Author Topic: 7 Heroes 7.29: We're Finished! [Completed 4 March 2021]  (Read 46279 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.2. Ain't No Mt. Komorebi High Enough (9 Dec)
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2020, 08:38:20 AM »
I'm loving your story - just got caught up on your last two chapters. Wanted to mention that some of the imgur images in Chapter 1 are broken so I couldn't see Tetsuya before the makeover, but he is a cutie after the makeover! Hiromi is lovely - she and Kiyoshi would make really cute nooboos . . . .

Offline ratchie

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.2. Ain't No Mt. Komorebi High Enough (9 Dec)
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2020, 12:09:10 PM »
Oh I do love a Sims wedding.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.2. Ain't No Mt. Komorebi High Enough (9 Dec)
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2020, 02:28:31 PM »
I'm loving your story - just got caught up on your last two chapters. Wanted to mention that some of the imgur images in Chapter 1 are broken so I couldn't see Tetsuya before the makeover, but he is a cutie after the makeover! Hiromi is lovely - she and Kiyoshi would make really cute nooboos . . . .

Thank you for letting me know about the broken image links. sdhoey had mentioned missing images, too, but I'd thought I'd fixed them since I could see them myself.
I went back and re-added all the links to Chapter 1. I hope you can see Tetsuya now in his hideous default glory.
I'm so torn about a Hiromi/Kiyoshi nooboo hero.... and sorely tempted.

Haha, I also love weddings, but I struggle to keep my updates short. :)
I'm a bit embarrassed how quickly Hiromi & Kiyoshi hooked up after all of Sidney & Garrison's trials.

Offline ratchie

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.2. Ain't No Mt. Komorebi High Enough (9 Dec)
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2020, 03:25:55 PM »
I have never in my life had a Sim couple take so long to go from meeting officially together as I have Garrison and Sidney. I usually let things happen a lot faster.

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Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.2. Ain't No Mt. Komorebi High Enough (9 Dec)
« Reply #19 on: December 10, 2020, 03:28:29 PM »
Haha! Well, as you explained to me, it would have been inappropriate since Garrison was Sidney's and then Ton's social worker.
I guess Sidney figured that teenager Ton no longer needed a social worker, lol.

Offline ratchie

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.2. Ain't No Mt. Komorebi High Enough (9 Dec)
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2020, 04:42:55 PM »
Garrison and Sidney are going to sneak around for a bit. Garrison is going to still be very conflicted between his head and his heart.

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Offline reggikko

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.2. Ain't No Mt. Komorebi High Enough (9 Dec)
« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2020, 07:56:59 PM »
Can I just say that your chapter titles are GOLD? This one really cracked me up!

What an ingenious idea to put the project plants in a different planter color! Love, love, love Hiromi and Kiyoshi together. I think you need to save Kiyoshi to your library for REASONS. LOL. Great chapter.

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Offline MarianT

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.2. Ain't No Mt. Komorebi High Enough (9 Dec)
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2020, 08:28:35 AM »
Hiromi is so pretty -- here's hoping she can have a child of her own as a hero. I love the idea of different colored pots for the project plants. Good luck to her and Tetsuya!
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.2. Ain't No Mt. Komorebi High Enough (9 Dec)
« Reply #23 on: December 12, 2020, 12:45:07 PM »
Thank you, everyone, for the kind words and encouragement!
It's so nice to embarking on a new challenge with you all.  So much imagination!

reggikko and MarianT
Using different-colored garden pots and planters together with a separate project-only storage box really simplified project management.
I love those boxes!  They're cheap and can be stashed in personal inventory (handy for moving).

Offline oshizu

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7 Heroes: 1.3. Taking a Chance
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2020, 01:18:02 PM »
1.3.  Taking a Chance

Week 3, Friday
Tetsuya: I'm so glad you and Mama got married, Pa…may I call you Papa?
Kiyoshi: Oh yes, please do!

Tetsuya: Thanks to you, that sleazeball Kado Akiyama stopped phoning and pestering Mama.
Kiyoshi: You shouldn't talk like that about your neighbor, Tetsuya. It's disrespectful!
Tetsuya: Erm, but I heard at school today that your mother used to be his girlfriend.
Kiyoshi: ….

Kiyoshi: I don't mean to sound pampered and materialistic, but a bedroom would be nice!
Hiromi: I agree and, hopefully, I'll have good news to share soon.
Kiyoshi: How soon?
Hiromi: I'm waiting on a phone call.

Hiromi: So I have some important news to share with both of you.
Sorry I couldn't include you both in the process but everything had to be kept completely secret.
Tetsuya: What news? What news?

I recently got a letter from Papa, saying Mama and he won't be returning to Japan to live.
So, he's put the Wakaba house up for sale.

Tetsuya:  Are we moving to California?
Hiromi: Of course not.  But Papa believes I'm still in high school and can't manage the Wakaba lot.
So I sneakily went through an agent and managed to successfully outbid Mr. Ito's offer.

Kiyoshi: Wait, what about my family? Does my father know we need to move?
Hiromi: Yes, the agent contacted him earlier. after phoning me.
We'll move to Wakaba once they've moved out and I've finished my project.

In the evening, we spend a few hours at the Festival of Snow then go sledding for the first time.

It's a little scary at first, but Kiyoshi's been sledding since he could walk.

We're airborne!
Well, that wasn't so bad.
Maybe Kiyoshi could take us snowboarding or skiing another time.

Week 4, Sunday
This morning, ,my growfruit tree matured and I finished the Garden Project.
I want to make orchid-scented flower arrangements to keep Kiyoshi young and alive.
That's why I've started the Ikebana (Flower Arranging) Project as my second project.

What? You want to see my Garden Project?
Here, take a peek inside my Project Box.

As soon as I hear that our new home is ready, we start moving.
Watcher rebuilds our home on the Wakabba lot, then expands the house.

Compared to our Senbamachi lot, our Wakaba lot is four times larger!
The location is rather isolated, but we'll be fine.

Today  is Tetsuya's last day as a child and he wants to spend it fishing.
Taking 10 flower arrangements with me, I go with Tetsuya to Desert Bloom Park.

I start gifting them from late morning and it takes me until night to give away my 10th.
Enjoy your flowers, Duane!

Teenager Tetsuya is an Erratic Geek.
He's already decided that he wants to complete two projects.
For one, he wants to max the Scientist career and stockpile 70 serums.
And since he'll be working at The Lab with its numerous dig sites, he also wants to assemble a natural history museum.

In fact, He's already set up a Project Box in his new bedroom.
In the box, he's placed only collectibles he's counting toward his Hero requirements.
He 'll start collecting after his next birthday.
And, yes, Tetsuya copied my idea of keeping a separate Project Box. It's handy!
Watcher: Tetsuya, you need to give your Project Box a good name!

Tetsuya earns an "A" grade after his first day at high school.
Since he's completed all his requirements, he ages up as soon as he returns home.

Tetsuya and I thought about the timing yesterday, but couldn't think of a good reason to wait.

Week 5, Saturday
Tetsuya travels to Sixam on the rocket ship  that I'd built and upgraded before adopting him.
As for me, well….our future third hero is in da house!

Obviously, we're not racing to complete our  dynasty in the shortest possible time.
For the Nana household, it's all about the journey!

Household Progress

Founder: Hiromi
*Grow 7/7 perfect fruit, 7/7 perfect herbs, 7/7 perfect vegetables: Completed
*Max Flower Arranging skill and give away 70 flower arrangements.
 Flower Arranging 10/10, and 10/70 flower arrangements gifted.
*Nurture 7 Top-Notch Toddlers: 0/7

Hero 2: Tetsuya
Character values: Responsible, Good Manners, Emotional Control
Requirements: Completed as during childhood
   1. Complete 7 emotional whims
   2. Make 7 objects
   3. Earn 7 scouting badges
   4. Reach Level 7 of an adult skill
   5. Find 7 collectibles:
   6. Catch 7 unique fish
   7. Read 7 non-skill books:

*Max Scientist career and stockpile 70 serums. Scientist 4, 0/70 serums
*Assemble a natural history museum with 7 collections of 7 unique items each.
  Frogs 7/7,   Fish 5/7, Aliens 2/7, Crystals 6/7, Metals  (if not fossils) 2/7,
  Telescope prints 3/7, Microscope prints 6/7.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.3. Taking a Chance (12 Dec)
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2020, 01:32:07 PM »
Yes!!  Can't wait to see the Hiromiboo!!!
Secretly going behind mom and dad's back to buy the old family house is right up there with secretly aging up, getting married, adopting a son, and becoming pregnant behind their backs.  She's gonna have some explaining to do!
That first shot of Tetsuya after he hit teen looks like he's posing for a photo shoot for his debut with his new K-pop group  :=)
Congrats on so much success and on your first completed project!

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.3. Taking a Chance (12 Dec)
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2020, 03:16:54 PM »
Hiromi has missed too many opportunities to inform her parents that she's a high school graduate, lol!
I'm happy that Tetsuya aged up into such an attractive sim (because I'm a superficial simmer!?). You mean Jpop?
Me, too! I can't wait to meet the Hiroshiboo (Hiromi + Kiyoshi)! Not plural, I'm hoping.

Offline reggikko

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.3. Taking a Chance (12 Dec)
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2020, 09:18:09 PM »
Great update. As usual, your planning and organization is top-notch! I hope all works out well with only one nooboo. I guess if there is more than one, you could send the spare(s) to live with Kiyoshi?

Offline oshizu

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.3. Taking a Chance (12 Dec)
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2020, 09:53:20 PM »
Great update. As usual, your planning and organization is top-notch! I hope all works out well with only one nooboo. I guess if there is more than one, you could send the spare(s) to live with Kiyoshi?

Haha, I considered adopting five temporary pets, ostensibly for Tetsuya's natural history museum, but then thought that would be cheating.
MarianT explained to me (in the challenge thread) that, in case of twins, I should try to stagger their ageing up and completion of hero requirements, so that one could adopt the other as the next hero.
I'm really hoping that won't be necessary. *crosses fingers
LOL< I laughed that you wrote "spare(s)." Please, no!

Offline simfulicious

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Re: 7 Heroes: 1.3. Taking a Chance (12 Dec)
« Reply #29 on: December 13, 2020, 12:58:52 PM »
I just got caught up...I absolutely love your story, and your sims are ALL gorgeous!  We definitely need to keep a copy of Kiyoshi in the sim bin!  And by we, I mean you...but you have to share him with all of us!