Author Topic: 7 Heroes 7.29: We're Finished! [Completed 4 March 2021]  (Read 62624 times)

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 4.16: Socks for...Servos?! (24 Jan update)
« Reply #90 on: January 25, 2021, 07:30:18 PM »
Momo is easily the most thoughtful Sim of all time.  Socks for people in a tropical climate and now socks for robots.  No one else would have been kind enough to recognize how rarely those groups are probably gifted socks  :=)
Also, loving that Momo alone is mastering the snowboard while everyone else does skiing.  Of course, I also enjoyed her calling out her Watcher for having a favorite (not that I also have a favorite, of course).   ;=)
Little Ayame is such a cutie pie!  I just love the uncertain smile you caught in her human disguise!  Can't wait until we transition to having Momo freed up to be her main caregiver so there will be Momo and Ayame spam showing up in your updates  :=)
Congrats on all the great progress and best of luck to Sora at uni!!

Momo is truly fortunate to have such a faithful follower as you, Pippin! She appreciates your careful attention to every drop of her awesomeness.
Ayame is rather green with envy but is relieved to have lost her chipmunk cheeks on her most recent birthday.
In case you're wondering, Momo has one last update waiting in the wings.

Wow, you are really moving along with the projects!

About University -- do homework to 75%; in class, take notes. Get an Outstanding on the presentation and the Term Paper. That should be enough to get an A+.

The projects have been such an incredibly fun part of this challenge!
As I mentioned to Pippin earlier, I've been trying to mix up the projects so each hero would have a first main, rather active project followed by a few that can be worked on in the background.
Thank you for motivating me to try out so many new things in The Sims 4!

Your university tips are much appreciated! It's been so much fun trying to figure out how everything works!
In game, we're stopped right before Sora leaves for his last day of classes of Term 1(Friday).
He's already submitted an Outstanding term paper and given an Excellent presentation.
He's taken notes in class everyday except the first day, because his Watcher forgot to pause the game before flitting off to read a new Pursuers update. *coughs

Questions: Why do only 75% of each homework?  Because doing more doesn't change the response (popup) from the professor?
                 He Studied once for each class plus a 2nd time for classes with a final exam.  So, Sora didn't need to study? :S

Offline oshizu

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7 Heroes 4.18: Hotpot at the Peak
« Reply #91 on: January 26, 2021, 02:44:59 AM »
4.18.  Hotpot at the Peak

Week 15, Tuesday (Day 101, 3rd week of winter)
Momo: Sora's hoping to be admitted to university in time to enroll this coming Friday.
Even he enrolls three days from now, he doesn't start classes until the following Monday.

So, I'm back for one last update! Well, for part of it, anyway.

After Sora's YA birthday, he wasn't thrilled about all the woohoo and his rushed marriage.
But thanks in part to his extracurriculars, Kiyomi becomes a Patriarch this afternoon.

I'd been working with Ayame on her skills for hours.
But once Kiyomi's off work, I bow out to let Sora and Ayame benefit from the Patriarch effect.

Kiyomi only needs to guide one more sim to Mt. Komorebi's peak.
I can't be bothered to learn rock climbing, but Sora's raring to go.

Reading skill books, he's reached Rocking Climbing 9 already.
He's more the intellectual type, so I'm impressed that he asks Kiyomi for Fitness mentoring.

 Early Wednesday morning, Sora checks the mailbox again.
Still no word about his university application, though he sent it off Sunday morning.

Kiyomi's taken the day off today, so he and Sora head out to Yukimatsu.
Since I'm staying home, I'll let Sora talk you through their journey.

Sora: At the Kinosaki Onsen, Papa repairs his Climbing Gear for the third time.
But he can't fix it back to Great condition, so he throws out his Good gear and buys a new set.
It's a good thing he remembered to bring his laptop!

Anyway, that's why don't start our excursion until around 9:30 am.

And I know you're probably thinking, "Oh no! Not another mountain excursion!"
But this one's extremely special!
It's not only a father-son bonding event and my first excursion but also marks the the completion of Papa's project!

First trail marker!
Remember Tonya Reagan, my half-sister who I invited once to Batuu?
Well, Papa invited her on this excursion, too.
She's still a teen and, by lucky coincidence, she's an active sim.

In the 2nd area, Papa teleports ahead to start one of the goals: a one-hour nap.
I can't teleport (yet).
Instead, I go old-school and trudge along with Tonya to the second rock wall.

In the third area, Papa encounters some kodamas.
He decides to make a wish instead of trying to collect one.

Kiyomi: So, how is Tetsuya's servo working out for you and your family?
Tonya: She's neat and family-oriented. She's been a great help to us all! Thanks!
I love everything about her, except those ugly green socks she insists on always wearing.
Sora: Um, did she say those ugly green socks were a gift?

Here at the Croft Icefall, we're still warming up when Tonya starts climbing.

Sora: Papa is such a show-off!
Kiyomi: Would you rather be the one to do the "Climb courageously" goal?
Sora: No thanks. I'll just continue climbing courageously.
Wow, Papa, you even beat Tonya to the top of the Croft Icefall!

On the way to the last trail marker, Papa encounters a another group of kodamas.
He should have collected one; we don't have a white one yet!

What a bummer that we only earn a silver medal for the third area, after completing every goal!
Does time matter? Should we not have stopped to chat and check out the two kodama groups?

Still, Papa has completed his project, guiding 7 sims to Mt. Komorebi's peak. (Tonya was extra.)

Kiyomi: Look! There's the place Tetsuya and I built after my second excursion!
It's nothing fancy, but still a sight for sore eyes, um, and cold, tired bodies!

Sora: Let's invite the rest of the family here, Papa!

Momo: After we all arrive, I prepare yosenabe in the hotpot.
Everyone digs in, except Tonya, who I couldn't invite to join because I'd never met her before.

While we're there, we receive the sad news that Kiyoshi Ito has passed away.

Mama and my brothers want to ski for a few hours before heading home.
Kiyomi bravely attempts high-intensity skiing on the Expert Slope.
Mama, Tetsuya, and Sora stuck with the Intermediate Slope.

Meanwhile, I take Ayame sledding on the Bunny Slope.  Fun for everyone!
Well, except Mama, who always injures herself.

Yesterday, I finished writing my last three unique songs and licensed them.
One for guitar, one for violin, and one for digital keyboard.

My guitar piece, A Relaxed Rhythm, has been nominated for an award.
My Fame is only Rank 2. I bet I'll be barred entrance from the Award Ceremony venue. Pffft!

After Mama, I'm the second Hero to complete four projects!
Kiyomi needs one more promotion and Tetsuya needs to befriend 7 strays!

I can join Mama in a life of leisure except, of course, while Ayama's awake.

By 3 pm, Sora's started to get truly worried.
He'd applied on Sunday with plans to entroll on Friday. 
Why hasn't his acceptance letter arrived?  Has his application been declined?

On a whim, he decides to check his laptop and sees the "Check application status" option.

You'd think a notification called an Acceptance Letter would arrive in the mail, right? Wrong!
But hey, look!
Sora's been accepted into Foxbury Institute's Distinguished Degree Program in Psychology.

Momo: Sora's toddler skilling was the slowest, with no perks from a Tiny House or Big Happy Family.
Since Kiyomi's a Patriarch, Ayama's skill are coming along just fine.

With a Matriarch/Patriarch in the house, Watcher doesn't miss the Tiny House perks anymore.

Sora: I'm so nervous about enrolling in a university, but today's the day!
Do you think it's arrogant of me to sign up for three major courses and an elective?

Sora: Here's my schedule for the first term.
Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better schedule!

Would you mind excusing me for a few hours?
I'm trying to sort through all my coursework for the first term.
There's homework, studying, a term paper, presentation, and two final exams.
I'll start with my homework for Monday's classes then start on the presentation.

Momo: Yikes, Sora's University Project seems really demanding and complicated.
I'm glad to be done with all my projects.
Also, I'm lucky that they all involved doing things I enjoy!

Ayame has four more days until her birthday. We've got our work cut out for us!

Household Progress

2nd Hero: Tetsuya
In-Progress Project:
Max veterinarian skill (10/10) cure 7/7 pets, and befriend  0/7 strays

3rd Hero: Kiyomi
Completed Project (3)
*Guide 7/7 different Sims to the top of Mt. Komorebi in one or more Mountain Excursions
(Tetsuya Nana, Breanna Nana, Dennis Nana; Hiromi Nana, Ayako Goto, Manuel Mendoza; Sora Nana)

In-Progress Project
*Interplanetary Ambassador: Max the Astronaut career (9/10), visit Sixam (done), and have 7/7 Sixamite friends
(Juanita Reagan, Ayaka Goto, Rhys Carr, Jolene Pierce, Yumiko Yamaguchi, Naoki Yamada, Kumiko Ikeda )

4th Hero: Momo
Completed Project (4)
*Write 7/7 unique songs

Future 5th Hero: Sora
In-Progress Project (Enrolled; 0/12 credits)
*Complete Distinguished Degree in Psychology and counsel 7 angry, 7 sad, and 7 tense Sims, putting them in a happy, inspired, or focused mood

Future 6th Hero: Ayame
Traits: Inquisitive
Age: Toddler
7 Requirements: 1/7 complete.
*Complete 7/7 emotional whims: H/Play a tablet game, H/Babble to Kiyomi, H/Play with nesting blocks, H/Look at book, S/Cry, H/Hug stuffed animal, H/Talk to stuffed animal.

*Lot on Mt. Komorebi's Summit: Due to the nature of this challenge, I doubt ihe family will ever visit that lot again..
Otherwise, it could really use a kitchen, a "real" water closet, and toddler amenities.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: 7 Heroes 4.18: Hotpot at the Peak (26 Jan update)
« Reply #92 on: January 26, 2021, 08:20:25 PM »
So many cute shots of Momo and Ayame!  Just loved it!
Congrats to Momo on her 4th project completion, and I hear people find the green socks particularly fashionable  ;=)
Also, congrats on finishing the climbing goal!  And, of course, for getting another excuse to show off the little leisure lot you set up atop the peak  :=)
How funny that you never got an acceptance letter!  I haven't done much with Uni, so I'm not sure if they're supposed to send one or not, but I'd certainly think they would!  Looking forward to seeing how quickly Sora polishes off his degree. 
Oh, and did I mention how much I loved the Momo and Ayame shots?   ;=)
An excellent update and I'm looking forward to reading more about the amazing adventures of the Momo clan!

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 4.18: Hotpot at the Peak (26 Jan update)
« Reply #93 on: January 28, 2021, 03:30:25 AM »
So many cute shots of Momo and Ayame!  Just loved it!
Congrats to Momo on her 4th project completion, and I hear people find the green socks particularly fashionable  ;=)
Also, congrats on finishing the climbing goal!  And, of course, for getting another excuse to show off the little leisure lot you set up atop the peak  :=)
How funny that you never got an acceptance letter!  I haven't done much with Uni, so I'm not sure if they're supposed to send one or not, but I'd certainly think they would!  Looking forward to seeing how quickly Sora polishes off his degree. 
Oh, and did I mention how much I loved the Momo and Ayame shots?   ;=)
An excellent update and I'm looking forward to reading more about the amazing adventures of the Momo clan!

I really enjoyed the mountain excursion project. The easy way would have been for Kiyomi to bring 7 non-household sims.
But it was satisfying to climb to the top with his mother, his brother, then his son. Leveling rock climbing on the machine took ages but it was quick with skill books.
As for that university acceptance letter, I have no idea how to get that in the mail as an actual letter.
In a video, I watched a sim go to her mailbox, receive her acceptance letter, then move the letter from her inventory to the dining table.
I'm too much of a noob to figure out how that works. But the important thing is, Sora got accepted!

Offline oshizu

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7 Heroes 5.19: No Time to Say Hello, Goodbye...
« Reply #94 on: January 28, 2021, 04:00:37 AM »
5.19:  No Time to Say Hello, Goodbye…

Week 15, Friday (Day 104, 3rd week of winter)
I've refined and reorganized my presentation as much as possible.
I do a practice run for Papa and Uncle Tetsuya who listen with interest.

Afterward, Papa suggests I buy a laser pointer.
Hopefully, I'll be able to figure out how to give my presentation in time.

Momo's more than happy to look after Ayame.
Ironically, I don't have time now because I need to study for my Parenting elective.

I'm ready to submit my term paper for one of my major courses.
Term papers are my favorite type of final project.

With a final exam, I can't be sure that I've prepared enough.
This term, I study for a class until I feel "Well Prepared."

Since we don’t celebrate Winterfest, we'd replaced it to add our own holiday.
A once-in-a-lifetime holiday: Ayame's Eggfest!
During this event, Ayame finds her 7 collectibles and completes the decorative egg collection.

Week 16, Monday
Watcher gets distracted, making us free-range while she reads about another heroic family.
Did I even attend both my classes today? 
Today's classes both have final exams. If I even attended, I'm sure I didn't take notes!

On the plus side, Watcher reminds me to give my presentation this afternoon.
Win some, lose some.

Papa maxes the Space Ranger career, becoming a full-fledged Interplanetary Ambassador!

If he hadn't taken Wednesday off last week, he could have finished his last project on Thursday.
I'm grateful he took me on that excursion before the start of my first term.

Tomorrow's Ayame's birthday, but her Imagination is just barely Level 4.
Sorry, Auntie Momo, but it's time to bring out the big guns!

Today I learn that, even though I'm responsible, my classroom behavior defaults to "attend class normally."
During both my classes today, I make sure to take notes.

Ayame ages up after I return from class.
She's now a Proper child with the Top-Notch Toddler trait.

Papa and Grandma Hiromi take turns sharing Vampire Knowledge with Ayame.
She hits Level 7 Vampire Lore in no time.

Everyone tags along with me to Foxbury Institute, when I come to attend a guest lecture.
It doesn't start until 5 pm, though, so we hang out at Laurel Library until then.

By the way, how do you like my new look?
My hair's shorter now. My previous coif looked  a bit too Renaissance.

The 2-hour guest lecture I attend is titled, uh, something something Psychology.
I need to attend three of them as part of my journey to become an Academic.

Sora: Why are you collecting frogs, Ayame? You already have 7 Decorative Eggs.
Ayame: I know, but these frogs are for making 7 objects.
There, I'm done: 7 plasma packs!

Sora: Here at the park, I'm just doing my homework and minding my own business.
But I notice another angry sim and then a sad sim, too.

They get happy as soon as I introduce myself. Is it because I'm Emotionally Controlled?
The same thing happened with the angry sim I met at Laurel Library earlier.

I'm not panicking, I'm not panicking. *takes deep breaths
Right. I can't do homework for the grayed-out classes, because they ended this morning.

I'm so worried about my final exams tomorrow, because I didn't take notes the first day.
Darn Watcher, wandering off without hitting Pause first. *sighs

I did email both classes' profs who reassured me of my stellar performance and high grades.
Does that mean I need to study once more for Friday's classes or what?

The same dismal performance assessment arrives for both my final exams this morning!
How does my course status fall from "stellar" to "decent enough" overnight?

My grades don't arrive until 6 pm, but my nerves are a wreck.
Maybe I can go fishing until then.  Maybe Ayame wants to work on Social Butterfly?

At the park, I hardly get any fishing in before I spot two angry sims.
After counseling them, I notice that Ayame's friend-to-be feels Very Sad.
Dr. Sora to the rescue!

By the way, that little girl is my half-sister, Alexandria.

My grades roll in at 6 pm on the dot.
A term GPA of A+.  Go me!

When prompted, I enroll for a second term, obviously.
Again, I take three Psych courses but, this term, my elective is an Acting class.

I immediately take everyone to Foxbury Institute and attend my third guest lecture.
Afterward, Ayame tells me she can't befriend Ezequiel Goto because he's too mad. I can fix that!

Then, I rush off to tutor someone in Research & Debate. 4 hours of tutoring for $100!

Do you remember Ayako Goto, the green alien lady who went on Papa's second excursion?
Papa quietly married her this past week in a private wedding.
Ezequiel is their first son.

I envy Papa for having free time to spend with his son.
Or, perhaps I need to simply make time for my kids! My 3 sons are children now.

Ayame and I are still very close.
This morning, she says: "Sora, you treat people's mental health and I shall heal their bodies!"

After befriending Alexandria and Ezequiel, Ayame's decided to remove her human disguise.
I admire her bravery and confidence.
Personally, I consider my human disguise handsomer than my alien self. Ah, vanity!

Well, I'm going to close this update here.
I still need to draft two term papers and gain some acting skill this weekend.

And, no, I'm not recycling the same presentation that I gave last term.
Yes, I realize they look similar, but they only share the same format and color scheme.
Both its thesis and bibliography are distinctly new!

Household Progress

2nd Hero: Tetsuya
In-Progress Project:
Max veterinarian skill (10/10) cure 7/7 pets, and befriend  0/7 strays

3rd Hero: Kiyomi
Completed Project (4)
*Interplanetary Ambassador: Max the Astronaut career (10/10), visit Sixam (done), and have 7/7 Sixamite friends

Future 5th Hero: Sora
In-Progress Project
*Complete Distinguished Degree in Psychology (4/12 credits) and counsel 5/7 angry, 2/7 sad, and 0/7 tense Sims, putting them in a happy, inspired, confident, or focused mood
--Angry (5);  Advik Nair, Isamu Wada, Freddy Reagan, Tatsuya Abe, Ezequiel Goto
--Sad (2): Aya Matsuda, Alexandria Pierce
--Tense (0);

Future 6th Hero: Ayame
Traits: Inquisitive; Proper; Top-Notch Toddler
Age: Child
7 Requirements: 5/7 complete.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Distinguished Degree in Psychology project: I'm grateful for this project.
Up to now, I've never sent a sim to uni because, with Connections, it's possible to max a career in less time than it takes to get a degree. 
It's been an enjoyable process trying to figure out how the university mechanics work.
I can see the appeal of a rags-to-riches game with an aspiring university student.
Well, except that I almost never play casual games.
*Counseling: I'm still trying to figure out where Sora can encounter tense sims!

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.19: No Time to Say Hello, Goodbye... (28 Jan update)
« Reply #95 on: January 28, 2021, 08:10:13 AM »
Ayame is so cute!!  Of course, no surprise there.  She gets it from Momo  ;=)  So nice to see screenshots of the two loveliest members of the Momo clan spending time together  :=)
Ok, back to non-fanboying things.
Great work on Sora's first semester!  I've never had a Sim counsel anyone, but I assume that weird ray of light going from Sora to Ezequiel was from the counseling interaction?
And yes, Sora's makeover was quite smashing.  Realistic too as it's not uncommon for people to change their look a bit during the college years.
Your usage of the custom holiday to help Ayame finish a collection was pretty clever!  Oh, and hooray for Ayame embracing her alien appearance!  I was mildly surprised when Sora when with disguise mode 24/7, but the lovely lilac lady is absolutely rocking that look  :=)
Go Team Momo!

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.19: No Time to Say Hello, Goodbye... (28 Jan update)
« Reply #96 on: January 28, 2021, 05:00:59 PM »
There is no actual "counsel" social in Sims 4, but Sora has access to character values (as do your sims) to help troubled sims. That creates that orange beam-like thing you see.
The Emotionally Controlled trait lets Sora "Calm emotions" of another sim, whereas his Compassionate trait lets him "Share emotional burden," both of which go toward alleviating the negative mood.
When either interaction is available, it will show up as a friendly social displaying the same icon as the trait.

Yes, little Ayame is pretty as either an alien or a human, and I thought it makes sense for her to be okay with looking alien after seeing her many alien and half-alien relatives.
On the other hand, I really like Sorah's lithe and handsome human form, but not so much his overly muscular alien form.
I'm glad you like Sora's makeover. His human form and new everyday outfit seem to fit the future projects I have in mind for him, too.

I deleted the two premade holidays, Winterfest and New Year's Eve, so the Nanas could celebrate holidays that made sense to them, hehe.
we're only allowed to have two non-popup holidays every two weeks.
I might be running out of ideas for a new spin on each future hero's requirements.

Thanks for always reading and commenting. 🧡

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Offline oshizu

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7 Heroes 5.20: I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm Late!
« Reply #97 on: January 30, 2021, 02:36:42 AM »
5.20:  I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm Late!

Year 2/Week 17, Sunday (Day 113, 1st week of spring)
Today's the first day of the new year!
To celebrate, we don our formal kimono and stroll to the mountain shrine.
Fortunately, it is a lovely, sunny spring day!

At the mountain shrine, Ayame and I inscribe ema plagues with our wishes.
We both asks the shrine's deities for academic success in the year to come.

It's still light out when we leave the shrine, so I invite the family to Foxbury.
You see, I'm trying to tutor five students before the end of my second term.

During the four-hour tutoring session, Ayame can start on one of her requirements.

When I'm done, Ayame only has three unique fish so I suggest we visit Sulani.
It's rather distracting, but I manage to edit and submit my second term paper on the beach.

Just as Ayame catches her seventh fish, I notice I'm Very Playful.
I need to get home to a mirror and calm down immediately!

On Tuesday and Thursday, I have three classes between 8 am and 4:25 pm.
And on the other weekdays, I have one class that starts at 1:30 pm.
What a horrid schedule!
I wish we could see class times when choosing our classes. :(

This morning, I'm out the door at 8 am to give my Psych presentation.
Hopefully, I'll be done in time to arrive punctually for my afternoon class!

I can't tell you exactly how long my presentation lasted. 
When someone finally notices I'm back in the neighborhood, it's 10 am.
I reckon my presentation took 85 minutes, that is, one class period.

Before I head home, my wife Kumiko phones to say she had twins, Payton and Victoria!

You might think that choosing an Acting elective isn't a bright idea, especially since I have zero Acting skill.
But some acting experience would enhance my classroom presence, don't you think?

In the future, that is, if I can get a teaching job.

Yesterday, I arrived an hour late for my 85-minute class.  Not good!
It's hard to stay focused on my schedule with 4 sims dashing about with nothing to do!

Last night, I both did my homework and studied for that Monday class.
When I email the prof, he replies that he believes I "can get ahead." 

Here's Watcher's solution to keep the family out of my way on days I have class.

The family enjoys coming with me whenever I visit campus.
I shake things up by tutoring instead at Britcchester University today.

Ayame: Ugh, more fishing…

Hiromi: What do you all think about Watcher herding us like we're immortal elders?!
Don't you think it would be more fun if we each started a 5th project?
Tetsuya & Momo (in unison): No!

Kiyomi: Definitely not me! Don't forget that Ayame has two birthdays next week.
I need to help Sora and Ayame prepare for the future.
It would be great if you three would help out as well!

Thanks to the meditation scheme, I've been on time for all my classes lately!
After Ayame and I return home, Uncle Tetsuya takes everyone to Salty Paws Saloon.

Ayame: Papa, does playing the violin help Uncle Tetsuya meet kittycats on the docks?
Kiyomi: Uh, no. But it keeps him from running off to dance or drink cocktails.
He needs to wait there for the cats to arrive.

Of the four cats he meets on the docks tonight, he brings two of them home with us.
First, he offers his guests, Precious and Queen Cupcake, hospitable amenities.
Then, he befriends them, one after another.

He decides to buy the Incredibly Friendly trait. Does it even work with pets?

Early morning, Uncle Tetsuya invites over the other two strays he met yesterday.
One of them arrives sick, but Uncle Tetsuya gives him a Wellness treat.

Just as I'm leaving for my second class, he's befriended both cats.
I guess that means we'll be heading back to Brindleton Bay this evening.

After I get back from uni, we all travel to Pupperstone Park.

Papa looks at my laptop with envy, but little does he know!
I need to study for tomorrow's final exam, which is for my worst class.

It's hard to focus at the park with so many folks around.
I end up counseling my last two angry sims: Thalia Tackett and Jolana Pierce.
Jolana is especially upset until I compassionately share her emotional burden.

Uncle Tetsuya insists that we all stay at the park until he befriends his last 3 strays.
Pickles is a big, lovable dog who loves to roughhouse.
Tasha is the saddest looking dog I've ever seen. 
Anyway, Uncle Tetsuya has now officially completed his fourth project.

Why do I do this? Why? Do I have a self-destructive streak?
I was on the front porch at 1:25 pm, ready to leave for my 1:30 final exam.

Suddenly, I got an irresistible urge to browse the web, despite the Go to School popup.
By the time I walk to and from my laptop, I'm 30 minutes late for my final. *sighs
Monday, I was 60 min. late  for an 85-min. class. Today's final is for that same class.

My grades arrive while we're enjoying a Night on the Town at the Cadenza Lounge.
I missed 1.5 hours total of my three class meetings of Social Networks Online and Off.
But I studied every day for that class to make up for my lateness.
Did my studying pay off or am I overdoing it?

Next, I enroll in my last term for Foxbury's Distinguished Degree in Psychology.
As before, I sign up for three core classes and one elective.

I want a fun elective, so I choose to study the Pipe Organ.

Ayame: Um, why are we here in front of this big, scary house?
Sora: I thought you might enjoy this visit.
Ayame: Are you going to send me off somewhere to fish again?
Sora: Not at all. You'll be with Papa and me, right there in the thick of things!

Sora: I'm happy to meet you, too, Vlad, but could you back up a bit?
This isn't the kind of relationship I had in mind. *feigns insouciance

Vlad: Oh, please!  Don't flatter yourself!
You stepped into my space while I was transforming into bat form!

Vlad: Mentoring you in the pipe organ is much more pleasant than I'd imagined!
You and I have even become (gasp) friends! But who are your tagalongs?

Sora: My old man's a Patriarch. He came along to help me learn faster.
My sister Ayame's here because she wanted to meet you.
Vlad: Meet…me?

Ayame: I hope next week will be more fun. I'm bored with visiting Britechester!
Are you done attending guest lectures and tutoring there?

Sora: Yes, I am, Ayame. And, except you and me, everyone's done with their projects.
Ayame: Yay! Let's do lots of new, fun things next week, Sora! But no fishing!

Household Progress

2nd Hero: Tetsuya
Completed Projects (4)
*Max veterinarian skill (10/10), cure 7/7 pets, and befriend  7/7 strays
(Precious, Queen Cupcake, Kuro, Ralphie, Pickles, Teppei, Tasha)

Future 5th Hero: Sora
In-Progress Project
*Complete Distinguished Degree in Psychology (8/12 credits) and counsel 7/7 angry, 3/7 sad, and  0/7 tense Sims, putting them in a happy, inspired, confident, or focused mood
--Angry (7);  Advik Nair, Isamu Wada, Freddy Reagan, Tatsuya Abe, Ezequiel Goto, Thalia Tackett, Jolana Pierce.
--Sad (3): Aya Matsuda, Alexandria Pierce, Isamu Wada.
--Tense (0);

Future 6th Hero: Ayame
Traits: Inquisitive; Proper; Top-Notch Toddler
Age: Child
7 Requirements: Completed.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

*Befriending strays: Does the Incredibly Friendly reward trait make a difference with strays?
  Does catnip make cats easier to befriend or just give them a buzz?
*Counseling: Not a single tense sim yet. But then again, Sora hasn't really had the time yet to spend on community lots, except in Britechester.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.20: I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm Late! (30 Jan update)
« Reply #98 on: January 30, 2021, 11:12:55 AM »
Oh my gosh!  Ayame looked so adorable in her formal kimono!! 
What a fun update!  It was rather amusing as they family kept going to fun places, but there was the constant, "but I had to study and work on papers" narrative going on.  It was like listening to Eeyore from Winne the Pooh  :=)  "Everyone's having a great time...except me."  Wonderful stuff!
Poor Momo and those other Sims who are finished with their projects and have become your virtual IDC elders.  That was a lovely bit of interaction as they chatted around the table about a 5th project and immediately shot it down  :=)  Granted, Momo is amazing, so she could totally manage it  ;=)
Ayame's final commentary about no more fishing was also delightful.  Poor little angel  :=)
Oh, and congrats on still getting all A+'s despite the tardiness to class and the final!

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.20: I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm Late! (30 Jan update)
« Reply #99 on: January 30, 2021, 09:25:33 PM »
You're doing great! As for tense Sims -- someone playing an instrument badly (i.e. at level 1) tends to make them tense.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.20: I'm Late, I'm Late, I'm Late! (30 Jan update)
« Reply #100 on: January 31, 2021, 04:31:43 PM »
Oh my gosh!  Ayame looked so adorable in her formal kimono!! 
What a fun update!  It was rather amusing as they family kept going to fun places, but there was the constant, "but I had to study and work on papers" narrative going on.  It was like listening to Eeyore from Winne the Pooh  :=)  "Everyone's having a great time...except me."  Wonderful stuff!
Poor Momo and those other Sims who are finished with their projects and have become your virtual IDC elders.  That was a lovely bit of interaction as they chatted around the table about a 5th project and immediately shot it down  :=)  Granted, Momo is amazing, so she could totally manage it  ;=)
Ayame's final commentary about no more fishing was also delightful.  Poor little angel  :=)
Oh, and congrats on still getting all A+'s despite the tardiness to class and the final!

Ayame thanks you for the compliment and hopes that you might find it in your heart to transfer some of your undying devotion for Momo to her. <3
Haha, poor Sora and his never-ending coursework.
And, yes, Momo might attempt an additional project in the future, depending mostly on my focus and energy levels, hehe.
Well, Ayame has maxed fishing so there's no more fishing in her foreseeable future as a child. :)

You're doing great! As for tense Sims -- someone playing an instrument badly (i.e. at level 1) tends to make them tense.
Thank you for tip about encountering tense sims.
I did try that once without success (you'll see in an upcoming update).  I'll try again in different (undecorated) spots.

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7 Heroes 5.21: Meong
« Reply #101 on: February 01, 2021, 02:49:01 AM »
5.21:  Meong

Year 2/Week 17, Saturday (Day 119, 1st week of spring)
My sister Ayame deserves to experience more as a child.
The whole household is excited  to come to Yukimatsu for today's Festival of Snow.

As you might expect, I'm sitting in the Onsen Bathhouse, writing a term paper.

Ayame is thrilled about meeting Yama-chan and learning to snowboard on the Bunny Slope.
Her happy face is worth the hassle of trying to  do my coursework in a Bathhouse.

And when I'm done editing, I can enjoy a nice, relaxing soak in the hot springs! I can't wait!

Several hours later…
Sora: Taking a break from snowboarding, Momo?
Momo: I'll say! I had to stop after injuring my knee! I watched your father for a while, though.

Momo: I saw him do an aerial somersault while high-intensity skiing on the Ludicrous Slope.
Your father is an obscenely sensational skiier!
But why are you doing homework here instead of at that desk at the Bathhouse?

Sora: *blushes

Sora: Well, Grandma Hiromi invited one of my uni classmates to meet her at the Bathhouse.
I saw her ask him for his cell number and didn't think much of it as first.
Even though she's my grandmother, hitting on my classmate.

After I submitted my term paper, I went to go soak in the hot springs.

Sora: Let's just say I changed my mind about wanting to relax in the hot springs.

Momo: So that's what happened!
When I saw Mama in the Bathhouse, she was hysterical and trying to calm herself down in a mirror.

Sora: What did you say to each other?
Momo: What do you think? I pretended I didn't know her and came here looking for you.
Sora: Right, if anyone asks me at uni, I'm gonna say that Uncle Tetsuya, Papa, and you are orphans

Week 18, Sunday
After his experience with strays, Uncle Tetsuya decides to adopt a cat.
His thoughts immediately go to Precious, the first stray he ever met and his first pet friend.

At the park, Uncle Tetsuya discovers Precious is an elder, but that's not an issue.
The problem is Precious is a playful cat and our household constantly struggles with hysteria.
Sadly, my uncle realizes that a playful cat is too risky for us.

Back home, Uncle Tetsuya wastes no time phoning the kennel to consider two kittens.
To keep everyone else from interfering, Papa takes them all to volunteer.

Yes, Ayame has maxed Empathy already but she's been asking advice 2-3 times a day lately.
Volunteering doesn't last as long as meditation, but prevents Ayame from asking for advice.

The kittens have arrived!
The one on the right is beautiful, but Uncle Tetsuya's not crazy about her traits.
He ends the evaluation without adopting.

Several hours, he tries again and this time adopts a male Balinese kitten named "Baloo."
Uncle Tetsuya renames the gluttonous, curious prowler kitten "Meong."

Not ideal traits, but Meong's so cute and the other kitten was territorial.

Uncle Tetsuya reassures us that he will not be spoiling Meong.
We're all deeply relieved to hear that!
Ain't nobody got time for huge cat contraptions all over the house, right?

In the evening, Uncle Tetsuya busily makes the Sembamachi park amenable to Meong.
Meanwhile, the rest of us go on a scenic hike.
After not-Grandma and Papa, I'm now the third Nana to become a Mt. Komorebi Sightseer.

My last term starts today!
If I can just avoid being late for class this term, I'll do fine!

Since my first class doesn't start until 11 am, I prepare gourmet cat food for Meong.
He looks overjoyed. I swear he's smiling at me cross-eyed!

Well, fine, Meong! I have some time before class.
I guess there's time to indulge in a hug.
But don't try wrapping me around your little paw, like you've already done with my uncle!
(I'm sure he'll stop being so irresistibly cute once he's an adult cat…)

Back from my 1st class, I notice that Papa and not-Grandma are Very Sad.
There's just enough time to counsel them to Focused mood (since we're in the Focused Room).
Then it's time for me to head for class.

My cooking repertoire is expanding!
This morning, I bake a birthday cake for Ayame.
She's now a proper, vegetarian teen and begins high school tomorrow.

Late that night, an unknown vampire teleports into our house.
How did she get in? All our doors are set to "Household Members Only."

The vampire shouts at Meong while I continue preparing his gourmet pet food.
No, of course not! We are certainly not spoiling Meong!

Ayame's completed everything to qualify for aging up early.
When she gets back from high school, she ages up to an young adult.

Ayame is a Proper, Vegetarian Genius with all five character values!

Ayame: I can't believe you actually invited me out for drinks tonight for my birthday!
Sora: Well, I emailed my professor first, just to be sure.
The prof replied that I'm  "doing exceptionally well" in her class.
Seems like I deserve to take tonight off, for a change.

Ayame and I have already talked over the question of the next heir.
Not-Grandma is eager to adopt a toddler tomorrow for our future 7th hero.
But I persuade her to wait for at least two weeks.

Ayame and I would like to start our careers without worrying about a toddler.
Not-Grandma reluctantly agrees to wait.

Ayame: What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?
Lilith: What a coincidence! I was about to ask you the exact same thing!

Meong: Where did everyone go and when are they coming back?

Household Progress

Future 5th Hero: Sora
In-Progress Projects
*Complete Distinguished Degree in Psychology (8/12 credits) and counsel 7/7 angry, 5/7 sad, and  0/7 tense Sims, putting them in a happy, inspired, confident, or focused mood
--Angry (7);  Advik Nair, Isamu Wada, Freddy Reagan, Tatsuya Abe, Ezequiel Goto, Thalia Tackett, Jolana Pierce.
--Sad (5): Aya Matsuda, Alexandria Pierce, Isamu Wada, Kiyomi Nana, Hiromi Wada. 2 more.
--Tense (0);

Future 6th Hero: Ayame
Traits: Inquisitive; Proper, Genius, Vegetarian; Top-Notch Toddler
Character Values: Good Manners, Responsible, Compassionate, Emotional Control, Mediator.
7 Requirements: Completed.

In-Progress Project:
*Cure 0/7 vampires

*Night Drinkers Crypt is a 30x20 lounge lot created by SpecterCody.
 This is such a gorgeous build and is perfect for Forgotten Hollow!
 I previously used this lot a few years ago in my Sharebears Legacy.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.21: Meong (1 Feb update)
« Reply #102 on: February 01, 2021, 08:53:51 AM »
Ayame is gorgeous!!  And is she really hitting on Lilith?  You know I just adore Lilith.
Poor Momo!!  I haven't really done much with the winter sports stuff, so I haven't been through the injury stuff.  I assume it's just a moodlet?
And yes, the kitten is adorable, but I am not wrapped around it's tiny finger.  Momo and Ayame on the other hand, yeah, totally wrapped around their little fingers  :=)
Hoping Sora's final week of Uni is as spectacularly successful as the first two and looking forward to seeing more of Momo and perhaps more shots of Ayamith (my ship name for Ayame and Lilith)   :=)

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes 5.21: Meong (1 Feb update)
« Reply #103 on: February 03, 2021, 02:28:02 AM »
Ayame is gorgeous!!  And is she really hitting on Lilith?  You know I just adore Lilith.
Poor Momo!!  I haven't really done much with the winter sports stuff, so I haven't been through the injury stuff.  I assume it's just a moodlet?
And yes, the kitten is adorable, but I am not wrapped around it's tiny finger.  Momo and Ayame on the other hand, yeah, totally wrapped around their little fingers  :=)
Hoping Sora's final week of Uni is as spectacularly successful as the first two and looking forward to seeing more of Momo and perhaps more shots of Ayamith (my ship name for Ayame and Lilith)   :=)

You will soon learn the nature of Ayame's relationship with Lilith.
An inured sim will be fine after applying some injury balm and soaking in the hot springs.
As for "more of Momo," she is taking a narrative backseat to the younger members of the household, as is the wont of stories of this nature. :D

Sora and Ayame are hard at work. doing their best to move this dynasty challenge closer to its conclusion.

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7 Heroes 5.22: Emotionally Mindful
« Reply #104 on: February 03, 2021, 03:24:34 AM »
5.22: Emotionally MIndful

Year 2/Week 18, Thursday (Day 124, 2nd week of spring)
Sora: I spend the hours between classes introducing myself to sims in the neighborhood.
Today, I meet the elderly Chihiro Aoki, who's feeling very sad, then successfully counsel her.

So far, I've counseled 7 angry sims and 6 sad sims, including Chihiro Aoki.
I'm not worried at all about graduating from Foxbury's Distinguished Degree program.
But, I'm profoundly concerned about not having met any tense sims yet.
I might have to resort to desperate measures…

It's evening and I'm here at the Vatore household in Forgotten Hollow.
You may notice that I have, at last, a study buddy.
In fact, Uncle Tetsuya joined the Tech Guru career this afternoon.
My geeky uncle will be lugging his laptop everywhere until he's written 7 video games.

Meanwhile, Ayame roams the streets of Forgotten Hollow, trying to meet a 7th vampire.
Despite meeting more human sims than vampires, she manages to meet 2 vampires tonight.

Her new non-vampire acquaintances have been wandering into the Vatore home.
Ayame decides six vampires will do and freezes this human to stop him from following her.

When I ask Papa Kiyomi to play the pipe organ, he quickly agrees.
Unfortunately for me, nobody's bothered by the fact that Papa has zero pipe organ skill.
Could it be that the Vatore living room is too nicely decorated?

I curse my bad luck and travel home, taking everyone with me except Ayame.

As you know, Ayame has always wanted to be a healer.
She wants to become a medical doctor but fears hindering my project progress.

So, for now, she begins by healing vampires.
When she begins mixing Ultimate Vampire Cures, the six vampires throng eagerly to the bar.

The first two to down their cures are Kazuhiko Harada and Hinata Ishikawa.
Caleb and Lilith Vatore are the next to be healed of their vampirism.

Fetu Kalawai'a is the fifth vampire she heals.
And finally, Vlad picks up his drink as well.  Bottoms up!

Ayame finishes sharing her story with me, feeling optimistic that she'll meet one more vampire.

I arrived 30 minutes late for my last final exam, so I worried a bit about that grade.
But I studied for that class this afternoon, which seems to have paid off.
I've earned a Distinguished Degree with Honors in Psychology!

And, of course, I'll be attending the graduation ceremony tomorrow morning!

Not-Grandma recalls that she has a vampire acquaintance and gives Ayama his name.
Ayame waits until 6:30 pm to invite Manabu Watanabe over.
I guess it's still not dark enough for a vampire to be outdoors yet in our neighborhood.

Manabe is overjoyed to hear that Ayame can cure him.
He admits that outliving everyone he loves has become depressing.

And that, boys and girls, is how Ayame completed her first project before I could finish mine!

We've been discussing the possibility of moving for weeks now.
Our current house is too spread out, making it hard to arrive at school or work on time.

And since we're building a new house, we've decide to move to Willow Creek as well.
We have Watcher bulldoze the unoccupied Parkshore lot, then build us a new home!

My difficulty meeting tense sims convinced me not to go into clinical psychology.
Instead, I will seek a job in education.
When I check the Education career, though, I'm offered a Level 4 Mentor Teacher position.

Oh, I see! The Professor branch lists its own job opening for a Level 8 Adjunct Professor.
Fantastic! I take the job.

Nobody is immune to Meong's smile.
Since Uncle Tetsuya adopted Meong last Thursday. Meong should be aging up soon.

As soon as I get up, I invite my oldest son over and mentor him in chess.
Compared with counseling, mentoring 7 children or teens will be a breeze!

Today's my graduation ceremony, which is held at the Foxbury Stadium.
It's an underwhelming affair and a few kids don't even bother to wear robes!
Still, I received a nice graduation photo which Papa proudly hangs in our living area.
Later that day, I also receive my diploma.

Week 19, Sunday
This morning, I notice that Ayame is feeling Emotionally Mindful +10.
That reminds me of an another idea I have for counseling: Surge Emotions!

With her first project already finished, Ayame's feeling particularly generous.
She readily agrees to my request to choose "On Edge."

Feeling "On Edge" puts her a 12-hour Tense +4 mood.
As you might imagine, I am more than prepared and willing to counsel her!

It works!
Next, I convince Not-Grandma and Momo to go relax in the hot springs out back.

All total, I've mentored three children in chess and three more in fishing.

Here I am, mentoring a seventh child as she plays chess, my half-sister Jodi Goto.
Every single one of Papa's hybrid children are beautiful.
His daughter Jodi is no exception!

After hours in the hot springs, Not-Grandma and Auntie Momo reach Emotionally Mindful +4.
I take the whole family to Sembamachi to go on meditative walks.

Momo's tenseness is hard to counsel. I end up discussing cognitive exercises with her.
Not-Grandma has to spend time inside to remove her Great Outdoors buffs from the walk.

Ayame: You've already released three video games, Uncle Tetsuya?  How cool is that!
Tetsuya: Yep, that's me.  Always in the background doing the behind-the-scenes stuff.
I'm almost done beta-testing my fourth game, too!

Meanwhile, your father Kiyomi gets to flit around in his skimpy personal trainer outfit.

Sora: On my first day of teaching, I bring home my Level 9 promotion.
One more promotion is all I need to finish my Professor project!

After I finish writing a scholarly paper, we're all heading out to the bar in Sembamachi.
I want Papa and Uncle Tetsuya to take meditative walks and possibly Surge Emotion.

In front of the bar, I meet a tense sim who I successfully counsel.
Entering the bar, I discover to my delight that's it's Bears Night!
The other day, Watcher's friend reggikko had suggested that Bears Night might be good for meeting tense sims.
But we'd forgotten about it in our excitement over Surge Emotions.

Dashing around the bar, I counsel my 3 remaining tense sims plus one sad Bear to boot.
I have completed my first project!

It's been nine days since Uncle Tetsuya adopted Meong.
Meong should have aged up into an adult cat after four days.

We tried giving Meong several Age-Up Treats, but they didn't work.
(Note: This bug's been reported on EA Answers HQ since November 2020.)

I'd planned to give this update the title "Teacher's Pet."
But now we don't know what to do about Meong.

As an eternal kitten, he can't use stairs or join us on vacation.
Should we put him up for adoption?

Household Progress

2nd Hero: Tetsuya
In-Progress Project
*Max the Tech Guru career (6/10) and write 4/7 games

4th Hero: Kiyomi
In-Progress Project
*Max Personal Trainer branch of Athletics (6/10) and mentor  1/7 Sims in fitness
(Momo Nana, +6 more)

5th Hero: Sora
Completed Project (1)
*Complete Distinguished Degree in Psychology (12/12 credits) and counsel 7/7 angry, 7/7 sad, and  7/7 tense Sims, putting them in a happy, inspired, confident, or focused mood
--Angry (7);  Advik Nair, Isamu Wada, Freddy Reagan, Tatsuya Abe, Ezequiel Goto, Thalia Tackett, Jolana Pierce.
--Sad (7): Aya Matsuda, Alexandria Pierce, Isamu Wada, Kiyomi Nana, Hiromi Wada, Chihiro Aoki, Chihiro Ito.
--Tense (7): Ayame Nana, Momo Nana, Hiromi Nana, Susumu Wada, Sachiko Kobayashi, Al Nishimura, Carlton Whiting.

In-Progress Project
*Max the Teacher career (9/10) and mentor 7/7 children or teens
  (Nicholas Ikeda, Hun Goto, Alexandria Pierce, Gerard Yamaguchi, Carol Sasaki, Payton Ikeda , Jodi Goto)

6th Hero: Ayame
Completed Project (1)
*Cure 7/7 vampires: Kazuhiko Harada, Hinata Ishikawa, Caleb & Lilith Vatore, Fetu Kalawai'a, Vladislaus Straud, Manabu Watanabe.

In-Progress Project: Find out in the next update!

*New house: The Nanas' new home in Willow Creek is a slightly remodeled version of the Queen Anne house I built last year for my Power of Ten Dynasty

*University Acceptance Letter: I finally found this in Hiromi's personal inventory. I don't recall ever getting a notification that it had arrived. She also had Sora's scholarship acceptance letters in her inventory. Why?  Sora was constantly checking the mailbox!

*Surge Emotions: I'd considered using this for tense sims weeks ago, then forgot all about it.

