Yikes! That chapter was... very chaotic.
Have you tried giving Meong (sorry if I misspelled that) an age up treat?
Sorry about all the bugs and glitches 
Thank you reading
@Auranaris Yes, in fact, Tetsuya crafted 4 Age-Up Treats which he gave to Meong one after another, but they didn't age Meong up to an adult cat.
I think the only solution would be to use the cas.fulleditmode cheat to age Meong up in CAS, but I'd have to ask permission from the Challenge Team.
Since owning an eternal kitty is more of an occasional bother than a serious threat to the dynasty challenge, I'm just going to continue playing with Meong as a kitten.
As for other bugs, I haven't been able to play that Detective career in years! I really thought it might work this time since I'm not using any cc, but no joy.
Sure, I could re-install my game to see if it fixes the career, but I decided to abandon that project.

Ayame is knocking it out of the park with that store!! I'll bet Momo would be good at helping her run it ;=)
When "Not-Grandma" first hooked up with the college friend, I had my suspicions that the final hero would be biological, but little Kaila is a cutie pie...and will never put you through the burrito or toddler days, so probably a good choice ;=)
So much shifting and juggling projects! Excellent work at being a flexible Watcher :=)
Haha, Momo is summoned every now and then for cleaning, mopping up, and removing Sold signs.
The store is Ayame's project so she really needs to do all the main stuff herself. She hasn't hired any employees, either.
Not sure why the store's always so crowded. Maybe I should raise the Price Markup from 25% to 50%?
As for Kaila, I really really wanted the 7th household member to have the Father Winter's Child trait, haha.
Kaila is a beautiful child, though, and will possibly shorten this challenge's duration by two weeks (pregnancy + toddlerhood).