Hero 6: KylaKyla joined the household as the sixth hero. She's a Genius with the Social Butterfly aspiration. At least, that's what she told people. She'd never told anyone what she really wanted. But she was hoping she could find someone in her new family that she could talk to about it. Her new mom sure did seem nice, but Kyla wasn't quite ready to share her dream. She needed to get to know the family first. She certainly didn't want to be sent back to the orphanage.
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Kyla wandered around, checking out her new home, and when she got to the backyard, she stopped in her tracks. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.
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This family actually had a rocketship! She tried to open the door to see inside, but she couldn't reach. She would have to keep an eye on that and see who in the family it belonged to.
Then she saw this curious fellow.
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She moved in to get a closer look, and suddenly he jumped at her, scaring her half to death!
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And then he went right back the way he'd been. Grandma Sara and Great-Great-Great-Grandma Aubrie were in the garden at the time, but they both said they didn't see him move or anything. One more thing Kyla would need to keep an eye on.
Later that evening, the doorbell rang while Kyla was doing her homework. Suddenly she heard quite a ruckus out front. As she ran to see what was happening, she pulled out her camera, just in case no one else saw anything . . . again. Great-Great-Grandma Celeste was fighting with some guy! Like, really fighting! What the heck?!?
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She heard her Great-Great-Gran yell "You're done Bloodsucker!" and the other guy yelled back, "Death to you Slayer!"
Bloodsucker? Slayer? What was up with this family? She had so many questions! Could this guy really be a vampire?
Was her Great-Great-Gran a Vampire Slayer?
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And how in the world did her legs stretch like that!?!
When the dust settled, GG-Gran Celeste threw a drink in the guy's face! (And where exactly did that come from? Her pocket?)
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Then the guy flew up in the air and light shone all around him - or maybe . . . from within him.
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And when he dropped to the ground, he was pouting big-time. GG-Gran was clearly pleased with herself.
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Kyla just couldn't help it. She had to ask questions. She followed GG-Gran into the house and shyly asked, "Was that guy a vampire?"
GG-Gran replied, "He sure was! The key word there being 'was'. I took care of that quick enough, didn't I? Did you see the whole thing?"
Cautiously, Kyla admitted that she had.
"Didn't happen to get any pictures did you?" asked Celeste.
"Umm . . . well . . . yeah . . . I was afraid no one would believe me, like in the garden."
GG-Gran said, "How about I take a look at those pictures while you tell me what happened in the garden."
Kyla explained about the scarecrow, and GG-Gran Celeste explained that she'd gotten that scarecrow for her mom, Aubrie, because he could help in the garden. But only if someone talked to him and helped him come to life. Aubrie thought that was a bunch of hooey - that no scarecrow could come to life. So she hadn't talked to him at all. GG-Gran Celeste said she would do it herself, but she was working on so many projects that she just didn't have the time. She said maybe Kyla would like to try it. Kyla wasn't sure about that, so she changed the subject to the rocketship.
GG Gran Celeste told her that her Grandma Sara had built that so she could visit a faraway planet called Sixam, and that Grandma Sara had made friends with a bunch of Sixamites, and even brought them here to visit. In fact, that same night, another bunch of Sixamites beamed Kyla's mom Jewel right up out of the backyard into their spaceship. She said Jewel didn't say much about it, but she came back slightly dazed and very cocky.
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After all that, Kyla thought maybe her dream wouldn't sound so weird in this family. So she said, "GG-Gran Celeste, I've never heard of Sixam. But I've heard of another place and I really want to go there. Have you ever heard of Batuu?"
"Batuu? responded Celeste, with a big grin. "You want to go to Batuu?"
Kyla nodded slowly, hoping GG-Gran wasn't going to laugh at her. But GG-Gran just grinned at her and said, "Oh honey, have we got a project for you!"
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And then Celeste explained all the things Kyla would need to do first. But if Kyla did everything on the list, Celeste promised that she'd make sure Kyla got to go to Batuu and help the Resistance. Kyla was excited to see she'd already done some of the things on the list.
A few days later a new wishing well showed up in the backyard. Kyla couldn't wait to make a wish for better grades - she was so close to an A, and she wanted to start taking her vacation days. But mom said she couldn't do that until she had an A. In her excitement, she accidentally made the wrong wish. Instead of wishing for better grades, she wished for youthful vigor! And the well granted the wish! She was instantly set back to the beginning of her childhood! That was just so NOT FAIR!
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As she worked on yet another school project, Kyla glanced out the window and saw this.
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She ran to the window and watched as he plopped down and made a snow angel.
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She started to go out to play, but her mom called her back to finish her project first. As Kyla went back to her project, Celeste smiled at Jewel and said, "I know it's hard to always make her work before play. But you're doing the right thing. She's going to need perseverance and patience to succeed in Batuu."
As soon as Kyla was done with her school project, she ran out to look for Patchy. She found him sitting on the bench like he was waiting for her. They became friends, and eventually best friends. Kyla pretended it was just because she needed a best friend for her Social Butterfly aspiration, but secretly she thought it was ultra-cool to have a real live scarecrow for a best friend.
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Kyla's birthday finally rolled around. She'd had plenty of time to meet all her requirements, so she aged to teen and then to YA and set off for Batuu. She learned her way around quickly. She met Lt. Agnon, got to be friends with him, and even did a mission for him. Just in case that would come in handy later. Then she joined the Resistance and ran many missions for them. She was glad to get the mission to repair the X-Wing, because she wanted to fly that baby from the minute she saw it.
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And she did get to run many missions in it. Kyla became one of the most skilled and most trusted members of the Resistance. She was allowed in the Resistance headquarters, and managed to sneak into the First Order's headquarters.
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Finally, she reached Level 5 with the Resistance and completed the Paragon of Hope Aspiration. She really loved the excitement of all those missions, and part of her wanted to stay here forever. But she knew she had a duty to go back home and adopt a daughter to be the 7th Hero in the family. And speaking of family, she really did miss hers. So another part of her, the bigger part, was ready to go home.
Her character traits were Responsible, Compassionate, and Good Manners, and her 7 fulfilled requirements were:
- Scouting Badges: Arts and Crafts, Civic Responsibility, Scholarly Aptitude, Sociability, Outdoor Adventurer, Young Scientist, Give Back
- Fish: Trout, Guppy, Cichlid, Discus, Koi, Goldfish, Angelfish
- Collectibles: Heart Frog, Leopard Frog, Striped Dirt Frog, Furium, Pre-Pre-Pre Sim Head, Simanite, MySims Dr. F
- Good Friends: Patchy, Ribby Kost, Manuia Kuresa, Agnes Crumplebottom, Bobby Kost, Hali'a Lefao, Tetsuya Ishikawa
- 7 Non-Skill Books: Dog on a Log, Driving to Mars, Orbital Pudding, The Lord of the Swings, The Travels of Raymundo, Where the Boardwalk Ends, Charlottte's Pig
- Emotional Whims: Angry: Rude Introduction; Confident: Tell an Unbelievable Story; Happy: Send a Happy Text; Playful: Send a Playful Text; Energized: Hip Bump Someone; Focused: Finish a Book; Inspired: Talk About Dreams with Someone
- Make 7 objects: Medieval Castle Diorama, Solar System, Chemical Reaction Volcano, Winter Crafts, People Drawing, Shapes Drawing, Holiday Crafts-Winterfest Spirit
Previous Hero Updates:Hero 5: JewelJewel mentored Aubrie and Celeste in fitness, but the others in the household were too busy. So she created a Fitness Friends Club and started a gathering. She invited each member to workout, and then mentored each one in turn until all 7 had benefited from her skill and knowledge. It all went off without a hitch, except for one thing. The workout was a little too much for Jazmin.
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Jewel did reach level 10 in her career to complete the fitness project.
Hero 4: SaraSara had much difficulty finding Watcher bases for her relics. She was able to collect everything in the artifact collection, but then there was discussion among the Watchers as to what really had to be collected for the Omiscan Museum project. So Sara decided to focus on her other projects for awhile - befriending Sixamites and stray pets.
Thanks to a tip from
@oshizu and a little help from Krista, who built her a Satellite Dish, Sara was able to contact her alien friends and invite them to her home. They brought a couple of new friends. Sara met and befriended Belinda Molina and Valerie Sutton, completing her Sixamite project.
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Sara bought the Brindleton Bay Vet Clinic and treated two pets for Blazing Tootsies (Fiona and Loki), two for Icebox Fever (Aiko and Molly), two for Swamp Mouth (Queen Cupcake) and one for Lava Nose (Brandy). She then set out to befriend stray pets - Tsutomu Kobayashi (dog), JD (raccoon), Dog (dog), Obi (Dog), Aiko (dog), Fiona (cat), Tucker (cat). [Note: Aiko and Fiona were not the same animals with those names that were treated in the vet clinic.)
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Hero 3: KristaKrista stockpiled 70 serums in the basement and maxed the Science career. She also constructed the Satellite Dish for Sara. Krista decided not to pursue additional projects.
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Hero 2: CelesteWith her Upgrade project complete and her Vampire Slaying being rather slow due to difficulty finding vampires to slay, Celeste began looking for another project. Considering her cooking skills from her first project and her new-found awareness of the homeless in the area, she thought providing food to the hungry was right up her alley. She hadn't really realized there were so many homeless sims in the Simverse until Krista mentioned that she was moving homeless elders in with her bots after their initial sims were taken by Grim. Celeste joined the Politician - Charity Organizer career and started collecting donations and cooking meals in the parks.
One evening, the doorbell rang, and Kyla, still needing to make some good friends, ran to answer. She already knew Hali'a Lefao, so it was easy to become good friends with her. There was something about Hali'a's voice that perked up Celeste's ears. Was Hali'a hissing? Celeste ran to the bar to make Hali'a a special drink. It took a lot of mean interactions to get to the point of actually being able to slay this vampire. Celeste, with her Good Manners and Compassionate nature, had to struggle with her own feelings to continue.
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But losing an argument gave her the focus she needed, and when Hali'a morphed into a bat and flew into the house, Celeste was ready to end this.
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A few nights later, Celeste went to the Vatore household and found Lilith outside. Celeste was very mean to her, and eventually, Lilith became so mad that she kicked over her own trashcan. And then Celeste was able to slay her.
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Hero 1: AubrieAubrie finished making 70 flower arrangements and gave one to everyone who passed by. She also went to the parks with Celeste, and while Celeste cooked for everyone, Aubrie gifted them with flower arrangements.
Aubrie also adopted her 6th and 7th toddlers - Tracy (Clingy) and London (Charmer). No one really knows why Aubrie always takes them out in the snow to read to them.
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They both became Top-Notch Toddlers, and after their birthdays, they both went to a new town the Watcher had just gained access to - Henford-on-Bagley. Tracy moved in with Cecilia Kang, and London joined the household of Simon and Sara Scott. This completed Aubrie's Toddler project.