Author Topic: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis - Updated 9/18/21 - Felicia and Final Summary  (Read 26680 times)

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2020, 06:08:28 PM »
Not an update, just a Fashion Show!

My 6-year-old granddaughter Rosalee chose the newest addition to the Jansen family. She picked Krista from the possible adoptees, but didn't much care for the wardrobe Krista brought with her. We talked about how the game sometimes chooses weird combinations for sims. I have a second Origin account with access to base game and Cats and Dogs for Rosalee. While she doesn't yet read enough to actually play, she starts new games, creates families, and chooses clothes for them. So she is familiar with Create-a-Sim. She asked to see all the outfits for Aubrie and Celeste. As we went through them in Create-a-Sim, her comments ranged from, "Well, that just looks ridiculous" to "Oh my gosh, that is not at all in style" to "Gigi I'm not trying to be mean, but you are just so bad at this!"

So she gave the family a makeover, giving me a perfect opportunity to get into the Moschino pack that I bought some time ago but never really tried out. Here are Fashion Designer Rosalee's choices for better, more in style, apparel for our sim family.

Everyday Wear:
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Formal Attire:
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Hot Weather:
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Cold Weather:
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We hope you enjoyed the fashion show. We'll be back when Krista completes her 7 tasks.

(Note: I should also mention that throughout the makeover, Celeste's hair often changed colors, which was meant to be just for that outfit. I typically don't change the hair color from outfit to outfit, so I'm not familiar with how this is intended to work, but apparently color is something that isn't supposed to change that frequently, because when she went back to blond on the last outfit, it changed them all back to blond. But just know that Celeste's hair was intended to be every color available at various times.)
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Offline oshizu

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2020, 06:23:37 PM »
I thoroughly enjoyed the Fashion Show!  What an ingenious use of the Moschino pack's photo shoot feature!
And lucky you, with your own personal sim stylist. :)
Fantastic styling, Rosallee. And great photography, Glazey!

I'm not clear on how exactly hair works, but it seems like Party hair can be independent, but changing Everyday hair affects the other outfits (except Forma hair?).
Again, I'm not exactly sure but it's my general impression.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2020, 06:30:50 PM »
That is adorable!!  Thanks for sharing and for being such an awesome grandma!

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2020, 07:13:46 PM »
Excellent fashion choices. Your granddaughter has quite the eye for style.

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2020, 06:16:01 PM »
That's cool about the butterflies. I've never noticed that.

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2020, 10:50:20 PM »
Hero 3: Krista

Krista joined the household immediately after the move to Springscape and just before Winterfest. She came with a bookworm trait, the Artistic Prodigy aspiration, and six fully green bars despite the timing (2:00 am Friday morning). She immediately got busy on her aspiration, with Celeste happy to encourage her along.

Winterfest was awesome for Krista. It was the first time in her life that she really celebrated that holiday. She gave gifts to her family members and everyone who even walked by her house. She was so glad she'd finished her Arts and Crafts Scouting Badge and had all these great gifts to give.  They decorated the tree and the house and they sang carols together and had a grand meal of ham and all the trimmings. When it came time to open presents, Krista got a BooBoo Billy Doctor playset, Celeste got an Engine Car for a train set that she doesn't have, and Aubrie really lucked out with a brand new All-in-One Powerful PC! The only downer was that Father Winter didn't come. It was true they didn't have a fireplace, but he'd come to Sulani when Celeste was a child, and they didn't have a fireplace either. Grandma Aubrie even called him up and he said he'd be right over, but he never did show. Oh, well, it was still the best Winterfest Krista ever had.
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Krista completed all four childhood aspirations, earned 7 Scouting badges and an "A" in school and had 3 Character values in range of positive traits before aging to teen on Thursday of Week 8. She also had a good start on the rest of the 7 Requirements.

Thanks to her "A" in grade school, she started High School with a "B". She thought that was good enough, despite Celeste's reminder that an "A" in High School for Krista meant more Satisfaction Points for Celeste. Since she did have three character values in range for positive traits, she could go ahead and age up to YA. But following what is now a tradition, Krista got to choose the next home. She picked one that is a favorite of her Watcher - Greystone Park by @shetcogle. It was unfurnished, and they could almost afford it. A couple more days of royalties from Grandma Aubrie's books, and they'd be ready to move. Krista wanted to have her YA birthday in the new house.

She headed off to Granite Falls for some fishing and frog hunting but it was snowing and too cold to fish in some places. She found a few frogs and then went to Oasis Springs Park for more. She made it home in time to plan a last-minute New Year's Eve party. She just invited 3 people: Grandma's husband Duane, Shaurya Kumar (a single Good Bookworm Goofball adult that she met in Granite Falls and thought her mom might like) and Sheldon Uribe (a materialistic Child of the Islands who she might want to be more than good friends with.) They all had so much fun together that they forgot all about making resolutions.
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By Sunday morning they had enough money to move to Greystone Park in Newcrest.
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After standing outside in the cold for four RL hours while Watcher placed and re-placed their furniture, they finally got to go in and Grandma Aubrie could bake the birthday cake. But when Krista made one last check of all her requirements, she got an unfortunate surprise. Apparently she had been in such a hurry to get to Granite Falls that she forgot to take a vacation day for Friday. Her Responsibility value had dropped out of range.

So she did her homework and then finished up the 7 Requirements. She went to school on Monday, which netted her an "A" and Celeste's appreciation.  Sheldon came over to help her with a school project, and that made it all worthwhile. She didn't really want to age up before Sheldon, but didn't want to risk any character values dropping, so she blew out her candles Monday evening and mentioned to Sheldon that maybe they could throw him a birthday party soon.

Character traits: Good Manners, Responsibility, Conflict Resolution

  • Scouting Badges: Arts and Crafts, Sociability, Civic Responsibility, Young Scientist, Scholarly Aptitude, Good Deeds, Keep Fit
  • Non-skill books: The Book of Life: Krista Jansen's Epic Tale; The Book of Life: Celeste Jansen's Epic Tale; Crisis Barn; The Lord of the Swings: The Glutton Spiel;  Orbital Pudding; Untamed Treachery of the Heart
  • Good Friends: Shingo Sakamoto, Yuki Behr, Aarav Gandhi, Misaki Miura, Sheldon Uribe, Carly Valdez, Britney Romero
  • Collectibles: Jet (Crystal), Father Winter Simmi, Ol' Gabby Simmi, The Heart of Sulani, Sadnum, Tuna, MySims Hopper
  • Emotional Whims: Confident: Tell Unbelievable Story, Confident: Meet Someone New,  Inspired: Talk About Dreams with Someone, Happy: Dance to Stereo Music, Happy: Tell a Joke, Happy: Chat with Someone, Energized: Hip Bump Someone
  • Make 7 Objects: 2 Garden Pots, 1 Garden Planter, 2 Bar Stools, Horse Sculpture, Knife Block
  • Level 7 of an Adult Skill: Logic

I intended to provide an update here for Celeste and Aubrie, but for some reason unknown (at least to me) I am limited to 10 screenshots per post. So those updates will come in a separate post.
Update: I figured this out - the problem wasn't the number of screenshots - it was the number of screenshots in a row with no text between them. Apparently you can only have 5 images in a row without text.
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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2020, 11:01:29 PM »
I loved the fashion show! Tell Rosalee she did a wonderful job. Do you plan to move when each hero ages up to YA? You’re really cruising along here.

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Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #22 on: December 07, 2020, 11:52:25 PM »
Previous Heroes Update

Hero 2: Celeste Jansen

In honor of the first real home she'd ever had and the mom who gave it to her, Celeste built the Jansen Sulani Art Museum on an island in Mua Pel'am in Sulani.

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Celeste enjoyed traveling around the Simverse taking photographs and hopes this collection will inspire others to travel as well.

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She completed the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration while painting these and hopes that her descendants will add more masterpiece paintings over the years.

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The woodworked items can be used. All are excellent quality except for the toilet. Celeste just couldn't make a toilet of a quality better than normal.

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Celeste included a variety of items native to Sulani for residents and non-residents to enjoy.

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Founder: Aubrie Jansen

Aubrie continued her writing as a Freelancer and also began writing books. She mostly wrote biographies. When Aubrie saw how much her Watcher was enjoying reading other Sim stories, she knew she could write a book that sims in her world would enjoy just as much. So she wrote about the same competition that was bringing so much laughter to her Watcher. Life States: You Have to Win to Play was an instant bestseller, and completed her Bestselling Author aspiration. That inspired her to begin a whole new series of books.

So far, the Hero Dynasty series includes:
  • Hero Dynasty: The Founders
  • Hero Dynasty: Cleaning Up Sulani
  • Hero Dynasty: Evergreen Harbor At Its Best
  • Hero Dynasty: Don't Call Her Sid
  • Hero Dynasty: A Sorrowful Ending - A New Door Opens
  • Hero Dynasty: The Sulani Art Museum
Aubrie expects to write many more books in this series.
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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2020, 12:38:12 AM »
I loved the fashion show! Tell Rosalee she did a wonderful job. Do you plan to move when each hero ages up to YA? You’re really cruising along here.

At first I thought I would, but now that they've landed in my favorite house, I don't know. We might stay here. The upstairs has 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and can be configured to have more, smaller ones. It's also easy to add stairs to a large basement that isn't there in the beginning, but can easily be added. So there's plenty of room in this house.
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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2020, 12:58:08 AM »
Wow, you are really rocking this challenge, Glazey!  Some serious slayage here!  :)
Krista has kept up your household's tradition of being fantastic achievers.
I love how how you decorated and furnished your Sulani Museum.
As for Greystone Park, I hope you'll have a bonus update where you take us on a tour of your favorite house.
GG, lady!

Offline ratchie

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #25 on: December 08, 2020, 02:50:21 AM »
Aw that's so cute that Aubtie named her books after other peoples dynasties.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #26 on: December 08, 2020, 10:20:03 PM »
Loved the update and seeing the museum and still super flattered that my life states dynasty the best-seller that completed her aspiration  :=)

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2020, 09:39:42 AM »
Rosalee has excellent taste (and I think her grandmother does, too, even if she's not always in style). I love it that Aubrie is writing books about all our dynasties. She and her family are making great progress!
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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #28 on: June 21, 2021, 11:19:33 PM »
Been reading others 7 Heroes stories while working on my own and I love this Greystone Park house! Did you build that or is in the gallery? Can't wait for more Aubrie's Heroes!

Offline GlazeyLady

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Re: Aubrie's Heroes: A Synopsis
« Reply #29 on: June 22, 2021, 09:15:14 AM »
Been reading others 7 Heroes stories while working on my own and I love this Greystone Park house! Did you build that or is in the gallery? Can't wait for more Aubrie's Heroes!

Thank you - glad you are enjoying it! I have been away from it for quite some time and need to get back to it.

Greystone Park is available on the gallery. It was built by shetcogle. It's available furnished ($300,000+) or as a shell (under $100,000).
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