, as soon as Sora leaves for work, the rest of us head for my shop.  Why not?

We've heard rumors floating around about that nearby lounge called Club Calico.
Apparently, they occasionally bar admission to alien hybrids.

When Sora gets off work at 4 pm, he goes there to protest Club Calico's xenophobic business practices.

I close shop 12 hours after opening.
Holy cow, tonight's profits bring my total to 69,170 simoleons.
No way I'm not going to reopen tonight to earn my remaining 830 simoleons!

It takes me another 3 hours to make my final sale.
(I guess it takes my customers awhile to walk up the slope to my shop?)

This wonderful lady buys an off-the-grid fridge for 2,500 simoleons.
I've earned 71,660 simoleons all told. Yep, I've completed my second project! *dusts off hands

Papa Kiyomi will definitely max his career tomorrow.
But not Uncle Tetsuya and he doesn’t like the idea of working next week.

So he buys a Whispering Wishing Well and asks politely for a promotion.
He'd have been happy with a "guaranteed promotion."
But he receives a full promotion and completes his Tech Guru project.  Way to go, Uncle Tetsuya!

Now that Uncle Tetsuya has quit his job, I hope he can give Meong his full-time attention.
I hate to say this but adult Meong is a remorseless scalliwag  though, of course, he looks as adorable as ever.

He's constantly scratching furniture and jumping on the kitchen counters and fridge.
So far, Uncle Tetsuya has failed to teach Meong right from wrong.
For now, though, Meong is quietly getting his (catnip) buzz on.

Both Kaila and Sora are back home now.
Kaila ages up to a teenager next Monday. She'll definitely finish her requirements by then.

Brother Sora will no doubt want to go out to give an inspiring speech this evening.

Well, I'm going to close this update here.
Uncle Tetsuya and I both completed projects, so that's real progress, right?
Sorry to bore you with my shop's financial reports, but I thought you might enjoyed a detailed look at my project progress.

I hope we'll all be free this coming weekend. Maybe we can take a short vacation somewhere fabulous?

Household Progress

2nd Hero: Tetsuya
Completed Projects (5)
*Max the Tech Guru career (10/10) and write 7/7 video games

4th Hero: Kiyomi
In-Progress Project
*Max Personal Trainer branch of Athletics (9/10) and mentor  7/7 Sims in fitness

5th Hero: Sora
In-Progress Project
*Max Politician career (7/10), participating in 5/7 demos and giving 2/7 inspired speeches

6th Hero: Ayame
Completed Projects (2)
*Make 71,660/70,000 simoleons running a retail store that sells essential items

Future 7th Hero: Kaila
Traits: Cat Lover
Requirements: 6/7 completed
   1. 9/7 scouting badges: Civic Responsibility, Scholarly Aptitude, Give Back, Good Deeds, Young Scientist, Outdoor Adventurer, Sociability (plus Arts & Crafts + Keep Fit)
   2. 7 emotional whims: C/Meet someone new, C/Make a friend, C/Tell incredible story, F/Play video game, F/Finish reading a book, I/Play an instrument, I/Talk about dreams
   3. 7 objects: 3 motion potions, 2 spring crafts, 2 drawings.
   4. Level 7 skill: Piano
   5. 7 collectibles: Tobor x2, Zombie Carl Goth Boy, Trevor Verily, Yuki, Hopper,
   6. 7 unique fish: Perch, Angelfish, Bass, Betta, Minnow, Treefish, Sturgeon.
   7. 5/7 volunteering activities: Bake Sale, :Beach Cleanup, Nursing Home, Soup Kitchen, Walk to Fight Disease, 2 more.

*Ayame's shop: With only one sim doing everything (except remove Sold signs) and no restocking, Ayame hardly earned any perk points.
She earned just a little over 1,000 perk points, spending 500 on the Faster Checkout (Small) perk.
She sold off-the-grid kitchen and bathroom furnishings, regular baths with the water recycler upgrade, desks, dining tables, dining chairs, and an upgraded treadmill.
The best-selling item was the Armed Dining Chair ($990).

*Meong: Meong suddenly aged up to an adult one morning after 17 days as a kitten (instead of the normal 4 days). I have no idea what triggered that.

*Scared moodlet: One of Ayame's customers was scared and, though his Shopping bar was full, wouldn't commit to a purchase.
Ayame changed the customer's mood to Happy by using the Wellness social "Share detox secrets." I'll have to remember that!

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Offline Auranaris

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Re: 7 Heroes 6.24: You Better Shop Around (11 Feb update)
« Reply #112 on: February 11, 2021, 05:23:56 PM »
Yay! Happy VERY late birthday Meong! (Clapping whilst glaring at age bar)
they/he pronouns please!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: 7 Heroes 6.24: You Better Shop Around (11 Feb update)
« Reply #113 on: February 11, 2021, 05:41:53 PM »
That last shot!!!  You did that on purpose, didn't you?   ;=)
Congrats to the lovely Ayame on completing her second project and congrats to Grim on finding the loveliest ping pong partner ever  :=)
Ayame's stifled yawn at Sora's rally was just fantastic!  It's so sweet how the family shows up to support the poor guy when the rest of his audience ditches him to go to they gym!
Meong has morphed from the adorable eternal kitten into the ultimate sassball!!!  Absolutely hilarious! 
Looking forward to seeing what's next...including a teen Kaila!!!

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 6.24: You Better Shop Around (11 Feb update)
« Reply #114 on: February 11, 2021, 05:59:37 PM »
Yay! Happy VERY late birthday Meong! (Clapping whilst glaring at age bar)
Meong thanks you! I don't know how long his adult stage will be but the family's been equipped with Age-Down treats since they lived in Mt. Komorebi.
Seriously, I have no idea what Meong's deal is.

That last shot!!!  You did that on purpose, didn't you?   ;=)
Congrats to the lovely Ayame on completing her second project and congrats to Grim on finding the loveliest ping pong partner ever  :=)
Ayame's stifled yawn at Sora's rally was just fantastic!  It's so sweet how the family shows up to support the poor guy when the rest of his audience ditches him to go to they gym!
Meong has morphed from the adorable eternal kitten into the ultimate sassball!!!  Absolutely hilarious! 
Looking forward to seeing what's next...including a teen Kaila!!!
I confesss that the last shot was just for you! But I was delightfully surprised to find Momo and Grim playing ping pong.
When I looked out back for a second, there they were. I wish I knew who had invited who to play. :)
I have yet to fully explore the ping pong table. Does it offer beer pong, too?  (which I've never played in my life, lol)

Meong cracks me up. That half-lidded glare at Tetsuya after getting caught scratching the furniture.
When Tetsuya scolded him for jumping on counters, Meong simply turned his back on Tetsuya and sat (still on the counter) facing the fall.

Yeah, the family seems to enjoy yelling and waving their placadrs at demos, but their attention wanders during Sora's (uninpsiring) inspiring speeches.
Luckily, Sora bought himself a portable podium so he can now bore folks anywhere, anytime.

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Re: 7 Heroes 6.24: You Better Shop Around (11 Feb update)
« Reply #115 on: February 14, 2021, 03:59:28 PM »
Oh my you have been so busy.

Please follow the forum rules.

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 6.24: You Better Shop Around (11 Feb update)
« Reply #116 on: February 16, 2021, 02:57:43 AM »
Oh my you have been so busy.

Haha, yes, we have. It's been great fun exploring the various projects!

Offline oshizu

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7 Heroes 6.25: He Doth Protest Too Much
« Reply #117 on: February 16, 2021, 03:38:16 AM »
6.25: He Doth Protest Too Much

Year/Week 20, Thursday (Day 138, 4th week of spring)
Poor Sora! He tries to change things up by taking us to Ward Park in Del Sol Valley.
When he gives an Expert Inspiring Speech, we all ignored him.
The dang nearby food stall is impossible to resist and we all run off except Papa Kiyomi.

Never one to waste a trip, Sora decides to stage his last two demonstrations right here.
He decries the inequal access by minority groups to gigs in the entertainment industry.
Bias and discrimination are everywhere!

Several passers-by join our protect which also attracts an onlooker. Good stuff!

Encouraged by the growing crowd, Sora whips out his podium again and gives another inspiring speech.
Like everyone else, I'm much too caught up protesting to listen to Sora's speech.
His audience probably consists only of Papa and Uncle Tetsuya. But, hey, that still counts!

After those two pathetically attended speeches, Sora naturally gravitates to San Myshuno.
No, you do not see me here.
I've bribed Grandma to let me take Kaila on her 7th volunteering activity.

On the plus side, Sora now only has to give two more inspiring speeches.

Today, Papa Kiyomi returns home with his 10th and final promotion.
He has completed his Personal Trainer project and promoted fitness all over our simverse.

As you might expect, we are back in Uptown, San Myshuno, tonight.
Sora is giving his last two Inspiring Expert Speeches to my long-suffering family.

Mercifully, I spare you yet another shot of Sora and his speeches.
Instead, I am mentoring Kaila in violin as she plays with emotion for her fourth character value.

A two-day vacation in Sulani!  It's like a dream come true!
We are renting the Kailua Villa on the island of Lani St. Taz.

Uncle Tetsuya complains that the villa has no electronic media except a huge TV.
I'm sure we'll find ways to relax and enjoy ourselves this weekend!

I prepared Eggs Benedict this morning for breakfast.
But I'm so upset with Uncle Tetsuya, Auntie Momo, and Sora.

Can you believe they ate their meals standing in the kitchen.
The only came to the table to drop off their empty plates. How rude!

We spend the day at Ohan'ali Beach.
Kaila's happy to learn that she can command adult Meong to chase the seagull flocks.

Sadly, she put the feather piles in her inventory but not open them.
I suggest that she saves the feather piles until she's a teen.

Uncle Tetsuya learns about the fishing tournament and gets Papa to join it, too.

Around 8:30 pm, he submits an excellent, large Mahi Mahi, weighing 21.9 kg.
The lady says it's the biggest one she's seen so far. Right, I bet she says that to all the guys!

Papa actually caught a larger, heavier fish than Uncle Tetsuya did.
But the tournament ended before he could submit his great, 32-kg Parrotfish. 
So, Uncle Tetsuya ended up winning today's fishing tournament. 
No prize, though, and the lady kept his fish.

By 11:30 pm, Kaila has 7 piles of feathers in her inventory, so we head home.
Don't worry about Meong!
He got a huge treat from Kaila for every pile of feathers he gathered.

Week 21, Sunday
Early in the morning, Kaila asks that we end our vacation and return home.
Last week, Watcher remodeled our Inspired Studio into a room for Kaila's exclusive use .

Who can blame Kaila for wanting to make the room her own?
The first thing she does is sit down at the séance table to commune with the dead.

Before long, Kaila is skilled enough to host a group séance.
She's invited me to join her along with Grandma and Papa.

The three of us also acquired some Medium skill.
I wonder…Would it benefit our entire household to learn it?

Kaila is such a diligent child!
She takes my remark to heart and holds group seances to include us all.

Except for Kiyomi who's now a Level 3 Medium, the rest of us reach Level 2.
And, in the process, Kaila herself maxes the Medium skill!

Uncle Tstsuya catches Meong on a kitchen counter, eating human food.
His scolding only teaches Meong not to jump on counters.
I guess that means Meong's not ready to give up human food yet.

And why should he?
Meong's already charmed Uncle Tetsuya into forgetting all about his misconduct.
Between Uncle Tetsuya and Meong, my uncle is definitely not the Alpha!

Around 9 pm, "somebody" welcomes us to our haunted house.

Two friendly green spectres come visiting.
Kaila gives them gifts and everyone's fine.

Early in the morning, it's time for Kaila to age up to a teenager.

After her makeover, Kaila quickly hangs up her collection of 7 bird paintings.
Thanks, Meong!

And then Kaila's right back at her birthday cake.
She has no reason to wait to age up to a young adult.

And here she is!
Don't let those big, innocent eyes fool you, folks!
Our Kaila is not only a Cat Lover but she's also Adventurous and Romantic.

Y'all better lock up your sons!

Household Progress

4th Hero: Kiyomi
Completed Projects (5)
*Max Personal Trainer branch of Athletics (10/10) and mentor  7/7 Sims in fitness

5th Hero: Sora
In-Progress Project
*Max Politician career (9/10), participating in 7 demos and giving 7 inspired speeches

Future 7th Hero: Kaila
Traits: Cat Lover, Adventurous, Romantic.
Character Values: all 5.
Requirements: Completed
   1. 9/7 scouting badges: Civic Responsibility, Scholarly Aptitude, Give Back, Good Deeds, Young Scientist, Outdoor Adventurer, Sociability (plus Arts & Crafts + Keep Fit)
   2. 7 emotional whims: C/Meet someone new, C/Make a friend, C/Tell incredible story, F/Play video game, F/Finish reading a book, I/Play an instrument, I/Talk about dreams
   3. 7 objects: 3 motion potions, 2 spring crafts, 2 drawings.
   4. Level 7 skill: Piano
   5. 7 unique fish: Perch, Angelfish, Bass, Betta, Minnow, Treefish, Sturgeon.
   6. 7 volunteering activities: Bake Sale, :Beach Cleanup, Nursing Home, Soup Kitchen, Walk to Fight Disease, Nursing Home, Soup Kitchen.
   7. 7 collectibles: Heron, Spotted Sixam, Parrot, Duck, Puffin, Cardinal, Crow,
In-Progress Project
*Exorcize 0/7 different households at the Expert level.

*Sulani vacation rental: This is a gallery download named "Kailua Villa" by Silrosse (aka Jemba).
*Haunted House lot: Sunday morning, after the family returned from Sulani, I switched the lot type of their house from Residential to Haunted House.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: 7 Heroes 6.25: He Doth Protest Too Much (16 Feb update)
« Reply #118 on: February 16, 2021, 08:15:22 AM »
Lock up your sons indeed!  Kaila is pretty fantastic.  Well, maybe I meant pretty and fantastic!
I am angry with Ayame because she ridiculed Momo for eating in the kitchen.  Momo can do what she wants!
You're making such great progress on this!!  The only real problem with that is that it means the story will end soon  :=(   Love this family, love your writing, and looking forward to the next update  :=)

Offline Auranaris

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Re: 7 Heroes 6.25: He Doth Protest Too Much (16 Feb update)
« Reply #119 on: February 16, 2021, 09:00:54 PM »
After reading this update I realized something... I completely messed up with the rules of my 7HD. I had the heroes do one unique requirement thing each, instead of 7 each. NOOOOO!  :'(

Btw Kaila is really pretty
they/he pronouns please!

